SPEAKER: Form data.
The one important thing to note here is with Google Sheets,
with Google Forms, there are dozens of ways
to do the same exact task.
Best way-- that's why we're going to cover more
some of the best practices.
We're going to cover three main things here.
One, how not to work with your main source of data,
how it's always good to work with a secondary source
of data.
And then we're going to get into how you can actually
manage that data and things you can do with it.
And finally, if you have questions, go ahead.
That's what this Zoom is really about.
If you have any questions on the basics,
I will be glad to point you in the right direction.
So with that said, we're just going
to pop onto a quick screen share.
And we are going to show you a results screen
that I have here.
So this is a spreadsheet that was fed from a simple form.
And if you go into Form, and Edit Form,
it'll show you your edit view of that form that you've created.
You can also go in, in your spreadsheet,
to Form and Live Form.
And you'll see what someone who you send this form,
or someone who will be filling this form out themselves,
would see.
One thing to note here on the top.
It's always good, when you're working with forms,
to take a preview of the form before you send it out.
This section right here, "your email address
will be recorded when you submit this form,"
this is only valid when you're sending
the form to CES colleagues.
And on the form itself, you've restricted that form
to only people within co-operative extension.
And you're collecting their email addresses and all
that additional information.
So we've done this.
We have our form data.
I'm going to close out of these forms
and go to our actual responses, as you can see here.
By default, we're going to get our timestamp.
This one's set up to capture our email address.
It pulls the title, the description,
and I do want to point out the session length here.
You'll see in the form itself, if we go back
to that live form for a moment, we
have this form set up so that you can actually
have more than one choice for what your session length is.
So if you just select 15 minutes, for example--
and let's call this our Test Tech Proposal.
And we just put whatever in there for description.
If we just go with 15 minutes, and we hit Submit,
you'll see that we just have that one
value, that 15 minute value.
If we go back and submit another proposal--
once again, I'm very descriptive in my description.
And here we're just going to select 30 and 45
minutes and hit Submit.
You'll see that it puts it in with the two values here.
It's a simple form, straightforward.
When it creates the form, by default
it's going to name it Form Response 1 and 2.
It's going to give that little icon,
showing that this is from a form that was information
being submitted or recorded.
Now, best practice number one, you can go in here,
and you can edit and change these, and change the values.
And you could add additional information here,
if you wanted to, on this primary screen.
However, that said, I really don't suggest that.
For best practice, that's really not a good habit to get into.
It's better to work with a secondary sheet.
And what I mean by that is, create a new sheet
in your Google Sheets specifically
to store that data.
To do that, we're going to click on the plus mark.
And we're just going to do a quick and simple formula
to pull that data in.
So equal starts a formula.
We know we want it from Form Responses 1.
So we can click on that.
And then we can actually select the columns
that we want to include.
So we're going to select these four, five
columns, and then hit Enter.
And see that we're having problems.
Now, the nice thing here is when that does happen,
it's going to tell us where our issue is.
And now we get to see what Tony did wrong.
And yes, we do things wrong here as well, on occasion.
And it's not working for me right now.
So when that does happen--
and it will happen sometimes in Google.
You're not doing something the way you normally do.
You go to a backup or your standby.
For me, normally when I pull form data in,
instead I go and I use a query formula.
So what a query formula does is it says,
hey, I want to pull data.
I want to query this sheet.
So in this instance, it's that same first one there.
And we're just specifying here and querying data
from that sheet.
I'm questioning data, or pulling information,
from Form Responses 1, and in columns A,B, C, D, and E.
That's my data source.
That's where I'm pulling my information from.
Next is, what am I actually asking for?
So I want to select data.
And it's going to use the term Select.
And I'm going to put in C, D, and E. And when I do that--
and you see onscreen here--
it's pulling all that information in.
I have my values.
And they're going to be identical to what I have here.
Now, here's a quick one for you.
Does anyone note something kind of missing here?
You see here on these values, on column E, on a couple of these,
it's not showing up.
Well, this is an important thing when you're
working with your form data.
By default, what Google's going to do is, if it sees a value
that it thinks it's a number, it's
going to assign it a format of being a number.
And that's what we're seeing here is Google's taking
our original data, our session length, and said,
hey, these are numerical values.
Well, because of that, it doesn't
know what to do with our multiple responses
here, where we have our 15 and 30
minute, our 15, 30, and 45 minute,
or 30 and 45 minute times.
So how do we fix this?
What we do is we tell Google, hey, let's make this column--
we want to treat this not as a numeric value.
Let's treat this as regular text.
It's plain text.
And once we've done that, it'll change the way
it displays it onscreen.
And then when we go back to our main,
you can see here now, that it actually
is pulling those values in correctly.
So that's the first tip.
When you're using your form in Google,
recognize that any time you use a number,
Google's going to assume that if there's a bunch of numbers
in that column, it's going to automatically assume
that you're dealing with numerical values
that you're going to end up trying to do math on,
either adding them or subtracting, multiplication,
division, simple math on.
So if you're not doing that, if you're not using them
as regular numbers for computational purposes,
set them so that they're read as data--
pardon me, as text data.
So once again, for that you go to Format
after you selected your column.
You go to Number, and you select Plaintext.
So Format, Number, Plaintext.
Now, back to our formula up here that we used.
So this query formula allows us to just select
individual columns as well.
The important thing here is this first part,
this first section over here.
You need to make sure that when you're using that, when you're
doing things with that first section,
that you actually have the right area, so the right data set.
So if you're going to query all your form data at some point,
you need to have all those values here.
Now, here's the important part.
If you're not going to be displaying anything here--
let's say that when you're actually selecting your data,
you're only going to display column A. So in order
to do that, let's say that I go here
and I choose have column A. You see
it's doing my timestamps, which is what I want.
That's fine.
But I still want to include my full data set.
And this is why--
let's say that I'm selecting column A.
But I want to select it, column A, where that column E--
which is if I go back here quick,
you can see that's our session length.
Well, let's say I want to do it where column E contains 45.
Remember, this is treating this as text.
So you do have to put quotations there.
So now, what it's going to do, it's
going to list these time values where I have 45
minutes selected for column E.
Well, with just column E there, it doesn't really
make a lot of sense.
So let me actually add column B and column C there.
So now we're pulling in our timestamp.
We're going to pull in our email address.
We're going to pull in our proposal title.
So using this, I mentioned earlier
that having that section there was important.
So what's the overall objective?
Are you merging sheets?
Right now, no.
We're showing-- we're taking our main data.
So we're taking our form response data.
And we're making sure that we're not
using it in that initial Form Response tab.
We're showing one way where you can pull that data in and start
manipulating it, start working with it,
so that you can actually pull some good information out
of it.
So from this first sheet here, this main form response data,
one thing we can do is, let's say we just
wanted to grab people's email address and the proposal name,
just so we can have a quick way to see what that was.
Well, we can just do that by changing our query.
So here we're just doing columns B and C. So right now,
I have a list of anything where it's 45 minutes.
So I do B, C, and E and just hit Enter there.
You see how it's pulling in those sessions that
include 45 minutes.
Once again, here is our full data.
Here's just those 45 minute long sessions.
So this is one way you can start filtering and working
with that data.
So where this would be important--
I'm just going to copy this formula for a moment.
Let's say now that I want to have a new sheet here.
I'm going to name this sheet to 15 Minute Sessions.
I can paste that formula in, change this to 15 minutes,
and now, it should be the proposals
and the email addresses of the proposers
who are capable of doing a 15 minute long session.
So by adding additional sheets, I'm not working here,
I'm not working with the initial data that gets
submitted to me by the form.
But instead I'm creating additional sheets
for each of those values that I'm trying to filter against.
And yes, there are filter tools available.
But learning to use the query here
allows you to start doing some really neat things.
So I can go, where E contains 15.
And I can go with B contains [? Wecker, ?] as an example.
And now I just have any submissions
from [? Megan ?] that came through.
So learning to use these queries is a really important way
to get some more advanced use out
of your Google Form results.
Now, I want to go back to my main form here.
I'm going to go back to having all my values here,
so A, B, C, D, and E. I'm not going to eliminate by anything.
And I'm just going to show those values that we have.
So now we have our Timestamp, Email, Proposal Description,
Session, and Proposal ID.
Now, in essence, we're just taking all the information
that we have in our form responses,
and just by using this basic query where
we're querying this primary sheet
and selecting all the columns, we're
displaying all the information here.
Now, if you want to get a little more advanced, instead of just
showing it in the sheet, let's say
that you're running a program where
the query is, you have all the data that you've created.
But you want to go ahead, and you only
want to share some of that information on someone.
You want to share that with a volunteer.
You want to share that with someone that
doesn't need to see all the main data, all
the main sheet, the demo session proposal data here.
So let's say you just want to share with someone these 15
minute sessions.
Well, there's another-- there's a couple of ways to do that.
The one that I like doing best, it's called Import Range.
And what that does is you tell--
OK, simple question.
How do you get the separate response sheet?
[? Aaron, ?] do you mean this one that I have open right now?
Or do you mean this form responses here?
So if you're talking about that, for the form responses here,
I'm going to go and just show you with a quick Google Form.
When you have your responses, you
click on this Create Spreadsheet button.
And when you create that, it allows
you to create a spreadsheet to save those responses.
So I have my spreadsheet here.
I'm going to copy the address of this one.
And what I'm going to do is, I'm going to create
a new spreadsheet here.
And the way I'm going to do that is,
I'm going to use that Import Data--
oh, pardon me, Import Range--
So as I start typing things in here,
it's going to tell me what I'm looking at.
So it's going to give me hints on how to proceed.
So I want to go and Import Range.
It's going to ask for the spreadsheet URL.
So I'm going to put the spreadsheet URL in here.
And now, it's asking me for the range.
Well, I just created that new sheet.
So I'm just going to go back and copy this.
So I'm copying that 15 minute sessions.
And I'm going to make that 15 Minute [? Sessions! ?]
The exclamation point is to separate the sheet
name from the data range I'm working with.
So 15 minute sessions, and we're going to go with A through E
because those were our values.
We're going to close this up.
And I'm going to get an error message.
And you see how it give you this quick error message,
you need to connect the sheets.
And basically that's looking for--
it's a security step.
It's saying, hey, you have this one great sheet here.
It's not part of this current spreadsheet.
Do you want to allow access to it?
So I'm going to say, yes.
And as soon as I click on Allow Access,
you'll see now that I have that value showing up here.
And now these here are going to be
the same as what I have over here, those same three values.
The nice part is, if I were to change this,
so let's say instead of doing the 45 minute,
let's say that I don't want just [? Megan's. ?] I
just want anything that has 15 minutes here.
And I get rid of this and B part.
So we just have anything that's 15 minutes.
And now I have these extra values here showing.
It will update that on my Import Range.
That's two different ways that you can start
working with your form data.
You can use the Import Range, and you use this query formula
to pull that data out.
Now, if you want to get a little more advanced with working
with your data there, what you can do is,
you can actually start working with how you would use that.
So one thing I like doing when I'm working with form data
is, if I'm going to use it in multiple places, what I'll do
is assign an ID field.
This just makes it easier for me to start
thinking outside the box.
So what I'm going to show you here,
it's a little more advanced.
But it's just a quick process where
you can take your form data.
And using this as a real demo, let's say these are proposals.
Well, it would be great if we could take these proposals
and put a system in place, where we can actually
decide if we wanted to approve them or deny them,
using Google Forms and Google Sheets.
So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to put in a formula.
I can either say, hey, for each of these,
I'm going to assign a value to.
So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and such.
And you can put those in manually.
Or I can go in, and I can create a formula
that will add a number.
Now if you're familiar with spreadsheets, part of this
is going to make sense.
If you're not familiar with spreadsheets, don't worry.
I'll explain it.
And then afterwards, just shoot me an email.
I'll share this demo spreadsheet with you
so that you can take a look and reuse these if you want.
An array formula is kind of unique to Google Sheets.
And what that does is, it says hey, whenever a new entry is
added to this form, to this Google Sheet,
I want you to just continue copying
this formula to the next row, next row, next row.
Now, what this formula says is, if the length--
if there's a value in A2 to A, so A2 to A,
that's our Timestamp field.
So if there is a value in that field,
I want you to go ahead and take the word CES-- the letters CES.
Add means to add to it.
And what I'm doing here is, I'm going to create a number
and then just append that number.
So it helps if you do the equal sign at the start
to tell it that it's a formula.
So what that funky little formula
does is, it creates an ID.
So we have our CES.
CES is right up here.
And it starts at 001, and then each time,
it's going to increment it up.
So we have 13 values here.
Now the reason we're doing this is,
we could then take that, we could take that value,
and we can create a form for that.
So I've created a new form.
And just let me delete this here, quick.
I've created a new form.
And I'm going to link to that-- click to that right now.
And this new form, I've set up so that it automatically will
put in that CES 001 value.
And we can then use this for evaluating things.
Now yes, this is a little more advanced.
And I understand that.
I just want to show you what kind of things
that are possible, not with the understanding
that you're going to learn how to do this right now.
But you'll know it exists.
And you can send me an email or use some of these more advanced
ways to work with it.
So I mentioned earlier, we have that array formula.
I could take that, then, and work with you
to show you how to create formulas
like this, that you can see it's automatically
adding those values to and auto-filling that in there.
So what are the big takeaways for today?
There's a lot you can do with spreadsheets and form data
that you probably are not aware of or not even
thinking that are possible.
The way to get started is never really
work with your form responses here.
It's always best to use either a query formula
to select the exact information you want to appear.
That will allow you to limit things by using the Contains--
the Where, your column name, and then Contains to limit
what information is displayed.
And you can then use that or take that, and using the Import
Range function, pull that to different spreadsheets
that you can then use the Share To,
in order to give someone access to
and limit what they're seeing.
Are there any questions on any other basic things,
or anyone who wants any clarification on this?
I know it's kind of a little more advanced.
But it's just trying to show you different ways that you
can work with the form data, because we
do get a lot of questions on this,
and people asking how to better use that data.
A lot of this is also available through training
through Google.
So if you do have any questions, you can let me know there.
OK, Deb, are the sheet with pulled data
separate from the main sheet?
So if you make a change on the sheet, it won't go to the base?
So right now, since we're working with that base data,
since we're working with--
here's our form response sheet.
Any changes to-- like this 15 minute sessions,
you actually can't change it here.
So if I go to Fishing 101, and I try to type here,
it's going to give me an error.
Because now, there's a value on this sheet that it can't see.
Now, if I wanted to change this, if I needed to change this,
I would have to change it in this master sheet here.
So I could change Fishing 101 to Fishing 102.
This is where that value would get changed.
Thank you, Connie.
Yeah, there's a lot of little things you can do.
And it all kind of depends on what you are trying to access
and what you're trying to use for Sheets.
But if there are three takeaways,
the three main takeaways for today
are one, making sure that if you have a numerical value
that really you aren't using for math purposes,
but just to store a number field, what you'll want to do
is go in and format that number as automatic.
If you are looking for working with data,
that Query and the Import Range.
I'm going to answer [? Karen's ?] question first,
then get to yours, [? Mary ?] Beth.
So you can change the information on the main form
while the form saver is still open and not mess it up?
Yes, you can change it.
But you don't want to delete any of those rows or anything.
You can modify it.
You can edit it.
And that would be where you do want to edit,
if you do need to update any of those values,
will be in that form responses there.
You can do them either before, during,
while it's open, or afterwards, and that will work.
[? Mary Beth, ?] have you ever had
a query that combined multiple rows together?
Rows or columns?
Not sure, rows.
You'd have to share an example of what
you're trying to combine two rows together for me to see.
If you show me an actual example,
I'm sure we can figure something out.
Yes, send me an email.
Share it with me.
And let's take a look there.
Mainly, for columns it's a little easier.
Columns, there's a couple of different ways to do it.
It all depends.
So like, let's say I wanted to connect
my Timestamp and my Email Address,
or my Session Length and my Email Address here.
It would be-- it's as simple as just connecting
two values with the @ symbol.
And how I wanted to put spaces in there, just adding that.
So for columns, it can be done.
Yeah, [? Mary ?] Beth, that sounds like it's a little more
advanced one.
So shoot me an email, and share that with me.
And I'll take a look there, and we can help you with that.
[? Caitlin, ?] does the Import Range function
allow me to share the newly-created sheet
with someone who doesn't have access to the original form
response sheet?
Yes, it completely does.
And that's one of the best uses for it.
Once you click on that Allow Access button, what that Allow
Access button is then going to do is,
that's going to just do that.
It's going to allow you to combine the two
sheets behind the scenes.
And then you can share just the results
of that with that person.
But that's a combination of things.
So you remember, first I'm using this screen right here.
I'm using my main query, this first query,
to set what the data is that I want to limit access to.
So here is where I'm defining, this
is what they're going to see.
And then it's in this one, via the Import
Range, where I'm actually defining what they have.
All right, so we are at the end of our time.
If you do have any additional questions on Google Forms
and Sheets, please let us know.
This is not going to answer every single thing
about working with them.
But hopefully, this gave you some insight
into some different possibilities
that are out there for working with Google Sheets, especially
when you're working with form response data.
Honestly, these two combined together,
Google Forms and Google Sheets, are
two of the most powerful tools that we
have available with our Google Suite for education.
So as you're using them, if you do have questions or ideas
or just want to run, hey, can this be done, let me know.
Let Megan know.
We're glad to help you.
And Meghan has some news on our next upcoming Tech Tuesday.
[? MEGAN: ?] An email will follow shortly
with upcoming Tech Tuesdays.
So please keep checking your email.
That was lame.
It doesn't include a date--
second week in May.
SPEAKER: Thanks, all, and enjoy our second winter.
[? MEGAN: ?] Thanks, everyone.
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