Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily Apr 25 2018

Metro is a global wholesaler operating in 35 countries.

We deliver products to our customers

and they are as diverse as our products.

We are focusing on hospitality as one of our key markets.

Our purpose is to help our customers to grow their business

and be successful.

To achieve this, we use modern technology wherever is possible.

We look at the digital transformation of hospitality.

One of the pain-points we see in that industry

of restaurants and cafes is

that they need to spend a lot of time with complex tasks like restocking.

And that's time that they don't have to spend with the customers.

Restocking takes a lot of time.

If I make a mistake, that means a loss of turnover and unhappy customers.

What is exciting for me is how technology can speed this up.

But also how it could help with our menu

like helping us creating better daily specials.

Our solution is to use Google Cloud's Machine Learning Technologies

to predict what restaurants need before they actually need it.

It means that, in line with the applicable data protection laws in the EU

large data sets can be harnessed by the power of machine learning models.

Metro has a huge amount of data.

And we can leverage that data to grow the business of our customers.

This is a great opportunity to help our partners to grow

through digitalisation and innovation.

For more infomation >> Metro AG digital using Google Cloud Machine Learning Technology - Duration: 1:26.


The Voice 2018 - The Cast of Rise: "Scars to Your Beautiful" (Created with Marshalls) - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2018 - The Cast of Rise: "Scars to Your Beautiful" (Created with Marshalls) - Duration: 3:12.


The Originals | Inside: One Wrong Turn on Bourbon | The CW - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> The Originals | Inside: One Wrong Turn on Bourbon | The CW - Duration: 1:52.


Wall Street Says That Curing Diseases Is BAD For Business - Duration: 3:03.

According to a great new report by Lee Camp on Truthdig, Wall Street bankers actually

believe that curing diseases here in the United States is bad for business.

According to an analyst with Goldman Sachs, analyst by the name of Salveen Richter, this

is what he had to say in a recent report for Goldman Sachs.

"Is curing patients a sustainable business model?

The potential to deliver one-shot cures is one of the most attractive aspects of gene


However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus

chronic therapies.

While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent

a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow."

Sustained cash flow is what bankers and pharmaceutical companies, that's what they value more than

they value your life.

They admitted that.

That's what's right there, in their own documents.

They want sustained cash flow, they want chronic illnesses, illnesses that make you have to

go in for therapy once a month, or twice a month, or every other month, whatever it is,

as long as you keep coming back for more.

If they cure you, you're done.

You don't go back.

You don't have to spend money, you don't have to get more test run, you don't have to buy

more medicine.

They're out of their cash flow.

It's not sustainable.

And now you understand why in the United States it seems like we're not curing anything anymore.

In his piece, Lee Camp actually referred to a 1999 Chris Rock segment from his album Bigger

and Blacker, where Chris Rock actually talked about that in '99.

He said doctors don't cure shit.

They just patch it up because the money is in the medicine, people coming back.

And that is exactly what we're dealing with here, 19 years after Chris Rock said that

on that album.

Lee Camp discusses that in his piece here.

But we now have confirmed evidence that Wall Street bankers, pharmaceutical companies,

and everybody involved in medicine here in the United States, they value the money that

you pay for coming back, and back, and back, and back, more than they value your life to

develop a cure.

And that is the problem with for-profit medicine here in the United States, and none of that

is going to change until we rein in these pharmaceutical companies, and we get the government

somehow involved in this in a much better way, to prevent them from gouging us every

time we go refill a prescription, and make sure that they're actively working on trying

to cure Americans and not just drain our wallets.

For more infomation >> Wall Street Says That Curing Diseases Is BAD For Business - Duration: 3:03.


Meet The Woman Who Was 'Locked In' Her Own Body For 4 Years | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> Meet The Woman Who Was 'Locked In' Her Own Body For 4 Years | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 11:33.


How To Find Instagram Influencers To Explode Your Shopify Sales (BRAND NEW!) - Duration: 21:45.

What is up ninjas! Everyone's heard about Instagram influencers but if you

Want to know exactly how I made $30,000 in just one week only using Instagram

Influencers to advertise for my Shopify store then stay tuned because we're

Gonna build some crazy stuff about how to find the best influences in the world

How to negotiate their prices to rock bottom and a secret that I personally

Use it's going to completely change the Instagram influencer game so don't go


Yeah and I think sup min does today we're gonna talk about how I use

Instagram influencer marketing alone with no Facebook no Google no other type

Of advertising to make over $30,000 in just one week and this video is gonna be

Completely full of hacks right there's not going to be any fluff like all the

Other Instagram influence or videos that I've seen out there we're gonna talk

about real implementable actionable strategies that you can use today to

find Instagram influencers in your own niche so make sure you don't go anywhere

because we're gonna be dropping absolute bombs throughout this whole video but

before we get into actionable steps that we can actually use right now to find

Instagram influencers that are going to be super profitable let's take a quick

step back and discuss what Instagram influencer marketing actually is because

there's probably some people out there who are wondering you know what the heck

is Instagram influencer marketing I always keep hearing about it but I

want to know what it is so basically what it is guys is you're utilizing

people's already existing following so let's say that I'm selling pitbull socks

for example and we can use that example for the rest of the video so if I'm

selling pitbull socks right for the dog the pitbull then I want to go out there

and I want to find instagramers who have already built a big followings of people

who like pitbulls right so if I made a page and all I'm doing is posting you

know cute little pictures of pitbull puppies for example people out there in

the world are going to be searching Instagram for pitbull they're gonna find

that page and that page is going to build up a following so sometimes these

people and I know it sounds crazy but these people have instagrams that have a

hundred thousand or a two hundred thousand or a million followers and all

they do is post pictures of up pitbull puppies and pitbull related stuff and so

when you know let's say that you're selling pitbull socks for example

then you already know that that a hundred thousand or million people are

interested in pit bulls and so it's a very targeted audience who is much more

likely than a cold audience to buy your pit bull related products and so that's

kind of the point of Instagram influence or marketing it's finding people who

already have pre-existing followings and then kind of utilizing that extremely

targeted following to then sell them a product that is ultra related to what

they've already shown they're interested in as we can see from this chart right

here guys about two-thirds of all shout outs are between zero and two hundred

fifty dollars and pretty much every shoutout that I've ever done has

actually fallen into that range I've done a couple expensive ones and if you

know what you're doing and you're kind of more well-versed in this and then

more expensive can be extremely profitable also but for most of the

people watching and for most beginners into Instagram influencer marketing it's

gonna be between zero and two hundred fifty dollars generally I found you know

it's between twenty and one hundred and fifty dollars it's kind of the sweet

spot for choosing the influencers that you want because a lot of people think

that all influence are influencers are created equal but they are absolutely

not it's all about the engagement rate and having that engagement rate the

actual real people and not robots and engagement groups and we're gonna talk

about all of that very very in-depth but before we do guys I'm if you want to

learn how I use Instagram influencers like in my own business how we generated

you know over a thousand dollars our first ever day then do me a favor and

comment down below and if you're a follower and you've been watching all of

my recent videos I've been asking people to comment a lot but I've been making

all the videos the reason I do this guys is because I want to actually put the

videos out that you want to see so if you want to see how I made a thousand

dollars on my very first time ever using Instagram influencers profit a thousand

times profit then comment Instagram influencers as a comment on this video

and I will make that video for you guys next let's jump in and see what we

actually want from an Instagram influencers so if we go to Instagram

right here we're gonna type in millionaire and we're gonna just choose

one of these millionaire dream so we see that they have four hundred nineteen

thousand followers I'm generally you know that's pretty good I like to look

for you know anywhere between fifty thousand and three hundred thousand

sometimes I found and this isn't a said this isn't a steadfast rule but

sometimes I found you know people with over 300,000 followers tend to want more

for a shout out than they necessarily deserve but I've generally found that

people under 300,000 are a little bit more fair with their pricing but again

you'll never know unless you reach out for these people and it says right here

right email us for promos ads at clever preneur comm so again we'll talk about

how to contact and how to price and negotiate these things later on in the

video but again it's very easy if you want to contact these people for a

shout-out all you most of them list email us for promos right here so what

we're gonna do guys is we're gonna take their username right here or again right

here and we're gonna head over to a website called influence or marketing

hub and what this site is is you know it has a lot of things that you can use for

Instagram but what I use it for is at the bottom here called Instagram

calculator so when we click Instagram calculator what we're gonna see here is

the average engagement rate on Instagram and Twitter in 2017 so we see that you

know what we're looking for you know above 10,000 but generally above 100,000

is about 2.4 percent engagement and you know they calculate engagement rate

based on comments and likes per picture so if like if I have a hundred thousand

followers and a thousand of them comment on my post then that would mean I had a

1 percent engagement rate right in comments and

likes are factored in but that's just these are general rules of thumb if they

have over a hundred thousand then the average is 1.7 so you want to see you

know these type of numbers or higher for these things and that's a good initial

gauge to know whether or not these are real you know they have real followers

and they're not just followed by boss because if you're not familiar with

Instagram there's a lot of box which means they aren't real followers but it

looks like they have a lot of followers but they don't have real people

followers and then you're paying to show your products to robots and robots are

never gonna buy your stuff right and the same problem happens with what's called

engagement groups but I'll show you some fun little tricks and hacks to make sure

that you're not you know paying to put your product in front of robots and to

make sure that you're actually putting your product in front of real people so

we're gonna come down here to the Instagram influence or earnings

calculator and we're gonna type in a millionaire dream the one that we copy

and pasted from right here in the title and the URL or right here and we're

gonna go to search and what we're gonna see here is they're going to do the

calculation for us right here for the engagement rate so we see that their

engagement rate is one point zero two and if we compare that with

thousand followers plus on Instagram they actually have lower than average

engagement right and so what that kind of means and we can take a look closer a

little look but just you know on a very basic level what that means is that they

have lower than average engagement for their particular for that particular

follower count so what we see here is you know twenty eight hundred likes with

only fifteen comments right fifteen comments for a four hundred and nineteen

thousand followers twenty comments ten comments right so these aren't

particularly impressive numbers and if we actually look inside here let's take

a look at the comments nice instagrams superb pics right like this comment if

you have no fear this is totally true right these are also true like this

these are these are this is a perfect example of most likely bought content

this is all very generic short things right nice Instagram that could

literally be about anything so these are literally robots these are programs that

somebody created to go out and comment on these posts to make it appear like

this Instagram is actually getting you know more action that's dope right these

are all just thumbs up these are all very very generic and so this is a very

good example and a red flag of a particular post that has pretty much

entirely bought content and so this would be absolutely not be one of the

Instagram influencers that I would want to reach out to to actually promote my

stuff I'm one little other trick that I like to look at is you can look at the

followers here and you like to see that you know 99 percent of these little

pictures right here actually have a profile picture because most people who

use Instagram who are real people have like a profile picture of themselves of

their family you know sometimes people have like pictures on like the beach or

whatever but for the most part you know it's pictures of themselves and we see

you know there's like a soccer ball here this is obviously a company you know

power storm this is obviously looks like a company the Joker you know again most

of these people like even you know even like 30% of just these first ones we're

seeing don't look like they're actually real instagrams inspiration for you

these these kind of look like business accounts or promo accounts you know that

we wouldn't necessarily want to actually promote a product to just because they

don't seem like they're actually real people's instagrams and so this is a

very good example actually and just kind of Brandon Lee happen to be so of an

unsecured definitely avoid because they have you know mostly bought content they

have bought related likes they bought related very generic comments and many

of their followers even in the first you know twenty that we looked at don't seem

like real human accounts and so let's take another example it is your boy at

official Kevin David calm is my Instagram if you want to follow it we'd

love to have you because we are posting a bunch of fun content all the time

and so let's actually plug in my Instagram here instead and so we saw

that there's was about 1% engagement and your boy does not have one percent

engagement I hope yeah so we see you know up 16 over 16 percent engagement

rate you know over 16 percent higher than what they were

excuse me 16 times higher than what they were looking at and if we look at you

know my comments and things like that you know 33 comments and things just

just posted 60 comments you know 1.4 million views 47 comments 6147 94 you

know 465 comments you know you can just kind of tell that there's a lot more

people that are interacting right 906 comments then the the previous page that

we looked at so this is definitely you know obviously I'm not gonna do a shout

outs for products but you know if you found an influencer product let's say

that you were like selling wooden sunglasses and you found like an

influencer that takes pictures of like beautiful islands or you know show a

Travel Instagram that you could do an insert campaign for you'd want to look

for similar types of numbers 16% is very very good so I wouldn't say that that's

what net just generally what you're looking for but anything over like 2%

right especially if you're getting over a hundred thousand followers cuz I don't

you know I only have like 35 or you have thirty five thousand followers and so

once you get over a hundred thousand it's unrealistic to expect a 16 percent

engagement rate unless it's like a celebrity account for example like you

know Kylie Jenner and things like that so but these are kind of the numbers

that you're looking for anything above you know two to five percent engagement

rate for an account that has over a hundred thousand is extremely good and

what you want to do is make sure that they have you know real followers by

checking out the the profile pictures and you want to make sure that the

comments aren't just like totally generic things

nice your Instagram and like thumbs up thumbs up like great pose awesome pics

like those are obviously robot the robot responses they're not real people let's

talk about the important part how do you actually find influencers for your

particular niche or brand so I'm gonna use a pitbull as an example just because

you know we've sold dog parks in the past specifically pitbull products just

because they have a huge very passionate fan base so we're gonna go to actually

instagram themselves we're gonna type in hashtag pitbull and we see there's 19

million posts related to pitbull right and some of these could be the artist

pitbull but we see pitbull of instagram i'm over a million posts for a pitbull

puppy pitbull gram right so we can pretty much assume that pitbull official

pitbull gram pitbull puppy pitbulls and Instagram are probably all their own

instagrams here so let's take a look at the first one so we see 16 thousand

likes huge amount of likes there so we definitely want to open that one up see

what's going on with that I like to actually just go on the overarching one

though so we'll go to pitbull and then we would look at the 19 million posts I

mean how Instagram is kind of organized here is it organizes the top nine post

the 3 by 3 as the top post and the top posts are chosen by a variety of things

you know acceleration you know how many likes a new post gets how fast how many

high-quality likes that post gets so like if I get you know if Selena Gomez

likes my picture and she has you know 70 million followers or whatever it is then

obviously my picture would go immediately to the explore page because

the strength of the like and the velocity of likes and comments for a new

post is what determines what gets on on the explore post and you know there's

ways to manipulate getting onto the explore post by kind of using a less

competitive hashtags and getting onto the explore post for those less

competitive hashtags and that starts to build up to get you onto the from the

explore post of you know the more competitive hashtags but that's that

could be another video again if you guys want me to make more videos on Instagram

type the comment down below that says Instagram influencer just the two words

Instagram influencer as a comment on this video and I can make a complete

all-inclusive Instagram video you know how I was able to grow my account from

5,000 followers to 35 thousand followers literally in just one month and though

real people not boss not engagement groups not any of that BS and so what

we're gonna do is we're gonna look at some of these two comments one so we see

a lot of different accounts here let's see what happens when we just type in

pitbull and see if we can find some actual accounts here so we see pitbull

universe so three hundred and three thousand followers I'm another good way

to do it you know it's just exactly how I just did

pitbull fans you know seven hundred and fifty four thousand and so these would

both be you know good kind of people to go after and see if they would be

available for business shoutouts literally they say DM for business

shoutouts best price available I could that be you know easier so all you have

to do is shoot them a DM stands for direct message for you good for those of

you who don't know so once you find kind of a good one like bit like these two

right there's a fun little trick that I like to use and all it is is very simple

it's this little arrow right here it will actually show suggestions and so

these are other popular pitbull pages so if you find one good kind of influencer

let Instagram do the hard work for you right and find these other accounts two

hundred and three thousand followers you know eighteen thousand followers

two hundred seventy two thousand followers thirteen thousand followers

three hundred and thirteen thousand flowers for all different types of kind

of sizes and this gives you a good range because how hard is it to send a single

message right a direct message or an email to these people saying hey I'm

interested in doing like a promotional shout out on your page could you give me

you know your prices for a 12-hour shout out we're gonna talk about you know the

length of shout out the time of shout out because all of these things matter

guys every single one of these things makes a huge difference and doing it

right the first time you're gonna see a huge dividend and a

huge payoff and a huge amount of profit from doing Instagram influencer

marketing right but that is a great way to find Instagram influencers all you

have to do is find one influencer are just by typing in the hashtag right

pitbull looking for one account we found one account here click this little

button and now we see a bunch of suggestions so I would message every

single one of these guys and say you know what are your prices for you know

doing a promotional shout-out for twelve hours I generally like to run my

shoutouts from 9:00 a.m. Pacific time to 9:00 p.m. specific time if you do 24

hours the relevancy on Instagram starts to

degrade and so I've found that the biggest bang for your buck is paying for

a 12-hour shoutout from 9:00 a.m. PST to 9:00 p.m. PST and you know there are a

few other secrets like doing you know promotional shout outs with images and

videos and story posts and there's one of those three that is you know

absolutely the best option of the three but again if you guys want to learn more

and I can do an all-inclusive Instagram video comment Instagram influencers down

below give a like on the video if you guys have learned something I'm trying

to put out as much free content as I possibly can for you guys because I love

you and so that's how you kind of use Instagram itself to take a look at you

know how to find Instagram influencers for any particular topic so another cool

way that I like to do it is using a little search hack on Google and you can

do this for anything right if you want to search a specific website for

something right you could do Facebook you could do Amazon it doesn't matter

what it is all you type into Google is site colon and then the website itself

and then we're gonna go space here and we're gonna type pitbull and now Google

is going to do the work for us and they're gonna so this is pitbull the

actual artist the musician if you can call him a musician um no offense if you

like him so but we see pitbull here mr. worldwide pitbull pitbulls of Instagram

pitbull 5% we see 36,000 followers the most bad ones pitbull puppies online

yeah so we see you know Google is showing us 1.6 million followers so this

is kind of the big guy right that it seems like to me 30,000 dollars donated

here we see that their gmail address so if we wanted to message them asking for

a particular shout-out or something like that

this is how we would do it and again a great way to do it click this little

thing right here the little arrow it's gonna show you suggestions and I would

again look at every single one of these and it gives you literally this carousel

that goes on and on and on and on so 200 to thousand followers 67,000

40,000 18,000 1.6 million so all of these different kind of options here we

can calculate their engagements you know we can look to see if they're getting

real comments and not from boss or engagement groups we can see if they're

followed by real people and all this kind of plays in to choosing the

correct Instagram influencer that's going to give you the most possible

profit and so the last way that I like to use and I generally don't suggest

paying for Instagram influence or search engines but deep social does have a free

trial though I think they'll give you three free searches and so it says you

know and we just signed up for deep social and you don't have to pay or

anything like that I think I just signed in with Facebook or something and so

what we're gonna do is we're gonna type in pitbull here and let's see what they

actually give us back here and so we see that you know they're gonna give us some

of the things that we just looked at and again they're telling us to upgrade the

plan but this is a good way to kind of get started when you're not 100% sure

kind of you know what to do and how to get started even though I just showed

you you know some some great methods to do that but we can take a look at these

ones right here I'm just straight from this website we see some quality right

73 thousand which is pretty good we see two hundred seventy three thousand four

thousands probably a little bit too small but again so free it showed us it

got us started and then we can use Instagram itself by looking at the

related posts to find a ton more so that is exactly how you find Instagram

influencers and so that guys is everything that you need from a pitbull

perspective but more importantly from an Instagram perspective for influencers

how to contact and find the best influencers right a bunch of tips and

secrets and strategies that I use to find you know very high quality

Instagram influencers how to make sure that they have a real engagement how to

make sure that their engagement is above average how to make sure that they're

not just followed by a bunch of bots and engagement groups and how to actually go

about contacting them guys it's not as hard as it looks you know if they don't

have any information here shoot them a direct message but a lot of times you

know they'll literally tell you you know DM for business shoutouts best price

available or they'll literally have you know their

contact information right here guys and you know when you when you contact

someone you can you know open it up to whatever pricing you want if they have

under three hundred thousand followers I generally start with an offer of twenty

dollars and they'll counter and they'll tell you you know you we normally have

we normally do $50 or $100 and then you can ask you know if you

want to be except you know especially kind of detailed you can ask for

engagement details that if they have a business account you know they can show

you kind of their analytics where it says okay our audience is thirty five

percent female sixty five percent male you know thirty seven percent from the

USA and then you can you know take a deeper dive into that information and

decide for yourself whether or not you think that is useful and again I can go

super super in-depth on this guy's just comment Instagram influencers down in

the comments and I will make an all-inclusive Instagram video but you

know that is pretty much everything you need to get started using Instagram

influencers today for your Shopify drop shipping business guys and before we go

I just wanted to give a shout out to our daily $100 winner where we're sending

100 straight to your PayPal every single day jut just to give back to you guys

for being such awesome fans we literally just passed B 100,000 subscriber mark

for the very first time guys there's a huge huge moment for me I can't wait to

show you guys a little youtube plaque once they send it to my house I'm going

to literally make such an excessive video because it was a seriously

meaningful moment to me it means so much that you know hundred thousand people

out there in the world want to hear what I have to say it's so so meaningful guys

and if you want to enter the $100 giveaway all you have to do is click

little subscribe button click little notification bells I'll leave your best

comment and we're gonna choose one of you and we're gonna send $100 straight

to your PayPal oh and did I mention you also immediately enter to win our

thousand dollar weekly giveaway we're gonna give away a brand spanking new

copy of this Shopify ninja master class where we go A to C on everything from

starting from zero to a successful Shopify Empire guy so I hope you enjoyed

this video and we'll see you on the next one

For more infomation >> How To Find Instagram Influencers To Explode Your Shopify Sales (BRAND NEW!) - Duration: 21:45.


KATAKLYSM - "Meditations" Songwriting & Musical Direction (OFFICIAL TRAILER) - Duration: 4:37.

The best album since "In The Arms Of Devastation"! Awesome!

Catchy songs - straight in your face

Aren't 14 songs or only 7 songs. It is a record with 10 songs. And those 10 songs are not too long and not too short

So you see, everything is perfect here.

It is an album for many occasions

and I think, they will reach a lot of people with it

For more infomation >> KATAKLYSM - "Meditations" Songwriting & Musical Direction (OFFICIAL TRAILER) - Duration: 4:37.


'Who Knew' About Celebrity Kids: Who Was The Youngest 'SNL' Host? | TODAY - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> 'Who Knew' About Celebrity Kids: Who Was The Youngest 'SNL' Host? | TODAY - Duration: 5:16.


How Mommy Burnout Led This 'Trauma Mama' To A Serious Injury | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 11:54.

For more infomation >> How Mommy Burnout Led This 'Trauma Mama' To A Serious Injury | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 11:54.


¡Entérate todo lo que está pasando en la farándula! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> ¡Entérate todo lo que está pasando en la farándula! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:03.


¿Quieres reír sin parar? ¡Tienes que ver "The Week Of"! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> ¿Quieres reír sin parar? ¡Tienes que ver "The Week Of"! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:24.


Actress Allison Mack Negotiating Possible Plea After Sex Trafficking Arrest | TODAY - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Actress Allison Mack Negotiating Possible Plea After Sex Trafficking Arrest | TODAY - Duration: 3:29.


Melania Trump brilla, pero las redes sociales se burlan | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump brilla, pero las redes sociales se burlan | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:59.


El horóscopo de hoy, 25 de abril de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> El horóscopo de hoy, 25 de abril de 2018, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:13.


Ivanka Trump vs Tiffany Trump Lifestyle ★ Net Worth ★ Income ★ House ★ Cras ★ Education ★ Boyfriend - Duration: 10:04.

hi guys please ball button subscribe my channel like this video please please

want to trump vs tiffany trump lifestyle

Tiffani Trump

biography full name Tiffany Ariana Trump father named Donald

Trump mother Marla maples nationality the United States birth date October

13th 1993 age 24 years height 5 fitn weight fifty six kilograms born in

Chicago Illinois United States hair color blonde eye color blue measurement

35 - 25 35 in bra size 3 to see shoe size 8 us education University of

Pennsylvania PA Georgetown University Law Center current law student

occupation student socialite full name Ivanka Marie Trump alternative

name Ivanka nationality American birth date October 30th 1981 age 36 years

height 5 feet 11 inches weight 65 kilograms born in New York City u.s.

hair color blonde eye color light brown bra size 3 6 D measurements 36 - 26 36

inches shoe size 9.5 u.s. education Chapin school Manhattan dot Georgetown

University Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania

occupation fashion model author real estate developer businesswoman


father Donald Trump

Ivanka Trump mother Ivana Trump

mother Marla maples

brother Donald Trump jr.

father Eric trump

little brother bear in trunk

sister Tiffani Trump

boyfriend Ivanka Trump first boyfriend Greg Hirsch 2001 to 2005

ex-boyfriend bingo gubelman

Ivanka Trump husband Jared Cashner


Ivanka Trump daughter Arabella Rose Kushner

Ivanka Trump sons Joseph Frederick Kushner

I've Anka Trump second son's Theodore James Kushner

Net Worth Ivanka Trump net worth 300 million dollars


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Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 Russia's FURY at Britain, Death by hanging of Putin enemy blamed - Duration: 4:50.

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Russia's fury at Britain death by hanging of Putin enemy blamed on mi5 or

mi6 Russia has claimed that the London death of Vladimir Putin enemy Nikolai

Glushko last month may have been in operation by the British Secret

Service's this came as Moscow lodged a formal demand for Britain to provide the

Kremlin with information on the Scotland Yard murder inquiry into the death dot

the X air afloat executive was found by his daughter Natalya 34 strangled at his

home in New Malden Southwest London on March 12th his death came eight days

after the nerve agent poisoning of ex Spicer Raji scribal 66 and his daughter

Yulia 33 in Salisbury the poisoning is seen by Britain and other Western

countries as very likely an attempted assassination by Russia but Moscow has

blamed it on a provocation by mi5 or mi6 Glushko 68 living in exile in Britain

was close to Boris Berezovsky an arch foe of Putin who died from hanging in

unexplained circumstances in Berkshire in 2013 unconfirmed reports suggested

Glushko 27 year old boyfriend Dennis treshon was with Natalia when she found

his body dot Russia has now submitted a formal request for legal assistance

regarding the murder investigation the move by the Russian prosecutor general's

office is under the European Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters

1959 said the Russian embassy in London numerous attempts of the embassy to

obtain coherent answers from the Foreign Office

or Scotland Yard in line with the international obligations of the UK have

failed said a statement what causes bewilderment is the fact that the

investigation is being conducted in secrecy and the British side is

absolutely refusing to engage with Russia this was labeled unacceptable in

terms of diplomacy and international law such blatant violation of accepted norms

outlined in international agreements has no rational explanation unless we are

dealing with another operation by the British Secret Service's the

Metropolitan Police said Glushko mysterious death had been from

compression of the neck Glushko had been sentenced in absentia to eight years

jail in Russia over alleged 87 million pounds embezzlement of air afloat funds

a conviction he claimed was politically motivated by Putin's government last

week air afloat abandoned High Court proceedings in London against the

businessmen a move his grieving family welcomed the conclusion of this

particular case is one less matter for the family to deal with moving forward

they said in a statement Russia has also criticized Metropolitan

Police Commissioner Cressida dick for being complicit in what it sees as a

British cover-up despite the fact that the Foreign Office had directly

suggested that we discuss mr. Glushko case with Scotland Yard the Embassy has

not received any reply from Miss dick said an earlier statement dot last month

Scotland Yard said a murder investigation was launched on Friday

March 16th following the result of a post-mortem examination which gave the

cause of death as compression to the neck

mr. truss on who speaks fluent English and Russian works as a marketing and

brand consultant he set up a luxury goods business in other bhaijaan with

Natalya glushko son Dmitry 39 lives in Russia

Glushko was the reason that Andrey Lugovoy later identified as the killer

of Putin faux Alexander Litvinenko in London served a 14 month jail sentence

in Russia this extraordinary link dating back to 2001 adds sinister intrigue to

the latest mysterious Russian death in Britain at the time before his exile

Glushko had been jailed for defrauding Aeroflot Lugovoy was head of a security

for a TV station partly owned by Berezovsky a close associate of Glushko

apparently acting for Berezovsky x FSB man Lugovoy attempted to spring glushko

from jail during a hospital visit his audacious scheme was foiled and was

imprisoned for 14 months but glushko always suspected Lugovoy was conniving

with the FSB and believed the escape ploy may even have been a bid to keep

him behind bars longer leuco voice jail term was subsequently and mysteriously

cut short as soon as he was freed he started a major business empire

including a security firm which would make him a millionaire thanks for watch

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