Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 23 2018

-I feel like I just had you on the show,

because we had Sarah Paulson on the show

and she did an impression of you.

Did you see that? -I did see it.

-Yeah. It's not bad.

-I thought it was pretty good. And she --

Now I feel like I'm imitating myself talking.

[ Laughter ]

-No, she did, like, the "Cape Fury."

-Yeah, she did all of my mannerisms.

But I felt really complimented

that I was in her impersonations repertoire.

-Yeah, sure. Of course.

-'Cause she does, like, Julia Roberts.

She does a seal. -Did you ever work with her?

-Oh, yes, I -- Or, not a seal, a dolphin.

-A dolphin. She did the dolphin for me.

-Yes. -Fantastic.

-We worked together a hundred years ago.

That's what I say, anything past 10 years is like

a hundred years ago. -Yeah, exactly.

That makes sense. Sure.

-On this movie called "The Other Sister."

-Do you -- Oh, I remember that.

-We played sisters. -Did you --

Do you do impressions?

[ Laughter ]

Do you do an impression of her?

-I do not do impressions,

but I kind of love bad De Niro impressions,

because when I did "Cape Fear,"

a lot of people would come up and be like,

"Little bit, little bit." And I'd be like,

"Wha-- I don't know what you're saying to me."

[ Laughter ]

-"Little bit. Little bit. -It's really weird.

So I kind of have an affection for really bad --

Is that -- Oh!

-"Little bit.

Little bit. Little bit."

[ Cheers and applause ]

"Counselor, come out, come out wherever you are!"

That's not -- I'll tell you -- -That one's good, though.

-I'll tell you who does the absolute worst

Robert De Niro impression

you've ever seen in your lifetime...

-Okay. our drummer, Questlove.

[ Laughter ]

It is the worst. Just try to do it.

Is he trying now?

[ Laughter ] -Oh, my God.

-He starts -- [ Cheers and applause ]

-He doesn't look well. -It's absolutely terrible.

-Yeah. -He does not look well.

Well, I'm glad you're not -- you don't do impressions.

I'm glad you're here. -I don't.

-Are you still touring? Are you still with the band?

Do you still sing? -I can't stay off the stage.

'Cause there's something -- -Yeah, you're great at it.

-It's the fire, you know?

But, no, I'm not doing anything right now.

I'm promoting these TV shows I'm on.

But I did do a couple shows a few months ago...


-...that Jennifer Garner brought the whole cast to.

-I saw a video of you... -Oh, you did?

-...performing and crowd surfing.

-Little bit. Little bit.

-Little bit. Don't do that anymore, Juliette.

What's wrong with you? -I'm here. I'm sorry.

-You are a bad girl. Do not crowd surf.

You can't get hurt.

-What if I just leapt out into your --

[ Cheers and applause ] -No! No, stop!

No, don't -- Stop it! Stop it!

No! Oh, my God! Stop it right now.

Oh, my God. Juliette, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, stop, please.

You are sitting. You're not crowd surfing.

We have video of you crowd surfing from Jennifer Garner.

-It's aggressive. It's like a joyful aggression.

-I know. But I can see it 'cause you changed --

you became that character. -Yeah, it's a lioness.

-I had to stop the lioness... -All right.

-...from attacking my audience. [ Laughter ]

Here's you crowd surfing at one of your shows.

Watch this. Look, that's you!

Dude, what happened to you? And then your back up!

Look at you! Dude, that's not a doll.

That is Juliette Lewis.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Oh, my gosh! Wait. Now --

-And then I'm asking them,

I'm like, "Lead me back. Get me back."

-What if they just took you home with them?

All right, that's good. -It never happens.

I try to do -- Thank you, people.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-That is insane.

But what happens if they just keep pulling you out?

-No, but here's what I realized in my years of touring

that people are really beautiful and joyous and lovely,

and they'll look out for you.

And there's only a couple people I might have wanted

to punch in the face. -Okay.

-But with that aside, I've learned that people --

they'll always push me back onto the stage.

And there's like a psychic connection.

I'll be like, "Lead me over there, over there.

Okay, I'm gonna do a hand stand. I'm gonna do a hand stand."

And it works out. -And it works.

You control people with your mind?

-I do. [ Laughter ]

-Did you make me sit here?

[ Laughter ]

This is all part of your plan. -It's a part of my plan.

-This was all part of your plan? Let's talk about "Camping."

-Wow, you're here. We just broke the mold.

What's happening?

-I mean, that's the way things happen here

on "The Tonight Show." -All right.

-No rules, man. -That's it.

-I might start crowd surfing myself.

-I like that. [ Drumroll ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Let's talk about "Camping." -Yes, yes.

-It's a talk show. I want to talk about your show.

It's comedy, it's called "Camping."

It's about you and your friends camping.

Created by Lena Dunham. -Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner.

They're both brilliant, amazing, bright, creative women.

-Yep. Jennifer Garner.

-An incredible cast. Jennifer Garner.

-Bridget Everett. -Bridget Everett, who we love.

Brett Gelman.

Janicza Bravo. Sorry. How did this happen?

[ Laughter ]

-Your mind. -Yeah, it's rock 'n' roll.

I just start like -- -Undressing on the show, yeah.

-Losing my marbles, as it were.

So I've kind of been her nemesis.

I'm not invited on the camping trip.

I'm sort of a surprise.

And comedy ensues.

We are opposites. -Yeah.

-And that was a joy, because she's one of

the greatest people you'd ever want to know.

-Jennifer Garner. -Yeah.

-I want to show everyone a clip.

Here's Juliette Lewis in "Camping."

Take a look at this.

-So, you're a deejay?

-A deejay, reiki healer,

I make and sell my own nut cheeses.

And I do some modeling for this figure drawing class.

And I'm a notary.

-Oh, that's useful.

-Oh, and she also did this muscle testing on me.

It turns out that all the vitamins I was taking

were really hurting my emotional growth.

-We only take vitamins because of the lies

of Big Vita and the herbal companies.

We get everything we could need purely from food.


-Vitamins actually saved my life, so...

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]

-Juliette Lewis, everybody!

"Camping" airs Sundays at 10:00 p.m. on HBO.

For more infomation >> Juliette Lewis Responds to Sarah Paulson's Impression of Her - Duration: 6:25.


The Wrong Take: Mitch McConnell, Plastic Straws - Duration: 2:11.

-Obviously I don't need to tell you in today's political climate

everybody is voicing their opinions on all kinds of issues,

and sometimes you'll hear someone and you'll think,

"Wow, that's a great take on that issue."

And then other times someone will say something

and you'll think, "I don't agree with that take,

but it's interesting."

And then sometimes you'll hear something

and you'll just be like, "No, you're wrong.

That's the wrong take."

[ Laughter ]

So please enjoy some of these.

This is "The Wrong Take."


-The wrong take.

-I could never bake a cake for a gay couple.

I don't own an oven.

-The wrong take. [ Laughter ]

-If you build it, they will come.

Assuming what you build is a porno theater.

-The wrong take. [ Laughter ]

-Mitch McConnell is so [bleep] hot.

-The wrong take. [ Laughter ]

-Serena Williams needs to watch her mouth.

If she doesn't brush twice a day, she could get gingivitis.

-The wrong take.

-I think everyone should be vegan.

Animals aren't for eating.

They're for making love to.

[ Audience ohs ]

-The wrong take. [ Laughter ]

-I don't think Bert and Ernie are gay.

I think they just ran out of options.

-The wrong take.

-It's time we stop using plastic straws.

It's so much easier to snort coke with a dollar bill.

-The wrong take.

-How come when Jewish people get off from work,

it's called a holiday, but when I get off at work,

I get called a pervert and fired?

-The wrong take. [ Laughter ]

-We should be saving the whales,

but we shouldn't be shaving the whales.

They should have big, beautiful, bushy beards, like this.

-The wrong take. [ Laughter ]

-I'm against fracking.

We're all adults here. Just say [bleep]

-The wrong take.

For more infomation >> The Wrong Take: Mitch McConnell, Plastic Straws - Duration: 2:11.


Kiernan Shipka Discovered Her Cat Allergy on the Set of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Duration: 6:58.

-It is so lovely to see you again.

The first time we met,

my wife and I were huge fans of you on "Mad Men."

And we were at the Emmys

and we came over and introduced ourselves to you.


I did not know who you were.

To be fair I was probably -- probably 12 at the time.


-And then within the year, I started watching "SNL,"

and you were my era of "SNL."

-Well, that's very kind to hear.

I will say that when we walked away,

my wife said, "She definitely didn't know who you were."

[ Laughter ]

-You made a lasting impression, though.

You guys were so nice.

-Well, you did on my wife

because you told my wife that you liked her dress.

And so from that point on, you were her favorite.

-So we're good.

-Yeah, we're -- it all worked out. We're good.

-Fantastic. That's why I'm here tonight.

-By the way, that's my wife's favorite thing

is that if you burn me and compliment her,

that, she is so happy.

-Fantastic. [ Laughter ]

Now I know. -Now you know.

-Now I know. Yeah.

-So congratulations on the show.

This actually -- same creator as the show "Riverdale."


-And takes place in the same universe.

-Yep. -Did you know that going in,

that they were the same world?

-I did, yeah.

I'm a big, big, big "Riverdale" fan.

I had actually just binge-watched it right before

I got this meeting, very coincidentally,

so I kind of had to keep my cool

when I met Roberto, the creator.

But, yeah, I knew they were in the same universe,

and I think that's kind of exciting.

-It's great.

And then you guys also shoot in the same town.

-The same universe. Yeah, exactly.

-You do shoot in the same universe.

So you actually had an inter-cast softball game.

-We did. -You played each other.

There are you at the softball game.

So who won, "Riverdale" or "Sabrina"?

-So we won in spirit. [ Laughter ]

-That doesn't -- that doesn't sound great

as far as the scoreboard.

-And "Riverdale" crushed us.

But they had, like, tryouts.

We, on the other hand, just kind of

were getting everyone in there.

-Gotcha. -You know, having fun.

And, I mean, they picked the best, most athletic people

on that crew to go in and just defeat us.

-But do you feel when you came out of it,

were your spirits still high? -We were victorious.

-Okay, gotcha. -Absolutely.

-I like your attitude as far as that goes.

-Completely. It was a fun time.

[ Cheers and applause ] Yeah.

-A fellow cast member who, of course,

could not play in the softball game

is a big part of your show is your cat, Salem.


-And so you guys are obviously very close on the show.

Are you guys close in real life? -You know what?

One of the few actors that I've not gotten along with --

-Is Salem. -In my career is Salem, the cat.

Truly it's just -- I didn't expect to be allergic to cats.

-Oh, you had no idea?

-No idea whatsoever because --

-That's a weird and awful time to find out.

-You know what?

That still is actually, like, pretty much the exact moment

that I found out when I brought the cat so close to my face,

and then the next day I had hives everywhere beyond belief.

-So how are you guys working around that?

'Cause that's a problem.

-Zyrtec, man. -Oh, wow.

-I mean, honestly. [ Laughter ]

I, at this point, like, I should be sponsored by

an anti-histamine company.

But the other thing, too, is

if you look in the first two episodes,

there are like two scenes

because we shot them simultaneously

where I'm totally acting on Benadryl,

and maybe only I know that. [ Laughter ]

But it was a mistake to take it, but my face hurt so much.

And I was like, "Uh, I got to do it.

Oh, no, I have four hours left of work."

And I was slurring a little bit.

-Seems like they should have written the cat

out of the scenes more than just...

-I know, I know. -...just drug you up.

It feels like, yeah.

-Yeah, it feels a little old school, right?

-It does, very, yeah. -Yeah.

-This is what they did in old Hollywood.

-Yeah, exactly.

-"She's having a reaction. Pump her full of drugs."

-Yeah. Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-You play a witch on the show, obviously.

-Yes. -Spoiler alert.

-Yeah. Yeah.

-But you also -- There are other sort of bits

of spirituality in the show.

Is this something you've done?

Have you ever, for example, gone and seen a psychic?

Is that something you buy into?

-So I went to see a medium actually quite recently.

-Okay. For you or for research?

-No, just for me. Just for advice.

-Okay, gotcha. -For life stuff.

-I kind of -- I approach all that kind of stuff

with a little skosh of skepticism.


-But I'm into it and I believe it to a certain extent.

I'm all about my crystals. I bought some crystals.

-Oh, wow.

-I cleansed them under a moon

because that's what you're supposed to do for them to work.

-That's great.

It seems like they should be pre-cleansed.

-I know. [ Laughter ]

-With the money you pay for crystals these days.

-Honestly, seriously, though.

I was like -- now, they were like $5 crystals.

They weren't anything crazy. -Okay, gotcha.

-So I took it upon myself to cleanse them.

-Have you ever heard anything -- did the medium --

has a psychic ever told you anything where you're like,

"Wow, that's --"

-So he told me I was gonna have a great year.

And I was like -- but if you just, like, Google the person

quickly beforehand, maybe he could see that

I, like, had a show coming out. -Right.

-And he's like, "I think it's gonna be a year of great success

and change in your career."

I was like, "Hmm. -"I'm seeing Netflix."

-"I'm seeing you on Netflix." Yeah.

-I'm seeing a red "N." -Yeah, exactly.

-"If you do nothing, the next episode will start."

-Yeah, exactly. So... [ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Yeah, basically.

-Obviously, you know, again, we mentioned "Mad Men."

-You were the youngest cast member on that show by way.

Is it nice to be working with people who are your own age?

-Now I know what the adults felt like on "Mad Men" all this time

working with people my age.

I'm like, "This is what it was like."

No, it's so fun.

It feels kind of like a college dorm in a certain way.

-That's great.

-And it's super fun, and it's great.

-Considering based on "Mad Men" your, like, middle school dorm

was a bunch of people drinking at an ad agency,

this is great.

-Yeah, and smoking herbal cigarettes.

-You deserve this. -Definitely.

-This is very cool.

You were on -- You had your own billboard in Times Square.

-I know.

-And there are certain things

that no matter what happens in your career

that are really cool.

And so you actually went out and you took a selfie of yourself

with the "Sabrina" billboard.

That's really cool. -Yeah.

-How was that experience being out there and seeing it

and taking the picture?

-It was not as effortless as that photo makes it out to be,

to be quite honest.

Because it was one of those rotating billboards.

-Oh, a digital billboard? -A digital billboard.

-So it kept changing,

and I kept just, like, not getting the right moment.

[ Laughter ]


-And, you know, it would flip to some, like, random, like,

ad for a golf club or something.

And I was like, "No, I want it to be --"

and then I was there for such a long time

trying to get the photo that people started looking at me,

and just being like, "Who is this girl,

and what is she doing?"

-Well, then it looks like a really desperate attempt

to be recognized. -Exactly.

[ Laughter ]

-"Oh, my God, you guys,

I can't time it out with my billboard."

[ Laughter ]

-Exactly. Basically. [ Applause ]

-Well, you nailed it.

-Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.

-And it is so great to see you again.

-It's nice to be here. -Congrats on everything.

I really appreciate it. -Thank you.

-Kiernan Shipka, everybody.

"Chilling Adventures of Sabrina"

begins streaming in its entirety on Netflix this Friday.

For more infomation >> Kiernan Shipka Discovered Her Cat Allergy on the Set of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Duration: 6:58.


K-pop girl band BLACKPINK to enter U.S. pop market with Interscope Records - Duration: 0:34.

black pig one of the most popular kpop girl groups in South Korea are about to

make a foray into the u.s. music market by teaming up with an American record

company according to their agency YG Entertainment the four member band have

signed a contract with Interscope Records a major music label under

Universal Music Group wide you said the new partnership will help them establish

a foothold in the Western pop market black pink debuted in 2016 this year

their latest lead single doo-doo-doo-doo reached the 55th spot on the Billboard

Hot 100

For more infomation >> K-pop girl band BLACKPINK to enter U.S. pop market with Interscope Records - Duration: 0:34.


Defense ministry launches civilian panel to monitor projects and complaints - Duration: 0:38.

South Korea's Defense Ministry has for the first time launched a watchdog panel

of civilians to strengthen the monitoring of major defense projects and

internal complaints it's appointed five people including a lawyer and the head

of an NGO dealing with transparency the ministry says the panel will be

independent and will not only monitor and evaluate major defense projects but

also participate in investigations of internally reported incidents any and

all military personnel can report harassment or corruption by emailing

clean mnd at m and e g or KR and the panel will look into it

For more infomation >> Defense ministry launches civilian panel to monitor projects and complaints - Duration: 0:38.


S. Korea to enhance support for N. Korean defectors' settlement - Duration: 0:31.

seoul's government is moving to change the law to help more North Korean

defectors settle down here on Tuesday the cabinet approved the moon

administration's plan to make it easier for them to receive state support

currently defectors have only one year after they arrived south to apply for

state support but the government hopes to extend that to those who have been in

the nation for up to three years the administration will also provide housing

support to defectors have missed the deadline other changes in the works

include those designed to help them find jobs

For more infomation >> S. Korea to enhance support for N. Korean defectors' settlement - Duration: 0:31.


Dodgers Ryu Hyun-jin to become first Korean to start World Series - Duration: 0:30.

yunjin will become the first South Korean major leaguer to start a World

Series game this week Dodgers manager Dave Roberts selected Clayton Kershaw

for the opener on Tuesday night followed by the monster lefty in Game two

two other South Korean pitchers Kim dong-hyun and back in 2001 in Park

chan-ho in 2009 have appeared in the World

Series but do is the first to start the 2018 World Series Pitts le against

Boston for the first time in over a century

For more infomation >> Dodgers Ryu Hyun-jin to become first Korean to start World Series - Duration: 0:30.


Scary Pumpkin Song | Halloween Rhymes And Kids Songs | Spooky Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 30:46.

There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin

The moon is turning All white

Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull

The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright

The fog still lingers You're counting on your fingers

The ghouls behind you Right

The moon's disappeared It's just what you feared...

The undead will rise tonight prepare for Fright..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Stay in the Light

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween It's the zombies delight

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween What you doing tonight..

It's Halloween

It's Halloween

It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...

For more infomation >> Scary Pumpkin Song | Halloween Rhymes And Kids Songs | Spooky Cartoons by Farmees - Duration: 30:46.


Pres. appoints three new Constitutional Court justices - Duration: 0:22.

president mangina pointed three new justices to the Constitutional Court kim

ji-young a Jonas Salk and young Jin were sworn in at the top office this comes a

week after Parliament approved their appointments in a vote and a month after

their confirmation hearings the trial are filling seats that had been vacant

since their predecessors stepped down last month

For more infomation >> Pres. appoints three new Constitutional Court justices - Duration: 0:22.


17th World Korean Business Convention kicks off Tuesday - Duration: 0:38.

the 17th world Korean business convention kicked off today it's held to

celebrate achievements of overseas Korean entrepreneurs and traders in the

congratulatory address president moon jae-in welcomed local and ethnic Korean

entrepreneurs from across the globe and encouraged them to help support small

and mid-sized Korean firms and young people to move overseas and become the

business leaders of the next generation over 3,500 participants including 1000 F

my Korean businessman from around 60 countries are expected to attend at the

convention to network and explore business opportunities the three-day

event runs through Thursday

For more infomation >> 17th World Korean Business Convention kicks off Tuesday - Duration: 0:38.


S. Korean company Lotte to invest more than 43 bil. U.S. dollars to create job opportunities - Duration: 0:40.

Lotte group one of the nation's largest conglomerates announced it will invest

more than 43 billion US dollars over the next five years and hire 70,000 new

staff as part of its restructuring efforts the statement comes after Lopez

chairman shin dong-bin returned to his post after serving eight months in

prison for embezzlement and tax evasion more than 10 billion dollars will be

invested next year some of it will be spent on the distribution industry to

strengthen the company's online business loot also plans to hire some 13,000

people in 2019 that's ten percent more than this year most of the new employees

will be assigned to the e-commerce department

For more infomation >> S. Korean company Lotte to invest more than 43 bil. U.S. dollars to create job opportunities - Duration: 0:40.


Rainy weather today, brighter weather tomorrow _ 102318 - Duration: 1:28.

hello Michelle Park here with the latest weather update

today marks sang Gong in Korea which refers to the day when we began to see

frost due to the why temperatures differences throughout the day but

instead of frosty ground most of the nation received some rain which is still

lingering and it's clearing off in the southern regions now tomorrow donation

will get back up to brighter skies with clean air meanwhile Beijing will be

warmer and sunnier and Tokyo continues to be under rainy skies now turning to

our readings for tomorrow's four will start off at 8 degrees Celsius busan and

jeju still lingers and the teens while to Thanh Falls to 5 degrees in the

morning now there is a big and quick jump into the day was for topping up to

19 degrees while the rest of nation will stay and comfortable lower 20s

nationwide rain will return on Friday and from that point the mercury is

expected to plunge even further I'll leave you with the weather conditions

around the world

For more infomation >> Rainy weather today, brighter weather tomorrow _ 102318 - Duration: 1:28.


Asian shares slump as China records lower-than-expected Q3 growth - Duration: 1:41.

Asian sheriff slump today there's been a cocktail of negative drivers from Saudi

Arabia's diplomatic isolation to fresh worries of a slowdown of the Chinese

economy and intensifying trade wars Kim Jane help us look beyond the digits

Korea's benchmark Kospi fell 2.6 percent from the previous trading day closing

nearly psychologically significant 2,100 level on Tuesday during mid-day trading

it dipped below this level for the first time since March last year foreign

investors sold three hundred forty four point three million u.s. dollars worth

their shares from the Kospi while institutions sold 259 million dollars or

shares shares related to medical supplies machinery and retail sectors

fell the most in particular the share price of Korea's biopharma companies

sultry on fell by more than 8 percent mainly due to the impact of a

multi-million dollar block deal by Singapore's sovereign wealth funds

Thomas ik Holdings Korea's secondary bourse cossack also dropped by 3.4

percent closing at the 719 level largely due to worries of a slowdown of the

Chinese economy which release lower than expected q3 growth rate of 6.5% last

week the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong declined by more than three percent in

the Shanghai Stock Exchange fell by 2.3 percent japan's Nikkei index dipped by

nearly 2.7 percent while the Topix fell to 0.6% the MSCI Broadus index of asia

pacific shares outside Japan also skidded by more than two percent Kim

Jiyeon Arirang news

For more infomation >> Asian shares slump as China records lower-than-expected Q3 growth - Duration: 1:41.


Jack 'O' Lantern Song | Little Red Car Cartoons | Halloween Songs For Kids - Duration: 31:12.

Jack O Lantern Song..

For more infomation >> Jack 'O' Lantern Song | Little Red Car Cartoons | Halloween Songs For Kids - Duration: 31:12.


PM Lee highlights importance of collaboration between industry, academia, and research institutes - Duration: 1:59.

in line with fast-pace industrial and societal changes at the South Korean

government is looking to reinforce collaboration among industries academia

and research institutions the first meeting of a commission dedicated to

bringing the three sectors closer together was held today Chang Lee has

two highlights from that session during the first meeting of the industry

academia research collaboration Commission on Tuesday Prime Minister

Nguyen stressed the importance of Corporation for success in the fourth

Industrial Revolution the industry academia research collaboration is

linking talented individuals with industry

I once met an expert who said collaboration is the backbone of South

Korea's economies I think the three-way collaboration will

decide the success or defeat of our economy the Prime Minister cited the

World Economic Forum's competitiveness index report released last week in which

South Korea's overall ranking rose two notches to 15 out of 140 countries there

is a contrast to this report though our infrastructure and ICT adoption is

assessed as number one in the world but University Industry collaboration and

R&D is ranked at 27th and creative critical thinking education to that 90

citing the index as a main marker of where South Korea's economy stands now

the PM said the three sectors should complement each other to make a synergy

effect the Commission presented its five-year plan that focuses on four key

visions training and education of people through industry education technology

transfer and industrialization establishing a strong support system for

startups and setting up the infrastructure needed for three-way

collaboration the Prime Minister expressed hopes for the Commission's

efforts to contribute to the government's aim of creating 405 billion

dollars worth of economic effects by 2030 telling me Arirang news

For more infomation >> PM Lee highlights importance of collaboration between industry, academia, and research institutes - Duration: 1:59.


Cabinet approves Pyeongyang Joint Declaration reached by leaders of two Koreas in Sept. - Duration: 2:10.

president mangina and his cabinet ratified the Pyongyang joint declaration

it's expected to speed up denuclearizing the north and lay the groundwork for

economic cooperation however rival political parties were not

in sync with the move Shin Semin has our top story the moon jaein administration

has ratified the pyongyang joint declaration and the military agreement

which were both reached by the two Koreas at the third Geun Kim summit last

month Buchan Gary Pechanga loses the Kim Jong

un homme bond o ones in Imperial Russia commander general education leader Jang

recommended a single general warranty Luminara commando video Europe said we

can get or Tommy Turkish Amita he said the agreement reached by the

leaders of the two Koreas will help speed up the North's denuclearization

while laying the foundations for economic opportunities for the south

president moon added that the ratification of the inter-korean

agreement will first and foremost benefit residents living near the border

area as they had long been disadvantaged and he called on related ministries to

do their part in carrying out the dry defied Declaration president Boone said

inducing the regime to change and become a normal state through dialogue and

cooperation could in a way improve the human rights conditions in the north

rather than simply pressuring the regime their ratification comes as the Ministry

of government legislation had said that the Pyongyang joint declaration it does

not mean parliamentary approval for ratification as the overreaching

agreement Lee Panmunjom declaration reached at April summit is already being

reviewed by Parliament after the government submitted it last month rival

political parties at the National Assembly clashed over the cabinet's

approval of the summit agreement with the ruling Democratic parties saying

that the Parliament should ratify the famine Djem declaration signed in April

while the conservative opposition bloc claimed that the administration is

disregarding Parliament Shin Semin Arirang news

For more infomation >> Cabinet approves Pyeongyang Joint Declaration reached by leaders of two Koreas in Sept. - Duration: 2:10.


Trial and error for governments worldwide in fight against fake news - Duration: 3:08.

the fastest amination of hoaxes or what we call fake news is taking the world by

storm affecting people's views and virtually any topic from politics social

issues to science but the second of our three part series Oh Sooyoung shows us

how governments around the world are attempting to tackle the wave of

disinformation and what kind of lessons to take home to apply here in Korea

while South Korea already enforces laws against defamation and force information

during electoral periods the government is seeking ways to target fake news in

particular looking to examples the Liberals have endorsed Germany's Network

enforcement law which gives Internet firms 24 hours to delete hate speech but

others argue the law does not apply to the Korean context it's just about hate

speech I would say something totally different so it's not the good side is

that the platforms are forced to e8 if they don't react they have to pay a big

fee now in the in the world to decide if something is hate speech or not Germany

has this historical background in a Holocaust denier those kind of things

which is why they're really taking pretty serious measure against it I

don't know whether that kind of measure is going to be effective and there is

always this danger that there is going to have a really chilling effect on the

media and also on ordinary people's freedom of expression such concerns

surfaced in Malaysia this year one at banned citizens from spreading fake news

lest they face up to six years in prison and a fine of 423 thousand US dollars

legislators tabled a bill to revoke the law in August rather than the repressive

system some suggest a more fluid positive approach such as promoting

greater transparency in the UK for instance there would be duty of the

platform itself to disclose who is the source who is actually speaking or

sponsor content for our long in with the target audience did you as identify this

disclosure requirement as one of the possible

way forward but at the same time this is a code of conduct

so nothing is really mandatory it's clear that cooperation from online

platforms is crucial somehow looking at how certain information are provided are

crafted or discussed in their forth to adopt the most innovative forms apps of

fact checkers and external actors that might facilitate their their tasks

experts say governments and digital actors must work together to work out

the right balance of basic rules and self regulatory measures that protect

society from detrimental content they say online platforms must also move away

from their current business models that profit from content that generate the

most clicks instead investing in systems that will offer higher quality content

and information for their users will see on Arirang news

For more infomation >> Trial and error for governments worldwide in fight against fake news - Duration: 3:08.


Subway Hoverboard Surf Rush - New Android Game HQ - Duration: 3:11.

Subway Hoverboard Surf Rush - New Android Game HQ

For more infomation >> Subway Hoverboard Surf Rush - New Android Game HQ - Duration: 3:11.


Rival parties clash over minimum wage hike, changes to national pension service - Duration: 2:35.

the National Assembly's audit of government agencies continues the

minimum wage hike and possible changes to the National Pension system were they

just up for debate Kim Minji has the latest from Parliament opposition

parties ramped up their offensive against the government's minimum wage

hike during the inspection Tuesday of several states and bodies that help

support small businesses they set the Minjae demonstrations policies of for

small businesses to shed workers or even shut down and with job growth week they

claimed the government is forcing the public sector to pump out jobs the

government's job creation policies have failed and now the government is pushing

public corporations to provide short-term jobs even though they don't

have the money they're creating useless positions that don't even have any work

to do this is no way to cover up the jobs numbers the ruling party defended

the policies and called on the state-run bodies to carry out the government's

agenda of support for small business owners and the self-employed the debt of

the self-employed has reached about 600 trillion won which is very serious and

the moons in government is doing a very good job helping them to start on you by

doing with non-performing loans also facing harsh criticism was a National

Pension service whose enormous fund the opposition claimed might be at risk of

running out they also criticized a potential reform that some worry could

mean people pay into the fund for a longer period of time and get smaller

pension checks later however the ruling party said the opposition should not

stove fear and called for any changes to come by public consent another Sparling

issue at Parliament is a hiring scandal involving the operator of the Seoul

Subway it was found out the state-run seoul metro transferred nearly 1300

contract workers to permanent status as of March 108 of whom were relatives of

current or former employees opposition parties are calling for a wide-reaching

parliamentary probe making irregular workers permanent looks nice from the

outside but filling even these kinds of positions as personal favors is that

what the government is trying to do however the ruling party insists that

they have to first determine whether the allegations are true

first we need to go through the process of getting our facts straight

a lot of the allegations are groundless or have been exaggerated the ruling

party says they will see if there is a need for a probe once the parliamentary

audit is over in the meantime tensions on that front are expected to escalate

Kim Minji Arirang news

For more infomation >> Rival parties clash over minimum wage hike, changes to national pension service - Duration: 2:35.


WOLFOO THE CUTE POLICE STOP| Cartoon for kids - Duration: 2:12.

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