- It's time for a game we call Vibes
Nicole and Amanda will take turns
sitting on this vibrating platform.
Now, your teammates will ask you some trivia questions.
Each question that you guys get
are worth up to three points.
One point for every correct answer.
(crowd cheering)
Team Amanda, let's go!
- Name 3 songs about butts.
- Back that Ass up, shake ya ass,
I like big butts and I can not lie.
- [Host] Three points, next question
- Name three famous breakups.
- J-Lo and Puff,
J-Lo and Ben Affleck,
J-Lo and Marc Anthony.
- [Host] Three points, next question.
- Name three men you would sleep with,
if you had the chance.
- You know what, (bleep) it,
Chad Beck
- I'm right here girl, I'm right here.
- Sir Jebaca, uh
- One more.
- I don't wanna say.
- [Host] Say it, three, two.
- Could be anybody.
- Nope.
- [all] one
For more infomation >> Amanda Seales Admits She Would Smash Chadwick Boseman | SafeWord - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Married at First Sight: The Couples Have a Field Day (Season 7, Episode 13) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:08.
Senators React To Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony Against Judge Brett Kavanaugh | NBC News - Duration: 7:09.
Trump Just Called Michael Avenatti A Porn Lawyer - Avenatti's Response Is Breaking Twitter In Half - Duration: 1:33.
What Does The Black Hole At The Centre Of The Milky Way Look Like? (UHD) - Duration: 5:00.
Kavanaugh Accuser's Story Falls Apart After Public Reads The Details - Duration: 2:41.
Avenatti Destroys His Credibility Even Further With His Most OUTLANDISH Statement Yet - Duration: 3:25.
[Funny Scene] Devilish Joy - 마성의 기쁨/Hoya (호야) funny love express to Song Ha yoon (송하윤) | #NoiseDaily - Duration: 2:23.
NEW Dota 2 Tips, Tricks and Bugs - 7.19c! - Duration: 5:18.
Marvel's SPIDER-MAN PS4 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 10 | OTTO | Pete - Duration: 29:47.
We got it guys a great success, only like after one hour later
Hey, what's going on YouTube, this is Pete coming back with another awesome video for you. And today we're gonna continue
To play spider-man on ps4. This is gonna be walkthrough gameplay part
11 and boy, oh boy. I'm excited for that one
Don't know so far guys. This game has been absolutely
Ridiculous, you know, I've really enjoyed this game and I hope you guys enjoyed it, too
If however you missed any of the parts of my, you know, walkthrough gameplay with spider-man
I'm gonna put them in a playlist in the card section here
So go ahead and catch up and check that out first and then go back to this video
also for those of you who are new to my channel, I would HIGHLY appreciate your subscription and if you do subscribe
Hit that notification bell button as hard as you possibly can
Because the Bell button is very very good for you as it tells you when I upload my new videos for the rest of you
let's jump into
the Spider Man
Man, this is going so cool. Let's get it guys. Let's get it. Oh
Hi doctor, how are you?
Like now
I've got dinner plans. Can I come by later?
All right
Yes, I can stop by just for a minute
Let's not blow this dinner with MJ. Yeah guys, this is so awesome look at the view
God I love this game so much
We're publishing the bugle
Well, that's my job mr. Mayor. All I have is my integrity and I won't compromise it for anyone now
What's this crucial? Breaking news you're revealing for the first time?
on my show
Coward the City Hall Bobby that also claimed my life it's clear
Our understaffed belief department need help. That's our people and
Providing I
Said it you all heard me say we needed this. Are you using my idea bringing in cops from Lake Placid? Ah
No, no, that was a fine idea. No, this would be a security contractor
All right, let's see what's up with the DAC, you know, let's see what he's up to
Sip over coffee
All right, let's get it I
Wonder what he got for us?
Wow look at all this new stuff
Let's have a look
Where did you get all this equipment?
Called in every last favor took out a few loans. It's like we're starting over once again, but this time is going to be different
You've been busy just getting started
You know until now we've been looking at prosthetics from the wrong perspective
We restore people to what they were
When we can make them better, okay
Everything, okay
Dammit this is all your fault Norman
Well, I know who you're not voting for in the next election sorry, I have a habit of making bad jokes and tense situations
Yeah, it was a good joke Parker
Just a bit of an overreaction on my part. No, don't worry
Why don't you take a break? I'll clean this up and get us ready for another test
So, uh, hope you don't mind me asking but it seems you and Norman have a bit of a history
We were lab partners in college
Became friends
Decided to start a business
we both had visions of
Changing the world just in different ways. Wait
You were at Oscorp when it started. I'm half. The reason it's called Oscorp
Ain't grad school. Everyone called us Theo's
Had Corp to that and well it is a catchy name well, why'd you leave?
Norman became more and more obsessed with genetics
He started a project. I considered unethical
And there was this
Anyway lawyers got involved. I
Chose to leave in exchange for a settlement
But that money didn't last very long
I've relied on grants ever since
If this project doesn't work, don't worry it'll work
Let me let me just fix this up
I'll brew some fresh coffee
Sounds like a plan. Oh
Gosh another one of those puzzles control unit. Okay. What do we have here? Um,
Oh hell
Alright, okay
Can we remove one of those oh
Oh, we gotta put it like completely different way these are locked
Okay, I get it
How the hell all wait do we have enough
Okay, so now we would need plus three, but we can't
Do much with this
We can't really take this here because that would solve the problem
No, cuz it's gotta go that way it cannot go up or maybe
That would actually solve the puzzle
But there is one big but
It's a flippin huge one
We got it guys a great success only like after one hour later. Oh
Why don't you do the honors this time
Think we did it
Next step neural interface. That's a lot of work for you to do by yourself
Sure, you can handle it apparently not judging by today's debacle because I still haven't found another job
My funds are still I know it's okay. Don't worry. I'll figure it out
What's a few bucks when you're trying to change the world, right?
To changing the world
Nice missed call from MJ
Doctor I need to go but I'll be back later. Don't worry the work will still be your buddy get back
Let's get it
Man that was cool
Hey, sorry I missed your call we still on for dinner
Okay, what do we have guys what do we have um
We can't get these for now
Gadgets we got some see a vodka
We can't afford it just yet
But I really like this gadget already this is gonna be epic okay, but we can get some skills, so why don't we
Upgrade maybe surprise attack or what? Is this or that or
That could be good, I don't know and what is that
Constantly, okay, it costs ah it constantly one
When you blow half a half, I'm sorry. I have to look away here because again, the microphone is in my way
Mmm, okay
That's only costed one and that's what cost - I like that one man
But we could technically do this and we could do the other one
Because look now we're gonna be able to do some heavy shit
Which is pretty good
And what is this that costs to?
Their mark, okay. Yeah, we're slowly gonna be getting you know stuff. So
Okay, now we got some missions and everything let's get back to the main story
Offer still stands for me to come over and cook
Okay, talk soon all
Right dinner at MJ's expectations hard to screw this one up
It's all just freelance for a while until she calls
Ok freelance it is Bock Bock. Oh
Have to tell you triple day I used to think you were exaggerating the danger to the city
But after this city home bombing, I got to admit you were right. A lot of people have been telling me that
Congratulating me but I don't want to French. I would have loved to have been wrong better yet for those in a position of power
Listed feet and done something
Think it and I'm not sure they'll listen down unless concerned citizens like you and I make ourselves
Impossible to ignore stand up take your city back
That's the only way we can ever be sure that justice will be done that and listing to see every day
Ground teams report on the situation in the Flatiron. I'll post x-ray under attack
Alright let's get these demons
That is helicopter again, the demons are turning the city into a war zone
Took some hits
Hey, MJ
Buncha stuff this door. Can't wait. Oh shit
What the hell this guy was from
All right for you, but no need to pay me action is my reward
That was pretty cool fight I suppose
What do you say guys?
Let me know down in the comments, by the way if you enjoyed the video so far
You know, I'm curious to know
Guys let's get it
We've got those
Way too many bullets flying over there
Shit we gotta be careful
Eat this you crazy tables card
Thanks for saving our butts Spidey, you're welcome scary fascist soldier guys Fred
Alright struggling to hold their own against the demons bad sign
Wait you go in too quick Spidey
What again Jesus
Here we go here
You are not gonna believe what happened sooner that address you gave me. I went there MJ. No, I don't wait
What is this just listen
We'll see
Is it that we're going to play?
With MJ now, I think we will
Matter are carrying firearms. What is this place? Whoa
That office might be something inside that connects this tool II need to get back there
What was that what dumbass can't put their shit away bet it was happy
Almost shut a rat
I need to get this guy out of my way
Martin leaves really paying the boss. Yeah, we build this war beast for Lee Lee finances. The boss's new venture. I
Need to get into that office
So, what's the boss doing with the money from this be job
Brave does you tried any?
Here's something heard something
Easy does it
What kind of vehicle needs tires this big man, this is crazy, where is it swearing it?
Yo, has anyone seen the 3/16 socket driver
That guy's not going anywhere maybe I can distract him
Distracting werewolves
What was that
What is this some kind of military
Office must be to my right need to move careful through here
Protected trade secrets that's what neat word on great Dutch Lincoln ass no pills apparently
Who wears do you get back to work?
For supplies, not that we toss the empties boss wants him lost in the Jersey swamp by next week
Under the table, I guess. Yeah under the table
Oh shit barrels seem important alchemax, why is that so familiar?
What's in these
Oh shit
You're right Rick won't notice cuz it won't be there
You got some stones Rick, let's see if they break
Such a disappointment
And now I need a new welder
Well, this guy is vicious man
You've gotta be kidding MJ seriously
Come on now
I'm a PC
This is what they're building for me
But why does he need an armored feet? Here we go
GPS trackers
What is tombstone using these for all right boys time to move get the gift for my office. Oh
Okay, I want to say don't ever do that again, but since I know you're going to anyway here
Take a few of those next time nice
Thanks, you know tombstone is crazy and pretty much invincible, right? Everybody has their weakness
mine is
Whatever you're cooking right now smells amazing the chicken curry just needs some time to simmer no dumplings. I hope
We're never gonna let me live that one down. Are you nope the great dumpling catastrophe?
I still can't believe they evacuated the entire building knowing in January - your neighbors hated me
Yeah, they were pretty happy when we broke up
Yeah, so
Let's talk about what you found in Lee's office
Lee clearly has issues with Norman Osborn. Yeah, but but why I don't know yet, but
His next move looks like it involves Devil's breath. Whatever that is. Yeah
I'll dig into it
Sorry, I was thinking
What if we teamed up
But you want to be my sidekick. I like Spider Girl
spider woman no, no, not a sidekick a
partner Oh
Say what
Not again
Hey, it's your crime system thingy looks like a residential break-in
Charles Standish hmm. It sounds familiar Oh
Aha scrip CFO wait, you don't think this has anything to do with Lee do you?
Sorry to cook and run did you just leave your clothes on the kitchen floor?
Where do you want me to was a couch is fine. See you later. Yeah
All right guys, I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna finish this episode right here
I don't want to make it stew too long for you. Thank you so much for tuning in
I hope you guys enjoyed it
If you did do me a favor and smash this like button and also share this video with your friends
And I will see you guys pretty soon who have another video Pete out
Abhi Saikia - Nakhyatra (feat. Shankuraj Konwar) | Rainforest Records - Duration: 6:26.
♪ Edhanmani moromore bhar kiman ♪
♪ Jukhibo kune? ♪
♪ Xupto noyonore guput obhiman ♪
♪ Bujabo kune? ♪
♪ Smritikumol bali-saporit xomoy ♪
♪ Xixu hoi khele ♪
♪ Xadhukotha uhoni hoi umole ♪
♪ Ejak rudro botahe paar bhange ♪
♪ Utuwai pran baarudor gaane ♪
♪ Ekhoni klanto nodir ximonat hanhakaar ♪
♪ Ekhoni klanto nodir ximonat hanhakaar ♪
♪ Puwoti nixar aakaxot gili joon ♪
♪ Jilikise nakhyatra ♪
♪ Xawoti olekh toralir borokhun ♪
♪ Xuworoni nisidro ♪
♪ Eti duti khyonguthi phule maloti ♪
♪ Xori pore nakhyatra ♪
♪ Dada toi kun dixe heruwali baat ♪
♪ Heruwali ostitwo ♪
♪ Eserenga komal rodalir porox ♪
♪ Xomadhir bhuxon ♪
♪ Protidhwonir kulaat aabeli olox ♪
♪ Manovota heruwa ei prithivit ♪
♪ Danovor xuxon ♪
♪ Swapnahinotaate bhugise xomoy ♪
♪ Xamori utrawol xagor morubhumi ♪
♪ Xunitor rangoli rohon sumi ♪
♪ Bisaru xantir ehali bonoriya pokhi ♪
♪ Bisaru xantir ehali bonoriya pokhi ♪
♪ Puwoti nixar aakaxot gili joon ♪
♪ Jilikise nakhyatra ♪
♪ Xawoti olekh toralir borokhun ♪
♪ Xuworoni nisidro ♪
♪ Eti duti khyonguthi phule maloti ♪
♪ Xori pore nakhyatra ♪
♪ Dada toi kon dixe heruwali baat ♪
♪ Heruwali ostitwo ♪
4 Kinds Of People By The Way They Make Money | Kiyosaki - Duration: 5:19.
I'm Sandra Burgos, this is 30K Coaching and today I will share with you the classification
that Robert Kiyosaki does of the people in function of your way of making money.
Do you know what kind of person you are?
Robert Kiyosaki is the great finance guru who wrote the famous book "Rich Dad,
Poor Father ", in addition to many other books about financial freedom.
I'll leave you in the information box one relationship of your best books, because it is one
of those authors who radically change your life as soon as you read them.
Well, if you have already read a book of Kiyosaki, you probably already know his classification
of people based on their way of earn money.
But if you still do not know anything about this, you I will explain it in a very simple way.
Robert Kiyosaki talks about 4 types of people, two of them financially dependent
and the other two financially free.
Unfortunately, in the first two types are the vast majority of people, but
move to the second group is a simple matter of determination.
Let's go first with the two types of people financially dependent.
The first type of people are the employees, that is, the people who see the world from
the ideal of having a safe job.
They look for job stability and they do it working for other people.
They are financially dependent on those people for those who work.
The second type are self-employed people, that is, owners of a small business.
These people see the world from the mentality of personal independence, with the idea
of "do it on your own".
They are financially dependent because their Small business depends on them to function.
If the business owner is absent from the business, he is harmed.
These people are freer than the first ones, they do not respond to bosses and can take
their own decisions, but they remain slaves of his work.
The third type already brings us to the group of financially independent people.
The owners of large businesses.
One of the main differences between a small business and one large-scale business
refers to how many people each one serves from them.
The owner of a large business will do his best effort to build a system that works
to as many people as possible.
The owner of a small business depends on his own work and, since his time
is limited, so is the number of people you can serve with your work.
So one of the differences between the owner of a small business and the owner of a business
great is that the first serves people personally and the second uses a system
to serve as many people as possible.
Finally, the fourth type of person refers to investors.
This is the playground of the rich.
Investors make money with money.
They do not have to work, because their business is working for them
Now think about it a second and tell me which one of these four types of people you find yourself
It will usually be very easy to recognize our quadrant, because it's about realities
well differentiated from each other.
Come by the comments section and tell me what is your self-diagnosis
Are you employed, self-employed, business owner big or investor?
I am so curious.
If you liked this video, click on "I like it" and share it in your networks
And if you want to receive more workouts like this, every Tuesday, in your email,
subscribe for free to my weekly newsletter http://www.30kcoaching.com/lista
Remember that you have much more at your reach of what is necessary to be happy.
The decision
it's yours!
Tips for Searching the Catalog - Duration: 2:57.
Трасса М5 на Челябинск. [ Нижний Ломов - Мокшан - Пенза ] - Duration: 44:15.
Learn Colors With Hello Kitty ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes ! 4k 2018 #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 2:30.
hello kitty
hello kitty
Luồng trực tiếp của xbookoo2x - Duration: 47:07.
Editing Workshop - Google Slides - Duration: 11:55.
Welcome students to our first editing workshop Today I'm gonna walk
you through a Google slide and kind of do a little quick check over your paper
before you turn it into Canvas. We're going to follow along with the Google slides.
Remember you can always pause the presentation if I'm going too fast
between the tasks. Also if there are any questions after this that you're still
struggling with or going to need some more support with, make sure to contact
me, so we can meet in a Google hangout or in the Conference's page in Canvas. Okay,
so let's have your paper out and a pen or pencil. and let's get started. So the
first thing I want to do is kind of look over the nuts and bolts of the paper. Did
you format it correctly according to MLA? Remember there are specific ways you do
the heading, the header, the spacing, the font, and the title. I've also included
there, for you, a link to Owl Purdue. This is an excellent academic website that
answers a lot of questions about MLA formatting and also has some really good
tutorials on writing a thesis statement and ways to improve your writing if
you're looking to explore a little bit more. Okay so let's look at a sample
first page of an MLA formatted paper. So let's start with the left hand side your
student heading now. It should be formatted just like this. So the first
line is your first name and your last name.
Make sure you capitalize correctly. The second line is my name, so professor
Karver. Remember it's spelled with a K,, and make sure you capitalize correctly. The
third line will be our class, which is English 1A Dual Enrollment. You can just
do capital D capital E for that part if you'd like. And the fourth line sometimes
is a little tricky; it's the date then the month, capitalized and spelled out,
and then the year. So take a minute to look at your heading and make sure you
have all the components done correctly. Okay let's go to the top right hand
corner and notice that this is where there will be a header. You go
file, insert, header to do that ,and it's your last name capitalized, space and the
page number; you can set this up on Google Docs to format each page after
the first one for you, so you don't have to add it in. Okay so take a look at
your page also and check over your font; did you remember to use size 12 and is
it Times New Roman font, and use your paper double-spaced? You should also have
one-inch margins around your paper; this is done automatically, so unless you
changed the settings on your margins, it should be set up correctly. All right,
going to the middle of the page, did you remember to include a title for
your paper? If not, no worries; write yourself a note, and you can add it in later. Try to do something more creative than Fast Food Nation Paper One, because
that's kind of boring, and it doesn't really let me know what your topic is. So,
try to find something creative. Notice that the title is in size 12 font; it's
Times Roman Numeral; it's not bold; it's not italicized; it's not quoted; it's not
underlined; it looks like the rest of the text.
Make sure you capitalize in your title correctly. So, besides little joiner words
like the and to, we should see capitals in the words in the title.Okay, so check
that over for a minute. Ask yourself if it's creative; if not write yourself some
notes. Okay, look at the entire paper. Did you indent your paragraphs? Did
you hit that tab button or space five times? If you're looking at your paper, and
it's one big body, you need to go in and organize it, and make sure you have
indentations, and you have your subjects organized by paragraphs. So, look at that
quickly. Awesome, again if I'm going too fast, just pause the video so that
you can go at your own pace. Awesome, okay, now let's take a look at your
introduction. I taught you that there are certain things the introduction does
need, and the first one is does it start off with a hook
or an eye-catcher? Is it something exciting?
I provided you with some websites and some samples to go explore how to create
a hook. Remember ,you can ask a provocative question, make a statement,
use a description, a quick little anecdote... something that ties in with
your topic and makes the reader go hmmm... I want to learn more about that topic. So,
kind of look at the beginning of your introduction; is it engaging? Is it
hooking the reader to want to read more?All right, after your hook you should
have your background information. Kind of pretend that the reader has not read the
primary text that you're using in this paper. You'll include some background
information like who is the author, what is the title, what is the text about? If
you're diving into a specific topic from Fast Food Nation, then give us a little
background on what the author presents on that topic. This is not where you put
quotes or textual evidence; it's just like a a summary, a paraphrase if you
will, of what the information is. All right, the most important part of the
introduction is your thesis, and your thesis should be listed as the last
sentence of the introduction; it should be extremely clear. I should know what
your topic is and what stand you're taking in regards to that topic. That
doesn't need to be...I believe or I will prove.. you can leave out that pronoun I.
I think it makes for more academic tone. Make sure I know
your topic and what your stand is on it. What needs to change? What is wrong with
the topic? I need to know what are you going to present to me and prove. Okay,
remember you can always pause the video. The next step, which might sound strange,
is we're going to flip to the conclusion of your paper, because the conclusion and
the introduction actually kind of go hand in hand in a way .You should have
like a full circle of your paper, so I might see some similar words in the
conclusion, not the same, but similar that I did see in the introduction. A lot of
students are really savvy, and they tie their conclusion back to their title,
taking their paper full circle, and this really a cool, creative way to go full circle. So, look at your
conclusion; it's rather brief, four to six sentences.
Does it seem to tie up the paper? Does it go back to that thesis and say, "hey
this is what I proved in my paper thesis". You don't want to leave the
reader going, "hmm I'm not really sure everything is tied. up..." Secondly, take a
minute to really proofread your conclusion;you don't want to have any
errors, really anywhere in the paper, but especially in the conclusion, because it's
the last thing that your professor is going to read before assigning you a
score. Okay, awesome. This might sound a little bit unconventional, but we're
going to read through your paper, but we're going to read it backwards.
Not literally backwards.. but we're going to start with the last sentence in your
conclusion. Our brain, sometimes when we read a paper from start to finish,
adds in words that might not be there; we make corrections that might not be there
because we know what we wanted to write; we know what our brain wants to say. So, I
found that if you read your paper backwards we find more errors. We're going to start with
the very last sentence of the conclusion; you're going to read that sentence
independently. Does it make sense? Is everything capitalize and punctuated? Is
it spelled correctly? Then,you're going to move to the second to the last
sentence of your conclusion; you're going to continue in this fashion
reading the last sentence, the second to last sentence, the third to last sentence until
you're all the way through your paper, back to your first sentence, your hook.
This will help you find errors that you normally would not find. So go ahead and
pause the video and take time to do this task.
Okay, so I'm gonna have you now look at your paper and kind of skim it through. I
wrote read, but read if you're dedicated and you really want to get in there and read
it again or kind of skim it .I want you to really put a pay a particular
attention to the sentence starters, the phrases that start each paragraph.
They should have some transitions. I provided a link here for you if
you're struggling with transitions, and Owl Purdue is also another great website
to use. So, does your paper flow from paragraph to paragraph? You kind of guide
the reader through your ideas and kind of connect each one as you go. Easy
transitions are phrases like next in addition, furthermore, in addition to, so
go ahead and take a minute and look to see if you've transitioned the reader
through your paper and if not, make yourself a note to go back and add in
some transitions. Okay we're gonna read through the paper again. I know you're
getting tired of reading this paper, but it's important to read it through many
times, using a different lens to achieve different things. So this time we're
going to work on trying to create a more academic tone .So what I'd like you to do
is the read through your paper and box any words that seem really simple or
pedestrian, and then later, after you've done the boxing, I want you to go back
through and change some of those words to more sophisticated or academic
sounding words. For example, instead of saying kids eat a lot of fast food, we
could use words like children or teenagers or the youth of America,
words that are more distinguished, more academic sounding. less slangish if you
will. Another example is the word good. How about excellent, stellar, exemplary? So
go through the paper and box some words that you think, oh that's a pretty simple
word. I bet I can replace it with a more academic word. Now be careful though;
don't go through thesaurus and pick words that you don't know,
that you don't understand because that could also
hinder the paper. All right, enjoy this process;stop the video as you need. Okay,
sorry my last slide is not showing up, so this is what I
want you to do now. You've read your paper many times. Feel free to share your paper
with a peer to edit or a parent or grandparent or sibling or another
teacher, because the more eyes that look at it, the better it's gonna be. I also
want you to take a break before you turn in this paper to Canvas. So set it aside,
after you've gone through and made your edits that we talked about today, take a
walk ,take a break, grab a snack, come back to it in a little while and read it one more
time, and then turn it in to Canvas. Okay, remember if you have any questions or
concerns ,you can always set up a time to meet with me one-on-one virtually and
I'll help you with whatever you need. Great job today and have a good day.
Zelda: Wind Waker HD | Wii U | Gameplay #24 | Darknut - Duration: 24:37.
THUGS OF HINDOSTAN Trailer Review | Thugs of Hindostan Amitabh Bachchan | Thugs of Hindostan Aamir - Duration: 3:29.
Hi Guys!
Welcome to my channel 'Filmy Advani' I'm Nitin Advani and I'm going to review the
trailer of 'Thugs of Hindostan'.
The film is written and directed by 'Vijay Krishna Acharaya who is known for Dhoom franchise
and he directed Dhoom 3 as well but 'Thugs of Hindostan' is definitely different and
challenging from his previous work.
The film has two legends of Indian Cinema coming together 'Aamir Khan' and 'Amitabh
Bachchan' and along with that you will get to see 'Fatima Sana Shaikh' 'Katrina
Kaif' and 'Lloyd Owen' in the film.
The story is set in British India 1795 when East India Company came to India to expand
their trade activities but eventually they had the intention to rule India and make Indians
their slaves.
Now, Amitabh Bachchan who is playing the role of Azaad aka Khudabaksh is against this injustice
and cruelty.
Zafira played by Fatima I think is in his team and she also wants to shoo these rulers
They are the Thugs who try to loot and kill Englishmen by attacking their ships and other
channels involved in this trading cum ruling activity.
Fed up by Azaad's efforts to destroy these rulers, John the leader of the British Troop
played by Lloyd decides to set a trap by hiring Firangi played by Aamir and he asks him to
bring Azaad to him.
So, here enters one more Thug but in a different way who is on the East India Company's side.
Surraiya's character played by Katrina I think is not well defined in the trailer but
I'm assuming that's how it's going to be in the film as well, a beautiful attractive
girl who will be the mysterious quotient of the film and you wouldn't be clear on which
side she is.
I should not say this but they have smartly shown the best scenes of Katrina in the trailer,
thoda sa dance dikha diya aur thoda you know ada waale expressions dikha diye.
Well, it's quite strange you don't get to hear voices of the leading actresses in
the trailer.
You have to give standing ovation to Amitabh Bachchan that at this age he's doing this
kind of a role that is physically also demanding and exhausting and you will get to see him
doing action scenes which is commendable and his look on his face and voice is everything
for this particular character.
Aamir can be seen totally immersed in the character and Lloyd is also pretty convincing
as the Ruler.
As I mentioned earlier, you really can't judge how Katrina and Fatima are going to
be in the film by just going through the trailer.
Locations in the film, Oh my God!
They have used historic fort of my Hometown 'Jodhpur' and the set up is just so majestic
and grand so I think this is definitely going to be one of the expensive films of Indian
Cinema because Vfx and the creative design of the film looks really cool and impressive.
If ever I would think before going for this film that will be only because of Dhoom 3
directed by the same director and minds involved otherwise I definitely want to watch this
film in theatres and the other reason I'm okay with Vijay Krishna Acharya's screenplay
for this film is because it's an adaptation of an English Novel 'Confessions of a Thug'
written by Philip Meadows Taylor in 1839 that highlighted the Thuggee Cult in British India
and it was apparently the best seller and critically acclaimed novel in that time.
This is a superhit trailer for me and I really hope that this film going to be more than
a paisa vasool film.
Hope you enjoyed this trailer review, do like, share and comment and subscribe to my channel
'Filmy Advani' for more such reviews.
This is Nitin Advani signing off, see you guys next time
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