Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 8 2018

I in my life have 31 companies now we

have you know when we have 1200

employees seven different industries we

do five billion in sales I mean I used

to be you know me and my seminar

business has grown geometrically but

with all those moving parts the only way

I've been able to succeed is because I

pick it everyone those businesses I've

diversified my assets so that when

things were in trouble it's not enough

economics figure myself and keep the

business going so everybody needs to

create a money machine that works with

all you sleep that doesn't have moving

parts and that's what this is really you

have a great cartoon in the book where

there's a kid asking his father I know

something about like how do you invest

your money or how does a stock market

work and he says you put your money in

at the peak it starts to go down and

lose money and so you get scared and you

take it out and it's someone smarter

than you makes all the money

something like that so how do we how to

and I've done that in the past where I

put my money in somewhere high it went

down and I was like oh I just lost a

bunch of money let me take it out yeah

and then I put it back in another time

and I'm like what am i doing so how do

we invest without fear of oh it's going

down I need to take it out or like

trying to time it how do we do that

great question it's one of the main

reasons I wrote the book I always tell

people if you just read the second

chapter the book nothing else it'll

change your life that we do that with

multiple chapters but that chapter is

really about teaching people that winter

is coming and all the winters coming

right to coin a phrase but that winter

is the best time on earth no that's

counter to that I don't mean like being

a positive thinker I mean pure facts so

in the book I take you through ten facts

I'll give you a couple of them right now

the first fact I get people is why do

people not invest they're afraid of

failing they if you're a millennial

right so you grew up witnessing 2008

we're still relatively young Holly you

now 33 okay so you were at 27 probably

would 2008

yeah that's why some players old so your

young man and you're watching the world

melting down in front of you for most

Millennials they are the first

generation since the generations that

went through the depression that is not

investing at the ratio they need to even

close and a little attention everyone

probably they have more knowledge

everyone absolutely true haven't read

that has $400,000 in dead dental school

President Obama just paid off his debt

five years ago while he was twice no I

swear to god mind-boggling and he had a

bunch of scholarships for the last bit

it took at that walk so what I tell them

is listen debt paying off your debts not

enough you've got to become an owner or

you're always going to be in that place

so yes pay off your debt but here's you

can you know you got him coming on her

you got to get in the game but you gotta

understand the rules of the game you

know the rules of the game the old

phrase is you get you know a person with

experience meets a person with money we

know the phrase personal the money ends

up with the experience ends up with your

money right yeah

so I teach people the rules of the game

so they don't get screwed Lindemann the

most important thing with this winter's


but people reacts let's take last year

last January 2016 we have the worst

stock market opening in the history of

the stock market worst first of it was

ten days there was a drop of 2.3

trillion dollars with the tea

everybody's freaking thing and the bear

markets here the markets over at the

crashes here I think the market dropped

eight hundred points one day and on that

day all the richest people the world

were in Davos Switzerland you know for

the big conference and they do every

year and they went there MSNBC went

there and every freaking what's hot

what's go ask Ray Dalio now your

listeners may or may not know rate value

as if if you're not in the financial

business probably never heard of them

they probably heard of Warren Buffett

but rate how he has done more you never

have a five billion dollar net worth and

a hundred million dollars to give him or

he wouldn't talk to you ten years ago

now he doesn't give a shit how much

money laughing won't talk because he's

got a close fun but they go and they put

value on television CNBC he's the king

what do we do and he says well you don't

need to panic Corrections happen all the

time but you need a strategy that when

markets go up and down you don't go up

and down and he said I spent 15 years of

my life to perfect such as

jouji all of my money's in that plan and

he said it's called All Seasons and I've

never revealed it before but I gave it

to Tony Robbins he extracted from me and

it's his book so you gotta go readers

but he says on national television the

data markets are crashing and that day

they give you an idea which is the

beginning at February I think was nine

days into February the market was down

nine percent in the first five weeks of

the year hmm his strategy which he gave

me which is made money 85 percent of the

time for the last 75 years

it's average the 10 percent return just

under and the average loss I've won at

fifteen percent loss of one point six so

if you go to Vegas and you could spend

85 percent of time make money and when

you made money was ten percent you lost

as 1.6 you go forever his plan made 2

percent while the market was down nine

so it was up 11 percent difference now

I'm not suggesting that's the only

strategy to do there's many his is a

smoothest ride with the least risk but

what it did was combination to that and

then right after that I interviewed Fed

chair Alan Greenspan he was the head of

our economy the most powerful man in

finance for 19 years for presidents he

was there when I was just a president

quickness last week he was he was the

Fed chair for him and I interviewed him

for like two hours you know three hours

off stage two hours in front then I

asked him and the very beginning of this

thing I said to him I said look if you

could we put the Fed today what would

you do and he looks at me and as I said

he leans forward and he says resigned so

I look at that and go oh my god I need

to write a book little three people so

here's little three you every is afraid

of the crash

so here's we need to know two terms you

should understand correction in versus

crash anytime the market drops from its

high by ten percent or more up to twenty

it's called a correction if it drops

twenty percent or more up to eighty

percent like them you know the Great

Depression then it's called a crash or

called a bear market okay so how often

does a correction happen now how often

we have to be bared for it since 1900

we've had a correction on average every

year for 116 years so when is winter

coming this year on a radius like how

often is

you wouldn't be surprised if it stormed

in rain now some winters are long summer

short summer harsh summer light but

winter always comes so I wasn't panicked

when this happened last year I'm not

panic whatever happens because I know

it's supposed to be how long has it last

average 56 days ok so just under two

months what's the average drop during

that time fourteen percent over the last

thirty years thirteen point five of last

hundred years so I use the more recent

114 percent gets your attention right

fourteen percent you get over gut-check

yeah but yours you need to know

80% of all Corrections never become a

bear market eighty percent so all this

fear and what people do is what you said

you did is they see it it's freaking out

and losing money I'm hell out of here

and they get out the stock market never

took a dime from anybody only you can

take it from it you sold that's why you

lost right right so if you look back and

say what was it like in 2008 I can never

vividly being with my platinum partners

and saying you see these $80 stocks this

is six months before the crash I told

him in April I brought him to Dubai and

I said these stocks are gonna go to

eight and some are gonna go to a buck

and by October and I told him what to do

so they were able to get out October I

go on the Today Show in October of 2008

and they go Tony there's been three

trillion dollars meltdown pump the

country up you got four minutes ready go

how would I do first of all and I said

I'd be alive I'm not gonna bomb over at

that point the $80 stocks rate I said

some of those I said I'm not a market

forecaster but I work with Paul Tudor

Jones we're the greatest investors in

the history of the world in the biggest

market crash in history you know 1987 he

made 200% Wow when everybody else was

losing their entire life I've been

coaching him continuously now for 24

years every single day so I said I work

with the best of the world and they're

telling me based on history in the 30s

and history in the 70s this $8 stock

some are going to be a buck

and I remember the day in March of 2009

Citibank which had been I think $70 sold

for 97 cents you can go and take your

money out of the ATM and cost you more

to take your money up into own the heck

right and then I told people it'll jump

from 99 cents to 6-pin twelve dollars a

month which is exactly how it did right

so what you got to know is corrections

happen every year

you got another couple months gotta know

it's 49 percent and you won't lose

because 80 percent times you know

doesn't go to bear now what about the

bear the bear market it happens to give

you an idea in the last hundred years

every three to five years

you've gone eight without one we're way

overdue yeah though in modern years last

thirty years it's about every five years

the average length of a bear is one year

the average drop is 33% 1/3 of those

drops go 40% are above that I don't care

how well-prepared you are that's a scary

thing yeah but it is the greatest

opportunity in your lifetime to go from

wherever you are financially to where

you want to be I hope your audience

listening right now hear me if you want

to leapfrog and you're a millennial you

think there's no future or you're you

know a baby boomer and you think you're

too old that's too late the greatest

gift you have is coming you know it

doesn't sound like it this is not

positive thinking bullshit this is the

truth Wall Street the stock market is

the only place that when things go on

sale people freak out if I said you like

Ferraris sure if I said to you for hours

go on sale for 50% off awesome but when

I tell you apples on sale for 50 percent

of you oh we're not gonna deal here

what's wrong the more world's coming to

an end if you think about it all to you

3333 so let's assume if you were 35 you

lived in 85 you got 50 52 years out of

you that means you have 52 more

corrections to live through that means

you're probably in those 50 years gonna

have 10 more bear markets to live

through and you're gonna have a gut

checks every time where you're gonna

leave out of it right

if you didn't participate because you

thought oh the markets too volatile I

can't trust that all up stuff you missed

two hundred and fifty percent return in

the last eight years

I mean you've missed out on everything

while you're waiting for things to be

better and if you won't do it when it's

like this when it crashes you're not

gonna get in there so here's the good

news about the bear good knew about the

bear average once a year could be longer

but that's the average gonna be shorter

but here's what's cool every single bear

market in the history the United States

has led to a bull market meaning right

afterwards so 2008 this plummeting what

happened in 2009 up sixty-seven percent

in the year I can show you every single

bear market and the next year when it

comes out it's this explosion now that's

not true in every mark in the world it's

true for two centuries in the United

States so that's why Warren Buffett says

I want to be greedy when people are

afraid and I want to be afraid when

people are greedy if you remember 2008

he was telling everybody by he was

having the time of his life

haha bye bye bye everything was on sale

so what you have to do to become

unshakable is turn when I leave the

metaphor I uses the turn the snake into

the rope meaning we all know the story

into the middle of the night you're

walking through the yard or someplace

and you see a snake and you freak that

you pull back you come in the morning

and it's a rope once you know it's a

rope you're never afraid again I want to

take four people investing and show them

how to turn that snake into the rope it

really is and I'll tell you one final

stat on all this people always saying

you started to bring it up timing mm-hmm

all right time it right now things are

too expensive all the way people have

been saying that for eight years is

there gonna be correction yes but when

it cracks you just you want to dust

again you'll get a dollar cost averaging

if you paid a little too much here

you'll pay paying less here it'll bring

the average price to a reasonable places

and allow you to succeed but here's what

people need to know about timing if you

are not in the market it's the most

dangerous thing this is so

counterintuitive so I hope your audience

is listening let me show you the

research there's two different research

projects one was done by JP Morgan I

just spoke for them the other day up

there alternative investments conference

and to be in the room there are 400

people you have to have a billion dollar

Network to get on the rope crazy it was

mind-boggling right so JP Morgan did a

study and also Schwab do a separate

study 20-year studies in the last 20

years to give an idea the average S&P

500 that index has produced 8.2 percent

over 30 years it was 10.28 but in the

last 20 years a little bit less still

great you double your money you know

roughly you're in a position you did a

little money a little more than every

you know you know what is it now 7.2 so

be like little more 10 years mm-hmm

well here's what they found that if you

miss the 10 best trading days in 20

years because you're trying to time the

market and you're not in it during one

of those days you win from 8.2 percent

return over that period per annum per

year it dropped down almost 1/2 4.5 mm

what are the chances of you knowing the

past 10 days to trade in 20 years

none Yeah right Warren Buffett said

market timers and market forecasters are

only there to make fortune tellers look

good because no one can do it

successfully even if they do it for a

while doesn't last because luck you know

Jack Bogle told me they started Vanguard

you know three trillion dollar company

he said we took gorillas a thousand in a

room and had him flip coins and we did

that he said how many times got hands

how they got tails just gorillas

flipping up randomly and he said one

gorilla in that set of of those turns

flipped heads 21 times in a row now when

you look at that see all this grill is

doing it you look out and say what a

lucky gorilla he said but in the hedge

fund industry in the mutual fund

industry when somebody does 1000 you go

what a brilliant investor might have

what a genius and it's just it's just

averages and luck at that time yeah back

he showed me that 96% of all mutual

funds fail to match the market over a

10-year period of time only 4% make it

they're constantly changing crazy so the

statistic I want people to know is if

you missed the 20 best trading days in

the last 20 years just 20 days and 20

years one day year and 20 years are you

wrong you're wrong in timing mm-hmm

you're 8.2 doesn't go up to 4.5 it drops

the 2% you might have little bit of

utterly in a bond man you know like had

no risk right you missed the top 40

trading days to give you an idea and you

are minus 2% so you got again in the

market and if you're saying what about

my timing though studies done by Schwab

if you've got the perfect timing for the

year the right day the best possible day

to buy some people have the worst thing

someone else dollar-cost average of

keep spending the same amount every

month regardless of prices and somebody

stays in cash who has the worst return

the guy trying to time or no cash the

cash he get nothing for cash the guy who

was the best have the best timing the

guy that was the worst the guy that

dollar cost average and the one that was

on the worst day were almost identical

but after seven years there was only a

twenty thousand dollar difference in

accumulated assets between the worst day

and the best day the worst was not being

in the market right see he got to be

there and I'm not saying put everything

at stocks we teach in the book all the

different assets the nation I yeah but

stocks in the last two centuries have

provided the highest return so you have

to have significant exposure to that if

you want to get the highest return yeah

and what I love in the book you say that

80% of financial success is

psychological 20% is mechanical yes so

it's not about timing and trying to like

figure all these things out and when's

the best thing or the best ponder but

it's not about trading it's about

investing rating is trying to do that it

must be blues money trading even the

guys who tell you make money see it all

there some out they usually the best

right exactly yes you've got to have the

psychology and my best way of psychology

is not to pump you up if you want to be

unshakable you want to be educated and

you enter the facts you want to know

look every five years I'm gonna get a

bear maybe three years I'm gonna get an

erection every year but I'm gonna be in

the market make money do you know that

six of the ten best trading days in the

20 years happened within two weeks of

the worst trading day so when when Trump

was elected the market dropped I think

was eight her points that night then he

got three or four in the morning he made

a speech where he was somewhat you know

human and the market bridge got all its

money back and since then were up 14% in

November December January three months

February you know three and half months

so people need to understand you got to

be in the market because the worst days

will bring you to your best days

I went to India last year when I went to

one world Academy elsewhere connected

with Christiane G and painted G over the

whole team and 1/4 to 1/2 weeks it's

always a game changer and I'd heard that

you'd went there yes

and when I read the end of the book you

talked about beautiful state sovereign

state what I learned

yes and I love how you share that you

know you used to talk about you know

being a peak state as often as you can

but now you really kind of do transition

into a beautiful state right yeah well I

were talking to me that he said that

really beautiful to me is different of

my mother for this about 15 years

his father is one of the most powerful

spiritual 20 years in India oneness and

so you know give an idea he's considered

an avatar there so I went there and they

had an opening and Christian she helped

to organize it and they expected a

quarter million people over five days

and a half a million people showed up

the first morning so I was like the

ultimate you know the craziness is he

imagined so he's got some really

beautiful grounding and his father is

it's not just a religious man he's

reeling a spiritual nanny

he believes whatever you believe is

wonderful but what you have to do is why

are your brain so that you're connected

to the aspect of your spirit or one that

sin he teaches various ways to do this

so anyway Christian G and I over the

years have done a lot of fun things

together in this about two years ago we

were having a conversation and he said

you know you teach seek to life is peak

state versus lousy state or being an

energy rich versus energy poor that a

relationship you can love somebody but

if the energy is low Tigers drop the

energy is high it will these wouldn't be

swapped those words and you swap peak

state for a beautiful state I said that

works you know high energy state is a

beautiful state any state where you're

high energy would be like love or joy or

gratitude or Drive or courage or faith

or you know playfulness or fun any of

those things are beautiful states so

close to you I agree and I said I'm in

suffering states would be low energy

State so that would be frustration

sadness anger resentment loneliness

boredom whatever he goes yeah that's

exactly right I could swap those because

if you swap them there's something cool

that you might see or do as a once in

the Christian Jamieson

well he said I've made a decision that

I'm gonna live my life where I'm gonna

live in a beautiful state every day no

matter what even if it doesn't even if

it rains on my parade even if people do

things that are unjust he said the

reason is because in a beautiful state

just like you teach a big stake

everything flows right as well it's

pretty much what I've been teaching us

yes but if you think of the lousy States

as sufferings things he said then you

can end suffering just by getting the

stake and I said I don't really relate

to the word suffering and I'd like most

achievers do most achievers don't even

get fearful we get stressed I always

tell people fear is the key word for

stress is low quality or stress it'll

take me to your fear but I realized I

didn't relate to suffering like if you

had told me two years ago trying to use

sufferance hey you kidding me I got the

greatest life I have a most incredible

wife and four kids and I got 31

companies and I'm financially free and I

have a mission I love and I'm in good

health and that would all be honest I

wouldn't have been dishonest about it

but what really helped me out of that

conversation I left that I want well

weird do I suffer and I realize

frustration is suffering and I get

frustrated yeah you know I get concerned

I get pissed off idea you know worried

sometimes I get these feelings and so

what I decided to do was you know just

really create a 90 second rule for

myself where I would end suffering as it

arises because anybody tells you can and

sufferings full of crap the reason is

your brain is a two million year old

brain it's not designed to make you

happy it's designed to make you survive

but there's no saber-toothed tiger for

you to react to anymore so now we worry

about what are people thinking of us do

I have enough money and in this country

in America if you aren't other poverty

and I ate poverty I need 100 million

people here so I'm not sitting on the

sidelines but if you make the worst

least amount of money in this country

and you're in total poverty you're in

the 1% of earners on the earth mmm

because 75% of planet lives on two

dollars and fifty cents of it right

right so when I try to do show people

you can't Dolan failure you can only

dull his success so over the last two

years what I've done is play this little

90 second rule and if I feel tension in

me I go okay that's suffering where does

it come from what am i stressed about

what are you concerned about and what I

immediately do is I realize the

stressful thoughts since I seen

Christian gee I kind of traded one thing

what I really do now is

I dig in and I noticed that the only

time you have stress or suffer is when

you believe a stressful flop so what

would be one or two of the most

stressful thoughts that happened to you

most awful because we all have them

right you can be an overachiever and so

what would be two thoughts that show up

a lot that make you stress you know

something's not going well in my

business or it's not the way I wanted to

look or be or you know what I'm one of

my team messed up but it makes me to

look a certain way or my you know

there's a sense of loss yes my sanity

yes my ego gets like us so what I told

krishnaji as I said Christian G I said I

think I've found the three triggers to

suffering it was what's that I said it's

lost less than ever whatever you believe

your mind believes a stressful thought

like oh my god I'm not my business not

going oh this guy's screwed this up and

now I've lost something I've lost this

opportunity or I've lost the time or

I've lost the money or it could not be

someone else could be you you could say

I fail to do this I did something or I

failed to do something and as a result

I've lost something I value significance

trust love money freedom whatever or

you've said something or did something

or failed to do something or I fail to

do something or say something and I feel

like I have less love or less money or

less freedom less will make yourself the

one who the worse is never if you start

believing that because she stepped out

or she did that or because I failed to

do this I said that I'll never have love

again I'll never be wealthy I'll never

be free wouldn't you believe that shit

it's true cuz you won't initiate you

won't solve it you won't create it so

I'm very sensitive to lost less than

ever anything that triggers that and the

antidote to it is to realize it's not

you so your thought of how do you know

my business stressful is this gonna you

know I'm sure it'll make it a little

more part of you like is this gonna make

it or this guy screwed up and look it

screwed me out of all these things when

those things happen and you suffer it

put you in a mode what were you really

suffering about is yourself and you were

honest better thank you for that I saw

you do it you said you know well I was

thinking this guy did this and it costs

me that yeah it's the me me me that

makes us suffer yeah well one will say

I'm really worried about my children I'm

you know I'm really stressed you

suffering about her children Oh

into her I'll say tell me and she'll say

well they're not doing this not doing

that now turned or usually and say I

hope you can hear yourself because the

real reason you're suffering is not

because your children it's not because

they're not doing well it's cuz you

think you've failed them mmm it's about


cuz otherwise you just be working on the

solution right but you're busy beating

yourself up feeling bad thinking the

worst-case scenario right so the

antidote to suffering the antidote lost

less than ever is appreciation I always

tell people trade your expectation for

appreciation your whole life changes so

I was just doing this talk to you

earlier and I shared with them

experience and I'm fortunate enough to

have my own you know private jet now but

it's a you know continental jet so I can

fly straight to China it's bigger than a

Gulfstream it's a global Express so it's

like having your own bed in the sky

offices guys it's amazing pretty I'm in

there last time so you got the sense

amazing super but up until that time I

was chartering but half my business was

overseas and it's like no battles and

dollars to fly to Australia back on a


so even make any sense I finally did

well in office old a couple companies

they couple a million dollars and I went

and bought the plane but before that I

would be so stressed getting on Qantas

airlines to fly to our Slava I would be

so stressed create a headline go there's

no internet I've caught up in 14 hours I

got 31 companies I mean I got this list

of calls and texts and slacks and emails

and the more time I get there it's been

a triple in size gonna lose money I get

all stressed out right to live one day

and ask myself what the eff is stressful

about sitting or playing when you got a

banner you don't even on a commercial

flight like that in first class I

realized what it any of that was but it

still grabbed me you'd still suffer and

I remember well a finds it out before I

got my plane ironically uh they

announced on the air they said ladies

and gentlemen we're proud to announce we

have international internet and it was

like God descended the airplane Rock

cheering clapping it's so wonderful

right and and then within about nine

minutes the thing broke down everyone's

out there he's pissed they're like who's

bullshit I can't believe this I'm not

putting up with this and I tell a story

because nine minutes before it was a


now after nine minutes it's already an

expectation and when you have

expectations you're always miserable I

realized my happiness was so cheap

because all I had to do is have this

nearby and I could lose my happiness

because thirty-one companies 1200

employees you know five continents

letting you have five continents now

seven to finish what are the chances

that right now someone is screwing up

something with that many employees that

believe there's 100% chance so all you

had to do is wait and open up the claims

at least and I can't believe what the

matter with him see I realized all I had

to do is have my phone to be stressed if

that's true my happiness is so cheap cuz

one of the chances of everybody doing

exactly what you think they should do

the right way every day zero zero what

are the chances the people you love

doing what you want them to do the way

you want to do them every day zero what

the chances of you doing the right thing

every day even if you're talented is

discipline zero so your happiness will

never last as long as it's got

expectation behind it don't get me wrong

I have businesses I run them we manage

them but I know that people are gonna

screw up or my idea script is different

than I think they should think and

sometimes they're screw up will turn

into something even better I gotta give

it room so what I did was I began

realized I made the decision it's the

most important decision I believe of

your life that I'm not gonna suffer two

more life's too short to suffer and I'm

gonna live in a beautiful state every

day and the way I do it is I'd catch

myself when I start to get that sense of

stress I let it go and I see the I to go

by so your thoughts thoughts about this

person messing up your business you're

not falling through if I was in a room

with ten thousand people I guarantees

sixty seventy percent of the business

owners have the same thoughts of times

I ask people all the time tell me your

most stressful thought all I'm worried

about my children this may happen how do

we be able to have not that far

everybody I might not make it finishes

well we won't have any thought about

everybody my point is it's not your

thought it's the mind not your mind when

you think it's your mind you identify

with it and it's you can't separate from

yourself but when you realize these

thoughts been around for millions of

years and I'm just thinking the same

thought that so many people thought

before like how many people have ever

thought I'm gonna kill the son of a

bitch you know you didn't do it could

you not believe you're really gonna kill

him but you felt it you said it you were

there right so we all have thoughts it's

the only distressful thoughts we believe

that mess us up so what I try to show

people is if you can start to realize

these thoughts have been around for

millions of years have I told you a

million years you know a thousand of

hundred years ago that we're gonna go to

the moon and back you called me a

lunatic or crazy if I said 100 years ago

you're gonna have a little box like this

it'll fit in your pocket and you can

click on it and you can see what the

weather is any place you could click on

it and see a live person on the other

side of the earth and talk to them by

looking this box and the way it works is

invisible waves they're traveling around

the earth and it pulls invisible waves

in the Box you go like read between the

lines there's no way dumb idiot so what

I want you to realize the spots are

invisible which you turn on TV it takes

invisible waves and depending on the

channel you're gonna see a love story or

an adventure or a drama or a comedy or

or a horror the way you use your body

determines which of those thought waves

come through you one moment you're

pissed off the next moment somebody

makes you laugh you change your body you

change the channel you change what comes

through you so what I've tried to do in

this area beautiful state is simple

first identify where your suffering

what's your favorite flavor are you a


are you a pissed-off person at angry

what is it you do

second of all decide you're gonna kill

that monster while it's little you're

not gonna wait til it's Godzilla taking

the city you're gonna break the pattern

you start to feel the stress you see it

as thoughts going by and then you focus

on something to appreciate and joy or

love appreciation love and joy destroy

suffering you can't be grateful and

angry simultaneous

it's possible you can't be worried and

fearful and grateful simultaneously so I

tell people gratitude is one of the

emotions to cultivate that'll destroy

the suffering and that's what we do

people do we've got about ten minutes I

want to make sure I asked the right

question for you to end and one of the

things I love in the book that you say

is success without fulfillment is the

ultimate failure yes and so it doesn't

matter how rich you get from this book

or how driven you are to make money if

you'll understand how to live in a

beautiful state and you're the

wealthiest person in the world you know

a lot of billionaires who are miserable

I'm assuming this is something important

that I love that it's in a financial

make money book yes because it's the

last chapter about beautiful state

because again if we're driven so much to

make money I was there my early 20s all

I cared about obsessed over making money

yeah and I got overweight and I was

miserable and I was in bad relationships

yeah if I don't understand how to have

fulfillment and peace inside than the

outside achievements don't matter no and

you also know you'll just have a hard

time maintaining your relationships of

any sort because you know number not

what a good human being you are we gonna

lousy States we behave in ways overtly

and covertly not even meaning to that

mess up our relationships so I felt like

I'd be remiss if I wrote a whole book on

financially exactly how to get wealthy

and then I didn't show you real wealth

yeah because there's lots of people of

the billionaires I'd interviewed I don't

want to grossly be unfair and estimate

but I would say the rarest commodity was

somebody was happening all time if

somebody like Richard Branson he is

having the time of his life he seems

pretty happy no he really he is

sincerely back he's hungry he's driven

he's always growing he's expanding he's

having funny stay phrase given to go to

him was give it a go but I would say

that it is the absolute minority I tell

people what's more rare than a

billionaire is someone who's in a

beautiful state of it is somebody who's

happy every day you get a new billion in

the United States every six days if I

have a dozen somebody who's really

really really happy juicy like my goal

now I have a different goal my goal is I

want to find ecstasy in each moment I

want to find something to be passion

about each moment and I've been living

that the last two years religiously in

the beginning my 90 second rule should

have been like a 4-hour R or maybe a for

a day long

really shitty at it but when you do

something again and again it becomes

like a muscle right you get good at it

and you know it'll make you more wealthy

than money well but you don't have to

beg you get wealthy in financial terms

and wealthy in emotional terms to

spiritual germs - I love it I did a

video yesterday and I asked my audience

to submit questions tell you before and

I picked a bunch of I'm gonna I'll take

the top a few great I think are

interesting that maybe no one's really

ever asked you so hopefully hopefully

these are new questions for you this is

from Ryan Evers who said what is the one

thing you're still vulnerable about

despite all your success you have and

what still makes you uncomfortable that

a lot of people don't know about then

you're still vulnerable despite all your

success with well I would say health as

strong as it is I had a real health

scare the / I think you know eight of


I had mercury poisoning and in mercury

mimics dementia so it makes you lose

your memory in the middle of talking

which I you know I do 50 hour events

with 10,000 people and don't forget a

thought and I've had the last year where

I literally don't know where I am and

what's going on in the middle of being

in the room have no one's seen it or

known it as I asked afterwards because

I'm pretty good at hiding it but my mind

works so fast I took something else in

there but uh that's been really rough

and then the other part and so you feel

vulnerable it's happened twice when I

speak to you today not like did I say

this before because I've not even bunch

of interviews and so I popped in my head

just for a minute did I say that I'm not

sure I said that and so just for a

moment and I'm not used to I'm used to

only being here with you or with them

I'm not in my head so I'm down I went

from 123 in mercury on a zero to five

scale is the highest mercury they

measured where they thought I'd be I

should be dead and it took me a year and

I'm down to now nine on a zero to five

skill so it's still there and I'm almost

done so there's a great vulnerability in

that but I don't outside the physical I

really don't feel bad and I'm not being

like I'm indestructible or some bullshit

like that it's just everything is a

habit worrying's a habit fears to have


I'm pretty comfortable who I am you know

56 years old we 57 a few days you know

I've lived a lot of life so I'm buried

you know three fathers and a mother I've

you know been told I have a tumor in my

brain I'm gonna die I've had companies

that were near the edge financially and

was able to turn them around I've faced

enough things right now that's not I'm

so strong or cool or some shit it's just

that I faced all those things so many

times that my threshold of control is

much higher than most people's because

you know I made it through that how do I

keep the doors open I need $50,000 and I

don't have to be thousand to five

million to one point 120 million I

needed because to my partners went broke

and I was held to holding the bag so now

I'm doing five billion and I only did

that because I made it through those

thresholds so I'm pretty comfortable

with most things but I think there's

more mobility in health and and also I

love my wife so much I can't imagine

losing her and she's me could help but

those things would feel vulnerable to

missionary thanks for sharing

David Hayward said do you really believe

deep down that you made the choice to

live the life you're living or did it

choose you and how do you rationalize

choice when there is so much we don't

get to choose well that's a good


I have chosen very consciously what I

want for my life and I continue to

choose I really believe that our Creator

has given us choice and those that you

know look at their life and say it's not

the way they want and blame God are

barking up the wrong tree you know the

resources are inside of us that's number

one but I'd say number two this idea

that you know rationalizing choice I

don't rationalize your choice I know

it's one of the great gifts in my life

and I can make it any moment so can you

the one power we have is the decision to

change anything you know why your your

relationship change it change you first

or change it they don't like your body

change it you don't like you find it

says to any one of us can change live in

a world that's fooled with the answers

there you got a web where you can learn

from anybody on the planet now you have

access to them you know so I I don't see

it as like rationalizing choice I think

that mindset reveals limitations the

person asking the question I'm not being

derogatory to the editor should I'm

grateful for the question but I want you

to know if you're listening that you

know if I

all those watching we all have patterns

and I'm a student of patterns the way I

can make changes and minutes for people

that were stuck for years or athletes

I've turned around and a great amount of

theme around and you know the that

Quincy Jones is the world the you know

the pit bulls the Serena Williams the

things that I've done all these people

they rave about our because I know that

whatever you focus on you're gonna feel

so I'll just give you one example for

the person asked this question and for

anybody listening

yeah there's I'll give you three

patterns real fast so you can check

yourself out for a moment

so one pattern is of focus do you tend

to focus more on what you have or what's

missing I'm asking your listeners right

now and you what do you tend to focus on

what you have or what's missing what I

have oh yeah great when I asked us in a

room usually about 70% or focus on

what's missing most achievers are

focused on what's missing so they can go

out to eat more right yeah nothing wrong

with that but when you snap these

patterns together it's really hard to be

happy when you're constantly about

focused on what's missing there's a time

notes missing some little work but if we

do it all the time yeah you can be

achieving a ton like some these

billionaires and there's a lil mo Leeson

what's missing it so they're not happy

another pattern would be do you tend to

focus on what you can control or what

you can't control

we can yeah and I know that's true with

you the majority people is what they

can't control now if you focus on what's

missing all the time and what you can't


you're gonna be depressed I don't care

if you take Prozac

orzo wife or anything else your

depression is not a zoloft deficiency it

is the fact that you were doing

something in your mind that is producing

that depression and if you constantly

focus on what's missing and what you

can't control and low fat a third one

you tend to focus more on things in the

past the present or the future I know

you do all three we all do all three but

which one for you would you say you

spend more time on tasks present or

future while my old self would say the

past and the future now after going to

one world Academy I'm very present and

present and future good there's no right

or wrong that the past you can't do

anything about it so the more you focus

there unless you're learning something

from it yeah it's pretty much a waste

the presidents where the joy is the

future is how you do business right so


anticipate so it's the ability do this

but if you have someone whose pattern is

focusing what's missing focus on what I

can't control focus on the past mmm you

can give them I've seen it I've dealt

with people like that who are suicidal I

come in they got every drug they're

taking every hand a depressant and

they're still depressed

in fact I'll ask an audience is all the

time how many of you know somebody who

takes interest and still depressed 90%

of people raise their hand

you know people I'm sure the people at

home do well why are they still

depressed that they're taking the

depressant because all the depressant

does is numb you but they're still

focusing what's missing they're still

focused on what they can't control their

still focus on past or present is not

the way they wanted to be or making up a

future that's scary well you're gonna be

depressing the matter what unless you

take control of those factors so the

answer to this question is Yuri I don't

see it as a rationale I see it as a gift

choice is a gift it's always there you

can choose what you focus on what you

focus on is what you're gonna experience

you can focus on things that make you

suffer you can focus some things that

make you grateful and of the to

gratitude is the better approach it's

not some man be family positive thinking

approach it's intelligent because when

you're in a good state you can solve the

problem ten times better

I used to convince myself that if I'm

suffering if I'm pissed I'm ten times

smarter my brain goes faster and it does

you know I also found I'm ten done

smarter when I'm not stressed and I also

enjoy my life your body doesn't hurry

and everybody else you're able to reach

them does that offensive - final

question Heather Podesta key Podesta

says Tony is it possible for women to

become powerful leaders without making

without making men feel emasculated and

if so how well of course it is I was

just with Mary can't land on the Erdos

who's head of JP Morgan she manages

check this out people that manage

2.3 trillion dollars with a team it's

the most powerful woman to finance for

JP Morgan and she everybody loves Mary

everyone everybody at the conference JP

Morgan's alternative investment

conference and I told you four people

there you gotta have a billion dollar

net worth to get in right

everybody there raves about Marian the

reason is because Mary is successful but

she's not she doesn't treat us I'm

different because I'm a woman Mary has a

belief she said you're all these women

are not in my business that they all

tell me it's unfair there's my ceiling

she was no glass ceiling for you no I

don't believe it she goes it's a

meritocracy you get what you merit

she grew that business 30% JPMorgan if

you can imagine tonight

she grew 30% everybody loves Mary Mary's

constantly there

what makes Mary successful it makes

anyone successful male or female she's

not focused on herself she's focused on

adding more value to other people's

lives than anybody else that's the only

secrets and business do more for others

than anybody else does I don't care if

you're a man or a woman I don't care if

you're gay I don't care for your pets

that's not I care if you're you know

you're not gay I don't care what you are

we're old or young gender all that

matters in the world we live in today

outside your belief systems is your

ability to add value at least in the

marketplace all right we're all having

trinsic value everyone has some transit

value enough to do it'll be worthwhile

as a human but if you want to be

worthwhile financially you have to add

value you have to develop skills and

abilities and do more for others than

anybody else does and I'm gonna tell you

I've met women and the top CEOs in the

world the women they have no problems

whatsoever the problem is up here all

right now don't get me wrong

are there people that will judge

something because they're calling the

skin of their gender or their age of

course there are but we've all been

through that everyone has got something

of injustice and who cares if you hang

on the justice you're there we need to

do is break through you'll always break

through if you got value what's your

other question hmm um before I ask the

final one I wanna make sure you guys do

get the book this is a game changer

again it's a short read for me it took

me four four hours which for me is a

very fast so make sure you guys go get

the book on shakable comm I should also

mention my co-author because I have

another call out there ever but it's

Pima Luke and I went you know the reason

I picked Peter he's the only man in

history to be picked you know for three

years in a row is the number one wealth

manager in America by Barron's no one's

one three years ago two years ago by

seeing these thieves last two years and

this year again by fortune and I'm his

partner so you know now so when I wrote

money mastered the game one things I did

is I do all the money just like I did

here but I also wanted people to know


fees we talked about that briefly we

talked about this book fees destroy your

wealth and people have no clue little 1%

2% fees so I I created a site where

people could go and they could put in

all their accounts and they could see

what they're really paying well and then

if they wanted to work with someone and

I highly recommend somebody work with

something you can doing on your own but

it's usually smart to work with someone

but you gotta get somebody who's

talented you got a gooseberry yes who's

legally responsible to support you now

here's one of things you know there's

310,000 financial professionals in the

United States here in ten bells they

have every name and that's on the visor

welfare and well-fed but 90% of them are

brokers nothing wrong with a broker but

a broker works for the house and you

hear about all the abuses of these

financial companies not because they're

mean and wrong their goal is to maximize

the profits for their shareholders

you're not a shareholder you're an

investor on your own the only way to get

more money for shareholders is charging

more fees so everything is about

bursting those fees so I put the site

together and then I recommended

fiduciaries people that aren't brokers

again out of 300 10,000 there's only

31,000 in the whole country so I put

together the questions ask the things to

do and the site and I recommended ten of

these you have seven questions in there

ass idea but when I did my first book

the problem was that a bunch of these

people that are fiduciaries that are

legally responsible like if they tell

you by Apple this morning and they buy

it tonight for less money they have to

give your stock that's how strong the

walls but I found out afterwards Peter

called me up here's number one you know

broker and the number one wrenched

investment vizor in the country so I was

like I listened to him he said I want to

come meet you there's some gray areas of

the law that these guys are abusing I

found out some of the biggest guys in

the world that our wretchedness misers

the 10% they're not the 10% they're

called duly registered it means one

moment they're telling you I'm here for

you you're only paying me a little flat

fee of this percentage but I'm not

getting any Commission I'm not gonna

recommend anything to you but the best

cuz I don't none incentivize I'm like a

dietitian I'm not getting paid like a

butcher - so you meet I'm only showing

you what to do in the middle

conversation they switch hats and they

become a broker and you don't know it

and they sell you a bunch of shit that

is horrible but they do it because they

make the most money on that

so I can tell you 10 of those so Peter

taught me that so I kicked everybody off

the site and I said Peter what if you

and I became partners you're the number

one in the world but I said to do it I'd

want you to do something different he

does something really special most

billionaires have what's called a home

office home office is like ten or twelve

people seven or eight people one focuses

on the investment one focuses on your

mortgages one focuses on the tax is

legal cuz tax has eat up so much money

yeah keep the home offices for business

just normal business people have like a

million dollars I convinced him to build

a whole division for people as little as

fifty thousand dollars and he doesn't

make any money on them cuz he gets less

to give him back anything eighty five

basis points less than one percent but I

said well if you do this you get back to

the community you're gonna keep building

your brand and we've gone from seventeen

billion a year ago to twenty three

billion in assets of Peter so I'm on his

board I'm I'm so you know I'm also the

head of investor psychology and so if

you decide to go and you want to get him

to do a study for you or do a plan for

you he'll do it for free you just go a

to get a second opinion calm get a

second opinion calm he'll do a plan for

you and then if you want to do business

with him it's less than one percent if

you don't you can do it on your own but

I do want you know if you do that I'd

benefit I mean I don't have my money but

I'd benefit from because I'm part of

that firm so you know but you know this

is a cool way for you to be able to make

a comparison to what else is that yeah

awesome okay before the final question I

wanna acknowledge you and like I always

do Tony for when I was 16 I went to one

of your events in st. Louis Missouri Wow

st. Louis Missouri was there was it yeah

yeah it was like a success all day all

day with different speakers you know the

comes with problems was there that was

there I met Dick Vermeil there he had a

simple ring Trump was there actually

left right before Trump spoke actually

could get back to class or something I

was 16 and I was about halfway down the

floor there must be 15,000 people there

was huge she was packed there's a first

time I was really I've ever seen you

first time I was ever really aware of

your stuff I heard of your stuff before

but I first time I experienced the

presence yes and at one point you walk

down the stage and through the aisles

and I was sitting in right next to the

aisle and for whatever reason you came

up and you stood right next to me you

didn't look at me

I don't

what you said but I remember the way you

made me feel and it was one of the most

profound moments of my 16 years of life


and it set me up for doing what I'm

doing today I didn't know I'd be doing

what I'm doing impacting millions of

people yes but I want to acknowledge you

for being an incredible energy source

and being in a beautiful state in that

moment to show me what's possible from

very kind of you'll be now 33 33 16 to

33 yes that's pretty cool

the final question I asked you this last

time it's called the three truth so I'm

curious to see if this is different now

than last year it's if it's the last day

for you the you know many many years

from now it's the last day for you and

for whatever reason your books your

videos your audios they're all erased

for whatever reason and you have a

patented piece of paper and you get to

write down your three truths to

everything you know about life love

business whatever maybe the three things

that you would leave to the world of

your biggest lessons what would those

three truths for you be that's just so

many pick three well I'll just pick you

randomly their importance there's more

than this I would say you know that the

secret to life is to get outside

yourself and find the way that value to

others there's nothing that's more

fulfilling than doing something beyond

yourself I think one of these makes me

proud to be a human being as human

beings will do more for others that they

care about them they'll ever do for

themselves and when you tap into that

you have more energy anybody else you

have more joy more excitement because I

always say life supports whatever

supports life motive matters and there's

nothing wrong with supporting yourself I

suppose everyone supports himself but

when you're trying to support your

family you get different insights your

community of the world so I think the

idea of being obsessed with learning

growing and adding value to me is the

most important thing in life because you

know the only way we're happy is by

making progress

you know we grow and we feel alive we

give and we feel ten times more alive

but you got to grow to have something to

give so either b12 for me is

I'd say that if you are if you're gonna

be alive and you're not enjoying

yourself you wasted your life that it's

like everyday the gift is find something

to appreciate something to enjoy

something to love something to get

thanks for because that sense of

aliveness comes from that gratitude

comes from that peace in the nights a

third is supposed to cuz it sounds what

was everything I mean I trade the love

that I have for my wife my children like

your friends my co-workers my audiences

I trade that for all the money in the

world I mean though no meta money can

match that process but I'm appreciative

of having the money because it allows me

to have portable power I can you know

take care of right now provide 250,000

people a day with fresh water in India

because what kills children is

waterborne disease it's so easy to solve

and I'm gonna get that to 50,000 a

million people die shortly I'm on target

for you know we're feeding a hundred

million people a year I'm gonna do that

for ten years my 10-year plan and then I

have a I'll have a hundred million

annuity that keeps on doing 300 million

meals every year I provided a hundred

people last year with becoming medical

doctors because there's a giant shortage

coming and I also wanted African

Americans who just didn't have the

opportunity to have that opportunity we

live in a world that isn't always just

and so I did that on the internet is

worthless if you can't read and write so

you know I partnered with Elon Musk in

with Peter Diamandis and and the XPrize

we did an education XPrize that we've

had unbelievable progress on where one

out of seven kids in this country 170

people in the world can't read or write

they're illiterate and 250 million

children are illiterate quarter of a

billion the Internet's worthless we

can't redirect so there aren't enough

teachers that never will be with

demographics don't serve it I sorta so

we've got all these firms competing for

this fifteen million dollar prize we put

up which then means on an iPad they can

teach them self to read and write and do

basic arithmetic within 18 months from

nothing and it's gonna be open source so

the winner gets 15 million and everyone

the world have access to it you know so

those types of things you know they're

what make you feel alive you know you're

if they're all expressions of love I

always tell people other than love my

labor is the thing is the greatest gift

I can give someone because it's an

expression of my love and so I think

that that third point is love is

everything make sure every single day

you strive to be a blessing of the lives

of the people you meet that's my daily

prayer Lord let me be a blessing today

right for I walk out of stage Lord guide

me to be a blessing in the lives of the

people in me and most the time I seem to

pull that off you do good that's been a

long time we had a lot of years doing it

and hopefully there'll be a lot of years

ahead there to share well Tony make sure

you guys go get the book Tony thank you

for being the incredible loving leader

that you are thanks a lot to me thank

you shit yeah congratulations well you



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Paşinyanın həyat yoldaşının Qarabağa gətirdiyi qadınlar barədə QƏRAR - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Paşinyanın həyat yoldaşının Qarabağa gətirdiyi qadınlar barədə QƏRAR - Duration: 1:24.


Lizard Rises On Its Two Feet | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:10.

Authorized Personnel Only?


So many lizards

These are called Argus monitors

Argus monitor is a kind of a pet lizard

Sticking its tongue out

Sees the prey and approaches

and rises up on two feet?

They're tripoding

Tripoding means standing on two feet

Strong legs

When it's hunting for prey in the wild

or keeping a watch on enemy's movement, it takes the posture

It's legs and tail should be strong

Dives suddenly

opening and closing mouth

gulping down

It dives to drink out of hot temper

Breathing hard LOL



Where is it going?

Go away!

Mom refuses too

Doesn't get anybody's attention

Let's go for a stroll

You look so cool standing on your feet!

For more infomation >> Lizard Rises On Its Two Feet | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:10.


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For more infomation >> 所有冤案都"赖"我 林吉祥,证据呢? - Duration: 10:09.


2019 Honda CB650R Neo Sport Cafe Official | New Honda CB650R Superbike | Mich Motorcycke - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 2019 Honda CB650R Neo Sport Cafe Official | New Honda CB650R Superbike | Mich Motorcycke - Duration: 2:06.


St. Augustine city leaders issue warning ahead of Tropical storm Michael - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> St. Augustine city leaders issue warning ahead of Tropical storm Michael - Duration: 1:35.


CH - 如何修复Internet Explorer无法显示网页错误。 - Duration: 2:26.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. If you're successfully connected to the Internet, but cannot view any web pages in Internet Explorer

use one of the following troubleshooting procedures, as appropriate for your operating system,

Delete your browser history. Start Internet Explorer.

Press Alt to show the menu bar. On the Tools menu, click Internet options. Under Browsing history, click Delete.

Select all the check boxes, and then tap or click Delete. Tap or click Exit, and then restart Internet Explorer.

Disable add-ons in Internet Explorer. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs.

Click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

To disable add-ons in Add-on Manager. Open Internet Explorer. Click the Tools button, and then click Manage add-ons.

Under Show, click All Add-ons. Click the add-on you want to disable, and then

click Disable. click Close. Reset Internet Explorer.

Start Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.

In the Internet Explorer Default Settings dialog box, click Reset. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box,

click Reset. Click Close and then click OK two times. Exit and then restart Internet Explorer.

The changes take effect the next time that you open Internet Explorer.  Check whether a third-party service ,or program ,

is conflicting with Internet Explorer. Click Start, type msconfig in the search box,

and then click the displayed System Configuration icon. Click the Services tab and check the box beside

hide all Microsoft services, and then click Disable all. Next, click the Startup tab.

Click Disable all in the bottom right and then click OK. You will be prompted to reboot your computer.

Try disabling the PreBinding feature To modify the EnablePreBinding registry value, follow these steps:

Open Registry Editor. To do this, type regeditin the Start Search box, and then select regeditin the Programs list.

Locate and then select the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Locate the EnablePreBinding value, if the value doesn't exist,

select the Edit menu, point to New, and then select DWORD Value . Type EnablePreBinding, and then press Enter.

On the Edit menu, select Modify. Type 0, and then select OK.

Restore your PC to an earlier point in time. If you think an app or driver that you recently installed caused problems with your PC,

you can restore it back to an earlier point in time, Open System Restore by clicking the Start button. 

In the search box, type System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore.  

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> CH - 如何修复Internet Explorer无法显示网页错误。 - Duration: 2:26.


ब्रेड खीर - Bread Kheer Recipe In Marathi - Instant Kheer Recipe - Indian Dessert - Sonali - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> ब्रेड खीर - Bread Kheer Recipe In Marathi - Instant Kheer Recipe - Indian Dessert - Sonali - Duration: 2:55.


Nhật ký câu cá rô đồng - Tập 6: Tìm ra thủ phạm giật gãy cần, quát lưỡi, kéo trôi ụt ụt - Duration: 34:19.


For more infomation >> Nhật ký câu cá rô đồng - Tập 6: Tìm ra thủ phạm giật gãy cần, quát lưỡi, kéo trôi ụt ụt - Duration: 34:19.


CH "Internet Explorer 无法显示该网页"错误 - Duration: 2:33.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. If you're successfully connected to the Internet, but cannot view any web pages in Internet Explorer

use one of the following troubleshooting procedures, as appropriate for your operating system,

Delete your browser history. Start Internet Explorer.

Press Alt to show the menu bar. On the Tools menu, click Internet options. Under Browsing history, click Delete.

Select all the check boxes, and then tap or click Delete. Tap or click Exit, and then restart Internet Explorer.

Disable add-ons in Internet Explorer. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs.

Click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

To disable add-ons in Add-on Manager. Open Internet Explorer. Click the Tools button, and then click Manage add-ons.

Under Show, click All Add-ons. Click the add-on you want to disable, and then

click Disable. click Close. Reset Internet Explorer.

Start Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.

In the Internet Explorer Default Settings dialog box, click Reset. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box,

click Reset. Click Close and then click OK two times. Exit and then restart Internet Explorer.

The changes take effect the next time that you open Internet Explorer.  Check whether a third-party service ,or program ,

is conflicting with Internet Explorer. Click Start, type msconfig in the search box,

and then click the displayed System Configuration icon. Click the Services tab and check the box beside

hide all Microsoft services, and then click Disable all. Next, click the Startup tab.

Click Disable all in the bottom right and then click OK. You will be prompted to reboot your computer.

Try disabling the PreBinding feature To modify the EnablePreBinding registry value, follow these steps:

Open Registry Editor. To do this, type regeditin the Start Search box, and then select regeditin the Programs list.

Locate and then select the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Locate the EnablePreBinding value, if the value doesn't exist,

select the Edit menu, point to New, and then select DWORD Value . Type EnablePreBinding, and then press Enter.

On the Edit menu, select Modify. Type 0, and then select OK.

Restore your PC to an earlier point in time. If you think an app or driver that you recently installed caused problems with your PC,

you can restore it back to an earlier point in time, Open System Restore by clicking the Start button. 

In the search box, type System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore.  

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> CH "Internet Explorer 无法显示该网页"错误 - Duration: 2:33.


Trò Chơi Bắn Súng Giả mà Té Thiệt cùng Tí Sún và các bạn❤ TISUN and KIDS❤ - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Trò Chơi Bắn Súng Giả mà Té Thiệt cùng Tí Sún và các bạn❤ TISUN and KIDS❤ - Duration: 5:49.


Lò Quay Đa Năng.Độc Và Lạ Chỉ Có Ở Miền Tây Phiêu Lưu | MTPL - Duration: 13:34.

For more infomation >> Lò Quay Đa Năng.Độc Và Lạ Chỉ Có Ở Miền Tây Phiêu Lưu | MTPL - Duration: 13:34.


Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Ileana D'Cruz | 8 October 2018 | 5:00 PM - Duration: 6:35.

Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Ileana D'Cruz | 8 October 2018 | 5:00 PM

For more infomation >> Latest Hindi Entertainment News From Bollywood | Ileana D'Cruz | 8 October 2018 | 5:00 PM - Duration: 6:35.


#007: Cały czas jestem jedną nogą w domu (a drugą w Marsylii) - Duration: 2:08.

It's lunch break time. Nobody's working.

No, Elena's working.

What's that? A gift!

As you can see, I've got a huge parcel from my lovely family.

Greetings for them!

There're many great things inside.

I'd asked for some of them, but there are also some surprises.

Like this soft pillow.

Like this - you know what it is for.

I also got posters.

And here I'm advertising 'Przekrój.'

And a blanket, and food!

And some little gifts that I can open on 21 October, on my name day.

It's really touching.

I haven't seen everything yet.

But I will, and I will use it all.

Thank you so much!

I even got this.

To sum up:

it's a box full of great stuff.

I'm extremely happy.

I got many things that I had been missing.

But I also got many surprise stuff.

I'm very happy and thanks for that!

It made my life here sweeter.

The life that is anyway sweet here.

Now, I just need to carry it to my flat.

But we'll manage with Elena somehow.

Look at my beautiful carpet.

It was also in the parcel.

If someone is interested, I know the artist that made it.

OK, the last thing.

Could somebody explain me why everyone is so surprised

that I asked for a poster with Clint Eastwood?

Such a big one.

Just look!

For more infomation >> #007: Cały czas jestem jedną nogą w domu (a drugą w Marsylii) - Duration: 2:08.


ARE YOU READY TO TRY ? - Never Give Up! - Best Motivation Video - Duration: 2:01.

World Best Motivational Videos for Students

For more infomation >> ARE YOU READY TO TRY ? - Never Give Up! - Best Motivation Video - Duration: 2:01.


Bollywood Actresses Angry Reactions On "Nana Patekar" | Tanushree Dutta Controversy - Duration: 5:46.

Bollywood Actresses Angry Reactions On "Nana Patekar" | Tanushree Dutta

For more infomation >> Bollywood Actresses Angry Reactions On "Nana Patekar" | Tanushree Dutta Controversy - Duration: 5:46.


Porsche Tractors Expo at Porsche Festival Italia 2018 - 70th Anniversary, Imola Circuit [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:31.

Porsche, known all over the world for its awesome sports cars, has been also a manufacturer of in-house designed farm tractors

developed in different models through the company Porsche-Diesel Motorenbau GmbH based in Friedrichshafen, Germany.

The first tractor dates back to 1914 when Ferdinand Porsche becomes technical director of Austria Austro Daimler of Wiener Neustadt and builds the Daimler-Pferd (Kraftprotze),

a vehicle equipped with a 14.5 hp air-cooled four-cylinder engine and weighing 1.700 kg suitable for replacing horses.

With the outbreak of the First World War, it was converted to military use.

The idea of a popular agricultural vehicle was requested in 1937 from the German Government and its characteristics had to be robustness, ease of use, cheap to buy and maintain.

The first prototype called 110 was moved by a 12 hp air-cooled twin-cylinder engine.

Other prototypes were produced, the 111 with a petrol, diesel or gasoline front engine, the 112 with a 15 hp V-twin diesel engine and finally the 113 with a twin-cylinder engine.

The last was the definitive one and a German government decree of 1940 established the construction of 300.000 units/year in the Waldbrol factory (Westfalia) located between Cologne and Siegen.

Unfortunately with the advent of the Second World War only experimental vehicles were built.

To see finally the construction of a line of Porsche tractors we have to wait for 1950, made in collaboration with the Uhinger Allgaier Werke GmbH company.

After a few years, the production consisting of four series, Junior, Standard, Super and Master characterized by engines with 1, 2, 3 and 4 cylinders

with power ranging between 15 and 50 hp, the air-cooled engines were modular and had a good number of common parts among all the models.

Porsche Diesel, specializes in the construction of agricultural vehicles, ends production on July 1963, selling the division to Renault.

Around 120.000 Porsche tractors were built by this famous manufacturer.

For more infomation >> Porsche Tractors Expo at Porsche Festival Italia 2018 - 70th Anniversary, Imola Circuit [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:31.


Women's Clothing Diwali Shopping Gowns and Anarkalis for Diwali - Duration: 0:55.

Diwali Shopping guide for women's clothing.

Presenting 10 lovely Gowns and Anarkali dresses for women.

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