Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily Apr 30 2018


and confidence is not something you have

is something you create and you can

create at any moment in time a sense of

confidence is nothing but a sense of

power within yourself a sense of

certainty that you can pull something

off and you can create that feeling

literally in a moment it's not something

that you live with there is no one that

I've ever met that no matter what

situation they're in is always confident

everybody gets knocked off kilter at

times the key is can you turn the

confidence on when you need it so you

can get the most out of yourself does

that make sense so far so you've got to

remember that feeling confident is

nothing but a state of mind and you can

change and create any state you want at

any moment in time no matter what's

going on around you you've got to

remember that any feeling you've ever

had in your body whether it be fear

anxiety concern depression frustration

or ecstasy power unstoppable 'ti

confidence success those emotions any

emotion you feel comes from the way you

use your physical body the only way you

can feel anything is by the way you move

the way you breathe your facial

expressions so if you're not feeling

confident you don't have to

intellectually try and pump yourself up

because it doesn't always work

I'm sure you've tried it time to go well

I need to be confident I know I should

be confident but you're still not there

let me tell you the quickest way to get

confident is to change your physiology

radically emotion is created by motion

the way you move your body physically

the way you breathe your facial

expressions instantly affects your

emotional state the way you feel and the

way you think so if you need confidence

you must move in a confident way you

must literally put yourself at level 10

or above if you're confident enough you

can develop the competence but if you're

competent and you don't have confidence

you'll never succeed

there are many competent people who

could accomplish incredible results but

they're missing the confidence am I

suggesting to you to be foolhardy no

what I'm suggesting to you is learn how

to turn on the confidence rapidly use

enough of it to learn what you need to

know to be competent in effect

and produce the results but you'd be

surprised how much more you know then

you realize if you really get yourself

in the right state of mind does that

make sense

try it try moving your body in a

confident way stand the way you be

standing if you felt unstoppably

confident breathe the way be breathing

if you felt unstoppably confident really

go for it put the kind of expression on

your face that you have if you are

unstoppably confident and make some

gestures actually move your hands out

with some powers if you're trying to

make a point with real power and what

you know that what you're gonna say is

gonna be effective and just notice how

that feels

say something say yes and the tone of

voice is somebody who is totally

confident don't lose yes with some power

and just feel that feels in your body

get a sense of it turn on more intensity

than you would normally use when another

person just feel it in your body so you

feel what it's like you want to be able

to turn it on just by turning your body

on this is critical with this is a power

you can go from being afraid to strong

in a matter of moments

now try something really stupid and

silly using your physical body

effectively can put you in a state of

confidence no matter what was happening

around you no matter how intense the

situation no matter how scary no matter

how difficult you always have that


don't ever say to yourself again what

good food is break out of that jail if

you don't feel like you have confidence

create it right now it's not a thing

that somebody gave you years ago it's

not something you missed out on it's

something you create by the way speak by

the way you move by the way you gesture

control your mental focus remember what

you focus on is going to determine how

you feel so if you focus constantly on

how things might not work out and you

look it in your brain all the

possibilities of well what if this

doesn't work or what if that doesn't

happen about your mental focus of course

you're gonna lack confidence

remember we experience whatever we focus

on so if you're focusing on how things

won't work you're gonna feel the pain

that you associate to that you're gonna

create a tremendous amount of doubt and

then it usually becomes a

self-fulfilling prophecy you don't get

what you want but when you expect and

focus on one result you say this is what

it is I'm going to accomplish this I

expect it immediately your level

self-confidence goes up and you feel

active immediately because your brain

says hey if I do this I can get some

pleasure in my life does that make sense

that's the process we're talking about

we must control our focus and one way to

do it of course is to control our focus

by controlling the questions we ask

ourselves invariably people who have a

lot of doubt ask questions are creative

if you walk around in life believing

that the only way you can feel confident

is if you've already accomplished

something you got a problem you're

limiting yourself to the number of

things you can ever feel confident about

and succeed in other words some people

say well how can I be confident when

I've never done it before

listen I feel confident all kinds of

things I've never done before you say

well that's because you're a screwed up

well that's not why it is it's because I

come from a belief system that says this

that if I can imagine it I can achieve

it so if I can even imagine it I know I

can achieve it and that allows me to be

confident plus I have a belief system

that says if I'm committed there's

always a way to make it work and no

matter how tough the situation is if I

don't know how to make it work somebody

else does and I can get their help so I

come from that place and that allows me

to be confident I know I can get help I

know if I'm committed there's a way to

do it and I know that anything in the

past I've really been able to imagine

accomplishing and finding a role model

for I can't accomplish

hey listen everything you do now you

once weren't good at everything you do

now there was a time when you had not

done it why wait to get confident

besides that I know I can be confident

about what I'm about to begin because I

know look if it doesn't work out I'll

learn something and that makes me feel

confident because of that learning will

allow me to be better in the future

in other words set yourself up to be

able to be confident again I'm not

suggesting me foolhardy I'm just telling

you how to turn confidence on when you

need it and most the time you do need it

what's the potential of any human being

I personally believe it absolutely is

unlimited none of us even come close to

scratching are real potential there are

a lot of people who go out there and

take a lot of action and still get lousy

results why action by itself is great

but it is not

enough success starts with our beliefs

that is the core of your performance

think about it see the potential is

there but if for some reason you start

out with some learning beliefs like well

I don't have that much self-confidence

anyway or I don't have the background or

I've never done this before so I

probably won't succeed anyway if you

have that belief are you likely to tap a

lot of your potential highly unlikely

now if you don't think you're gonna

succeed you're not using much potential

are you likely to take massive action

hardly now when you tap a little bit of

potential and you only take a little bit

of action what kind of results do you

get a little bit of results if any now

what does that do to your brain and your

beliefs your brain goes see I told you

so now you have this reinforcing belief

matter because it points back to that

experience so what happens you have even

less belief you have even less potential

you take even less action if that's

possible you get even worse results and

now you're truly locked into the

downward spiral to the point where now

you start looking and how can you do the

very least to get by that's called death

rattle to personal success the opposite

is also true too sometimes people have

an experience in life or for some reason

they get a result or something happens

and they begin to absolutely believe not

just hope but know that they can

accomplish something when that happens

whether it because you changed your body

or you had a new experience you're gonna

tap a lot more potential when you know

you're gonna succeed aren't you and

therefore you're gonna probably take a

lot more action knowing you're gonna

succeed you're inspired you're gonna go

for it when you take a lot of action and

use a lot of your potential what kind of

results you get usually great results

when you get great results what does

that need your belief your brain goes

boom see I told you you would succeed

and sure enough now your beliefs are

even stronger so what do you do you tap

even more potential you take massive

action and you get even greater results

what happens you believes even stronger

and now you're in that success cycle

you're in that place where you literally

have momentum that drives you to a whole

new level

that's how beliefs are formed you might

say well how can I get results though

what do I do if I'm on the downward

spiral well you don't change your

potential that's always there you don't

just take action although that's a great

first step you've got to change your

beliefs and that one of the easiest ways

to do that is change your results in

advance if you want to succeed you need

to rehearse over and over succeeding

until it's so real for you your brain

begins to believe it now you'll tap or

potential you'll take better action in

real life you'll get better results

then it'll reinforce your belief and now

you're off and running does this make

sense this is the way to create lifelong

unstoppable self-confidence if you

really want to be confident know what

causes people to lack in it focusing too

much on yourself and not enough on other

people will guarantee that you'll lack

confidence what do I mean I mean some

people like confidence because they pick

themselves apart they spend all day

every day

analyzing themselves why did I do this

why don't I do that how come I never

accomplish these things they asked lousy

questions they get lousy answers and

they create a tremendous amount of

self-doubt you wanna have more

confidence stop analyzing yourself so

much and focus on other people how you

can contribute to them and as you start

giving better people you'll feel more

confident about what you can even do for

yourself that makes sense and finally

this you can feel confident if all you

do is remember some of the things you've

accomplished in your life you are a

successful competent person you've done

a lot of things in your life extremely

well no matter who you are what your

background is there are things in this

world that you are really good at things

you've really accomplished in your life

that you've got to be proud of every

human being I meet I know is my superior

because I know all of us in life have

focused our attention on various things

and whatever you focused on a lot you're

good at

and every human being I meet in my life

I know that I'm superior to in some way

as well that makes me feel confident as

well knowing I can learn from other

people and that I can give too so in

order to help yourself really have

reasons to feel confident not just put

yourself in state but to feel like you

got reasons all you've got to do is

manage your memories better pull out

some of your memories of tough

situations in your life well you didn't

think you could pull it off but you

turned it around you have some of those

don't you situations when you thought I

could never figure a way to pull this

off and yet you did you need to remember

more of those and lessen the times and

you felt overwhelmed pull out of your

memory files some of the references that

can show you that you deserve to be

confident that you're competent and

confident that you can make things

happen even in the toughest of times and

use those examples to remind yourself in

the future that whatever's going on you

can find a way



For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF (Powerful Motivational Speech) - Duration: 11:09.


TEST | Jsi dostatečně chytrý na svůj věk? - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> TEST | Jsi dostatečně chytrý na svůj věk? - Duration: 10:02.


Do Natural and DIY Tea Tree Oil Cleaning Products Disinfect as Well as Bleach? - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Do Natural and DIY Tea Tree Oil Cleaning Products Disinfect as Well as Bleach? - Duration: 5:18.


Maybe You Don't Actually Need an App - Duration: 5:07.

Hey, this is the Daily Overpass, my name is Eric and I make apps!

Now today, I wanna talk about how maybe you don't actually need an app!

Ok, so a lot of times that I'm talking with prospective clients, so they call up and we

talk about their app idea or the things they wanna do for their company or for themselves,

I end up in this situation where I have to tell them that it's not an app what they need,

they probably need a website instead.

So an example would be, let's say a gardening company.

I've never done anything for a gardening company so I'm not under NDA on this - dude, I've

signed so many NDA's, sometimes I feel like I should be in the witness relocation program.

So let's say it's a gardening company, so they'll say "I have a gardening company and

I want people to go in there and see the different types of gardening we could do.

And they select it, and then they contact us and we come to their house and we do the



And I say "Well, how often will they need to do this?", and they say "well just once".

Then I'll say "actually you know what?

I think this probably should be a website rather than an app".

Which you would expect, right?

If it was you, you'd think it was something that they're only gonna use once, it doesn't

make sense for someone to download the application, use the app once, and then uninstall it later,

or leave it on their phone taking up space if it's only a one time thing they need to


But, you wouldn't believe the amount of disappointment I hear in people's voices when I tell them

that, I just don't get it!

They'll say "yeah but you know, the thing is, a lot of people use mobile apps now and

apps are the future", I hear this all the time.

By the way, if anyone in the conversation between me and the client should be saying

apps are the future, it should be me!

I'm the person that's selling it!

But I'll say "you know what?

I get what you're saying here, but people won't be using it that often, it's a lot to

get them to download, you have to convince them to download the app, use it one time,

and then they keep it, but if they're not gonna use it again there's not really a use

for it, right?"

An app and a website are two completely different things.

My criteria, and I know everyone has different criteria, and PWA's - progressive web apps

- are blurring the lines here a lot, but for me if you're only gonna use it once or twice

then it's not worth installing as an application.

Like online shops - I've never installed an app for an online shop.

I've just never seen the purpose of it but I know there's a lot of them out there, I

know that a lot of clients contact us with that kind of stuff.

So eventually, so when I try to say it should be a website and not an app, and they say

"no, we really want it to be an app because apps are the future", and then I'll say "well,

we'll compromise, how about we do a web front end and an app companion, a companion app,

so you have both one single API, the logic will be in the API", and they'll say "yeeeeah,

if there's time we'll do the website too", and I think "fine.


It's really hard, especially when business is slow.

When business is slow and somebody calls up and you need the work and they tell you something

and you go "I don't think this is what you need", or whatever, it makes things really


So, the lines between apps and websites are, for a lot of people, are blurred.

You guys are developers so you know the difference, you know that an app is an app.

An app does something, an app is not just a bit of marketing material.

A lot of people think, take your website and make it into an app.

I've never seen the purpose of that.

It's hard enough to get people to download your app when it's useful, let alone when

it's just a bit of marketing material.

A lot of times apple will reject that kind of stuff because it doesn't have any practical


So anyway, if you guys do client work, do you ever find this?

Do you find this with, you know, sometimes people call you up and they tell you about

their app and you're like hmmm, I think it should be a website!

I don't see a reason for this to be something on the app store but ultimately they decide.

I could be talked into it.

If it's something they really want, I'd rather we did it better than them taking it to somebody

else who takes all their money and says "no, that's a fantastic idea, we'll do it for you".

I'd rather we do it in a way that we have an API that can later on be converted, so

we have a web front and we're using something like angular, or a nice web-fronted framework

and we can just mix them all together.

For those of you guys who've done client work, do you have this kind of problem too?

I'd be really interested to know.

It just seems to happen so often to me, so anyway, let me say it again - thanks for subscribing

and liking the videos!

That's it for today, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Maybe You Don't Actually Need an App - Duration: 5:07.


Isi Noice - DELINQUENTE #1 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Isi Noice - DELINQUENTE #1 - Duration: 2:53.


Best Android Apps - April 2018 | Must Try - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Best Android Apps - April 2018 | Must Try - Duration: 4:17.


All New Honda Cub Sports Edition Concept | Honda Sport Cub Concept leak details | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> All New Honda Cub Sports Edition Concept | Honda Sport Cub Concept leak details | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 16:37.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, what's your name?

Farmi ...Mr...Farmcis...Farmi...Mr...Farm

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, What's your name?

Commy...Mrs Index..Commy...Mrs Index

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, what's your name?

Middle finger...Middle finger...Please call me middle finger

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, what's your name?

Call me main Finger ...Finger is my name

Baby finger, Baby finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, what's your name?

I am Pinky finger and this my family!

For more infomation >> Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 16:37.


​Northern Kentucky winery featured at Kentucky Derby winefest - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> ​Northern Kentucky winery featured at Kentucky Derby winefest - Duration: 2:03.


A Color Ride With Bob The Train | Learning Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:08:39.

A Color Ride With Bob The Train...

For more infomation >> A Color Ride With Bob The Train | Learning Videos For Kids - Duration: 1:08:39.


Logan & Laura vs X-24,Fight Scene | Logan (2017) Movie CLIP HD (+Subtitles) - Duration: 2:59.

He did that. Get up!

Laura! No!





Let's go.


Go, go, go!

Go! Get out of here! Go!

Go. Go, go, go!

Go, go!





For more infomation >> Logan & Laura vs X-24,Fight Scene | Logan (2017) Movie CLIP HD (+Subtitles) - Duration: 2:59.


Strong, warm winds Monday afternoon, severe weather potential Tuesday and Wednesday - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Strong, warm winds Monday afternoon, severe weather potential Tuesday and Wednesday - Duration: 2:35.


L'Impardonnable Episode 34 - Duration: 20:07.

For more infomation >> L'Impardonnable Episode 34 - Duration: 20:07.


Box of Toys Toy Guns NERF Spiderman Fidget Spinners - Duration: 12:03.

Box of Toys Toy Guns NERF Spiderman

For more infomation >> Box of Toys Toy Guns NERF Spiderman Fidget Spinners - Duration: 12:03.


Gangaa Épisode 3 | passion TV - Duration: 44:32.

For more infomation >> Gangaa Épisode 3 | passion TV - Duration: 44:32.


Aaron Kaufman Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Car ★ Income ★ Wife ★ Family - Duration: 6:12.

Aaron Kaufman Lifestyle 2018

Aaron Kaufman Lifestyle

Aaron Kaufman 2018

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with Richard Rawlings

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with parker

For more infomation >> Aaron Kaufman Lifestyle 2018 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Car ★ Income ★ Wife ★ Family - Duration: 6:12.


Man accused of killing entire family to appear in court - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Man accused of killing entire family to appear in court - Duration: 0:18.


Virgin Olive Oil In The Morning And These Unbelievable Things Happen - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Virgin Olive Oil In The Morning And These Unbelievable Things Happen - Duration: 3:06.


1970 s Top HOLLYWOOD ACTRESSES THEN AND NOW 2018 by Channeldeshi ❤ - Duration: 1:19.


For more infomation >> 1970 s Top HOLLYWOOD ACTRESSES THEN AND NOW 2018 by Channeldeshi ❤ - Duration: 1:19.


How to make Paper Basket easy for Kids (Origami Basket) - DIY Paper Basket - Duration: 4:48.

Dear Crafts Lover, Welcome to DIY Paper Basket making instructions.

You will need 20cm x 20cm square paper

Please follow the instruction step by step for making a best Origami Basket.

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