what's incredible is in five seconds
flat self-doubt can take over and rob
you of your power and rob you of joy and
rob you of your potential for in five
seconds flat you can actually use one
stupid little trick to push yourself to
grab it
when you talk about personality so
extroverts introverts a lot of us really
I know I did this I was all wrong about
what confidence men I thought confidence
was a personality trait I love this tell
me more I thought that people that are
outgoing or the confident ones right and
the truth is confidence is not a
personality trait at all it's a skill
and a lot of the extroverted people that
you know are actually very insecure I
used to be one of them I used to be the
kind of bossy crass loudmouth that
didn't believe in myself that didn't
believe in my ideas that didn't have the
confidence and the courage to really be
the real me Who I am who I'm not flaws
at all there are a tremendous number of
introverted people that feel
uncomfortable putting the attention on
themselves but they're very very
confident in their ideas they definitely
believe in themselves and so when you
start to separate confidence not as a
matter of personality but as a skill
that you can acquire because confidence
is the ability to move in my opinion
from thought to action because when
you're a confident person you believe
enough in yourself and your capabilities
that you're willing to try that you're
willing to share to meet confidence
isn't the assuredness that it turns out
it's the willingness to try and and that
was a huge insight for me and and what a
lot of people don't know about me
although I share this on stage and I'm
extremely open about this because this
is a topic that's really important to me
is that the single most profound use of
the five-second rule is mind control
and I say that as a lawyer I will tell
you you can use this stupid trick to
cure yourself with anxiety yeah I wanted
to talk about that so you struggled very
profoundly mm-hmm so walk us through
like some nuts and bolts of how you use
the five-second rule because I think
we're so my hypothesis and the reason we
found it impact theory is that the world
is living through two pandemics the
pandemic of the body which everybody
understands cuz it's so visual yep being
overweight dying of diet related
diseases such as diabetes and things
like that but because the second
pandemic the pandemic of the mind is
invisible people don't realize how
pervasive a suicide is and the leading
cause of death among young men I mean
it's crazy and then that there are ways
that they can go about attacking that
and fixing the problem so yeah walk us
through that sure I would love to so
first of all I literally have struggled
with anxiety my entire life and anxiety
for this conversation the way I define
it is it is the habit of worrying
spiraled out of control
you know you may say that you are a
worrier that's not true you have a habit
of worrying a habit is a pattern of
behavior or thinking that you repeat
without realizing it
so anxiety happens when that pattern of
worrying about things spirals out of
control and now it starts to marry and
manifest itself with physical sensations
do that's all that it is I know that I
say that's all that it is me personally
I struggled with anxiety I think my
entire life it became quite acute when I
was in my late teens and early 20s I
Kame medicated in the middle of law
school I took sole off from two decades
when our first daughter was born who is
now 17 the postpartum depression and the
cascading panic was so terrible that not
only was i medicated and couldn't
breastfeed but I couldn't be left alone
with her so when I say you can cure
yourself of anxiety I don't say that
four years ago after I had been using
the five-second rule to change my
behavior how I spoke to my husband how I
negotiated business meetings how I
conduct sales the kind of parent that I
am my health habits my eating habits
curving the drinking I thought I wonder
if I can use this five four three two
one thing to get control of my thought
patterns not my behavior patterns
I thought patterns yes you can so we're
gonna we're gonna build this
conversation so I want to start with
something we can all relate to and that
is how do you stop worrying and how do
you stop listening self-doubt this is
how you're gonna do so all day long
you're going to have moments where your
thoughts drift and I use that word on
purpose because for me there is a
physical sensation when you start to use
the five-second rule and you start to
wake up not only on time in the morning
but you wake up to your life and the
opportunities in your life there's your
thoughts drift like you'll just be
hanging out with your friends and then
suddenly you're like I'm not sure that
that person likes me and you know I
haven't heard from my kids lately I
wonder if they're dead or you know you
know as what check it like you just
start worrying about stuff why because
it's a habit
because when you're not paying attention
your brains shifts from you being a
decision-maker and paying attention to
you just kind of spinning things on
autopilot and one of your habits is
worrying the second you wake up and you
notice holy cow I'm talking some
negative garbage to myself right now
five four three two one
you've just shifted the part of the
brain that you're using you've shifted
from the basal ganglia which is where
your habit loops are spinning and you've
awakened your prefrontal cortex you've
also interrupted that
now what you're going to do because your
mind is actually ready to receive a
different thought because of the
counting now you can put in an anchor
thought like if you have a mantra if
you've got a vision about the way that
your business is going to turn out in
five years if you just have a thought
that makes you really happy and proud
insert that now why does this work it
works because of the counting and I'm
not kidding we know based on research
the positive thinking alone not
effective in some instances trying to
force yourself to think positive can
actually make the worries worse why well
the reason why is because it's really
hard to just change the channel what we
have to do first is basically interrupt
it and turn off the TV and then turn it
back on with the prefrontal cortex
awakened so the counting is essential
and so you can start using this today
you catch yourself talking garbage to
yourself because we all know if I were
to put a speaker on your head and
broadcast it could be sitting here in
the audience you'd be in an insane
asylum because the crap that you say to
yourself is insane and the problem is we
listen to it you'll be you'll be in a
sales meeting and you'll be undermining
yourself they're not gonna buy oh my
gosh I'm in trouble
you're not even present five four three
two one switch it back get back to that
vision that you have about toasting your
success or this customer being really
happy or are you being proud of yourself
whatever that vision may be you can
control your thoughts and this is not
just us talking about it this is a tool
that you can use so let's take it a step
further so worrying if you let it go
unchecked what will happen is you will
get used to worrying you will get used
to living in a state where you're
slightly agitated all the time let me
talk a little bit about agitation so
what we know based on research is that
physically in your body so
being excited is the exact same thing as
being afraid you say that again because
it is so important in your body being
excited is the exact same thing as being
afraid your body doesn't know the damn
difference your heart races your armpits
sweat your Blake you know you may get
tight in your throat you mean your
cheeks may get pink like my do and I get
excited the only difference between
excitement and fear is what your brain
says and the problem is if you have a
habit of worrying guess what you're
gonna tell yourself is going on that
you're that you're like freaking out
that you're not excited that something
must be wrong
oh gosh why would you say something's
wrong cuz you got to have it a saying
that all the time even as I became a
speaker for a living or I'd be on CNN
when I first started doing it I would be
freaking out backstage but even even
though like you know just to cope with
just last week standing backstage about
to go on eight thousand people heart
races armpit sweat you know my hands get
clammy I'm not nervous though not at all
I'm excited and so I developed this
technique and research out of Harvard
not based on my technique but something
very similar proves that if you
basically write before you're about to
do something take a test run a race
public speaking a business negotiation
ask somebody to marry you whatever it
may be that get your heart racing just
do this go I'm excited
I'm excited to give that speech I'm
excited to ask him or her I'm excited to
do this race I'm excited because what
happens is you give your brain context
so your brain doesn't escalate the stuff
going on in your body your brains not
worried make sense so you can combine
this with a five second rule so we know
how to do worry you cut you sketch your
thoughts through five four three two one
anger thought if you start to feel your
heart racing five four three two one to
awaken the prefrontal cortex and then
start going I'm really excited to do
this is really excited to do this
another technique that you can use is
ask I think they call it interrogative
and territory questions where instead of
giving yourself a pep talk say well why
am i ready to do this why am i ready
because that'll force you to answer the
question which then convinces here so
why am I ready to close the sale why am
I ready to give this speech why am I
ready so those are two strategies that
you can use back by science that are
proven to actually make your performance
be much better now let's take it a step
further to anxiety so anxiety is what
happens when the habit of worrying spins
out of control your body gets really
agitated and then you allow your mind to
escalate it into a full-blown panic
attack so for those of you that have not
had the pleasure of having a panic
attack let me explain what it's like so
have you ever been in your car and
you're driving down the road and you go
to change lanes and all of a sudden
there's like oh my god there's a car
right there yeah right and you swerve a
little bit and then your heart's like
food and you may sweat a little bit and
and you grip the wheel really tight and
you're super locked in on on the road
ahead of you but then that car pulls
away and the the the near-miss scenario
passes and your mind starts going okay
you're right now right you're all right
now that's it that's all that's what a
panic attack is only it happens while
you're standing in front of your
seriously you have that same polygon
behind that and your heart's racing and
and the problem for your brain is that
your brain can't look around and say
holy cow we almost got hit by a car
right your brain saying what the hell is
wrong with her
she's making coffee and she's freaking
out and so now your brain is a problem
because what's your brains job it's
designed to protect you so your brain
will now do whatever it can to magnify
the problem remember we talked about the
spotlight effect it'll start telling you
all kinds of crazy stuff because it
can't figure out contextually what the
hell's going on she's just making coffee
now her heart is rated racing and she's
breathing really holy cow maybe she is
having a heart attack a lot of people
that have panic attacks say I think I'm
dying on my god wood so what's happening
or you'll see them do the deer in the
headlights thing where they got to get
out of the room that is the spotlight
effect in your brain now taking control
and magnifying everything to get you out
of whatever it was so here's how you use
the five-second rule you use it to
stabilize your thoughts before the panic
escalates and then what happens as it
drifts into worry and then it disappears
so the second you feel worried you catch
it you train yourself to do that if you
start feeling yourself getting you know
your heart racing you can five four
three two one and use the I'm excited
I'm excited if you if that doesn't work
literally five four three two one and
just give yourself an anchor thought
literally of you being okay I'll give
you another quick example because this
is one that we have a tremendous number
of success with and people that hear the
example use it immediately in are blown
away I used to be terrified of flying
terrified every bump I'd be freaking out
and and so I started using this strategy
with the plane so the second that you
feel yourself getting nervous five four
three two one and then your anchor
thought is a vision of what you're gonna
do when you get to where you're going so
when I get on the plane tomorrow to fly
back to Boston I'll think about walking
in the house and the place is like a
disaster it'll look like everybody's
stuff got loaded into a can and if I
all over the you know first floor and so
if we hit turbulence five four three two
one I'll think about that vision because
cognitively for my brain if I'm walking
in the house and it's a disaster the
plane made it that's the power of this
it's incredible incredible what I love
about email is that a I love how raw and
real you are about your own situation
which because people are gonna look at
you and the first thing they're gonna
want to do is make your extraordinary is
way not to have to like live up to your
standard because what you've
accomplished really is astonishing and
seeing you on stage is unbelievable
unbelievable you're so good at that and
I know that it comes from working your
ass off but wow it's very very
impressive thank you
but then that you use techniques like
that you've got answers for you know how
have I done this I've done it like this
and I've had guests sit across from me
that that's not their stick right like
they have done truly extraordinary
things with their life but they seem
just like totally blind to how they did
it and the fact that you can walk people
through it is so cool well I think we're
all flawed and that's the beauty of who
you are and instead of trying to make
yourself perfect in every area it's so
much easier when you accept the things
that you're terrible or at or that are
your weaknesses or that are the things
about your wiring look if I were
diabetic I would take insulin I happen
to be somebody that's wired for anxiety
no big deal so figure out how to instead
of fighting those things actually
tricking because the truth is that
you're never gonna feel ready to make
these changes you're never gonna feel
like doing them but you can always make
a decision that's always in your control
staying with somebody that treats you
like garbage is a decision it is staying
at a job that you hate is a decision
staying in the body that you are not
proud of is a decision is it going to be
easy no it's not gonna be easy to change
it's simple to a Google search and then
use the five-second rule to force
yourself to do that stuff
change comes down to five-second
decisions and this is why the
five-second rule is is important for
everybody to them it's your job to push
yourself and I don't care if you're dr.
Martin Luther King jr. or your
Michelangelo or your lin-manuel Miranda
who wrote Hamilton you will struggle
with self-doubt and everybody that you
admire everybody and the list is the
same Ferriero Oprah Winfrey and I want
to be like you know Tom and I want to be
like guy you know Branson and I want to
be like jay-z and I weren't like
everybody's list this is a Bill Gates
and do you know what those people do
they do not have the habit of hesitating
they trust themselves in today's world
where you have the Internet you can
literally learn launch do anything
anything the only thing that's truly
stopping you are the limiting patterns
that you think the the self-doubt the
fear the habits that you have and you
can break them
For more infomation >> Mel Robbins: How To Control Your Mind (USE THIS) - Duration: 17:02.-------------------------------------------
Trung Quốc HACK Email của CLINTON? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 10:09.
On this episode of China Uncensored,
Emails, sche-mails.
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
Why be a Christian, when you can be a Communist!
And finally, maybe caving to China over Taiwan
was not such a good idea.
This is China Uncensored.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
You know, when I heard about the Hillary Clinton email scandal,
I was saddened—
because it had nothing to do with China.
Oh, if only it had been China that hacked her emails,
not Russia!
Well good news, America!
It's possible China may have also
hacked Hillary Clinton's emails.
According to two sources who spoke to
the conservative news website The Daily Caller,
a Chinese company inserted code on her server
that forwarded copies of Clinton's emails
to China in real time.
And the Intelligence Community Inspector General
apparently warned of the problem,
but the FBI failed to act.
But on the plus side,
it gave Trump the chance to talk about CHINA,
Crooked Hillary, and the Tainted FBI all in a single tweet.
It's like Trump getting a McFlurry,
with Oreos, and a cherry on top.
The FBI has denied Trump's tweet,
but hasn't made any statements regarding the Daily Caller report.
Of course, a spokesman for Clinton has denied
the server was hacked from China.
All we know for certain is from this DOJ report.
It says that former FBI Director James Comey
originally said it was "reasonably likely"
that hostitle actors gained access
to Clinton's private email server,
but later changed it to "possible."
The FBI also claimed that although it was possible,
they did not find conclusive evidence of it.
So...no proof from the FBI,
just two anonymous sources
talking to a conservative media outlet.
Not exactly a solid indictment.
But it sure makes a clickable headline for China Uncensored.
In other news, following trends can be dangerous.
Don't give in to peer pressure—
just because all your friends are doing something
like, taking Holy Communion
—kids these days are doing that—
don't just blindly join in.
Christianity is not for everyone.
But communism is!
It will be required.
At least that's the message the Chinese Communist Party
is giving to Christians in China.
They've been forcing house Christians to sign statements
saying they renounce their beliefs.
This is a standard one, republished by VOA.
The statement says, among other things,
"I had limited understanding of Christianity.
Taking on Christianity as my belief
is also blindly following the trend.
Now I have a more comprehensive understanding
of religion and religious beliefs.
After further studying Christianity,
I have a clearer understanding of my spiritual needs.
I announce that I will not participate
in Christian religious activities
from now on and I will no longer believe in Christianity."
Christians have never been treated well in China.
First you have to belong to a church
approved of by the Chinese Communist Party—
or your belief in Christianity is illegal.
There are tens of millions of "house Christians"
who belong to underground churches
or illegal Bible study groups.
But the Communist Party's persecution of Christians
has gotten pretty extreme in recent years.
Like tearing down crosses…
which sometimes randomly catch fire,
whoops, how did that happen?
Or telling people to replace
pictures of Jesus with pictures of Xi Jinping.
Look, if Nero couldn't stop the Christians,
the Communist Party sure isn't going to be able.
Then again, maybe in its own way, the Communist Party
will embrace some parts of Christianity.
If only to keep its soldiers upright.
President Trump has finished trade talks with Mexico
and apparently, no more NAFTA.
But obviously the bigger question on everyone's mind
is what does this mean for the ongoing trade war with China.
And experts say Trump's success means China
will be in a more defensive position moving forward.
According to some experts in the financial services company ING Group,
"It strengthens the US position to play hard-ball with China."
Here's what Trump's National Economic Council Director
Larry Kudlow had to say.
Our deal with Mexico shows that free trade,
fair trade can be done.
"I think in this global game of world trade politics
I think China is now on the defensive because
they see the US is getting some momentum and I think that's great."
And here's what President Trump had to say.
"They want to talk,
and it's just not the right time to talk right now,
to be honest, with China.
It's been—it's too one-sided for too many years,
for too many decades, and so it's not the right time to talk."
Of course, that's not the feeling in Beijing.
Two former top Chinese officials told the South China Morning Post
that China will win the trade war.
And you can always trust top Chinese officials.
Speaking of good ideas by top Chinese officials:
The One Child Policy.
For decades, the law was that most couples
could only have one child—
or face stiff penalties or forced abortions.
The idea was to keep China's population from growing too quickly.
But eventually, Chinese officials realized, oops,
the current population is getting old,
and we didn't make enough young people.
So a few years ago,
they changed it to a Two Child Policy.
But even that wasn't enough
to fix China's demographics problem.
So now, for the first time in decades,
Chinese people may be allowed to have multiple children,
and hopefully less forced abortions.
There's a draft reform law to China's Civil Code
which could end the two child limit.
But don't think that obsessive top-down
family planning controls are over!
One Chinese think tank has even proposed a plan
to force couples who don't make enough children to pay extra taxes.
China's first homemade aircraft carrier has hit the water.
And despite being made in China, it didn't sink.
It's part of the Chinese regimes attempts
to project military power around the world.
But it's not just limited to the world.
The Chinese Communist Party also has set its sights on space.
China has launched a record number of satellites this year.
The two most recent launches were part of "the Beidou system,
China's answer to the US GPS precision timing and navigation system."
China wants to rival the United States in GPS technology.
But it's also part of a much larger campaign of space warfare,
that seeks to place the Chinese regime as the dominant space power.
And finally, you know how all those airlines have been
caving to Chinese demands to stop labeling Taiwan
as a separate country in their drop-down menus?
I mean, I get it.
Taiwan is small,
and Mainland China might have
the world's biggest market for airlines
just a few years from now.
Well, guess what?
Caving to the Chinese regime's demands
is not working out.
Surprise, surprise, the Chinese government
is giving big subsides to Chinese airlines.
And US airlines are finding it quote,
difficult to make a profit.
Truly, I am shocked.
Although one airline found has a clever workaround
to deal with the Communist Party's demands to include
Taiwan as part of China.
On the United Airlines website,
there's a page that allows you set your current location
"for currency-slash-payment purposes".
And they list a bunch of countries.
China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are listed separately,
but based on their currency,
not their country-slash-region status.
Taiwan's foreign ministry thanked United for its flexibility.
I mean, even though Taiwan is definitely
part of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party
can't deny that Taiwan has its own currency, right?
What's that, Shelley?
Nope, they're still upset.
Apparently, my favorite state-run media The Global Times
wrote this article called "United Airlines,
Don't Think About Outsmarting China."
It accuses United of "attempting to fool Chinese"
and "playing word games."
Because it's not like the entire "One China" policy
is some kind of giant word game that the Chinese Communist Party
wants the rest of the world to play.
And now it's that time when we answer questions from fans
who support China Uncensored on the crowd funding website patreon.
Weesh asks,
How did you guys come up with
the "wacky Chris plus straight man Shelley" personas?
Did that happen organically or by design?
What are you talking about?
Shelley is almost impossible to deal with—
she's a total diva who says the wildest things.
Whereas I am the rock of this show.
What's that Shelley?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Everything I just said was completely true.
Stop rolling your eyes at me!
I can hear it!
Thanks for you question, Weesh.
And remember, YouTube is constantly demonetizing us—
taking away ads temporarily or permanently
across tons of our videos.
That's because we talk about "controversial topics"
that don't fit into their well manicured "community guidelines."
So we rely on support from you, the viewers.
If you can, support us by contributing to the show on Patreon.
I know I pitch this every episode, but seriously,
you are what keeps the lights on.
If you want to learn more, I've put the link below.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Want to learn more about China?
Then check out our new podcast, China Unscripted!
Matt, Shelley and I sit down with China experts
to talk about some of the most critical China news out there.
Trust me, it's way more entertaining than it sounds.
Look for the China Unscripted Podcast on iTunes,
Stitcher, and Spotify,
as well as on YouTube.
Dance Moms: Sarah Has Trouble Being Independent (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:14.
Jeep Wrangler JK JKS Jspec 3.5" Lift Kit (2007-2018 4 Door) Review & Install - Duration: 1:01:06.
Hey guys, today I'm here with the JKS Jspec 3.5-inch lift kit fitting all 2007 to 2018
four-door JK Wranglers.
So this is gonna be for the JKU owner looking to comfortably fit a 35-inch tire in your
wheel well, without sacrificing on-road ride quality.
So if you're looking for a high-quality lift kit to get your JK ready to conquer the trails,
this kit by JKS will be a great option to take into consideration.
So there're already a ton of different lift kits to choose from on the page right now.
And trust me I've been there, I've done that, you want to choose a great lift kit that's
going to be the best one for you and your JKU.
So a 3.5-inch lift kit is just in the middle ground between getting good flex and being
able to conquer those trails while still maintaining a good height for some good drivability while
you're out on the street.
So this JKS kit will accomplish both of those and still give you an aggressive stance to
your JKU while coming with all the components that you need to install this including your
coils, your shocks, a front adjustable track bar, and quicker disconnects as well as all
the brackets to accommodate for that lift.
So this won't come with lower control arms, adjustable control arms, or even drop brackets
in order to correct your caster and pinion angle.
However, the silk does come with some ham washers to adjust your caster but I still
highly would recommend an alignment after installing this kit.
So as four tires go 35 like I mentioned will fit very comfortably, fill up the wheel well
and look very good on this while still maintaining some good flex room.
Thirty-threes will look a little bit small, however, you are gonna get the most up travel
with those.
And as for 37s go, you will be able to fit those on there, however, if you're not running
a flat fender, you won't have much room for flex and up travel at all.
So because this is a quality kit with quality components that will speak in the price just
being south of $1,200 at the moment.
So there are other less expensive options on the page, however, some of those will have
a rougher ride and sacrifice your drivability.
And they may not even come with components that will come in this kit like a front adjustable
track bar, they may not even come with shocks, and they may not even with adjustable sway
bar end links.
Personally, I think JKS is a very high-quality brand.
They make really good components that will last a long time and that is something that
you wanna definitely take into consideration while you're looking for components to swap
into your JK, that directly affect your performance as well as your drivability.
So install is gonna be a three out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter, this is
nothing for the average person to tackle.
If you don't have any experience with suspension work, I would take this to a trusted mechanic.
I would like to mention that you will need exhaust spacers if you do have the 3.6 liter
If you have the 3.8 then you will not need the exhaust spacers to accommodate for the
lift and I also, again, would highly recommend an alignment after installing this kit.
So speaking of the install, let's jump into that now.
The tools that I use for my install today were an assortment of impact wrenches, a drill,
an assortment of screwdrivers, a trim removal tool, a center punch, a pair of vise grips,
an adjustable wrench, an assortment of pry bars, a dead blow, a hammer, a torque wrench,
an assortment of wrenches, an assortment of ratcheting wrenches, a tape measure, an assortment
of ratchets, an assortment of extensions, an 11/64-inch drill bit, a 5/16 inch drill
bit, a step bit, a knockout tool, blue thread lock, safety glasses, and an assortment of
sockets and swivel sockets.
So first things first, you need to get your Jeep up on a lift or up on jack stands, and
chalk the front or back wheels.
If you do have it on jack stands and then we can remove the wheels with a 19-millimeter
deep socket and an impact wrench or a regular ratchet.
So what I'm gonna do next is just take off this splash guard so we have a little bit
more room to work with.
So I'm using a trim removal tool and I am just going to pop these off.
So you also have two on the back that are holding in the tabs here.
So next thing we are going to do is support our front axle because we are going to lower
it to get all of our suspension components out.
So I usually like to put it in this little nook over here next to the control arm.
Just gonna raise it up and keep it level.
So we're not actually gonna be pushing up on the axle and jacketing axle up.
We're just gonna be resting our pull jack against it and this is going to just brace
our axle when we're ready to lower it down when we're moving some suspension components.
Now we can go ahead and move over to the sway bar end links.
So first, we're gonna remove the bottom bolt.
I'm just gonna be using an 18-millimeter deep socket, an 18-millimeter open-ended wrench.
So you can use an impact on the other side, we're just limited here because of this track
bar bracket.
Take that one out, then we can remove this top bolt with an 18-millimeter deep socket.
So we do the same thing on this side, we can remove that bolt.
So now we can remove this top nut to fully disconnect our sway bar end link.
I'm gonna be using a 19-millimeter open-ended wrench to hold this ball joint socket over
here, and then I'm going to use the same 18-millimeter deep socket to remove this nut.
So after we have our sway bar end links disconnected we can disconnect our track bar.
I'm gonna be using a 21-millimeter socket and an extension to clear our drag link here,
we're just gonna remove that.
So after you've spun this and remove the flag nut, these can be a pain in the butt to get
What I did is just took a pry bar.
There is a little pass-through over here so that will push that out and then we can just
pry the bolt out from there.
So we got it out enough to hit it with the impact gun and unthread it from where it's
So as you can see the whole axle shifted left.
That is okay as long as it's supported and that's why we did support that in the first
So what we're gonna do since we are actually replacing this, we might as well just disconnect
the whole track bar.
Since we are disconnecting the whole track bar you are gonna remove this top bolt here
that's holding in the top of our track bar.
You're going to be using a 3/16-inch wrench to grab this or hold this nut on the other
side and the same 21-millimeter socket to remove the bolt.
So now that we can move our track bar around and there's no pressure on this bolt, we can
simply remove it and remove our track bar.
So our next step will be to lower our axle, however, I don't wanna stress out our brake
line so what we're gonna do is take a 10-millimeter socket and just remove those brackets.
And we will be putting on different brackets as well.
Oh no, that's just connected, just keep that there.
We're gonna do the same thing on the other side.
So our next step is going to be to remove our shocks because this is limiting our axle
so we can't actually drop the axle just yet.
So I did stick a 16-millimeter ratcheting wrench over this top stud here.
There is a nut up there, it is pretty hard to see, and then you can take a 16-millimeter
open-ended wrench and put that on this right here.
That's going to prevent the shock body from actually moving and what I like to do is just
rest this here since it is pretty solid on there.
And it will press up against the chuck tower[SP] here.
Now we can remove the bottom bolts, the bottom shock bolt with an 18-millimeter wrench and
an 18-millimeter socket.
You can completely remove your shock.
So now we're gonna do the same thing on the other side, starting with the top shock nut
and bolt up here with the 16-millimeter ratcheting wrench and then a 16-millimeter open-ended
So now we can take off our bottom shock bolt.
I'm gonna be using an 18-millimeter wrench and also since our differential is here, I'm
going to switch it up to an 18-millimeter swivel just to give us a little bit more room.
So to make sure our axle drops low enough to get our springs out and our longer springs
back in, and to make sure that our driveshaft doesn't bind when we do that, we're gonna
disconnect the drive shaft using a 15-millimeter swivel and we're just gonna take out these
four bolts.
You can see it better around the driveshaft.
So as you can see these do have blue Loctite on them, so I would recommend an impact.
If you can't use an impact then I would recommend a breaker bar and making sure that the drive
shaft is not spinning while you're doing that.
All right, so once those are out we can just let that sit there and what we can do as well
is just put these bolts back in here just so we know where they are.
So after the drive shaft is disconnected we're ready to lower our axle and take out our springs.
So you can start lowering that down and I'm gonna just go back and forth between the two
pull jacks.
Try to keep it as level as possible.
See how low we can drop this.
So we tried dropping down the axle and our brake lines did max out, so we are going to
disconnect this bottom bracket with a 10-millimeter ratcheting wrench and you just have to remove
this bolt here and there is a tab holding it on the other side.
You can do the same thing on the other side.
So after everything is disconnected, we can start to lower our axle.
So I'm just gonna lower each one at a time trying to keep the axle as even as possible,
just make sure our pull jacks are even and the arms are not getting anything.
So at this point obviously you can see this big gap here, we're ready to take out our
I just lowered it a decent amount more than what we needed to because we are putting in
longer springs.
So after those are out we can start assembling our front suspension.
So now that we have everything out we're ready to start our installation.
And first, we're gonna prep our spring perch to install our bump stop extension.
So I am just going to mark a center punch hole, we are going to drill and tap a hole
here so that we can attach this and put in our springs.
So you can just take a center punch and just do what I just did, mark the center of the
spring perch, make sure that everything is marked and we can go grab our drill bits.
So after we have that center hole punched I am gonna drill a pilot hole with an 11/16-inch
drill bit, so we can prepare it for our 5/16-inch drill bit.
So after your pilot hole is drilled, we can take that 5/16-inch drill bit and drill that
So out of your J107 hardware bag, you are gonna take your self-tapping bolt and we are
going to put that right in the hole here.
So then you can take a 9/16-inch socket and a ratchet and we can tap this hole here.
So this is going to give us a thread for our longer bolt that we will tie our bump stop
extension down to.
After that is easy to wrap it down, we can remove it.
And that hole is officially tapped.
So before we install our new springs I did want to show you guys a little side-by-side
of our stock ones.
Obviously, you can tell that these are a lot shorter.
This is where you're gonna get all of your lift from and they are actually gonna be a
little bit beefier.
So they are a little bit heavier in weight, a little bit thicker in the coils, so these
are gonna be a lot more heavy-duty than your stock springs are.
So this new JKS spring is a dual rate progressive spring, so you have tighter coils at the bottom
and then you will have the looser and more spacious coils at the top and that's gonna
give you your comfortability as well as performance where your stock springs were mainly about
So enough about our stock springs, let's put in our new ones.
So now we're ready to install our coil spring and you wanna make sure that your spacer is
actually in your coil spring before we go ahead and maneuver this on here.
Around that top bump stop we can go ahead and maneuver it onto the spring perch, this
is where I wanted to disconnect everything and avoid a spring compressor, so let's see
how well that will go.
So now we have to secure down our bump stop extensions here, so we're gonna grab the longer
bolt from the J107 hardware bag with the provided washer and put that through the hole and tighten
that down into the hole that we had tapped.
You can take a 9/16-inch socket and a ratchet.
I also would like to mention that these longer springs will be in the front and we'll use
the shorter springs for the rear.
Then we can move this to be seated correctly, perfect and get our bolt.
So after these srings are in, we can go ahead and move over to the shocks but before we
do that, we are gonna put a little bit of pressure on the springs because they were
moving around, they did have a little bit of space here so you wanna make sure that
those are seated in place, in the little notch here so just check that.
Just make sure that your spring is seated in this bottom channel here.
So now on the topic of shocks, before we put these new ones in, I did wanna just show you
a little bit of side-by-side how these are going to accommodate you better with this
type of lift.
So there are two types of shocks.
There are a hydraulic shock like your stock one that is prone to cavitation which is forming
inside of the shock creating shock fade.
It can leak and they can just wear out very quickly over time.
Then you have a gas charge shock like the Fox Adventure series 2.0s.
These are going to have an internal floating piston to keep the oil and the gas separated,
so that is going to allow a lot of performance as well as be able to take a lot of abuse,
bumps at fast speeds, heavy-duty washboards, while you're out on the trail or racing and
these will have a very long lifespan because of that it's gonna reduce a lot of that shock
So as well as being durable on the inside and being able to offer all that performance,
these are also durable on the outside compared to our stock shock that you can see, that
it's starting to rust and chip over time and these actually really aren't even that old.
So the Fox Adventure series 2.0 has a two inch clear anodized 6061-T6 aluminum body
with a 5/8-inch chrome-plated, heat treated alloy steel shaft.
That was a mouthful but this basically means that these are going to be durable and they'll
be able to take some abuse on the trail, take a hit on the trail no problem at all.
So we also have Nitrile bushings that we will press in here in just a minute.
Those are gonna reduce any noise, any rattling around, those are also gonna create a more
comfortable ride and have a very long lifespan in comparison to our polyurethane bushing
that you see here is already cracking.
So let's go press in those bushings so we can put in our shocks.
So now we can press in all of our bushings and all of our metal sleeves into our shocks,
just making note that these smaller bushings and these thinner sleeves will be for the
rear shocks like I have here, and then the thicker sleeves and the larger bushings will
be for the front shocks.
Right after that's pressed in, we can grab our metal sleeve and press that one in as
Gonna do the same thing for all four shocks.
So now we can install our front shock absorbers.
So I am just going to place that in the top portion up there, make sure that you have
your Nitrile bushing and your washer.
Make sure that those line up and then you can take your nut and thread that on to the
top up there.
So you can tighten down that top nut with a 3/4-inch wrench or a 19-millimeter wrench.
So I would recommend to put the bottom of the shock in the bottom shock mount, even
just a little bit just to hold the shock body in place.
Make sure it doesn't turn and you wanna tighten down this top nut.
So what we're gonna do next is secure down the bottom of the shock, we're just going
to raise the axle up.
The bushing in there is going to be pretty tight in the mount, so we're just gonna position
it and move our axle upward.
So once that is lined up and sitting flush and everything's lined up, we can take the
stock bolt and wiggle that through to tighten that down.
So after that is secured down there we can tighten that down with an 18-millimeter socket
and 18-millimeter wrench.
Now we can do the same thing on the other side.
So what we're gonna do next is attach our sway bar end link hardware.
We are not attaching the sway bars at this time but I do wanna attach the hardware.
So what you are gonna do is insert your top pin with the rubber bushings and tighten that
down, we'll tighten that down in just a minute.
And then you can take the smaller pin with the tapered end, the bottom pins will be different
from each other and we can attach that to the bottom mount.
So the reason why we're not attaching the sway bars yet is because we do have to measure
them out since they are adjustable.
And we need the Jeep on its own weight in order to do that.
So we're just going to attach the hardware and tighten this down with a 19-millimeter
deep socket and I am going to use a small screwdriver to put through here just to keep
this pin straight while we tighten down our nylon lock nut.
So I'm just using this screwdriver to help me turn it but at the end, we will keep the
hole in a place where we want to be able to access the pin very easily.
Now we're going to do the same thing on the other side.
I would like to mention that this bottom one is flat and that's because of the track bar
and steering stabilizer bracket right here, they actually made it shorter to easily maneuver
the sway bar end link off of the pin here.
So just make sure that this goes on this side, you actually probably won't be able to get
the other longer pin on here, it might be a pain in the butt to do that, so just makes
the most sense.
Then we can tighten those down with our 18-millimeter deep socket and our screwdriver.
So now we can install our brake line drop brackets, so what you want to do is actually
pop your brake line out of here.
I've already kind of bent it.
You can bend it down since they are aluminum lines just stretch it down, you are going
to remove this ABS line from the bracket and disconnect the breather hose from the bracket
as well.
Since those are limited, you just pull that right out of there just a little Christmas
So you can clip that onto here so you'll be able to maneuver it, we need to just put that
breather hose aside just for a second, pull this ABS line out, let it sit back there and
we can install our drop brackets.
So you can thread in the OEM bolt and we'll tighten that down in just a second.
We do wanna get our brake line all bolted up here.
You're just gonna bend that.
We're gonna straighten that out as much as we can to reach this bottom bracket here.
We are going to tighten this up against the frame rail or the 10-millimeter socket that
we used before.
You wanna make sure that this bolt hole is actually clear in the frame rail because we
have hardware in our 768 hardware bag that we're gonna attach to our breakline in just
a moment.
So we're going to take the bolt and washer and place that through the OEM bracket and
our drop racket.
And then we can take a washer and the nylon locknut they provided us and attach that to
the back here.
So now we can take an 11-millimeter socket and ratchet and an 11-millimeter open-ended
wrench and then we can tighten those brackets down.
So after we've attached the top brake lines, we can do the same thing with the bottom on
that bracket.
So we just have to slip that back into place, it goes.
Once that is back in there we can attach that 10-millimeter bolt that we originally removed.
Then we can tighten that down with our 10-millimeter ratchet wrench.
So what I'm going to do is just shimmy this up a little bit.
I'm gonna bend this tab down so we can attach our breather back onto here, keep that in
place, you're gonna attach the other side onto our shock tower.
And you're all set and then you can move to the other side and do the same thing.
So I'm gonna install our bracket at the top here, take our OEM bolt.
Real quick we're gonna tighten that down with the 10-millimeter socket.
So now we can take our hardware that was provided just like on the other side, stick that through,
take our...make sure we have enough room here to work with.
So we can tighten that down with the 11-millimeter wrench and socket.
So now we can attach this bottom bracket here, you may need a flathead screwdriver or something
to help push the bracket into where you're sitting.
All right, here you go then can line up the bolts and tighten that down with a 10-millimeter
ratcheting wrench.
So for the 2012 to 2018 models, you will need a pack of exhaust facers because the wide
pipe will come in contact with the driveshaft if you don't extend the exhaust.
So what we had to do is remove the two bolts that are holding on the exhaust flange for
the Y pipe here.
Those are going to be very rusted, that is very common.
You may have to use heat and a lot of PB Blaster or any penetrator to get those off, it will
be a 13-millimeter socket.
We have already removed those off-camera because they did give us some trouble, however, we
are going to install our new exhaust spacers.
Now you are gonna be using the shorter one for the driver's side and the longer one for
the passenger side.
So now I'm just going to use a pry bar and pry the exhaust back, so we can fit the spacer
So now we can do the passenger side.
So now with our 814 hardware, we can insert these smaller bolts, these shorter bolts out
of the hardware kit into the driver's side.
This top one may be a little bit hard to access, we will have to pull this pin forward just
a bit so we can tighten it down.
We can take a 13-millimeter socket and tighten those up.
So I will be using a 13-millimeter ratcheting wrench on the top bolt just because this is
a tight spot with this crossover right here.
So we can bolt up our passenger side.
So now if you are not installing new control arms we do have to punch out the tabs in order
to adjust our cam bolts.
So we're gonna take a 21-millimeter wrench and a 21-millimeter socket and remove this
control arm so we can you lead to that.
So once that bolt's out, we can pull our control arm out of the way.
So now we're gonna use our knockout tool to knock out these tabs in order to adjust our
Now we can use a 22-millimeter deep socket and punch out those tabs.
Now we can snap off these tabs and reinstall our control arm.
So now we're gonna do that for the inner portion of the mountain as well.
Cleaned up, this hole here what we're gonna do now is attach our control arm with our
cam-bolt washers here.
Now we are going to put our control arm into place, and these washers are going to be installed
here so this is gonna allow our control arm to move backwards.
So what you need to do is actually move the axle forward so we can get that bolt through.
So once that is loosely installed we can move over to the other side.
So after those are in and set, we can move on to attaching our front drive shaft, however,
I would highly, highly recommend getting an alignment.
This is just to move the control arm back but you still need a professional to align
your Jeep.
So now we can move on to bolting up our drive shaft.
So now we can attach our front drive shaft, we are going to move that back into place.
It shouldn't be difficult at all, then we are going to just thread these bolts in just
one or two threads.
We do have to hit that with some blue lock tape before we can retorque those down.
All right, so we're just gonna hit those with a touch of blue Loctite.
I mean, take a 15-millimeter swivel and tighten those down.
So we are finished with the front for now, so we're gonna move to the back and drop our
So I have the pull jacks here supporting our rear axle and now we can take out our sway
bar links.
So I'm gonna be using an 18-millimeter socket and extension and an 80-millimeter wrench.
So now we can remove our shocks, so we're gonna start with the bottom shock bolt.
We are going to use an 18-millimeter open-ended wrench and an 18-millimeter socket.
So now we can remove the top bolts that are holding in the two tabs on the top of the
I'm gonna be using a 16-millimeter swivel and a 15-inch extension.
I am going to remove the left one first, the innermost one first, and then I'm going to
remove the outside one.
The reason I did that is so I can have a hand on the shock so it doesn't fall on me after
I remove the bolt.
We're going to remove the rear track bar bottom bolt with a 21-millimeter socket and before
we lower the axle down, remove our brake line bracket from our frame.
I am using a 10-millimeter socket in order to do that.
You gonna do the same thing on the other side and make sure to keep the hardware, we will
be using it when we drop the bracket.
So now we're ready to lower our axle down, so we can take out our springs real quick.
Let's disconnect our breather hose so we don't stress that out.
We're gonna try to keep the axle as even as possible.
All the oil is down and watch all of our lines, so the 10-millimeter deep socket and an extension
we're just going to remove these two nuts here, just so we can drop our emergency brake
line bracket so we are not stressing those out when we're lowering the axle.
Now we can continue to lower our axle down, save those nuts for later.
So now this is low enough so we can maneuver our spring out, I'm gonna do that for both
So we're just going to pop our spring, so we are stressing out this line.
Here, we're just gonna take a trim removal tool and pop that off.
All right, so now our ABS sensor is freed up, we may have to move a couple more of those
just to make sure that it is not stressed out when we put our new springs in.
However, we are ready to pop in our springs.
So now we can install our spring with the factory isolator.
While holding those in place, you can lift up the rear axle just for enough compression
to hold those still while we work on the resting tube.
So our next step after putting in our springs is to drill out a hole for our OEM sway bar
So we are going to measure out one and one-quarter of an inch above the center mark of our OE
hole and center punch it so we can drill a 0.5-inch hole for our bolt.
That is one and one quarter, so you can center punch, make a mark.
So I marked a center punch hole.
We're just going to do it a couple more times, make a divot for our stuff it.
Now we're ready to drill.
So now we're gonna drill a pilot hole before we go in with our step bit.
So now I'm going to use a step bit, I marked off a 0.5-inch with a piece of tape just so
I know when to stop but we can go ahead and drill that pilot hole out.
Now you can do the same thing on the other side.
So you're gonna use a smaller drill bit to drill a pilot hole, I'm just using an 11/64-inch
So we can go ahead and drill that pilot hole.
Now we can install our bump stop extension just as shown, and they're already holes down
here so we are going to take our J106 hardware bag, stick our bolts through and then we gonna
attach our nut down on the bottom.
Get the other one attached and then we can tighten those both down.
So I'm gonna to be using a 13-millimeter open-ended wrench and a 13-millimeter ratcheting wrench
to do that.
All right, now we can do that same process on the other side.
So now we're ready to install our rear shock so what I'm gonna do first is install one
of these bolts so we can hook our tab on to it, and then we can hold this in place and
bolt in the other side.
So I'm just going to thread in the bolt farthest from me.
So this side most little the way thread it in, we can put our shock up here, hold that
in place while we thread in the other side.
So we're just gonna keep these loosely installed so when we raise our axle up we can maneuver
the shock body around in order to get it in the lower mount here.
Just gonna do the same thing on the other side here, make the inside bolt first.
Our shock tan on there.
And really whatever bolt is easiest for you to access once it's on there you can do.
So now we're ready to raise up our axle to meet the bottom of our shocks, we just wanna
make sure that these are oriented in the correct position so we can get our bolt through.
Make sure our sway bar links are out of the way of everything.
So I'm gonna put our bolts through, so we can tighten that down with an 18-millimeter
socket and an 18-millimeter wrench.
So what I did was just raise the axle a couple turns so our tabs are sitting flush on the
top of the shock mount.
So now we're gonna tighten those down with a 16-millimeter swivel and a 15-inch extension.
So now we're gonna install our track bar bracket so this will just be placed over the axle
here, you want to make sure that that bottom tab that you just saw is lined up with the
OEM bolt hole.
So we are going to pour the time-being bolt that through, we do have another bracket to
install but we're going to make sure that this is secured so we can bolt on the rest
of this before we put in our riser bracket.
All right, so just to hold on in place, for the time being, we are going to lower this
pull jack, get it out of here since our shocks are holding up our axle right now and we can
grab our other hardware.
So now from our hardware packet J103 we're gonna take our U-bolt and stick that through
the holes here to hold this bracket onto our axle, we're going to take the provided washers
and place those on there and then take our nylon locknut.
All right, while we have our bracket in place and our U-bolt on, we can position our riser
bracket in here and stick our OEM bolt through that and attach our flag nut on the back here.
Before we tighten that down and tighten our U-bolt down, we are going to install the two
bolts that are connecting our riser bracket with our track bar relocation bracket, so
it'll be in the same hardware kit J103 and so this does not interfere with our track
bar when it's in there, we are going to place those bolts facing outward.
All right, I'm gonna do the bottom one.
Those are in, so now we can go ahead and tighten everything down.
I'm just going to start with these two bolts that we just installed.
You're gonna need a 14-millimeter socket and a 14-millimeter wrench and we're just going
to tighten those down.
I'm also using extension because of the depth of the bracket, the top floor as well.
So now we can tighten down this U-bolt bracket with a 19-millimeter deep socket and a ratchet.
So now we can tighten down our OEM bolt with a 21-millimeter socket.
So now we're ready to reinstall our rear track bar, we can place that in the bracket and
take our new hardware from the J103 package, line that up and push that through.
Now we can put the washer and the nut on the back of the track bar bolt.
So now we can tighten down the track bar bolt with a 7/8-inch wrench on the back nut and
then we can use a 21-millimeter socket on the front bolt.
So now we can reattach our emergency brake line to the tub.
So now we can install our brake line bracket in the OEM location with the OEM bolt.
Line up our brake line, tighten our bracket down and take our provided hardware from the
768 hardware bag and bolt that through.
And you can take an 11-millimeter deep socket and 11-millimeter wrench and take that down.
Now again, do the same thing on the other side.
So now we can line up our sway bars and attach our hardware.
So this is the OEM hardware that we're using.
Now we can tighten those down with an 18-millimeter socket and an 18-millimeter wrench.
So I did tell you guys that we were saving our track bar and our sway bar end links for
last just because we do have to measure them and to get the Jeep down on its own weight
so we can make some fine adjustments.
But I did wanna show you guys right next to our stock components how these are comparing.
So starting off with the track bar, you can tell that this is a lot beefier, it is also
adjustable so you can completely re-center your axle after you lift your Jeep and correct
a lot of that geometry that has to do with your front axle.
Like I said it's also gonna be beefier, it's going to be more durable, it's not gonna bend
or flex when you have heavier tires on it.
I would like to mention that the joints though are pretty much similar to your factory track
bar, a lot of other ones on the market do have an eyelet joint there but that's no big
deal, this is definitely gonna hold up a lot better.
So moving on to the sway bar end links, these are one of the best ones that I've personally
seen in the aftermarket parts world for sway bar end links.
These are fully adjustable, they're going to accommodate for your lifts and this is
the quicker disconnect set.
So if you don't have the Rubicon with the electric sway bar disconnect, these will be
installed over pins that you saw me install earlier.
This is a Sahara behind me so we did do that, all you have to do is pull a pin at the trail
ahead and you're ready to go.
You can store these up and out of the way instead of your stock ones where you do have
to grab a couple tools and disconnect those manually before you hit the trail.
So even with these disconnected, these are still gonna give you some good articulation
and they also have Zerk fittings because they're fully greasable and they will last you a long
But now we can adjust our sway bar end link, so for this kit specifically they do have
to be nine inches from the center to center of the two ends here, and then your track
bar will be 32 and 1/4 of an inch.
So we are going to grab our tape measure and see where we are at now, we're gonna center
our joints door at eight inches.
So we are going to loosen this.
Now we can tighten down our Jenga[SP].
So we're gonna do that on both links.
All right, so those are adjusted and we can move on to adjusting our track bar.
Handed is preset to 32.25-inches.
This was right out of the box so perfect, now we can go ahead and install those.
So now we can install our sway bar links.
Since we installed the quicker disconnect pins, we can just slide those on and slide
our pins on.
If you do have a Rubicon with the electric sway bar disconnect you will have to use the
bolts however it is basically the same process minus the pin.
So we can take a grease gun and grease our sway bar links.
Now we can install our new track bar, just gonna rest it and mount down there and grab
our OEM bolt.
Okay, now we can tighten down our track bar bolt so you're gonna use a 21-millimeter socket
on the bottom one because it has a flag nut on the back.
Now you take a 21-millimeter wrench and a 21-millimeter socket and tighten down the
top part buckle.
So if you are having trouble getting the track bar into place on the other side, you can
put this on its own weight and have somebody turn the steering wheel back and forth to
shimmy it into place.
So that's gonna wrap it up for my review and install on the JKS Jspec 3.5 inch lift kit
fitting all 2007 to 2018 four-door JK Wranglers.
For more videos like this, keep it right here at extremeterrain.com.
[wow] Stratholme service entrance #donjonsetraidsensolo - Duration: 2:50.
Mumble ok. Twitch ok. Blizzard ok. Come on, here we go !
Hello everyone. We are going to stratholme and mainly in
the stratholme service entrance. For that direction the miresters of
the east, the north pass tower and you go follow this little path that
I tell you that right away fly. You go straight west
and you find this little tower. There no longer needs a key today for
do this dungeon. We will do together
the main bosses of the entrance of service because the goal is going to be to loot the
destrier of the death of Vaillefendre.
It is a very rare mount. The rate of loot is only 0 7%.
For this you will have to face the first three bosses in the order as
I'm telling you in the map in starting with Nerub followed by
Baroness. So once you've shot down those
boss, there is a small crypt just behind them. You enter the
crypt and you kill the acolytes who are there found, in total five acolytes. Yes
you do not do this well and well you will not be able to access the latest bosses
which would be a shame because it is mainly for him we come
in this dungeon. I recommend you to do the three
bumps in the order that I have you indicated. I do not know if it really
importance to have a chance or not to loot the mount
but some youtubers recommend it so I recommend it too. A
once you've killed those three bosses, you arrive on the square
central and you kill Rammstein who is here and then
the sentries, five officials exhibit. Once you have occi
all this little world you can enter the last crypt just behind the
sentry and that's where lies the Lord Vaillefendre with his
fabulous mount. I would not have had lucky to have it this time. Tell
me in the comments if you have managed to get it.
In any case I tell you very soon for new raids and dungeons in
ASMR Eating "MOCHI ✘ MACARON ✘ MARSHMALLOW ✘ JELLY SUGER CANDY" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 3:01.
3:01 ASMR Eating "MOCHI ✘ MACARON ✘ MARSHMALLOW ✘ JELLY SUGER CANDY" Challenge Mukbang Party
Box of Toy Blasters for Kids Toy Weapons Nerf Guns Fun - Duration: 5:12.
Box of Toy Blasters for Kids Toy Weapons Nerf Guns Fun
CH_ 修复谷歌浏览器缩略图消失并更改背景。 - Duration: 2:09.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited
website thumbnails disappeared? Or you may need to change chrome background, and restore the old chrome
thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,
then choose Help, Then About Google Chrome. Reload the Page to check for a new Version.
You may try reverting to the old Thumbnails by disabling this two Flags. chrome://flags/#ntp-icons.
chrome://flags/#ntp-custom-links. The new NTP New Tab Page Layout uses Icons instead of Website Thumbnails.
This is a major change in the new Design. The same Layout is used on mobile Chrome. In addition, the redesigned NTP Page offers
two new Features. Change background. Click the Wheel Icon on the bottom right, to
choose a Background Image for the NTP Page. You may upload your own, or choose from a List offered from Google.
Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com.
Isko Kaun dekhega? | SIDEHERO | An Eros Now Original Series | Full Episodes On Eros Now - Duration: 0:41.
You won't get any of that.
All you will get is this.
But who's even going to watch him?
- What is this? - This is Kunaal Roy Kapur.
I know.
I called for you.
- Hi... - No, sir.
Say hiiii...
Hiiii, Kunaal speaking.
Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Cars ★ Family - Duration: 3:00.
Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle 2018
Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle 2017
Sasha Pieterse Lifestyle
Sasha Pieterse Nationality
Sasha Pieterse
Sasha Pieterse Family
Sasha Pieterse Husband
sasha pieterse parents
sasha pieterse cars
sasha pieterse car collection
sasha pieterse house
sasha pieterse pet
sasha pieterse tv show
sasha pieterse facebook
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400 Sq. Ft. Luxe Lakeside Cottage, Perfect Summer Home For Someone Who Loves Boating - Duration: 3:04.
400 Sq. Ft. Luxe Lakeside Cottage, Perfect Summer Home For Someone Who Loves Boating
How to tighten your skin in one day - Duration: 3:50.
hello guys today's video is about anti-aging and this is a very good face
mask in which I'm going to use only three ingredients which can be easily
available in your kitchen and you know that I always try to bring something
which is easy to make and the things that I'm going to use they should be
available in your kitchen and they are budget-friendly so all you
need you'll need one egg white if your skin is oily use egg white if your skin
is dry then use egg yolk or a whole egg then you would need one tablespoon of
honey and you would need two tablespoon of cooked rice you can check my video I
have put the link down below you can check it in this video I have
showed you how to make or how to use rice in three different forms so if you
have some confusion you can refer back to that video for removing your
confusion now what we will do we will actually blend the two like egg white
and the rice we will blend them together I'm not going to add honey at this point
first I will blend it and then I will add the honey
blend it well it's good if you blend it and you can see the consistency it's
like it's sort of cereal or child cereal guess the cerelac child eat it and
now you have to add honey in that mixture I'll try to put all over the
honey because I don't want to waste anything and we know that honey is very
good for your skin it has antibacterial qualities so I'm adding
all of the honey and I mix it well what I will do I will apply this mask on my
face my neck my hand and feet because it's a bit more so I can apply I will
apply it all over my face and I'll show you the results that how this facemask
result will look in the pictures you can see there is a difference on my skin so
let's apply it
so here are my results I have also applied it on my hand and on my feet and
on my neck and on my all over the face always remember when you have to wash
this pack you have to wash it with a lukewarm water because it's very
difficult if you wash it with the cold water because of the rice
so just wash it with the lukewarm water it's a tip and you will start seeing and
you can see on my neck results because neck wrinkles they are they are darker
than on your face wrinkles so it takes time to go away but you can see they are
just the lighter one has almost disappeared but the darker one has got a
bit light so what you have to do you have to repeat it twice a week the
mixture of rice honey and egg white it actually not only prevent the aging but
it also reduces the wrinkles you already have it gives the uplift to your skin
and it also reduces your scars blemishes and the appearance of new acne so if you
like my channel if you like my videos you can come in to below you can
subscribe and you can tell me which remedy of my channel you like most and
you have tried and if you try this remedy just let me know if it works for
you or if not then why it didn't work for you
A Map of My Brain (#MapofMyBrainChallenge) - Duration: 3:56.
If you were to map your brain, what would it look like
Would it be a grid system neat and organized easy to find your way around that must be nice
mine is winding and filled with rotaries or roundabouts for Yunnan Massholes and
Lights and never-ending construction. It's chaos. It's just like Boston when you're wandering around the terrain of your mind
What does that like?
from what I've been told the average person has an abundance of fields and
expanses that are neutral and boring
My terrain isn't boring. I have very few fields for the last 20 years
it's been almost all beaches in Paradise and
terrifying murder Woods
How its explained to me is that someone who isn't
Manic-depressive a nice day for them is like a stroll on a warm summer afternoon
And maybe they get an ice-cream
for me an
Update is like laying on the most perfect Beach where sexy women
Or handsome oiled men if you prefer
Playing volleyball far enough away that the balls aren't hitting you in the face, but close enough that you have a good view
That's what it feels like in my brain on a good day on a bad day
It's a combination of terror and anger at that terror
Either I'm running from or add an unseen force threatening to lop off my head
In addition to the terror there is a franticness to it
It doesn't allow me to stop and catch my breath which brings me to a third terrain one. That's fairly new
One that's only formed in the last couple years
This is the uphill climb for some reason the combination of becoming a father and getting laid off
Six months later tapped into something akin to mania
For the past two years. I've been pushing myself further and further up a mountain with seemingly. No summit approaching
Had ready? Thank you for watching this month short film a map of my brain. I
wanted to do it because
It kind of goes with the feature film that were making but also because I I do make a lot about being
Bipolar and I'm and the film is about me being my polar and and all the different ways that that affects me
I was hoping to make a visual representation of the way my brain works
and so I thought that a map of my brain was like
The best way of portraying that part of something that I thought would be fun to do with this was to start like a challenge
a map of my brain challenge and so I want to
Challenge a couple people one person who's a friend of mine that I wanted. He's a youtuber
Dark, Tori dark toy Lord. I will link to his
His account below his channel below and then I thought you know
I do. I also really just would be interested in seeing someone like Casey nice
Don't do a map of their brain because his brain seems to work in such an interesting way
I'd love to see how he sees the way his brain works and that's kind of what?
This movie was was me wanting to see that so I'm challenging the two of them. Please like share and subscribe
【BTS踩點】傳說中的巴士站?《You Never Walk Alone》Album拍攝場地 |江陵注文津(강릉주문진) |Tungzzang - Duration: 3:45.
Hello everyone! I'm Tung!
Hello everyone! I'm Tung!
Because there are two typhoons, the flight was delayed
It seems there is no typhoon in Seoul... (After arrived in Seoul in the morning, we went to Gangneung directly).
Seems like the typhoon came to Gangneung
Wow... it's raining cats and dogs!
Yesterday, there was news saying
Someone swept away by giant wave in Jeju Island
Then I thought... OMH, we are going to the beach
I feel that it is still hv typhoon (typhoon warning signal was canceled)
I have never tried this in Hong Kong.
go to the beach with this weather...
(Cannot see anything....)
Wow.. look at the road ahead.
(I have listened again & again, but I can't hear what she is talking about LOL )
Oh... it seems fine
This one!!!
YNWA AlbumCover - shooting venue
We are now in Jumunjin beach
a bus station specially built for BTS
They also made this.
Is there any clue (routine)?
The huge wave are terrible
But it's not as beautiful as I imagined.
Relatively simple
What? ==?!?!?!
This one= =?
Why did I shake tgt at that time...
Other people will think that we are crazy (os: definitely)
The car just stopped and looked at us...
I don't know how it feels in the video
Can you guys see that actually it's big wind?
(Action is explaining everything)
(Taxi driver) should not have gone very far
He didn't think we would be so fast
(Try to contact the driver)
What should we do?
I don't know if It can succeed
This Kakaotaxi (app)
I am using it for the first time
Is that the taxi?
No no..
Can't see the license plate...
Ah.. He went wrong on the other side!!!
Why don't we go out?
He is very far away.. Where did he go?
Hey? He turned back.
No.. we have to go out first.
He is back to the other way.. What!?!?!?
Oh, it seems to be arrived.
(weird sound)
Hey? Where did he go?
Why he is disappeared?
Obviously I saw him just now
Because I said we are in the Olympics (sign)
Will he really wait there?
Is it?
Come on, let's go
Finally used this app to call a taxi successfully
I think we are awesome~~~~~~
I think this app is full of fun (?
If you like my channel
Please subscribe and comments
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to watch my latest videos~
See you in the next video, Bye Bye!
When we are taking KTX
We saw a book....
Let's see...
I don't know why there is a tag inside
Why? (Is it made by Army LOL?)
TH_ แก้ไขปัญหา Chrome crash และหยุดการทำงานของ Windows 10 หลังจากอัปเดต 1803 - Duration: 1:45.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. Chrome freezes after the Windows 10 April 2018 Update 1803.
Use the Windows Shortcut Keys.
Try to press the shortcut keys Windows logo key + Ctrl + Shift + B simultaneously to wake the screen.
Go to Microsoft fix it. Fix problems that block programs from Microsoft website.
Click Download. Run the program. Follow the instructions to fix the problem. I will provide you with a link to Microsoft website
in the video description area. Go to Microsoft Update Catalog. Download and Install The cumulative update
KB4103721, released for Windows 10 version 1803, includes a fix for Chrome and Cortana freezing issues.
Follow the instructions to fix the problem. Recreate the Chrome Browser Profile.
The corrupted Chrome browser profile could also lead to the Chrome freezes issue, and you could recreate it. Follow this steps.
Restore Your System to an Earlier Version. Follow this steps.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com.
3 Amazing Experiments You Can Do Right Now - Experiments light bulb, Candle - Duration: 3:38.
ঝড়ের বেগে ১০গুন গতিতে নিজের কাজটি করেন || Faster worker in the world Fitness Health Group ☑🇺🇸 - Duration: 3:13.
Faster worker in
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