Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily Sep 26 2018

-Welcome back, pal. -Thank you.

-We have so much to talk about. -So much.

-I really -- I want to say congratulations

because you're engaged, and that's fantastic.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I love you. That's awesome.

I love you.

I want to hear the scoop.

I want to hear the scoopity poop,

the whoopity scoop, scoopity poop.

I want to hear everything. Tell me what is the scoop.

Let's just go, how was the proposal?

-Okay, so it was Mother's Day.

I was filming in Atlanta, and I told him, I said,

"I'm gonna come home for Mother's Day."

I'm gonna fly my son out

because his birthday is always on or around Mother's Day.

So I go, and apparently he had spoken to Marcel already.

Marcel knew.

He took me to the restaurant where we had our first date.

-Okay. [ Audience aws ]

Did you know at this point?

-No, I had no idea. You know why?

Because he gave me the love bracelet first.

I was like, "Oh, that's my gift."

And so -- because he had gone to Dubai on a boys trip.

Cut to, he went to get my ring, but I found that out later.

So, we're in the restaurant.

I'm like, "Babe, remember we sat there.

Oh my gosh, this is so sweet."

Then he said that a friend,

who actually it was his birthday -- Ronald.

He's so happy I said his name.

[ Laughter ]

We call him Fat Mouth. Anyway.

[ Laughter ]

It was his birthday, and he said,

"You know, Ronald's going to have a little get-together

in the back room of the restaurant."

I was like, "Perfect. Two birds with one stone."

So I get back in the back room,

and there's a violinist playing "Adorn" by Miguel,

which is one of our favorite songs.

[ Audience aws ]

And I go, "When has Fat Mouth been into instruments?"

[ Laughter ]

So I turn around. I'm putting two and two --

Then I see a photographer.

I'm like, "Nah, this doesn't seem like --"

And I turn around, and he's already down on one knee.

[ Audience aws ]

And, of course, I'm crying and gushing.

My lashes come off.

[ Laughter ]

They look like a spider on the floor.

[ Laughter ]

And then the rest is history, but he got me good.

-Oh, that is the greatest. [ Cheers and applause ]

That's a good one. -He got me good.

-That's a good proposal, right? -He got me good, yeah.

-Are you talking about, like, what the wedding --

and I hate to rush you, but are you --

do you know when you're going to have it?

Is it going to be a big wedding?

-It's not going to be -- Well, I have a big family.

-Oh, yeah.

-You know, family, closest friends.

Really simple.

I don't want to be stressed.

I was thinking maybe we have a cookout,

and you go "Ding, ding, ding."

Like, people turn around, "Oh, they doing it now. Wow."

[ Laughter ]

-Yeah, you can pull that off. -Yeah.

-That'd be cute. -I just -- I don't know.

I just don't want to be stressed,

but I know my mom and everybody wants the wedding --

you know, the traditional wedding.

-Yeah. -So, I'm going to do it.

It's going to be small though.

It's not going to be a bunch of press there.

Very private. Yeah.

-You look fantastic though. -Thank you.

-You always look great. -Thanks.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Every time, and I say it, I mean it, you just look great.

-Thank you.

-You were stunning at the Emmys as well.

I saw you at the Emmys.

-And I'm not pregnant.

[ Laughter ]

-What are you talking about? What's happening?

-So, there was this rumor going around because my fiancé and I

were at the U.S. Open.

And, I mean, this story was so fabricated.

"He coddled her. She was drinking water.

She wasn't drinking alcohol.

The way he was carefully coddling her, she's pregnant."

[ Laughter ]

Well, a lot of women are pregnant if that's the sign.

[ Laughter ]

I mean, he's just a romantic guy.

He takes care of me like that. That's why I'm marrying him.

And I was drinking a wine spritzer.

[ Laughter ]

-Wasn't even water. -Wasn't even water.

-All right, good, yeah.

Because I saw you do a shot at the -- on the red carpet.

-A shot and the bracelet, right?

-Yeah. -Yes.

I did that to prove that I wasn't pregnant.

I was like, "See, there's no baby in here."

[ Laughter ]

-[ Speaking indistinctly ]

For more infomation >> Taraji P. Henson Shares Wedding Details and Gets Serious About Mental Health - Duration: 3:43.


BTS Gives a UN Speech - Duration: 10:43.

-Guys, Taraji P. Henson is my guest tonight.

[ Cheers and applause ]

And we've got the biggest boy band on the planet --

BTS is on the show! [ Cheers and applause ]




[ Cheers and applause continue ]

[ Music ends ]

[ Cheers and applause continue ]

Since they got to New York,

they've been greeted by thousands of screaming fans.

[ Light laughter ]

Then another guy in New York was like...

[As Donald Trump] "You hear that? They love me."

[ Laughter and applause ] "They love me."

It's not for you.

That's right -- President Trump is here in New York.

He spoke at the UN today,

but he actually showed up late to his speech.

[ Light laughter ]

Apparently, on the way in, his tie got caught in the escalator.

He's like, "Shut -- Shut it down."

[ Laughter ] "Shut it down. Help me."

[ Laughter and applause ]

I saw that Trump arrived at the UN alongside Melania.

But keep in mind, "alongside" for Melania

means she was three cars behind him.

[ Laughter and applause ] And...

Trump spoke at the UN, and halfway through his speech,

every foreign leader there was begging to be deported.

And... [ Laughter and applause ]

A lot of people were talking about this --

after Trump started his speech

by bragging about how well he's done as president,

the crowd started laughing at him.

[ Laughter ]

Watch this. Watch this.

-In less than two years,

my administration has accomplished more

than almost any administration

in the history of our country.

America's -- So true.

[ Laughter ]

[ Chuckles ]

Didn't expect that reaction, but that's okay.

-Yeah. [ Laughs ]

Trump -- Trump hasn't heard that much laughter

since his night with Stormy Daniels.

Uh, he -- -Whoa!

-Hey. [ Audience ohs ]

-Oh, whoa! Whoa! -Get this, guys.

Yesterday, BTS also spoke at the UN about self-respect.

[ Cheers and applause ] You saw that?

[ Cheers and applause continue ]

And they made -- they made quite an impression.

In fact, I think some of the diplomats

may have preferred BTS to some of the other speakers.

Take a look at this.

-Looking around this hall

where so much history has transpired...

-♪ I'm so sick of this fake love ♪

♪ Fake love ♪

[ Laughter and applause ]

[ Chuckles ]

-All right!

-Of course, Trump loves talking,

and, usually, he says some pretty questionable things.

And while we can't filter what he says,

we can filter how he looks when he says it.

I'll show you what I mean. It's time for "Trump Filters."

Here we go.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-America's economy is booming like never before.

Since my election, we have added $10 trillion in wealth.

[ Laughter ] The stock market is at...

[High-pitched voice] an all-time high in history.

[ Laughter ] And jobless claims...

[Deep voice] are at a 50-year low.

[ Laughter ]

-Speaking of filters, have you guys seen Apple's new Memojis?

-Yes. -Yes.

-They're animated emojis you can make of your own face.

And it turns out

the President has been getting really into them.

He even tried one at the UN today.

-Oh. -Take a look at what he tweeted.

-Look at me. [ Laughter ]

I'm a Memoji.

Everyone's been talking about these things.

I love Memojis

because they add the word "me."

Anyway, I've had such a fantastic time

speaking at the United Nations,

or, as it's also known, "The un."

It's my favorite "un,"

right after my favorite bestie Kim Jong-un.

[ Laughter ]

And it makes sense why they invited me to speak.

I mean, people are always comparing me to the un.

I'm un-fit. I'm un-qualified.

And I don't un-derstand grammar. [ Laughter and applause ]

Anyway, I don't know if you're following

the confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh,

but believe me,

my Supreme Court fantasy team is in bad shape, folks.

Also, I might fire my Deputy Attorney General,

Rod Rosenstein,

though, to be honest,

that's only because, if I fire one more person,

I get the last stamp on my punch card and a free sandwich.

[ Laughter ] Okay, they're kicking me out.

The un security is telling me I'm un-welcome.


[ Cheers and applause ] -interesting.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm glad he's having fun.

I don't know.

You guys, it's been a busy week for Trump.

And while speaking at the UN yesterday,

he tried to say "cocaine,"

but he had a little trouble with the word.

Listen to this.

-We look forward to partnering with his new administration

to eradicate cocoa production...

[ Laughter ] his country.

-No. No, not -- not eradicate cocoa production.

Cocoa is not in danger.

No. Cocoa.

And, well, we noticed

Trump has trouble pronouncing things all the time.

So with that in mind, it's time to play "Talk Like Trump."

Here we go. [ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ Talk Like Trump ♪

-♪ Beautiful, beautiful ♪

-♪ Talk Like Trump ♪

-♪ Wall ♪

-All right. So here's how this works.

I'm gonna see if anyone can guess

how the President is going to mispronounce a simple word.

If you get it right, you get a prize.

If you get it wrong, you still get a prize.

[ Light laughter ] All right, raise your hand

if you want to play "Talk Like Trump."

Here we go. Well, you're right here.

Yeah, of course, sure. How you doing, buddy?

Stand up. What's your name?

-Adam. -Adam, where you from?

-North Haven, Connecticut. -Hey, welcome, Connecticut.

All the way from Connecticut. Okay.

[ Cheers and applause ] Our first clip --

President Trump is going to try and say the word "momentum."

How do you think he's going to mispronounce it?

-Momendum. [ Laughter ]

-All right.

Let's see. Let's see what happened.

-If you love what you do and dedicate yourself to your work,

then you will gain "mo'mem'tum."

And, look... [ Laughter ]

[ Buzzer, sad notes play ] -"Mo'mem'tum," yeah.

So you got it wrong, but, still,

here's your "mo'mem'tum" custom-made T-shirt.

There's mo'mem'tum. [ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you for playing, buddy. Nice to see you.

Where -- who else? [ Applause ]

How you doing? Want to get up?

There you go. What's your name?

-Quantel. -Quantel, where you from?

-California, Sacramento. -Oh, really?

[ Cheers and applause ] -Yes.

-Good to see you. Like the hat.


Sacramento, but you're a Yankee fan?

-Yes. -That's cool.

All right, I dig it. That's right.

Now, in the next clip, Trump tries to say "United Nations."

How do you think that he'll mispronounce "United Nations"?

-United Neh.

[ Laughter ]

-[ Chuckles ] You think he just bails?

-Yes. -Okay.

[ Laughter ] Never know.

Let's see what happened.

-But, hopefully, this will not be necessary.

That's what the "Unated Nations"...

-Ah, geez. all about.

[ Buzzer, sad notes play ] [ Laughter ]

-Ah, incorrect. It's "Unated Nations."

But here is your "Unated Nations" T-shirt.

There you go. Congratulations.

[ Cheers and applause ] Thank you for playing. Good man.


Hi, guys.

How you doing? -Good.

-Step up.

What is your name? -Elizabeth.

-Elizabeth, where you from? -North Carolina.

-Hey, North Carolina, welcome.

[ Cheers and applause ] Thank you for being here.

For our final clip, Trump tries to say "Utah."

How do you think he'll mispronounce "Utah"?

-U-tow. [ Light laughter ]

-U-tow. All right, let's see what happened.

-You cherish "Utawr's" gleaming rivers...

-Ah. -...and sweeping valleys.

[ Buzzer, sad notes play ] -Ah, you're very close.

"Utawr." There is your "Utawr" T-shirt.

Thank you for playing. -Yeah.

-I appreciate it. -Thank you.

[ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you so much.

That was "Talk Like Trump."

Thank you to all our players.

[ Cheers and applause ]


-♪ Talk Like Trump ♪

♪ Talk Like Trump ♪


-Ah. [ Panting ] Ah, great.

Grandpa's out of breath. [ Laughter ]

Here's a big story, you guys.

A new poll found that just 40% of Americans

want Brett Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Just 40% -- not a very high percentage.

In fact, a lot of things you wouldn't expect

actually polled higher than Brett Kavanaugh.

Take a look this.

-Things more popular than a Kavanaugh confirmation...



-Very interesting. Well... [ Cheers and applause ]

They poll higher.

-Chronic eczema?

-Some entertainment news --

tonight was the season premiere of "This Is Us."

[ Cheers and applause ]

People who have been watching NBC all summer are like,

"Wow, this is a really sad episode of

'American Ninja Warrior'."

[ Laughter ]

Hey, not every joke is a winner, guys, you know?

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter continues ]

-Whoo! -[ Laughs ]

-Sorry about that. -Come on.

-Get -- Get this, guys --

the co-founders of Instagram are planning to leave the company.

[ Audience oohs ]

But we all know they're just going to open up another one

under a different name so their parents can't see it.

And we know that. Come on.

[ Laughter ] That's -- That's what happens.

[ Applause ]

A new study found that today's students

think they learn more from YouTube

than they do from textbooks. -Yeah.

-Well, really? I mean, it sounds odd,

but you actually can learn a lot --

the same lessons that you'd find in a textbook on YouTube.

I'll -- I'll show you what I mean.

For instance, if you're studying biology,

the textbook will tell you that,

"Alligators are aggressive reptiles

that do not like to be provoked."

But YouTube will just show you this.

-Do they know each other? -Let's stay over here by Joanie.

-Do they know each -- -They -- Oh, hold him tight.

Hold him tight. Hold him tight. -I am. I am!

-Hold him tight. -I am! I am!

-You got him. -I am!

-"I am! I am!"

[ Laughter ]

"I am!"

"Just hold it. Hold it."

[ Light laughter ]

-Why would he hold it?

-"Just -- Just hold it." Oh, good -- good instruction.

[ Laughter ]

Next, if you're studying music,

a textbook will tell you that, "One voice is a soloist.

Several voices make up a chorus."

But YouTube will just show you this.

[ Laughter ]

[ Air hisses, squeaks ]

[ Air hisses ]

[ Loud wailing ]

[ Laughs ] [ Applause ]

And, finally, if you are studying drama,

a textbook will tell you that,

"The villain must present himself as a foil to the hero:

evil, intimidating, and all-powerful,"

but YouTube will just show you this.

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ]

YouTube has so much to teach us.

[ Applause ]

Oh, listen to this, you guys.

A school bus driver in Indiana was fired after it came out

that she let students take turns driving the bus.

[ Laughter ]

Afterward, Greyhound was like, "We'll take her."

[ Laughter ] "It sounds fine.

It sounds good to me." [ Applause ]

And, finally, a 7-year-old girl is going viral

for her performance of the national anthem

at a pro soccer game in L.A.

Watch this.

-♪ O'er the land ♪

♪ Of the freeeeeee ♪

♪ And the home ♪

♪ Of the brave ♪

[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah!

Fantastic. [ Cheers and applause continue ]

When he saw that,

Walmart Yodel Boy just tipped his cowboy hat

and walked off into the sunset. [ Laughter ]

We have a great show tonight, guys.

Give it up for The Roots! [ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> BTS Gives a UN Speech - Duration: 10:43.


Naseeruddin Shah Unseen Family Photos With Beautiful Wife And Kids - Duration: 6:26.

Naseeruddin Shah Unseen Family Photos With Beautiful Wife And Kids

For more infomation >> Naseeruddin Shah Unseen Family Photos With Beautiful Wife And Kids - Duration: 6:26.


Kylie jenner , Daughter Stormi And Her Pets Cute And Lovely Day - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Kylie jenner , Daughter Stormi And Her Pets Cute And Lovely Day - Duration: 1:17.


BRUDER TOYS carwash! Too much mud! - Duration: 11:21.

Mud wash | RC toys carwash| Car wash

For more infomation >> BRUDER TOYS carwash! Too much mud! - Duration: 11:21.


CPH VLOG: Chinese Street Food & French Book-Cafe - Duration: 5:56.

By "Desert" I mean "Dessert" ahhhhh the shame! T T

For more infomation >> CPH VLOG: Chinese Street Food & French Book-Cafe - Duration: 5:56.


El Señor de los Cielos 6 | Recap (09/21/2018) | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:19.

not suitable for minors. It contains sex, violence,

and inappropriate or provocative dialogue.

Viewer discretion advised.



We're all set for tomorrow with Chema. Welcome, pretty people.

How about that?

So many familiar faces.

So many of my boys.

And girls.

I don't know that you can ever explain

what you're doing with these people instead of me.

You're my brother, ------------.

And I still am.

I hope you can understand and respect

that I have my reasons, man.

Why the long faces?

What have I done to you?

Look, how about this?

Let's start over with a clean slate.

This is business.

Military strategy. That's why we're here.

It's not business.

Very well.

So be it.

Who's this tall drink of water?

Cute, isn't she?

That's my woman.

Amado. Amado Casillas.

Amado, of course.

And like Javi said, this is about strategy.

So spare us your comments, and respect the women.


See what a terrible reputation I have with these people, Bull?

You deserve it, Chema. You really do.

We can start over,

but with you there's no clean slate.

Alright, then.

Let's get to it. Let's talk business.

How are we going to get Cabo?

I thought we could go downtown

and ---- up some of his people.

My dear Chema, here's the thing.

We've come up with the strategy already.

We're going to hit Cabo head on at his house.

Bring all the money you can!

You're bleeding!

Enough! Now's not the time!

Get in the car! Now!

See you in hell, ------- gringa.

Freeze! Don't move!

Don't shoot!

Drop your weapon. Get down.

Don't move. Freeze.

Don't move.

Son of a bitch!

Lower your guns. All of you!

<i> After that encounter,</i>

<i> it was clear what the next war</i> <i> would be like.</i>

<i> It wouldn't be </i> <i> a shooting match.</i>

<i> It'd be a cold war.</i> <i> A challenge of wits.</i>

<i> We would continue</i> <i>the legend of Aurelio Casillas,</i>

<i> who was still in a coma</i> <i> despite Laura's care.</i>

<i> Not long after, she found out</i> <i> she was pregnant.</i>

<i> Rutila and Javi consolidated</i> <i> their power in Quintana Roo.</i>

-Cheers! -Cheers!

To our business, to life, to everything.

To Kashi, up in Heaven. Let's be serious.

We said we'd take this seriously.

<i> Red and Milena</i> <i> were also in the business.</i>

<i>Though they had their own thing</i> <i> in the south,</i>

<i> they were all part</i> <i> of the same organization.</i>

<i> Keeping up the charade</i> <i>that it was the Casillas Cartel</i>

<i> that had taken over</i> <i> the drug trade in Colombia,</i>

<i> Venezuela, Mexico,</i> <i> the US, and Europe.</i>

<i> Baltazar Ojeda and Joe Navarro</i>

<i> kept blindly searching</i> <i> for their elusive enemy.</i>

<i>Castillo was ratified by Gomez.</i>

<i> He never found out</i> <i> that Teran and Jaime Rosales</i>

<i> had killed Mayra</i> <i> and gotten away with it.</i>

<i> Teran moved to Dublin.</i>

For the future of Coahuila!

<i> Jaime would keep campaigning</i> <i> to be president.</i>

<i> He'd look for support among</i> <i> honest and cautious people</i>

<i> like my mother-in-law,</i>

<i> and among young people...</i>

<i> like my sister-in-law,</i>

<i> who soon fell for him.</i>


Thank you.

<i> Carla Uzcategui</i> <i> gained even more fame</i>

<i> after she published her book</i> <i> about Aurelio's life:</i>

The Lord of the Skies: The Legend.

<i> The Venezuelan ambassador,</i> <i> greedy as always,</i>

<i> made a lot money </i> <i> with Casasola.</i>

<i> She quit the embassy</i> <i> and created her own company,</i>

<i> which sent food to Venezuela.</i>

<i> They were happy</i> <i> for a while.</i>

<i> Until one day...</i>

<i>Chema was not a problem for us.</i>

<i> We found a really good way</i> <i> to keep him at bay.</i>

<i> Lightning had enough time</i> <i> for Evelina,</i>

<i> or Maria de los Angeles</i> <i> as he called her,</i>

<i> to forgive him.</i>

<i> They were happy together</i> <i> for a while.</i>

<i> Shortly after,</i>

<i> he passed away.</i>

<i> He died in peace.</i>

<i> After burying him, </i>

<i> she disappeared</i> <i> in Dominican Republic,</i>

<i> where Cabo found her.</i>

<i> The clarity to see things,</i> <i>the coolness to make decisions,</i>

<i> and the love I had to build</i> <i> a life together,</i>

<i> I owed all of it to Diana.</i>

<i> I guess you could say</i> <i> we were happy.</i>

<i> But nothing lasts forever.</i> <i> Not in this life.</i>

<i> In our world,</i> <i> happiness is only temporary.</i>

<i> The future is always at risk.</i>

<i> The life of a fugitive</i> <i> that my brother Aurelio</i>

<i> had led all these years</i>

<i> was now my curse.</i>

<i> Because of that traitor whose</i> <i> identity we still don't know,</i>

<i> I would be hunted.</i>

<i> So much so that I would have</i> <i> to make a decision</i>

<i> in order to save my family.</i>

Turn yourself in?

It's the only way to save the family.

To save you.

There's one condition.

Please turn yourself in to the Mexican authorities,

not to the Americans.

If you turn yourself in to the gringos...

they'll kill you.

I know how to get Castillo. Alright?

Castillo, it's Amado Casillas.

<i> That's how it all went down.</i>

<i> ASÍ FUE.</i>

<i> Rutila and Javier were with us</i> <i> in Tijuana at the time.</i>

<i> They helped us send everything</i> <i> through the tunnels.</i>

<i> Only Aurelio was left,</i> <i> but then...</i>

How's everything?

They're here. There are a lot of them.

We have no choice but to escape.

Everything's ready.

We just have to get Aurelio out of here.

Come here.

I promise I'll get you out of this.

Or my name isn't Diana Ahumada.

I love you.

I love you too.


He's waking up! Stabilize him.

His pressure is all over the place.

If he wakes up, let it be in a safe place.

Is he alright, Laurita?

Yes, Mrs. Alba.

Let's go. Come on.

Keep moving.

How are we looking, Greñas?

Hell, yeah. Check the house.

Don't waste your time. Everyone's gone.

Castillo, I want to be prosecuted in Mexico,

my country.




For more infomation >> El Señor de los Cielos 6 | Recap (09/21/2018) | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:19.


WOLFOO SCARE GHOST 👹 Cartoons for kids - Duration: 12:50.

Welcome to Wolfoo - Official Channel

Enjoy watching this new episode :))


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For more infomation >> WOLFOO SCARE GHOST 👹 Cartoons for kids - Duration: 12:50.


FR_ Comment réparer le crash de chrome après Windows 10 mise à jour 1803 - Duration: 1:49.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. Chrome freezes after the Windows 10 April 2018 Update 1803.

Use the Windows Shortcut Keys.

Try to press the shortcut keys Windows logo key + Ctrl + Shift + B simultaneously to wake the screen.

Go to Microsoft fix it. Fix problems that block programs from Microsoft website.

Click Download. Run the program. Follow the instructions to fix the problem. I will provide you with a link to Microsoft website

in the video description area. Go to Microsoft Update Catalog. Download and Install The cumulative update

KB4103721, released for Windows 10 version 1803, includes a fix for Chrome and Cortana freezing issues.

Follow the instructions to fix the problem. Recreate the Chrome Browser Profile.

The corrupted Chrome browser profile could also lead to the Chrome freezes issue, and you could recreate it. Follow this steps.

Restore Your System to an Earlier Version. Follow this steps.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> FR_ Comment réparer le crash de chrome après Windows 10 mise à jour 1803 - Duration: 1:49.


병진이 ASMR 고추장을 넣은 제삿밥먹방입니다!! - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> 병진이 ASMR 고추장을 넣은 제삿밥먹방입니다!! - Duration: 9:07.


Kanji of the week #10 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Kanji of the week #10 | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 8:24.


Sonar Khancha | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Siddhanta Mahapatra - Duration: 2:45:27.

Good morning Tuffy!

How are you?

No Tuffy, I can't play with you today.

You always get me late.

You know father!

He has retired from the military..

..but hasn't given up the Major that he was.

If he sees that I am not at the table for breakfast on time..

.. I will be court marshaled!

Where is father?

Ramu, listen.

What is it?


What is it?

Where is papa?

Sir has gone for a morning walk with the doctor.

Then why are you speaking so quietly?

Sir has gone for a morning walk with the doctor.

I get it. Go!

What is it Tuffy?

What are you doing?

Leave me.

How can I?

Then I'll be alone for life.

Oh my my.


Let me go!

Why are you so shy?

Someone might see us. Let go.

Let whoever sees us be so.

Why so shy but?

Hold please.

Oh my my, shy again.

I have been telling this repeatedly. But.

What is this?

Why aren't you ready for work yet?

I was working sir. But suddenly. - It rained.

Yes, it rained.

No, umm, I mean.

Shut up idiot! Go now.

Yes sir.

Good morning daddy!

- Good morning.

Good morning uncle! - Good morning.

How are you Puja?

I'm good uncle.

Puja, why aren't you ready yet?

Will be just now.

Come on.

Sorry sir. - Idiot.

What's for food?

Aloo parantha, salad, curd and egg toast.

What day is it? - Wednesday.

And what should be prepared on Wednesday?

Sir, Shubho got late to go to the market so he didn't get good chicken.

I don't want to see this donkey's face again.

Get out!

Serve me.

You know Debendra, your strict nature scares me.

You may have retired from the military, but the routine is still intact.

You've made the home a war front too.

You know doctor, everyone should have a routine and should follow it too.

I was a military man and will stay one.

I like discipline and I'll stick to it.

And if anyone disobeys, I'll shoot him.

Yes, where is Puja?


I am here!

No, no fine.

He's an atheist, he doesn't know all this.

If your mother were alive she would be very proud of you.

She's the one who got the temple made in the house.

He's such an ardent atheist, he wouldn't have a photo even.

I don't have time for prayers and fasting and all that nonsense.

If you don't have time for god, what about me?

Will you not have breakfast? - Yes.



It's the one you liked from the magazine.

Oh, thank you daddy!

Now will you say that I don't have time for you?

I love you daddy!

I do it all for you dear.

I have no one but you two in my life.

You on one side.

And on the other, my friend, philosopher, guide Dr. Ramakant!

Yes, yes, you too! I totally forgot.

Now go to your place.

Namaste! - Oh Namaste.

What an honor.

Oh come, come MLA sir, please sit.

Nityananda Das is your friend and business partner first.

And then MLA.

For politics, I have to keep going to Delhi.

I think only politicians have kept flight service going.

You know Debendra, I think I should start an airline service.

Just with politicians I will earn profits in lakhs.

The business has grown so much that I find it hard to keep track.

Another business in this age again.

And now my son is ready for it.

It's his final year in Business Management.

After he passes he will take charge.

Vinod has become so big?

How do these kids grow so quickly?

Our Puja is grown up too?

What are you thinking about? - You know.

Never thought of it before, my daughter is ready for marriage.

Will have to find her a right groom.

When the groom is right here why go search far?

What do you mean?

My son Vinod.

Debendra sir, I want to strengthen our partnership ..

..with the bonds of relation.

Puja and Vinod will look good.

My son is very nice, soft and calm.

Come on boss, let's run.

Car no. S6 5144 belongs to whom?

MLA Nityananda Das's only son, Vinod Das's.

Mine. Any problem? - No problem.

Catch them!

Who did this?

Tell me, who did?

Tell me now!

I don't know. - Idiot!

Do you? - No.

You? - no.

And you? - No.

They came and fought in daylight and no one saw?

All cowards!

Lousy fellows!

Do you know who that boy is?

MLA Nityananda Das's only son.

Is there no one here who can recognize them?

I can do it.

See if he is one of them.

He is the man.

Oh, you?

Fighting in college?

Come on you rascal! Come!

I will beat you dead! Rascal!

Get up! Get up! Come on.

Dare beat up the MLA's son?

Come on now.

Trying to be a hero eh?

I'll break your bones! Idiot!

Happy now?

What did you get out of letting him go to the police?

He is an evil goon, a hooligan!

He beat up a gentleman and stole his money and all.

A man like that should be punished.

No dear, you don't know who he is.

Come on with me.

This is my son.

That minister's son did this to him.

He ran over my son and took off.

The doctors say that without operation, my son won't live.

So Ajay got that money from the minister's son.

Not for himself, but for the operation.

Here is the money.

If my son dies without operation, I won't have regrets.

But a saint like man like Ajay? Get him back dear.

Get him back.


Keep this money for your son's operation.

I will get Ajay back.

Keep this necklace for loan and get Ajay back.

I don't get it madam, why do you want to bail him out?

You helped me arrest him yesterday.

And today? - Where to sing?


Not here, below here.

You're Debendra sir's daughter? - Yes.

Why did you bother, if sir had just called then I would've let him go.

No need to tell father.

Guard, get Ajay.

Come on.

I'm sorry.

Sign here.

Please forgive me.

Oh you uncle!

Sir, the tire is punctured. Have to change it.

Sir, I made a mistake and forgot the Step-in.

Keep the keys.

And come to the office and do the accounts.

Please forgive me this time. Will never repeat.

You may go now.

Debendra, he's been working for long, you can try and forgive him this.

Your turn.



Why are those people standing in a line in this heat?

They are here for ration.

They have to stand and get stuff and then they can eat something.

So sad, they have so many troubles.

They try so hard to live.

No one should be poor in this world.

All fate dear.

Destiny and fate.

Come on.

Please note.

)2+4b+3)2 is equal to.

Excuse me madam? - Yes.

Puja's father is very serious.

He has been admitted into the nursing home.

If you give permission then I'll take her.

Puja you may go.

What happened to papa?

Where is he? - Nursing home.

Which Nursing Home? - Sunflower Nursing Home.

Where is Sunflower Nursing Home?

Lansdowne. No, no. Lake Gardens.

In Lake Gardens! - Yes, Lake Gardens.

I myself have admitted him, he met with an accident.

Hey Mister, do not try to act smart with me.

My father had left for Rourkella yesterday. He will come after 7-8 days.

So, how can he have an accident in Lake Gardens?

Oh my God!

Hey Mister, just because I bailed you out by keeping my necklace for loan,

I am not in love with you.

I understand all the drama that you are doing.

You tricked me to get out of the class..

Then will ask me for tea,

Then tell me that I am very beautiful,

Then say that you love me,

I am not that stupid.

Oh my God!

If you mess with me, you will get it.

Isn't this yours that you kept on loan to bail me?

I came back to return it.

Not to tea or love. -Huh!

But now I think that to praise a simple..

.. and beautiful girl like you is very important.

And get you to have tea and say that I.

Shut up!

Oh my god!

"Anger like Goddess kali but does fashion great."

"Oh my god!"

"Shoot bullets of words that hit me like flowers."

"Oh my god!"

"All girls are like this."

"What to do now?"

"My heart burns with fire."

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Anger like Goddess Kali but does fashion great."

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"You are like a pigeon, when will you be caged?"

"You have me trapped my the dance of your eyes."

"All girls are like this."

"Hot outside but cool inside."

"Abuse for no reason."

"Oh my god!"

"Anger like Goddess Kali but does fashion great."

"Oh my god!"

"Just keep this in mind."

"One day I will make you mine."

"And then when all is chaotic."

"Give me your heart with love."

"All girls are like this."

"First say no and then say yes."

"That is why my heart is empty."

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Anger like Goddess Kali but does fashion great."

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Shoot bullets of words that hit me like flowers."

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

Oh my god!

Pandit, here?

This monsoon has made the Lord's temple break down a bit.

And I want to build it anew.

The lord has given you all.

If you could give something, it would be done quickly.

Pandit, if t were for some orphanage, hospital or school..

..I have no problems.

But for god and temples, you will get nothing from me.

And remember this.

I never got anything from your god.

I have got everything because of my hardwork and brains.

So you have no faith in god?

Only weak people believe in god.

Not me.

Forgive me Debendra sir.

I have come to the wrong place.

Just remember, god can bear all, but not blind ego.

His strike has no sound but has effect.

Listen, I don't have time for your wise words.

For me time is money.

Time maybe money for you..

..but sometimes that money cannot buy life's precious moments.

May god bless you.

Hi. - Why are you after me?

Oh my god!

Want some peanuts?

So you won't?

Stop following me please.

Why, scared are you?

That you'll fall for my romantic face?

Not at all.

Then prove it. - How?

By having tea with me.

What book is this? - Geography.

For research. - Oh.

I don't get Geography, but I know one thing.

Your geography is very pretty.


And one who has a good geography, there's no need to know the history.

Really? - Yes. But my history is very bad.

I am a thief.

And unknowingly I have stolen something of yours.


It's bigger than your eyes. Tell me what?

What? - Your heart.

I know this will make you shy.

And then say thank you.

Yes, much thanks for the tea.

Oh god!

What is it? - Mu uncle!

Who? - At the counter.

In the blue suit? - Yes.

What's his name? - Dr. Ramakant Mukherjee.

What, Ramakant sir?

Doctor? - Hey!

Oh doctor sir!

Ramakant sir? Oh doctor! - What is this.

Who me? - Yes sir.

Please come here.

Oh god!

What is it?

Sir, please come and sit with us.

What are you doing?

Why are you disturbing me? I'm talking to sir.

Sir, come, let's have a cup of tea?

No thanks, I've just taken.

So what? Another one?

No, thank you.


Sir, next time you will have to have tea.

Please, or else I will be very sad. - Okay.


Hi! - Oh god!


Why are you here? - To read.

To read? - Yes.

The times today call for big degrees after you name.

So I thought of doing some Ph.D.

I'm here for research.

Did you find no other library?

I believe the library you are in is the best.

So I thought why should I not?

Rubbish! Tell me why are you here?

To say the truth, I have to talk to you.

The library is for studying, not gossiping!

So let's study together?

Now will you shut up and get out?

Go without telling you? - Please get lost.

Let me study in peace please.

Just give me some time, because what I have to say is really important.

Alright, tell me, what is so important?

I think I may have fallen in love with you.


What did you say?

I love you.

Meaning, that I have fallen in love with you.


Then go and tell the world. - Okay

Hello? Hello? Mic testing. 1 2 3, 3 2 1. Hello.

Can you hear me all?

Friends, I have to tell you something important.

Listen to me please.

This is Ajay from the principal's office.

Oh my god!

What I wish to say is to a very pretty girl.

But the girl wants me to say so infront of the whole world.

So that is why I am saying so infront of all, on this microphone.

Puja, I love.

I love you.

I love you.

"I have gone crazy to have you today."

"The world knows that I have won this bet of love."

"This is what was in my naughty heart."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"I agree to stay in your heart."

"But you will not find me so easily."

"I agree to this naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"I was fine when I was alone."

"And then I met with you."

"If this love was false."

"Then our hearts wouldn't be so happy."

"Do you not know."

"What your eyes say."

"On those red lips, roses bloom."

"And that day of love is today."

"I agree to stay in your heart."

"But you will not find me so easily."

"I agree to this naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"All that I had ever wanted."

"Now I have got it all."

"All that I had ever hoped for."

"You have got it to me."

"All this hide and seek for what?"

"This little smile and some joys."

"Gives so much happiness."

"I understand it all."

"I have gone crazy to have you today."

"The world knows that I have won this bet of love."

"This is what was in my naughty heart."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"I agree to stay in your heart."

"But you will not find me so easily."

"I agree to this naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

"This naughtiness."

Where did you go?

Why do you care?

I am asking you where did you go with that leech?

Watch your mouth.

I will go as per my will.

Who are you to command me?

Smile, I am your going to be husband.

What? - Yes.

My father and yours have decided on our wedding.

But I cannot have my would-be wife to go out with some street dog!

Leave me!

You dare!

Stop, what is this nonsense?

Do you not know how to behave like a gentleman?

Daddy. - Shut up!

You dare do this again, or I will beat the daylights out of you.

Puja dear, you go.

Daddy, the girl was with Ajay.

You idiot, I know it all.

I have a golden goose. Look after the egg.

Why do you want to spoil it?

If this slips away, 12 years of wait will go to waste.

Let the property and business of crores come to me with your marriage,..

..then you can do what you please.

Till then, stay quietly like the king piece of chess.

I will play the turns.

What are you saying!

My Puja? With another boy?

Yes Debendra sir, I saw it with my own eyes.

If he were a good boy or matched our status, I would tell you otherwise.

To have you marry your Puja to him.

- No!

Puja will be married where I want!

Is Debendra sir home? - Yes.

Your name? - Ajay.

Yes, sir is waiting. - Okay.

Sir, you called for me?

Yes, your name? - Ajay.

Father and mother? - I have no one.

Lost both of them early.

Property, business, houses and stuff?

I have nothing to call my own. I live in a rented house.

What do you do? How do you make it work?

Studying engineering. My final year.

I have a part time job too.

How much do you make? - 1500 rupees.

And do you know how much Puja's dresses costs?

Even if you work all year, you cannot buy a saree to match her status.

And you wish to marry millionaire Debendra Chaudhury's daughter?

You don't even qualify to be a servant in this house.

And you wish to be the groom?

I know men like you.

You play this trick to secure your future only.

No sir, you are misunderstanding me.

I know you right.

Boys like you go to college to trap rich father's girls'.

And to marry them to be millionaires overnight.

I am not like that sir.

I love Puja sir. Not her riches.

Before love, you should know your place first.

If Puja were your sister, would you allow her to marry a beggar?

Tell me? Answer me.

Sorry sir, I may be poor but I'm not a beggar.

I work hard and earn a living.

Don't beg infront of someone.

I cannot give Puja the life of luxury that you can.

But I can give her love and happiness.

I agree you aren't poor, but you are a thief.

You were jailed for picking someone's pocket.

And Puja had pity on you and bailed you.

Yes uncle, it's true that I got Ajay bailed out.

But not out of pity.

For it wasn't Ajay's fault.

It was Vinod's fault.

Do you feel no shame to talk like this about your going-to-be husband?

And did you'll feel nothing to insult another gentleman?

One you call a thief, and menace?

He is a hundred times better than your son.


Yes daddy, the one you want me to marry.

He is a loafer and bad person.

I will never be happy if I marry him.

That's it Debendra sir, I cannot bear this insult anymore.

Enough Puja, now listen to me.

You will only marry Vinod.

Then listen to me too daddy.

If I marry then it will only be Ajay.


Alright then.

If that is what you want then the doors of this house is closed for you.

You are no daughter of mine.

Go away from here. Get out!

Puja, your father is right.

The luxury you have, I can give you nothing like it.

Happiness is not in luxury. And I don't want it.

Your love is happiness for me.

Nut Puja.

No Ajay, I have no way back now.

I don't want anything here that belongs to..

.. that good for nothing ungrateful girl.

Throw all her stuff out.

Wash this room off clean.

That girl is dead for me.

I will perform her last rites today! Go!

I kept you in the house because my wife believed in you.

You kept your place because my daughter would worship you.

When people who believe in you are gone, why will I keep you here?

Go! Go to them who need you!

I am Major Chaudhury! No one can shake me!

No one can change me!

Not even you!

No one will open this room from today.

No one will enter.

No praise and worship from today!

May god bless you.

May good luck be with you dear.

May good luck be with you dear.

Come, sit.

Now what have you thought of doing now?

I had no time to think, so much has happened in such a short time.

What had to happen is done.

I think you should go to Debendra sir and ask for forgiveness.

He must be fine now.

No Parvati. You don't know him.

He is very adamant.

He will never forgive those who go against him.

He will end all relations with him or her.

Then what will they do? Where will they go?

Where else will they go?

They will stay here. With us.

No uncle.

If father finds out that you have us here..

..then he will break all relations with you too.

I will make Debendra understand.

No uncle.

I don't want relations to be spoilt because of us.

You need not worry.

I live in a small rented house, we will stay there.


What's that? Milk?

No, water.

Water? That works.

Keep it there.

Hey, what are you doing.

This is our first night together, that's why.


After mother, you are the first woman to step foot in this house.

Now it is your duty to make this house our dream home.

I know that you will not have the luxury you had in your father's house.

No. Don't say that.

What I have here cannot be found in any palace.

That is your love.

And my mark of vermillion.

I give you my word, with your love and support ..

..I will surely make this our dream home.

Then why wait, come on.

Hey Tuffy, you!

How are you?

Oh come.

Ajay! Look who has come!

Tuffy, this is Ajay.

And Tuffy this is Ajay.

Hi Tuffy!

Oh, upset with me? Because I took her away from you?

Tuffy, if you too turn away like father, who will be with us?

Will you not forgive your sister?

Shake hand! Oh thank you.

You talk with sister and I'm off to office. Bye!

Bye then. - Okay.


Tuffy, how is daddy?

Still anger with me eh?

Really, I am bad.

I left him all alone.

Now you will have to look after him.

Won't you?

No Tuffy, if you leave him too he will be all alone.

Promise me that you will take care of him.

Don't hurt him like me.

Will you now?

Debendra, playing alone today?

For the first time my horse will beat my king in chess.

That's what I'm trying to understand ..

..what mistake caused this ungrateful behavior.

Let it be Debendra, you have had enough.

No Ramakant, this addiction is to try ..

..and forget that ungrateful girl's works.

How can a child do so tell me?

Is a girl goes to her husband's house, it's not ungrateful.

But the girl who insults a father's love care, respect..

..and hopes and leaves with a beggar, is that not ungrateful?

For the last 20 years, a father ..

..who gave all love and happiness to his daughter.

If that daughter can forget it all for an unknown ..

..boy's love of 20 days, is that not ungrateful?

No Debendra.

Just because Puja loves that boy, it doesn't mean ..

..that she has forgotten your love and care.

She has not insulted you.

He she has!

She is a traitor.

What have I not done for her?

Gave her a mother's love being her father.

When her mother died, she was just a year old.

Could I have not married again then?

I didn't do so for I was scared that she ..

..wouldn't be loved much by her step mother.

I have spent sleepless nights for her.

I have brought her up alone with ..

..many hardships to see this day?

Debendr4a, if a child makes a mistake, their parents take care of it.

And if Puja has made a mistake, is it not our duty to help her?

Debendra, forget all anger and get daughter and son-in-law home.

No! The girl who forgot all and left this house..

..I don't want to see her face.

I don't care if she lives or dies!

What now father? Puja is gone!

Along with my dreams of being a millionaire.

No Vinod.

Nityananda's dreams never die out.

G to office from tomorrow.

And yes, behave so well with Debendra that he loves you like his son.

And I will take care of the rest.

Yes father, I will do such a nice drama that he will buy it immediately.

Your project says that you have worked hard on it.

I like his sincerity.

If I give this project to you, how much will the yearly turnover be?

Uncle, my studies say that it will not be lesser than 15 crores.

And profit?

Profit not less than 5 crores.


See Vinod, this business is becoming difficult to handle.

Who will handle this new business?

Daddy, don't worry, I am here.

I will take the full responsibility.

What, give you the whole responsibility of a business worth crores?

No, never.

Oh Nityananda sir, why do you discourage the boy?

He has proven himself in these 3 months.

And we are here too.

Vinod, settle the papers and go ahead with the project.

Thank you uncle. Thank you very much.

Good luck my son.

Sir, did you call me?

Ajay, take your termination.

But sir, what is my mistake? - Forgive me.

I don't want to be on Debendra sir's bad books by employing you.

Our factory works for him.

Alright sir, I get it. Thanks.

Oh yes, thank you, thank you very much Rai sir.

Thank you!

Sir, I came here for the job you put in the advertisement.

Sorry, no vacancy.

What is it?

So late today?

No work done? Are you upset?

Don't worry, I have a feeling that you will surely get a job.

Come, come eat.

Come on!

Sit here, and I'll get the food.

Here have.


Madam, another piece of bread? - No.

Then some rice? - Oh no.

Madam, a chicken piece atleast? - No!

Just one? - No, I cannot eat more.

What is this?

Puja, I cannot even feed you properly.

Just some rice and salt?

Please do forgive me, Puja.

Please do forgive me.

Please do forgive me.

Who said so?

That I am only having rice?

Here look, this is the curry, here are the vegetables and pulses..

..and the rice.

And this is my golden plate.

This has good food. Yes?

Here you go. Here.

I hope no one is poor in this world.

All is fate dear.

What fate has in store for us.

Bye now.

Today is Sunday, will you go to the Old Age Home?

- Yes.

Visit Puja on your way, okay?

It has been many days I have not heard from Ajay and Puja.

Alright then.

I have an interview today. Let's see how it goes.

Oh uncle!

Fine dear, fine.

How are you'll? - Good.

Please come in. Come, come inside.

How is aunty, uncle?

She's good. Talks about you'll all the time.

Uncle, you sit and I will get you some tea.

Alright. Come sit Ajay.


All good right? - Yes.

No problems? - No.

Please come here.

I will be back uncle. - Okay.

What is it?

No sugar, tea or milk in the house.

Quietly. Listen.

What now?

You sit and talk to him while I go and ask the neighbor for some.

Alright? - Yes.

Hey, uncle?



Ajay? - Yes?

Where is uncle?

He was just there.

Not here. - Then where is he?

Uncle? Uncle!

I think he may have heard us.

Give it.


You are in so much trouble and you never told me?

Am I no one to you?

Why, do you not have a job?

No uncle.

And you never told me?

Sorry uncle.

Come with me tomorrow and I will help to get you a job.

Alright. Bye now.

Along with that, can you handle accounts too?

Yes sir.


Here is your appointment letter, join from tomorrow.

Thank you sir.

Alright Ashok, I will leave too.

Thank you very much. - Okay.


Puja! Hey Puja! Puja?

Puja! Hey Puja!

What is it doctor? What's wrong with Puja?

You are responsible for it. - What?

I'm sorry, I have nothing to do.

Hey, what's wrong?

First tell me about the job.

I got the job but what about you?

You are the cause. Didn't you hear the doctor?

All is because of you.

Me? What did I do? I don't get it.

So dumb, like you don't know what you did?

Like you know nothing.

Let that one come home, I'll tell everything.

That you are very naughty.

No one will talk to you.

I don't get it. Who is coming?

Puja! Oh Puja!

"A little bird flew and came to us."

"Came into my blue sky."

"And spread happiness in this life."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"Love made this all happen."

"Left behind my golden cage."

"You have trapped me."

"In your deep love and care."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"In the garden of my life."

"A new bud will bloom."

"And with smiles and laughter."

"My world will bloom too."

"And you will have a sweet child in your arms."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"Love made this all happen."

"Left behind my golden cage."

"You have trapped me."

"In your deep love and care."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"With a twinkle in your eyes."

"You are like a mirror to me."

"With sweetness in your smile."

"Fills me with so much joy."

"I am so blessed to have you."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"A little bird flew and came to us."

"Came into my blue sky."

"And spread happiness in this life."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"Love made this all happen."

"Left behind my golden cage."

"You have trapped me."

"In your deep love and care."

"And joy dances in my heart."

"And joy dances in my heart."

Sir, Puja madam's husband died in an accident.

Get an ice-cream.

What have you thought then? - Whiskey!

Oh what a taste, what flavor!

Oh have some, you have come after so long.

On a happy occasion, have a peg?

Is this the answer to my question?

Since the last 1 hour I've been asking about Puja,

And you are talking non sense!

What you have said, I've heard,

It is loaded in my brain.

Do you want whisky?

See, whatever has to happen has happened.

Forget Puja, think about her daughter at least.

Oh! So she has a daughter too!

Once she was my daughter,

She grew up with my help with joy and happiness,

And then she was blind in love and forgot my love,

And she left.

And now when she is in distress,

Now she thinks about me, why?

Who am I to her?

Debendra, you don't have to take back Puja,

Take back her daughter atleast?

But why?

Have I taken up the job to look after her?

Don't forget that Puja's daughter is your grand-daughter.

Since I have no daughter, how can I have a grand-daughter?

Debendra, what are you saying?

Doctor, don't take the advantage of our friendship and dictate me.


Oh! I am sorry Debendra,

I'll not discuss anything about this in future.

I am leaving.

Listen, let's play chess.


Hi Puja!

Hey, what happened to you?

The face that used to be a rose,

Now you are dressed like a widow,

It is not looking good.

Still there is time, if you take my hand,

Then I'll fulfill your life.

Get lost! I am not that flower that beautifies the bed,

I am that flower that has been used to worship God, get it?

Now, get out!

Why are you getting angry?

May be so,

But I can be the garland of the flower, right?

And the God who is not worth it,

What is he doing here?


Okay, I'll see how you can stay in this city peacefully.

Mother, what has happened?

What are you saying?

In spite of us being here, you want to put Asha in an orphanage?


If you want to work, you can stay here and work.

Why do you have to go to the city?

Am I not competent to take care of you two?

Listen dear, can't you two stay in my house?

No uncle, I want to go to such a place,

Where no one will recognize me as Debendra Chaudhury's daughter.

I want to forget the past.

Okay, since you have decided,

But do one thing,

There is an old age home in Nayanpur,

I go there to visit the patients.

If you want you can get a job there.

You can be do social work and job together.

You can stay there too.

But leave Asha with us.

No aunty, I can't stay without her.

No dear, she will not be allowed to stay with you.

Moreover it is very far from the city.

How will she study if she stays there?

But uncle..

Listen dear, for your daughter's future you'll have to do it.

Don't worry, I go there every Sunday,

I'll take Asha with me too.

Okay doctor, Puja can join from today.

She can serve the aged and she'll be relieved of her pain.

Thank you, madam.

Okay Puja, I'll leave now.

Namaste. -Namaste.

Let's go.

Asha, stay here, I'll come back soon.


Old man!

My God! Spectacles!

Come, let's play teacher-student.

Sit down.

Don't talk.

There is no color in the rainy water.


It is water in which we only play.


We may turn and play around but not splash it on my new dress, no!

Nut the puddle in the rainy water.

My dear, who are you?

Who are you?

I am Major Debendra Chaudhury.

Major Chaudhury, please keep quiet.

And splash it on my new dress.


The bubbles in the rainy water looks like a peacock feather.

Don't laugh!

Keep quiet!

Debendra? You here?

And I've been searching the whole house for you.

How long have you been here?

What about you? - We have been here for very long.


Uncle, seeing this uncle through the glasses looks like a 'big uncle'!

Big uncle, this is for the eyes right?

Then why do you wear it on your nose?

The nose?

Who is this girl?

My niece's daughter.

They live in Dubai and have kept her here .. that she may study in a Convent here.

She stays with me.

Very smart child.

Very smart.

What's your name dear?

Nish! Nisha.

No Asha.

Yes Asha.


Your expired sister's name was Asha too.

Anyway, you wait. I'll change and be back.

Here you go. - Thanks.


Big uncle, I want too.

Really, you too?


The ice!

Ice? Okay.

Put this too.

Oh no, no, no!

That's not good, have this instead.

Why do you have it then?

A habit dear.

Give it to me, I will make it a habit too.

No dear, not a good habit.

Makes your health bad.

Then you don't have it too big uncle.

You will be sick too.

Okay, I will listen to my little darling and give it up.

Promise? - Promise.

Big uncle, cheers?

Why is she saying cheers like us?

Why not, her grandfather drinks like a fish too!

That's what it seems so.

Must be from some aristocratic family.


Tuffy, you too?

We have 2 new members in our club.


Here, have it.

Tuffy cheers!

Debendra, it's late, I should be going.

Goodnight. - Goodnight.

Asha, do you go to school on time everyday?

- Yes mummy.

I go to school everyday in doctor uncle's car and come back also.

And you know mummy, the teacher called me a good girl!

Oh my, that's nice.

What did you learn in school tell me?

Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water.


Baa baa black sheep have you any wool?

Yes sir yes sir three bags full.

Very good.

And what else?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. - No!

6 come after 5.

I know that. I was just testing if you know or not.


So you're my miss? - Yes.

Doctor uncle took me to big uncle's house.

They have a big house.

Do you know him? - No.

He has a big moustache. And this big eyes. - Really?

And this big belly. - Really?

Mummy, mummy, where is daddy?

Tell me mummy, where has daddy gone?

I miss him so much, tell me please.

Where is daddy?

Daddy has gone too far dear.

Then send for him.

To come quickly. I cannot stay without him.

Asha, come on.

Bye dear. - Bye now.

Mummy, mummy, come with daddy quickly.

Bye now.

What had I ever done to you?


Why did you leave me and go?

How long will I keep lying to your daughter?

That her daddy will be back.

He will come back.

He will come back.


Oh sir, you're sitting here?

I've been searching for you all over.

Tell me sir, why do you come here all the time?

You found me in this river right? - Yes sir!

I had come with Chumki that day to fill water.

You were right here, injured and bleeding.

Then I took you back home.

And then father called for the doctor and got you treated.

I will never forget this.

Bit sir, your injuries have healed but .. have no memory of your previous life.

Tell me sir, do you remember nothing?

How you got hurt? Or how you came to the river? Nothing?

No Rupa. I can remember nothing.

And to recollect memories I sit here. Try to get them back.

But I can remember nothing.

I don't know who I am, where I've come from, if I have anyone in this world.. have no memory of your previous life.

Why not, father is here I am here too.

Oh yes, yes.

The doctor has come to visit, so father sent for you.

Come on now.

Rupa has been looking after sir.

But doctor, till he knows who he is and where he's come from..

.. how will I find his relatives?

That is right.

Is there no medicine that will make the sir get his memory back?


He lost his memory due to head injuries and emotional hurt.

If another incident like that happens to him again,..

..then maybe he will have it all back.

But till then, keep his medicines going.

This, and this.

Doctor, give some new medicines.

You have been giving this for the last 4 months.

That isn't helping sir in any way.

Not be so restless.

Don't worry, he will remember everything.

And the day he does, you will feel the bird go off!

What? Bird gone off?

Don't worry sir, you will be fine.

Take all medicines on time too.

Huh! Come sir, have the food first and then the medicines.

Big uncle, tell me this, a for?

A for apple?

No, a for Asha!


Oh sorry, my mistake.

B for?

B for ball. - No.

B for big uncle.

Big uncle!

C for?

C for? C for? C for?

C for cat? - No!

C for cheers!


Big uncle, what is this?

This is e y e, eye.


This is n o s e, nose.


This is e a r, ear.


This is l i p, lip.

And this?

This is moustache.

A big fat lazy moustache!

What are these? - These are the fingers.

F I n g e r s.

Good Tuffy, good.

Big uncle, I want to make a cheers too.

Cheers? Okay.

Thank you.

Big uncle? Cheers! - Cheers!

Debendra, it's late. Asha is asleep too.

I should go. - Okay.


Don't disturb her. Let her sleep, you can go.

You may have problems.

Any problem if she stays here?

No problem, it's good, let her stay here.

Oh my dear, come to me dear, come.

Goodnight Ramakant. - Goodnight.

Tuffy, how do you like the plan?

What is it dear?

What's wrong?

What's inside your tummy big uncle? It's making so much noise!

Inside my tummy?

There's a tiger!

And it is roaring.

A tiger?

Yes. Now sleep dear, or it will come out.

Yes dear, sleep off.

Big uncle, big uncle?

What is it now?

I cannot sleep. Sing me a song.

Sing a song?

Yes, my mummy sings me to bed everyday.

I thought that only happened in movies.

See dear, I don't know any songs.

If you don't sing, I'll cry!

Oh my, what a mess.

A song.

Seed ear, my sweet child, please sleep off.

No, no, you sing.

What do I sing now?

No, no, you sing. Please sing big uncle.

Okay I will.

Do something, you close your eyes.

But why?

I'm feeling shy, that's why. - Okay.

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"On chariots of clouds, the moon will come."

"Fairies will take you off."

"If your naughty they won't take you."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"What all good things you may say, nothing goes inside."

"If only I have 10 chocolates in my hands, you may get a kiss."

"Your smile it reminds me of another smile."

"You have won my heart in just 2 days."

"Your smile it reminds me of another smile."

"You have won my heart in just 2 days."

"You give such joy I have never felt before."

"Such love I have never had before."

"You kiss away all my pain."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"Tic tac toe, we will play all day long."

"I will close my eyes now only if you play hide and seek."

"You sweet talks keep my days busy."

"You are my bright mornings and starry nights."

"You sweet talks keep my days busy."

"You are my bright mornings and starry nights."

"Sleep in my arms, my dear."

"I will stay awake to keep you safe."

"Like these eyes have no sleep."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"On chariots of clouds, the moon will come."

"Fairies will take you off."

"If your naughty they won't take you."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

"Sleep off my dear, sweet child please sleep."

Puja, my car is going to the city.

Tell me if you need anything, it can be got.

I have nothing to get, just a request.

Tell me.

I have not seen my girl for long, I miss her a lot.

If you let me then I'll go and meet her.

Okay, you may do so.


Big uncle!

Come on.

Get up.

1, 2, 3.

1, 2, 3.

1, 2, 3.

1, 2..

Hello? Doctor uncle? This is Asha.

From big uncle's office.

I am back from school.


You want to talk to big uncle? Wait now.

Big uncle, doctor uncle has something important to tell you. - Okay.

Yes Ramakant, tell me.

What is this?

Oh, fell for my trick!

Big uncle, come here. - Yes, yes.

Sit here. - Here?

Big uncle, want me to tell you a story?

Story? Tell me.

Once there was a king, who was very angry.

He had no one of his own.

So he got a pet parrot.

He loved the parrot very much.

So he made a golden cage for it and kept him in it.

He gave the parrot diamonds and rubies, gold, silver everything.

But can a parrot live on diamonds?

Can the parrot be happy being trapped in a golden cage?

The bird would rather fly freely in the jungle.

Suddenly, the parrot flew away, leaving the king behind.

Big uncle, did the parrot make a mistake?

It was right.

But the king was alone, he must have been sad eh?

Yes, the king was very sad.

You are so smart even though you are little.

Then? Then what dear?

No, you are sad.

No dear, even if I hear you all day I won't tire.

Then shall I say? - Yes go on.

You repeat with me too.

There was a parrot in the jungle.

- There was a parrot in the jungle.

And it had a crown too. - And it had a crown too.

All the birds came to the parrot. - All the birds came to the parrot.

And they asked where the crown was from?

And they asked where the crown was from?

A friend gifted this and went back home.

A friend gifted this and went back home.

It's my wedding gift, the parrot exclaimed!

It's my wedding gift, the parrot exclaimed!

Big uncle, big uncle, I want to play horse!

Horse? Okay.

Left right, left right.

Sir, the M.D. of London's Imperial Shipping Corporation has come.

You had a meeting.

He has been waiting in the board room since 4.

Tell them I am busy, cannot meet now.

Sir if this meeting is cancelled, we will incur a loss of lakhs!

And if I leave this meeting for that, I will incur a loss of crores!

Tell Vinod to discuss the matter.

I will sign the papers later.

Go. - Okay sir.

And then? - Then about turn!

Forward march!

Left right left!

Left right left!


Big uncle, now you say and we will do. - Alright.


Tuffy ready?


Forward march!

Left right left!

Left right left!

Left right left!

Left right left! Halt!

About turn!

Forward march!

Left right left!

Left right left!

Left right left!

Halt! Halt!

Atleast there is some happiness in the house.

Now my turn.

Big uncle, let me feed you.


Now, one more time.

Namaste uncle.

Namaste, Namaste. Come, come.

Silence Tuffy.

My dear, come once more.

Uncle, the meeting with the Imperial Shipping Corporation..

..they have agreed to our terms.

- Good, very good.

Next week the project in-charge engineer will come.

He will go for the sight survey.

I was wondering if you would come to see the site with me?

What need for me there?

You show them the place and finalize the matter.


Just sign the agreement we have made with them.

I will send them a copy.

Okay, where want to sign? - Uncle, read it once.

Oh no need, you have read it.

Now give me a pen.


I will get it.

Here sir.

Oh shut up Tuffy!

Dad, here you go.

This is the paper that you had dreamed of.

Great Vinod, just great.

Today you have proven that you are my son.

No, sorry dad, I am not your son..

.. I am the son of Major Debendra Chaudhury.

Because, the papers he has signed..

..says that he gives his will not to his only daughter Puja but to me!

After his death, I have sole right o his property, just me!

And I am the only legal heir.

And really, this son will be ardently waiting for his new father's death.

No need to wait for long.

Even if Debendra's death is far, I will bring death closer to him.

Oh yes!

Vinod, when will you go to check the place for the new project?

Dad, umm, next week.

Mr. Vinod? - Yes.

This place is quite suitable for our project.

Vinod sir, start the factory work, no problems from our side. All okay.

Alright, I will get the papers ready and start the work in 2 days time.

Namaste. - Alright.

Thank you.

Sir, really will here be a factory?

This is very good.

It will take away the villagers' pain.

No one will have to go to the city for work.

Have you done the setting?

Yes sir, I have told Rupa to dust and clean and make all ready for you.

Good, sit in the car.

Father, you've come.

See, I have settled it for your sir.

You cannot say now that there's no bed or water, or pillow and all.

No water.

I will just get it.

Sir, this is Rupa, my daughter.


My my, very good!


From morning till night, all she does is talk and talk and talk.

Will make you go crazy!

And you say very good?

What? I talk a lot? Making you crazy?

Where to keep this?

On the table.

I will go and get the luggage from the car.

I'm going too, I have a lot of work.

Who is the boy?

He is my, umm.

I don't understand why I'm being dressed like this.

You don't know sir?

Today is the village deity's religious ceremony.

All the people have gathered.

They have been out since the morning.

Won't you go? - Yes!

Why are you laughing?

Sir, you look like us today.

I am your man.

No sir, not for all, just Rupa's!

"This heart of mine."

"My heart keep wandering off."

"Keeps on wandering off."

"My heart keep wandering off."

"Keeps on wandering off."

"I have only one person in my heart."

"And I have loved him secretly."

"The flowers have told me so."

"My body has shown me signs too."

"And it keeps on bothering me."

"Keeps on taking over my body."

"My heart keep wandering off."

"Keeps on wandering off."

"Oh my friend, do you see my eyes?"

"There are some secrets hidden in it."

"But is it so that some stranger."

"Has stolen my heart?"

"Oh my friend, do you see my eyes?"

"There are some secrets hidden in it."

"But is it so that some stranger."

"Has stolen my heart?"

"Whisper to me softly and has promised."

"That he will draw the mark of vermillion on me."

"My earrings have softly promised me."

"That happy days have come to me."

"Keeps on taking over my body."

"My heart keep wandering off."

"Keeps on wandering off."

"And only if he looks and he and hears me."

"This song will tell him how happy he makes me."

"Don't know why or from where you have come."

"To make my life fulfill its destiny."

"And only if he looks and he and hears me."

"This song will tell him how happy he makes me."

"Don't know why or from where you have come."

"To make my life fulfill its destiny."

"My dream is going to be real now."

"The one to hold my hand forever has come to me."

"I will let only my true love take me."

"If you feel the same, then come and hold my hand!"

"This love has taken over you."

"And makes you heart wander off."

"My heart keep wandering off."

"Keeps on wandering off."

"My heart keep wandering off."

"Keeps on wandering off."

Oh Rupa, hurry and take the food.

Vinod sir must be waiting.

Just wait a while, if Vinod sir eats late one day, he won't die.

Why do you say so?

Sir has come from so far to set up a factory in our village.

Our duty is to look after him.

Yes, yes I'm going.

Your food is kept here. - Okay.

Eat it. - Okay.

Remember to it. - Yes, yes I will!

Have you kept some food for me or not? I am very hungry!

Wait a bit my dear prince, I will feed you with my own hands!

I will just go and be back.

Mad girl!

Food sir, do have it now.

Or it will all go cold.

What are you staring at?

No, no nothing.

Need anything more? - No.

Then I'm going, do it.

Rupa? - Yes.

Get some water, I am thirsty.

So much thirst. Wait.

Here you go sir.

Why did you shut the door? - To quench my thirst.


Oh my, my lips have been wanting something good to taste!

Just a piece like you.

Sir, let me go.

How can I just let you? No, no, no.

Vinod sir.

No, no, let me go! Leave me!

Oh no, no, let me go.


Oh my.

Let me go.

Leave me!

Sir, it's so late, why is Rupa not back?

You stay, I'll check.

Sir? Sir?




Sir, didn't Rupa come with food?

She left long before.

Before? But she hasn't come home yet.

Not home? Then what should I do?

Where will I search for her, it's so late.


Sir! Sir!

Rupa! Rupa!




I will be going.

Where to?

The city. To find sir.

To make him pay back for Rupa.

Where will you find him a big city like Kolkata?

We know his names was Vinod.

I know nothing else. Nothing.

I will surely find him.

I will go now.

Do you know anyone named Vinod?

No I don't know.


Sir, do you know where Vinod is?

Vinod? Who Vinod? Any surname or address?

No, but he's from the city.

It will take you a lifetime to find him like this.

Half my time is done anyway.

Before the rest is spent, I will surely find him.

"If you want to survive them work my dear."

"Fold hands and wish everyone my dear."

Look, an elephant! An elephant! An elephant! An elephant!

Big uncle, have you seen an elephant? - Yes I have.


In the circus and the jungle too.

Will you take me to the jungle big uncle?

- Yes I will.

Have some berries?

- Yes I will.

Will you ride an elephant? - Yes I will.

Won't get scared of a tiger eh? - No I won't.

You were scared! You were, you were.

Ramu uncle, get cheers for big uncle.

Cheers eh?

Big uncle, I will go now. - Alright.

Big uncle! Big uncle! Big uncle!

Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!

Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!

What did you say, she's your mummy? - Yes.

Look closely, this is your mummy?

Yes Big uncle, this is mummy. Her name is Puja.


Big uncle, Big uncle, I want to see mummy, put the TV on!

Shut up!


This is your Dubai niece's daughter?

You think I'm stupid?

Debendra Chaudhury is a fool eh?

Found no one but me?

I trusted you because you were a childhood friend.

For what?

You took advantage of that and poisoned my trust?

No relation between us now.

Our friendship is over.

Big uncle, big uncle, I want to go with you.

Big uncle, big uncle, I want to go with you.

Big uncle, I want to go with you.

Big uncle, Big uncle, I want to go with you.

Go from here.

Big uncle, I want to go with you.

Asha! - Don't cry, dear.

Asha, don't cry.

Big uncle, I'll feed you. -Okay.

Big uncle, if you fall sick when you have this,

Then don't drink it, you'll be sick.

Okay, I'll listen to my little darling and quit it.

Promise? -Promise.

Big uncle, I want to go with you.

Big uncle, I want to go with you.

Big uncle, I want to go with you.

From today onwards I don't want to keep any relation with you.

From this moment onwards our friendship is over.

Hey, why are you standing outside? Come in.

Do come in, come please.

What now? Come.

Ramakant, I am very very sorry.

I said a lot of bad words as I was angry.

Let it go.

Actually, I do remember my dear a lot.

I can't stay without her, where is she?


My dear.

My dear.

She is running high fever!

How come she has such a high fever all of a sudden?

It's not that serious, just fever, I'll get the medicine.

She was crying a lot after you left her.

She cried and slept without having any food.

Parvati, give this medicine to Asha..

I am responsible for this.

It's not that Debendra.

Why do you have to think it that way?

Ramakant, will you keep my only request? -Say it.

I want to take her to my home.

Obviously if you have no problem with it.

What are you saying, Debendra!

She is your own grand daughter,

So don't ask for my permission and put me to shame.

Sister, give me the medicine.

So, I am taking her with me.

My dear! My dear!

My dear! My dear!

She has TBS Pulmonary Hyper Tension.

But I think it is in its primary stage.

But scanning will be better.

Dr. Ramakant, make arrangements for scanning.


Dr. Ramakant, let her be under observation for a few more days.

And continue all the treatments that is going on. -okay.

Puja came to our house, she was enquiring about Asha.

I told her nothing about her Illness.

I just said that she is in Debendra's house.

You have done the right thing, Parvati.

As such Puja is left with a broken heart.

If she hears about Asha, she will be devastated.

When she gets better, we'll let her know everything.

Doctor, what has happened to Asha? Didn't you get all the report?

Yes, we have all the reports.

She has Pulmonary Hyper Tension.

And it is a very rare disease.

It happens to 1 person out of 1000.

This is the 2nd case in my career.

Infected patients find it hard to breathe.

And anything can happen to them at any time.


Doctor, take all my wealth and just cure the kid.

Debendra, till date medical science is unable to cure this disease.

There is only those treatments which is given to her, that's it.

Oh my God!

Don't be impatient, Debendra.

We are trying our level best that you can take Asha home.

I'll go there and do the check-ups and treatments.

But remember to keep her very carefully.

The condition can be critical due to hard work and fatigue.

Doctor, is there no treatment of this disease .. anywhere else in the world?

Not till now.

But there our Indian doctor named Jogesh Mitra,

Is doing his research on this.

Jogesh? -Yes.

I know him well.

If you say I'll send Asha's case history to him.

Yes, you send it. I'll talk to him over the phone.

Hello! Hello! Candy Hospital?

Can I talk to Dr. Jogesh Mitra, please?

Yes, yes. Hello?

Dr. Jogesh? Jogesh! I am Debendra speaking.

Did you get Asha's report.

Yes Debendra, I received all the papers and have checked it.

All the treatment going on there is okay.

If you have any medicine for this disease then sends it quickly.

No Debendra, no country has the medicine to cure this disease till date.

This disease is incurable.

Don't say such a thing, Don't say such a thing.

Don't worry, I am doing my research on this,

And I have confidence that I'll make ..

..the medicine for this disease very soon.

That will be after I am heart broken.

It will be too late, too late.

It will be too late, too late.

Big uncle?

How are you? -Fine.

Thank you. How are you?

Fine, very fine.

Big uncle, will you not do cheers today? -I will.

I will.

Big uncle, why are you crying?

Something fell in my eyes, so the tears came out.

Shall I try something? -Yes.

Is it okay?

Yes, my vision is clear now.

It's only for you that I can see everything clearly.

I can see everything clearly. I can see everything clearly.

Come in dear.

No dear, you don't put out the lamp burning in front of the God.

My life became dark after I did that.

Don't do it please. -Okay, Big uncle.

Just remember one thing Debendra, God tolerates everything but audacity.

He hits without sound but hits very hard.

You were right, holy man.

He hits without sound but hits very hard.

Today I understood it very well.

So whatever God has given me,

I have come here to offer everything to Him.

You take all the money you need and finish the temple.

Just beg for me on my behalf,

Tell Him to return my dear's life.

He'll definitely listen to you.

Debendra, when a man is cleared of his pride,

He becomes a beloved of the God too.

And now that you understood your wrong doings,

God will definitely listen to you.

Open your mind and ask for the life of your dear.

He'll never dishearten you.

He'll listen to you, definitely.

How is she today, doctor?

Better than before.

Can she go to school? -Yes.

She can go to school but absolutely no running and playing.

Over excursion in not good for her.

Because that will be more harmful for her.

So, you have to be very careful.

I'll take your leave.

Okay Asha.

Doctor uncle, did you put an injection to my mother too?

Tell me, doctor uncle.


When will she be fine?

Very soon.

I really want to see my mother.

I can't stay without my mother.

Doctor uncle, will you bring my mother when you come here next time?

Tell me doctor uncle, will you not bring her?

Yes, I will.

Yes, doctor uncle will bring my mother.

Doctor uncle will bring my mother, doctor uncle will bring my mother.

Doctor uncle will bring my mother, doctor uncle will bring my mother.

Sorry big uncle. -Why?

You don't love my mother.

You are angry on her, right?

Who said that?

I know, if I talk about her, you'll throw me out of the house.

Uncle said that you are very angry on her.

You'll never let her come home.

Big uncle, are you really angry on my mother?

Will you never pardon her?

Will you never let her in? Not even for me?

I feel for mother all the time. I can't live without her.

I'll bring her home, I'll definitely bring your mother back.

Are you telling the truth, Debendra?

Yes, I've decide to bring Puja home just for dear.

That is a very good news.

Why wait? Bring her home today itself.

Yes sister, I'll bring her back with respect and honor.

But not today. It will be on Monday, that's her birthday too.

That day I'll call all the renowned persons of the city and surprise Puja.

Don't say anything to her now, I want to give her a big surprise.

Puja's birthday will be our death.

That I have forged Debendra's signature to get his wealth and factory,

And have stole crores of rupees,

It will get caught.

No, nothing will happen.

What do you mean by that?

It is very easy.

Debendra will be dead on the his daughter's birthday.


Don't you watch movies?

Don't you read in newspaper?

There is accidents everyday.

Cars drive over people and vanish.

Neither the car nor the driver is caught.

I get it father, I get it.

I want to do the job myself.

Come with us. Come on. Come..

..come, come.

By God's grace that boy was there.

Otherwise God alone knows what would have happened to you.

Right. How is the boy now?

He is still senseless.

I want to see him.

You really want to see him? Then let's go.

Come dear.

Due to his head injury his condition is critical.

Will it be a problem?

Nothing can be told unless he comes back to senses.

Take all the money you need but save his life.

I can never repay him back.

Tell me when he is conscious. - Alright.

No Tuffy, no.

Tuffy, let's go.

Tuffy! Tuffy!

Come on dear.

Big uncle, Tuffy isn't coming.

He'll come, you come first.

Oh Tuffy, you?

What is it? What's wrong?

Alright, come.

Puja, you here?

Uncle, Tuffy got me here.

But I don't understand why.

What is it?

Debendra was hurt. So that must be why.

Why, what's wrong with daddy?

Vinod and Nityananda tried to kill him.

This man came at the right time and saved Debendra.

Who knows what would've happened otherwise.

Uncle, how is daddy? Where is he?

He is fine now. He's at home.

Don't worry.

Uncle, I think Tuffy is trying to say something to me.




Puja. I'm Ajay.






Where were you all this long?

Away from me?

Where were you all this long?

Namaste, Namaste! - Yes Namaste.

How are you, good?

Please sit.

Oh brother Kashi, take something? - Oh I did.

Big uncle, why did you stop the tape?

No dear, the doctor uncle has asked you not to dance.

My dear girl, get well first and then you can dance.

Okay big uncle.

Good girl.

Please go sit there.

Namaste. - Namaste.

Sister, why alone? Ramakant?

He... - Sir, the doctor's call.

Doctor's phone? - Yes.

Sister, just keep an eye on my dear..

.. that she doesn't jump around or dance much. - Okay.

Hello? Yes Ramamkant?

Why are you calling? You were to be here.

Yes I'm coming, but you had promised something.

Do you remember that?

That's why the party!

The guests have started to come.

Come and handle stuff here and I will go and get Puja.

Debendra, Puja is here with me. At home.

What, in your house?

Yes, she came to take my blessings.

Did you tell her anything? - No.

Alright, I will just come.


Daddy! Oh daddy!

Forgive me dear. I have wronged you much.

I've hurt you and caused you a lot of pain.


Come dear, come back home.

Don't cry dear, don't.

Vermillion on you?

Yes daddy, he is alive.


But I had heard that.

Yes Debendra, what you heard was true.

And what you see and hear now is also true.

The man who saved your life is Puja's husband.

Your son-in-law.

Really? - Yes Debendra.


See Ramakant, I am truly blessed.

I have got back my son-in-law, daughter and my grandchild too.

Come, let's dance.

No, big uncle has asked me not to.

But he's not here.

But aunty is there.

Aunty is busy talking.





Open your eyes dear, open your eyes Asha!

Asha! Asha! Asha!

This is Debendra sir's dog.

Something must be wrong.

Daddy, how is Asha?

Very good.

She will be very happy to see you'll.

What's wrong? Why are you'll standing here quietly?

What is it?

Sir, Asha dear.

What's wrong with Asha? What is it?

Asha! Asha!

What wrong Asha!

Open your eyes dear.

Open your eyes dear. - Asha! Asha!

What's wrong with Asha?

Open your eyes dear. - Asha! Asha!

It's me dear!

Open your eyes dear.

Uncle, what's wrong with my Asha?

Open your eyes dear, daddy has come.

Aunty! Aunty why isn't Asha talking?

What's wrong with her?

Open your eyes dear, daddy has come.

Open your eyes dear.


Open your eyes dear.


Doctor, what's wrong with Asha?

My dear.

Open your eyes dear, open them.

You wanted your mother right?

Now look, there, I got your mummy.

Got daddy too!

Open your eyes dear, open them.

I promise you. I will not be angry with your mummy.

Get up dear, please.

Won't you cheers with me?

Get up! My dear?

Don't hurt your big uncle like this!

I cannot live without you!

I'll die.

Get up dear, please. Get up dear, please. Get up dear.

"Get up my dear, please."

"Get up my dear, please."

"Get up my dear, please."

"Open your eyes once, and get up to me dear."

"Get up and forgive all my mistakes."

"Get up my dear, please."

"Get up my dear, please."

"You got back the joy that was gone from this house."

"If you go then there will be no home to make."

"I had just got all my dreams close with you."

"If you leave me to, who will give me joy?"

"My dear girl, say something."

"With your little hands, come hold me."

"Hold me and hug me with your arms."

"Get up my dear, please."

"Get up my dear, please."

"if I didn't show you praise and made any other mistake."

"Why do you punish my girl for it, give it to me."

"If you had given me joy, why take it back?"

"You are so giving then why change today?"

"Take my life if you please."

"In return save my little girl."

"Why do you not understand my soul?"

"Get up my dear, please."

"Get up my dear, please."

"Get up my dear, please."

"If you are the creator of the universe."

"Then grace us with your powers."

"If your name has truth."

'Show me the power of that chant."

"Let the whole world bear witness."

"Return my dear back to this broken family."

Asha! Asha!

Oh dear of mine.

Mummy, where is big uncle?

My dear!

Big uncle?

My dear! My dear! My dear!

No, no, no more cheers from today.

We will have what my dear has. Cheers to that.

What Ramakant? - Exactly!

Here now.


We will cheers too!


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