Popular Bollywood Actresses Who Become Mother At Very Late AGE
For more infomation >> Popular Bollywood Actresses Who Become Mother At Very Late AGE - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 THE ULTIMATE PIZZA!? Domino's Quattro Italian & Galbi + Lasagna! 2 L Pizzas[5064kcal][CC] - Duration: 5:10.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
so today! tadaa! a LTD time release Domino's pizza haul
featuring their quattro italian and
something that looked yummy "lasagna-no" and half galbi
both of them are large sizes
a viewer requested that I try out this italian pizza here TYVM
this is called the 'ultimate italian' wowzers
on the ultimate italian are... doria paste and 'bocconcini'
I'm saying these names but don't know WTF they mean
salami and reggiano tomato and premium margherita
and parmegiano regiano and veggies all 4 of these pizzas are on this one pizza
let me look up that one that I don't know what it is
its a secret "ndria" paste with bocconcini
this is where it is
ths is what it looks like the sausages look yummy
The sausages are slightly spicy and yummy It seems as though the bocconcini are tiny bits of mozza
its so chewy and the cheese is so mild and yummy
the sauce is rather spicy
Parmigiano-Reggiano and veg
Asparagus peppers and mushroom They're so colorful
I love the most feel from the asparagus its so packed full of veggies
And you can really taste the Parmigiano-Reggiano
legit bits of salami and Parmigiano-Reggiano
Zucchini and salami look KAWAII
The cheese is so rich tasting The Parmigiano-Reggiano taste so rich
The salami is so flavorful You can taste it in every bite
I also love how crunchy the zucchini is
Tomato sauce and the rich cheese go nicely
the last quarter of this quattro pizza is a premium margherita
margheritas are the mother of all pizzas
The tomatoes are so juicy and yummy
The tomato sauce is a nice balance between tangy and umami
half "lasagna-no" and half bulgalbi
I think kalbi pizzas are my all time faves
its topped with plenty of Galbi that I love It's very garlicy and sweet
This is a first for me a 'lasagna-no'
It's like lasagna and pizza form
It's a mixture of white sauce and Bolognese
Last mouthful itadakimasu
it wasn't a mouthful
gochisosamadeshita domino's ultimate italian quattro pizza was yummy
topped with Rich Gouda cheese and some sauces I've never experienced before
they really put in a lot of effort into them and they were so yummy
the bulgalbee on the half and half pizza was so delish its still def my faves
It was all so yummy wish you all please give it a try And as always thank you for watching if there's anything
You want me to do or eat please tell me the comment Section below if you like this video please at the lake And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
North Korea says no denuclearization without U.S trust - Duration: 1:24.
North Korea says it won't denuclearize as long as sanctions stay in place and unless
the U.S. can provide a solid guarantee of its security.
That's according to the North's foreign minister, who addressed the UN General Assembly on Saturday.
Seo Bo-bin reports.
Speaking at the 73rd UN General Assembly in New York on Saturday, North Korean Foreign
Minister Ri Yong-ho reaffirmed that the regime is willing to denuclearize, but demanded corresponding
measures from the United States.
"Without trust in the U.S, our country cannot be sure of its security.
And under these circumstances there is no way we will denuclearize first."
The U.S. has, for example, canceled military drills this year, but so far there has been
no action that North Korea sees as not easily reversible and the continued sanctions deepen
its mistrust in U.S. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un himself has
said he would work toward denuclearization in exchange for a security guarantee.
The U.S. will have a good chance to respond next month when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
goes to Pyeongyang for his fourth visit there.
And in the mean time, plans are in the works for a second summit between Kim Jong-un and
President Trump.
Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.
Sticknodes - Stay with me - Duration: 1:45.
The fire makes the city looks so bright..
Close your eyes and stay tight we have to go...
Stay with me while we leave
don't worry just believe me,
this story will relieve us,
stay with me while we leave.
dont worry just believe me
this story will relieve us
stay with me while we leave..
Stay with me..
Clarence - Goldfish Follies Znělka - Duration: 0:23.
♪ I do not care what you say. ♪
♪ And I do what I want all day. ♪
♪ I am the king of the world. ♪
♪ (I am the king of the world.) ♪
♪ I am the king of the world. ♪
♪ (I am the king of the world.) ♪
♪ I am the king of the world. ♪
♪ I am the King! ♪
Собираем грибы - Duration: 6:37.
English Dictionaries I Own! - Duration: 10:22.
The secret of successful language learning and education.
How you doin'?
Hi, it's Yosuke.
There are a lot of obstacles in front of me today.
These are the English dictionaries I own.
I'll introduce the one on the left first to you.
This is the Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary.
This is the smallest one I have.
This is for learners.
I can't show you what's written inside because of copyright. (Go Amazon to see it.)
The next one is...
Oxford School Dictionary.
This is for children in English-speaking countries.
Writers estimate 10+-year-old students use this.
The website of Oxford Dictionary shows what dictionary suits which age
Using dictionaries like this has the merit of being able to recognize how old our language ability would be if we were native speakers of the language.
However, dictionaries for native speakers usually contain fewer example sentences than learners' dictionaries.
Because native speakers look up words they see in a context (I mean it already as an example sentence when they look up).
Unlike leaners...well..
they don't use dictionaries to find example sentences.
But dictionaries like these are useful to know how good your English is.
The next one.
Little Oxford English Dictionary
It contains about 90,000 words and it's for adult native speakers.
I think I bought this to carry around.
Actually, I don't use this anymore but
this is on of the dictionaries I bought.
Let me put them down on the floor.
The next one is
Oxford English of Current Idiomatic English.
Dictionaries of idioms.
Actually, I got these from somebody else. So let me just skip these.
I haven't used these a lot
because I look up idioms in dictionaries.
Let's move onto the next one.
This is also for students.
The American Heritage Student Dictionary.
The front page clearly shows
this is for students whose grades are 6-9
and ages are 11-15.
So this is for children in these grades.
As the company's name shows, this is mainly for students in America.
However, if most Japanese English learners may find it a little difficult to use this.
because 11-15-year-old native speakers' English is better than that of most learners in Japan.
I found it a little difficult to use this.
And I recognized my English was worse than that of 11-15-year-old-people in English speaking countries.
But because of that I became more motivated.
In the American Heritage dictionaries, most entries usually show example sentences.
I think that was the reason I chose this dictionary.
A small dictionaries like this (OSD) usually don't contain many examples, but
this one contains a lot of examples.
So this tells you your English level and also shows a lot of examples. Has both of the good points we need.
Plus, by using dictionaries for native speakers, I tried to pretend to be a native speaker of English as much as possible.
This is just what I feel, but
I was always saying to myself "I am American!"
OK. The next one is...
a famous one.
Oxford Picture Dictionary.
Pictures show what the words mean.
Surprisingly, this one contains 4,000 words.
For example,
if I say, "Learn English without translating,"
a lot of people say, "It's impossible."
However, everybody can understand if a word is explained by using a picture.
So you can learn the first 4,000 words by using this dictionary. Isn't it amazing?
I recommend this one.
The next ones are
Longman Photo Dictionary and Longman American Photo Dictionary
Words are explained through photos in these books.
This one is the British version.
Longman is a company in England.
And this one is the American version of it.
What is good is these books are with audio CDs.
If you need the audio CDs of the Oxford one, you need to buy them separately.
These are really good for English learning beginners.
This is one of the best items for beginners to acquire the basic sounds and the first thousand word.
Actually, I was planning to talk about this in a different vid on this channel later so I'll skip these.
The next one!
The big ones published by Oxford University Press.
This is a dictionary of British English and
You know...University of Oxford is in England, UK.
So id it reads just "English," it means the English used in England.
And if the tiles has the word "American," it is a dictionary of the American English.
Of course the words are spelled in the American way.
These two contains a lot of examples.
Most of the definitions are the same but some of them are different like this.
In addition.
most entries in the English version don't shoe pronunciation symbols.
Only the words that are difficult to pronounce show them.
But in the American version, most words show pronunciation symbols of American pronunciation.
The may also for people in the U.K. who are not sure how to pronounce particular words in the American English.
This is my favorite and the one I think most suitable for me.
Of course, it takes a long time for learners to be able to use a dictionary of this level.
But once you become able to use this,
you may find this useful because of the pronunciation symbols (I need them when I teach English) and the example sentences.
I like this one.
I used to carry this dictionaries around in my backpack ( what a strange person I was) but
this is definitely for use in your house. haha
Using an app is enough if you want to use a dictionary outside of your house.
But this is really great.
This English one is in most of the CASIO electronic dictionaries in addition to Oxford Learner's Dictionary and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
I think these 2 dictionaries look better when they are without the covers.
And the covers are sometimes slippery and make it harder to use them.
They look really cool, don't you think?
The last one is....
Actually, I got this from somebody as well.
Webster's Third New International Dictionary!
I don't think the one I have the latest edition.
The Webster's dictionary is the most famous English dictionary in America.
And this is the biggest edition of the Webster's.
This looks like this.
This contains 476,000 words.
Most words show pronunciation symbols, and
this contains a lot of example sentences.
Sometimes dictionaries for native speakers don't contain many examples but this one does.
If you want to feel you're studying hard or
if you like American English, I recommend this one.
Get the latest on published in 2002.
It was sold at Books Kinokuniya Tokyo (in Shinjuku, Japan). (See the linked vid for more info about the store)
Summary: ⬆For learners ⬇⬅For native speakers (adults) ⬇➡For native speakers (students)
It's OK to use dictionaries for learners first, but
your final goal should be to use dictionaries for native speakers.
It helps you improve your English ability.
When I first bought this, I found it too difficult for me to use it and used an easier one.
But now, I can use this one.
I can use the American one as well (the level is the same as the English one.)
If you have more than 2 unfamiliar words when you look up words in dictionaries, that means they are too difficult for you.
But having 1unfamiliar word is not a big problem. It may even help you improve your vocab.
So I think you should choose dictionaries like that.
So it's like studying abroad.
If you study abroad, there are a lot of people whose language abilities are better than you and to adapt yourself to the environment, you improve your language skill.
These 2 dictionaries had roles like that.
If you learn American English, I really recommend this on (NOAM).
And if you learn British English, I think this one's good for you.
Webster produces smaller dictionaries.
I have an app of one of them (the link's below).
I like the app because it shows a lot of example sentences.
But you don't need to buy several dictionaries like me.
Collecting dictionaries was just my hobby.
Having 1 dictionary that suits your level and goal is enough.
And I recommend you buy a new one once you improve your English and feel the dictionary is easy to use.
You don't need 2 similar dictionaries like these 2.
I bought them because I wanted to compare them.
But you don't need to do it. haha
If you use a learner's dictionary, you'll get used to it and feel it's too easy for you someday.
If you feel so...for example...why don't you buy a little more difficult one like this.
the next time you feel it's easy again, buy a more difficult one.
And finally, try to use to use a dictionary like this,
However, you can use the same dictionary on the Internet for free.
Dictionaries on the Internet even show more example sentences.
So buy a paperback (or hardcover) one if you like it
or if you want to feel you're studying hard by using a paperback (or hardcover) one.
These are the English dictionaries I own.
That's all for today.
Thank you for watching!
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We are all Slaves, modern-day slavery, what is slavery? - Duration: 7:25.
We are all a slave.
Yes, you did not hear wrong.
We gathered a lot of researchers' articles and this is the result.
We are all a slave.
But how?
What is modern slavery?
What's the difference with the slavery in the olden days?
That's where we put all the facts on the table another video with you.
If you enjoy our videos and do not like it if you want
and do not forget to share.
Subscribe to be notified of new videos You can.
So let's start now.
During periods when slavery is widespread slave owners' responsibility is slaves
to meet the need for food and drink.
When we looked at the daily salary + road + slavery system for food + sgk
more modernize, revise according to our age we see that it continues to exist.
When I look inside public transport someone from morning to night
I witness that you landed.
Continuous movement and constant turmoil Time goes by.
In this noise and confusion ears there is a deafening silence.
This silence is that of lost souls, slave souls, our silence.
People always in public transport I observe.
Did not wash their faces well, maybe breakfast did not have time to do it, on the road to sleep
ongoing or looking out the window far-away-from-infinite sleep
watching the human crowd with excitement.
Everyone is in a life struggle, everyone is in pursuit of planting, we are a majority
provided that someone else is a slave we have to win the pursuit of money.
This is the case for me every time Charles Bukowski reminds the following words;
"Where the hell is a person with an alarm clock at 6:30 in the morning wake up, throw yourself away, dress up and force
eat something, brush your teeth, scanning his hair and struggling
a lot of money for someone else I go to one place and enjoy it
man in hell is such a chance to be thankful for. "
While watching people, It also stops rotating.
Our families are more we have to win a good school, if we can not win
we can not find an insured job with a good salary they begin to impose on us.
"Read it, be a man, become a profession, open ta remain in the open ".
I do not even know what it means to be a man studying for 25 years without understanding
and spend it on learning to be a man.
Without noticing how it happened afterwards centuries-long slavery
We find ourselves in the system.
As Nazım Hikmet said: "Big you will work with liberty at the hand gates,
The ancestor is crying freely You are free. "
Slavery is common in the return of
slave owners' responsibility is slaves to meet the need for food and drink.
Some of the slaves' horses and had the right to use their donkeys.
While some owners have more human side, what some call shan mobbing
creating a culture of fear with psychological violence and referral to more work
There were also techniques.
When we looked at the daily salary + road + slavery system for food + sgk
more modernize, revise according to our age we see that it continues to exist.
This system is what we want when we want instead of allowing me to go away;
twice a week for summer and winter we have the right to rest, how much
how to put on a beard and dress up sanctions are applied to us.
Forty six days a week day to work to make others rich
how we behave without using any initiative everything is determined as necessary
we live in a kind of prison.
These companies are our they think of something and another slavery
vehicle technology is also our feet they are under the ground.
Also in our business life progressive system; in our social and private life
She is not leaving.
How much we have to eat fast food chains preparing for
the cafes that determine the size of the tea cup, how much an area is a shopping
guide us about what we should do shopping malls and slavery
for us to live in a comfortable way support.
We need to think, analyze, question We continue our life without.
On the other side, you can not pay forever under guaranteed debt, our society
encouraged to consume more, more stuck in a debt
We live our slavery.
Our work force, our talents, our soul a certain number of banks
we sell it to plastic cards with a limit of money.
Bosses in business life, social life consuming and actually topping them
We become bankers and slaves to the money.
"Whether it's my last car, my home, my summer my winter, smartphone, cool
get my clothes " to be a slave in the desert,
we will continue to be the slave of the system.
This slavery system has been made into different styles every form in the form
will be presented prematurely.
What falls to us is to make ourselves strong to increase our personal equipment and
instead of making others rich to invest.
This process is painful.
Going out of the system is both spiritual it means to hit the bottom in material terms.
But it should not be forgotten; biggest rises it happens after you hit the bottom.
Resisting the slavery system in trust, Enlightenment and liberation in the long
It will bring.
This freedom within each of your units we will not be free as a future society
We came to the end of the video and like to share Do not forget.
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See you on the next video.
Máy Cày Chiến Binh/Đua Địa hình Tốc Độ Cao/Độc Đáo Dị Biệt/No.3 - Duration: 9:25.
Hello all friends .!
Introduction to the Video .. War Machine / High-Speed Land Race / Unique 3 / No.3
Video plowing machine festival .. extremely attractive .. .. You follow ..!
Thank you for always supporting the channel .. Best regards!
איך מכינים תמונה תלת מימדית עם טכניקות מיקסד מדיה - Duration: 4:12.
CREATE YOUR OWN BRAND OF CRAYONS!! Customized School Supplies | Smart Art | - Duration: 6:50.
Hey guys, we're going back to school
Smart Art is a new series on the
Kicles YouTube channel
Just for crafts and DIYs
And today's theme is
Back To School
Aren't you tired of those old boring
School supplies
Well no fear
Cause today we're showing you
How to Customize Your Own
School Supplies
I really hate these boring yellow pencils
That's why I came up with a craft
To turn these pencils
Into my own colored
Customized pencils
For this DIY you will need:
Paint of your choice
Fine tip marker
And painter's tape
Start by taping the eraser
and the tip of the pencil
paint the wood part of the pencil
with the color of your choice
once dry, remove the tape
no pencil is complete without a brand
and what better brand than your name
using a fine tip marker
write your name on the pencil
and there you have it
your own brand of pencils
Lea gave me these plain notebooks
to customize for her
but I really have no idea what to do with them
wait, I got it
Lea loves hearts
I know just what to do with these
Take a look at this
For this DIY you will need:
A notebook
A paper
And a gold marker
Start by drawing a heart on the paper
Cut it out
Place the heart over the notebook
Using the marker, start adding dots around the heart
Add lots of dots close to the heart
As you get away from the heart
The dots get farther and farther apart
Remove the paper heart
ant there you have it
your own customized notebook
we all have
the same crayons
But how can we write our name on them
To make them our own?
Well to create your own customized crayon labels
Click the link in the description bellow
Download the PDF file so that you can customize it
Open the downloaded file
And fill out your name in the place of the crayon brand
Add spaces where needed
Then, print out the papers
Once you're done you'll have something that looks like this
Cut out the labels
Soak the crayons in warm soapy water
To remove the labels
Leave them for 5 minutes
After 5 minutes
Remove the labels
Dry the crayons out
If a label doesn't come out easily Just leave it in the warm water for a bit
Connect the broken crayons using tape
Add glue on the white rectangle of the label
but from the back side
stick the crayon to the label
then add glue to the white rectangle
but from the front side
roll the paper around the crayon
once your done you'll have something that looks like this
and there you have it your own brand of crayons
and there you have it
3 ways on how to customize your school supplies
And if you want to learn more tricks
on how to customize your supplies
make sure your subscribed cause in our next video
we're showing you how to customize your books
using tags
your rulers
and more
check out our other videos right over here
subscribe right over here
and follow us on Instagram and Facebook links in the description
see you in the next video Bye!
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