Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily Sep 27 2018

-I got to say, before I do the interview,

I saw "Big Little Lies,"

the first two episodes, and I didn't see the end.

So I don't know what happens. -What did you think?

-I loved it. It was fantastic. You scared the hell out of me.

-Thank you. Thank you. -[ Laughs ]

I got to catch up, 'cause I love everyone in it and I love you.

You were so scary. -Yeah.

-Like, you had that move where you would just kind of

enter the room and you look like you did something.

-Right, but the first two episodes,

you don't really see the depth of the darkness.

You're kind of scratching the surface.

It gets -- -No, no.

You see a little -- You're a little weird.

-Well, yeah, he goes a little bit darker than that.

-Do we have a camera shot of just him, just his face?

And then, now, I'm going to enter.

I'm going to enter. I'm going to do what you do.

Can we zoom out a little bit, just to --

'cause I'm going to enter and just show you

what it looks like when you enter the room.

Leave me blurry, if you can. All right.

I'll walk into the -- I'll walk into the shot.

So, you stay there. You're doing the dishes.

-I'm just being -- Okay. -Or whatever.

you're reading a magazine or something, yeah.

-[ Whistling ]

-Hey, honey. What's for dinner? -Aah!

-That's how the stuff -- You did it, and I --

Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ]

Took a lot out of me.

-I didn't see you, but I felt you the entire time.

Your presence was -- -you did?

-Yeah, that was incredible. -Wow! Thank you so much.


-But You went on to win all these --

You won every single award for this thing.

And you deserve --

I only saw those two scenes, but you were great.


-You think I should be up for something?

-I think so, yeah.

I mean, in my humble opinion, that was extraordinary.

-But did you think it was going to be as big as it was?

'Cause this is a giant phenomenon.

-Yeah, I did. I did. -What are you talking about?

No, you're supposed to say, no, you didn't see it coming.

-Oh, oh. Yeah. No.

I mean, the pedigree was --

You know, the cast is incredible.

It was Jean-Marc Vallée, a phenomenal filmmaker.

The writing was very good.

And it was at HBO, which I worked there for a couple years.

And it's a good home for a project like that.

So I knew that it was -- I was excited about it,

but I had -- Obviously, you never know

if it's going to hit the zeitgeist or not,

if people are going to embrace it or not.

I worked on projects that I'm super-passionate about,

but 12 people went so see it.

So you never really know.

-It's good to see a thing that people actually see, yeah.

-Yeah. And I was actually quite oblivious to it

when it aired, 'cause I was in Alberta,

shooting "Hold the Dark,"

the movie that I'm promoting tonight.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-I want to get in to -- I want to talk about "Hold the Dark."

-But, no, so, we were up in Alberta

and kind of deep in the woods, and I was --

I didn't see the show either.

I've subsequently seen it, but when it aired --

-Okay, yeah, I was gonna say.

I was gonna say, It's been like a year.

-Well, I was kind of in a bubble.

I didn't see it and I didn't realize

how deeply people cared about it and these characters.

-Can you come up behind me and scare me?

-All right.

[ Jazz music plays ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

What are you doing, honey?

-Gosh! [ Cheers and applause ]

♪♪ -That's how it's done.

That is how you do it.

That is how you do it right there.

[ Laughs ]

That is how you do it right there.

See, 'cause I don't expect that coming from you,

'cause you're a good-looking gentleman

that a lot of the women love.

So you look trusting -- [ Crowd cheering ]

You look like a trusting, nice guy,

and then, "How you doing, honey?"

Just scares me. Yeah, it just frightens me.

You're fantastic. -Thank you?

-In Season 2, I've seen photos.

We don't know anything. Again, no spoilers.

But there was rumors that you were on set.

So are you in Season 2? Can we say that?

No? Were you on set? -I don't want to get in trouble.

I know that --

-Were you on -- Answer the question!

-Your honor! -Were you on set?

-Yes, I was on set. -You were there.

-I was on set, yes.

But I don't -- I can't disclose what I did on set.

-Were you acting? -Maybe I was acting.

I might have been just moral support.

I might have made coffee for the ladies.

I might have helped Meryl Streep with acting.

-Oh, that's right.

Meryl Streep -- Yeah, you're going to help

Meryl Streep with her acting.

-I would not -- -Come on. Come on.

No, no. Your honor, please.

-No, not help, but just give her little pointers.

-Yeah, of course. She needs it, yeah.

-Fine-tune it a bit.

-Didn't you work with Meryl Streep before?


-Tell the story, 'cause I remember this.

-Well, so, I did a movie years ago, and the incentive --

One of the incentives was to work with Meryl Streep.

It was a scene with Meryl Streep.

And I was very, very excited about it.

We shot in South Africa. I came down. I came to set.

I didn't sleep the night before.

I was real, real excited about it and showed up on set.

And I was, "All right, where is Mrs. Streep?"


-And they were like, "Oh, no, she's in London.

She's going to be a hologram in this scene,

'cause it's a sci-fi.

So you're just going to stare into empty space there

and say your lines, and someone will read

Meryl's lines off-camera.

-"You're never, ever going to meet Meryl Streep."

-I did not.

She wasn't even, like -- We didn't see each other, no.

-That sounds like something that would happen to me.

-And she was still amazing. -Yeah.

-From London, I felt her presence.

Like, that's how amazing she is.

For more infomation >> Alexander Skarsgård Hints at a Return to Big Little Lies Season 2 - Duration: 5:49.


Alexander Skarsgård Teaches Jimmy the Swedish Midsummer Dance - Duration: 6:11.

-Do you ever get a chance to go back to Sweden?

-I go back all the time. Yeah. -You do?

-Like, well, as often as I can, yes.

A couple of times a year, I try to go back, yeah.

-I heard of this thing they have in Sweden.

Tell me if I'm making this up.

Where it's like a celebration of summer or something like that

and everyone goes outdoors? -Yeah, Midsummer.

-Midsummer. -Yeah.

-And they dance? And they dance around a pole?

-Well, it's an old pagan holiday.

It's basically, you stick a 30-foot pole, wooden pole

covered in leaves and flowers into the ground.

-Uh-huh. -A very phallic symbol.

And the symbolism is obviously

to fertilize the soil, fertilize Mother Earth.

So we celebrate this once a year.

[ Laughter ]

And what you do is -- It makes perfect sense.

-Oh, so far. Yeah, I'm thinking of doing it.

What you do is basically -- You get together.

And you eat pickled herring.

You decorate the phallic symbol.

You stick it into the ground. You drink Aquavit.

And then you dance around the pole

and you sing a song about, uh, tiny frogs.

[ Laughter ]

-What is the name of this holiday?

What is the name of this celebration?

-Sma grodorna. -Yeah, uh-huh.

Now, if you play that in reverse, it's the exact --

Smol-googa? -No, sma grodorna.

"Sma" -- little. "Grodorna" -- frogs.

-Oh, really is little frogs? -Yeah.

So, you basically hold hands and you dance around a pole,

and then you do these, uh...

So, the song is basically -- -You want to just show me?

-Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]

But the thing is -- -This is the pole.

-Well, let's say -- -This is the pole right there.

-It's supposed to be like --

There's supposed to be like 40 people.

Like, and you hold hands.

So, let's say your desk -- We need some space.

-Oh, we need space? Okay.

-So, then you go -- If you just follow my lead.

-Okay. -You start with...

[ Speaking Swedish ]


-And it means "little frogs are funny to look at."

-Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. -So, it's like...

[ Singing in Swedish ]

[ Jimmy singing gibberish ]

-[ Singing in Swedish ]

And then you turn and face each other, and then you go...

[ Singing in Swedish ]

-[ Laughs ]

-[ Singing in Swedish ] -[ Jimmy singing gibberish ]

-That means "they don't have any ears.

They don't have a tail."

-Wow. -And then after that, you go...

[ Singing in Swedish ]

-You're making this up. You're making this up.

-[ Singing in Swedish ]


-Wow! Oh, my gosh. Fantastic. That is how you...

That is how you do it. That is --

-"Smalgolgia." Thank you very much.

-This is not -- This is 100% a true story.

If you google it, you'll -- it's --

-Yeah, or if you can, smagoola.

-Sma-google it. Yeah.

-We're here to talk about your film "Hold the Dark."

This is pretty intense.

-This is going to be a great segue from --

-I know. Going from that to how crazy this film is.

But -- -I got a bit winded there.

-I did, yeah. Right? A little bit. But I was into it.

I want to do this, man. -I was really into it.

-I loved it, man. It was fun. -Yeah.

-Dude. We're like -- -You should all try it.

[ Laughter ]

[ Tuba plays foghorn ]

Oh. -Hey.

-Did I leave you hanging there?

-Yeah, you were much cooler than me.

It's fine. It's like...

I went right back to high school.

-I was connecting with the audience.

Right back to high school. Mr. "Tonight Show," big-time.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Still won't be as cool as you.

Let's talk about "Hold the Dark."

-All right. -Sorry. So, yeah.

Describe this film. Describe the movie.

-"Hold the Dark" is basically a meditation

on the futility of existence.


-So it's fun for the whole family.

-Explain a little more, though.

-So, it takes place in Keelut, a small village in Alaska.

It starts out with a woman

who believes her son has been taken by wolves.

She contacts a wolf expert down in the lower 48.

And she asks him to,

"Please come up and find my son or the remnants of my son.

I want something to bury."

And this man played by Jeffrey Wright shows up.

And when he shows up in Keelut, this little town --

It's not even a town. It's like a hamlet.

A couple of houses in the middle of nowhere.

He realizes that there's more to the story

than she told him in the first place.

There's some darkness there

and some stuff that she's not told him.

Meanwhile, my character, Vernon Slone,

has been fighting a war in the desert.

Could be Iraq, could be Afghanistan.

He gets wounded and finds out about his son,

the disappearance of his son, so he returns home

and is very motivated

to find out what happened and find his son.

-So it's almost like a revenge movie kind of.

-Yes, it's a -- Yeah, but there's --

What's good -- What I loved about the script,

it's based on a fantastic novel by William Giraldi

that I highly recommend.

It's an extraordinary book.

What's interesting about it, it starts out --

You think it's going to be like a classic

"man versus nature" story or "man versus beast,"

but then it turns out it's more of

a man versus himself in a way,

and it gets very dark and very mythological.

-Wow. I love this guy. I want to show a clip.

Here's Alexander Skarsgard in "Hold the Dark."

Take a look at this.

-You killed a person before.

-Who told you that?


My teacher said it's bad to kill people.

-Yeah, you'll hear that a lot.

-So it's good?

-If you have to.


-To protect what you love and what you need.

-Come on. That is -- This guy knows how to do it.

Alexander Skarsgard, everybody.

Check out "Hold the Dark" on Netflix.

For more infomation >> Alexander Skarsgård Teaches Jimmy the Swedish Midsummer Dance - Duration: 6:11.


Brett Kavanaugh's Third Accuser, Dunkin' Donuts' New Name - Monologue - Duration: 3:16.

-Let's get to the news.

After world leaders at the U.N. laughed at President Trump

for claiming he has accomplished more than any president

in history, Trump said last night

that the line was meant to get some laughter.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, well, then it's kind of weird

that you said this right after.

-Didn't expect that reaction, but that's okay.

-Man, you are -- you're a very bad liar.

I would love to play poker with you.

"I'll raise you $100, and I'm bluffing."

[ Laughter ]

A third woman came forward

to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

of sexual assault this week,

and Bill Cosby was sentenced to -- oh, wait.

Sorry, excuse me.

I'm hearing the news is too depressing,

so we're cutting live to this video

of baby pandas going down a slide.

[ Cheers and applause ]

That's better.

Try to -- Try to save that image in your brain

because you're gonna need it --

you're gonna need it for the rest of the show as well.

[ Laughter ]

According to a cofounder of a Washington literary agency,

a book deal for the senior Trump administration official

who wrote the anonymous "New York Times" op-ed

criticizing President Trump could be worth $10 million.

Which might explain Mike Pence's new wardrobe.

[ Laughter and applause ]

A Silicon Valley start-up called Ambrosia

is looking into opening a clinic in Manhattan

where people over the age of 35

could be injected with the blood of younger people

to help increase their vitality.

Said one customer, "Can I get a to-go cup?"

[ Laughter and applause ]

"Because I'm on the move a lot and I also love blood."

[ Laughter ]

The Secret Service's new presidential limo

cost $1.5 million and reportedly includes features

such as the ability to electrify door handles

to shock anyone trying to get inside.

"What if you're trying to get out?" asked one woman.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Rapper Lil Xan was hospitalized on Monday

after eating too many flaming hot Cheetos.

Said doctors, "I'm sorry, we did all we could."

[ Laughter and applause ]

He's fine. I think he's fine.

[ Applause ]

According to new research,

10 minutes of exercise a day could improve memory.

So maybe try that?

[ Laughter and applause ]

On the treadmill? Just get on it.

And finally, Dunkin' Donuts has announced

it will be shortening its name to Dunkin'

in order to increase the emphasis

on their non-doughnut items.

Meanwhile, Taco Bell is going all out

and just changing their name to "You're Stoned."

For more infomation >> Brett Kavanaugh's Third Accuser, Dunkin' Donuts' New Name - Monologue - Duration: 3:16.


বলিউডের যে ১০ নায়িকা প্লাস্টিক সার্জারি করে চেহারা পাল্টিয়েছে |Bollywood Actres Plastic Surgery - Duration: 3:01.

Alltoppersbd present

For more infomation >> বলিউডের যে ১০ নায়িকা প্লাস্টিক সার্জারি করে চেহারা পাল্টিয়েছে |Bollywood Actres Plastic Surgery - Duration: 3:01.


Kevin Hart Has Bootleggers to Thank for His Comedy Career - Duration: 6:48.

-You look great. You look like a million bucks.

You don't look tired, and I would have thought you did,

because you went on a vacation with your family.

-Yes. Yes, I did.

-And you have a couple of older kids

and you've got a 10-month-old.

-I do, yes.

-And you took your 10-month-old to the Bahamas.

How was your first trip with a 10-month-old?

-You know what? It was great. -Okay, good.

-I got a good 10-month-old. -Yeah.

-He's, like, a 10-month-old, but he's like 30.

-Oh, that's good. -Yeah, he's very, very relaxed.

Like, he's extremely mature. He can chill.

He can just watch TV.

But he'll change and just look at you for a while.

There's sometimes where you got to pluck him,

make sure he alive.

-Yeah, right.

That's the one downside of a chill baby, yeah.

-"Hey, man, are you breathing, man?"

He'll just sit with his mouth open.

But he's amazing, man. I love him.

-Here you are with your family, and I want to --

First of all, I should note you went --

There's a pig -- A beach that has pigs on it.

-Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Pig island.

-Pig island. -Pig island, yes.

-So, there you are with some pigs, but --

And that's fascinating, but what's more fascinating --

is it fair to say that your entire family

is wearing the same patterned swimsuit?

-100%. 100%. -Okay.

Gotcha. And was that an accident or on purpose?

-No, it's because I'm black. That's what we do.

Black people -- we like to match.

It's a thing. We go overboard with matching.

I am that dad.

-Congratulations on "Night School."

This is a really funny film.

And this is based, on some degree,

on your own experiences, yeah?

-Yes, 100%. It's based on second chances.

That's what the whole purpose behind the movie is.

You know, I think so many people frown on second chances.

You know, when you don't get something right the first time,

ultimately, you're down

and you feel like, "I'm not going to do it.

I'm going to go in another direction.

It's over."

Well, this is a movie that shows that it's okay

to go back the second time and give it your all

and take the things that you didn't do right the first time,

apply it to that second time, and come out better.

And, sometimes, it takes a third and fourth time, you know?

[ Cheers and applause ] -That's what this is about.

So, I'm a victim of not getting it right

the first time for a lot of things.

-You've got a great cast -- Tiffany Haddish, Taran Killam.


-You also -- I know, in the prep for this, you got to --

You were a principal for a day in Dallas.

-Yes, I was. Yes.

-You gave sort of a TED Talk of sorts to kids in Atlanta.


-What do you try to impart upon students?

-Well, the first thing is rules.

You know, when I got to be principal for a day,

I felt it was very important to make my presence felt.

You know, I'm a big fan of Joe Clark on "Lean On Me."

-Uh-huh. [ Cheers and applause ]

-Yeah, yeah. That's right. Those are the people that know.

-Some Joe Clark fans. -That's right -- Joe Clark.

He's the real deal.

"You smoke crack, don't you?" That's one of the best lines.

But I said, you know, I wanted to change some things.

So the first thing I did was --

I said, "We're going to have chicken nuggets every day."

-Yeah, that's good.

No one's going to fight you on that.

-I like nuggets. That was a great rule.

I took all the toilet paper out the bathrooms,

replaced it with baby wipes,

and said, "It's important that we all wipe our asses properly."


-You now, that's something I did.

-Especially after, like, nuggets every day.

-Yeah, after nuggets, you're going to need it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You get it. You get where I'm going.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-And I was on a roll, and then the real principal came,

and he was like, "This has to stop."

-Yeah. -He took my bullhorn away.

And then I gave, actually, a real speech

and I told the kids --

I said, "It's very important to embrace this moment

and really understand what teachers are."

I now, at the age of 39, understand the importance

and value behind these teachers.

You know, teachers are investing time, energy

into these kids because they feel like the kids

are our next generation's leaders and groundbreakers.

And I said, "Your biggest reward to them is

by doing something with your life.

Take advantage of this time and really apply yourself."

[ Cheers and applause ] And, you know, it was good.

It was good because they related, they responded.

They identified with what I was saying,

because it was coming from me.

-It's a fantastic message to give them.

I also -- Another thing that's interesting is --

you know, I think people look at you and they think, "Oh, my God.

You're so successful."

Everything you do is successful,

but you have also had films that did not particularly work.

You were in a film, "Soul Plane."

"Soul Plane" was not a huge box-office success.


-But you have a theory as to what went wrong here,

and your theory is based on --

-Well, it got bootlegged.

My movie was bootlegged before it came out.

Do you know the background of "Soul Plane"?

-I don't know. -Oh, let me educate you.

So, "Soul Plane"...

"Soul Plane" was supposed to be the one.

That was going to take me out of here.

-Yeah. -Oh, my God.

It's about to go down, okay? -Uh-huh.

-This is -- Here it comes.

Somebody give me the money train,

'cause after this movie, it's going to happen.

-Gotcha. -I'm at the airport.

We're still filming the movie, actually.

We're doing reshoots. And a guy comes up to me.

He's like, "Oh, my God.

You're the guy from 'Soul Plane.'"

And I'm like, "Hey, how you doing, man?"

He's like, "Man, the movie's funny."

And I was like, "Well, you're going to

really think it's funny when it come out."

He's like, "No, it's out. I saw it."

And I was like, "No, you didn't.

You couldn't have seen it, because we're still shooting it.

We're actually shooting it right now."

He was like, "No, I saw it.

I could tell you everything that happened in the movie."

And he starts telling me all the scenes in the movie.

He was like, "Dude, would you mind signing it for me?"

And I said, "Signing what?"

And he pulls the bootleg out of his bag

and he's like, "Sign it."

And I had no choice.

I had to sign it, 'cause it's the first autograph

I've ever really given.

-Yeah. -So I was excited.

And I immediately, like, called the director

and I was like, "Hey, man,

a guy just told me he had the bootleg."

And he's like, "No. No way."

Before we knew it, in like a month,

I was the biggest thing on the streets.

Everybody had this movie, and the movie --

the date that it was supposed to come out,

we had to push it up like a month

because they was like, "We got to just get it out."

So we were trying to lie.

We were like, "There's new scenes

that you haven't seen in the bootleg."

It's was like, "Oh, you think you've seen it.

Well, wait till you see the new stuff."

-So your release was effectively like,

"We're re-releasing 'Soul Plane.'

-We had to re-release based off the bootleg.

We were like, "We know you think you know the end,

but look at what we just added."

So we're, like, cutting together trailers

that aren't even in the movie.

It's, like, me fighting somebody in karate,

like, "Aah, aah!"

It was like, "Wait till you see this

new action scene in 'Soul Plane.'"

And the movie ended up being the biggest hit on the streets

but one of the biggest flops in the box office.

But there is a positive in every negative.

The positive is --

that's how the following for me in comedy started.

I was able to go to comedy clubs,

and they were like, "That's the guy."


-I was, "That's the guy from 'Soul Plane'" for a long time.

-Hey, thanks so much for being here.

For more infomation >> Kevin Hart Has Bootleggers to Thank for His Comedy Career - Duration: 6:48.


Fail: Poroschenko "flüchtet" vor russischem Journalisten und platzt versehentlich in Lawrows Zimmer - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Fail: Poroschenko "flüchtet" vor russischem Journalisten und platzt versehentlich in Lawrows Zimmer - Duration: 0:19.


【MUKBANG】 Meat Meat Meat + Egg [McDonald's] Trying MoonLight Burgers!! 31 Patties [7037kcal][CC] - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Meat Meat Meat + Egg [McDonald's] Trying MoonLight Burgers!! 31 Patties [7037kcal][CC] - Duration: 6:08.


How to Make Cardboard M1919 Machine Gun That Shoots - Duration: 13:13.

How to make M1919 Machine Gun from Cardboard

For more infomation >> How to Make Cardboard M1919 Machine Gun That Shoots - Duration: 13:13.


Hello Its Halloween | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Halloween Videos For babies by Farmees - Duration: 1:01:34.

"Hello Farmees!

Its halloween

Watch out for the monsters

Watch out..

The monsters are out, If your all alone give your friends a shout...

The ghosts and the spooks coming out of the nooks as a door bell ring can you here them sing..

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite

The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Watch out

The monsters are out, If your all alone give your friends a shout...

The vampires flying and the werewolf's hunting as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite

The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

Hello It's Halloween

For more infomation >> Hello Its Halloween | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Halloween Videos For babies by Farmees - Duration: 1:01:34.


Gimp 2.10.4: Magical Fantasy VII - Duration: 14:50.

In this Gimp Workshop we are going to create

a magical fantasy portrait of a girl with a squirrel.

When Gimp is open, we go to file and click on open.

Search for the texture image and open it.

When you want to follow along,

you can find the download link for the images in the video description.

Press Ctrl+Shift+J to fit the image in the window.

Click on filters, blur and gaussian blur.

We make the X size 10,

and when we hit okay, the Y size is also 10.

So just click okay.

Back to the menu bar and now to colors and brightness and contrast.

Here we reduce the brightness to about minus 120, and click okay.

Go to the toolbox and make the paintbrush active.

Make the opacity 30.

Choose brush hardness 025,

and make the size about 800.

We can zoom in and or out by holding the Ctrl key down and rolling the mouse wheel.

Place the cursor in the center of the image and zoom out a bit.

Now we can make the corners and the edges of the texture darker, like so.

When this looks good, we go to file again and now we hit open as layers.

Open the image of the girl.

Make the unified transform tool active.

Under constrain we check the option scale,

so when we scale the image, the proportions stay intact.

Now click in the image.

Click and drag the left and right handles at the side, to scale the image.

Click and drag inside the framework, to move the image.

Click and drag outside the framework, to rotate the image just a little bit, like so.

Then we can click transform.

Go the menu bar, click on layer and on layer to image size,

to get rid of the yellow dotted lines.

Click on colors and on curves.

Adjust the curves like so.

Click okay.

Back to colors and now to color balance.

Make sure that the midtones are checked.

Make the cyan/red value plus 10, and the yellow blue value minus 10.

Click okay.

Again to file and open as layers.

Now open the image of the squirrel.

Click on the unified transform tool and then in the image.

Scale the image up a bit.

Move it by click and drag inside the framework and rotate it

by click and drag outside the framework.

We want the face of the girl just a little bit behind the head of the squirrel.

Her hand should be on the nut and the paw of the squirrel, like so.

When this looks okay, we can click transform.

Go to layer and hit layer to image size.

Now we go to colors and curves again, and we adjust the image to our liking.

Then click okay.

At the bottom of the layers panel we click on the layer mask icon.

Make sure that white full opacity is checked, and click add.

Make the opacity of the squirrel layer about 40.

Click on the paintbrush in the toolbox.

Make sure that black is our foreground color.

Change the opacity to 100.

Choose brush hardness 100, and make the size 15.

Zoom in to the paw and the nut,

and paint carefully to make the hand of the girl visible, like so.

When we have gone to far, we can press the X key, to swap the foreground background colors.

Now we can paint some back if needed.

Press X again to make the foreground color black again.

We can also use Ctrl+Z to undo the last steps.

With Ctrl+Y we can redo them again.

When we press and hold the mouse wheel down,

we can, by moving the mouse, move the image.

With the bracket keys we can make the brush bigger or smaller.

When this looks okay, we press Ctrl+Shift+J, to maximize the image in the window.

Then we make the opacity 100 again.

Now make the girl layer active.

Hit the new layer button at the bottom of the layers panel.

Name it shadow girl.

The fill with should be transparency.

Click okay.

While the paintbrush is still active, we make the opacity 20.

Choose brush hardness 025.

Zoom in to the face of the girl and carefully add a bit of shadow, like so.

We can always use Ctrl+Z to undo.

Move to the hand of the girl and here to we can add some shadow.

When this is to our liking, we drag the squirrel layer to the bottom of the layers stack.

Press and hold the Shift key and click on the eye to make the other layers invisible.

Make a shadow on the paw and the nut, like so.

When it looks okay, we click and drag the layer back to the top of the layers stack.

Hold the shift key and click on the eye again, to make all the layers visible.

Press Ctrl+Shift+J again.

In this way we have made a shadow on the paw and the nut,

without effecting the hand of the girl.

Make the girl layer active.

Click on the add layer mask icon again.

Just click add.

Activate the layer mask on the squirrel layer.

The paintbrush should still be active.

Make the opacity 100.

Then we choose brush acrylic 05.

Make the size about 400.

Zoom out a bit and make parts of the edge of the squirrel invisible, like so.

Use the bracket keys, to change the size of the brush.

Now we activate the layer mask on the girl layer,

and here too we make some areas invisible, like so.

When this is to our liking, we click on the top layer,

and then we hit Ctrl+Shift+N to make a new layer.

This layer we rename oils 02, and click okay.

Press the O key to activate the color picker tool.

In the tool options we check the option sample merged.

In this way we can pick a color from all visible layers.

Click on a fairly dark color in the image.

Hit the P key to make the paintbrush active again.

Choose brush oils 2, and make the size about 400.

Click on dynamics and in the drop down menu we click on track direction.

This makes our brush rotate while we use it.

Add some dark areas like so.

After that, we press Ctrl+Shift+N again and now we name the layer fur.

Hit okay.

Press the O key and choose with the color picker a fairly light color from the image.

Then we activate the my paintbrush tool.

Choose brush fur.

Make the radius 2,

the base opacity 1,

and the hardness also 1.

Paint in the image, like so.

With this brush it the effect depends on how we click and on how we move the brush.

With Ctrl+Z we can undo.

And again, Ctrl+Shift+N.

Name it splatter 02 and hit okay.

Hit the O key and choose a light and warm color from the face of the girl.

Press the Y key to bring up my paintbrush again.

Now we will use brush splatter 02.

Make the radius 3.

Make some splatters in the image like so.

Use Ctrl+Z to undo if necessary.

It is always possible to reduce the opacity of one or more layers.

For this layer we will reduce the opacity to about 50 or so.

Press Ctrl+Shift+N to make an other new layer.

Name this one splats 01, and hit okay.

Press the P key to activate the paintbrush.

Press the D key to reset the foreground/background colors to their default.

Choose brush splats 01, and make the size about 200.

Now we add some splats, like so.

When all this looks good, we go to file and click open as layers.

Open the texture image again.

Make its mode soft light

and its opacity about 50.

To finish of we are going to add a vignette.

Press Ctrl+Shift+N for the last time and name this new layer vignette.

Click okay.

Go to filters, light and shadow and click on vignette.

Make the radius 1,9.

Change the softness to its maximum of 1.

We make the squeeze 0,5.

At rotation we fill in 330.

Now click okay.

We change the mode to dissolve

and the opacity to about 60.

And there it is; Magical Fantasy Image VII.

I hope that you have fun with this tutorial and if that is the case,

please be so kind to give it thumbs up.

And of course, a kind comment is very welcome.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Gimp 2.10.4: Magical Fantasy VII - Duration: 14:50.


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But the water is precious too, and must be reabsorbed.

However, the digestive system cannot break all food down and so this then becomes a stool,

or fe*ces.

The colon functions to recover water from the stool before it is pushed out through

the r*ectum by intestine muscles in a bowel movement.

This entire process should be easy and natural.

Constipation comes from when the muscles that work to push the stool through colon are not

performing, resulting in irregular bowel movements that will cause your stool to be hard, dry

and hard to pass.

. CASTOR OIL astor oil is a great remedy for constipation.

Castor oil can work wonders!!

Yes I am serious.

It has been used for ages by our fathers and forefathers for treating constipation.

Castor oil acts as a great laxative as it increases the movement of the intestines and

helps in clearing it out instantly.

It basically acts as a lubricant and helps in getting out the waste quickly without much


How to consume it- Take 1 tsp of castor oil with a glass of warm water in the night at


Next morning you should be able to freshen up really well



Prunes are a super remedy for constipation.

Prunes are nothing but dried plums which are endowed with the goodness of fibre and sorbitol.

Fibre as we all know is known to facilitate the smooth functioning of our bowels and sorbitol,

a natural form of sugar which does not get digested easily and hence can draw loads of

water while its way to the intestines and add bulk to the stool.

How to consume it- Consume 3 prunes for at least a week everyday.

You can also have a glass of warm water if required.

ALOE VERA JUICE Aloe vera forms a gel and helps in getting

rid of constipation.

While aloe vera juice has been thought to be great for the skin and hair, it can actually

help you in relieving constipation.

Aloe vera juice can form a gel like substance in the tummy leading to mucus formation and

increased intestinal peristalsis.

It can also draw more water leading to the easy passage of stools.

How to consume it- Consume around 30ml of aloe vera juice (unsweetened and stabilised)

with a glass of water at bedtime or early in the morning on waking up.

FLAX SEED OIL Flax seed oil for constipation.

Flax seed oil is known as a great remedy for constipation.

It can again act as a lubricant and coat the stools in such a way which leads to easy passage

of the same.

In short the stools are able to sail freely through the intestines without an issue.

How to consume it- Consume 1 tsp of flax seed oil with a glass of warm water mid-morning

for almost a week and see magical results.

YOGURT Yogurt is good for your digestive tract.

If you need to keep your tummy healthy then its essential to consume yogurt.

Why yogurt?

Because it promotes growth of good bacteria in the gut and helps in preventing or considerably

lessens the effects of constipation.

So if you have to make your digestive system strong then its mandatory to consume yogurt

on daily basis.

How to consume it- Add a cup of yogurt to fresh fruits or add it your breakfast cereal


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