Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily Sep 28 2018

Hey there, this is Clay with www.ModernLove.Life and this is the relationship inner game experience.

And today we're gonna be talking about what it means when you dream about your ex.

There are a lot of resources out there for interpreting dreams, you know, they say if

you dream about, I don't know, a crow that it's a bad omen or something like that and

I don't really adhere to a lot of this stuff specifically because when I was in Grad school

I had a professor who was a clinical psychologist and somehow somebody in the class asked him

about the topic of dreams and he said that all of that stuff is pretty much not, something

that you need to be paying attention to any way because each of our subconsciouses is

structured in a unique way.

It's not as if one thing universally symbolizes the same thing for all of us, right?

Because we all have our own different interpretations of things and we all have our different associations

with things.

And one thing that he told me is that in dreams you are essentially every, every person and

every major object in the dream is actually a representation of a part of you, a part

of your own consciousness, of your personality, of you essentially throughout your dreams.

It is your unconscious mind trying to express or come to some sort of sense of understanding

and balance in your sense of self.


So in other words, when you dream about your ex, you are trying to reconcile certain things

within yourself to help you, to integrate your experiences into your life, to help you,

to redefine your identity as the person that you are.

So it depends on what your ex represents to you.

So for example, if maybe you had a poor relationship with your ex and maybe your ex is somebody

that you believe betrayed you, lied to, you, cheated on you or something like that.

And you dream about your ex will, It obviously depends on what is happening in the dream.

But that person, your ex in your dream could represent a part of you that doesn't feel

100 percent in integrity with what you say you're going to do, and so depending on how

the dream plays out, it's you wrestling with the fact that there are these dualistic parts

of you and your personality.

There's the part of you that are obviously wants to do the right thing and be a good

person, and then there's this other part of you that you know is also human and sometimes

make mistakes, sometimes you know, stretches the truth a little bit, sometimes does things

that you're less than proud of.

And so in that context, if you are dreaming about your ext is trying to integrate these

two sides of you to sort of help it make sense to you emotionally so that you can still move

forward as a full, complete person without having to carry around perhaps guilt or shame

or something like that, or things that you did in the past.

If your ex represents a, someone that, that you really loved, someone that you had a strong

emotional connection with, then the dream about your ex could also represent you, struggling

to define your relationship with the part of you that you actually love, that you actually

are proud of, that you actually are most proud of in yourself, but you're maybe not able

to admit it to yourself and you're struggling to define that relationship in the context

of your own unconscious mind.


So you're trying to, really determine what your relationship is with the parts of you

that you really love, you know, are you willing to accept them and love them and take them

into yourself or you going to deny them and push them away and try to say, Oh yeah, I'm

not that great, or something like that.


And so this is how you can interpret the dreams that you have about your ex.

I think it's much more effective than saying like, Oh, if you dream about your ex, it means

Martians are coming next week or whatever the, the dream interpretation, encyclopedias

and all that stuff.

Say I'm anyway, this is the interpretation that I got from a clinical psychologist, so

I'm probably gonna put a little bit more weight in that than maybe some other sources, but

with that being said, let's go ahead and get over into our questions and answers for this

week from modern love association members.

Let's see what people are talking about.

Let's see what sorts of questions they have this week.

Our first question is from Ryan.

Ryan says, hi, clay and Mika.

I came into my relationship with my ex a few years after a blind side divorce.

My life has been a whirlwind during and since my divorce until a few weeks ago when I graduated

from a very rigorous graduate program and suddenly had nothing to do.

My girlfriend now, my ex and I had done passive, no contact for a month in June, but she contacted

me and I immediately started trying to fix the relationship.

It was too much, too fast and she backed way off.

She was between test drive and riding the Dragon.

When I found your ESP program and the last message she sent to me before I went, no contact

was quote, I enjoy talking to you and hanging out, but as far as relationship status, I

feel we're more friends than lovers.

Right now.

My emotions have shut off and I don't know how to turn them back on end quote.

Her emotions weren't always shut off.

It happened after a long stretch where I was emotionally unavailable.

One thing she would often tell me that I never realized until now was that I must love myself

in order to fully be able to love her.

I have harbored a lot of hurt from my divorce that has led me to have subconscious feelings

of not being worthy of love.

I never realized how much those emotions can bleed over and affect others.

I have been doing the 10 minutes of affirmations in the mirror, but I still feel the deep seated

doubt and lack of confidence when it comes to romantic relationships.

Can you please share some other mental practices or exercises we can do to build self esteem

and truly learn to love ourselves?

Thank you for everything.

I deeply appreciate your program.

Warm regards, Ryan.

Okay, Ryan, so first of all, I'm sorry that you had such a difficult experience with your

divorce and I'm sorry that it left you feeling so poorly about yourself emotionally and in

regards to your own self love.

When it comes to self love and self esteem.

This really is a very important part of having a great relationship with another person and

this is something that a lot of people often overlook because they're focused more on thinking

that you know if you send the right text message or if you have the right body language or

if you pretend like you're cool and confident and fake it till you make it, that somehow

that will compensate for really not giving a damn about your own self and that's not

really how things work.

As you start to hold yourself in higher esteem, you'll start to have higher standards for

yourself and you start to have higher standards for yourself.

You'll start to interact with people in a different way and that will really spill over

into giving you better results in your love life.

And also in other areas of life as well too, but this is really more of a dating and relationship


So we'll talk primarily about that.

I'm glad that you found some of the exercises in the course to be helpful.

In addition to that, we do have a book that I wrote called the self esteem solution.

You can go ahead and check that out on Amazon.

I think.

I don't know.

I think it's like $5 or something like that.

and you can go ahead and read through that.

It has a lot of information on what you can do to help you in regards to your self esteem.

But just some basic things that I would recommend to you are to practice pushing yourself out

of your comfort zone in ways that move you towards what you want.

So oftentimes there are things that we want in our life that we don't give ourselves permission

to go after because we don't think that we're worthy of them.

We don't think that we're worth the bother or whatever it might be.

And so we just don't do it.

And we choose to stay in our comfort zone, which might be, you know, just, Oh, you know,

I'm not, I'm nothing special.

I'm just going to have a microwaveable dinner tonight, or something like that.

I'm not worth the effort of cooking a nice healthy meal for myself or whatever it might


And so as you start to move towards treating yourself like you actually gave a damn about

yourself, you will probably encounter some resistance that could take the form of anxiety,

that could take the form of fear that could take the form of laziness, that could take

the form of complacency, that could take the form of anything.

And if you recognize this, if you recognize that, hey, there's something that you want,

you want something nice, but you're not willing to put in the effort for it because it's just

you or something like that, then that is an opportunity to dig down deep and push yourself

out of your comfort zone and go for whatever that is.

Again, I don't know what that might be for you.

I don't know if that's treating yourself to a nice dinner.

I don't know if that's a doing something nice for yourself, like I don't know, getting a

massage or getting some sort of Nice thing for yourself or whatever, but maybe you might

consider doing something like that.


And that is a great way to build the habit of treating yourself well and build the habit

of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, especially towards outcomes that you actually

want in your life.

Okay, Ryan.

So I hope that helps you out.

And if you want any more additional advice for this, please check out the self esteem

solution over on Amazon.

It's written by me.

It's available currently only in kindle form, but once things settle down a little bit with

our business, I'm going to hopefully look into getting that published as a physical


You know, the past couple of months have been really tough just because we've had the baby


And uh, right now I'm getting back into working full time, but uh, you know, there's a lot

of repair work, a lot of catching up.

I have to do with things before it can actually start to seriously tackle some other projects

that I have wanted to do for a long time and one of those is to get the self esteem solution

and be loved for who you are published as physical books, so that's something that's

going to becoming hopefully sooner rather than later as I start to get my bearings again.

But yeah, go ahead and check out that book if you want some more advice and keep us updated

on how things go moving forward from here.

Our next question is from C, c says my ex and I were together for about a year and a

half and since the breakup we have talked almost everyday and I really do want to get

her back.

I need to start ANC, but we have planned on doing things together in the upcoming future

two weeks from now.

Should I tell her that I just need to take a break from talking to her for awhile?

How do I go from talking every day with her to just not at all for awhile.

Thank you.

It depends on what these events are with, with your ex, you know, if it's really something

important for both of you, like I don't know, the, the wedding of a mutual friend or something,

I would probably just a grin and bear it and go through with it.

If it's something kind of trivial, like, oh yeah, you want to see a movie together that

you've both had been looking forward to or something like that.

Then maybe you might consider delaying that or canceling that plan or something like that.

But really what you want to do is to check in with yourself and say, okay, do I really

need to take some time away from being in contact with this person to improve my relationship

with myself, to improve my ability to connect with other people and all that stuff.

I mean, because to be completely honest with you, a lot of times people will just go directly

to no contact as like a default thing.

It's like whenever something happens, I need to go into no contract.

Whenever I have a bad situation happened between me and my ex, I need to go to no contact whenever

my ex doesn't text me back and you need to go to no contact.

Whenever I find out that my ex has a rebound partner, I need to go to no contact.


So make sure that you're not just going to no contact as your one tool because again,

if you only have one tool and that's no contact, then you're going to be in for a tough ride.

That's why we have the entire arsenal of advanced relational skills at your disposal because

there are times when no contact is great, but there's also times when you might need

something else to help you create a positive emotional connection with your ex.

If you do look at your situation and you say, yeah, I actually do need to take a break from

being in contact with my ex, then go ahead and, and, and asked for that.


Go ahead and just contact your ex and say, Hey, I know we made some plans, but if I'm

being honest with myself, I think I really need some time on my own to really kind of

collect myself after our breakup.

I've noticed that my emotions have been kind of all over the place and I'm not bringing

the best of myself to our interactions together.

So I think I just need a little bit of a time out from being in touch with you.

So much so that I can pull myself together and then of course take that time and actually

pull yourself together.

A lot of times people will say they're doing active, no contact, but we talk about in the

course when in fact they're actually just doing passive, no contact.

They're just kind of hanging out, waiting around and hoping that something changes.

But again, remember active, no context.

It's about actively cultivating the advanced relational skills so that you can actually

have a meaningful difference in your interactions.


So work up some sort of approach or strategy or follow the strategy that we talk about

inside the ESP course.

And actually do no contact active, no contact in the structured way that we talk about,

and that's probably a great way to go ahead and get started with that.

Okay, so I hope that helps you out.

See Our next question is from faithful in love.

Faithful in lab says hello clay.

I have a question about handling jealousy and passing painful little tests.

I'm wondering what the best way to respond is.

When we see our exes connecting with another person.

My Ex seems to be in love with someone new is communicating this through social media,

but never directly talking about it with me.

Only mentioned that girl to me once as a friend.

He'll meet soon again.

We were reconnecting really well, but now I watch him lose interest in interacting with


Instead he is talking to her more and more.

She has potentially a new rebound.

He is posting stuff about her on platforms.

He knows I will definitely see it and I sometimes think he even wants me to see it and react.

So far I completely ignored all of these signs in our communication.

My Ex seems to put me through a lot of tests lately, which hurt because I'm still in love.

I'm trying to stay playful and laugh it off, which I think is the best solution, but it

is not easy for me.

My question is what is the best way to handle such situations and to not go back into reaction



Faithful in love.

All right?

So, I'm guessing by reaction mode, you're, you're talking about damage control mode and

when it comes to damage control mode, just understand that this is a relationship that

you have with yourself more so than it is a relationship with what is happening outside

of you.


So it's not as if your life is going to be perfect and you're not going to be in damage

control mode.

And then suddenly something bad happens and you are in damage control mode.

That, that just implies that there is more of an inner weakness in regards to your own

emotional fortitude.

Rather than, you know, great things happening outside of your bad things happening outside

of you.

If you were truly emotionally strong than you could handle most bad things that happen

to you or most things that you perceive as bad without starting to go into that sort

of panic, that sort of damage control mode way of being, so the best way that you can

handle these sorts of situations without going into damage control mode is to understand

that your reaction to things, your response to things is 100 percent within your control.

Okay, so that has to say something happens and you have a response.

If you notice there is something that happens in between those two events.

There's something that happens.

So there's an event, right?

So maybe you log into, I don't know, facebook or something like that, and you see your ex

post something about some new person that they are attracted to and then it's not like

you suddenly just panic.

There's a certain chain reaction that's happening unconsciously and automatically below your

awareness that's causing you to have that panic.


So what is that?

What are the thoughts, emotions, and feelings that are happening below your conscious awareness

that are causing you to slip into that panic mode?

What stories are you telling yourself?


So maybe your ex is posting an image of them together with this new person, right?

Is your mind rushing in to fill in the blanks and saying, oh look, they're falling in love.

Oh look, this is a perfect relationship.

I look, there's so much happier then than they were with me.

We're drifting apart.

We're never going to talk again.

I'm losing my chance.

My window of opportunity is closing and stuff like that.

You know, if you have thoughts like that, yeah, you're going to panic, right?

If I had thoughts like that, I would panic too, because as we talk about in our compatibility

code course, your thoughts create your emotions and if you're feeling an emotional response

to something such as panic, so just fear such as anxiety, that's because you're having certain

thoughts that are causing you to feel that way and if you just take a step back and look

at those thoughts and examine them and run them through the thought challenging exercise

that we talk about in the compatibility code, you can start to untangle these thoughts and

turn down the volume on them because when it comes to most of our thoughts that cause

us to panic, they're very extreme, right?

There's no like kind of middle ground.

There's no really being realistic with our thoughts.

It's always just these like doomsday, extreme worst case scenario kind of thoughts and yeah,

if you're gonna go through life with doomsday.

Worst case scenario, extreme thoughts.

It's no surprise that you're gonna end up panicked.

It's no surprise you're gonna be anxious.

It's no surprise that you're going to go through life being afraid.

So what if you took a step back and instead of trying to control the externals, you know

what to say to your ex, how to pass the test, how to destroy the rebound partner and all

that stuff.

What if you looked at your thought process that was causing you to feel bad in the first


What if you looked at how you were thinking about these situations?

That's not to say that you don't act on them one way or the other.

It's not to say that you don't do anything, but if you want to really handle your mindset

when it comes to this, you have to start untangling these thoughts.

You have to start untangling these catastrophe predictions that you're running through your

own mind.

So I'd really strongly recommend the exercises in the compatibility code, specifically the

ones on thought challenging and beliefs.


So I hope this helps you out and please keep us updated on how things go moving forward

from here.

Our next question is from Daniel.

Daniel says, clay, what is an example of bad vulnerability and good vulnerability?

Say if my ex or myself inadvertently brings up the topic of the breakup or it just happens

so that we're beginning to have a good conversation that's about to get deeply emotional.

That would be a bad vulnerability example.

Is that right?

Would a bad example be like me admitting that I had a pornography problem when she asks

what's going on with me or would that be a good example?

Okay, so when it comes to bad vulnerability versus good vulnerability, vulnerability has

the potential to bring people closer together.

It has the potential to create an emotional connection as we are honest with one another,

as we reveal ourselves to one another and as we really trust one another and start to

exhibit trust in another person.

Some people will take this and they'll say, okay, you know, I want to get back together

with my ex or I have a first date with somebody and I want that person to be my girlfriend.


If you were to go into that situation and just start, you know, confessing like, Hey,

I really want to get back together with you.

Hey, I really want you to be my girlfriend.

I'm on like the first date or or right when you're getting back in contact with your ex.

That would be an example of bad vulnerability and the reason why is because it feels bad

on an emotional level and the reason that it feels bad on an emotional level is because

you're not taking the other person's emotional state into consideration.

You are.

I'm essentially using that person as a means to an end to get what you want.

So for example, if you wanted to get back together with your ex and you told them so

much without really considering their emotional state where they're at, how they feel, what

their hesitations, what their resistances, what their reservations about wanting to contact

you, be back in a relationship with you, et Cetera.

Then they're going to see you saying, Hey, I want to get back together with you as basically

like, hey, I don't care how you feel.

I want to be in a relationship again.

I want to be in a relationship with you again and I want to make that happen.

How you feel is not important to me.

How you feel is not something that I'm concerned with.

I'm more interested in getting my agenda met, which is to be back in a relationship with

you, right?

We all know that if you're on a first date with somebody, you don't confess that you

want to marry them.

You don't plan out the names of your children that you want to have together.

You don't propose to them, you don't typically ask them to be your boyfriend or girlfriend

on the very first date, and the reason why is because you don't even know that person.

You haven't built an emotional connection with them and asking for such things is being

more attached to your agenda, your agenda of being in a relationship, your agenda of

being married, your agenda of having children more attached to that agenda than it is to

actually getting to know that person.

Actually getting to know if that person would actually be a good fit for you.


You're using that person as a means to an end to get your agenda met.

So when it comes to your example about having a pornography addiction, it really depends

on how you present it.

If it's just like, hey, how are you doing?

And you just say, oh, I found out I have a pornography addiction.

You know, that could be something that feels a little weird.

It could something be something that feels a little strange.

It's not necessarily bad.

Vulnerability is just not landing in way that's thoughtful and considerate of the other person's

emotional place.

So, again, I don't know exactly what your relationship is with your ex or whoever you're

considering confessing this too.

But, you know, you might say something like, Hey, I have, I recently had a realization,

I'm realizing there it's had an effect on my life and I want to tell you about it.

Looking back on our relationship that we had together in the past, I think it might've

even affected our ability to connect and it's, you know, it's something that's not easy to

talk about.

But if I'm being honest, I actually have a problem with pornography and I think it's

affecting my ability to connect with people.

In my ability to have a romantic relationships and uh, you know, if you, if you frame it

like that, where your, where, where, where you're simply just considering how it's landing

for the other person and you're also being vulnerable and honest and you're not having

a hidden agenda.

Then I think it absolutely could be a very positive form of vulnerability that could

potentially bring the two of you closer together.

Okay, Daniel.

So I hope that helps you out and let us know if you decide to have this conversation and

how it all goes.


So thanks and keep us updated.

Our next question is from JP.

JP says, during the day, I'm happy with how my life is and I'm optimistic about the future.

However, at night I've been experiencing sleep disturbances.

I will have a dream about my ex and wake up feeling anxious.

My therapist thought that my subconscious may be trying to work through some unresolved


When she probed further, I was shocked to discover that I was still really sad and missing

my ex.

My therapist suggested taking 10 minutes to write in a journal a few times a week about

my thoughts and memories of my ex.

I plan on doing this.

I was just wondering, do you have any additional suggestions or advice on how to deal with

unresolved emotions?

Thanks JP.

The topic of the intro portion of this relationship, inner game experience episode is actually

on the topic of dreaming about your Ex.

So, I would definitely go and, and review that if needed be.

But, it sounds like the dream portion is really you trying to resolve your own relationship

with yourself and how that connects with your external experience of life.


So, again, this is, this can be very complicated and this is not something that I pretend to

be an expert on by any stretch of the imagination.

This is just what a clinical psychologist told me about dreams when I was in graduate


So I'm just going to go ahead and defer to their expertise, but in terms of how to deal

with unresolved emotions, what you need to do is you need to start by being real with


Start by being real with how you feel about things.

So, when you say during the day you're happy with your life and you're optimistic about

the future, is that genuine happiness?

Is that genuine optimism or is it sort of more of a postured kind of happiness, a postured


We talk about posturing as, as like the cliche example of like the Macho Jerk and the Nice

Guy, right?

But the macho jerk isn't really the only of manifestation that posturing can take.

Posturing is really just when you're trying to suppress how you're actually feeling and

present a appearance of something else.

Whether that is, you know.

Yeah, I'm such a bad ass.

Nothing can hurt me with Dylan, you know, the macho kind of attitude or another common

way that people often do it is I'm always happy.

My life is perfect and life is great.

Things are wonderful.

Um, I'm so happy.

Things are great.

Uh, everything is looking rosy and wonderful, right?

When in fact they are, they're actually not feeling that way.

Uh, you know, if you genuinely do feel that way, more power to you, but if you're not

actually feeling that way and you're putting out an image that that is how you feel, then

that's actually a form of posturing.

So what you might consider doing is getting real with yourself, getting real about how

you actually feel, you know, so.

So maybe talk a take, take a look about how you're actually feeling at night.

Take a look at how you actually feel when you are having these dreams about your asked

or, or even just a, you know, if you're feeling down at night without being asleep, without

dreaming, you know, if it's just like at night and you're by yourself and suddenly you start

to feel sad, you might start to think about whole, how is it I actually feel, how is it

I actually am thinking that's causing me to feel this way?

What thoughts am I having that are causing me to feel this way?

And start to explore those.

And if you're starting to realize that, you know, yeah, maybe I actually am sad, then

maybe it's because you need to fully feel your emotions of loss maybe from your ex or

something along those lines.

And as you start to genuinely feel those emotions rather than suppress them or stuff them down,

you'll notice that you start to open up a little bit more when it comes to your emotional

experience and you'll notice that you'll start to let go of some of those feelings.

And as you start to let go of those feelings, you'll have a more spaciousness within you

that allows you to have a greater emotional capacity for a whole lot of other things.


So as you can start to let go of some of these suppressed feelings, you will really start

to welcome new emotional experiences into your life.

A really emotions.

They don't have to hang around forever.

They only hang around forever.

The longer we stuffed them down, the longer we ignore them, the longer we try to resist


As soon as you stop resisting them and allow that emotion to come to completion in your

experience, that's when you can finally let it go.

So I hope that helps you out, JP, and I hope that gives you some advice on dealing with

what you're experiencing right now.

So thank you.

And please keep us updated on how things go moving forward from here.


So those have been our questions for this week.

I just want to follow up with everybody and let you know that since we have streamlined

the Q and A process and limited it to just five questions and it has made the production

of the relationship inner game experience a whole lot easier for me and the people on


I don't know if you're aware of this, but it is actually quite a lot of work to put

together these episodes and it can sometimes be difficult to make sure we get this out

every week.

and also I've noticed that the quality of the questions that people are asking has also

increased as well too.

you know, before it was like, hey, here's some ridiculously specific thing that I'm

experiencing that nobody else in the world can relate to, you know, what do you think

I should do next?

And now it's, it's, it's generally questions that are a little bit more relatable to to

more people out there.

So I think that we're also improving the value and quality of the relationship inner game

experiences as well too.

So thank you so much for helping me do this and thank you so much for helping me dial

this in.

I, once again, this is clay with www.ModernLove.Life.

If you like the relationship inner game experience, please go ahead and give us a thumbs up, leave

a comment down below, go ahead and subscribe to the channel.

consider supporting us by signing up for one of our courses over @ www.ModernLove.Life

And of course, feel free to subscribe on itunes or youtube as well too.

Once again, this has been clay and I hope this has helped you improve your relationship

inner game.

Talk to you next week.

For more infomation >> Interpreting dreams and what it really means when you dream about your ex [RIG 28] - Duration: 30:55.


Beautiful Laneway Getaway with 711 Square Feet Space Living in Vancouver - Duration: 1:24.

Beautiful Laneway Getaway with 711 Square Feet Space Living in Vancouver

For more infomation >> Beautiful Laneway Getaway with 711 Square Feet Space Living in Vancouver - Duration: 1:24.


Rude (Full Song) | Season 3 | STAR - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Rude (Full Song) | Season 3 | STAR - Duration: 3:48.


I'm a Cow Song & moo song cow for kids - Duration: 4:17.

I'm a Cow Song & moo song cow for kids

For more infomation >> I'm a Cow Song & moo song cow for kids - Duration: 4:17.


Why Do Teens Cut Themselves - Duration: 2:13.

My teenage daughter came home from school last week and told me that some

girls have been talking about cutting. She asked me what that was. I told her

that cutting is a way that people injure themselves using sharp objects like

razors, paper clips, pens, or nail files. When people cut, they usually make marks

on their wrists, forearms, thighs, shoulders, or bellies. Cutting behavior

usually starts between the ages of 12 to 14 and occurs much more often in girls

than boys, but some guys do cut as well. It's hard to understand why a teen would

purposefully hurt themselves. It often begins as an impulse, but then can

develop into a habit that is difficult to stop. Some people describe it as

almost like an addiction. It's important to understand that most people don't cut

as an attempt to kill themselves, rather as a way to cope with very strong

emotions. They may also use cutting as a way to escape from numbness, to feel

connected to their bodies, or to experience pain so that they don't feel

numb anymore. Even though cutting is a way to cope with powerful emotions and

distress, it's not a very good way to cope. People who cut may not have learned

other ways to cope or their emotions may be so strong that they overpower the

ways that they know how to cope. There are also risks to cutting. You can have

scars, you can get infections, and other people can visibly see what you have

done. If a teen you or your child know is cutting, encourage them to tell someone.

Cutting can be something that people feel very ashamed of and making that

first step to tell a trusted adult is really important. Most people need help

to stop cutting although some people are able to kick the habit on their own. It

often requires work with a mental health professional or counselor. You can call

the St. Louis Children's Hospital adolescent line at 314-454-TEEN

or the St. Louis Children's Hospital adolescent center at 314-454-2468.

For more infomation >> Why Do Teens Cut Themselves - Duration: 2:13.


National Hair Day | STAR - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> National Hair Day | STAR - Duration: 0:55.


Midnight, Texas - Season 1 Recap (Digital Exclusive) - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Midnight, Texas - Season 1 Recap (Digital Exclusive) - Duration: 2:23.


FP_Paano upang ayusin ang chrome crash pagkatapos ng windows 10 update 1803 - Duration: 1:45.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. Chrome freezes after the Windows 10 April 2018 Update 1803.

Use the Windows Shortcut Keys.

Try to press the shortcut keys Windows logo key + Ctrl + Shift + B simultaneously to wake the screen.

Go to Microsoft fix it. Fix problems that block programs from Microsoft website.

Click Download. Run the program. Follow the instructions to fix the problem. I will provide you with a link to Microsoft website

in the video description area. Go to Microsoft Update Catalog. Download and Install The cumulative update

KB4103721, released for Windows 10 version 1803, includes a fix for Chrome and Cortana freezing issues.

Follow the instructions to fix the problem. Recreate the Chrome Browser Profile.

The corrupted Chrome browser profile could also lead to the Chrome freezes issue, and you could recreate it. Follow this steps.

Restore Your System to an Earlier Version. Follow this steps.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> FP_Paano upang ayusin ang chrome crash pagkatapos ng windows 10 update 1803 - Duration: 1:45.


SAP HANA Academy - SAP HANA Cockpit: Early Watch Alert [2.0 SP07] - Duration: 4:48.

Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA Academy.

The topic of this video tutorial series is SAP HANA Cockpit and in this video we will

discuss Early Watch Alert.

This video has been recorded on release SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 03 (April 2018) and SAP HANA

cockpit 2.0 SP 07 from August 2018.

For earlier or later releases, please check the playlist on the SAP HANA Academy.

Hi, I am Denys van Kempen.

If your cockpit user has S-user authorization, you can now directly launch the SAP EarlyWatch

Alert Solution Finder in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad.

In case you are not familiar with the Early Watch Alert, you might want to check out the

section on the SAP Help Portal on this topic.

Here you will find the value proposition and help and resources, how you can set this up.

OK —Let's connect.

Here we have the Home page of the SAP HANA cockpit.

The card for the Early Watch Alert is in the SAP One Support Group.

Default setting (customizable).

An S-User is required.

In case you are not familiar with SAP S-users, you can find more information, as well, on

the SAP Support Portal (about the concepts, and frequently asked questions).

There is also this blog on the SAP Analytics Cloud learning site which explains everything

you need to know about S-User IDs.

I will include the URL in the description below.

Now, if your cockpit user does not have the required authorisations, you will be prompted

to either request access or to contact your company administrator to request the required


The blogs I have just mentioned explain how you can find out who your administrator is.

Should everything have been setup properly.

You will be directed to log on to the SAP ONE Support Launchpad.

In most cases, SSO will be in place and you will be connected automatically and then the

SAP EarlyWatch Alert Solution Finder will be launched and here you will have instant

access to the alerts for your systems, warnings and recommendations.

I am using an SAP account here, so we have a lot of systems connected (over 3,000).

A lot of test systems probably as well as the number 1 alert is for missing backups.

Each alert has a recommendation, with maybe a reference to an SAP Note, and the concerned


You can click the link to get more information about the issue for that system.

You can even, with a single click, send out a message to your colleague or business partner.

We have alerts about critical revisions.

Disk full conditions.

Performance evaluations

Memory allocations, missing indexes, and so on.

Less critical alerts

Default passwords of standard users, here in the ABAP stack.

Import errors, Network settings for system replication, for internal services, hardware


Warnings: Problematic SQL statement, Data volume management

We have recommendations: Password complexity, Table reorganizations, SAP HANA Alerts

And descriptions.

More general information.

Users with critical authorizations.

You might want to check this from time to time.


That kind of stuff.

Just a very brief overview of the SAP Early Watch Alert Solution Finder.

To give you a taste, should you not be familiar.

For more information, please check the resources mentioned at the beginning of this video.

With the Early Watch Alert card on the SAP HANA Cockpit home page, you now have instant

access to this very comprehensive resource, checking the health of your entire landscape.

OK - That's it.

Early Watch Alert.

Thanks for watching.

You can find more video tutorials on our YouTube channel.

If you would like to be informed about new video tutorials, please subscribe to our channel.

You can connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter, as well for updates, and if

you are watching this video on YouTube, do not hesitate to leave your comments to the

video page and, if you like, give us your vote on this video.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> SAP HANA Academy - SAP HANA Cockpit: Early Watch Alert [2.0 SP07] - Duration: 4:48.


64 sets of S. Korean soldiers' remains come home - Duration: 0:41.

64 sets of South Korean soldiers' remains are returning to their homeland.

The U.S. Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency handed over the remains of the fallen heroes

to South Korean representatives at the send-off ceremony on Thursday local time in Hawaii.

The remains were found during the joint discovery operations in North Korea from 1996 to 2005.

They were identified as South Korean nationals through a joint forensic review.

According to the DPAA, this is the largest transfer of war remains between the allies.

The repatriation ceremony is set to take place at Seoul Air Base on October 1st,... which

will mark the nation's 70th Armed Forces Day.

For more infomation >> 64 sets of S. Korean soldiers' remains come home - Duration: 0:41.


New Midual Type One 1050 Superbike 1036cc 2019 - By Jakusa Design | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> New Midual Type One 1050 Superbike 1036cc 2019 - By Jakusa Design | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Únikové Tunely / Escape Tunnels- Teorie/Theory - Fortnite Battle Royale CZ (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 7:05.

Greetings fellow Crabs, Tamaka here.

We would like to thank you for the support of theorycrafting

but because it is not the main focus of the channel

we would appreciate if you could check our other videos,

which allow us to create 'theory' videos.

We appreciate every sub to our channel

and a great way to support us is to come hang out with us on our regular streams

on Saturday from 4pm and on Monday from 7pm!

And this way we would like to wish

Artix and Alkan best of luck in today's tournament

The season number 6 is finally here and so are our theories.

Where to start?

We have people divided to two camps,

those who exited and those who are not.

Seeing the news it is clear

that Epic is focusing on younger audience,

how it this will turn out we can only guess.

We are receiving a lot of messages saying that

what we had claimed would happed never did

and so why do we state it as a fact.

For those of you who are still clueless,

these are only theories and speculations.

Nothing of what we say here is 100% confirmed.

We would like to thank Marek, Jedla, Nick, Ilasay

and others for the support.

And we also welcome new subs from twitch.

Do not forget that continuing gifted sub

costs only one dollar next month.

And now the news for this season called Darkness Rises

and there is a ton of it again.

The biggest news are pets.

Dog, Lizard and Dragon as an addition to outfits.

I like the way they made them animate

when landing or when you get knocked down the dog for example growls.

Instead of hop-rock we now have shadow stones.

When consumed you will acquire shadow form

and are almost invisible when standing still,

in this form you cannot use weapons.

You gain new ability Phase

which you activate the same way you would fire a weapon.

It will expire in after 45 seconds

or you can cancel it by aiming down the sights.

Shadow Stones can be found in corrupted areas.

They removed Impulse Grenades,

Suppressed Submachine Gun,

Light Machine Gun,

Bouncers and C4s.

But they stayed in playground.

Grappler gained an ability

to add respective momentum to yourself

when hooking to moving objects.

But the amount of uses was cut from 15 to 10.

Damage of Double Barrel was reduced

from 143/150 to 114/120.

Timing of zones was changed

and you cannot build when on shopping cart anymore.

What everyone is interested in

are tests for true cross platfrom play.

Meaning Xbox, PS4 and Switch players should be able to play together.

It is a step in the right direction, and we are looking forward to it.

When Epic teased about the new season they showed 3 banners.

The first had disco llama,

second a farmer woman

and the last day there was a wolf.

Thumbs up for this, as noone expected it

and there were no clues left behind on what could be coming in the future.

Let's go through the new battle pass,

last skin for tier 100 is a werewolf.

I can't help but think that so far it seems as inspiration by fairytales.

Newly in the battle pass we can receive music mixes.

And ofcourse we again have a mystery skin.

Here are some leaked skins,

which ones do you like and what are you looking forward to?

Now let's return to the teased skull trooper standing next to the lifeguard.

Is this suggesting its return to the item shop?

Rumour is that halloween skins are coming back

and maybe we could expect them around second to fourth week in October.

We will see.

With the new season we also got some map changes.

The most obvious is the change in Loot Lake,

the house there has become a sort of Fortnite Dalaran.

If we imagine rotating the crater it looks like a volcano with the cube jammed in.

The long-awaited castle has appeared above Haunted Hills.

In Wailing Woods there is a new cottage

and in it an entrance to a secret room in the basement just behind a wardrobe.

You can notice a start of a tunnel,

so it is possible that during the season tunnels will connect making a network of tunnels.

It is probably no surprise that in a different cottage we can find the same thing in its basement.

So far we have found 4 of these cottages.

In the big cottage we have found a teddybear sitting on a chair

that is glued to the ceiling looking towards an empty wall.

In the second one there was a teddybear alone gazing in a mirror.

The third small cottage near Tomato

had a teddy facing a corner with a mirror next to it.

In the fourth a teddybear stares into a wall.

Pretty creepy right?

Why it is so and if it has any meaning we have no idea.

We tried sketching the directions they are staring towards

but it doesn't look like anything to us.

What do you think? Can you see any connections to anything?

And finally the bunker in Wailing is now open.

So the wait is over,

but it isn't the one we expected to open.

It looks like they are doing some research into rifts inside it.

And here we have similar tunnel endings just like in the cottages,

so they might be future escape or entry ways.

Will this be a season where we have to hide from something or run from it?

Fatal Fields also received an overhaul. It has overgrown a bit.

Rocket base is slowly falling into ruin just like the house of superheroes.

Does that mean they aren't coming back?

Or is Epic trying to confuse us?

Is their state going to worsen during the season?

Tilted is again undergoing reconstruction,

we will see what they are building later into the season.

And lastly the Corrupted Areas, the remnants of the Cube's path.

We hope we found everything, but if we missed something let us know!

Here is what a lot of people haven't been shown and thanks to the others that sent it to us.

Thank you for all the photos you sent us.

Noone knows if it is a bug in the game

or if what we are seeing here is a future map.

Why only some people can see it is also a mystery.

If this really is a glimpse of the future

is it possible that this place near Salty will also fly up just like the Loot Lake house?

And what if it isn't just this spot but there will be more of these flying islands?

What do you think?

Based on the game files it looks like we can expect ice traps in the battle royale.

And we continue.

Spoiler for Loading screen week 1 and week 2

Week one looks like a teaser on Red riding hood.

Loading from week two shows a new hero on a farm.

Behind her we can notice some new skins - scarecrows.

Do you like them?

Spoiler alert 2

Reveal of free tiers.

Loading screen of the first week shows a place for banner,

it doesn't seem to be a free tier but maybe I am wrong.

Here on the loading screen from the second week we can see where to find free tier.

And what about you, are you satisfied with the new season?

Has it fullfilled all your expectations?

And what's your theory?

Until next time!

Strength in your arms, light in your soul...

For more infomation >> Únikové Tunely / Escape Tunnels- Teorie/Theory - Fortnite Battle Royale CZ (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 7:05.


Huge earthquake strikes off Indonesia - Duration: 0:14.

A major seven-point-seven magnitude quake struck off the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

on Friday.

The US Geological Survey says the quke hit central Sulawesi island at a depth of about

10 kilometers, triggering the national disaster agency to issue a tsunami warning for the

west coast of Sulawesi and east coast of Indonesia's part of Borneo island.

For more infomation >> Huge earthquake strikes off Indonesia - Duration: 0:14.


Number of newborns decline 8.2% on-year in July, single-member households increase - Duration: 1:32.

South Korea's birthrate fell in July, while the hot weather led to more deaths.

Also, the number of single-member households steadily went up as of 2017.

Yoon Jung-min help us break down the data by Statistics Korea.

South Korea's birth rate continued to fall in July while the number of deaths increased

due to harsh weather affecting older people.

According to data by Statistics Korea on Friday, the number of births declined by 2-thousand-4-hundred

to just 27 thousand last month, down 8.2 percent on-year.

The monthly figures have been in constant decline since December 2015.

On the other hand, the number of deaths during the same period went up 7.2 percent on-year

to 23-thousand-8-hundred, the highest figures since 1983.

The statistics agency attributed the rise to the extreme temperatures in July causing

more deaths among the elderly.

According to other data by the statistics agency released on the same day, the country

saw the number of single-member households reach 5.62 million last year, 2.5 times higher

than the figure in 2000.

The agency said the increase in the number of one-person households is because more people

choose to stay single or get divorced.

Two-person households accounted for 26.7 percent of the total number of households, followed

by three-member households with 21.2 percent.

Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Number of newborns decline 8.2% on-year in July, single-member households increase - Duration: 1:32.


Two Koreas to hold event in Pyeongyang celebrating 2007 summit anniversary - Duration: 0:33.

The two Koreas are holding a joint event next week in Pyeongyang... to celebrate the 11th

anniversary of their 2007 summit agreement, dubbed the October 4th Declaration.

The decision was made by Seoul and Pyeongyang's heads of the inter-Korean liaison office.

They met for two hours at the facility located in the Gaesong Industrial Complex, north of

the border.

The celebration is to be held for three days from October 4th.

South Korea will be sending a 150-member delegation.

Other details will be ironed out through the joint liaison office.

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