Gu-seul, you are really pretty
Can dogs laugh too?
Yes they can, they can even also roar with laughter
But according to this video, the dog starts laughing
when it receives a sign, so it's trained to laugh
It's not an actual laugh
Dogs laugh by making noises?
This is the noise
It's a cheerful noise than breathing sound
According to an experiment, if we let a dog hear it
Aggressive dogs stop fighting with other dogs
and the dogs which are always nervous become calmer
So experiment results show that
laughing sound makes the dogs feel better
These dogs always fight with each other
Once they got into a very fierce fight
and I couldn't stop them
One of the dogs could have been killed
so I don't let them stay together
Would the laughing sound make them less aggressivge?
Now they regain their inner peace
I guess dogs will start laughing if we make them happy
This is a sound of a dog laughing
Make your pet(s) listen to this sound too :)
For more infomation >> Can Dogs Laugh As Well? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
P-10C vs. SPSMG9, which is better? Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 12:44.
What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and good news, I have finally completed my analysis of the
weapons available to Clash and since I was so slow in getting this done I even managed
to include the changes since the last patch, which significantly affected her ability to
switch from shield to guns.
I guess every cloud has a silver lining and all that, right?
As always, I have compared the in-game stats of the guns and conducted additional tests
to find out about the hidden stats behind each of the weapons.
So, when playing clash, should you be running the P-10C pistol or the SPSMG9?
What are their individual strengths and weaknesses?
Let's go and find out, shall we?
But before we get into that, I want to say a quick thank you to Massdrop for sending
me one of these Sennheiser PC37X Gaming headsets to try out!
Those of you who follow my Twitch streams will have seen me wearing this headset for
the last couple of weeks and I've been really happy using it.
Sennheiser is of course known for making great quality speakers and great speakers translate
into great sound quality.
Light and comfortable to wear even over long time periods, I would say that this headset
is a great all in one solution for anyone looking for a mic and headphone combo but
don't just take my word for it.
The item currently has 428 reviews on the Massdrop website, with a near perfect rating
of almost 5 out of 5 stars.
So if you're in the market for a new headset, I can definitely recommend the PC37X and if
you use the link in the description below it shows Massdrop that you came from me!
And with that, let's talk about Clash.
As a shield operator, she of course only has access to sidearms but unlike any other operator
in the past; she has access to a 2-shot burst fire machine pistol as well as the regular
semi-auto pistol used by most other operators.
In the past, having the choice between a pistol and a machine pistol was never a real choice.
Machine pistols have always been vastly superior up until the recent recoil changes but with
Clash her options have been designed from the ground up to be far more balanced.
Let's start things off simple by examining in-game info for both guns.
The P-10 does 40 points of baseline damage versus 30 for the SMG9.
When suppressed, the P-10 will deal 34 points while the SMG9 does 25, which is around about
a 15% reduction for both guns.
Fire rate is semi-auto but of course from past tests, we know that it will be around
450 RPM under combat conditions (although I have managed to clock in up to 486 RPM when
clicking just about perfectly).
The fire rate of the SMG9 is listed as 980 but the gun does not have a full auto mode.
Instead, you have to fire two-shot bursts and when I tested this in-game, I found that
the rate at which you can put out these burst is exactly the same at which you can fire semi-auto pistols.
Since every pull of the trigger gives you two shots that would suggest that the true
maximum fire rate for semi-autos is 490 RPM.
This fits in perfectly with my near perfect run of 486 RPM but to me this remains a theoretical
value since getting a perfect clicking sequence while also trying to fight a moving target
is extremely difficult for most players, especially when using a regular console controller.
What does this mean for all of my later calculations?
Instead of the maximum 980 RPM listed in-game, I will instead be using a more realistically
achievable fire rate of 900 RPM and that's still pretty decent by most standards.
Next up… urgh ok, let's do this.
<<For the sake of the sanity of the viewer, analysis of the Mobility stat has been cut
from the final presentation.>>
… So, I know that spending 32 minutes on this might be considered excessive but I hope
that clears it up once and for all!
Moving on!
Capacity of the P-10 is a pretty average 15+1 and the SMG9 can hold 20+1 giving the latter
a bit of an advantage.
In terms of attachments, both weapons have access to the Muzzle Brake, suppressor and
laser while the SMG also gets the choice of the Flash Hider if that's the kind of thing
that floats your boat.
Both weapons also have pre-attached red dot sights which (although not magnified) will
offer a somewhat better sight picture than the iron sights.
At least that is the case for most weapons in Rainbow Six and I assume it is probably the same here.
And now, let's dig a little deeper into some of the less obvious stats so that I can
finally get into the meaty part of this discussion.
I'll put all of the important numbers on screen for you now and then I will go over
the implications one by one.
As always, I tested and analysed the damage drop-off, reload speed, fire rate, hip-fire
spread, ADS time and specific to Clash also the switch time from shield to gun.
When comparing the P-10 and SMG9, the damage drop off rates don't really tell us anything
that we couldn't already have guessed from the baseline stats.
The P-10 is more powerful for each shot than the SMG at pretty much all ranges despite
the earlier pistol drop-off range of 12-22m.
The SMG9 compensates for this though by firing two shots at a time which effectively doubles
its damage output as long as both shots land on target.
I have calculated the full battery of "damage per second", "shots to down/kill" and
"time to down/kill" stats and as always, you can look those up in my online spreadsheet.
The summary of that analysis when comparing the two guns is that while the shots to kill
are always higher for the SMG9, the time to kill is always lower because of the doubled
up fire rate; all this of course assuming that all shots will hit the upper body.
And before moving on, one more thing to note here is the comparison of each gun to other guns in its class.
Compared to other pistols, the P-10 is about the weakest you can find with the exception of the Polish RG15.
And just like with the RG15, I believe that the attached red dot sight is there to balance
out the disappointing damage output.
Comparing the SMG9 to other machine pistols gives us the same result; in terms of pure
damage output and time to kill stats, the SMG9 is by far the weakest machine pistol
in the game and it's only redeeming factor is that the forced burst fire mode actually
makes the gun far more controllable than the other MPs after the recent nerf.
So the bottom line is that while the SMG9 provides slightly better damage output than
the P-10, both of Clash's guns are pretty bad compared to the weapons available to other operators.
I've already mentioned capacity and there's nothing much to add here, so over to reload speed.
The 2.2s taken by the P-10 for a full reload is bang on average for semi-auto pistols and
the 1.9s tactical reload is only just above the 1.8s semi-auto average.
As you might expect, the slightly clunkier SMG9 reloads a bit slower with 2.7s full and
2.2s tactical reloads.
Interestingly, the averages for machine pistols are 2.8s and 2s respectively, giving the new
gun a relatively good full reload but disappointing tactical reload.
Fire rate has already been discussed and ADS time is pretty straight forward as well.
200ms is the standard time for pistols, while 300ms is the standard for both primary and secondary SMGS.
Nothing unusual here but it is worth noting that, with times to down of between 200 & 300ms
for both guns against various distance and armour combinations, a 100ms advantage for
the P-10 goes an awfully long way in balancing out the TTK advantages of the SMG9.
In fact, in most cases, ADS+TTK added together will in fact be longer for the SMG than for
the P-10 (full details in the spreadsheet).
Now going over to the shield switching time: from a comparison perspective, there is not a lot to say really.
It takes 2s to switch from gun to shield and 1s to switch from shield to gun no matter
which weapon you choose.
This is only the case since the recent patch.
Before that you were able to shoot faster than the switching animation but since that
has been fixed, it's simply 1s for both guns and that is irrespective of whether or
not you hip-fire or ADS after the switch.
For recoil management, the results are quite curious since the baseline recoil for the
P-10 is significantly worse than that of the SMG9 but once you use the best possible recoil
reducing attachments, the P-10 actually overtakes the SMG9.
So in conclusion, since there is no point in running a naked gun, the P-10 will always
be better when going in loud but will be more difficult to handle than the SMG9 when both
guns are suppressed.
And with that we go over to our final couple of criteria: Like all pistols, the P-10 will
provide Clash with a 5% movement speed bonus when equipped, while the SMG9 has no effect on speed.
5% may not sound like a lot but in a game where movement speed can decide gunfights,
every little bit counts, so this can definitely go in the plus column for the P-10.
Last and probably least important, let's take a quick look at the hip fire spreads.
Hip firing is really not viable in most situations in Rainbow Six but heck, let's look at it
anyway for completeness sake.
When standing still, the spread for both guns is 100% identical.
Stationary and kneeling or prone, the P-10 has a slight advantage but once you start
moving, the pistol becomes significantly worse.
And since movement is so important, I would actually give the SMG9 the win here despite
being at a slight disadvantage when keeling or lying down.
Conclusion time and if we tot up the wins for each weapon, the P-10 has better reload
times, ADS times, recoil when loud and movement speed, while the SPSMG9 has better damage
output, ammo capacity, recoil when suppressed and hip-fire spread.
Each gun wins in four out of eight categories, giving us a numerical draw.
Can we simply weight each category equally, no probably not but from a purely empirical
perspective, I find it hard to claim that for instance damage output is more important
than recoil or ADS time.
So it's quite hard for me to judge.
Beyond this, I would say that irrespective of the wins and losses here, the performance
of the two guns in all categories is actually pretty closely matched.
The days when operators were introduced with a practically redundant pistol option and
a vastly superior machine pistol are well and truly gone.
It appears that a lot of thought and effort has been put into balancing P-10C and the SPSMG9.
And as much as I feel that this is kind of a cop out, I would personally conclude that
both guns are pretty much equally viable options and the choice will boil down to personal
preference for each player.
What are your thoughts on these guns?
Do you have a favourite out of the two?
Let me know in the comments section below!
Many thanks to everyone who has sent in clips to be featured in my videos.
I have had a great time going over your highlights and will be looking into spinning out a new
video series that will allow me to feature more of your awesome clips.
So, feel free to keep 'em coming!
Send me an email at with a link to a YouTube video of your clip and
please also include a brief description of what I'll be looking for.
Your operator, number of kills and any special occurrences in the clip would be great to
know so that I can gather the clips as efficiently as possible!
And with that, as always: thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video
and I will see you in the next episode!
Vintage Motorbike Honda Gold Wing 1978 - Duration: 10:17.
Goldwing 1000cc
🔴2020 Mercedes GLE-Class - What's Really Changed? Full Review - Duration: 15:23.
Today I'd like to talk about new Mercedes GLE-Class: Exterior, Interior and all the new technologies.
If you look at the front you immediately notice the new generation of GLE-Class
has taken an identity of the current GLS class the front grille the hood lines
and the overall feel all points to the current GLS, personally I think it's a big
plus, because right away you can see the Mercedes-Benz SUV unmistakably and I've
seen the previous spy shots I was afraid that Mercedes designers will completely
transform the look of this midsize utility vehicle but thankfully it
actually looks more like a family now
look from the side you will not notice much changes from the previous one in
2019 GLE-Class, however the new 2020 unit is a little longer and has
much more of the interior space the wheelbase of one hundred seventeen point
nine inches of the new model has been increased by 3.15 inches compared to the
previous model that's huge! Also there is a noticeable
increase in legroom and Headroom in the second and the third rows when I say
previous 2019 model I mean 2018, since 2019 model hasn't even been
released yet 2019 models will have very short run and you can watch our other
video 2019 GLE-Class review, here the link is below
headlights are completely redesigned and have this new kind of aggressive stare
similar to the new CLS and GT four-door sedan models
if you look from the rear and compare to the current GLE, you can see that
2020 model is much lighter, simpler and I would say it looks a little sporty
however if you get this new GLE with AMG sports styling
this car will look drastically different the front diamond block grille combined
with much more aggressive bumpers large wheels and AMG style lower body work
definitely gives you a different feel altogether AMG sports styling is more
unique limited and looks a lot sporty-er it just looks like something else
by the way GLE historically has been known to offer one of the best airdynamics
characteristics and the new figures are even more outstanding the
new model improved the coefficient of drag to the lowest in its class down to
0.29 from the previous of 0.31. The interior of 2020 GLE has
really major improvement just the interior alone will probably make a
lot of you want to replace your current model for this new one the new
multifunction steering wheel gives you easy controls and fingertips touch
sensors the new MBUX multimedia system is not even called multimedia anymore
MBUX stands for Mercedes-Benz user experience, and what an experience it is!
high resolution wide screen is housing two colossal twelve point three inches
wide screen side-by-side featuring the artsy graphics
MB UX should become a serious competitor to Google's Android auto and apple
carplay and as far as I understand this user experience is a lot more
technologically advanced have you ever dreamed to own intelligent robot? Here's
your chance to own one the intelligent voice control comes with the natural
language understanding the voice is overly polite does not scream does not
swear which is a big plus and can sing like a bird
well I'm not sure about the singing part... as you normally engage apple carplay by
saying "hey Siri" or Android Auto by saying "OK Google" you will engage MBUX
system by simply saying "hey Mercedes", the scope of the MBUX
multimedia system is so large that I will be making the completely separate
tutorial just about MBUX alone, consider subscribing to my channel
the additional space inside the new 2020 mercedes-benz GLE added just enough
space to squeeze the third row seat which was something a lot of you were
asking for a long time it's not as comfy as GLS-Class third row, but it will
serve its purpose if the need arises, especially it's great for kids just make
sure not to put your wife or your girlfriend, or especially both of them
over there, because it's not going to end very well. The third row can be ordered
with the full electrical fold, similar to the current GLS-Class, the
second row seat can be ordered with the full six-way electrical adjustment on
top of it the second row can be equipped with an easy entry option the same like
in the GLS class which makes the entry to the third row a breeze.
2020 GLE 350 rear-wheel drive and GLE350 4Matic four-wheel drive will actually
feature the brand-new four-cylinder engine. What?! That sounds a little bit
small for this kind of a car right but many of you said the same thing when
2017 e 300 came out only come to realization that this new 4 cylinder
isn't that bad you can watch my comparison video of 2016 E350 versus
2017 E300 here, the link is below the new gles four-cylinder engine actually has
14 more horsepower than E300 and outputs 255 Horses, however I think this
engine is the same or pretty much the same as an e 300 maybe just a notch
modified because it produces the same torque as E300 in mind
the total of 270 pound per feet, it's hard to say if that power is
sufficient for this kind of an SUV before this car is publicly released and
I can physically test drive it which I'm planning to review in the future however
I can confidently say the new 2020 GLE450 model is getting an excellent
engine and I don't need to test drive to prove it another very exciting news is
the new m256 engine inline six don't mistake
with v6 after 20 some years Mercedes is coming back with inline 6
engine and I'm very happy I love straight-6 engines so which engine is
better v6 or straight 6 let's take a look
which one is simple and reliable with no cylinder offset design which one needs
less parts for example only 2 camshafts not 4, which engine is more
balanced and revving is more silky steady and which one is more compact and
stiffer and more versatile as you can see I6 holds for three but v6 is
smaller and stiffer the thing is engineers are split 50-50 on which is
better but personally I like I6 because it's very easy to access very
easy to work on for example this one you can see cylinder first and six works in
unison also cylinder 2 and five work together and three and four very simple design
this will last forever I love straight-6 another huge
improvement of 2020 Mercedes GLE-class is the new 9-speed automatic
transmission 9g tronic which is replacing the previous 7g tronic
transmission that should improve the fuel efficiency and overall
ride Comfort. Optional fully variable 4matic all-wheel drive system
is available for the first time ever on the GLE, these four-wheel drive controls
the torque distribution between the front and rear axle anywhere from zero
to 100% depending on the selected driving mode greatly reduce the steering
oversteer or understeer I don't want to get too technical here so let's just say
the new GLE will offer you much better handling and performance than the
previous one here is another major feature that has never been available on
the gle class before basically it's a hydropneumatic suspension which is fully
automated actively preventing the body roll meaning you don't have to get
involved unless you want to the suspension is smart enough to control
the body level during driving especially when cornering driving on uneven
pavement or if you're just trying to prove how bad of a driver you are then
good luck so you can see if the suspension will rescue you! According to
Daimler engineers this is the only system in the market where the spring
and damping forces can be individually controlled at each wheel. E-Active body
control is optional and also provides a Free Driving Mode, which is now combined
with the revamped AIRMATIC air suspension and then add the road surface
scan, and the curve inclination feature and you will notice a big difference in
comfort of driving compared to the model without an e active body control free
driving mode is a brand new off-road feature if your 2020 GLE got
stuck in the sand or snow for example this feature can
help to free the vehicle believe it or not this new Mercedes model can actually
jump a little a few times which changes the ground pressure of the tires and
then improves traction and GLE then rocks itself free this new e active body
control also comes with the curve inclination feature it allows GLE to
lean into the road curves like a motorcycle this curve inclination leans
into bends in three stages with almost no centrifugal force if the GLE-Class
is equipped with stereo camera then the road surface scan will constantly scan
the road surface ahead of you and similarly to s-class will prepare the
suspension of GLE for the uneven road ahead to respond proactively by for
example stiffening each wheel independently. Furthermore it gets even more crazy you
can actually individually adjust the level at each wheel via the touchscreen
of the multimedia system that's very convenient especially if you are
off-roading and dealing with the ditches and all kinds of the uneven pavement
surprises e active body control has this newly advanced mercedes 48 volt
operating system and you can also add an optional adaptive damping system+
ADS Plus, to wrap up the suspension part I can assure you then it's way more
advanced then not only comparing the previous generation of GLE-Class but also
to all other 99% of the cars in the entire world. The word "active" means
autonomous but it's not hundred percent guaranteed to work so you better watch
out and always make sure you are in control of the car
don't make your car go wild on you the car can keep the distance from the car
in front of you even when you're stuck in traffic as the name of the feature
active stop and go assist refers it can actually stop and then go mimicking the
behavior of the font of you up to approximate speed of
37 miles per hour and once the traffic dissipates your car will be driving at
your preset speed and if you did not preset the speed, then it will be the
maximum allowed speed. Some other new features to mention is the new
energizing comfort feature which is similar to the most other newest
mercedes-benz models and also there is an ability to turn off the active
braking assist feature which I would not recommend unless there is some kind of
malfunction in your car
here's the question of the day what do you like or don't like about the new
2020 GLE-Class, please share your opinion in the comment section below
New Yamaha YZF-R125 Facelift 2019 | 新しいヤマハYZF-R125 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
Ngô Tấn Trường - Đò Sang Ngang (Võ Hoàng Lâm) - Duration: 4:50.
Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Parineeti Chopra | 29 September 2018 | 5:00 PM - Duration: 6:01.
Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Parineeti Chopra | 29 September 2018 | 5:00 PM
ASMR Eating "FRUITS JAM Compilation" Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 10:23.
ASMR Eating "FRUITS JAM Compilation" Challenge Mukbang Party
The Walking Dead | Saison 9 | Teaser #5 [HD /VOSTFR] - Duration: 0:43.
வரிசையாக மாணவர்களின் காலில் விழுந்து கதறிய ஆசிரியர் | Latest Tamil Seithigal - Duration: 1:39.
Breakfast Bagel Sliders - How To Make Sliders - Tasty Breakfast Sandwich Recipes - Duration: 6:19.
thank you stop my no hippie BBQ this is Lyle what I'm be doing in this video is
I'm gonna be making a recipe that I saw on Facebook these are gonna be breakfast
bagel sliders anyway it was one of those real quick how to make sliders
videos I figured I'd go ahead and give it a shot as far as my video goes
there's gonna be two steps in this process that I'm going to forego I'm not
gonna show you scrambling eggs or cooking the bacon I figure everybody out
there knows how to do that and if you don't leave it in the comments below and
I'll cook up a video on that the ingredients for this are very simple
let's get to it these are the ingredients we are going to be using for
these breakfast bagel sliders I'm going to be using about 10 eggs we have 10 of
these miniature bagels you can find these in your regular grocery store
about 10 slices of bacon some cheese we're gonna be topping it with some
poppy seeds but you could use some garlic you could use whatever you want
garden you know dried garlic onions things like that I'm gonna need some
butter we're gonna melt that the cream cheese I'm gonna kind of whip this up
and then slice these green onions very thinly and mix them with this cheese and
we're gonna be topping it with some tomato as far as the eggs though I am
gonna cook these eggs with a touch of heavy cream and we're gonna season it
with salt and pepper as needed we are baking cooked our egg cooked we have our
tomatoes sliced up our butters melted and I've sliced up this green onion and
added it to our cream cheese our next step is all we're gonna be doing the
spread and cream cheese on this bottom layer of bagels
okay now that we have that done just
gonna get a nice layer of these scrambled eggs on here and if some of
them fall in between that's fine
time to get our cheese on can't have too much cheese in this recipe and use this
whole bag
our bacon now I have my bacon cut up kind of they're not quite troubled
they're just little small slices I was good to go to me get our tomatoes
get our top son
I think this close enough I'm just gonna drizzle the top with a little bit of
this butter I could brush it on I just don't have a brush near me
and with our poppy seeds
now they're gonna go in the oven 350 degrees for 10 minutes they're looking
like coming right out of the oven I'm gonna go ahead and let these cool down
for about 5-10 minutes then we'll go ahead and plate some up sit done deal
let's get into it see if it was worth it
I'm glad I added that tomato to the breakfast bagels that was not part of the original recipe now as I
was making this I was thinking about a few different things or a few different
ways to make this I think I might have gone more with an omelet type of egg
instead of a scrambled egg on this so if I make this again that's gonna be one of
the changes that I make maybe even just go with like American cheese slices
instead of the trip shredded cheese I think American cheese will go really
good with this as well but hey this is a nice concept I think it's good to go
could take another bite in front of you guys but I'm just gonna thank you for
stopping by little hippie BBQ comment subscribe know I'm out bagel breakfast sliders delish
PL- Jak naprawić Internet Explorer nie może wyświetlić błędu strony. - Duration: 2:48.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. If you're successfully connected to the Internet, but cannot view any web pages in Internet Explorer
use one of the following troubleshooting procedures, as appropriate for your operating system,
Delete your browser history. Start Internet Explorer.
Press Alt to show the menu bar. On the Tools menu, click Internet options. Under Browsing history, click Delete.
Select all the check boxes, and then tap or click Delete. Tap or click Exit, and then restart Internet Explorer.
Disable add-ons in Internet Explorer. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs.
Click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
To disable add-ons in Add-on Manager. Open Internet Explorer. Click the Tools button, and then click Manage add-ons.
Under Show, click All Add-ons. Click the add-on you want to disable, and then
click Disable. click Close. Reset Internet Explorer.
Start Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.
In the Internet Explorer Default Settings dialog box, click Reset. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box,
click Reset. Click Close and then click OK two times. Exit and then restart Internet Explorer.
The changes take effect the next time that you open Internet Explorer. Check whether a third-party service ,or program ,
is conflicting with Internet Explorer. Click Start, type msconfig in the search box,
and then click the displayed System Configuration icon. Click the Services tab and check the box beside
hide all Microsoft services, and then click Disable all. Next, click the Startup tab.
Click Disable all in the bottom right and then click OK. You will be prompted to reboot your computer.
Try disabling the PreBinding feature To modify the EnablePreBinding registry value, follow these steps:
Open Registry Editor. To do this, type regeditin the Start Search box, and then select regeditin the Programs list.
Locate and then select the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Locate the EnablePreBinding value, if the value doesn't exist,
select the Edit menu, point to New, and then select DWORD Value . Type EnablePreBinding, and then press Enter.
On the Edit menu, select Modify. Type 0, and then select OK.
Restore your PC to an earlier point in time. If you think an app or driver that you recently installed caused problems with your PC,
you can restore it back to an earlier point in time, Open System Restore by clicking the Start button.
In the search box, type System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
Telfet Li Rayi Live Remix Toop | تلفتلي رايييي ريمكس روعة - Duration: 11:06.
Xuất Hiện Bệnh Lạ Trên Mít Thái Siêu Sớm.Bệnh LÉP MÚI | MTPL - Duration: 11:40.
Phim chiếu rạp - Diệt Ma Đặc Cảnh || Phim Mới Cực Hay 2018 - Duration: 1:27:19.
Homescapes Level 1053 - How to complete Level 1053 on Homescapes - Duration: 4:50.
"Homescapes game"
"Homescapes gameplay"
Leverkusen vs Dortmund - 23h30 on 29/9/2018 | Round of 6 Bundesliga - Duration: 3:18.
Grande Fratello Vip, Lisa Fusco prima possibile eliminata per le bimbe di Giulia De Lellis - Duration: 3:35.
GK _ 3 τρόποι για να διορθώσετε το αρχείο DLL MSVCP120 που λείπει Το μήνυμα λάθους των Windows - Duration: 1:47.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. When launching un application on a Windows system,
you may get the following Windows Error Message, Missing MSVCP120.dll File.
I would like you to know that. msvcp120.dll is a part of Microsoft Visual C++. and is often required for running programs
developed with Visual C++. Some games or applications may need the file, in the game or application installation folder.
Copying it from Windows system folder to, the install folder of the game or application should fix that problem.
Make sure to use the 32 bit dll file for 32-bit software, and 64 bit dll file for 64 bit software. If it for some reason doesn't work by just
replacing the file, you might need to re-install the Microsoft visual C++ Redistributable package which can be found in
Microsoft website. if using a 64 bit Windows, install both versions. I will provide you with the link in video description area.
Also You can try to repair Microsoft Visual C++. through control panel, install program, change, repair.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
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