Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily Nov 30 2018

-I want to embarrass you a little bit.

Come on. It's always fun when you come out.

But look at this. You're on the cover of "Vogue."

-I know. Isn't that crazy?

-I mean, did you ever think that you'd be on American "Vogue"?

-Of course not. -Come on.

But this -- I mean, you're big-time.

This is the big deal. -It's so lovely of them.

I'm so, so honored to be on it. But that's not me, really.

That's a lot of amazing people's work.

-No, but that -- What do you mean?

This is you.

Are you not good at photo shoots?

-I mean, that one was done --

-All you have to do is look like you.

-[ Laughing ] No.

-That was an amazing photographer.

If it's an amazing photographer, it's good.

-Who was the photographer in this?

-David Sims is his name. -Oh, really? David Sims?

-Yeah, he's a very, very clever man.

-But this is --

Have you ever been on "Vogue" in England?

-I have, yeah. -Wow.

-Yeah. -So you've done this before.

Is it different that you're on an American "Vogue"?

-It's different because I didn't have to

see it every day at home.

-'Cause you live in England. -Yeah.

So I can sort of pretend it didn't happen.

But there I am. Can you put -- I mean, just --

-I will put it away. I know, I know.

I like to embarrass you. I'm sorry.

I want to talk about "Saturday Night Live"

before we get into everything.

You're hosting. -I am.

-You're hosting "Saturday Night Live."

-I am. [ Cheers and applause ]

-How is it going? Are you excited?

-I'm so excited.

-Do you know "Saturday Night Live"

from England? -Yeah.

We don't have it in England. It's not broadcast.

But I think it's one of those things that is everywhere.

You know it. You know if there's been

a really good sketch because everyone watches it on YouTube.

-Yeah. And how's everyone treating you?

Is everyone being nice? -Really lovely.

Like I'm supposed to be there

when I just feel like a complete imposter.

-No. Oh, my gosh.

It's gonna be great. I mean, what day is it?

It's Thursday now.

So you're in blocking at this point.

-Yeah. -You're gonna love it.

It's the greatest thing ever. -Yeah.

-You performed live in front of people, right?

-Yeah, I've done theater and stuff.

But I feel like I should be more nervous than I am.

I feel like there's something wrong with me.

I'm not having sleepless nights.

I'm just sort of going, "This is fun."

But I think, on Saturday, I'll be like,

"This isn't fun anymore." [ Laughter ]

This is "Serious Night Live."

-We have you in two big movies out,

"The Girl in the Spider's Web."

This is a big, giant movie for you.

I know the book series.

Is that what made you want to do this film?

Reading the books? -Yeah.

'Cause I had read them when I was about 23.

-And the "Dragon Tattoo" -- it's the same type of idea

but different series, right?

-Yeah, different writer. -Yeah.

-And I'd never read a character like that, and I never --

I was a young woman reading a character

that's kind of an amazing thing, really.

And then, I'd seen those performances

of Noomi and Rooney -- best names ever.

-Yeah, that's true. -Noomi and Rooney.

-Noomi and Rooney.

-And I just thought it was incredible.

So, once I kind of heard about it

and then started really reading the books,

I couldn't not do it. It was one of those things.

-How do you explain the film to everyone?

It's an action-packed thriller. -Yeah.

-You're disguised as --

trying to hack the codes, like nuclear codes.

-Yeah. It's --

Lisbeth Salander is at the center of it,

and that character, which is really fascinating.

It's just a real thriller.

Like, you go into the cinema, and then you come out,

and you go -- [ Breathing heavily ]

-Yes. Because that's what you want when you go to the theater.

You want a popcorn movie. It's good. Yeah.

-Yeah. -And then "First Man."

I told you this last time you came on,

but congrats on that. Amazing reviews on that.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Some awards buzz for you, but you should -- well-deserved.

I mean, it's great.

You and Damien Chazelle,

who is one of my favorite directors.

I love that guy. -He's great.

-Have you heard from the family at all, the Armstrongs?

-Yeah, well we were in touch the whole time we were shooting.

-Oh, you were? -They were lovely.

I'd e-mail them every once in a while and say,

"Did your mom cook you dinners,

or was it, like, a microwave meal?"

like, ridiculous questions, and they were always so kind to me.

But they --

You know, when you're making a film about real people,

mine and Ryan's concern was definitely

that they were our audience.

-Were you intimidated to do an American accent?

-Um... -No. You've done it before?

-I've done it before.

I've never done it with a coach.

I've always just sort of done it badly.

[ Laughter ]

Like, wasn't that -- This time, I was much more

kind of I felt more confident about it.

But you just never -- When you're doing an accent,

sometimes, like, some weird thing comes out of your mouth.

You don't even know what it is.

Your mouth makes funny shapes.

-You knocked this one out of the park.

It's fantastic. Congratulations on that.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I want to show a clip and just see Claire Foy.

Here's Claire Foy in "First Man."

Take a look at this.

-Jan, the ship is stable. They're gonna be all right.

-He's okay, Jan. -I need you to go home.

-Fine. Turn the box back on.

-I'll see what I -- -Now.

Turn the box back on now.

-Well, there's security protocols --

-Well, I don't give a damn.

I've got a dozen cameras on my front lawn, Deke.

Do you want me telling them what's going on?

-Jan, you have to trust us. We've got this under control.

-No, you don't. All these protocols

and procedures to make it seem like you have it under control.

But you're a bunch of boys making models out of balsa wood!

You don't have anything under control!


You tell them what's up! Yes!

[ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Claire Foy Isn't Nervous Enough for Hosting Saturday Night Live - Duration: 5:13.


Mike Birbiglia Got Dissed by a Barista He Tried to Give Free Broadway Tickets To - Duration: 5:26.

-I always enjoy seeing you. We -- We --

You remember, I brought my daughter here

when she was, I think, six months old.

She was -- -Uberbaby, yeah.

-A teeny, teeny baby.

And now she's three and a half years old.

-Is she three and a half?

-And your kids are four and five, I think?

-That's right.

-And here's the thing I noticed this week.

You got to be careful not to get too excited around children.

[ Light laughter ]

Well, they big-time you.

-What do you mean?

-This week -- This week my daughter goes,

"I have octopus underwear."

And I go, "Octopus underwear?"

And she goes, "Yeah."

[ Laughter ]

She big-timed me.

I was like, "Oh, I got to pull it back."

-You got to pull it back.

Got too excited about the octopus underwear.

What, octopus!

-And you were giving me --

I was hitting you up for a recommendation backstage

for an orthopedic doctor.

She -- Her knees hurt this week. -Yeah.

-So we took her to an orthopedic doctor yesterday.

And she's very verbal.

And so -- and so they're like --

doctor's like, "How do your knees feel?"

She goes -- She goes, "My knees, the back of my knees hurt.

And it's my grandma's birthday.

And I like chocolate chip ice cream."

And I was like -- I was like,

"Oh, that's way too many things as the answer."

And then I realize, "Oh, she doesn't get that you're

not just supposed to say everything."

-Yeah, no. You just --

-Then I was like, "Oh, that's what I do."

I say -- I say way too much.

And that's why I have these shows.

[ Laughter ]

-That's correct. You have -- This one

is called "The New One." -Yeah.

-This one is at the Cort Theatre.

I gotta say, it's getting rave reviews.

Congratulations. -Thanks.

-This is -- how does it feel to be on Cort?

-Well, first of all, I haven't seen you there.

You know, you're in the Rockefeller Center.

It's across the street. It's on 48th Street.

And I haven't seen you over at the show.

I made a map of how far --

Where -- How do I get this on the camera?

This is how far --

[ Laughter and applause ]

This is how far away. -Yeah.

-So, it's not far, right? -No.

Where am I again? -So, you're here.

-Where are we?

[ Talking over each other ]

-You're there. -Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-And then 0.2 miles, right there, is the Cort Theatre.

-Oh, man. -And then it says --

If you look closely, it says, "Mostly flat."

[ Laughter ]

Mostly flat. So, I don't know if --

-Yeah, I got to make it over there.

-You have an elevation issue.

It should be fine. -Should be fine.

-Yeah. No, I --

-I'd love to see you there. But --

-Would you really love to see me there?

Not really. -I would enjoy it, yeah.

-No. -Well, you know,

old Jimmy would have made it there.

[ Laughter ]

No. There's been many phases of Jimmy.

You got "SNL" Jimmy. He would have been there in a second.

-Yeah, that's true. -You got "Late Night" Jimmy.

-Yeah. -He was all about it.


-"Tonight Show" Jimmy has changed.

[ Laughter ]

Come on, Ahmir, let's be honest about --

about "Tonight Show" Jimmy.

[ Light laughter ]

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -He's changed.

He's changed. -Totally different person.

-You were on board for "Sleepwalk With Me."

You were on board with "Thank God For Jokes."

You were on board for "My Girlfriend's Boyfriend."

I haven't seen you at "The New One."

-I haven't seen any of those shows --

-Jimmy. -At all --

[ Laughter ]

"Sleepwalk With Me." Yeah, of course.

Honestly, people are saying that this is your best one.

-That's really -- Yeah. -And that's a good thing.

-Well, I'm proud of it. And I'm --

Well, it's funny. I'm right across the street.

I'm in -- -I get it.

[ Laughter and applause ]

I promise, I love you.

You know, I'm a big fan.

-I'm in a -- I'm in --

I come for coffee downstairs at Rockefeller Center, every day.

I'm not kidding, before the show.

It's my ritual that I go to this place called Blue Bottle.

I love the coffee. -Oh, I like their coffee.

-And a couple weeks ago, I was going in every day.

And I'm thinking they know that I'm doing a show

across the street. And then one day,

this guy who I see every day,

he goes, "You heading back to work?"

And I'm like, "Yeah, heading back to work."

You know, he knows about the show.

And he goes, "Where do you work?"

[ Laughter ]

Oh. -Oh, you don't know.

-Well, across the street.

There's this show at the Cort Theatre.

He goes, "Who wrote it?"

[ Laughter ]

I go, "I wrote it."

Then he -- No, this gets worse.

This story actually gets worse.

It's completely embarrassing. -He had no idea.

-I barely, barely should be telling this on the show.

It's too embarrassing. He goes, "Who wrote it?"

I go, "I wrote it." He goes, "Who is in it?"

[ Laughter ]

It gets worse. It gets worse.

-One-man show. -It's a one-man show.

And then I thought, "Okay, I'll make this right."

I go, "Maybe he will like the show."

I go, "Hey, maybe you'd like the show.

I'll -- If you write down in my phone, your number,

my assistant will get you tickets."

He goes, "I'm not comfortable

putting my number in your phone."

[ Fog horn ]

I swear to God.

[ Unintelligible ]

-That's pretty bad. -Okay, okay.

I'm like -- and I realize I'm the opposite of Oprah.

I'm like -- literally, I'm like, "Look under your chair."

He's like, "I'm not comfortable looking under my chair."

-That's pretty creepy.

Yeah, you go like, "Just give me your phone number."

He goes, "I'm cool, man. No problem."

For more infomation >> Mike Birbiglia Got Dissed by a Barista He Tried to Give Free Broadway Tickets To - Duration: 5:26.


Jimmy Auditions for Mike Birbiglia's Understudy in His One-Man Broadway Show - Duration: 3:48.

-You're doing the show. How long is the show?

-The show's 90 minutes. 8 shows a week.

Through January 20th.

And then people ask -- Sometimes it's a joke,

sometimes, like, it's for real.

Like, Zach Braff tweeted at me last week,

like, "Do you have an understudy?"

And I -- You know, I don't really have one.

But then I thought, like, "Why don't I have a contest" --

I'm actually doing this. Like, I'm gonna have a contest.

-You really are doing this? -Yeah, this is real.

It's on -- it's on my site.

You can submit -- It's just like a one-minute monologue

from one of my other shows.

And put it on your phone, put it on Instagram --

#birbigsunderstudy --

and then, if you win, you get to come out.

In mid-January, we're having a show

where Ira Glass introduces you on the stage before the show

and you do this monologue.

-You could perform on Broadway.

-On Broadway. It's your Broadway debut.

And so, I thought to kick it off --

this is the announcement -- that I'd like you to audition.

Would you be open to that?

[ Cheers and applause ] -No.

Everyone else -- Everyone else can do it.

Whoever has Internet at home -- Anyone else can do it.

-No, no, no. I brought the cards.

[ Cheering ]

Right there. -Oh, my...

-I have the lines.

This is from "Sleepwalk with Me."

-How do you guys do this with Mike Birbiglia

and not tell me that we're doing a bit?

-Well, you know, I'm across the street.

-I understand, yeah. -So...

-I just... [ Applause ]

-They get it. They get it.

-I have an elevation problem, is the only problem.

All right. -So, here we go. Here we go.

This is from "Sleepwalk with Me."

It's about a sleepwalking incident many years ago.

Jimmy Fallon.

-Yeah, because you have a sleepwalking incident --

-Yeah, and this is real. This is real.

But I'd like to see your version of it.

-What, should I go over there?

-Yeah, we'll do like --

Can we do like a theatrical...?

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Do you want to clap me in or anything?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, this -- this is Jimmy Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon auditioning for the role of Mike Birbiglia.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Uh... [ Stammering ]

A-A few y-years -- years ago --

-No! No! Stop! Cut!

No, no. It's not an impression.

-Oh, just being me.

-It's not an impression, it's just you.

It's Jimmy Fallon... -Oh, of course. Yeah, I was...

-...doing the words.

-All right, good. All right, here we -- Sorry.

-Okay. -All right, here we go.

[ Laughter ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Laughter ]

-[ Laughing ]

-A few years ago, I-I started walking in my sleep.

I was living with my girlfriend,

and I had this recurring dream that there was a hovering,

insect-like jackal in our bedroom,

and I would jump on our bed and strike a karate pose.

And I had never taken karate,

but I had the books from the book fair when I was a kid.

And I would say, "Abby" -- that was my girlfriend --

"there's a jackal in the room."

And she got so used to it

that she could talk me down while remaining asleep.

She'd say, "Uh, there's no jackal. Go to bed."

And I'd say, "Are you sure?"

And she'd say, "Yes, Michael. There's no jackal. Go to bed."

And I'd say, "Okay, okay," and then I would go to bed

knowing there was a jackal.

[ Laughter ] Thank you.


[ Cheers and applause ] Look...


-Did -- -Look. No, no, I think...

-Did I get the part? -I think...

Look, there's gonna be a lot of people auditioning.

[ Laughter ]

By the way, that's -- You've got to keep that in the show.

That's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

-Mike Birbiglia, everybody.

Check out his Broadway show "The New One"

at the Cort Theatre.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Auditions for Mike Birbiglia's Understudy in His One-Man Broadway Show - Duration: 3:48.


Frome Will Always Be on Shay's Side - New Amsterdam (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Frome Will Always Be on Shay's Side - New Amsterdam (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:13.


Yep, it really is a DMR... - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 8:50.

What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and I have pushed on with my analysis of the new guns

coming to Rainbow Six Siege with Operation Wind Bastion.

Today, we dive into the hidden stats behind the defender Kaid's weapons; so strap in

tight, this is going to get interesting!

Kaid of course brings two different main weapons to the table: the AUG A3 9mm SMG and TCSG12

semi-auto shotgun.

Both of these guns handle quite differently, so ultimately the question of which is the

better choice will come down to which one suits the map, current objective and your personal playstyle.

My analysis in this video will be as concentrated as I can make it, so do feel free to follow

up for yourself in more detail with my online spreadsheet (link in the description).

Let's start out by taking a closer look at the AUG.

This SMG, much like Nomad's AK-74, has below average damage per shot (both before and after

drop-off) and a significantly below average fire rate.

This unfortunate combination gives the AUG the lowest damage per second output (at close

range) out of all of the SMGs in Rainbow Six and also the slowest Time to Down or Kill

against all three armour types.

Yes, fair enough, we are talking about tens of milliseconds here but the fact remains

that this gun is even more of a pea shooter than Valkyrie's MPX or the GIGN's P90.

The capacity of 31+1 is ok I guess but the reload times are again significantly below

average compared to the rest of the SMGs.

In fact, the reload time from empty is exactly the same as the average assault rifle reload

and the tactical is even 100ms slower than the rifle average.

And that's not the only parallel between the AUG SMG and the assault rifles.

All SMGs in the game have an ADS time of 300ms which gives them a bit of an advantage against

the slower rifles when unexpectedly coming face to face with an opponent.

Kaid's AUG though, for some strange reason, once again shares the same stats as the rifles

and takes 450ms to aim down sights.

And last but not least, at least there is one good thing about this weapon and that's the recoil.

Even the baseline recoil is highly manageable and once you attach the vertical grip and

muzzle brake, it basically becomes a laser.

In fact the recoil is so mild, that I would even suggest that you ignore the vertical

grip and go for the angled grip instead.

That way, at least you reduce the ADS time to 270ms which then brings the gun more in

line with the rest of the SMGs.

In conclusion, the AUG is possibly the weakest defender primary in the game in terms of damage

output and in addition to that, it has the slower reload and ADS times of the attacker primaries.

This gun is clearly designed to be weak in order to compensate for Kaid's useful gadget.

To me, that gives him a role similar to Valkyrie.

The gadget is a great benefit to the entire team but the individual player picking these

characters will have to put up with lowered fragging capability for the entire round.

But that of course is only a third of the story with Kaid; we still have the option

to rely more on his primary shotgun or outrageous .44 mag sniper pistol.

The TCSG12… urgh again with these weird long acronyms that nobody even knows the meaning of?!

This is literally the BOSG.12.2 all over again…

Anyway, as I was saying: the Tactical Clutch Shotgun 12 is, as we know, a 10+1 shot semi-auto

slug shotty that can (for now) attach an ACOG, which let's face it, makes this gun into

more of a DMR with breaching capabilities than anything else.

One headshot or two body shots against any type of armour at distances of up to 19m as

well as the standard semi-auto fire rate is exactly the same (or better) than any of the

DMRs, the only difference here is the very unique damage drop-off curve of the Totally

Cool Super Gun 12.

Up to 19m, the gun will do the full 84 points of damage and at 21m the drop-off already

bottoms out at the minimum 40 points, so it's only in between where we see the transition.

This makes the gun's performance very bipolar: up to 19m, it's a guaranteed 2 shot to kill

weapon but from 21m onwards, it's always 4 shots to the upper body.

This does give the actual DMRs a long range advantage but this is Siege after all, where

the average kill distance is consistently below 10m from season to season, so you're

probably not even going to notice this disadvantage all that much unless you are going for some

particularly long range spawn peeks.

Reload times of the Tenaciously Cool Slug Gun 12 are 100% in line with the semi-auto

shotguns and significantly better than those of the other DMRs and this is also true for

the 300ms ADS time.

Recoil is harsh-ish, even with the vertical grip attached, but at least for PC players,

it is definitely something you can learn to handle with some experience.

For console players, the recoil may make the gun a little less viable.

But after all that, statistically this gun is pretty damn good in terms of its combat

capabilities but of course, it is still a shotgun and therefore comes with a whole bunch

of breaching benefits.

Basically, the TCSG functions just like Vigil and Dokkaebi's BOSG but this functionality

has been tweaked slightly on the Test Server compared to the live build.

In the current live build, Vigil and Dokkaebi can open hatches and shoot the studs out from

in between walls but it takes several shots to create an impulse in a soft wall.

On the test servers, as long as you are within 7m distance from a soft wall, each individual

shot will cause an instant impulse.

This makes the slug shotguns much better as breaching tools although the two shot capacity

of the BOSG is still a hugely limiting factor.

But of course the Top Capacity Shotgun 12 does not have this issue and so it can be

a pretty decent breaching tool.

It will never be as useful for breaching walls as other shotguns with their 8 pellets of

buckshot but it can get the job done.

When it comes to hatches, the slug shotguns can be pretty inconsistent.

If you just start randomly shooting holes into a hatch, it could take anywhere up to

eight shots or even more before the hatch gives way.

But if you create a shallow angle of attack and make sure to take out as many of the studs

as possible, you can open an undamaged hatch in a single shot.

It all depends on how much material the slug will travel through.

And that's pretty much all of the highlights you need to know about the TCSG and AUG; and

with all of this info in mind, I think the conclusion is quite clear.

Operation Wind Bastion brings with it two hybrid weapons that combine the best features

of two different Rainbow Six Siege weapon classes.

The TCSG has the breaching capabilities, ADS time and reload time of a semi-auto shotgun

but with the damage and combat capabilities that can rival and even outplay the DMRs.

The same goes for the .44 Mag Semi-Auto pistol: combat capabilities of the DMRs but with many

of the strong advantages of the pistol class.

Sadly, for the AUG A3, the exact opposite is the case.

This is one of the weakest possible SMGs with the added negative aspect of sharing the ADS

time and reload time with the attacker rifles.

Two of Kaid's guns take the best of two classes while one comes with the worst of two.

Does that mean that the TCSG is always going to be the better choice?

Not necessarily.

If you are playing on a map and site that will most likely end up in very close quartered

engagements, the controllability and full-auto capability of the AUG might still make it

the better choice for some players, but all in all, your choice will be between a poor

SMG and a very powerful DMR/Shotgun hybrid.

And then of course, there is still the .44 mag pistol.

If you want a detailed breakdown of this outrageous pocket sniper: feel free to check out my video

on Nomad's guns, where I go into significant detail about the strengths and weaknesses….

No wait, scratch that, there are no weaknesses… sooo, where I go into detail about the strengths

of this ridiculous firearm.

If you're interested in that video, click the upcoming link in the end card and with

that, many thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next episode!

For more infomation >> Yep, it really is a DMR... - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 8:50.


New Yamaha R25 / R3 Cafe Race 2019 Custom Design By GG Retrofitz | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> New Yamaha R25 / R3 Cafe Race 2019 Custom Design By GG Retrofitz | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


China: Gärtner mit 60 Jahren Erfahrung züchtet Baum mit elf verschiedenen Zitrusfrüchten - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> China: Gärtner mit 60 Jahren Erfahrung züchtet Baum mit elf verschiedenen Zitrusfrüchten - Duration: 2:17.


Supplies Post Apocalyptic Hidden Messages Zombie illuminati - Duration: 16:26.

For more infomation >> Supplies Post Apocalyptic Hidden Messages Zombie illuminati - Duration: 16:26.


Police to crack down in December on passengers without seatbelts and drunk cyclists - Duration: 0:51.

police announced a month-long special enforcement in December of seatbelt laws

and a crackdown on riding bicycles while intoxicated they're following up on new

laws passed recently one of which requires all passengers in a car to

buckle up the seatbelt crackdown will happen on streets with lots of accidents

and on highways if a passenger isn't wearing a seatbelt the driver will have

to pay a fine of about 30 US dollars the fine will be doubled if the passenger is

a child under 13 years of age as for cycling under the influence police will

be looking for violators near convenience stores and restaurants

places where people might drink and get on their bikes a final around thirty

dollars will apply to cyclists found with a blood alcohol concentration

higher than 0.05% usually the result of about two beers for the average adult


For more infomation >> Police to crack down in December on passengers without seatbelts and drunk cyclists - Duration: 0:51.


झटपट नाश्ता रेसिपी - Besan Rava Toast Recipe In Marathi - Quick Breakfast Recipe - Archana - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> झटपट नाश्ता रेसिपी - Besan Rava Toast Recipe In Marathi - Quick Breakfast Recipe - Archana - Duration: 3:09.


S. Koreans see civil service as most desirable job: Survey - Duration: 0:38.

the most coveted line of work in South Korea is in the public sector apparently

that's according to a survey published today by local job portals haram in some

twenty six percent of respondents chose civil servant asta profession they most

desire of those and over a million 95.5% sided job security as the key reason but

in terms of the jobs respondents actually prepared and applied for fifty

percent chose the private sector due to the intense competition for civil

service positions Salomon says the survey results show how important stable

employment is to both jobseekers and those already working

For more infomation >> S. Koreans see civil service as most desirable job: Survey - Duration: 0:38.


South Korea's 2019 budget unlikely to be passed by legal deadline - Duration: 0:58.

it's looking like the National Assembly won't be able to pass next year's budget

by the legal deadline December 2nd which is this Sunday the parliaments Budget

Committee is holding last-minute deliberations on the spending plan at

worth roughly four hundred and twenty billion u.s. dollars they've still got a

long way to go with rival parties divided over the funds for job creation

and inter-korean projects as well as an expected shortfall in tax revenue the

National Assembly Act stipulates the budget committee has to finish

deliberations by November 30th which is today if not the budget plan is referred

to a plenary session in its original form unless the parties agree otherwise

the two biggest opposition parties propose holding a vote next Friday but

the ruling party rejected it saying it's far beyond the deadline for now it

appears that proposal will be reviewed by a smaller group of lawmakers

consisting of a representative from each party on the budget committee as well as

floor leaders from the three main parties over the weekend

For more infomation >> South Korea's 2019 budget unlikely to be passed by legal deadline - Duration: 0:58.


Giulia De Lellis, la confessione: 'Io in politica? Perché no, potrei farcela' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Giulia De Lellis, la confessione: 'Io in politica? Perché no, potrei farcela' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:53.


Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 12 (TH12) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases 2018 - Duration: 10:28.

Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 12 (TH12) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases 2018

For more infomation >> Clash Of Clans - TOWN HALL 12 (TH12) BASE w/ PROOF ✅ Trophy Base / War Base / Troll Bases 2018 - Duration: 10:28.


In Argentina, Pres. Moon pays tribute to victims of military dictatorship - Duration: 0:33.

staying that president moon jae-in's a trip to Argentina to attend the g20

summit on Thursday his first day in Buenos Aires he visited the city's

remembrance Park a memorial to the victims of the so called dirty war waged

by Argentina's military dictatorship in the 1970s and 80s President moon paid a

tribute to those who died and praised Argentina's efforts to put history right

and to hold those behind the atrocities accountable the president also met with

South Koreans living in Argentina and asked them to continue serving as a

bridge between the two nations

For more infomation >> In Argentina, Pres. Moon pays tribute to victims of military dictatorship - Duration: 0:33.


Mít Thái Được Bao Giá|Thương Lái Cẩn Thận Phân Loại Mít|MTPL - Duration: 12:54.

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For more infomation >> Mít Thái Được Bao Giá|Thương Lái Cẩn Thận Phân Loại Mít|MTPL - Duration: 12:54.


Station Vlaardingen Oost Metro Hoekse Lijn 2018 - Duration: 1:41.

Vlaardingen Oost

For more infomation >> Station Vlaardingen Oost Metro Hoekse Lijn 2018 - Duration: 1:41.


S. Korea provides materials to N. Korea to maintain inter-Korean military communication lines - Duration: 0:33.

SOLAS provided the necessary equipment to Pyongyang for the north to properly

maintain inter-korean military communication lines in the western part

of the peninsula South Korea's Defense Ministry said Friday that copper and

fiber optic cable transmission equipment had been shipped to the north which are

necessary for the upkeep of the military lines cross-border military

communications in the western part of the peninsula had recently become

unstable due to aging equipment the ministry says stabilizing the lines will

contribute to securing and boosting inter-korean military exchanges

For more infomation >> S. Korea provides materials to N. Korea to maintain inter-Korean military communication lines - Duration: 0:33.


Samsung Electronics announces to cancel US$ 4.3 bil worth of shares - Duration: 1:52.

Samsung Electronics says it will cancel more than four billion US dollars worth

of its corporate shares to boost shareholder value Canada also announced

a share buyback plan of its owner go to uni tells us more - of South

Korea's largest firms announced on Friday to cancel or buy back its own

shares to increase the shareholder value Samsung Electronics said it would cancer

around 4.3 billion US dollars worth of its shares on December 4th

the tech giant plans to retire more than four hundred forty nine million common

shares and 80 million preferred shares accounting for 7% and 9% of the total

respectively the value of the shares announced by Samsung was based on its

book value with the actual market value being worth 19 point six billion u.s.

dollars as of market closed on Thursday this comes after the company announced

in April 2017 to cancel his treasury shares in two stages and he retired

around half of the amount in May last year the most important reason for

companies to cancel Treasury stocks is to maintain or increase the value of

their shares the cancellation reduces the number of stocks which raises the

value per share for the remaining ones Hyundai Motor Company also announced

plans to buy back around 223 million u.s. dollars worth of his treasury

shares the process will begin starting next Monday and continue until February

28th the company says this move will stabilizes stock prices and increase

investor returns economic experts say these window-dressing moves often take

place near the end of the year for a reason

most companies measure soft prices at the end of the year because this is when

they report a performance of the group the stop price is to reflect how well

they manage the company Kourtney Arirang news

For more infomation >> Samsung Electronics announces to cancel US$ 4.3 bil worth of shares - Duration: 1:52.


Bollywood News in Hindi | Bollywood News in Hindi Today | Priyanka Chopra | 30 November 2018 | 5 PM - Duration: 8:24.

Bollywood News in Hindi | Bollywood News in Hindi Today | Priyanka Chopra | 30 November 2018 | 5 PM

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