Ninh explains, Depression Part 2: How Depression works and getting to the root cause.
Hopefully you've watched my first video on depression
which you can find the link for it right there.
And whether you actually suffer from it or not.
But let's say that you do.
Understanding what it is and how it affects you is key for you to overcome it.
Now if you analyse the word 'depression', you'll see the word 'DEPRESS' in it.
People with depression compress their feelings they depress their emotions, they don't let
them do what they need to do.
They internalise everything and it feels like an anaconda strangling you, and people with
depression are strangled by their emotions.
Now there's no one cause of Depression, but here's a flow chart of some of the symptoms
that you might be experiencing.
In fact, let's blow this up so that you can see it a little bit better.
There we go!
Maybe it's Traumatic situation that's caused your depression.
Death, divorce, conflict etc.
Maybe it's your environment, maybe you're surrounded by negative people, negative family
members, you live in a subpar standard of living.
Maybe it's a cycle of Negative thoughts – negative thinking, self criticism, beating
yourself up etc.
How about emotion?
Sadness, numbness, anxiety.
It could even be a physical cause – weird sleep patterns, fatigue, lack of exercise,
being overweight.
It could be physiological – maybe you've got poor body chemistry, irregular brain chemicals,
lack of serotonin, hormonal issues.
Or, you could be depressed based upon the actions you take towards yourself.
Social withdrawal, poor levels of self care etc.
They all feed each other, and when you notice that one of these symptoms gets worse, the
others around it get worse for you as well.
Like I said, there'll be one or two of these that scream out to you more than other and
you'll think to yourself – yes,, yes that's it, that triggers my depression.
One of these will be a root cause of why you're actually getting depressed.
Obviously I don't know what that is for you, that's something for you to figure out.
Unfortunately, Depression isn't something that you can click your fingers and say 'snap
out of it'.
It doesn't work that way.
As you've seen from this cycle, these symptoms all feed each other.
It's not a case of just 'snapping out of it', you can't!
If it was that easy, everyone would do it.
But they can't because all these symptoms are interlinked.
you have to approach this in a complete different way.
But the one key thing I want you to take away from all this is … and if you only remember
one thing from this video is this ... You have thoughts ... but you are not your thoughts.
Let me repeat that ... you have thoughts ... but you are not your thoughts.
The negative thoughts that you have inside your head, they don't define who you are.
And let me give you an analogy.
Imagine that you are the sky.
Whether or not it's day or night, the sky is always there.
Depression (like most other feelings) are like clouds in the sky.
Sometimes they come, sometimes they go, sometimes they stay linger around for more than is humanly
necessary, sometimes they pee on you, but generally they are not the sky.
The clouds are in the sky, but they are not the sky.
And therefore, the feelings that you have aren't you.
They come, they go, but they are not who you are.
Depression isn't you.
Depression is unfortunately just a very dark cloud, that blocks you from seeing who you
truly are, and what truly matters.
Remember: you have thoughts, but you are not your thoughts.
And that's the one thing I want you to remember out of this video.
Now that you know how depression works and what the root cause is for you specifically,
it's now time to cure the damn thing.
Tune into my video tomorrow for part 3 of my depression series.
The solution on how to cure depression.
And if you like this video, be sure to like share subscribe.
Download my free ebook, go to my website and follow me on social media.
And let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comments section below.
Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK
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