-We have something in common. We are both Cardi B fans.
-Ohh. -I realized...
[ Cheers and applause ] I mean, come on, right?
-What is not to love?
-She's fantastic. -I love her.
-When did you become a Cardi B fan?
-I was a Cardi B fan before anybody.
-Really? Were you?
-Me, and the, like, 69,000 other people.
I was following her. She had 70,000 followers.
And it was just her personality. -Yeah.
-And I thought she was so bold to just live her truth.
And if we all could do that,
this world would be a much better place.
-Isn't that amazing?
-And it doesn't matter where you come --
She's this perfect Cinderella story.
-She is.
-And she reminds me a lot of myself.
You know, she's just -- she's bold and --
-Yeah, she just comes out and says it.
She's like, "Yeah, I was a stripper."
-And she knows who she is. -She came on our show.
Yeah, she just said, "Yeah, I was a stripper for a while."
And then she threw in a couple [chirping]
-Ohh! [ Chirps ]
-Ohh! That's it!
[ Laughter ]
That's how you do it right there. That's the [chirping]
-[ Chirping ] [ Imitating Cardi B ]
[ Laughter ]
-Dude, that's it. Oh, my gosh. That is a great impression.
Yo, I'm not touching that. That's perfect.
-I love her. I love her. Yes. -I love her, too.
Before we talk about "Empire" --
Because we do want to talk about "Empire."
The premiere is tomorrow.
I want to talk about this foundation that you started.
-Oh, yes. -And let's talk about it
because I think it's such a cool thing that you're doing
for your dad. -Yeah, so, it's named
after my father, the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation.
My father was a Vietnam vet.
He came back with a lot of mental issues,
but he was very open about it.
He lived in his truth. He talked his truth.
He told me to walk in my truth.
And in his truth was mental illness,
but he was very open about it.
He would tell you about how he tried to commit suicide.
And so I just thought - And to honor him
because it's such a stigma
and it's such a taboo in the African-American community,
we don't talk about it.
So our kids don't grow up to aspire to be,
you know, psychiatrists or therapists.
We've always been told that it's a weakness
or we've been told to pray our problems away.
I mean, prayer works,
but it doesn't get rid of the voices in the head.
You know, and I'm not trying to be funny, but it's very real.
So I just felt like this foundation --
I thought if I put a face to it,
a face that people can trust and see --
Because I think sometimes the misconception
about celebrities is that just because we have money
and you see us on the carpets smiling
that when the cameras cut
and the makeup comes off, and the hair,
that we don't go home to real problems, and we do.
And the foundation was actually born out of a necessity
because I had a few traumatic things happen in my life.
My son's father was murdered when he was 9,
and my father died two years later.
And when it came time to look for help,
especially for my son,
when the person across the sofa from you
is not "culturally competent" or doesn't look like you,
then you won't speak your truth.
So when it came time to look for a psychiatrist,
you know, a black psychiatrist,
it was like looking for a unicorn.
It really was. You couldn't find them, you know?
And so I felt like we needed an open dialogue
and we need to just eradicate the stigma around mental illness
in our community, so here I am.
-Good for you.
-And, yes, I have a therapist!
Black with a therapist!
-You have a black therapist. Perfect, yeah.
Let's talk about "Empire." -Mm-hmm.
-What is going down season five? What's happening now?
What do we have to look forward to?
-Well, the Lyons have lost everything.
-That's right. -But they haven't.
They just lost this building, the Empire,
the shell of that building.
And Cookie's so bold. She knows what she has.
She knows what her family has to offer.
She walks away from that company
because she feels like the power is in the family
and what they bring to the company.
So she walks away. She gives it to little Eddie Barker.
Because we go off, and we form --
We are now formed as a unit, as a family unit.
There's no back-stabbing this season.
We are together as a family,
and we're building a stronger empire.
-Yeah! That's what I'm talking about.
Stronger. That's right.
-Yeah. It takes some guts to walk away from everything.
-That's right. Taraji P. Henson, everybody.
For more infomation >> Taraji P. Henson Demonstrates Her Spot-On Cardi B Impression - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Ya Burnt: iPhone XS, High School Math - Duration: 5:00.
-Now, if you got a chance to look at the paper this morning,
you might have seen there was a new study
on migrating tree frogs that -- [ Sniffs ]
Wait. I'm sorry. I could be wrong here,
but I think I smell some smoke,
and that could only mean one thing.
It's time for "Ya Burnt"!
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Welcome to the burn zone.
We got a lot of topics to sizzle through but not a lot of time.
Over here is the burner.
Let's turn on the gas and load her up.
Leggo my Eggo! [ Cheers and applause ]
First up, the new iPhone XS.
It's called the XS because after buying it,
you'll have an excess of old iPhones
lying around to use as paperweights.
News flash -- if someone needs
to replace their phone once a year,
they are a drug dealer.
[ Laughter ]
And, yeah, your camera is good,
but why does it have to be so good?
Trust me -- your penis looks better blurry.
[ Laughter ]
The iPhone XS -- F this. Ya burnt.
Quinoa, could you be any more difficult to spell?
The only time I'm happy to see you is in my Scrabble rack.
[ Laughter ]
-You're not fooling anybody.
You're just brown rice that studied abroad for a semester.
[ Laughter ]
And where's your taste?
If I have to use a full bottle of Sriracha
to make something edible, it's not good.
Quinoa, quin-what are you still doing here?
Ya burnt.
The Beatles.
In a recent interview, Paul McCartney admitted
that he and John Lennon
masturbated in front of each other
when they were younger.
I guess happiness really is a warm gun.
[ Laughter, audience groans ]
From here on out, the answer to
"Do you want to know a secret?" is, "No, thank you."
[ Laughter ]
Also, Beatles, if I really wanted
to watch a band jerk off together,
I'd go to a Phish concert.
Side burn, Phish.
-Beatles, give yourself a hand, 'cause ya burnt.
High school math, you get less use
than deodorant at Burning Man.
You know how I know trigonometry is useless?
The last time I said the word trigonometry
was in 1991 when I said, "I'm so glad
this is the last day of trigonometry."
Seriously, did Pythagoras have any theories
about when any of this would be relevant to my life?
Because A-squared plus B-squared equals C-squared
doesn't help me when I'm riding the D train
to go buy some E so I can F'd up the G.
[ Laughter and applause ]
-High school math, pencils down. Ya burnt.
Vontae Davis, the Buffalo Bills player
who retired from the team recently
during halftime of a game.
Thus fulfilling the dream
of everyone who has ever had a crappy job.
Next time you feel the urge to walk off the job
halfway through your shift at Chili's,
tell your boss you're pulling a Vontae.
You are an inspiration, Vontae Davis,
and that's why you're this week's Unburnable.
Send to safety, my friend,
and turn in your helmet on the way out.
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Applause ]
If you've got an eye patch, a peg leg, and a hook,
you should not be captaining a ship
because you seem pretty accident-prone.
[ Laughter ]
Also, you can't be menacing and have a parrot on your shoulder.
"Arr! Give me all your gold
and some fresh melon for me cockatoo."
-Pirates, time to jump ship, 'cause ya burnt!
Extra scenes after the credits.
If you're so great, why weren't you just in the damn movie?
[ Laughter ]
It's been 2 1/2 hours, and I got to piss,
but, no, I got to stick around to see if Thor pops back up
to wink at the camera.
What are you gonna reveal beside the fact
that an obscene number of people work on movies
and that the audio effects engineer has a stupid nickname?
-Post-credit scene, ya burnt!
People who clap when the plane lands,
what are you so excited about?
[ Laughter ]
Landing safely wasn't a twist ending.
[ Laughter ]
Maybe have more composure than a 1-year-old
who just saw keys jingle for the first time.
There are only two times you should clap on a plane --
when Sully successfully lands on the Hudson
and when two people, who have clearly
just joined the Mile High Club exit the bathroom.
[ Laughter ]
-Also -- Also...
[ Cheers and applause ]
...before you applaud, make sure everyone
is as excited to arrive as you are,
because I think the lady sitting next to you
is coming to Vegas to pull the plug on grandma.
[ Laughter, audience groans ]
Remember when you guys clapped
for people [bleep] on the plane, though?
[ Laughter ]
People who clap when the plane lands, buckle up -- ya burnt.
[ Buzzer ] Ohh!
That buzzer means we've run out of time.
Looks like you'll have to wait until the next time.
This has been "Ya Burnt."
World Leaders Laugh at Trump, Bill Cosby Sentenced to Prison - Monologue - Duration: 3:13.
Let's get to the news.
After President Trump claimed during his address
to the U.N. General Assembly today that he has accomplished
more than any other president in history,
world leaders in the audience laughed in response.
And you know it was crazy 'cause even the Germans laughed.
[ Laughter ]
[ German accent ] "I have just done something
that has never happened before!"
[ Laughter ]
That's right -- President Trump claimed that he has accomplished
more than any other president in history,
and world leaders in the audience laughed,
though technically
they were still laughing from when he said,
"Hello. I'm the President of the United States."
[ Cheers and applause ]
A judge today sentenced Bill Cosby to 3 to 10 years
in a state prison for sexual assault.
Man, what happened
to all our beloved sitcom idols from the '80s?
Cosby's in jail. Roseanne went racist.
I hope Ted Danson isn't here tonight
to confess to a string of murders.
[ Laughter ]
It would be good television. It would be good television.
I really hope you don't.
Despite multiple sexual-misconduct allegations
against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh,
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said today
that he is still confident Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
Wow. McConnell's really stickin' his neck out.
Oh, it's always like that.
I'm -- I'm being told it's always like that.
[ Laughter ]
The Secret Service this week unveiled the first update
to the presidential limo since 2009
which is filled with a wide range of medical supplies
including a refrigerator full of President Trump's blood type,
which I assume is "chunky style."
[ Laughter ]
President --
[ Applause ]
I don't know. I don't know if that's necessary.
President Trump said in a new interview that he is a
"absolute no on possible statehood for Puerto Rico."
And, then, this is concerning --
he said the same thing about Vermont.
[ Laughter ]
[ Laughs ]
"The Washington Post" has published a new article
about the recent rise in rat complaints in the city,
which makes sense.
Some rats in D.C. weigh up to 200 pounds.
[ Audience ohhs ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Engineers have developed a new device called the Space Egg
which is an autonomous robot
that can help hotel guests carry their luggage.
Said one hotel guest,
"Psst! Space Egg. You, uh...
You know where I can get some weed?"
【高カロリー】北海道チーズ蒸しケーキに切れ目入れてオーブンで焼いてバター流し込むとめちゃくちゃ美味しい!!![6000kcal]【木下ゆうか】 - Duration: 8:59.
Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I made some Hokkaido steam cakes Don't they look delish
A viewer Linked me a photo of this And requested that I try them out
And when I did a bit of research into it It seems like these were really popular last year
I had a tough time trying to find a shop that sold these
did Y'all notice anything?
I finally cut my hair again and tried out a short hairstyle.... just when its about to get cold
Hair takes forever to dry.... especially when its cold And when you have short hair it dry in an instant
I got tired of the long hair so I gave this a try Alrighty let's see how it's made
We start by prepping the steamed cheesecake
I've got 10 of these
First we cut the Cheesecake
This is very easy to slice
hokkaido looks so KAWAII on here
Then bake in an oven The cooking time depends on the oven
If you're trying to make this as well please keep checking on the cakes while cooking
the KAWAII cheesecakes will now start to bake
Cut some butter to desired sizes
its enough to cover one of the cakes since I was a little kid I loved seeing pancakes with
pads of square-ish butter like this
Once they've warmed up to temperature Place the butter on top
If it butter isn't melting that well Then place it back in the warm oven
Just look at it Will ya they look so delish
Then add some honey
they look delish
They look irresistible
tadaa its done Just look at how Yummy they look
As for sauces I have honey and maple syrup
and I made some melted butter here as well
Of course cheesecakes would pair perfectly with milk but I don't got any so I'll be drinking soy milk with this
itadakimasu without a doubt these are going to be yummy
It's covered in butter and honey
It tastes amazing The steam cheesecakes surface is crisp
And I can't get enough of that honey and butter flavor
This is definitely one of those sinful treats
it legit tastes great with this soy milk It's so nice drink after a mouthful of yummy
cheesecake honey and butter and let it rinse away with soy milk
Just look at this will ya Look at how the butter and honey get soaked into the cake
I love the flavor of the butter if you are using unsalted I suggest adding a bit of salt
The parts that are really soaked in butter are made super soft and flavorful
Since I love butter so much I'll add more
It looks so yummy drenched in butter
I am deeply moved by how yummy this is
This tastes like a piece of heaven it feels like you are being lifted up into heaven when
you taste these yummy flavors
This butter is amazing The cheesecake alone is very yummy but
I just can't believe how much yummier it gets when its baked and covered in Honey and butter
All we did was bacon and top it with honey and butter I had a feeling that it was going to be yummy without a doubt
I just had no idea that it would get this good its just soooo EZ to make
I just realized that this steamed cheesecake is from hokkaido and the butter is also from hokkaido
this honey is made in murrica though and the maple syrup is... of course from canada
but anyways its no wonder that both of these hokkaido products taste so great together
If you let it sit for a while the butter soaks into the cake and make the cake feel sort of rare and delish
There's a chunk of butter on it it reminds me of a pancake
It's way thicker and fluffier than a pancake It's also more moist
and well... its made of cheese.... so of course its different
It's so yummy that I can eat all of these with just butter and honey since we already have some maple syrup lets use it
butter... it just looks amazing
all of my viewers out there will probably love these especially with all this butter on it
and now for some maple syrup
The maple syrup is darker
I love the smell of maple syrup
I feel as if the maple syrup gives it a grown up taste
I feel as though kids would really love the honey flavor
just look at this its the bees knees
I've been calling this stuff the best... the best... the best all throughout this vid
and well when you analyze the meaning of the "japanese word" it means that its the "most highest"
and is it alright to use this word this many times over and over again?
I do believe so
Just look at how its soaked into the cake its the "bestest" its best with plenty of butter
I really love that moment when the milk and cake mix in your mouth... its exquisite
They both taste great but I think I prefer the honey a bit more
A bit of extra salt would taste great as well
I was inspired by a famous japanese cook
since this cheesecake really soaks up so much butter when you bit into it the butter gushes right out
and this is also another one of the "bestest"
just how many times am I going to say 'bestest' over and over again. it really is legit yummy though
last mouthful its the 'horn' of hokkaido itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita These Hokkaido steamed cheesecakes with butter and honey
were so delish I knew they probably would taste great but I had no
idea that they would exceed my expectations but this pairing of butter soy milk and hokkaido cheese
I know this is soy milk but when the milk and cheese cake comes together its just out of this world
Hokkaido stuff is so yummy
I love how you can get the title cheesecakes down here in the kanto region and all sorts of other places
These were so yummy want you all please give them a try as well And as always thank you for watching if there's anything you want
Need to do or each please tell me in the comment section below If you like this video please set the light in Sky buttons BAI BAI
Unbelievable | 5KG In 2 Weeks | Fast Weight Gain Drink | Mota hona | wazan barhana ka tarika | mota - Duration: 3:37.
wazan barhay
gain weight
Michael Avenatti: "He and new client undeterred, rejects 4Chan rumors" - Duration: 3:08.
Vor Ort bei Homöopathie-Anhängern | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:42.
26 Sep 2018 - Homily by Archbishop William Goh - Duration: 1:11.
How do we find happiness in life? Contentment is the key to happiness.
It is neither good to be poor or to be too rich. Just be moderate. That is the
key to happiness. In life, whatever we have we enjoy, if we don't have it's okay.
We cannot be attached to all these things because at the end of the day, it
is relationship that is more important. Don't be too ambitious in life. When you
have no ambition then you don't feel sad if things are not doing well, if things
are not going your way. And so this is where the Lord invites us today
to keep our focus. We pray that God will give us the grace to be guided by the
Word of God, so that we will always be able to be clear, free of ambition but be
committed to our mission, committed to our work, doing all that we can,
conscience is clear. If you have done your best, don't worry about the result.
The Lord will take care.
Memories of my Childhood Busy Life | Fun with Childhood Friends | Village Memories | Avakai Media - Duration: 1:23.
We spent our school days very busily
Because, immediately after school, we involve in a variety of games.
Our sister would play skipping along with her friends.
I would try to climb up the tree.
And our pet Tommy would wander about the tree like it too wanted to climb.
Those kind of games and fun are hard to find these days.
Now skipping means, not a game, but skipping our meal and fun.
Not climbing up trees, but the corporate ladder.
Totally a mechanical life.
IPHONE XS MAX UNBOXING VIDEO (Be Advised: Strong Language) - Duration: 5:01.
Phone XS Max 256 gig in gold. All right. You ready? I'm ready!
Okay, what do we have here this crap nobody needs it okay,
Zoom out....Oh,
This is my stuff. Here's the bad boy. Look how prettyyy :)
So, (LOL)
Okay, so,
this iPhone includes...
The phone itself the earpods the lightning connector
lightning to USB Cable
USB power adapter and blah blah blah, nobody cares. Okay. So nooow, I'm gonna open this, ready? I'm ready,...
Okay, wait,
Hold on wait, babe. I told you to get me a goddamn knife
Hold on some technical difficulties. Oh,
My god...(giggles)
Babe stop fucking laughing. Goddamn!
So don't you fucking have to get me scissors and that didn't fucking work...
All right. Are we ready?
Ready, okay, here we go. Nice box, pretty presentation. Here we go...for all you neeerds
There we gooo, read it, I don't feel like reading...okay?
Babe, stop zooming in people get it
What you get in here...is going to beee...
this junk
the sim ejector
This crap. I don't need to read it
Put it in the box,...noooow...
Here we go...
It's myyyy new phoooone
Okay, first off
We have this, regular, the...babe, Stop moving it I'm trying to show one thing at a time goddammit! okay...
Earphones, we don't have the dongle thing. Whatever...
piece of crap, whatever, whateveeer
Same thing. That's it. That's all that's in the box...noooow...
To my new baaabyyy. Hold on...
I Like to have everything neat
Okay :)
Here we gooo. I'm not taking the sticker off because I like to save it...but look how pretty that gooold is
(Gasp) Ohhh my goood. I'm so exciteeed!
Look hoooow preeettyyy
Yaaaas, my phone looking flyyyyyyy! ;)
Look how cute...babe what you think about it?
BABE!!! What you think about it?!!!
Are you serious? This shit is fiyahhh look at it
fiyah, fiyah, fiyah! (ooooo)
All right, this is it. I'm not turning it on cuz I got to set it up, I got shit to do
I don't have time to be you know,...doing this shit, filming
No, we're gonna cut it here, babe. Cut the camera. It's done with the unboxing...
People got it. They get the point. You want to see other shit, go check out other channels. Seeeee yah!
Baaabe cut it oooofff!!!
Cut it...
Night Photo One In Low Light
Night Photo Two In Low Light
Night Photo Three In Low Light
Bokeh Photo In Mid Light
Bokeh Photo Two In Decent Lighting
Bokeh Photo Three In Daylighting
Regular Photo Mid Lighting With This Beautiful Pup Saying: "See Ya Later, Youtube" :)
Алгоритмы youtube Что происходит с комментариями - Duration: 4:44.
Машинки для мальчиков – Все видео для детей! Мультики про игрушки - Duration: 14:08.
Мультфильмы для детей с игрушками. На пикник! Развивающие мультики - Duration: 4:40.
Máy Cày Chiến Binh/Đua Địa hình Ngập Bùn Lầy/Độc Đáo Dị Biệt/No.2 - Duration: 8:43.
Hello all friends .!
Tell A Friend Video Game Machine Gunsmoke / Landmine Sludge Flood / Unique Dart / No.2.
Videos extremely popular plowing machine .. .. You follow the track ..!
Thank you for always supporting my channel .. Sincerely ..!
Esteja Pronto Para eu Levá-lo a Qualquer Momento - Duration: 19:51.
Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mothers and Babies -By Natural Health Care - Duration: 2:30.
Choosing best feed or bottle feed. Your newborn baby is a personal decision
In fact, it is one of the first important decisions that a new mother needs to make
however, the World Health Organization as well as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics aap
Recommend breast milk as the best thing. You can give to your child according to the app
Exclusive nursing is essential during the first 6 months of life and has wide reaching and long lasting
effects on your baby's health and development not just babies mothers also benefit from
Breastfeeding their newborns here are the top 5 benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies
supports baby's growth and development
Breast milk has the perfect combination of proteins fats vitamins and carbohydrates that help your baby grow and develop properly
Plus the leukocytes as well as antibodies
enzymes and hormones present in breast milk make it the ideal food for newborns to
This immune system food allergies eczema and asthma are less common in babies who are breastfed for at least four months
This is mainly due to colostrum or first milk, which is produced within the first few days after giving birth
3 greater IQ. It has been found that breastfed babies may have the advantage of a higher IQ over formula-fed babies
The cognitive benefits are linked to the long-chain polyunsaturated
Fatty acids specifically dhoka sense of an awake acid DHA and ara Chi donek acid
Specific proteins in breast milk also promote brain development for lower sits risk
Nursing your baby for at least six months may help prevent sudden infant death syndrome SIDS
the sudden death of an infant less than one year old for which a cause cannot be found at autopsy 5
reduces cancer risk
breastfeeding is encouraged to reduce the risk of cancer in children as well as nursing mothers a
2008 study published in the Journal of pediatrics and child health that
Breastfeeding was inversely associated with pediatric cancer and the protection increased with the duration of full breastfeeding
If you liked the video tell us in the comment and share with your friends and for more recipes and tips subscribe to the channel
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