Eat good food Keep your health
Homemade Herbal Hair Shampoo to Stop Hair Fall - Get Long, Thick, Shiny and Healthy Hair At Home - Duration: 3:31.Hi friends today I will share with you home made her bill hair shampoo to get long thick shiny and healthy hair
This hurdle hair shampoo is economical and giving gentler effects to your hair it is not very easy to get beautiful hair
especially in today's highly polluted world and extremely stressful
Lifestyle hair fall and stunted hair growth as a major problem these days
But there is a lot of shampoo and products for hair care but all the chemical products are not always effective
so, we should care our hair with natural herbal products here in this video I will show you how made her Bellaire shampoo to
get long thick shiny and healthy hair before start to make this shampoo please
Subscribe my channel to watch more videos and press the bell icon for notifications so that you don't miss any of my videos
At first take a bowl and add 1/2 cup of fenugreek seeds
add 1/2 cup of dry Amla
Then add 1/2 cup of water and
Add 1/2 cup of sugar CAI
then add 4 cups of water
Now mix it thoroughly now leave it for overnight next morning mix them very well
Then heat all of the ingredients in low flame
there to makes your hair shinier and softer it is antibacterial
And antifungal in nature and keeps your scalp free from dandruff and prevents hair loss it makes your hair stronger
reduces the impact of hair fall
shikaka effectively cleanses the scalp and hair it can be considered as a mild hair cleanser
Which is good for dry scalp as it doesn't take away too
Much of the natural oils from the scalp it is used as a natural conditioner and it also helps to prevent dandruff
Antioxidants enamel can repair your damaged hair cells and can protect your existing hair cells from further damages
Fenugreek helps in treating dandruff itchy and flaky scalp treating hair loss
Triggering hair growth adding that lost shine to her and also helps you regrow lost hair
keep on stirring at regular intervals
Heat the mixture for up to 5 to 10 minutes until you see bubbles on the mixture
After that turn off the flame and leave the mixture to cool
Then strain out with a sieve
You can store the mixture inside a jar or a spray bottle for two months
Before bath you can spray it on your scalp and hair if you don't have spray bottle you can massage it with fingers
Massage gently on your scalp and hair
Then leave it in your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse it with water
Dear viewers thanks for watching my video I hope you will like my videos please
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Ein Leben ohne Erwartungen: Freiheit, Lebensglück 😀🗽 - Duration: 13:18.I don't expect anything from you.
And that is great.
Hello, dear German learners, I am Mark.
Today, it's about
how you can free yourself from expectations
and how it can
create a much happier life for you.
As I said, I don't expect anything from you.
I don't expect from you
that you buy something from me;
I don't expect you to donate;
I don't expect you to answer me,
I don't expect you to continue
to watch my videos
or stay a newsletter subscriber,
if you are one.
I sometimes get messages
from German learners who seem to think
that I expect somethingthing from them
and it breaks my heart every time.
I don't expect anything from you.
I'm grateful for the fact
that you are watching my videos.
I'm thankfull,
if you subscribed to my newsletter.
I'm thankfull,
if you buy something from me
or donate something.
But this idea,
that I expect something
from anyone
or am "angry",
if they don't do something,
is very strange to me.
Please take what I say at face value.
I always mean what I say,
not more and not less.
Some people read a lot into
what one says.
Sometimes I say something
and someone apologizes to me,
as if he had done me harm
or as if he would think
I would feel hurt somehow.
Has this ever happened to you?
No, it's very difficult to offend me.
It's really, very, very difficult
to offend me.
And no matter what,
you can always talk to me.
I answer every message
and I am always ready
to talk about things.
I recently received an e-mail from a gentleman,
who had received my emails
for a month.
He thought I would expect from him to
that he buys something.
He said that he will unsubscribe
and will never watch my videos again,
if I want that.
No, on the contrary, it is good
if I have more views!
I don't expect,
that you buy something from me.
In fact, I am glad that people
who can't afford my products
or don't want to
can use all the free content
which I publish.
That's the beauty of the internet:
Once created, the costs
for the provision of a resource are
practically zero.
So don't worry
there is no problem,
if you don't buy from me.
I offer my products
and let people decide
whether they want to buy them or not.
Some people think
just because you talk about your products,
you are pushy –
again such a wrong interpretation,
in my view.
I'm "pushy" just in the sense
that I tell the people
about my products
(like any other business),
because I know that they can be
very, very useful for people.
Personally, I think
that they are better
than my freely available content,
but I respect people,
who are happy to
just consume that
which I publish freely.
I ask these people,
to consider a donation.
Of course I
rely on purchases and donations
to earn a living
and work therefore almost every day
to provide valuable resources,
which are both freely available
as well as paid.
Every donation, every purchase allows me
to offer even more value.
However, I never want
that somebody
because of the consumption
of my freely available content feels guilty!
A short addendum, obviously:
I talked with a friend
about this topic
and he said to me:
"But it's good
if your viewers feel guilty
because that means
that you have given them a lot
And those feelings of guilt
are easy to fix:
They can just buy something
or donate something!"
Well, in a sense he is right too.
My point was, of course,
that nobody
should feel guilty irrationally.
I just would like
that people pay
if you want to pay.
And I even give them back their money
if they have bought a product
and are not 100% satisfied.
As I said, I don't expect
that somebody buys something.
Although I am very passionate,
as far as my work is concerned –
as you may have already noticed –
and are very emotional
with regards to the success of my business,
I am very, very emotionless
with regard to every single viewer
or reader.
I realize that I don't know
what's going on in your life.
Maybe you don't have much money.
Maybe you only learn German on the side
and it is not that important to you.
Maybe you like to learn German
as an amusing hobby
that you can do for free.
Maybe you are afraid
to learn for real
and to commit yourself.
Maybe you have once
bought an online product
and it was a bad experience,
it was a bad investment.
There are probably a thousand other reasons
why some people
don't invest in their education.
Just as I have no expectations for you,
I do not want any expectations from you
such as
that I announce it every time
if I don't publish videos for a while.
More about that in a next video.
As I said, I don't expect anything from you
and that feels really good.
Because if you
expected something from someone
and this person
does not meet these expectations,
then you are very frustrated.
I offer German learners the possibility
to book an appointment with me.
About 70 % of all people
who book an appointment with me
are online on the agreed date and time.
The rest skips out on me
and some don't even respond anymore.
At first, that made
me a bit angry
– just a bit.
I thought
"Man, I took the time
and now they are just not there!"
But at some point I just accepted it.
I stopped to expect
that the person will be there
and now I brace myself for the fact
that the person may not be there.
And I'm not angry anymore.
I get it.
I mean, I'm like that, too –
we are all like that!
Who has not been
too late somewhere once?
Who had not at some time
had something come up?
It is normal
that you don't keep appointments.
It is also normal
to use freely available resources
and to give nothing back!
That is normal
because you can't or simply,
because you don't want to.
It is liberating
to have no expectations
because no one
can fulfill the expectations of another person
I am not saying
that you shouldn't do certain things.
You should give back if you can.
You should show up to appointments.
You should be on time –
at least, if you are dealing with Germans.
But you should, above all,
live by your own values –
according to your own values!
The expectation that counts
is the one you have of yourself.
That's the expectation that counts –
the only expectation that counts.
Do your best
and free yourself from expectations.
This way, you will never be disappointed,
only often positively surprised.
Thanks for watching!
By the way, you can surprise me positively
by donating something at
and signing up for the
German learning Academy.
Both will also benefit you.
জয় কালী কলকাত্তাওয়ালী ধারাবাহিকে ফিরছে পায়েল দে !|Actress Payel De Come Back Jai Kali Kalkattawali - Duration: 1:22.
Marshmello : $ 20 000 000 House & Cars Collection - Duration: 2:33.Marshmello - $ 20 000 000 House & Cars Collection
Marshmello - $ 20 000 000 House & Cars Collection
Marshmello - $ 20 000 000 House & Cars Collection
Focaccia ripiena bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
第14話(シリーズ第19話)「ベルゼブブの思惑」【アニメ モンスターストライク】 - Duration: 11:52.Fallen Angel of Rebellion
Surgat, deity of evil...
The Underworld / Chokhmah's Laboratory Surgat, deity of evil...
The Underworld / Chokhmah's Laboratory
Awaken from your endless sleep
and sever the bonds set by the Almighty!
Hallowed Decemvir Chokhmah and sever the bonds set by the Almighty!
Hallowed Decemvir Chokhmah
Let us begin...
Now all we need are the reins!
Episode 14 Beelzebub's Verdict
The Heavens / Tree of Life
This is...
The Decemviri used forbidden arts to seal the power of the Almighty.
How could they?
Michael, we're before the Almighty.
This is no time for talking! We have to help!
Please wait. Right now, our strength alone is not enough.
There's something you all must know.
This is our world.
The Heavens, Purgatory,
and the Underworld.
But there is more to it than meets the eye.
What do you mean?
This is...
We live in only one dimension of many.
The worlds that surround us are infinite.
We call this the Strike World.
Strike World?
This is going way over my head!
We, the Decemviri, discovered a gate to other worlds amongst ancient ruins.
While some wished to survey the Strike World,
the Almighty forbade all expeditions
for fear that the balance between worlds would be tipped.
But the Decemviri lusted after the unknown
and plotted against the Almighty.
Well, that's pretty selfish.
Holy shrines power the Heavens' barrier.
The barrier will fall once all of the shrines are destroyed.
The Decemviri have already destroyed most of them.
We must protect the shrine here at all costs.
I beseech you.
Protect the Almighty... and the Heavens.
Of course.
Unto the orb eternal.
That's enough.
There's no way to destroy Surgat.
Accept reality.
That only gives us more reason to act.
We need to destroy Surgat as soon as...
Are you daft?
Surgat is ruination incarnate.
There's no way you can—
Honestly... Were you not taught that texts are to be respected?
I'll ask only once more.
Tell us how to destroy Surgat.
While I do appreciate your visit,
Surgat cannot be destroyed.
What a waste of time.
Let's go, Lucifer. He's useless to us now.
We need to work out our next move.
No one knows Surgat better than Beelzebub.
If he says there's no way, then maybe there really isn't.
At least someone understands.
Correct, Surgat cannot be stopped.
The world and the Almighty are destined to be destroyed.
Lord Da'at, why have you entrusted our fates to the likes of them?
To cowards who would let the Almighty fall!
"Coward" is a bit much.
I only said we would stop trying to destroy Surgat.
It'd be a waste to destroy such a lovely weapon.
I made up my mind after hearing what you said.
An ancient weapon capable of destroying all in a wave of hellfire...
Perfect for wiping out the Decemviri in a single blow.
Surgat will be mine!
Automatic defense system activated.
Emergency protocols underway.
Evacuate immediately.
Protocols? What's going on?
Don't you get it?
Goodbye, Fallen Angel Lucifer.
One minute to self-destruct.
Lucifer, we need to leave.
You got a death wish? Come on!
You'll never make it out in time from here.
Do what you want, then.
I don't plan on dying here.
My thirst for knowledge is not yet sated.
Thirty seconds to self-destruct.
Quite the hidden passage you've got here.
Beautiful, isn't it?
It's the work of my underlings.
Were you really a prisoner?
Ah, my hard-earned collection will soon be dust.
How fleeting it all is.
Looks like they found us.
Was this part of your plan?
O-Of course.
Twenty seconds to self-destruct.
Go, my underlings!
Open a path for your great master!
Open... a path...
Ten seconds to self-destruct.
What now? We won't make it in time.
Time to get serious!
Five, four, three...
Just as planned.
You won't be able to keep up with the Decemviri at that speed.
Your opinion is noted.
Not to interrupt your lover's quarrel, but...
Lucifer, were you serious
when you mentioned harnessing Surgat's power?
Of course.
Lucifer, we don't need him. Let's go.
And where would you go?
No one understands Surgat better than I.
You know something.
A monster fit to destroy the Almighty...
How foolish you are to desire such a thing, Lucifer.
But oh, so interesting...
Life has become such a bore.
Being with you should spice things up.
I'll show you a way to control Surgat.
The time has finally come.
To bid farewell to the Almighty's tyranny.
A new world awaits.
Mini Chocolate Bars Bounty, Snickers, Mars - Duration: 6:56.Mini Chocolate Bars Bounty, Snickers, Mars
VE- Cách lưu bản trình bày PowerPoint dưới dạng video Chuyển đổi PPT thành MPEG-4 - Duration: 2:31.Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.How to Save a PowerPoint Slide Presentation as a Video?
To run your presentation on computers that don't have PowerPoint can save your presentation as a video file.
After you have created your slides. and recorded any timing and narrations.
add transition and animation that you want to include.and audio file you like.
You are ready to create a video file. On the File menu select ensure all your recent work has been saved
in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Click File. Export. Create a Video.In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video
heading. select the video quality you want, which pertains to the resolution of the finished video.
The higher the video quality, the larger the file size. Full HD large file size Computer and HD screens.
HD medium file size Internet and DVD. Standard smallest file size Portable devices.
Click Create Video. In the File name box, enter a file name for the video.
browse for the folder that will contain this file, and then click Save. In the Save as type box, choose either MPEG-4 Video
or Windows Media Video. You can track the progress of the video creation. by looking at the status bar at the bottom of your screen.
To play your newly-created video, go to the designated folder location. and then double-click the file.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
So Satisfying Video Kinetic Sand Scooping Cutting ASMR - Duration: 6:05.So Satisfying Video Kinetic Sand Scooping Cutting ASMR
ফারজানা জুথি | Model and Actress | Farjana Juthie | Photo Video | Photo Shoot | Official - Duration: 3:40.PhotoVideo
ইস্রাত মিম | Model and Actress | Israt Mim | Photo Video | Photo Shoot | Official - Duration: 2:25.PhotoVideo
Các cầu thủ bóng đá nổi tiếng khiến CĐV đối thủ phải tán dương. Bạn có biết đó là ai? - Duration: 2:16.
The famous football players cause the opposition fans to praise. Do you know who it is?
Roxy Ally Banana 2019 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:18.Hi I am Lea Baumschlager, I am a team rider for Mervin.
I am going to present to you the Roxy Ally snowboard.
Mervin make handmade snowboards in the USA,
they have a very sustainable and eco-friendly production process,
by using eco-friendly materials.
We can see here the recycled sidewall,
the snowboard is made primarily for park riding,
but can be also classified as an allmountain board, for every area.
This board is very soft, so if you just started snowboarding in the park
it should serve you great, because it has a lot of pop.
We have a rocker in the middle and 2 cambers on the sides,
the rocker is placed in the middle of the bindings.
This is a very playful and fun board
and you will have a lot of fun with it on the mountain for sure!
FP- Paano i-save ang pagtatanghal ng PowerPoint bilang pag-convert ng video sa PPTX sa video - Duration: 1:47.Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.How to Save a PowerPoint Slide Presentation as a Video?
To run your presentation on computers that don't have PowerPoint can save your presentation as a video file.
After you have created your slides. and recorded any timing and narrations.
add transition and animation that you want to include.and audio file you like.
You are ready to create a video file. On the File menu select ensure all your recent work has been saved
in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Click File. Export. Create a Video.In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video
heading. select the video quality you want, which pertains to the resolution of the finished video.
The higher the video quality, the larger the file size. Full HD large file size Computer and HD screens.
HD medium file size Internet and DVD. Standard smallest file size Portable devices.
Click Create Video. In the File name box, enter a file name for the video.
browse for the folder that will contain this file, and then click Save. In the Save as type box, choose either MPEG-4 Video
or Windows Media Video. You can track the progress of the video creation. by looking at the status bar at the bottom of your screen.
To play your newly-created video, go to the designated folder location. and then double-click the file.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
ফারজানা তনিমা | Model and Actress | Farzana Tonima | Photo Video | Photo Shoot | Official - Duration: 1:05.PhotoVideo
Thiết kế website bằng WordPress P3 - Kết nối hosting với domain(tên miền) - Duration: 10:51.
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How To Setup Custom Domain In Blogger With Godaddy - Duration: 9:52.How To Setup Custom Domain In Blogger With Godaddy
If You Have Any Que . About How To Setup Custom Domain In Blogger With Godaddy So You Can Ask In Comment Box
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