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Top 10 Scary Easter Eggs In Disney Movies - Duration: 10:03.Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet I am your host Rebecca
Felgate and today I am talking about the Top 10 Scary Disney Easter Eggs!
For those that don't know what an easter egg is, like my mum….hi mum….no it isn't
a delicious spring time snack - it means something cleverly and purposefully hidden in like say
a movie or TV show that only super eagle eyed people spot….they're like little nods
to fans.
Disney is absolutely filled with them.
Honestly, I have watched so many of these movies so many times and I had no idea that
if you pause at exaaaactly the right moment you can find something truly horrifying hidden
in the frame!
Before we get into this list, I want to ask you guys if you have spotted any Disney Easter
Eggs Before – if so, let me know!
They don't have to be scary ones.
While you are down there leaving me a comment – also tell me how you are doing today!
Why don't you also hit that thumbs up button and share this video with a movie or
Disney loving friend.
OKAY 10 - Scar is a RUG in Hercules Nobody likes scar…the oddly British brother
of King Mufasa who ends up conspiring to murder him.
Scar is a badddddd lion.
I categorically don't agree with hunting animals and I find decorating with death a
bit morbid , but it happens – and some people have say moose heads on plaques on their wall
or say polar bears or lions turned into rugs.
WELL anyway In the Lion King, sassy ol Zazu says that scar would make a very handsome
rug….and, well….
It seems he did.
At the end of Hercules' Zero to Hero sing song, he dances with a lion pelt which he
throws on the ground in the style of a rug………looks a lot like scar, doesn't it.
Dead, skinned scar.
9 - Clayton's Corpse in Tarzan I knew that Clayton died in Tarzan, but I
never realised that his dead body flashed before my eyes as a child.
So Tarzan and Clayton fight….
But unfortunately for Clayton, he takes a few wrong moves and ends up falling into vines.
A long drop and a scream was enough for me to realise someone had died in Disney, although
realistically I guess something could have saved him….
But nope…Disney makes it super clear without any of us realising.
If you look what happens when lightning flashes – you can see him hanging.
8 - Swastika on Pongo's back The late Walt Disney has regularly been accused
of being an anti-Semite – he created a dubious and tone deaf cartoon of Donald Duck dressed
as Hitler reading Mein Kampf and he also hosted popular Third Reich Nazi film director Leni
Refenstahl in his studios.
If all of that didn't happen then perhaps, I would consider this more of a coincidence,
but have a look at Pongo's spots on his back in this frame from 1961s 101 Dalmations
? Weird, right.
Honestly I think this is more awkward coincidence than Easter Egg, but a lot of people think
than one of the animators at Disney's Studios had something to do with it.
7 - Full frontal Nudity in Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Adults might not find this so scary …but this is definitely worrying and inappropriate
for a Disney Film.
There is straight up full-frontal nudity in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
To be fair, the character of Jessica Rabbit is pretty not okay for kids anyyyyway, what
with her daily mail headline inducing skin tight dress with a thigh high slash… but
it seems that Disney animators added a minor detail….
She is going commando and we find out in one frame when she is in a car accident and is
flown thorough the air and tossed to the ground.
I get it….
You cant get smooth lines in a dress like that with pants on.
6 - The Lemon Party in Cars 2 I am sorry but what the lemon is going on
here Disney.
If you haven't heard of the phrase Lemon Party – you must have missed our things
you shouldn't google series.
Lemon party is most certainly a thing you shouldn't google andddd it is also one of
those reddit bro chat fist bump gross things that lads lads lads in their late 20s and
early 30s like to discuss over sips of bottled beer in their San Francisco design studios.
Too descriptive…sure.
Anyway, some cheeky animator made a reference to it in Disney's Cars 2….
And… if you know what it was, you would know that that isn't okay.
It is so obviously a lemon party, too….
There are lemons in abundance and party hats!
I never noticed this, but now I have I am pretty scared – at number 5 we have Snow
White getting groped by a handsy forest – As Snow White encounters the huntsman, she
runs away into the woods – far into the forest.
The only thing is that the woods are a scary place to be… and as she runs for a few seconds,
the woods appear to be alive and hell bent on groping the young princess.
Look….the branches have fingers.
How terrifying and non-consensual.
Not okay!
4 - The Muses are the Haunted Heads Yey, we are back to Hercules!
I love Hercules!
Hercules and Disneyland share a scary little easter egg!
As the muses sing with Meg in I Wont Say I am In Love – they line up like this….which
turns out to be exactly ….EXACTLY how the head statues are in the haunted mansion attraction
at the Disneylands.
What is Disney trying to tell us?!
I have to say….
Hercules is one of my favourite Disney movies and the haunted mansion is one of my favourite
Disneyland rides…sooo.
3 - Jack Skellington In the Princess and the Frog
I love Jack Skellington, but he is a scary dude.
He is the pumpkin king of Halloween Town, a scary town filled with the macabre – where
children through heads instead of snowballs and the whole place is an absolute scream.
Yeah, we know he is a loveable if a little chaotic guy, but I honestly would be scared
to see him lurking in the shadows…..annnd it seems that this is exactly what he is doing
in The Princess and the Frog.
Have a look at that shadow there….looks a lot like the spooky Pumpkin King, does it
2 - Skull in Gaston's Eyes.
Gaston is gas-gone after his fight with the beast.
He has nobody else to blame but himself, either.
He breaks into the beasts home, shoots him and stabs him.
He is noooot a gracious loser.
There is no way that he could have survived the fall from those turrets to the ground,
but in case we were amid any confusion, Disney pops in a scary morbid Easter Egg – for
a few terrifying frames, we see skulls in gastons piercing blue eyes.
What a way to tell the audience that he was doomed!
1 - The Shining in Toy Story Have you guys seen the shining?
It is terrifying but it is one of Stanley Kubrick's finest works.
The story is about a man who goes mad, is haunted by ghosts and tries to murder his
whole family.
Film buffs tend to love Stanley Kubrick and Toy Story creator Unkrich is no exception.
The Shining is referenced throughout all of the Toy Story movies…heavily!
The number 237, the number of the spooky hotel room, comes up all the time in the movie….annnd
that carpet – the same carpet from the Overlook Hotel in the horror film.
If placing nods to one of the scariest books and films of all time in a children's movie,
isn't a scary easter egg, I don't know what is.
Well that was kind of fun wasn't it!
Which of these did you find the scariest?
Let me know in the comments section down below…..also don't forget to let me know your favourite
Disney movie!
Comments from Disney Urban Legends video - Maia Gonzalez wrote: rebecca ily but did u
just call the cast members staff members …..yelp…
I think I did!
Songbird's play had some wild ideas – they said: My theory is that all the stress that
was put on Walt to make great movies lead him to the making of club 33 and that the
alcohol is laced with some mind controlling substance and now I only have two more words
to say, Illuminati CONFIRMED
King Thimio said: What Happened to Danny…… you tell me mate.
A final heart warming comment from Misty Dawn –
People constantly dump there loved ones ashes in Disney land.
Staff sweep them up and there put in the trash so guys that's not dust on that ride its human
Roll Hunting 100 Rolls of Pennies - Oldies Found! - Duration: 9:29.let's go ahead and hunt two boxes of pennies in this video
hey everybody its Rob with Rob finds treasure and in an effort to catch up on my
penny boxes I've decided to go ahead and do a two box hunt this time this is my
weekly Wells Fargo two box pickup I am a week behind on top of this plus I pick
up two more this week so that being said I don't want to keep falling further and
further behind I've decided to go and start with this box I've checked the
both as you can see they're circulated I don't see any weed centers on the top
side haven't checked the bottom and of course we never know what's in the roles
until we get to him I'm gonna go and kick off the hunt with this rule right
here and let's see if this week's boxes can produce something old or maybe an
error variety I almost forgot I've updated my penny mats to now have more
spots for fines since they fit so instead of the twelve spots they now
have 15 I'm thinking about retiring this bad boy the good news is these aren't
open water washable I've washed this one a few times as you can see it's pretty
dirty but I'll be washing this one and retiring it it's time to get out into
version number two of the penny mat because it has 15 spots instead of 12
all right now let's kick off the hunt roll number two got our first wheat
penny of the boxes 1948 Philadelphia we're on the board guys roll number
three and we've got an oldie I could I think I saw 1930 I did 1932 adelphia
it's nice to see a pre forties weeding in there
and a 1930 wish it was a 31 s we're on a roll 29 guys so it's been pretty quiet
for a while I was just getting ready to pull this uh copper one out of the way
and look what I see behind it I think that's a 1918 it is thought it might be
a thirteen but I'll take a 1918 and it's in pretty good shape for what a hundred
years old 100 year old penny pretty good detail good date to throw it off you
meant very common but it's a teen sweetie and
a good legible date and not even worn slick so I will take that it's been a
while since I found a good teens we D in a box if out of 1919 in that Bank battle
box but it wasn't a very good shape so very happy to have this one add it to
the collection oldest of the box that's to pre 40s Wheaties as well out of the
only three we found I'll take quality over quantity if we
can find a few more very next for overall 30 we've got a reverse out of a
wheat penny could be old it looks like it's all but I've been fooled on these
quite a bit see 1950 G cool patina though looks cool
but it's a common one still for three penny in the box
feels good to get back on some wheat pennies for sure let's find more one
over 38 got our first four into the box and it's gonna have the starfish on the
back so it's a beautiful bohemian coin 1995 I always like the craftsmanship on
these coins I think they're really really beautiful the way they look so
well take it first for another box and it's from the Bahamas where Shaw was
there well the first box is down we still have a whole other box to go
through really light on the finds only for wheat pennies but you know what a
1918 filly that looks good and a 1930 philyaw that's not too bad we
tossed in a 48 and 1950 D as well not too bad not too shabby
we'll take quality over quantity and I love the patina on this 73 filly I'm not
one that usually keeps pennies for patinas unless it looks really good but
this red background with the dark black and gold tones and the front foreground
just look cool to me so I'm holding on to it we ended up finding another 11
2009 s a Bahamian coin for 59s and one a you type 1963 d first box down second
box to go so what are you waiting for let's get right into it
roll number 57 and we're gonna have a wheat penny I just laid him out
and to check out this wheat penny back that looks old my friend that looks old
no VDB let's hope it's still old holy cow that's a good sign
1910 I wasn't too awful by saying no BDB one year off it's common though 1910 P
you can find him but still a nice find wish it was a 1910s that have been sweet
that makes me super excited now though because in these two boxes we have an 18
P and now in 1910 Philadelphia one more look at it give it a little rub there
yeah we will definitely take that I've seen them in worse condition it's not
too bad let's get back to the hunt same role got a Canadian sent here 78 second
foreign of the two boxes rule 58 just started hunting this role and as I slip
them down notice we had a week sent back here 1939's Wow don't see a lot of 39
s's it's not a key or semi key as you can see but it's an estimate marking a
pre 40s wheat cent I will take that all day beautiful alright like I said in the
last box not a lot of funds but we're getting some goodies 1910 19 18 19 30
1939 s holy moly 83 we're gonna have another wheat penny
finally 56 d well take it though three penny number seven of the two boxes
just grabbed one number 35 and laid them out and look at popped out
oh wait penny 47 I believe it is 47 filly rolled number 88 I'm gonna have
our ninth wheat penny of the two boxes
probably in the 50s no another 39 last one was an S this one is a filly I like
that rule 99 in the to box hunt we're gonna find another 40s wheat penny here
46 D so that makes 10 light for two boxes but some qualities which we'll
discuss at the wrap-up and we've got a roll left well we finished box two of
the hunt we did end with 10 wheat pennies the newest of the bunch was a 56
a 50 d a 48 P 47 P 46 D a 39 s and a 39 P in 1930 a 1918 P and a beautiful 1910
we also found in 1973 that I love the toning on and I kicked this 2000 because
I was checking it for the wide am it doesn't have it but it's got pretty good
doubling its machine doubling or shelf doubling but I kind of like it that s
pretty pronounced even the top of that s and even at the bottom we've got a
little bit of doubling down there as well good enough that I decided to keep
it just as a conversation piece but we kept holy cow look at this 24 2009 s
that box was loaded with them to foreigns we got a whole bunch of eight
total 1959's a couple of a you type coins a 68 D and
a 63 D so I kept those as well not epic amount of fines in the box as
far as wheat pennies for in the first six and second total of 10
know what I'll take a 10 and 18 a 30 39 and a 39 s all day hopefully you enjoyed
the 2 box come with me if you did I'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always
everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching
5 Ways Disney TROLLED US In Wreck-It Ralph 2! - Duration: 7:49.Ralph Breaks The Internet is bursting with pop-culture easter eggs and references as
well as in-jokes poking fun at Disney itself, but on top of that, Disney also drops in some
sneaky gags making fun of their own fans!
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and in this video I'm going to reveal 5 ways
the Wreck-It Ralph sequel totally trolls Disney, Marvel and Pixar fans!
My Funko Pops giveaway is also running on this video, so hit the bell and tap the Gleam
link in the video description to enter.
When Vanellope arrives at the fansite Oh My Disney, she discovers Groot taking part in
an Ask Me Anything Q&A session, which is amusing because, of course, all his answers are "I
am Groot".
The first audience question comes from a fan who has shades of The Simpsons' Comic Book
Guy about him.
And who manages to create some ear-piercing audio feedback on the microphone in his desperate
quest for an answer to the following question: "In Captain America: The First Avenger, Red
Skull refers to Yggdrasil, the World Tree, guardian of wisdom and faith; are we to believe,
Sir, that you are a descendant of that tree?"
Groot replies in his inimitable fashion and the Marvel fan thanks him!
Of course, Disney are poking fun here at comic con Q&As and all of us Marvel fans who love
to spend time online connecting all the dots between their movies and coming up with sometimes
wild theories about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
By the way, the obsessive Marvel fan in Wreck-It Ralph 2 is voiced by Jason Mantzoukas whose
character in the film is called Hey Nongman, which is a catchphrase on the podcast "Comedy
Bang!" which features Mantzoukas.
Talk about deep-cut references!
After Disney officially announced the movie's title as Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It
Ralph 2 back in March 2017, there were loads of comments on websites, forums, and social
media suggesting that a better title would have been "Ralph Wrecks the Internet" as that
better reflects the original film and its title character.
In fact, it seems that the online laments about the title were so loud that they reached
the Wreck-It Ralph team at Disney who decided to have a bit of light-hearted fun by mocking
both themselves and their fans in the movie's trailer where Ralph asks the question on everyone's
"Shouldn't it be Ralph Wrecks The Internet?"
"Yes, since he is Wreck-It Ralph."
"Ah, yeah, but 'Break The Internet', it's like a 'thing'!"
"Right, it's just 'wreck the internet kinda sounds better', doesn't it?"
"Hmm, you're not wrong."
Apparently, the filmmakers did originally consider calling the film Ralph Wrecks The
Internet, but ended up going with "Breaks The Internet" for the same reason Yesss gives:
because that's the expression!
Pixar fans will doubtless have enjoyed seeing many of their favourite characters and easter
eggs show up in Wreck-It Ralph 2 Indeed, Pixar gets its own section at Oh My
Disney with the animation studio's signature desk lamp and Luxo ball adorning the area.
There are also cameos by EVE from WALL-E, Arlo from The Good Dinosaur, and Buzz Lightyear
is there meeting and greeting fans.
And Pixar's Brave princess Merida also features in the Disney Princess line-up when Vanellope
breaks into the restricted backstage area.
However, the Disney animators couldn't help themselves from throwing a little bit of shade
at Pixar and its fans in that scene.
"I gave my Mammy a cake, she turned into a big bear, my auld yin tried to do her in."
"If that's no a pure mess I don't know what is."
"We can't understand her."
"She's from the other studio."
Apparently, the filmmakers did originally consider calling the film Ralph Wrecks The
Internet, but ended up going with "Breaks The Internet" for the same reason Yesss gives:
because that's the expression!
Now, the princess scene does poke fun at many of the Disney princess tropes we've seen over
the years, but Disney does seem to be having a bit of an extra laugh at Merida and Pixar.
I'm sure it's definitely got nothing to do with the fact that Brave won the Oscar for
Best Animated Feature Film over Wreck-It Ralph at the Academy Awards in 2013!
For anyone who found Merida's Scottish accent difficult to follow in the trailer, well,
brace yourselves because Disney goes even further in the actual movie as Merida's new
lines are delivered in an even thicker accent so you're going to have an even tougher time
deciphering what she says in the final film.
The entire Disney princess scene is, of course, very funny, but some Pixar and Scottish fans
may feel a touch upset at Merida's treatment.
By the way, if you'd like to check out all the other Disney princess easter eggs in Ralph
Breaks The Internet, I'll add links to my video on that at the end and in the video
OK, spoilers ahead for the end credits which are basically just jokes, so no story spoilers.
If you think back to the first trailer Disney released for Ralph Breaks The Internet, you'll
likely remember it ended with that poor exploding bunny in the Pancake-Milkshake game.
"Eat, eat!"
"Err, Ralph you might wanna try feeding the kitty for a little while."
The kitty gets the milkshake, the bunny gets the pancake..."
The filmmakers include a deliberate nod to that horrifying trailer scene in the new film
when Ralph makes a video unboxing a Pancake-Milkshake fun set.
However, by the end of the movie proper, there's still no sign of any exploding bunnies; just
a few images of the game's cute cat and rabbit in the fancy credits!
So, that trailer scene must have been cut from the final film, you think to yourself!
But you're wrong! Disney has actually been trolling you, and
they reveal their master prank in a mid-credits scene!
The scene starts with a mother asking her daughter if she enjoyed the movie, and the
little girl replies, "Weeellllll, there was a scene in the trailer
that wasn't in the movie.
And that makes me sad."
So, the mum suggests the little girl play a game to cheer up, and that game is – yes,
you guessed it – Pancake-Milkshake!
Cue the previously missing trailer segment with Ralph and Vanellope force-feeding pancakes
to a helpless bunny in a scene reminiscent of Mr Creosote in Monty Python's The Meaning
of Life and Violet Beauregarde in Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory!
The Wreck-It Ralph sequel team were obviously having a bit of fun with their fans, especially
the kind of movie lovers – you know the ones – who enjoy finding out all about scenes
or characters deleted from movies as well as alternate endings and any big story changes
during the filmmaking process!
Well played, Disney, well played!
If you stick around till the very end of the credits, Disney has got another rick-diculous
surprise for you that ties in perfectly with the movie's online setting.
Yes, after all the credits have rolled, a voice announces, 'And now, an exclusive sneak
peek of Frozen 2!'
But if you think your patience is going to be rewarded with a special glimpse at the
Frozen sequel, then think again because the voice also tells you to 'click here', and
although you'll hear some brief orchestral music, the screen quickly changes to Ralph
singing and dancing along to the chorus of Rick Astley's 80s hit Never Gonna Give You
Up, complete with back-up dancing from Fix-It Felix and Shank's crew!
Yes, that's right, Disney just performed that classic pranky online bait-and-switch, the
rick-roll, on us all!
And, as if Ralph rick-rolling us wasn't enough, the video-game bad guy also talks directly
to the audience.
The way Ralph breaks the fourth wall in this post-credits scene and tells us there's
really no reason to stick around in the cinema any longer is a nice homage to John Hughes's
classic 80s comedy Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which was also received a tribute in
the first Deadpool movie The way Ralph breaks the fourth wall in this
post-credits scene and tells us there's really no reason to stay is a nice homage to John
Hughes's classic 80s comedy Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which also received a tribute in
the first Deadpool movie.
Of course, this isn't the first time a character in the Disney stable has trolled those of
us who stay right through the end credits – I'm looking at you Captain America in
Spider-Man: Homecoming!
"Sometimes patience is the key to victory."
"Sometimes it leads to very little."
"It seems like it's not worth it."
"And you wonder why you waited so long for something so disappointing."
Now, what were your favourite moments or jokes in Ralph Breaks The Internet?
Let me know in the comments below and remember to subscribe and click on the gleam link in
the video description for a chance to win an awesome Wreck-It Ralph Funko Pop.
Congratulations to the winners of my Bohemian Rhapsody giveaway!
Send me an email with your details so I can get your prizes sent out to you.
Tap left to check out all the easter eggs & gags you missed in the Disney Princess scene
or tap right for another video you're sure to like!
And if you enjoyed this, remember to share and leave a thumbs-up for more videos like
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
SOPA PARA EMAGRECER 5 KILOS EM UMA SEMANA - FÁCIL E BARATA - Duration: 3:08.learn an incredible soup recipe from you will lose weight fast and
healthy detox soups function as a perfect combination of ingredients
to promote the burning of fats and toxins
generally the clothes are made with green leaves like kale spinach
arugula cabbage and cauliflower products help in the process of
liver detoxification already the ginger that is a thermogenic root
helps in the elimination of fats in the body benefits from revenue
of soup of talks accomplishes the cleaning of the body with the elimination of toxins
that do not let the body function correctly the fibers of the touch soup
are excellent for smooth operation of the digestive system helps to decrease
fluid retention the soup is responsible for accelerating metabolism
because it promotes the burning of fats and calories
see soup soup recipe 1 soup from tokyo
You'll need spinach half a pack. Salsa half pack Salsa half pack
Escarole half-pack Japanese half-mouth a beet a chuchu and a zucchini
the chopped garlic salt two teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil a teaspoon
pepper to taste 1 liter of water mode of preparation you will need
sauté the garlic in olive oil in a pan then pour the water over and
to boil then add all other ingredients and mix well
it is necessary to cook for approximately 30 minutes over medium heat
after your debut to hit the blender
At mealtime, add oregano 2 soup with hints of pumpkin ingredients
half of a Japanese pumpkin without peels and minced an onion chopped garlic
three teeth ginger chopped hot water extra virgin olive oil two
spoons of soybean oil soup salt How to prepare black pepper
You should get a pan and then heat the
eye sautéing the onion and garlic logo then place the pumpkin together with
chopped ginger for braising then add water until all
the ingredients are covered only remove from the stove when the pumpkin starts
to launch to finish beat everything in the blender after you've made it
finally put it back in the same pan to heat
serve then you get a delicious ideal for colder days
if you liked leave your opinion in the comments leave
your like sign up for the channel and share this video with your friends
see you later
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