KOREAN STREET FOOD tour in SEOUL'S SECRET food alleys | BEST Korean food in SEOUL, South Korea - Duration: 22:42.Seoul, the vibrant capital of South Korea has an exciting food culture, in this
three-part series we're taking you around the hidden food alleys and entire
towns dedicated to serving one particular Korean dish, this is where the
locals eat, this is our second video of the series and we're grilling spicy baby
octopus in jjukkumi alley, visiting grilled fish alley and eating the best
Korean pancake in pajeon alley, you don't want to miss this video
get ready for some mouth-watering food
I'm Thomas and I'm Sheena and we're Chasing
a Plate, we hope you're hungry, let's eat
we're starting at jjukkumi street and jjukkumi is webfoot octopus and this
whole alleyway behind me is lined with restaurants selling the same dish
jjukkumi bokkeum which is stir-fried octopus, let's go and get some
thank you
we have ordered our jjukkumi and it is bubbling away furiously in front of us
in the center of the table so these are the webfoot octopus... thank you! The staff just
brought over some sides so I'll talk you through that later so we've got the
octopus here and this species of octopus is really prevalent along the coast of
Korea so it's a really popular food here it's come with some slices of pork belly
so that's cooking away in the stew as well there's also some tteok which are rice
cakes, we've got some enoki mushrooms which are hiding underneath
there, there we go, some enoki mushrooms these along the side here are yaki mandu so
deep fried dumplings and then halfway through the mixture cooking, the staff
came over and they added some fresh prawns so we've got some fresh prawns in
there and you can see that the colour of the jjukkumi, the stir fried octopus is a
bright red and that red is from gochujang so Korean chilli paste
the side they brought over was a hot plate of cheesy sweet corn and it looks insanely
good and then also towards the end of the cooking of the octopus they
bulked it out even more by adding some noodles so there's some I think maybe rice
noodles or glass noodles cooking away there, now in order to eat this meal you
get an array of side dishes, they're made up of pickles and fresh vegetables to go
with it so we've got some perilla leaves, some raw garlic, pickled radish and then some carrot and
cucumber and then some sauce here so we've got I think that might be ssamjang
which is a mix of gochujang which is the chilli paste and soy bean paste
and then this creamy looking, like a mayonnaise almost to go with it as well
I can't wait to get in
it is now ready to go so I'm gonna grab a perilla leaf
and get some of this octopus, this smells like it's gonna be incredibly spicy so
I'll put some rice cake and some octopus on there, whoa it's really hot, now grab
some of this pickled radish, lay a bit of that on top I'm gonna keep it simple
with just those couple of things, you wrap that right up into a little parcel
and now I'm gonna get some of this creamy sauce onto here oh look at that
it's really thick it looks like almost an aioli or a mayonnaise
Wow that is a great combination of flavours, the perilla leaf is very strong, tastes like
aniseed and then the spice comes through from that
gochujang sauce it's all bubbling away in on the table, it's not as spicy as
I thought from the look of it, it looks so vivid and like it's just gonna be
killer spicy, it's not too bad at all actually it's got a little bit of
sweetness the spice and then the pickle I couldn't really taste but that did
sort of add a little bit of crunch and I'm sure there was a bit of acidity
coming from that and then that creamy sauce which is pretty much like an aioli
which just balanced out everything really really well because you got the
spice you got that aniseed flavour from the perilla leaf and then a real creaminess
and the octopus itself was quite chewy had a beautiful texture but it was quite
chewy to bite through and didn't have any real seafood flavour or anything like
that but it actually just tasted like the gochujang sauce so just tasted like
that beautiful spicy mixture that it's all bubbling away in
all right I want to get
some of this pork belly where is, oh there we go, let's get a slice of this
pork belly and I'm gonna grab one of these perilla leaves as well so place
the pork there and then a bit of octopus, might get a tentacle, might get a couple of
tentacles actually, all right a couple of tentacles on there, and then a slice of
this pickled radish, I love this stuff it really adds a real freshness to each
bite, oh I just licked my chopsticks and I can feel that chilli on my tongue it is
burning, I'm gonna do the same as Thomas and get some of this aioli so a big
splodge of that, all right,
let's go for this one mouthful
oh wow that is a bite that just keeps on giving in terms of flavour, like Thomas said
that perilla leaf just adds a beautiful aniseed flavour it's really fresh and the
octopus is really bouncy in texture, that pork belly just sort of oozed a bit
because it had a beautiful layer of fat in there, it just added extra flavour to the
mouthful and then that pickled radish is just really clean tasting
and then that aioli
I love how this pan is filled with so
many different ingredients so I've loaded up my plate with the yaki
mandu so the dumpling which has been deep-fried but it's gone a bit soft now
that it's been cooked down and I think that's actually filled with glass
noodles, some tteok which are rice cakes and then glass noodles and then the
octopus and some pork so let's just try this tteok so the ricecake
mmm so tteok have a really great texture quite chewy
that's really good, it's just soaked up all of that gochujang sauce, it's quite spicy, let's give
this mandu a try
so it's filled with like a glass noodle but the glass noodle is quite hard maybe because
it's been deep-fried and then the pastry itself has gone quite soggy
because its been soaking up all of that broth, that's really tasty but what's really caught my
attention is this creamy cheesy corn dish so I'm gonna get a big spoonful of
that ohhhh look at that, all of that cheese, let's just give that a taste
the corn is really sweet, it tastes like it's cooked in mayonnaise and then there's just
that cheese all on top which is just really creamy and oozy, that's a great side
that was truly delicious and it got spicier and spicier and spicier as we
went so by the end of the meal it was burning it was really good I love these
laneways check them out so this one is nothing but restaurants serving that dish
remember this video is going to be made up of a number of these laneways, in fact
this entire series so this is video two out of three videos featuring these
types of food streets in Seoul, these are such cool places to eat let's go get some
more food
we're walking off our huge meal of octopus and we have stumbled upon
Sangam village which has got a number of different murals about 52 murals done
by a famous cartoonist and you're just weaving in amongst the houses and
looking at all of the murals, this is so quirky and cool
we've now come to another part of the city Dongdaemun so we're hunting down
grilled fish alley here, there's a couple of really interesting buildings in this
part of town, one is the Dongdaemun gate so that was built in 1396 and then had
some rebuilds after that the last rebuild was in 1869 and it was part of
the, the wall that made up the protection for Seoul and there's another incredible
building in this area but we'll show you that one
after the meal so let's go and find grilled fish alley
we're just at the entrance to grilled fish alley and the smell of the fish
cooking is really strong it's really beautiful
so there's something like 14 grilled fish restaurants that make up this alley
and they all have their own local following so we're just going to go and
pick one, let's go and eat
we've got our grilled fish meal in front of us and there's so much fish to choose
from so let me talk you through what we ordered we have got a mackerel pike this
little guy here and then this giant piece of fish in the middle is galchi
which is Cutlass fish and then this guy here is a Japanese Spanish mackerel and
then as is usual with a Korean meal we've got an array of banchan so we've got
kimchi which is brined and pickled napa cabbage then we've got some more
pickled greens there which have got a bunch of chilli in there as well, we've
got perilla leaf kimchi and then also some sprouts and then to go everything we've
got a bowl of rice each and then also some soy bean soup
I'm gonna start with
this Samchi or this Japanese Spanish mackerel
so downstairs they're cooking outside in the alleyway and the, the fish is pre
grilled but when you order they take it off the almost done piles and they add it
back on the grill, cook it right through and charr it up nicely, so there's smoke
filling the air in this tiny little alleyway, the smell is incredible and
now the smell coming up off this fish is incredible, it's so fresh, let's just try and
rip whoa look at that, huge piece of that mackerel oh I'm just gonna have to have
it all, look at that and we'll dip it straight into the
soy just a little bath in the soy, there is some wasabi on the table as well but I'm
gonna go no wasabi first to really get the flavor of the fish and we'll go with
wasabi afterwards
wow this is good, it has a beautiful texture the flesh it's actually a little
bit dry but it's very fleshy so it's got a lot of texture and it's got a little
bit of charred flavour from the outside and it's quite salty I think it might be
brined or salted cause it's got a lovely saltiness and not from the soy the
saltiness is coming from the, from the fish itself, the soy just adds a nice little
sweetness to mouthful and mackerel is a pretty oily fish and that is still quite
oily but not as oily as I was expecting actually and they're cooked on a, on a grill
so an open grill, not on a hot plate, have had this meal before in Busan and that
was cooked on a hot plate so it was a lot more oily than this this is quite
dry um really really good
have a look at this wasabi so it's a really finely
ground paste so I'm gonna get a huge dollop of that and pop it in the side of
my soy, oh that looks amazing and I'm gonna try the, the cutlassfish
or also known as hairtail fish so we'll dump a huge bit of wasabi on there, it's called
hairtail cause it's very long and thin so you can see it's a very long fish here
but when it's whole you see it in markets, if you've even been to Korea you
definitely would have seen this fish very very long a beautiful silver colour
almost the colour of these chopsticks and with a
very very thin tail like a piece of string so hairtail fish, alright let's
get a piece of that with that big dump of wasabi on top, a little bit of soy hmm
Wow whoa that wasabi hmm that fish is amazing that's a much better texture
than the Spanish mackerel, it's a bit more moist, not so dry and quite a lovely sort
of soft flavour, not too punchy, not too fishy that is really really good but
the wasabi, that's what made that mouthful, the wasabi's not um very hot
at all, not very you know wasabi can really get up your nose and really...
it's not like that it's sweet actually it's beautiful let's try
banchan, so we've got these perilla leaves here so um
kimchi perilla leaves so covered in a little bit of spice you would have seen
these in the octopus so the first section of this video but we were having them fresh for
the wraps these ones are pickled and covered in
all of that chilli
mmmm oh yum so we've got that aniseed-y liquorice flavour that I think we talked
about in the octopus segment, still got that flavour but not nearly as strong because
they're pickled and a really nice chilli hit, a sharp chilli, really hits you on the side
of the tongue, mmmm that is a really good side
I love these types of meals in Korea because it's a really balanced way of
eating so you've got your protein, your carbs and then your vegetables which come
in the banchan form, so all these pickled vegetables and you feel
really satisfied after eating like this full but not bloated and it's just
really great because you've got all these varying textures and flavours and
we're sitting traditional style so we're sitting on the floor cross-legged at
this low table it's just a really neat way of eating
that was such a delicious grilled fish meal and now we're having a wander
around Dongdaemun and I just love the dichotomy in architecture in this area so
you've got the impressive historical Dongdaemun gate that Thomas showed you and
then you've got this, the Dongdaemun Design Plaza so this really neo futuristic
building was designed by the late, great British Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid and
it is so spectacular, it's just made up of shops and event spaces
Seoul is such a cool city
it's nighttime and we've hunted down another food alley, we're here at pajeon
alley which is green onion pancake alley and where we're eating is just behind
us, let's go
this restaurant is so pokey, it's really awesome, we've just come up these
stairs and we're siting at the top level and I can barely stand up
thank you
we've just ordered
our pajeon, our green onion pancake and this place is really famous for their haemul pajeon
which is a seafood green onion pancake
and this whole alley started with just one
tiny shack in the 1970s selling this pancake
and now there's something like 10 or 12
restaurants, I'm really excited to eat this thing, it looks great
our drinks have arrived so this is makgeolli which is a fermented rice wine
it's really really common here in Korea and really common to eat, no to drink with
this meal so it's really cloudy so you've just gotta give it a little bit
of a shake to get all the sediment through the bottle and it's not too
alcoholic this, it's gonna be about 6 to sort of 9 percent alcohol, this one is 6
percent so not too bad, now the thing with alcohol here in Korea you can never
pour your own drink so I'll pour some for Sheena
you can see how cloudy it is and it's a
tiny bit fizzy as well and now Sheena will have to pour me some
okay makgeolli's up, so you always drink this out of a bowl as well
ohhh such a good flavour, it's a little bit tangy so it's because of the bubble and the
fermentation it's got a little bit of a zing almost on your tongue when you
drink it and it's pretty subtle in flavour it's not sharp in alcohol it's only 6%
so it's kinda like drinking a beer it's not like drinking hard liquor
but it is rice wine that is so good I can't wait for this pancake too because
it looks amazing and it's gonna go really well with this drink
our haemul pajeon or green onion
seafood pancake has arrived and holy moly this thing is big, like it's sizeable and
it looks real good so let me show you what is in here so you can see octopus
and then really thickly cut slices of spring onion or green onion and the
pancake batter is just a flour and egg batter and it's got really crispy edges
and to go with it there's some onion in a, I think maybe soy and black vinegar mix and also some
radish kimchi so I was really interested to discover how this dish came to be and
I read that it actually was created after a battle that took place in the 1590s
so what happened was that there was a Japanese invasion at that time and
they invaded this town or this village and when the villagers were fighting
they ran out of weapons to use and they ended up using spring onions or green
onions to throw into the eyes of the enemy, ultimately they lost and heaps and
heaps of lives were lost and so after the battle the remaining villagers and
the remaining townspeople started cooking green onions into a pancake
to act as sort of a tribute to the people who had lost their lives
pajeon or
spring onion pancake is a really popular food in Korea and what makes the pajeon in
pajeon alley, really really unique is this built up crispy outer edge here
so gosh it looks really good all right I'm just gonna get into this
thing and it is just laden with spring onions there's so much on there
oh my gosh
that is delicious, it's really crunchy but the inside of the pancake, the inner bit
is still a little bit gooey, the batter is a little bit gooey, the octopus is quite
tender, still has a little bit of chew and then those spring onions they impart such a beautiful
aroma and flavour to this, to the pancake, it is insane
check out the amount of octopus in this one so I'm gonna grab this I'm gonna
dunk it in this soy and vinegar mixture which is packed with those onions so the
onions should have bled out a lot of their flavour into the vinegar and soy mixture
oh my god
so crispy on the outside and then that batter on the inside is quite sort
of squishy still and just, just cooked because it's so thick, the octopus is perfect I
love it, it's got a tiny little chew but it's really really easy to eat it's got
a good um saltiness but then the vinegar flavour from that sauce that I dipped it in
really came through, wow that is good, I'm glad it's this big cause
that first bite is absolutely awesome, that's really really really good
another great
day of eating here in Seoul and discovering these local food streets
these are amazing remember this is a series so check out the other two videos
in this series showing nothing but these local food towns or food streets
thank you so much for watching remember to hit that subscribe button, we've got heaps more
videos coming from Seoul and then after Seoul we head to Istanbul
so a tonne of food videos
give this video a huge thumbs up, if you want to support more content like this
more Chasing a Plate content, check out our Patreon page thanks for watching
we'll see you next time, annyeong haseyo (see you)
Dance Moms: ALDC-CADC Showdown (Season 5 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Karan Johar's Kids Yash and Roohi Johar Playing with Sidharth Malhotra - Playing with Car - Duration: 3:00.please subscribe our channel hit the bell icon and gives us lots of thums up
karan johar kids Yash and Roohi are one of the most followed celeb kids on
social media their cute antics are loved by the netizens everytime Karan
shares a picture or a video of them it goes viral on the internet on friday
Karan took to Instagram to share an adorable video of the toddlers in the
video the two kids can be seen sitting in a toy car as they dance and
drive while several called the kids cute and adorable one of them complemented
Karan saying you encouraging my future kids to dance later Yash And Roohi were
joined by Sidharth Malhotra both Karan and Sidharth shared the pictures on
Instagram while Sidharth wrote cutest ride in town with My Yash and Roohi this
is not the first time that Karan shared Yash and Roohi's pictures and
videos on social media Karan keeps talking about his kids often earlier on
his radio show calling Karan said he would not mind if something starts
brewing between Taimur and Roohi some twenty years from now
we want to sleep over and ten more and as my ass Oh
is eating
Forged in Fire: Forging Two Different Metals (Season 5, Episode 7) | History - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
God and Suffering | Ask the Kabbalist with Dr. Michael Laitman - Duration: 5:12.Why do bad things happening in the world?
Why is so much suffering?
Who promised you that things are going to be good because God exists?
His existence still doesn't mean anything.
God controls the entire reality and the entire reality, the good and the bad, is sustained
and developed only by Him, by this global and universal Force in order to lead us to
the recognition of evil and the recognition of good.
For this He has to influence us by two forces, the good and as if bad forces.
And since we are feeling beings, then only by these two reins can we advance.
How can we grasp that, that all this evil is coming from God Himself?
There is none else besides Him.
There is only one acting force in the whole of reality.
He is that good and loving God that…
And also the bad that does all the bad.
You are saying that all of this is happening in order to advance us?
Were He not to influence us in a positive and negative way, we are in the middle, then
we'd have no free choice.
To choose what?
To choose whatever you want, the good or the bad or beyond good and bad.
And so, this is where we are, in a very special and complex system, very non simple, but it's
what actually gives us the freedom of choice, to choose between the good and the bad.
And it actually allows us to become like God, knowing good and bad.
So, how can evil come from good?
How is it possible that evil is coming from source that is good and loving?
The force acting upon us is good, but because we are in contrast with it, then our oppositeness
from God makes us feel bad.
What do you mean by oppositeness?
Oppositeness means that He always bestows good, how we don't really want that good,
because what He sees as good, as bestowal, love, connection between everyone and so on.
And we don't really want that, because of our egoistic nature and so we feel His Providence
as something bad.
What exactly don't we want in this goodness?
We want to feel good, we want to be good, we want there to be love?
We want for us to feel good according to what we think good is, but not according to what
God sees as good.
I am trying to understand what exactly is the difference between what I perceive as
good and His good.
His good is that each of us cares for everyone else and our good is that each of us cares
only for himself.
So, good means not that I will feel good, but some kind of altruistic good that everyone
will feel good?
Yeah, I can't think only about my own good, because God thinks globally about all the
created beings together.
And if I do not think about everyone—I miss some part of creation—then correspondingly
I cause harm to that part and therefore, I deserve some kind of punishment.
But punishment isn't punishment, it's correction, by which I start understanding
what does He want of me, where I am still not working correctly.
So, how do we reach this goodness that we feel Him as good, the world as good?
Only by studying the wisdom of Kabbalah in a small group where we can realize all of
the laws of the global and comprehensive nature and from that we learn how to relate to the
whole of nature and God together.
So, in order for us to feel good and not suffer, we each need to become more integral, more
global in our approach?
This is the main thing.
And then, will suffering end?
There won't be any suffering.
Our entire suffering is because we are all disconnected.
Is this a global vision or personal vision?
It's a global, mutual vision, that at the end of our corrections we return to be as
the one soul of Adam HaRishon, literally meaning the First Adam.
Well, ok, it's not clear what I said, but… as one body,
as one desire, one intention with God inside us.
And why is that what's good, why would that makes us feel better?
Because by this we chase away all the bad influences, all the bad feelings.
Like what, for example?
If we were connected as one body will we not feel empty, lonely, separate?
By that we bring ourselves back to the beginning of creation, where we were all together connected
in one body and this way we felt ourselves in a state of good called the Garden of Eden.
This how it's called.
So, we will return to that.
Die Dankes Wirtschaft The Thank You Economy Gary Vaynerchuk + pitch - Duration: 7:17.Hello, dear German learners!
In an earlier Video
we talked about
how liberating
a lack of expectations can be.
Today and in the next Video
let's talk about
what you can do instead.
We can't control
what other people do
but we can control
what we do ourselves
and fulfill our needs that way.
Zig Ziglar said:
"You can have everything in life you want,
if you will just help
enough other people
get what they want."
I believe in the "thank you economy",
that is: you give a lot,
you provide a lot for free
and a small percentage of the audience
will buy something
– partly because of the quality of the product,
but mostly out of gratitude.
This is a concept
about which Gary Vaynerchuk
wrote in his book
"The Thank You Economy".
Nowadays it is difficult
to attract customers
because many markets are overcrowded.
The solution:
Make over 90 % available for free
and sell the rest.
Thus you get lots of potential customers,
show quality, create trust,
and help a lot of people,
even those who
can't afford any of your products.
Some people are so thankful
for all the help
and have confidence
in your competence and honesty,
that they buy something from you.
This is how the thank you economy works
and that's my strategy, too.
One objection is,
that people won't buy anything
if they get so much for free.
Well, it is undoubtedly the case
that some people act that way.
When I feel very cynical at a point in time
(which doesn't happen often),
I think so, too.
However, I would not have reached
many of you in the first place
if I wouldn't have made
so much freely available.
It is better to reach 10,000 people
and only 1 % of those buy something
(or donate),
instead of reaching 100 people
and 50 % of people buy something.
Gratitude is a nice feeling
and it's scientifically proven
that it makes you happier.
So I prefer
you feel gratitude
instead of the pressure to buy something.
I am also thankful.
I'm grateful every time
when someone
invests in German learning materials
or donates
because this project,
Authentic German Learning,
is really important to me.
So much
that I have invested thousands of euros
(all my savings, really)
and I pay myself only 500 € a month
from the company account
because I want to invest everything in this project.
Any voluntary interaction
is a give and take
and we all have our personal feeling
of how much we want to give back.
Some viewers and readers of my content
give something back
by buying or donating something,
others give something
by volunteering,
others write a comment,
others share my content
and recommend them to others,
some, by giving me
invaluable feedback.
For me, the thank you economy works
and it feels wonderful.
So, if you want something,
then think of the thank you economy.
What can you give to other people,
so that you get
what you would like to have?
And what did other people give to you
for which you would like to reciprocate?
What if you have given other people
a lot
and they don't give you anything back?
We'll talk about that in the next Video.
Bye and – thanks!
What do you think,
does the thank you economy work?
If you like my German learning materials,
then you can show your gratitude
by supporting me.
Please visit
and donate or
join at JoinGermanClub.com
the German learning Academy.
You can also support me
by sharing my German learning materials
with as many people as possible
and recommending Authentic German Learning to them.
Thanks in advance.
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7 to 4 Dots Kolam
Easiest Rangoli Designs
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
How to lose weight fast without exercise - lemon tea and cinnamon - Duration: 2:42.lemon and cinnamon recipe for to lose weight that is succeeding in
Worldwide the idea is to lose weight so invest in
natural and healthy treatment for your body
we brought a recipe that has as main ingredient with food
powerful healthy and economical lemon this treatment significantly reduces
appetite without drawing energy in addition helps the body to lose weight without big
effort know more about pectin than a fiber
solution that helps fight anxiety the lemon is great for who wants to lose
alkalized the body and the feeling of hunger is reduced throughout
day lemon is a natural diuretic, ie
eliminates toxins from the body easily not only through the system
digestive but also by bladder kidneys increasing the amount of urine to fruit
has the ability to remove fats accumulated in the blood
because it has a high contribution of citric acid helps to maximize the
function of liver stimulating enzymes In addition the presence of vitamin c is
very important for health because strengthens the immune system now
you know how lemon can be incredible for us
learn how to make delicious tea for accelerate the weight loss process
250 ml of water the juice of half organic lemon is freshly squeezed
a tablespoon of pure honey if you have step diabetes without honey a spoonful of
powdered cinnamon tea preparation mode boil the water and I hope
It cools a little done add the lemon cinnamon and the
honey if you add the ingredients in the still hot water may lose some
properties with the help of a spoon mix the lemon tea and cinnamon well
can drink warm or cold but you have to be fasting if you wish
prepare and drink a second glass between dinner drinking tea daily up
reach the weight you want Believe me, it will not be long before
especially if you have a balanced diet and practice
some physical activity
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Hóa học 10h tối #17 - Luyện thi Đại Học ♥ - Duration: 11:41.-------------------------------------------
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