Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2018

Youtube daily Sep 29 2018

Well thank you so much Mr. Speaker, hallelujah!

I'll tell you Mr Speaker I am

I know I'm out of time but I'm not out of breath and I'll tell you what I'm

sure as hell not out of passion

They're gonna spontaneously break out in

Depression-era George Gershwin opera

I know what this country means for

everybody and we're making it possible for them every day in every way I thank

you I yield back

I got plenty of nuttin'

I mean it's a remarkable cover

where it looks like it's an iceberg but actually it's an

upside down plastic bag and I don't know who we're responsible for this but uh

and nuttins plenty for me I got no car got no misery meanwhile

Senator Whitehouse and I both had this on our in our desks

in our offices

Before I yield back the

balance of my time Mr. Chairman I want to give you a hug

The Republicans think they can wave a magic wand and hide the cost.

We might be a work-free drugs zone up here

But I have news for them this is the Congress

this isn't Hogwarts.

Country roads are calling me home

According to the Post

you attended one of Mr. Francis's pay-to-play parties

mingling with quote attractive young women dressed as Santa's little helpers

wearing red hats black boots and skimpy Yuletide costumes

the Chinese People's Libertarian army

I'm sorry Liberation army

In less than two years my

administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the

history of our country America's so true


Didn't expect that reaction but that's okay

Somebody's got explain this to Trump so I guess that'd be my job

For more infomation >> Hallelujah, National Geographic and the Chinese Libertarian Army: Congressional Hits and Misses - Duration: 2:13.


3 Scary Dog Worms Types, With Pics - Duration: 1:45.

Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.

Today I will show you 3 scary dog worms types.

So let's dive in.

First type, roundworms.

These types of worms are usually contracted during pregnancy, nursing and in feces.

These types of worms are known for causing some severe infections in both puppies and

adult dogs.

Second type, heartworms.

Mosquitoes are known to spread these types of worms in canines, by biting them.

Some heartworms have been measured at 14 inches long and they can be found in the heart or

arteries of your pet.

These worms can really affect your pet's health.

Third type, whipworms.

It is common for animals to get these worms from contaminated dirt or soil.

They can also get infected with these worms, by trying to cleanse themselves.

While these types of worms are not as serious as other types of worms, they do suck blood

and can grow in numbers.

To find out more, I created a great guide about the worms in dogs.

In it, you will find 11 symptoms dogs with worms have, 5 types of worms a dog can have,

guides on how to get rid of worms in dogs, what causes dogs to get worms, and 5 home

remedies for worms.

The link is down below in a description.

If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.

And remember let's keep our pets healthy!


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