Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 16 2018

Hi, Mike Mancini with PPC Video In this video we are talking about

Google Quality Score. What is it? How does it work? And how does it affect my

campaign? We're gonna go through all that right here in just a minute... stay tuned.

Alright, so when we're looking at Google quality scores, what it is, is the score

from one to ten. One being the worst and ten being the best. You can see it if you

go into your campaign and click all the way down to the keyword level. So you

would click on the campaign that you're working on and then click on keywords.

These are the headings that we have highlighted. If you don't see these go up

to columns, modify columns, and you can go down to

quality score and click on that and then just makes sure quality score is checked and

click on apply. As you can see here are our quality scores now these top four,

top five keywords all have a ten out of ten quality score which is obviously

what we're going for now this is once below that have nines and those are fine

as well so let's look at why that is and what that has to do with our campaign as

a whole so your quality score is a rating of the quality and the relevance

of your keywords as well as your ads and there are a number of factors that go in

to this quality score one is your click-through rate how often are your

ads getting clicked on when somebody types in a keyword the higher the better

obviously number two the relevance of each keyword

to its ad group so as you can see we have this keyword hottub moving company

in an ad group titled hot tub moving all of the keywords in this ad group have to

do with hot tub moving down below that a spa repair all of the keywords in this

ad group have to do a spa repair thirdly the ads in this ad group how relevant

are they to our keyword so in the hot tub moving ad group are we talking about

spa repair are we talking about moving are we talking about hot tub repair

Jacuzzi repair what are we talking about all of our ads are very tightly knit to

the group that there in let's take a look at the NAD in this

hot tub moving category hot tub moving service need to move your hot tub expert

hot tub movers so you can see our keyword is in their hot tub moving hot

tub moving again and both of these ads are very very relevant to people who are

searching for that keyword these ads are speaking right to them also where when

somebody clicks on one of those ads where are we sending those people if

they're looking for a hot tub mover and we send them to spa repair that's

probably not very targeted and they're gonna click the back button very quickly

google measures that and they're taking a look at all right if a lot of people

are clicking that back button then obviously this landing page is not very

relevant but the spiders at Google sends out also will scan that page and find

out how relevant it is based on the keywords so if somebody clicks on an ad

for hot tub moving is that text somewhere in that landing page is the

text on that landing page relevant to our ad and relevant to our keywords so

all of those will go into your quality score now what is the benefit of having

a great quality score it's right here the cost per click google loves it when

your ads are relevant when your keywords are bringing the right traffic they want

people to find what they're looking for the more relevant it is the more

conversions your ads get the more traffic that you pull in and turn into

conversions Google's going to give you a higher quality score what that does is

then it's gonna drive your cost per click down so I want you to take a look

this is a cost per click of 3:48 we have it set at we're paying an average of two

dollars and ninety two cents here's another one

sixty-seven cents we're paying an average of thirty three cents

here's a good one three dollars and 53 cents we have bid up to we're paying an

average of a dollar eighty five because our quality scores are very good but I

want you to keep one thing in mind these quality scores are strictly a guideline

here's a good example hot tub service we're paying an average

of $1 75 a click here but we have 15 conversions for a cost of $1 87 a

conversion the Quality Score on this one is only a seven so it's used as a

guideline I don't know how much we can get much

better than dollar 87 a conversion we are always still trying to work that

down but we have a great click-through rate our conversion rate is through the

roof so once again this is a guideline another thing to keep an eye on is you

see this one is rarely shown due to a low quality score because it is 2 out of

10 that could mean that the ad isn't very relevant it could be mean that

we're sending the ads to a landing page it's not really relevant what I will

usually do when I see this is I will go in I will pause that keyword or I will

fix it immediately now some people will say well what's a quality score that you

absolutely have to fix if I usually see anything under 6 I will go in and I will

either pause it for the time being and change it later or change it right away

anything under a 5 will automatically take and pause right then and then fix

it as we go because what that will do is these low quality scores will bring the

overall score of your campaign down so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna

pause that now how do these quality scores affect your cost this is a little

graphic provided by word stream comm and it shows you right here the Google

benchmark is a 5 but if you get into 6 you're decreasing your cost per click by

an average of 16% if you get it up to a 10 you're decreasing your cost per click

by 50% but below that number five mark you start increasing it up to 400% so

it's always worth it to take some time take a look here your quality score see

where you're at because in the end the better scores you have the cheaper it's

gonna be and we've had it to the point where we have literally increased our

clicks by more than a hundred percent using the same budget because we have

either weeded the bad Quality Score keywords out or we have

fixed the lower performing ones to bring those scores up and remember you don't

always have to get it up to a ten to make sure it's the absolute best some

people will get really stuck on that and try to get the best quality score

possible which is great but once again when we're getting conversions for a

dollar eighty seven we're quite okay with that now are we always trying to

improve this sure but I'm not gonna let this worry me too much when I'm seeing

numbers like this in conversion rates of 93 percent all right

hope that helps we'll see you in the next video thanks so much for watching

if you enjoyed it please like or subscribe to our channel or share a

video with someone who might find it interesting

or if you knowif someone who's in need of PPC or Google ad services please

forward our information to them we'd love to help thanks for watching

For more infomation >> What is Quality Score? | Quality Score Explained Google Ads - Duration: 7:48.


Saudi Arabia Keeps Killing Civilians And The US Remains Silent - Duration: 3:39.

Saudi Arabia has once again launched a missile strike in Yemen that resulted in the deaths

of at least 17 civilians when one of those airstrikes struck a bus carrying a group of

civilians that were actually trying to flee the fighting in that particular area in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia is systemically targeting groups of civilians in Yemen and killing them for

no apparent reason.

Now, this is just the latest example of that.

We have talked in the past and other people have talked in the past and recent weeks about

all of the other strikes that Saudi Arabia has launched.

They have killed children coming back from a school field trip.

They have killed other groups of civilians.

They are just killing civilians left and right over there.

And here in the United States, we have a president that thinks that, "Oh, none of this is a big


Saudi Arabia is our friend, they told me the other day they didn't kill that journalist,

so I guess I got to believe 'em."

And then later on Saudi Arabia came out and said, "Okay, well we may have accidentally

tortured him to death," is their new response now.

"We accidentally tortured him to death."

Saudi Arabia is committing war crimes right now.

They've been committing war crimes for quite some time now, it's just that now it's kind

of reached the level of atrociousness that the entire world is starting to pay attention.

But they have been horrible for decades and the United States, no matter who the president

has been, whether it's a democrat or a republican, we have been silent.

We bow down to them, we hold their hands, we kiss the rings, and we act like they are

our very best friends in the entire world while they are actually one of the most ass-backwards

countries on the planet with their treatment of women, with their treatment of people with

different lifestyles, and with the way they commit these war crimes on a routine basis.

But we kiss up to them and we sell them weapons.

We enable the slaughter that's happening right now because they've got oil.

And God forbid we piss off the people that hold on to the oil.

You know, this is actually just another really, really good example of why we need to kick

it into overdrive and switch to renewable energy here in the United States.

Because if we could kick that oil habit, if we could get other countries to do the same,

if we could be the pioneers in renewable energy technology and sell it all over the planet,

we would strip Saudi Arabia of any and all power that they have.

We would be able to prevent these atrocities from taking place before they even happened

just because we're starving them of that oil money.

But we won't do it.

We won't do it because we are led by a political party that doesn't even think that climate

change exists, that doesn't think that renewable energy is a workable solution, and so we're

going to continue buying oil from these assholes over in the Middle East.

They're going to use that money to buy weapons back from us and they're going to use those

weapons to go kill whatever civilians they want to kill because they know that we, the

United States and most of the rest of the world, are just going to remain silent and

let them get away with it.

Because otherwise they're not going to sell us that oil next time we come begging.

For more infomation >> Saudi Arabia Keeps Killing Civilians And The US Remains Silent - Duration: 3:39.


Sneaking Out Of My House In The Middle Of The Night - Duration: 3:26.

So last year in the eighth grade I had this group of friends. It was me my

friend Andre and my friend jasmine. We hung out like every day and every time

we hung out it was just like summer time. We like started going through snapchats

I like people in our grade story and they're just like sneaking out and we're

like "maybe we could try it" and I was like "um I don't know because like I have

alarms on my house and like whenever I opened my door makes like a like kind of

sound and like at night it's like put in a code and then like it makes a noise if

you like open any like door or anything so I was like I don't think I can." And

then one of my friends was like "maybe if you try opening the upstairs window..." So I

tried it like with the alarms on and it didn't make a noise and I was like "oh my

god how am I gonna get out through a window?" So I like went around my house

and I figured out that my brother's bathroom house they go window and then

you could hop onto the roof and climb around and hop into the fence and get

down. So we planned it to go on a Sunday night which the next day was a good day

off that we had from school. The night before we like snuck out we made a group

chat and like we were just talking on it like saying like "oh my gosh we do this

I'm so nervous." So then the night rolled around and I

was just laying in my bed and I was like thinking about the consequence, I was thining

about like "what if my parents catch me?" "blah, blah, blah" and then I remember my parents

saying "goodnight to me" now like "why am I doing this?" like "oh my god" like "what if

what if I get caught?" or like "oh my god" but I was like "okay whatever." I was gonna

do it you know I got to live my life I'm a teenage girl like come on okay.

So then I've texted him I was like okay guys were way up 1:30 and then we all

just like left our house I like went onto the roof and I was like being like

so loud I don't know how no one heard me. and I got him to the roof and I climbed

all the way down my heart was a grasing like so fast like they like almost fell

out of my chest. I got down and I just sprinted to my friend Andres house and

he came out and me just sprinted to our friend Jasmine's house. And Jasmine came

out and then we went to the store and we were drinking like some like energy

drinks and we were just going crazy like running around the parking lot stuff

like that. And we were having the time of our lives.

And then we I was like okay guys let's go home now and we were like heading

home and then these four police cars just like surround us. The police car

rolls down its window and it's like hey guys like what are you doing out of it

this time we're like um nothing we're just like heading home and they're like

why you guys out and we're like trying to lie but we just cut it and I was like

we just snuck out okay then they're like oh my god that's the most disrespectful

thing you could do your parents over we're like lecturing us and it was just

bad and then they're like call your parents and tell them to come pick you

up so we called our parents and then they

all came to pick us up they were all really bad and I was grounded for three

weeks so I'm never doing that again and you're thinking about it don't do it!

For more infomation >> Sneaking Out Of My House In The Middle Of The Night - Duration: 3:26.


Nightcore - Words Unspoken (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:54.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Words Unspoken (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:54.


Senate Candidate Just Received Threat And Horrid Details of 'Open Season for Republican Death' - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Senate Candidate Just Received Threat And Horrid Details of 'Open Season for Republican Death' - Duration: 2:42.


Lindsey Graham Utterly Humiliates Liz Warren — "This Is My Trump Moment!" - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Lindsey Graham Utterly Humiliates Liz Warren — "This Is My Trump Moment!" - Duration: 4:24.


Profile: Jane Leeves As Dr. Kit Voss | Season 2 | THE RESIDENT - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Profile: Jane Leeves As Dr. Kit Voss | Season 2 | THE RESIDENT - Duration: 1:59.


Farming Culinary Experiences | Table Tales: HADELAND - Duration: 2:17.

My passion for food is kind of splitted.

One thing is of course the part which is about flavours and compositions of dishes.

And how it's decorated or presented.

But I also have a passion for food, and food production.

How to process the raw materials and turn...

our own products into food and food experiences.

We are now at the Thorbjørnrud Hotel, which is a conference hotel.

It has a long history.

There has been farming here for approximately a thousand years.

In the farm we have produced milk, meat and quite a lot of vegetables as well.

What we are doing here at the farm today is very important...

for the milk quality in perhaps ten years time.

Since we are very close to Oslo we have a lot of people just coming out...

from Oslo to have a different experience than being in the city.

Hadeland Glassverk is of course very important for the whole area.

It's one of the long lasting industrial companies which is still operating.

I changed my way on looking at art, when I could tell myself...

that I could still enjoy art, even if I don't understand it.

But we are very lucky here in Jevnaker that we have the Kistefos Museum

It has a very high international level.

They really want to be one of the best outdoor museums in Europe,

and I think they will succeed.

Or, perhaps they already are.

One of the most meaningful things you can do on Earth,

is actually to produce food.

And that's why we have established a vegetable garden here in the hotel.

Where we produce different kinds of vegetables, herbs and fruits etc.

which are used in the kitchen.

It's not only the hotel.

It's also the destination and the area around which contributes

into the guest's experiences, and the guest's satisfaction.

For more infomation >> Farming Culinary Experiences | Table Tales: HADELAND - Duration: 2:17.


The Proofs of Love: How solid is your relationship?|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:07.

The Proofs of Love: How solid is your relationship?

Wooing your partner every day and caring about how they feel are two proofs of love and ways to keep your relationship alive and well.

In the honeymoon phase, your love is crazy.

It's all euphoria and passion… However, when this phase ends and you're at the threshold of mature love, you should know that there are certain "proofs of love"that should be present if the relationship has a future.

Everyone has predicted another couple's breakup before, because things are much easier to see clearly from the right perspective.

However, when it's your own relationship, you get rather blind and lost.

So check out the proofs of love below and find out how solid your relationship actually is.

How is communication going?.

The foundation of any relationship is communication. However, even in today's monogamous relationships, there is often a lack of interaction.

We can't emphasize it enough; it is one of the most vital proofs of love that exists.

After all, without communication, there is no trust.

We're talking about sincere communication, not communication like the examples below:.

Saying yes to things that will actually be a no when the time comes, like having children or getting married.

Being attracted to other people to such a point that if given the opportunity you would be unfaithful — but not communicating this to your partner.

Hoping your partner will change certain things about themselves, without telling them.

Expecting them to read your mind and realize it on their own.

These are just a few examples of very poor communication.

When the moment of truth comes, they may cause serious problems. There's no need to be afraid to communicate with your partner. However, it's normal to be afraid of it because many people's role models were not good at it either.

It's all about the little things.

One of the biggest proofs of love has to do with the little things.

Some people find it really hard to be affectionate in public.

They'll pull away from a kiss, stop you from hugging them, and might not even let you touch them.

However, their eyes may speak volumes.

Maybe they call you on their lunch break just to tell you they're thinking of you or send you a flirty text.

Do they go grocery shopping and bring you home some chocolates or your favorite flowers every once in awhile?.

There are so many little ways to show that you love someone.

Without them, the magic disappears and love run dries.

Eventually, it will die.

Relationships don't have to be work all the time, but sometimes you get comfortable and subconsciously think that you already won them over, so why do those little things matter anymore? The truth is that you should win them over every day. After all, nothing is certain.

You have to take care of your relationships.

Worrying about them.

This is the last of our proofs of love, and we're not just talking about asking your partner how work went or how the kids are.

 It means asking about how they feel.

When you really love someone, you care about their feelings.

You want them to be well and feel well, and if they aren't, you offer a listening earand let them at least vent.

However, you may get selfish sometimes and get so caught up in your own stuff that you forget to worry about your partner.

You fall into boring conversations about work, schedules, family… But what about their feelings?.

A solid relationship isn't solid just because there's love.

Love isn't enough; it's a feeling that you have to nourish with communication, listening, attention, and honesty. It really is about the little things. If you want a solid foundation and a healthy relationship, it's worth the effort.

For more infomation >> The Proofs of Love: How solid is your relationship?|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:07.


Try This Vegan Diet For Weight Loss|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:03.

Try This Vegan Diet For Weight Loss

The vegan diet is mostly known for being followed by people who don't want to eat foods of animal origin, and it can also be a great alternative for losing weight.

The vegan diet has gained a lot of recognition over the last few years thanks to the efforts of those who promote it.

It is a varied diet which, in contrast to a vegetarian diet, rules out any kind of product of animal origin, including honey and eggs.

The majority of its followers choose this kind of diet for ethical and environmental reasons; however, some people have become interested in becoming vegan after realizing that it is an excellent option for losing weight.

Although it may be a bit difficult to give up on traditional dishes, the combination of ingredients in vegan meals are very low in calories and are full of properties which help us stay in shape.

What does it consist of? Why is it effective for losing weight? How can you plan a vegan diet healthily? To answer these questions, in this article we are going to share the most relevant aspects of veganism.

Discover them!.

What does a vegan diet consist of?.

A vegan diet contains no animal products of any kind, including dairy, honey, jelly and eggs.

 This kind of diet has many benefits for our health and for our weight, because it is low in fats, calories and foods which are usually considered harmful.

A vegan diet principally consists of:.

Legumes and grains Nuts and seeds Fruit and vegetables Sea algae Wholegrain cereals.

All these foods are combined to make balanced meals which aim to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the body.

Vegans are also careful when buying their food, because none of their meals or food products can contain any animal ingredients.

To lose weight, it is essential to reduce our calorie intake, without going to extremes of course.

 A vegan diet, as long as it is well planned, is one of the most highly recommended diets for this purpose.

Its success is thanks to the combination of healthy low-calorie ingredients which fill you up, improve digestion and support the processes which help lose weight, while still providing the important nutrients.

Does a vegan diet cause nutritional deficiencies?.

One of the most controversial aspects of vegan diets is related to nutritional deficiencies.

Because it restricts foods of animal origin, many people speak of the dangers of following this kind of diet.

The truth is that this entirely depends on how the meals are designed.

 A vegan diet can provide the right nutrients for all stages of life, as long as it is planned carefully, bearing in mind the body's nutritional requirements.

The only exception is vitamin B12, which is of animal origin, but can be added as a supplement to maintain normal levels.

In relation to proteins, the main sources of which are also animal, these sources are replaced by products of vegetable origin, which provide high biological value proteins i.

 proteins which are easy to absorb.

Vegan menu for weight loss. Monday.

Breakfast: fruit salad.

Mid-morning: handful of nuts.

Lunch: falafel and houmous wrap with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: glass of vegetable milk (coconut, almond or soya) and toast with tomato and oil.

Dinner: vegan pizza. Tuesday.

Breakfast: glass of vegetable milk and portion of brown bread with avocado puree and tomato.

Mid-morning: mixture of fresh fruits.

Lunch: quinoa salad with asparagus and strawberries.

Afternoon snack: glass of vegetable milk and a tablespoon of sunflower seeds.

Dinner: broccoli, squash and tofu stir-fry.


Breakfast: juice of one orange, chopped pear and kiwi, a handful of nuts and a slice of toast with salad and olive oil.

Mid-morning: glass of vegetable milk and vegan biscuits.

Lunch: potato and leek soup, oat "meatballs" with tomato and thyme.

Afternoon snack: chopped apple and a handful of hazelnuts (2o grams).

Dinner: chickpea salad, brown rice and tofu, brown bread and soya yogurt with jam.


Breakfast: chopped pear and peach, a glass of vegetable milk and a handful of nuts.

Mid-morning: chopped apple and kiwi, and wholegrain biscuits.

Lunch: pea and vegetable salad, pasta with tomato and tofu.

Afternoon snack: two clementines.

Dinner: stir-fried vegetables and seitan, glass of vegetable milk.


Breakfast: glass of vegetable milk with vegan oat and coconut biscuits.

Mid-morning: mixture of fresh fruit.

Lunch: bean and mushroom burger with roasted potatoes.

Afternoon snack: glass of vegetable milk and brown bread with avocado puree and tomato.

Dinner: tofu with black garlic sauce and red cabbage salad with vegan mayonnaise.


Breakfast: tea with oat milk and brown bread with jam.

Mid-morning: glass of vegetable milk and vegan biscuits.

Lunch: bruschetta with tomatoes and peppers stuffed with rice.

Afternoon snack: two pieces of fruit, chopped up.

Dinner: vegan omelette with mushrooms.

Sunday. Day off.

 Make a menu of whatever you like, without products of animal origin, of course.

Are you up for trying a vegan diet as an option for losing weight? Although it isn't easy to stick to, it offers many benefit for your body.

For more infomation >> Try This Vegan Diet For Weight Loss|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:03.


How Arsenal and Per Mertesacker plan to replace Kwame Ampadu after Monaco exit - Duration: 3:01.

 One of Thierry Henry's first jobs as Monaco head coach was to return to Arsenal and pluck Kwame Ampadu away from the club

 Ampadu, who was Arsenal's Under-18s boss, has taken up a position on Henry's coaching staff with the Ligue 1 outfit along with Benfica U23 coach Joao Carlos Valado Trahlo

 The 47-year-old, who had been with Arsenal since 2012, took over the U18s in 2016 and guided them to the FA Youth Cup final last season

 His departure comes as a real blow to the Gunners and leaves the club needing to decide on a replacement

  Football.London understands Per Mertesacker, the club's academy manager, will lead a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the future plans for the U18s vacancy

 Arsenal are leaning towards bringing in someone from outside of the Emirates to eventually replace Ampadu, but do not believe appointing a permanent successor is urgent given the quality of the coaches already working within the academy at Hale End

  The U18s host Reading on Saturday and understands Ken Gillard is expected to take charge of that league game and he could remain at the helm for the foreseeable future as the club weigh up their options in terms of a permanent successor

 Gillard, who joined Arsenal from Crystal Palace in 2016, has been working as Ampadu's assistant

 Ampadu joined Henry on Monday as the Arsenal legend took his first ever training session as Monaco's new head coach

 Speaking following his appointment, Henry admitted that he was very happy to be back at the club where he first made a name for himself as a player

  "In the first place, I thank AS Monaco for giving me the opportunity to coach the team of this club which is so special to me," he told the club's official website

 "I am very happy to come back to AS Monaco and extremely determined to meet the challenges ahead

Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> How Arsenal and Per Mertesacker plan to replace Kwame Ampadu after Monaco exit - Duration: 3:01.


Smart TV LED 32" LG HD 32LK610 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Smart TV LED 32" LG HD 32LK610 - Duration: 1:27.


Smart TV LED 32" Philips 32PHG581378 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Smart TV LED 32" Philips 32PHG581378 - Duration: 1:06.


APH Multilanguage: Greece, Korea, Seychelles - Deliver Us [w/S&T] - Duration: 7:42.





Mud ... and lift.

Sand ... pull ...

Water ... and raise up.

From the whiplash on the back, I feel the bite,

The sweat burns like a fire

From pain and darkness ...

Deliver us

Please save us.

Be witness to a persecuted people


Give us a homeland

Deliver us to the promised land

My son I have no other choice

This way you can live

If God will deliver us

Please listen to our prayers

From the brutal years of bitter slavery

To the promised land


A new beginning

and lead us to the promised land

Good baby, do not cry

Sleep soundly with the currents

I'll be in your heart forever

Run, river, flow gently

I offer you such a precious gift

Take him to a free place

River, please look after him...

Get away, baby brother, far away from the evil

I will pray for you

Grow up, my little brother, come back someday

Please, save us...

Please deliver us

Send us Your shepherd

Free, in our own land

Greek: Free! French: Deliver us! Korean: Please save us!

Like and Subscribe!

For more infomation >> APH Multilanguage: Greece, Korea, Seychelles - Deliver Us [w/S&T] - Duration: 7:42.


3204267 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Dryer's High Limit Thermostat AP213477 PS446428 - Duration: 10:28.

hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the high

limit thermostat in your dryer the reason why you would have to do this is

because you're getting no heat in your dryer for this repair we'll be using a

Philips head screwdriver and a short stubby Philips head screwdriver

warning before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source so this is

the dryer we're gonna be using for this demonstration

it's a Frigidaire keep in mind you might have one that's not quite exactly the

same as this but the same technique should still apply make sure you turn

your gas off we're going to turn our dryer around so we need to remove these

two screws right here we're going to be using a Philips head screwdriver and

once we've got those screws out we can pull the top back and then lift it off

and put it off to the side so now we're going to unscrew these two screws here

we'll take off the grounding wire

and now we'll unplug all these wires here and just make sure when you're

moving these wires that you're pushing it on the tabs to release the wires from

the board so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to have six screws

total you've got to remove we've got two here two inside the door and two at the

bottom now to make this a little bit easier for the last two we're gonna get

a piece of wood and we're gonna set it underneath the dryer

now all you have to do is just slightly lift on the bulkhead and it should come

right out now we just have to remove these three wires here now I'll

take the lint filter out we'll set that off to the side now we're going to

remove the screws right here holding the support in now I'm going to remove the

two bottom screws that go into this bulkhead here and now we can remove the

bulkhead we're just gonna lift up on it a little bit and remove it from the

support and we should be able to pull it right out so here's the drum belt right

here and in order to get it off we're going to have to reach underneath the

drum and in order to get the belt off we're gonna have to push up on the lever

to release the tension reach in with our other hand and now we can take that

right off so now that the drum belt is free we can pull up on the belt so it

doesn't get caught on anything and then pull the drum out so this over here is

our high limit thermostat and in order to get it off we're going to need the small stubby

screwdriver unscrew it

now that we've got the screws out you can take our high limit thermostat and

unplug the wires and those are just going to pull straight out

maybe wiggle it a little bit if you have to now grab your new OEM replacement

high limit thermostat if you don't have one already you can find it on our

online store so now the first thing we're going to do is plug the wires into

the thermostat it's a lot easier to plug it in right now

then after it's screwed in that tight spot make sure that the wires go on

there nice and tight on there and now we'll start our screw in by hand first once you get a

couple of turns in tighten it down the rest of the way with this screwdriver

like so now to put the drum back on we're gonna take the belt we're going to go

on the other side of the wheel here just like this and we're gonna lift it up and

then loop the belt around the shaft here

make sure everything's not straight there we go and then everything should

be able to spin freely now just like that so now we'll put the bulkhead back

in place and we're just going to need to lift up on the drum a little

bit while we do this we're gonna make sure that the roller wheels are

supporting the drum we're gonna make sure that our tab goes into the slot

here for the bulkhead on both sides and now you're going to also put the tabs

into the slots on the support that attaches to the bulkhead right there and

now we can screw everything back in now put the lint filter back in

so now we'll reattach the layers for the door switch in case you don't remember

you're gonna want to make sure you take a picture before you take the wires off

but I just took a look at my own picture and so now I remember

where all the wires are supposed to go so now what we're going to do we're

going to line up these tabs here and put those into the slots there's gonna be

four tabs total

so now I'm going to screw in the screws up top first

so now we'll plug all of our wires back in now we're going to slide our control

panel up and you're gonna line up the holes down here with the little tabs

that are sticking out and we're just going to reattach our grounding wire

here now we're just lining up our holes and screwing back in

now we'll put the top panel back on and when we do this we'll just slide it all

the way forward until it's in place and then line up your screw holes and screw

it back in now you can turn it back around and your repair is complete now

we can turn our gas back on finally don't forget to plug in your appliance

if you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find an OEM

replacement part on our website

thanks for watching and please don't forget to like comment and share our video also don't

forget to subscribe to our channel your support helps us make more videos just

like these for you to watch for free

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✅ $28000 ✅ How to make money online (How to make money online reddit) ✅ - Duration: 16:23.


Results shown are not difficult. Please see our income disclosure statement at the leap provided

Hi, this is Karen to behalf of Matt Lloyd and mobin today were going to call John who is a diamond consultant and has earned


$28,000. So let's go ahead and give him a call

Hi, this is Karen calling on behalf of Matt Lloyd in Mobe, how are you doing? I

Bet you are doing awesome, I see some pretty good Commission's coming through for you

That's what I understand you've earned

$28,000 over $28,000. That's just 19 silvers and you are a diamond

So you're not just eligible for Silver's but you're eligible to earn up to

$20,000 for every one of these


Results in terms of just you can

Start with my own so I do

One I'm getting people like vested in with like news stories and articles I have a serious pre-sell sequence

I'm using I'm using

Bayview my own baby my own webinar, which I created

And basically they you know, I have my own

Like training product and within my training product basically everything is centered around

My reformatted things as I said, everything should be sent around just go into mo

Promotion. Okay, so you were already kind of a seasoned marketer before joining?

Awesome, so I love when we find people like you that are basically super affiliates

You have so much potential within mo because of what you've already done in the past

Tell me you kind of touched on a little bit about tell me a few things that really stood out to you with Mobe and

What made you?

Why why did I pick mo?

because because frankly the and because Mobe offers people

Exactly what they want and people want one-on-one

coaching people want accountability

Everyone in the business opportunity space you buy business opportunity products. They're lonely

they don't have

In many cases, they most of their friends and family are not on their side

they're doing this alone and

Without the support of others and they're frustrated and

in order to and

You know many of the people have been trying to make an income online

They've tried 10 or 20 different things on average some have tried 30 40 50 different

things on average

And they're frustrated and again, they're alone all alone because they have nobody to talk to and

You know a lot of these internet gurus and Internet programs don't offer any assistance to hold somebody accountable and say hey

You know, like what's going on what's you know, like you're not alone. We're gonna help you and

more offers that more offers that and it's such an

invaluable tool in

Valuable tool it's it's a it's as I said

It's the marriage of sales and marketing and just general helpfulness

The consumer wants coaching Mobe is giving them coaching

And these are things that are missing which mode takes to another level is community

Again, we're talking about loneliness and frustration all alone. This being huge factors of

Problems that these people have continually gone through and every other program mode brings in this

community element they bring in coaching and

To rebuild a real community it's not a private Facebook group

Are you trying to Facebook groups and they work great for selling people into mo but the ultimate next step is

Having real events where people can meet real people and get out of there. Get out of there

Get out of there frustrated

headspace and be in a place like Fiji, which is just a massive pattern interrupt so

They've got they have a good niche in the market and I know my custom I don't have the time or the capacity



Coaches and to organize events nor do they have the Willing?

To organize those so that's why I decided

when I spoke to Matt Lloyd about you know doing this I said, this is a

Dawn obvious deal. I'm gonna make back

everything I

Invested into Moe very quickly and I I am you know, I am it's I've say I'm less than a month into my actual

promotion of move and I've already made, you know close to thirty thousand dollars and

That's amazing and knowing what you know now as far as just from you know

When someone an entry-level person starts with our training and moves up through the training with the community support with the coaching support

Do you think that this is some something that anyone can?

Figure out and do is it basic enough that they can understand it and really get a handle on it and go for it regardless

You know the next evolution

That's all we're doing we're the same and

Ethical way to earn money is by selling a product if you're doing stocks or if you're doing weird

You know arbitrage schemes, you're you're you're you know, first off

The thing about stock trading is it's gambling real estate takes a ton of money to do

And you know then, you know doing e-commerce

Involves like inventory and shipping and support and you know all these distribution agreements and tariffs and tax laws

You have all this stuff when you start importing goods that that you know, it's we're getting really popular nowadays

But people aren't telling you the other side of the story that there's all these regulations involved and you know

Just having to manage support and distribution and inventory is like it involves money out

it's a nightmare and

This is the easiest place to get started starting with doing sales of products

People are already bonding on the internet. It's just um

That's all we're doing and whether people are doing it through and it's free

- its it cost like ten bucks a month to host a website if you will even want to host a website

I mean honestly if people want to get started baking just start a YouTube channel for free


You're connecting with people people want to hear lessons from a serial entrepreneur

You know I and what else you know Instagram Pinterest

Facebook, you know people want you know, you know people want to Facebook group or you know

serial, failed entrepreneurs Facebook group and you know like

People want just real stuff it doesn't need to be complicated

I talked about how I have panic attacks, you know and people love that. They're like wow

Successful entrepreneurs panic attacks. That's all you need to do to connect with people. Just be real

What advice would you give to help people get over the employee mindset into the

Consuming this content right now

They're like, you know, you can if all you're surrounded by all day is 99 employees of n you here, you know

Karen and John speaking, you know, it's very easy to say, you know

in California

You know, it's easy to do that when you're trying to find 99 other people

but if your reality is you're surrounded by people, who are

Defining their own incomes and doing whatever they want. Like I am you know it

Shift your mindset starts to shift. All of my friends are multi. Millionaire entrepreneurs. I live in Malibu, California

It's you know, it's all over the place for me, you know, you know, like my friends raising tens of millions of dollars

That sounds crazy to some people but it's not this is my reality where some people's realities are

Paycheck to paycheck


You know, what's a good discount newsletter, you know

It's not like it's all roses, you know, my wife still hates me

You know, you know, you know, they still don't think I you know, I make enough money and you know, even you know

It's it's all relative, you know, and then we're always, you know, we're still debating about housing and you know

I panic attacks, you know, we can't you know, I feel like I never you know

Sounds interesting. Okay, so

What words of advice would you give to people to just get going to just get off the ground and I'm running?

You're in front of your computer

You're in or you're trying to make this happen and it's frustrating. You've tried many times before

and you're you know, you're you're 55 years old you're white and

You you know, you you you are you know, it's you

Know it's it's it's hard to stay focused on being an internet entrepreneur

and you don't fully believe in it because

Because uh, you know

Whatever, you know because it's it's not part of your reality and the fact is it is real the whole world is shifting this way

You know

software robots

You know automation all these things are just you know about sourcing are all all eating away at the traditional jobs

Americans have and you know for you know, I'm assuming

If you're watching this, you're fairly intelligent fairly successful person in your career

but if you want to make that shift towards being a

You know

Defining your own income. First off. The only way to do it is to actually be an entrepreneur, you know a

Negotiable, you know be able to define how many people you can reach and second off mode is the best

form of

You know selling on the internet it's education

You know, it's education which is amazing. And I think that you know, the

College system doesn't teach anything?

About how happy entrepreneur how to be successful

They don't even teach you about, you know mortgages and a lot of you know a lot of this

You know home acts stuff. It doesn't even you know in I'm not even gonna go into that. But the point is

It's great go to an event surround yourself start surrounding yourself with real people in person

That are doing this


Your and just be open, you know be teachable

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