Inspiring Clive and Jeanne's House Designed in 2015 by JOMA Architecture
For more infomation >> Inspiring Clive and Jeanne's House Designed in 2015 by JOMA Architecture - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
In the Middle of UN Meetings, Trump Finds Time To Go Above and Beyond for 100-Year-Old Marine Vet - Duration: 3:45.
Kavanaugh Friend Mark Judge Breaks Silence on FBI Investigation - Duration: 3:39.
Stock Market News – Sept 24-28, 2018 - S&P -.54%, DOW -1.07%, NAS .74%, RUS -.92%, FI .52% - Duration: 24:07.
hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel my
name is Brent and today we're going to be doing our stock market weekly recap
for September 24th through the 28th we're gonna be going over some articles
I shared over on my Facebook page go over last week's changes for the week go
over this week's four indexes you know the changes whether they gained or lost
my portfolio whether it went up or down take a look at some stock futures stocks
that have been active here in the after-hours then begin going for stocks
that run the media headlines every day of the week and in it with some
financials you know there's a couple I believe it's a lawsuit we'll go over the
article there and then end it talking about some oil silver gold bonds and our
rates so let's go ahead and get started so this week I released an article on
Monday on my website if you want to check it out head over to the financial
- investor calm I also made a video dividend stocks to buy in next week on
x-division so best dividend stocks ago and ex-dividend october 1st through the
5th I went over five of them there two of
them them two of them had been paying out dividends for 10 or more years one
of them I believe had 40 years behind them of just growing their dividend JP
Morgan was there in the mix and you're buying it at a better discount right now
as they have gone down this week Apple and Salesforce up CRM their oil content
continuing to trend higher as sanctions are kind of backfiring rates got raised
up on Wednesday I ordered a new book I ran into a real estate investor and I
was doing a walk around on a property I was taking a look ran into another
investor they recommended two books to me one of them was becoming your own
banker this is covering whole whole life insurance how you can lend yourself
money I believe so I ordered the book I want to read a little bit more into this
I think it's interesting to kind of grow outside of my own expertise SEC came out
on Thursday charging Elon Musk with fraud his stock tanked 6% but it
actually fell I believe like 18% I think we're going to be covering that here in
just a minute yeah we are my tabs Facebook announced Friday they
were hacked up to 15 million users were affected and one kind of acting up I
wish I had market gains of 6,000 on my m1 account because that would mean that
I basically doubled my portfolio there but nope did not double double up and
then this week's change as far as my portfolio it goes I've moved up point
five two percent and then some of the other indexes we'll take a look at and I
also made a couple purchases and those stocks paid me out this week I made a
little over a dollar and ninety and some change there a dollar ninety two so that
is what I posted over on Facebook so taking a look at last week's changes for
the week the stock market last week S&P 500 had moved up point eight five
percent the Dow Jones was the leader last week having gained two point two
five percent I know my wife's Roth IRA that was the big winner last week in our
portfolio my IRA with Apple Apple did you know get a hit of two percent some
change they did recover this week up three percent I believe they're on my
list to talk about as well and Russell last week went down point five five
percent Nasdaq also got hit down point two nine percent and then my portfolio
was like almost barely any change there but I did go down point zero six percent
last week so this week taking a look here at the S&P 500 they continue to
move down slower you know they traded up very nicely last week 0.85 percent this
week they are cooling off a little bit there was a little bit more in there you
know interest rates raised and you can see the huge change there between their
highs and their lows there on Wednesday after the Fed rates the rates so they
did go lower this week down point 5 4% Dow Jones they made they were the winner
last week this week down 1.0 7% two out of the five days here in the positive
here today up 7.0 4% Nasdaq up 0.74% this week toward of the five days
positive up sixteen point five six percent year-to-date one of our winners
and then the Russell 2000 down point nine two percent this week again so last
week they didn't do so well down point five five now
Zek also down 2.29 but nasa is our winner this week up 0.74% whereas this
week's loser is the Dow Jones that's kind of expected you know we had a lot
of stocks recover quite a bit last week financials were in last week's recovery
as well so that really helped them out currently stock futures are looking
positive but this can change at any moment
over any sort of social media tweet or announcement
you know tariff talk could bring the markets down on Monday and I always
think that's a little bit interesting I think I share this over on Facebook with
my facebook subscribers or those that like to follow the page now I put out a
little snippet here the best day of the week to buy into the stock market is on
a Monday you know overall market market blues is sort of like a thing that
happens and one of the best days to buy is on a Monday so I thought that was
really interesting kind of share that off so some of the stocks this is the
after-hours screener some of the most active stocks here in the after hours
generally electric coming off those lows I don't know if they'll hit $10 but I
know a lot of investors I don't know why they want to talk about this one I think
it's been beat into the dirt but they want to buy it at 10 bucks over in the
Facebook career so I think it's interesting I think there's much better
investments out there but Apple JP Morgan Siri
series coming up bouncing back up they did take a hit this week we'll talk
about them as well as they're trying about Pandora Facebook of course taking
a hit continue to trend down lower Johnson to Johnson Cisco and their Wells
Fargo Comcast's so yeah there's a lot of big names in there are some financials
some tech stocks and they're pretty impede being pretty active here in the
after-hours so first off we'll go to be discussing is Comcast on Monday their
stock sold off roughly 6% this is all dude because they won the bidding bet
for taking over the British broadcaster sky beating out Century Fox the whole
deal is expected to be right around thirty eight point eight billion dollars
so this trove they're stuck there our money whatever they any company acquires
another company they're taking on more debt such as when AT&T took over Time
Warner that drove the stock down into that twenty nine twenty
so they are recovered now but this normally happens with acquisitions as
they're trying to calculate how much more debt they're going to be taking in
so SiriusXM also made an announcement they're going to be trying to buy panto
order for around 3.5 billion dollars if this deal goes through that would mean
that Pandorum would be price so there are currently trading at 950 won with
the whole pricing of it all of 3.5 billion this would make their value
around 10 dollars and 14 cents per share so on the announcement this Tharks did
shoot up high off the announcement but actually trended lower lower lower
ending down one point two one percent you can see that Siri ended at nearly a
nine point five percent loss this week whereas pandora being the buyout is that
four point six percent so if you know of a company gonna get bought up such as a
small pharmaceutical technological technology company that you believe may
get bought out by a bigger one and consumed it may be good you know by and
for the consumption but on Tuesday Intel got downgraded it fell two point one
three percent this is all due to an analyst you know decrease in their
recommendation their price target all due to the chip manufacturing process I
know me and a friend at work we're talking about Intel AMD Nvidia he's in
the video shareholder and I believe he got some good gains this week but trying
to discuss in those was interesting they did get downgraded and because of that
but they did recover here towards the end of the week Friday up three point
ten percent given them five-day change up one point three five so if you were
to buy intel on that dip on Tuesday and Wednesday you would have got a really
good opportunity I think and tell is a great stock it hasn't got a lot of
movement this way this year but within the last year they have done a pretty
good job up 25 percent here year in the year change so I was in the stock I was
actually a shareholder between July and around January February timeframe when I
sold this one off but you can see that it had a lot of momentum going from
January until kind of peaking here in May so interesting one there to watch
that is training higher on their hives right now a square Inc ticker symbol sq
this stock here on Tuesday again talking about Tuesday they blasted off ten point
eight two percent as analysts raise their price target for the stock of a
hundred and twenty five dollars so big change their five-day change up sixteen
point zero seven percent now on Wednesday Fed came out raised their
rates by a quarter percent this affected REITs and utilities so here we're gonna
be covering a few REITs Main Street capital so we're gonna be covering some
stocks here that are pretty popular in the you know REIT function I know a lot
of investors like to look at rate so Main Street capital is one of those ones
that a lot of investors like to take a look at so Main Street capital rates
came out after you know towards the end of the day on Wednesday but I think
going into rates going up people were already settling out of their reap
positions because they knew by the end of the week this you know REITs as a
whole would be trending lower so Main Street capital down 2.2 1% WP Carey I'm
a shareholder of this one with them I all it's my wife's Roth IRA this one
trended down to point two two percent as well it's going ex-dividend they raised
hurt their dividend payout by just a very small fraction there they went from
one dollar and two cents to a dollar in two cents and a half a cent there so not
a big huge race but it is a raise nonetheless KB Homes ticker symbol kbh
on Wednesday came out with their earnings report their earnings did beat
expectations and initially you can see here in the early morning and the after
hour sure their company did trend up very high on the announcement but the
trend down back lower due to their revenue come in lower than expected in
projections going lower so you can see here shot up extremely high I'm not even
sure without going over to Google and taking a look at the week change how
much of a percent change they actually made there in the early mornings of
Wednesday big movement on the up and then huge downside so Wednesday lost
three point zero eight percent this week closing
down 5.75% ins KB Homes now REIT wise ETF's tech check out xlr8 if you are
interested in rita if this is a real estate select sector SPDR fun this one
this if your kind of track in all sorts of different REITs here has SPG AMT CCI
and a few others there as well so not only just it has a variety of not only
residential as commercial as storage and along with other information items there
so five-day change down point one six three percent this week home builders I
would like to kind of discuss REITs along with home builders so home
builders on the announcement with rising rates that just makes it more expensive
for new house construction you know construction
I know loans I just went to a real estate meet up on Friday tonight I was
talking to another investor he's going through a refi right now he's getting a
rate right now of around six percent so he's going out there looking to check
out different rates I know I was quoted about a five point three one five
percent rate so a six percent rate is extremely low
he'll have to shop around and I'll have to renew rates after Wednesday I have it
looked at rates as far as my credit union rates changes for the week after
the hikes but that will be something I will be definitely checking out so let's
go check out Apple Apple on Thursday was upgraded by JP Morgan ending up 2.06
percent on the day so currently Apple is sitting near all-time highs you can see
it's currently trading at 225 seventy for the highs for Apple was two twenty
nine point six seven so very high here today up thirty three point three nine
percent great stock to hold long term there disclaimer I'm a shareholder of
course so my IRA is mainly just Apple Tesla
Tesla on the news on Thursday after hours SEC came out suing Tesla after his
tweet the shares plummeted thirteen point
9 1% anding 5 day change down 11.4 8% this puts Tesla and you know what if
it's worse losses in a single day in quite a while so SEC came out officially
charging Elon Musk with fraud and looking to remove him from the CEO
overall over at his company so shares fell by a nice 14 percent there so we'll
kind of see I've read a little bit about this like you know his um his remark is
his comeback I know that he initially said that he thought funding was secured
by an overseas source and that's why he made the announcement and I'm still kind
of reading into it I haven't read into it his remarks yep but I thought it was
interesting this article here coming out on September 20th which is Friday so
Fridays and used antitrust lawsuit against big Wall Street banks gets
approval so an antitrust lawsuit filed to get six major banks the Goldman Sachs
JP Morgan bank of America crazy Suzie Group Morgan Stanley and the UBS group
on August 20 August 2017 received a US District Judge approval on Thursday the
lawsuit alleges that the banks of jointly manipulating competitive
scenario in the stock lending market since 2009 let me go ahead and zoom in I
know you guys on your mobile devices hopefully the rest of everything else
has been pretty well zoomed in and able to be seen there we are so you can go
ahead and pause the video I will have this link in the description below just
in case you guys are not aware of the lawsuit currently going on with the big
financials if you take a look at any of your financial stocks they're probably
down this week such as JP Morgan down five-day change 4.25%
I know I talked about this one on my stocks to buy going next ebon in next
week this could be a great opportunity this one went down 4.25 percent up
year-to-date at five point four two they were up at a point of nearly 10 percent
year-to-date this news of a lawsuit coming out could be work in your favor
especially if you're a long-term investor looking for a deal check out JP
Morgan Goldman Sachs also down four point seven
you're today down you know nearly 12% you're getting financials a huge
discount especially with raising rates by the same time who wants to borrow
money if rates are going higher that works out in the in the banks favor
because rates go higher they can loan money out it has to pay more money to
these banks but if nobody wants a loan nobody wants to refinance because they
locked in these you know 3% 4% rates nobody wants to go out there refinance
to a 5% rate 6% rate so no one's going out there and doing lend borrowing
that's gonna hurt the financials even more so something to kind of think about
Citigroup down 3.25% morgan stanley huge loss there are 5.75 here today I believe
Morgan Stanley is one of the ones that is the leader as far as the lose nope
goldman sachs action there so as far as financials go i normally track JP Morgan
Goldman Sachs Citibank and Morgan Stanley if you're looking to get into
the financial but don't want to buy specific stock you guys can check out
ticker symbol X out left this is the financial sector select fun ETF there
this is down four point zero four percent but you're when you're buying
into this fund you are getting a mixture of banks here from Berkshire Hathaway JP
Morgan Bank of America Wells Fargo Citigroup UBS beat Goldman Sachs and so
on so you do get a range of financial institutions here within this ETF if you
guys are interesting to check on that out so oil prices did go higher in the
end of September so this week as you know sanctions against Iran kind of
backfired pushing oil prices up this week so up 2% on Monday as the markets
tightened around Washington news of sanctions against Iran they could see
barrels going up to $100 a barrel that's you know 100 bucks I know we were just
talking about $70 a barrel not too long ago so to $100 a barrel that's gonna be
driving it up all this news here let me go ahead and zoom in I'm not gonna cut
you know read through every single snippet just this week our sanctions
against Iran sort of backfired on us we wanted the other countries to kind of
increase their oil supply to kind of keep prices low nobody did that oil
prices you know kind of backfired on us as
short supply that means supply and demand so oil jumping up five-day change
up 3.7 4% year today oil was up twenty nine point two three percent this year
so an amazing gain there US dollar this week started off here at ninety four
dollars and twenty three cents it did climb this week as financials rate you
know and interest rates are rising dollar getting a little stronger that's
gonna hurt them I don't know why it would hurt the bank's there maybe this
could also be kind of hurting the banks as well looks like dollar closed they're
at ninety five dollars and thirteen cents silver and gold now this is kind
of funny dollar rose generally when you see the dollar getting stronger you do
see silver and gold go down as well so I look at this jump right here on Friday
Friday silver jumped two point four six percent I know a lot of investors are
out there trying to hedge their you know buying bonds buying silver buying gold I
think it's interesting I follow a lot of facebook groups I follow a lot of other
channels and whatever was trying to do and kind of hedge themselves in the
market and as silver broke that fourteen dollar threshold people begin to take a
look at it and say how much further can silver really fall how much further can
gold you know gold your other thing you know I've seen that price of gold I
believe I don't know where the actual physical limits at but I know as far as
silver goes people are a little bit more they feel a bit more secure to buy
silver versus gold so silver up to point one six percent this week gold down
0.64% bonds if you guys want to you know I've seen a lot of investors in the
groups talk about bonds what bonds would you recommend one if you want to take a
look is ticker symbol B and D this is a Vanguard total bond index fund this one
and you know slightly up here 0.13% another one to check out its ticker
symbol VTE B this is the Vanguard tax-exempt bond if you guys want to
check that out as well this one is down slightly point zero four percent this
week it's going ex-dividend on October first which is Monday so
interesting one right there I believe the VTB has a higher yield
than the BND we can actually head over to Google
right now and just check that out so the TEB I should tell me the percentage
there okay no so dividend yield on the BTB fund is one point four eight whereas
the BND fund it has more something in the two percent range so yeah two point
seven percent I know a lot of people they're trying to look where they can
kind of stash their money a little bit those with a hundred thousand two
hundred thousand dollars accounts they're trying to you know money is king
so they're trying to put a little bit of money into high-yield savings account
I know Goldman Sachs that markets account has a 1.9 percent high-yield
savings account right now but BNZ can also be a nice hedge giving you a
dividend yield of two point seven percent and this one doesn't really
change too much you can see here just within the year it looks kind of crazy
but if you actually take a look at how much they've actually lost its only
three percent four percent down with that dividend yield you may have gone
down slightly you would have still been in the market collecting some money you
know it just depends when you're buying points our bonds have been kind of
trending down slightly as rates have been going higher so that is it and of
course you okay did hike their interest rate for the low for the second time
within the decade here prime rates crept up from 5% to now five point two five
short-term rates I believe are slightly higher than the long-term rates so not a
hundred percent sure on their I haven't checked what the financials normally
like to talk to my mortgage broker you know the mortgage broker and the credit
union to kind of check out hey how a rates doing right now
credit unions generally have a different rate that they loan out then say JP
Morgan or the other big financials so if you guys are doing refinances check out
your local credit unions if you get hit with the credit check go through
multiple places because you know depending on who they're running their
credit through you won't get docked within the same month if you do credit
checks on multiple locations so if you're going to JP Morgan Wells Fargo
we're going to credit union your local portfolio lenders and just ask them who
running their credit through and check that out so that is it for this week
hopefully you guys did enjoy it again this week's changes for the week we had
the S&P 500 let's go over here Dan 0.54% we had the Dow Jones down 1.07 percent
this week because their gain last week then as that kind of recovered from last
week's losses at 0.7 for the Russell 2000 down 0.92 percent and then my
portfolio change was point five 2% this week mainly helped out by Apple due to
last week's loss they did recover some 3% this week after being upgraded
so very nice gain they're kind of balanced out everything else out so that
is it this week thank you guys for tuning in if you did like this video
remember to give it a thumbs up button below if you're brand new to the channel
hit the subscribe button I highly appreciate it if you have anything at
all - let me know in the comment section below leave me a comment I like reading
your goodness comments if there's something I can do to improve this video
let me know in the comment section below especially if you give any thumbs down a
saga thumbs down last week if there's anything you guys would like to see in
these videos or have done let me know in the comment section I appreciate it and
that's it thank you guys for tuning in I will see you next time and of course as
a quick disclaimer I am NOT a financial advisor or any sort of tax professional
you know fiduciary sorts I'm just a financial investor myself trying to look
take a look at the market look for good deals take a look at what's happening on
the market trying to have other investors make you know keep informed of
information so that is it thank you guys for tuning in I will see you next time
have a great day bye
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Huckabee Calls Out Shameless 'Sgt. Stolen Valor' Senator in Midst of Kavanaugh Hearing - Duration: 4:05.
White House Orders FBI Investigation, Releases Statement from Kavanaugh - Duration: 4:37.
LE CV - ANTHONY - Duration: 5:22.
Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy –By Natural Health Care - Duration: 2:46.
"Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation,
where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom."
This meaningful quote by Harriette Hartigan eloquently summarizes the beauty of being pregnant.
Pregnancy brings a new meaning to your life and the feeling of carrying a little soul within you is magnificent.
During pregnancy, your every decision will impact your physical and emotional well-being as well as the baby growing inside you.
This is the time when you need to take care of yourself, and you need the support of your partner and other close friends and relatives.
More importantly, you need the guidance of an experienced doctor. Choose a doctor who will be able to assist you
guide you and help build your confidence for pregnancy and childbirth.
Also, read books, attend pregnancy classes and watch videos about pregnancy and childbirth
There are many things that can help you enjoy a problem-free pregnancy and enter motherhood with new confidence.
Here are the top 5 tips for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
1. Opt for a Balanced Diet
The foods you eat during pregnancy have a direct influence on the health of the unborn baby.
According to experts, a healthy diet is a must during pregnancy.
A healthy diet supports normal birth-weight, improves fetal brain development and lowers the risk of many birth defects.
2. Take Necessary Supplements
To fulfill a pregnant body's need for nutrients, you also need to take some supplements
You can take iron or folic acid supplements separately or opt for prenatal vitamins.
3. Avoid Certain Foods
To protect yourself and your unborn baby from bacteria or parasitic infections, you need to avoid certain foods.
The hormonal changes in the body cause food cravings, but you need to be sure about what you are eating.
4. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise during pregnancy ensures proper health of the mother as well as the newborn
Exercise helps alleviate many common pregnancy problems, such as constipation, leg cramps,
swelling of the ankles, back pain and poor sleep.
5. Do Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises are great for strengthening the muscles that support your bladder
vagina and back passage. This in turn can aid in smooth delivery and quick recovery after birth. It also helps prevent urinary incontinence.
Some important updates | Corrections in Textbook Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus - Duration: 4:16.
Some important updates | Corrections in Textbook Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus
Unboxing Kinder Joy Indonesia - likes to get Princess - Duration: 7:50.
Unboxing Kinder Joy Indonesia (Girl and Boy), what's the difference?
Hi friends, see you again at Raisha Kids Channel
I have kinder joy surprise eggs
How many?
Do you want to know what kind of joy toys these kids have?
The toy ...? we see (open kinder joy) first ...
What's the difference between the kinder joy of women and men?
Unboxing the first kind of joy girl ...
Ohhh .... (can) disney princess toys ...
What is Raisha's toy?
Princess ...
This can be opened (princess's dress), dad ...
There is a hole too ... very beautiful ...
This is how to install it, yeah ...
kinder joy surprise eggs disney princess ...
Where's the shoe? Why isn't it?
Now open the second female kinder joy ...
Men ... kinder joy men ... the princes ...
Open the first unboxing kinder joy boy ...
What are these contents, friends?
Geez ... what's the contents especially this?
Small teapots ... currrrrrrr ...
fill the kids toys kinder joy surprise eggs for boys these are insects (spiders), raisha ...
For the gift of this male kinder joy toy, spiders, friends
Will the princess be afraid later?
Bitten by a spider, want it?
I'm a princess ... my house is far away, yeah ...
this is the spider kinder joy gift ...
This is the profit of friends ...
Disney Princess ...
What is Raisha?
(Disney) Princess ...
Later, this girl's kinder joy toy can be a witch ...
Which one first?
The kinder joy for girls (girls) first ... witch ...
This is kinder joy surprise eggs for boys (boy) ...
(the third unboxing kinder joy Indonesia) what men are women?
Oh ... forget ...
review of the third unboxing kinder joy Indonesia .... female kinder joy
What's the contents?
If this kind of joy is male, there will be a prince's toy ...
Wahhh ... kinder joy surprise eggs disney mini mouse (not mickie mouse) ...
This is a sticker ...
Like this, yeah ... stickers ...
What is the third Raisha (review of unboxing kinder joy Indonesia)? what picture?
This is the gift of a kinder joy child toy, Disney Mini Mouse, friends ...
Isn't it funny?
your chest ... see you later
There is still one more Raisha (Unboxing Kinder Joy Indonesia) ...
The only prince (second kinder joy for boys) ...
What prince isn't it ... try opening it? here...
Fourth (unboxing kinder joy Indonesia) is the kinder joy of men ... what is the prince, isn't it?
What is Raisha?
Toys ... hmmmm ...
This should be like this ... how to install it ...
What is the sticker ni raisha? It looks like the picture is scary?
The fourth is robot friends ... like hippo animals ...
What is that picture?
Is it installed?
Like seventeen August ...
But I can't ...
Perhaps not?
Well ... you can ...
What is that, Raisha?
This is the name (toy kid kinder joy surprise) hippopotamus ...
Raisha, what kind of toy is the kinder joy surprise eggs?
One two three...
What is this one?
The one disney mini mouse ... the one hippopotamus ... the one ... He ... fly ...
Spider... ... spiders ...
This is disney princess ...
Kinder joy girl (female)
This is Disney Princess ... this is Disney Mini Mouse (not a mickie mouse) ...
Kinder Joy Boy (male)
This one hippopotamus ... and this one is a spider ...
Raisha likes which one?
I like princess ... like mini mouse ... like hippos ... like spiders ...
Yes ...
Get here first ...
See our other videos (Raisha kids channel) ...
Don't forget to subscribe ... like ... and comment ... and share ... thank you ... Dadaaaaa ...
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In the foggy pre-dawn hours We will leave the sleeping city
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You'll find out that here it's possible Not to think of separation
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Pink Flamingo - The Child of the Sunset
Pink flamingo Once danced here
Maybe in the past life I can't remember
Think positive I can fulfill this
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Can't you see, you and me Do not cast shadows
This is the realm of ghosts
It is true that it is possible Not to think of separation here.
And not tremble anxiously And not suffer from boredom
And not think of reckoning, Not play and remove the mask
We found love and affection
Pink flamingo The child of the sunset
Pink flamingo Once danced here
Maybe in the past life I can't remember
Think positive I can fulfill this
Think positive
Only about good things
Only about good things
Pink flamingo The child of the sunset
Pink flamingo Once danced here
Maybe in the past life I can't remember
Think positive I can fulfill this
Think of the good things I can fulfil this
Think of the good things
I can fulfil it
Only about the good things
I can fulfil it
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