Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 22 2017


IT IS 5:25.












For more infomation >> Tom Brady sumo wrestles with son in Japan - Duration: 0:32.


Captain America: Civil War (2016) IMAX CLIP | Airport Battle,Team Iron Man vs Giant-Man | HD - Duration: 4:11.

Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking

and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose...

I'm open to suggestions.

You wanna get to them...

you gotta go through me.


We haven't met yet.

- I'm Clint.


Get off!

Something just flew in me!

You're not gonna stop.

You know I can't.

I'm gonna regret this.


Hey, guys, you ever see that really old movie,

Empire Strikes Back?

Jesus, Tony, how old is this guy?

I don't know, I didn't carbon-date him.

He's on the young side.

You know that part where they're on the snow planet...

with the walking thingies?

Maybe the kid's onto something.

High now, Tony. Go high.


That was awesome!

Does anyone have any orange slices?

Kid, you all right?


Same side. Guess who. Hi. It's me.

- Hey, man. - Yeah.

- That was scary. - Yeah.

You're done, all right?

- What? I'm good, I'm fine. - You did a good job. Stay down.

No, it's good. I gotta get him back.

You're going home or I'll call Aunt May!

- Dude. - You're done!


Mr Stark, wait. I'm not done. I'm not...

Okay, I'm done. I'm done.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: Civil War (2016) IMAX CLIP | Airport Battle,Team Iron Man vs Giant-Man | HD - Duration: 4:11.


Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.36 [ENG/2017.06.22] - Duration: 34:20.

Here. Come in.

(Episode 36)

Dad, this is my friend Bom.

Spring in English.

Bom, this is my dad.

That's my twin brother. Gaya.

Say hi.

Hi. Welcome.


Hello. I'm Bom, Kim Bom.

It's nice to meet you.

Do we have a guest?

Here you go.


We finally know what Bom looks like.

We can find her now.

What are you doing? Take a look.

She looks like you.


So you're Bom.

Bom, wait.

Mom will come and find you.

This is my grandma.

Grandma, this is my friend Bom from England.

I'm Kim Bom.

Thank you for inviting me.

Sure. You must be tired from traveling so far.

Maya, take her to your room.

Go ahead. I'll bring you some yummy snacks.

Okay, mom and dad.

Bom, my room is on the second floor. Let's go.

Hey, you!

- Me? / - What's your English name?

You must have one, if you live in England.

- Kelly. / - Then we'll call you that too.

It'll make you feel more comfortable

to use the same name, right?


Maya prefers calling her Bom.

- Just continue to call her Bom. / - Just do as I say!

Yes, grandma.

Mom, dad, I'll take Kelly upstairs.

Why are you being so snippy in front of the kids?

You're making Maya look bad in front of her friend.

Haeju, we need to talk.

After I help them settle in.

Honey, come up.


Let's talk.

What is it?

Don't get any funny ideas just because

her name is Bom.


I heard the baby Yeori and you had

was also named Bom.

Your baby...

Is dead.

I know.

So don't be unnecessarily nice or interested.

Just devote yourself to your family.


Yes, ma'am.

Won't you be cramped, sleeping in the same bed?

Should I lay out a blanket on the floor?

No. We're going to hug while we sleep.

I agree.

I'll bring you some snacks. Wait right here.

Thank you.

Your grandma is a little scary.

Our grandma loves only me.


Because he's unhealthy,

but I'm strong.

Does your grandma like only your brother too?

No. I don't have any siblings.

No grandma either.

Why don't you have a grandma?

Did she pass away?

I've never met any of my relatives.

And this is a secret, but...

I don't have a dad.

How long will you keep her here?

She just got here.

You're so mean.

It'll be 5 days at most.

What about her mom? Did you talk to her?

- Did she say anything? / - Like what?

Bom's mom is a nurse...

I said not to say that name!

Kelly's mom is a nurse,

so she can't talk on the phone when she's at work.

Anyway, don't let Muyeol and Bom...

I mean, Kelly, see each other too often.

Don't let the kids annoy him

when he's resting after work.


You're being considerate of him for once.

Why did her mom

have to name her Bom?

She may not look exactly like this,

but I'm sure she resembles it.

Let's make flyers with this drawing.

We'll ask the missing children organization for help

and take these to orphanages and adoption agencies.

Orphanages and adoption agencies?

She may not have been taken by bad people.

She may be living with good people who love her.

Also, I've talked to some people at the TV stations.

I booked a live show tomorrow morning.

A live show?

If you go on TV and say

you're looking for your daughter,

it'll be much easier to find Bom.

Someone may recognize her.

No, I can't.


I can't go on TV.

Why did you do that without asking?

We need to do anything and everything to find her.

I had to beg a writer that I know.

Why are you so upset?

Are you afraid that my family will see?

Why didn't I think of that?

If you go on TV...

Everyone will know about your past.

That's right. The world will know that I'm Son Yeori.

I'm sorry.

My baby.

She looks so smart.

She has your eyes and nose.


Dochi went out of his way. How nice of him.

Where's father?

He's on stakeout to catch that Park Jiyeong wench.

Why did you come? I can handle this.

Is that the house?

Is that where Park Jiyeong lives?

The nurse who faked Bom's death certificate

and stole her.

It's the second floor.

There's no sign of her. No one came by either.

We need to wait.

She'll make a move eventually.

- Welcome home. / - Hi. You're home early.

What's that in your hand?

This? It's Seol's...

It's nothing.

What is it?

Maya's friend is here from England.

Really? She came a long way.

I should go say hi.

- Hi, Dochi. / - Hi, Jiwon.

I've had dinner.

These rude kids. There are adults in this house.

Shall I go up and see what Maya's friend

from England looks like?

What are you doing this late at night?

And in the house too!

Who said you could play soccer in the house?

Your grandfather and great-uncle live in this house!

You should behave yourselves!

Go to your room!

Okay. I'm sorry.

Don't you make a ruckus again.

You'll be in trouble, Maya!

Stay still and go to bed.

You can play tomorrow.

I heard Maya's friend is here from England.

Hello. I'm Kelly.


I can't come out from under the covers

because Maya's grandma may get angry.

You talk back just like your friend!

Stop it.

How could kids stay quiet, unless they're sick?

Good night.

I'll meet you properly tomorrow.


Let's go. It's nice to hear children play.

Seeing them makes me want to get married

and have kids of my own.

Are things going well with Lawyer Yun?

Yes. This is all thanks to you and Doyeong.

What is that in your hand?

It's nothing.

I'll go down now.

Are they all gone?

I think so.

Who was that man just now?

He has a great voice.

He's our great-uncle grandpa.

His name is Dochi. He's a famous celebrity.

Really? He's on TV?

But he didn't sound like a grandpa.

He's a bachelor grandpa.

I'll introduce you tomorrow.

A bachelor grandpa?

Did you go to the depository and finish processing

the shares I gave you?

I did. Thank you.

Thanks to you, I'm a large shareholder.

No need to thank me.

I should've done it sooner.

I'm sorry that I didn't.

Did you tell your parents

that you gave me your shares?

They'll just nag if they find out.

I'm not a kid.

I don't need their permission for everything.

I belong to you.

But they'll get angry if they find out later.

They won't know unless I tell them.

I guess they will at the next shareholders' meeting.

We can't do anything then.


I'm at the hospital.

They say Park Jiyeong

called in to say she's taking some time off.

I think she's gone into hiding.


Okay. Thank you.

She isn't at work, is she?

No. She told them she's taking some time off.

That evil witch.

She faked documents to say your baby died,

and now, she runs away?

I need to go to father.

I should tell him

to stop the stakeout since she's gone into hiding.

He has to think about his age. He'll get sick.

Hi, father.

Oliver called.

Park Jiyeong called the hospital and

said she's taking time off and hasn't been in to work.

There's been no movement here at all either.

It's one or the other.

Either she didn't come home after

running away from us...

Or she's hiding inside, pretending not to be there.

Park Jiyeong, I have a package.

Maybe she isn't home either.

She's definitely home.

What should we do?

She'll never let us in.

Then we'll make her come out.

- Fire! / - Fire!

- Fire! / - Fire!

- Fire! / - Fire!

Park Jiyeong?

Who are you?

We need to finish our conversation from yesterday

about Son Bom's medical record manipulation.

Sorry. I'm so sorry.

I'm terribly sorry.

Please forgive me.

Why did you do it?

No. What did you do with Bom?

I needed the money.


Please forgive me.

Why weren't you answering the phone?

I sent you the money you asked for.

If you try threatening me again like this,

I can get rid of you without anyone knowing.

Got that?

I told the person the password

to Bom's medical file.

I was promised $30,000 for the password.

I'm sorry.

I thought that would be enough

to get my mom surgery for her cancer.

Who was it?

Who did you give the password to?

I don't know. I really don't.

It was all done over the phone.

Over the phone?

- Do you expect us to believe that? / - It's true.

- Please believe me. / - Was it a man or woman?

- A woman. / - A woman?

Did you recognize the voice?

I'm not sure.

It kind of sounded familiar.

But not, at the same time.

I'm sorry.

I was at wit's end about my mom's surgery.

A senior nurse couldn't get pregnant.


- No. / - Stop right there!

Before you ran away yesterday,

you mentioned a senior nurse

who couldn't get pregnant.

It was after I told the person the password,

but a senior nurse who got divorced because

she was sterile suddenly quit the hospital.

She really liked Bom.

She said she wished

she had a daughter like her.

What was her name?

Kim Sukmi.

Kim Sukmi?

Someone said she ran into her in England,

and that she may have gotten remarried,

because she was raising a daughter.

A sterile woman had a daughter?

But it couldn't have been her.

She wasn't rich enough to bribe me with money.

Yes, Seol?

Then she could've taken Bom to England.


I'll call the Korean association in England

and find out.

Her name is Kim Sukmi and she's a nurse.

She should be raising a daughter

who's about 10 years old.

Great-uncle, come down and eat.

Okay. I'll be there soon.

Okay, Seol.

I'll look into it and get back to you.

Did grandma go somewhere?

She took Gaya to his violin lesson.

Kelly, what do you want to do today?


Let's ask my great-uncle

to show us around the TV studio.

The TV studio?


I know a lot of Korean singers.

I want to see them.


Does your stomach hurt, Bom?

Yes, it hurts a little.

I think I'm going to throw up.

Go to the bathroom. Go.

I wonder what's wrong?

Did the food disagree with her?

I'm sorry.

Are you Maya's friend?

What's wrong? Are you sick?

Are you okay?

How long did you feel sick?

Ever since I started eating breakfast.

Are you allergic to anything?

I don't know.

I ate one of the side dishes,

and then my stomach started hurting.

Hi, Jjanggu.


A movie with that director? That's a given.

He's a master.


I'll head there right now.

Tell him not to call other actors.

Okay. I'll go now.

Haeju, I need to leave for work.

Take care of the kids.

Is Maya's friend okay?

Yes. I'll take her to the hospital.

Go take care of your business.


Oh, no.

Kelly, are you okay?

Your face is all red.

Something she ate must've disagreed with her

or it could be the water.

Let's go see a doctor.

Bom, are you in England?

You're not sick, are you?

The representative from Blanc

came to Korea a couple of days ago.

He's Korean-French. A foreigner, but a Korean.

Would Blanc want to buy Wid Fashion?

The purchase price will be so high.

It doesn't matter who buys Wid Fashion.

We just have to raise its stock price.

What do you plan to do?

I have a plan.

Trust me and do as I say.

Let's go.

It's such a pleasure to meet a Korean at Blanc,

a global fashion company.

Let's drop the pleasantries

and talk business.

Based on our analysis,

the asking price for Wid Fashion

is unreasonably high.

We can't lower the price.

It is the chairman's wish.

Then I guess our discussion ends here.

That's a shame.

Buying Wid Fashion would be a gain for Blanc too.

It is a shame, but our discussion is over.

My apologies.

There's no paper towel.

What's this?

Is this your briefcase?


It's your briefcase.

Sorry? Aren't you with Wid Fashion?

If you accept my offer,

I'll give you another with double that.

What do you want?

I plan to play a fun game.

It won't hurt you or Blanc,

so you can just enjoy yourself.

Om mani padme hum.


You need to be full if you want to pray properly.

Eat just one bite.

Go on.

Go tell your brother

that no nursing home would take

a mom abandoned by her own son,

so I'm going to live in a temple in the mountains.

He's completely changed once he got married!

No matter what kind of trouble you caused,

he used to take your side.

I won't forgive him.

Do you think the representative from Blanc

will do as we want?

Of course. No one can refuse money.

He'll call for sure.

Is that why you left me and Bom?

Because you loved money?


What should we do now?

If word spreads that Wid Fashion is being

acquired by Blanc and its stock price goes up,

we will sell our shares of Wid Fashion

and pocket the profit.

But if word gets out that Blanc isn't

going to acquire Wid Fashion,

the stock price will plummet.

We'll buy up stock when it does.

That's when Kim Muyeol

and Yun Seol replace

Gu Doyeong as Wid Fashion's largest shareholder.

I'm so excited...

About my future with you.

You need to get as many shares as you can

from Chairman Gu

using your mother's land.


What are you doing here?

I said not to come to the office.


We meet again. I work here.

Yes, chairman.

Yes. I'll be right there.

I need to go see the chairman.

I'll let you two talk.

Why is that woman here?

I thought she was a lawyer.

Why are you here?

Mom says she's going to shave her head

and move into a temple!

It's an act.

I know she'll never survive in a temple

eating only vegetables.

But still, how could you not come by

when she's so upset?

I'm moving out soon.

I'll live with mother.

Haeju agreed to live with us?

No. Just me.

Are you getting kicked out?

Don't be silly, and go home.

Oh, my gosh.


Come in. Please have a seat.

Did you consider my offer?

I thought it was time for you to give me an answer.

I'll do as you say.

I'll sell my mother's land to you.

Thank you.

Let's not delay.

If your mother is free,

shall we draw up the contract and sign it tonight?

I'll prepare the stock transfer to give you the 2%

from my shares.

But my mother has been busy as of late, so she

delegated me to represent her regarding the sale.

I'll bring the delegation papers and

the land purchase agreement.

and go to your house tonight.

Would you do that?

Why don't you have dinner with us

while you're there?

It'll be a very enjoyable dinner.

Yes, sir.

- Bom, did you take your medicine? / - I did.

I'm so glad it was just the water.

Are you allergic to anything?

I don't know.

Then shall we go to an amusement park?

I'm so excited.

Wasn't that so much fun?

- Yes! / - Yes!

- Are you just getting home? / - Yes.

You girls look like twins.

Don't be silly

and send them upstairs. We're expecting a guest.

Go up and shower, okay?

- Okay. / - Go on.

Who's coming?

Lawyer Yun is coming over.

We're signing the contract

for the land and having dinner.

She'll sell the land?

That's great. I should tell Muyeol.

She must be here.

Come in.

Hello. How have you been?

Thank you for inviting me.

You didn't have to.

I guess it does call for celebration.

You're here. I've been waiting.

I've brought the delegation papers

and the land sale agreement.

What's the rush?

Let's eat first and do that after.

No, we should take care of business first.

- Come this way. / - Hold on.

Muyeol should be here for such a momentous event.

Muyeol! Honey!

(Seller: Seo Malnyeon, Buyer: Gu Doyeong)

My mother's land is now

your property, chairman.

And here is 2% of Wid Fashion stock.

You may deposit the balance

into the account when the funds are ready.

Once that happens,

it will really be my land.


You were so stressed about it.

You must be relieved.

Congratulations, father.

Is this land that important?

We've set down the cornerstone

for the new Wid Group.


You people will never get this land.

Okay, let's go eat.

I know I'll enjoy it for sure.

Let's head to the kitchen.

I've chilled the champagne that Lawyer Yun brought.

I'll be right there after putting this away.


Did you give the lawyer lady the angel doll

you got for her from England?

Yes. Her daughter's name was also Bom.

The lawyer lady would be so happy to meet you.

Let's eat. Come down.

- Okay. / - Okay.

Is the sale of Wid Fashion proceeding smoothly?

Yes. I believe we are in discussions with Blanc,

and it looks good.

They want to be discreet,

so Director Kim is handling it alone.

We can trust him.

Let's eat.

I wonder what yummy food we'll have.

I'll send the kids' food upstairs,

so have them eat there.

We should eat together.

Your dad needs to talk business with Lawyer Yun.

They'll just be a distraction. Go on.


Let's eat upstairs. I'll bring the food up.

- Yes. / - Yes.


Why did you tell me to come out?

I was talking with the director.

I have really good news.

You were chosen as the face of

the Busan International Film Festival.

The next 3 days will be filled

with press conferences and publicity events.

You look different to me now.

Of all days...

That's right. Look at this.

What's this?

You asked the Korean association in England

to find someone.

This photo was faxed to our office.

This woman is Kim Sukmi...

And this girl is Bom?

Hello, Dochi.

I found Bom!

I received a picture of her from England.


Kim Sukmi's child, who we think we may be Bom.

I have her picture in my hand right now.

She's around 10 years old, as we predicted.

Where are you? I'll come to you.

Where are you?

I'm at your house right now.

I'm having dinner with the chairman.

Then I'll go home.

Wait for me.

What did Dochi say?

Your face suddenly lit up.

It's nothing.

He says he's coming home.

He got a picture of Bom?

The picture of the child who may be Bom...



I think Haeju plans to kick Muyeol out.

What? Your brother is being kicked out?

He said he'll live with you soon. By himself.

What could that mean?

It means Haeju is kicking him out.

Why that...

Haeju, you little...

You made him abandon his mom,

and now you kick him out too?

I won't let my son get kicked out.

I'll bring him out myself.

I don't need this stupid deed!

Mom! Why are you taking that?

It's hot, right? I'll open the window.

It's great-uncle.

The celebrity?

Yes. Let's go say hi. You can get his autograph.

Seol! Where are you?

- Seol, come to my room. / - Okay.

What's so urgent? He didn't even say hi.

What the...

Where's great-uncle?

Why do you ask?

I want to introduce him to Bom.

That's right, Kelly. I'm sorry.

- Are you ready? / - Yes.


This is Kim Sukmi.

I think this child is Bom.

The person from the Korean association in England

said Kim Sukmi is a nurse

and that her daughter is about 10 years old.


She looks like the sketch.

She does.

I think this is Bom!

I think we found Bom!

For more infomation >> Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.36 [ENG/2017.06.22] - Duration: 34:20.


Kaalia (HD) - Amitabh Bachchan | Parveen Babi | Amjad Khan | Pran | Asha Parekh - Duration: 2:45:43.

So kids. Have you ever heard of Mukhtar Singh?

No. - Then what do you know of this world?

Mukhtar Singh is such a man..

..both the police and the public of..

..this city fear Mukhtar Singh.

When he passes through the market, it seems there's a curfew.

The market turns empty, and shops are closed. -Then?

Today he made the mistake of challenging me. -How?

Like the Government., he collects tax from everybody.

From shopkeepers, merchants, workers, etc.

Today he came to demand tax from me. Ask why .. -Why?

For walking on the road! -Well?

I asked.. ''Why only me? What about the other pedestrians?''

He said.. '' Because the road wears..'

'..out more due to your long legs.''

The trouble started this way.

First, he caught my neck. -Then?

I tripped him, then hit him this way!

He lost his senses, and froth came out from his mouth.

What happened then, Kallu?

I saw his dog coming. You know what dog? -What?

An Alsatian dog!

Really? -Yes.

He was bigger than a lion!

We looked at each other and growled. -Then?

Like his master, he leaped at my neck.

But, before he could jab his nails into my neck, ..

.. I put my hands into his mouth and tore his body into two!

What happened after that? -Then ..

Go away!

Go away! Run!

Get lost! .. Auntie, restrain him!

Move aside!

Why are you panting, Kallu?

Who's panting?

Do you know what happened in the market today? -What?

Have you heard of Mukhtar Singh? -No.

Then what have you heard?

He's the man who's feared by both the police and the public.

When he passes through the market, it seems there's a curfew.

The market turns empty, and the shops are closed. -Then?

He challenged me ..!

He's come here!

Then what happened, Kallu? -Sister-in-law ..!

That.. Out!

Uncle, your friend's gone, come out now.

He didn't go, he ran away!

He's scared of me!

Everyone's scared of you. But you had gone to buy potatoes.

I had forgotten, I'll get them right now!

Munni, how are you?

Auntie, why are so many people here?

Don't you know? Ramdin is going to have a child. -I see!

Where are you going? -I may be required inside.

You'll be required outside, if possible, help Ramdin.

Ramdin, what's the matter? There's no need to get tense.

This is your first child, but I've sired ten children.

You? -Yes!

I'm not married, but held the hands..

..of wives on such occasions.

Don't worry, you'll get a son!

Listen.. have you heard the name of Mukhtar Singh? -No!

Then what have you heard?

Both the police and the public are scared of Mukhtar Singh!

When he passes, it seems as if the city ..

The child's born! Listen everybody!

Aunt, listen! Ramdin has got a son!

Ramdin has got a son!

Ramdin has got a son!

Has your father sired a son? -No..

..Ramdin has!

Get lost, or I'll cut you to pieces!

Did you bring the potatoes? -No!

Narayan bashed me up on the way.

See this! -My God! Did Narayan beat you up?

Listen to why he did it..

I was telling everyone the news of Ramdin's son.

Is this any reason?

Don't worry. I'll talk to your brother about Narayan.

I've heard everything from Narayan. It's all his fault!

He's getting out of control.

Why did you've to go there as a local reporter?

Narayan only slapped you, I would've broken your face! Rogue!

Even you're scolding him! -What else should I do?

He's making life difficult for me.

He doesn't do any work, but can only eat.

He plays marbles and flies kites with children.

When he gets time, he rubs salt on people's wounds.

Narayan hasn't had a child for 15 years..

..and he went there to celebrate!

I won't listen to complaints against you again! Understand?


You just did what everybody does.

You're angry with your bosses..

..but took it out on your brother.

Is he responsible for the strike in your factory?

Or the fact that there's hardly any food in the house?

Sorrowed by your anger, if he leaves our house ..

.. then even I won't stay here! -He won't go anywhere.

He can leave me..

..but not you, he'll return.

Long live mill workers! Fulfil our demands!

Long live mill workers! Fulfil our demands!

Bonus isn't charity, but a right of workers!

Long live mill workers! Long live mill workers!

Bonus isn't charity, but a right of workers!

Bonus isn't charity, but a right of workers!

Long live mill workers! Long live mill workers!

Fulfil our demands! Fulfil our demands!

Long live mill workers!

Long live mill workers! Fulfil our demands!

Bonus isn't charity, but a right of workers!

I agree to this.

I'm the new owner of this mill, I'll grant all your rights.

Who's your leader?

Shamu, go ..

I'm ready to give you two months' bonus.

But work should start right from this moment.

But we have one more demand. -What is it?

All the machines in your factory are either old or rusted.

An accident can happen any moment, killing some worker.

So, we demand that the machines be replaced with new ones.

Time is required for that, and I don't have it.

If the time of rich people is valuable.. is the life of a worker.

Unless new machines are set up in..

..your factory, work won't start!

All right! I ask the workers ..

What do you want?

Your leader wants to strike, but I want work.

What do you want?

Hunger, or money? Strike, or bonus?


Then it's decided! Those who want bonus can enter.

Those who want to strike can stand outside.

Abdul Uncle!

You had demanded the machines to be changed .. but now ..

I haven't forgotten anything, but remembered my children.

I can accept danger to my life..

..but not my children's hunger!

..but not my children's hunger!

Times have really changed!

Before, the leader used to walk in front of the public.

Now, the public walks in..

..front of the leader!

You're an old player of the races.

But you've erred today, Sahani Seth ..

I've come from the mill just now.

You've put 15 lakhs on a lame horse.

Rawat, I've spent my whole life.. the race-course, you're new.

You don't know..

..whoever wins on a lame horse, wins a lot.

And you don't even know which game I'm playing!


I haven't bought this mill just to manufacture cloth.

These lorries are carrying the gold..

..that was in our godown at Dongri.

It could've fallen into the hands of the police any time.

Now that gold..

..will be hidden with the cloths of this mill.

And will be sent all over our country.

Abdul Uncle!


Shanti, nothing's happened to me.

Nothing has happened to me.

No! Doctor, what have you done?

My hands .. - Please keep your courage.

Brace yourself.

Please keep your courage. - My hands have been cut!

Brother, lie down.

What are you doing, Uncle?

I'm searching for my God in the darkness of my heart!

I want to ask Him.. why are you kind to sinners like me ..

.. but angry with angels like him?

You should have cut my hands!

Why did you cut the hands that were..

..always raised to you in prayer ..

.. or to save the lives of others?

Munni, take your milk!

Come and take your milk!

Take this. -We don't want milk anymore.


We spent all our money for my husband's treatment.

Then take it on credit and pay me from his salary next month.

Where will any salary come from now?

We don't want any milk. -I'm feeling very hungry!

I'm feeling very hungry! - Keep quiet, there's no milk!

I want milk. - There's no milk!


Which one? -This!


I hit it!

Come on, bring them out! -Here.



Brother! The doctor told you not to get up..

..and you're pulling this load!

The weight of Munni's tears for a pint of milk ..

.. was far greater than the weight of this load!

You go home, I'll take this.

From now on, Munni will never have to cry for anything!

Take this milk .. drink as much as you want.

The doctor is inside.

You shouldn't have lifted such a load in this condition.

The stitches on your wounds have been torn.

I advise you to get another operation done by some big doctor.

How much will this operation cost? -At least Rs. 500

Where will we bring this money from?

I'll bring it!

"We don't exchange hearts."

"We don't exchange hearts. That's your question."

"We don't exchange hearts. That's your question."

"You've tied me with a bond. That's your style."

"We don't exchange hearts. That's your question."

"You've tied me with a bond. That's your style."

"We don't exchange hearts."

"You come close making promises."

"And I trust your false words."

"You come close making promises."

"And I trust your false words."

"Whenever you want.."

" steal my heart."

"You always deceive me. That's your charm."

"You've tied me with a bond. That's your style."

"We don't exchange hearts. That's your question."

"You've tied me with a bond. That's your style."

"We don't exchange hearts.."

Sir, save my brother's life!

Rs. 500 Is required for his operation!

Rs. 500? -Yes, Sir!

Rs. 500 Can save my brother's life! -I can't give it to you.

Look. I'm a simple industrialist.

I'm not responsible for anyone's life or death.

Your brother..

..was at fault, but I suffered a loss.

His blood ruined cloth worth thousands.

And there are also the repairing costs for the machine.

For me, you come next to God.

My brother is fighting for his life.

Please save his life! I beg you at your feet!

Watchmen. -Yes?

Show him the board on my gate.

''Dogs and beggars aren't allowed inside.'' -Sir!

Please listen to me! Save my brother's life! I beg you!

Save my brother's life! I beg you!


You came as a beggar first, and now as a thief!

You're progressing!

My request is the same even now..

I need Rs. 500 For my brother's life!

My reply is also the same.. I can't give you any money!

You've a river of wealth here..

..I'm asking you for only two drops!

Put back the money, or I'll have to use this revolver!

I beg you, Sir!

Rs. 500 Can save my brother's life!

I beg you, Sir! I beg you, Sir!

I've brought the money!

Brother! .. No!




Inspector, he's the thief. Arrest him!

Sahani, you killed my brother! I won't leave you, Sahani!

You killed my brother! I won't leave you, Sahani!

Sahani, you killed my brother! I won't leave you, Sahani!


I won't leave you! Sahani, you killed my brother!

I won't leave you! Never!

Leave me.


Accused Kallu, because of robbing at Mr. Sahani's house ..

.. and attacking a uniformed police officer, ..

.. the court sentences you to nine months in prison.

Have you anything to say in your defense?

Yes, your honour.

I feel this sentence to be really unjust.

A child is born after nine months..

..even Kallu will be reborn.

If a child makes a mistake..

..there are two ways of correcting him..

To make him understand with love..

..or to punish him.

This is Kallu's first blunder, which could be ignored..

..but it hasn't been forgiven.

By punishing him, I feel the court is putting..

..him straight into the university.

Stepping into the university..

..he'll meet big professors of crime.

Each professor will be an expert in his subject.

They won't rest until he too becomes an expert like them.

After 9 months, Kallu would've got his new life.





You haven't finished with the clothes..

..when will you do the utensils?

You thief! Get lost!

What has she done? -She stole, the way you taught her!

Feeling very hungry, I took some leftovers from their plate.

I didn't steal, he's lying!

He's lying! -Yeah! Your mother and uncle are angels!

Don't say anything against my uncle! -Get lost!

Sister-in-law, take Munni!

You hit this innocent child, Narayan!

What a stride! -Where are you going?

To kill his old enemy Sahani Seth! -I see!

We have all the items required for murder.

Take this English pistol. -And this Rampuri knife.

Take whatever you wish!

Kallu, tell us something.

But, when Sahani Seth dies, and you're hanged, ..

.. then what will happen to your sister-in-law and Munni?

You should kill your enemy with his own weapon.

And Sahani's weapon is gold!

Kallu, sit inside, fast! -You all go.

I'll come afterwards.

I've to settle an old account with this mill.


Inspector, he set fire to my mill! Arrest him!

Through this fire, I declare war on you, Sahani Seth!

Henceforth, any step you take will go towards your death!

If you dare, tell these policemen about..

..what you've lost and what I've gained!

Kallu, because you set fire to Sahani Seth's mill ..

.. this court sentences you to two years in prison.

Your sentence is very long -Two years!

On the path which Sahani has pushed me into ..

.. there will be many more courts and prisons.

Behind me, there's only the darkness of poverty.

But, ahead, the bright sun of wealth is inviting me.

Kallu is about to turn Kaalia! Come on!

Are you Kallu's sister-in-law? -Yes.

Has he done something wrong again? -Ask about what he's done.

What has he done?

In one day, he has made profits..

..worth millions for our company.

We've made him our fourth partner.

Kallu made profits..

..worth millions in one day?

I don't understand!

Just understand that we are jewelers.

At first sight, we knew that your.. was made of gold.


See this!

What is all this?

Kallu has earned this money. And these are two keys.

One is of your new house, and the other of your new car.

Before becoming a partner, Kallu put two conditions..

That you won't stay in this slum, and..

..won't have to walk all the time.

So sit in your new car and visit your new house.

In one day, you've taken Kallu to such heights!

God, give him success in his work and earning.

That is my plate! -But you're not even in line!

The line always starts from where I stand!


My name is written on this plate! -Who are you?

I'm also a person who never stands behind anyone.

The line always starts from where I stand. Fill the plate!

You're lucky that you survived today, Michael.

Your death was as near as this bar is from you!

Kaalia can never attack an unarmed man!

Sir, as you ordered, all prisoners have been lined up outside.

That bloody jailer is coming!

How do you know?

-Jailers and prisoners are like husbands and wives.

For a successful marriage, they should understand each other!

He'll descend four steps, then stop.

Then he'll feel his trouser pocket.

But he'll find his cigar in his left shirt pocket.

He'll chew on the cigar, then spit.

He'll now light the cigar, and the..

..matchstick will land on my back!

Prisoner 602!

Here I'm!

Talk with your head bowed!

This head can never bow in front of any human being.

It'll only bow at God's door, or His court.

Very good!

I respect such heads.

But what you did in other jails shouldn't happen here.

If it does, you'll be really sorry!

I've read all your records.

Then you'll know that the jailer of whichever jail I go to ..

.. gets himself transferred, or goes on a long leave.

I'm not like that!

I won't go on a leave, nor will I apply for a transfer.

You have record. Even I've a record.

Any criminal who's been released from.. jail has only one prayer..

Never to come to my jail again!


You haven't eaten your food.

Has some prisoner irked you again?

Yes, there's a prisoner.

He's completely wild and unbridled like a wayward tempest!

I'll have to bridle this tempest!

There was such a prisoner before..

..whom you bridled.

But could you ever forget the hoof..

..marks he left on your heart?

No, I can never forget it!

I had only one daughter.

She was 3 years old..

..when that devil abducted her.

But I can't also forget that I'm a jailer.

It's my duty to define to them the meaning of hard punishment.

So that, after their release, they'll..

..never want to return to jail again!

The Sessions Court has accepted your appeal.

I've commenced the order for your release.

You can go.

You must be sorry that you didn't get time to reform me.

I'll get it in the future.

The path you've taken ends right here.

You'll come again, and I'll meet you here.

Your unfinished training will be completed then. -All right.

Just think that our contest with each..

..other has ceased for some time.

When the game starts again, we'll pick..

..up the pawns from right here!


How was it? -All right.

But has my sister-in-law learnt anything?

No. She only knows that you're returning from America.

Here's your luggage.

There are saris for sister-in-law..

..and frocks and toys for Munni.


The plane from New York has arrived..

..Sir will be here any moment.

But nothing's ready here! The dining table is empty.

As soon as he comes, he'll say.. ''I'm really hungry'' !

''Everything's available abroad, except food cooked by you.''

He's arrived! ..

Ramu, set the table and get the ''aarti'' items. -Ok.


Wait, first let me do the ''aarti'' (veneration).

Oh, Sister-in-law.

I keep going abroad all the time.

For how long did I go this time?

The house gets empty without you.


Your ''aarti'' is done. What have you cooked for lunch?

I've come hungry from America.

Everything's available there, except food cooked by you.

I've told you so many times not to bring..

..such expensive things for us.

The wardrobes are already full.

-I bring them in my own interest.

Wear whatever you like, and put away..

..the rest for Munni's dowry.

And nothing for your bride?

Before Munni, I'll get you married.

My husband desired your marriage so much! -Don't ever weep!

For one drop of your tears, I can shed my entire blood!

These are tears of gratitude!

How do you earn so much money?

My money comes from a gold mine.

Do you know where it's? -Where?

Beneath your feet!

You'll never change!

This is just a pistol .. I've a license

Here it's!

Here it's!

There's a govt. seal. Do you believe now?

I trust you the same way I trust God.

My entire world and life stand on these two pillars of faith.

It's a full-moon night, and you're in this darkness!

You don't know what happened today. -What happened?

Seeing the revolver, sister-in-law..

..shivered once, and I got scared.

Today, I lied and handled the situation. But..

..for how long will I hide the truth? -I understand!

Your conscience is troubling you!

Then leave this luxury and pick up a beggar's bowl!

Forget you ever had a brother who died for just Rs. 500!

Send your sister-in-law to some widows' home!

Put Munni in some orphanage from her hostel.

Our country has lots of them!

As long as I'm alive, Munni can't be an orphan! -My throat!

Sorry. -Never mind. See this card.

There's a party, which will be attended.. the princess of Jeetnagar.

She wears a particular diamond on her neck.

If you manage to get it, your life will be blessed!

I'm ready, Sahani Seth.

Rawat, people who go to get priceless diamonds..

..shouldn't be dressed as washermen!

Your bow looks as if it's been borrowed!

Big shots of the city will be coming.. the place we're going to.

Kings, rich people ..

Also hoodlums.. you'll come..

..who'll be eyeing the diamond.

But today, that diamond will become forever mine!

"I know what has caught your glimpse."

"I know what has caught your glimpse."

"Nobody could escape.."

"..from my wide reach."

"Behold, friend! Where are you lost?"

"Behold, friend! Where are you lost?"

"I know what has caught your glimpse."

"Why don't you realize.."

"..this isn't your cup of tea?"

"Why don't you realize.."

"..this isn't your cup of tea?"

"Come to your senses, Oblivious one!"

"I know what has caught your glimpse."

"Anyone who confronts me.."

"..has fallen flat on his face."

"Anyone who confronts me.."

"..has fallen flat on his face."

"Who can dare to challenge me?"

"Who can dare to challenge me?"

"I know what has caught your glimpse."

"If I make my move.."

"..things vanish from closed fist."

"If I make my move.."

"..things vanish from closed fist."

"You can see this miracle here."

"You can see this miracle here."

"I know what has caught your glimpse."

"I know what has caught your glimpse."

"Nobody could escape.."

"..from my wide reach."

"Behold, friend! Where are you lost?"

"Behold, friend! Where are you lost?"

Who took the diamond straight from my hands?

Sahani Seth. -Yes?

The diamond is with me. -Who are you?

Your master, whom you created yourself. Kaalia!


Who's this Kaalia? -Don't worry! Whoever Kaalia may be ..

.. I'll get you the diamond within 24 hours! -24 hours?

If you can do that..

..I promise.. give you this seat.

To get it, many of your colleagues..

..are ready to die or kill!

Search the entire flat..'ll get the diamond right here!

Greetings, Sir!


Did you see anything? -I see many things.

My hands work on shoes, but my eyes roam everywhere!

Did you see anything particular last night?

I saw, but my tongue feels scared to move!

Will it move now? -This isn't enough!

I need more to speak.


Last night, a car came and stopped out there.

The men inside were watching your flat.

Then you came downstairs and went off in your car.

Then? -They went and barged into your flat.

After sometime, they returned and went off in their car.

Here's Rs. 50.

Tell me the number fast!

What are you doing? -I'm searching for the number!

I don't know which cell of my brain it's hidden itself in!


See the 100-rupee note and come out!

It's come out!

MRH. 9067.

I like this toy of yours. -Sir, it's not a toy!

It's a magical bird that flies in the air!

You won't get such goods everyday, buy it immediately!

First I'll take a test drive. -Absolutely right.

Here are the keys -Drive and see how it glides!

What a beautiful smooth start!

Tell me a little thing. -Yes?

Who took this car from your showroom last night?

That's top secret.

I can't tell it to you! -You can't?

My showroom!

Stop the car! You're crazy!

What are you doing? Stop the car.

Apply the break. Please.

Have you come from an asylum? Leave me!

God bless me, please! Hello!

Hello.. please! Police.

Police. Where are you from? Why are you punishing me?

Leave me! Where did you come from?

Brother, have you come from asylum.

There is rod ahead. This car isn't iron-proof!

Put on the brakes! What are you doing?

The hood's gone! Stop.

Press the brake!

Get down.

No, I'll get down. Wait.

Reverse gear! You broke the door.

There is mud road. Beautiful driver!

There is mud road. There is potholes. And bridge?

It'll fall down.

Let's the mud-guard break.

Guard too got lost! Let it be.

Stop. Stop!

Don't run into it!

Let it be. Back trunk is broken!

Watch for the front!

Watch it!

Building! Car in the building.

Building in car.

Oh my God!

Stop it. Where are you going? Ok?


It's gone too!

Mr. Champion, I'm the only son of my parents!

I'm only Adam of my madam. Only one.

Only one. Pillar. Only one.

It's broken!

Tell me who it was, or I'll strip this car!

I'll tell you! I'll tell you!

Sahani Seth's man

Rawat! Rawat! Rawat!


You entered my house last night!

Henceforth, if you even look towards.., you'll become like this!

There won't be any roof over you, or ground beneath you.

And the pieces of your body will fly in the air like paper!

Understand? -Yes.

One more thing!

Those who know the value of diamonds ..

.. don't hide them in mattresses or pillows.

They attach them to themselves!

Like this!

I want that diamond, and you can get it! -What diamond?

Due to it, my life is lying at stake with Sahani Seth!

It's tied to Kaalia's wrist in a gold chain.

"My beloved! My beloved!"

"My heart is with you."

"My heart is with you."

"Why do you act aloof?"

"Why do you act aloof?"

"Come and quench my thirst."

"My heart is with you."

"Why do you act aloof?"

"Come and quench my thirst."

"My heart is with you."

"My beloved is here."

"My love is here."

"My beloved is here."

"My love is here."

"Life is filled with intoxication."

"Now this is the night of our union."

"My heart is with you."

"Listen, by dear."

"Don't go away now."

"Stop making excuses."

"Don't go away now."

"Stop making excuses."

"Don't waste this precious moments."

"Let the hearts dance merrily."

"My heart is with you."

"Listen, by dear."

"What are you looking at?"

"This is eternal bliss."

"What are you looking at?"

"This is eternal bliss."

"This is true love, not a sham."

"My heart is with you."

"Why do you act aloof?"

"Why do you act aloof?"

"Come and quench my thirst."

Did you get the diamond? -Yes!

Where is it? -With me.

Where are you? -Me?

With the diamond!

What rubbish! -My job's over from today.

I want a share..


Look behind you.

Those two guys will turn you into fifty-fifty!


See what I've brought! We're not poor anymore!

Get up and see..

..what the sun of wealth looks like!

My nights are over.

My days are over.

My daughter Rina..

..whom you consider your younger sister..

..isn't your real sister.

What are you saying? -Many years back ..

.. someone..

..had abducted and brought you ..

.. and left you with me.

Why didn't you tell me before?

How could I?

That butcher..

..had threatened to kill me.


But what fear do I've now?

He was .. -Tell me!

Tell me, mother..

Mother. Mother!


Rawat, I'm drinking this to your success and my happiness.

I applaud you.

Taking the diamond from Kaalia was as difficult as..

.. snatching a chunk of meat from a tiger's jaws.

I'm now fit for this seat, Sahani Seth. -No!

Not as yet!

The diamond in Sahani's glass.. a fake.. your success!

What rubbish are you saying? -I'm speaking the truth.

Bathing fake diamonds in wine doesn't turn them real.

Like bathing in the Ganges doesn't turn donkeys into humans.

This is the real diamond!

You've recognized this diamond.

Now look carefully and try to recognize me.

I'm that same Kallu, whom you turned into Kaalia.

I had heard that God writes the destinies of human beings.

But you wrote mine by cutting my brothers hands.

From now on..

..don't try to use your hands too much ..

.. nor should you try to stretch them too much!

If you stretch them, I'll cut and crush them!

She'll become conscious after some time, I'll come again.

Till then, give her these medicines every two hours.

Thank you, doctor. -Nurse.

What are you looking at?

-What I haven't seen in you for many years.

Anxiety, hope, and love.

When your daughter had fallen ill..

.. you had sat like this for three days and nights.

Yes, uncle.

Rani would also have been of the same age now.

Who knows where she's..

..and in what condition?

Look after her and give the medicines every 2 hours. -Yes.

How's your wife?

She's well, and has returned from the hospital.


Satnam. -Yes, sir?

Did your daughter pass her exams? -She passed last year..

..and is now attending college.


What's happened to him today?

For the first time, I'm seeing him so gentle.

He treated us like humans, and also spoke like one!


Uncle. -Yes, sir.

Where's the girl? -She's gone.

Where? -I don't know!

Why did you let her go? -I didn't let her go.

I had gone to make tea. When I returned, she was gone.

I regret even leaving this place.

Sorry, uncle.

It's not your fault. For how long would she have stayed here?

Daughters have to leave their homes one day or the other.

And she didn't have any kinship with this house or me.

Madam, it's ready. -Keep it here.

Good evening, sir.

Where are you preparing to go?

You're going. -Where?

To visit Munni. See her letters.

She asks only one question..

..''When will Uncle come to meet me?''

If I could, I would've gone to meet her every week.

But what can I do? My feet are tied.

I wonder when you'll be able to stay with me restfully.

Very soon.

Very soon.

I've to settle some accounts with the world.

Once they're settled..

..there'll only be rest after that.

I'm leaving the school, but why are you crying?

Because you're leaving. -Don't cry!

Life offers only two paths to human beings..

The right, and the wrong.

I used to follow the wrong path.

But I promised my dying mother to leave that path.

That's why I can no longer pay.. sister Rina's fees.

Don't get disheartened.

You're sitting in front of the Son of God.

And God surely helps those who decide to help themselves.

I've full faith that He'll send someone to help you.

Good morning, mother. -Good morning.

I trust my God.

I never thought God would answer anyone's prayers so quickly.

I don't understand. -I prayed to Him just now ..

.. to send a kind angel. And He has sent one!


Where's this angel? -He's standing in front of me!



Why are you crying?

She's also crying, she hasn't paid..

..her school fees, and is leaving.

If she leaves the school, I'll cry a lot! -Enough!

I won't let anyone of you cry.

And I won't let you cry either

Your school fees had been paid. Now you'll not leave Munni.

Really, uncle

You too give me a kiss

Come on


You paid my fees. -Not me. He paid it.

Let's go.

I didn't even imagine that we would meet again. That too here.

I didn't even imagine that you would do thing to me.

What have I done?

You've made a charity

You know that you've given it to me.

Won't you like to take it back?


Mother Superior told me about you.

In some way our sagas are similar, and not are well.

We were both following the same path.

You faced a bend from which you could've turned back.

But I've reached a position from where I can't return.

Even I didn't have any way.

But you arrived ..

.. to save my wayward and dissipated life.

If you look carefully, you'll see my selfishness even in this.

I didn't save you, but saved myself.

I thought I had lost everything.

But, after coming here, I've found that..

..there's still something remaining.

A bit of idealism..

..and integrity..

..that could help somebody.

I've met you before, but now I feel I'm meeting someone else.

Even I've met a person..

..who had become completely alien to me.

After a long time..

..I've met myself again today!

"I can't take my eyes of you."

"I can't take my eyes of you."

"What has happened to me?"




"I live and die for you."

"I live and die for you."

"What has happened to me?"



"This world seems like a fairy tale."

"The ambience has become romantic."

"This world seems like a fairy tale."

"The ambience has become romantic."

"What spell has been cast on me?"




"I live and die for you."

"What has happened to me?"




"Beloved, you're captivated by the pleasant surroundings."

"Behold the dream my heart has woven for you."

"Beloved, you're captivated by the pleasant surroundings."

"Behold the dream my heart has woven for you."

"You're everywhere I see."




"I live and die for you."

"What has happened to me?"




"You've changed my life."

"Let this season of love never end."

"You've changed my life."

"Let this season of love never end."

"We got what we desired in our lives."




"I live and die for you."

"What has happened to me?"






Jagir Singh. -Yes.

Your goods have arrived. -Good.





Wow! How superbly you lifted the glass!

Now do something for me..

My briefcase is there.. that cabin.

I've kept a gift for you inside it.

Go and get it.

That was Jagir Singh..

..the uncrowned king of our docks.

Our goods would reach the docks, but Kaalia would take them.

The situation is similar at Madh Island.

Gold is sent to us from abroad..

..but reaches Kaalia.

And these Madh Island people sit on the shore, fishing!

Let bygones be bygones.

If this happens again, you'll all end up like Jagir Singh!

Don't stare at me like that!

Think of some way to defeat Kaalia.

He's not some angel, but human .. like you and me.

A human being can be destroyed, he has to have some weakness.

Find Kaalia's weakness..'s our strength!

My biggest weakness is my sister-in-law.

Will you go this way in front of her?

Then how should I go? -This indecent dress won't do.

Wear this sari.

I'm ready!

I'm ruined! -What happened?

This is how you wear a sari?

It looks like you've tied a turban around you!

Let me show you how to wear a sari.

A part of it should be attached.

A part..

A part should be suspended.

And a part should be folded .. like this!

After that..

Now the sari is ready!

Instead of dropping the hem from your shoulder ..

.. put it over your head.

Like this.

The face should be covered, like the moon by a cloud!

Exposure is a western fashion, shyness is India's ornament.

My sister-in-law really likes it.

Sister-in-law. She's here? -Who?

The girl I would told you about is here.

Bring her inside. -Ok.

She is here.

So she's the one who you've been lauding so much.

Don't you like her? -Let me see her first.

Why has she covered her face? Is there some mark?

No! -Isn't she as lovely as the moon?

You never see anything in sunlight, how can you see moon?

She's beautiful, but what about other qualities?

She's very educated.. she's done her matriculation!

I didn't ask about her degrees.

Can she use her hands for household work? -Hands?

She's an expert in sleight-of-hand! -You shut up!

I'll ask everything myself. Don't mind, Sister..

Before buying gold, one has to examine it thoroughly.

Can you cook? -She can cook all dishes..

Indian, western, Chinese, Russian ..

She can cook pulav, biryani, and.. most favorite dish.. omelet!

Then come to the kitchen and make an omelet.


Here are the eggs, frying pan, and ghee.

How long will you take?

Two! .. in two minutes! -All right.

What have you done?

She's very nervous today, so she erred.

She'll learn everything in time.

Just tell me whether she has passed or failed.

Passed! -She's passed!

Why are you closing so early? I've come to buy flowers.

A customer came and bought all the flowers.

Who's this connoisseur in Bombay city?

There's only one.. Kaalia!

Make me a nice bouquet. -No flowers are left.

But what about all these flowers, and the ones on that truck?

All these flowers are for Mr. Kaalia.

Is this man new in Bombay? -You don't know Mr. Kaalia!

His name is on everyone's lips nowadays.

Yes, they'll reach there.

Can you give me address please? Yes.

B10. Bonmaril.

Warden Road. Ok. It'll reach there.

Can I help you, sir?

You can't help me. I wanted to buy a small bouquet.

But it seems all the flowers in this city have been sold.

To only one person -Kaalia!

Yes. Do you know him? -No.

But I definitely want to know -Who's this Kaalia?

Kaalia is the king of crime, like this pawn is of chess.

In chess, others are killed, but the..

..king remains safe till the end.

This might be the same Kaalia who had once come to my jail.

How did he become a king so soon? -Go and see for yourself.

Kaalia is giving a party today, and..

..dared to even send me a card.

He's written that I should bring a full platoon with me!

There's Kaalia..

..whom you wanted to meet.


I've recognized him.

He's come very fast from prison to this palace!

I've seen something else, which you may have missed, Mr. S.P.

Today, crime is so prosperous, and the law so helpless!

Mr. Jailer, I would forgotten to invite you..

..but I'm happy you've come.

I was your guest once, now you're mine!

Whiskey. -Thank you.

You must be sorry that I didn't stay with you too long.

And you couldn't extend me the hospitality.. would've liked to.

I'll get more opportunities for that.

But now, I want to meet the person for..

..whom you bought so many flowers.

But I don't bought any flower.

Thank you very much.


This is Shalini, my fiancée. -I've met her before.

She was unconscious then .. and even now!

You're not in your senses to say..

..such things on such an occasion.

I wish I could pray..

..for your eternal happiness as a wife.

But I can see what none of you can.

When criminals travel on the flashy road of success ..

.. they forget that this road ends.. the prison, or the scaffold!

Then listen to me too..

What delight is there in troubles..

..if death doesn't come at youth?

What delight is there in a funeral, if there's no weeping?

"With you beside me, I'll show the world.."

" to conquer death in lifetime."

"With you beside me, I'll show the world.."

" to conquer death in lifetime."

"Darkness casts long shadow."

"Darkness casts long shadow."

"But who fears dark nights?"

"I can fill night with daylight."

"With you beside me, I'll show the world.."

" to conquer death in lifetime."

"Lovers don't die."

"Lovers don't die."

"Lovers of beauty don't fear death."

"We'll turn noose into garlands."

"With you beside me, I'll show the world.."

" to conquer death in lifetime."

"O' world! You're obsessed with hatred."

"O' world! You're obsessed with hatred."

"You can spread fire and venom."

"But with love we will douse all fire."

"With you beside me, I'll show the world.."

" to conquer death in lifetime."

"With you beside me, I'll show the world.."

" to conquer death in lifetime."

"With you beside me, I'll show the world.."

" to conquer death in lifetime."

You? .. Here?

I had come to meet Kaalia, but it seems he's not at home.

Yes, he's gone out for some work.

But I've met you at least.

When I had met you first, what a condition you were in!

But see your grandeur today!

You people have really progressed!

We have progressed only due to Kallu's hard work. -Wrong!

Through hard work, one can build a hut, not such a palace.

I know this, because I too live in such a palace.

The tree of wealth grows only on the soil of crime. -No!

My brother-in-law can never bring..

..sinful earnings into my house!

It seems he keeps telling you false stories..

..and you believe them!

He would go to jail, but tell you that he was going abroad.

If you don't believe me, then go and enquire at any prison.

You'll find his entire life story in the registers there.

Where are you going? -I won't stay in this house any longer!

What happened? What have I done?

Even outsiders didn't do what you did!

They had only cut my husband's hands ..

.. but you've stabbed my heart! -What are you saying?

What have you left for me to say?

The light of my life left me along with my husband.

But the lamp of faith in you kept burning.

Even that's got extinguished today! -Sister-in-law.

I considered your brother to be Ram, and you to be Laxman.

I didn't know that my Laxman had turned into Ravan!


Let me go, you can enjoy your golden Lanka!

Who had come here to tell you false stories?

If they're false, swear on me and tell the truth!

That you've earned all this wealth through labor, not crime!

Through labor, one can erect a hut, not such a palace.


You've started speaking the words of your brother's killers!

I can no longer stay in this hell.

-Then was the place we left heaven?

Where, to save the repairing costs of a faulty machine ..

.. two strong hands and a young life could be cut!

Where Rs. 500 Could be spent for some brief entertainment ..

.. but not to save a life and a family!

There's no sin in my blood..

..nor was it in my mother's milk.

The venom of sin was injected into me.

Until I spit this venom onto the faces of my enemies ..

.. I can't even think about sin or virtue.

But I can! Therefore, I'm leaving!

If you even step outside, you'll see my corpse!

What oath have you sworn?

I can't go outside, yet can't stay.. with a sinner like you!

Even if the sinner wants to reform?

Think that the sinner has changed his ways.

Henceforth, whatever I did won't happen again!

You won't leave me now, will you?

I could've left Kaalia..

..but where will I go if I leave my Kallu?

Yes. -Sahini Seth.

Who? Kaalia? -Yes..

I want to meet you.

When, and where? -Whenever and wherever you wish.

It's ten now.

Can you meet me at 11 near the ruined church at Madh Island?

Why not?

You'll come first, but you'll keep your car headlights on.



Get my car. -At once!

But you won't drive, I'll..

..because I'll have to go alone today.

Sahani Seth, today I'll do to you what you did to Ramani Seth.

It's the rule in our profession that seats are only snatched!

What's this?

You're not taking me along, so you might need this!

Thank you. I like that.

But, seeing your conduct, I've changed my decision.

You and your weapon will now come with me!

Come. Drive my car.

Come on. I don't have time, boy.

Why are you glancing at your watch all the time? -what?

A driver should always look at the road. -Yes.

The car is air-conditioned, but you're sweating!

What's the matter? -Nothing!

Rawat, stop the car.

Open the bonnet.

You should have thought of some new stratagem to kill me.

I'm an old player of this game.

Sahani Seth, you had drawn a line of blood between you and me.

It would've ended with the death of either of us.

I've come to tell you that I've erased that line myself.

Your death was near

But thank those hands that turned back the clock.

But don't think that you've defeated me.

Today, I'm not drawing..

..but throwing a weapon in front of you!


..fear that day..

..when you'll force me to pick up a weapon!

The court has heard the full story about the murder ..

.. and the testimonies from both sides.

The accused has himself made my work very easy.

The corpse was found.. the arms of the murderer.

The accused's fingerprints were found on this knife.

Bloodstains were found on..

..the accused's clothes.

There's no doubt now that this killer committed the murder!

I don't have to tell the court what punishment..

..such a murderer deserves!

That's all, your honour.

Such a murderer deserves death..

..but the crime should be proved!

The foundation of our country's law and justice is that ..

.. one cannot be considered a criminal unless proved guilty!

None of the witnesses produced were..

..present at the scene of the crime.

They spoke about what happened before or after the crime.

In a murder trial, an eyewitness' Statement is the most valuable.

Until such a witness is produced, the accused cannot ..

.. get the punishment that my colleague is demanding!

I agree with my worthy colleague.

An eyewitness is most valuable in a murder trial.

I'm sorry that I couldn't produce such a witness before.

But I can do so now!

This witness saw the murder happen with her own eyes!

Swear on this Gita.. ''I'll speak nothing but the truth''.

''I'll speak nothing but the truth''.

What relationship do you've with the accused?

He's my brother-in-law.

Is it true that he was dearer to you than a son?

-He's even now.

Did you see him commit the murder? -Yes!

I've nothing more to ask.

Your witness.

Don't ask anything to my sister-in-law.

For me, her words are always like the words of God.

Throughout her life, she has spoken only the truth.

If she's seen me commit this murder, then I've committed it!

After this, I don't want to make any statement.

I only want to confess..

I only want to confess that I've committed this murder!

I did it!

I did it!

I was waiting for you, Kaalia.

I had told you that the path you were..

..following ends at the scaffold!

I've myself opted for that scaffold!

The judge only wrote my death sentence.

But, even now..

..I worship as God the person who sealed it!

I told the court whatever you asked me to.

Now please return my daughter to me!

The death sentence has only been passed now.

Till Kaalia is hanged..

..I can't return your daughter to you!

What is this? -Your Kallu's shroud!

You're so different from what he thought you to be!

He brought you here..

..but see where you've sent him!

What did his enemies give you that he didn't?

How much did you sell his life for? -Enough, Shalini!

How deep is your lust for wealth, that..

..only Kallu's death can fill it?

No, Shalini!

If possible, put this shroud over me and burn me alive!

I deserve this punishment! .. I've no way to go ..

My Kallu is in prison, and my daughter with Sahani Seth!


My sister-in-law did the right thing.

The story begun by Sahani Seth doesn't end..

..but starts from here.

He wrote the first word of this story..

..but I'll write the last!

The meeting time is over.

Meetings can end, but not time!

You've leaped really high today!

Many prisoners have tried to escape from my jail.

But nobody could reach as far as you did!

Freedom is every prisoner's dream.

But now, your entire being will regret..

..ever seeing it!

Chain him so much that..

..he'll never think of escape again!

Till now, you've seen the iron of chains and bars ..

..but not the steel of my guts! Shackle my entire body!

Erect iron walls all around, but I'll tear them apart!

I'll break all the shackles and show you! .. Understand?

Chain him so much that..

..he'll never think of escape again!

"Nobody could be restrained.."

"'s an illusion of the hunter."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"It's hunter's illusion that he could restrain its prey."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"The youth is filled with vigour."

"The youth is filled with vigour."

"The dream is new and shackles are old."

"God save from the trap!"


"In pitch dark night, this world is your foe."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"It's hunter's illusion that he could restrain its prey."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"Windows can't stop the breeze."

"Create a din to shake walls!"

"Windows can't stop the breeze."

"Create a din to shake walls!"

"Break free with a bang!"


"You've to perform a vanishing act! "

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"It's hunter's illusion that he could restrain its prey."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"Tell the hunter to lay his trap."

"Tell the hunter to lay his trap."

"Let the courageous one dare us!"

"The lion is out with vengeance!"

"The prey will escape with head held high."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"It's hunter's illusion that he could restrain its prey."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"It's hunter's illusion that he could restrain its prey."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

"Some day the bird will fly away from the cage."

Run, Kallu.

Death arrived before you, Jailer.


Now he released from jail

Kaalia is no more!

I wanted to hand over Kaalia to the law alive.

By dying, he has really wronged me!

But you've my full sympathy.

And I sympathize with you, Jailer!

The tables have turned now!

If you follow me even one step..

..I'll put all the bullets inside you!

I'll take all the bullets, but won't budge from my place!

You're an escaped prisoner..

..and it's my duty to arrest you!

Like you, even I'm bound by my duty!

The tables have turned again, Kaalia!

If you advance even one step..

..I'll put all the bullets inside you!

How can one who swallows fire get scared of sparks?

Shoot! You came here following a line of blood ..

.. but I'll go, even if I've to swim on a canal of blood!

You're fighting for medals..

..but I want to save a small life.

Small life? -Yes, his niece.

To save her, his sister-in-law falsely accused him of murder.

And he accepted it.

If you don't believe even this.. whatever you wish, I'm going!


Like you, even I've drunk the milk of a tigress!

By mentioning about that small life ..

.. you've made me decide to take a risky decision.

I'll accompany you wherever you're going.

Think that now you've four hands!

Where's Sahani?

Speak, or I'll shoot you!

Get up Sahani, and take me to Munni!

You've done enough of your firing.

You're now standing on a chess-board of death!

If you've the guts, come forward and make the first move!

The game will start later..

..first see your stake!


Mother. Mother!

You did the right thing by coming back to the white spot.

Else, Munni would've got crushed. Now look there!

Beware! .. Don't step forward!

On this board, only that white spot..

..means life, the rest mean death!

If you step on that red spot, Munni will die.

If you step on this green spot, your sister-in-law will die.

They'll stay alive only if you remain inside that white spot.

There's one more rule of this game...

..only I'll make all the moves!

But you will not make any moves.


..I'll show you the strength of this..

..hand, which you wanted to cut!

If you even try to raise your hands..'ll be riddled with bullets!

That was for stealing from my house, so it was a bit gentle!

That was for setting fire to my factory, so it was a bit hard!

That was..

..for the priceless diamond..

.. which was your biggest victory, and my biggest defeat!

Uncle, save me!

These blows were for that gold, which reached the docks for me ..

.. but landed up in your godowns!

You're already staggering!

I've many more accounts to settle.

If you must settle your accounts with my death, do so.

But let these innocent people go.

-And climb the scaffold myself?

I'm not that stupid.

One's own life is always dearer than that of others.

Maybe for scoundrels like you! ..

If I had thousands of lives ..

..I would've sacrificed them for my sister-in-law and Munni!

I admire your love, that's why I'm killing you so slowly!

Stop firing.

Well done!

You've saved Munni.. watch your sister-in-law die!

Hands up!

Tell your men to drop their weapons!


Now I'll arrest you and take you to the place ..

.. where you wanted this innocent.. to be hanged for your crime!

Drop your revolver, Jailer!

Or she'll be killed! -Well done, Khadag Singh!

You've given a new twist to this story!

Tie them up!

Mother. -Munni!


Do you remember, Jailer.. twenty years back ..

.. one of your prisoners had abducted your daughter.

Look at me closely .. I'm that prisoner!

Jaswant? -Yes!

Would you like to know where your daughter is?

Where's she?

Right here!

Father! -Rani!

Father. -Rani, my daughter.

My daughter!

Rani. -Father.

I'm so happy today!

You scoundrel!

Your meeting time is over!

Twenty years back, a prisoner was meeting his wife this way.

Then you used your whip and said.. ''Time's over'' !

Your whip was fiery.. many year gone but my back still burns.

Now it'll be cooled!

I won't hit you..

..but your delicate daughter!

You devil!

Mother. Mother.

You rogue! -Brother..

You've made all your moves! It's my turn now!

You taught an inexperienced foot soldier.. me the game of crime!

You made me a powerful minister, who could hit like this!

That was for the Rs.500..

..which you gave to a harlot, but not to me!

That was for my brother's death, who had taught me idealism!

That was for turning an honest man.. me into a devil like you!

I won't give you an easy death.

I'll definitely kill you, but very slowly!

Get up!

I'm arresting you and taking you to your rightful dwelling!

Pray that.. don't land-up in my jail!

Mr. I.G.P...'ll escort me outside!

Come on!

Come on!

Now I'm handing my prisoner over to you.

Watch him carefully, he has a habit of escaping!

I want to ask you something..

Have you heard of Mukhtar Singh? -No!

Then what have you heard? The name of Mukhtar Singh..

"I live and die for you."

"I live and die for you."

"Tell me.."

"L O V E"

"L O V E"

"L O V E"

For more infomation >> Kaalia (HD) - Amitabh Bachchan | Parveen Babi | Amjad Khan | Pran | Asha Parekh - Duration: 2:45:43.


Byron Morton Thursday Forecast - Duration: 1:10.







































For more infomation >> Byron Morton Thursday Forecast - Duration: 1:10.


Lynk Lee - Top 10 Ca Khúc Hay Nhất (Audio) - Duration: 46:42.

For more infomation >> Lynk Lee - Top 10 Ca Khúc Hay Nhất (Audio) - Duration: 46:42.


[Ep.12] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_빅톤의 몰래카메라 2회! - Duration: 27:25.

(VICTON's Born Identity)

(Before the Candid Camera shoot)

(In order to proceed with the Candid Camera)

(1st bait was thrown in)

(After the "Men with Sexy Brains" shoot)

(the second bait was throw in using an additional shoot as an excuse)

(This is how VICTON's Candid Camera began)

(Instead of "Men with Sexy Brains," they filmed the Candid Camera individually)


(The members finished their first candid camera)


(Now they are off to shoot an additional eating scene)


(Everything has just been an introduction)

(The real candid camera begins now)

(They debuted 8 months ago)

(A special gift for the members who are)

(exhausted from their busy schedules from their mothers)

(The real candid camera is) (moms' home-cooked meals)

I hope he enjoys eating my dish while thinking of me.

I hope Chan recognizes my food.

I don't think he's recognize it.

(Way before the shoot)

(these texts were secretly exchanged)

(Even the moms who couldn't make it here today)

(They secretly prepared a lot for this shoot)

(Moms' home-cooked meals)

(Moms' home-cooked meals)

The food tastes so good today.

Wow. It's so good.

The food tastes like mom's cooking.

It's like a home-cooked meal.

(Will the members recognize their moms' love?)

(A Korean restaurant in Nonhyeon-dong)

(A second candid camera is being setup)

(5 minutes before the VICTON members' arrival)

(Everything is set up)

(This is the headquarters)

This must be where our children will eat.

I think so.

When you decided to come here

weren't you nervous at all? I was.

- Where? - When you decided to come here.

We must do well for our children.

Here they come.


(Who will this candid camera proceed?)

Go on in.

(STEP 1- A fake drawing contest to get them to eat their moms' dishes)

(STEP 2- Moms disguise as the employees)

(STEP 3- Special chefs are introduced)

(How will they react when they realize the famous chefs are their moms?)

I can't move because it's too risky.

They will see me.

Chan is sitting over there.

They can see me from this angle.

Sejun should go here and they should move over here.

(Meanwhile, the members are exhausted from the previous shoot)


He's yawning.

Sejun is yawning so big.

He looks very tired.

(Infected with yawn 1)

(Infected with yawn 2) (Feels bad)

What program are we filming now?

"7 Yummy Boys." Is that what we say?

We'll begin with the shoot.

I'm already hungry.

- Where are we right now? - We're at a Korean restaurant.

We are looking forward to the food.

Who knows? It may be like last time.

They're quite natural.

They can't hear us.

We had nothing to say when the cameras started rolling.

We had nothing to say, but they're quite eloquent.

(The real candid camera begins now)

We have to be in disguise.

(It's time for the mom to step in)

- There. - Are you ready?

(Tiptoeing in)

We'll see how many dishes of pork you can eat today.


We just eat?

(While the staff keeps them distracted) (Sejun's mom is on standby)

They could've written down all our names.

Let's go with Sejun.

(The most nerve-wracking moment)

(Will Sejun recognize his mother?)

(All members turn their heads)

(Sejun can't seem to take his eyes off the employees)

(Half nervous, half excited)

(Did he?)

Thank you.

What is that? It's amazing.


(She returns to the headquarters after she completes her mission)

He didn't recognize you?

It's not that.

I couldn't help but look at Sejun.

But when I looked at their faces

they are all so handsome.

I'm surprised every time I go to their place.

I think Subin is so handsome.

Come on.

Sejun is very handsome, too.

Before you taste the main menu which is pork...

Come on.

We will play the luck of the draw game.

- This is too cruel. - I will do my best on this.

I'm so nervous.

What if we don't get to eat anything and go home?

(A total of 8 cards with each member's name + all members)

Chan will pick one.

He was the luckiest one when we did the "Yes or no" game.

Chan is always fortunate.

Have a glass of water first.

You can do it.

- I know which card to pick. - I'm so worried.

Don't yell at me for picking the wrong card.

Of course we will.

We won't say anything. We'll just pour water on you.

Oh please. Is it that card?

No, that's not right. Pick another one.

No, don't hesitate.

Don't hesitate.

You must hesitate.

We always ended up in a bad situation because we didn't pick again.

- You all want another card? - Yes.

Pick another one.

I had a good feeling about that one.

I think whatever they pick, it'll say the same thing.

(It's fun to watch them)

Please show us what you picked.

Let's take a look.

What does it say?

(All members get to eat) (Ta da)

(It's a result)

(that everyone knew would come out)

(They're excited)

Everyone gets to eat.

(They knew what would happen, but it's still interesting to watch)

All 7 cards had the same thing written in them.

Heo Chan. Heo Chan.

They think Chan picked the right card.

- This is lucky guy, Heo Chan. - Good job.

(Good job, Chan)

I picked the card that lets all of us eat.

Thank you.

Lucky guy.

(They won't stop calling Chan a hero)

Luck must really be on my side.

(For Chan who's very excited)

(Chan's mom steps up)

(They check again and again)

- Am I well-disguised? - Yes. It's perfect.

Please give us the special menu.

(Their special menu is about to come in) (Chan's mom gets ready, too)

(Chan is more excited than ever)

(His mom is more careful)

(They all turn their heads)

- They're all looking. - Yes.

(Will Chan recognize his mother?)

(She instinctively looks for)

(her son)

(Chan seems to stare)

(at the food)

Look at the meat in seaweed soup.

(She's so close by)

(but he's busy staring at the food)

That looks good. What is it?

(Mom safely returns to the headquarters)

Our eyes met, but he didn't recognize me.

He was busy looking at the food.

(VICTON's special menu) (Moms' home-cooked dishes)

(Moms' home-cooked dishes)

(Will the members recognize their moms' dishes?)

Pork neck pilaf.

Wait. This is burdock kimchi.


They have burdock kimchi here.

Restaurants don't usually serve burdock kimchi.

No way.

You serve burdock kimchi here.

Not many people know about burdock kimchi, right?

- You should ask the chef. - She's not the chef?

Seasoned green onion.

What's this?

- Meat rice balls. - Meat rice balls.

My mom made this for me often.

I love potato pancakes. I want to take a bite of that.

There's meat in the rice.

- It's pork neck pilaf. - Why is there meat in the rice?

This is pilaf?

I think so. That's what it looks like.

Why don't you all take turn and try a dish?

Let's eat.

- You go first. - Just eat.

Just choose one and eat.

I'll try the rice.

This is unbelievable.

I'm becoming dizzy.

- There's meat inside. - That looks good.

Hurry up and eat. Hurry.

Hurry up and eat.

I'll try a bite of it.

(As soon as he eats it) (he begins to smile)

How does it taste?

I just got goosebumps.

How does it taste? Please explain.

You're not crying, are you? I think he's touched.

Subin, are you crying?

- I'm losing my mind. - How does it taste?

- It's so good. - It's that good?

(She's happy, too)

I'm going to taste the burdock kimchi.

And I'll eat pickled pollack tripe.

(In a single bite)

Isn't it too salty?

(What he used to taste at home)

- How does it taste? - That's what's great about that dish.

If you like food that tastes strong...

Next. Stop talking.

You talk too much.

You talk too much.

(Sejun's mom's dishes- Pork belly + homemade spicy sauce with vinegar)

I want to try this.

A meat rice ball.

Should I dip it in this sauce?

(He automatically reaches for the spicy sauce with vinegar)

Sejun is tasting the sauce.

He's dipping it in the sauce.

(Mom knows how much Sejun loves the spicy sauce with vinegar)

(What does Sejun say about the food?)


His eyes are watery.

Are you crying?

(Sejun is touched by the taste of the spicy sauce?)

Is it good?

Next. Next.

What does it taste like?

The meat is very tender.

It just melts in my mouth.

Wait. So we can't eat the food that has already been tasted already?

You should eat something else.

He won't eat the seasoned green onion, will he?

It's a side dish.

Seasoned green onion is usually eaten with something else.

I don't think he'll reach for that first.

I'm sure Chan will eat the meat first.

I'm going to taste the pork belly.

Three pieces?

(His hand is automatically reaching for the seasoned green onion)

It's seasoned green onion.

He's really enjoying it.

He doesn't eat meat without it.

- The combination is great? - It's so good.

With seasoned green onion?

(Chan succeeds in eating his mom's dish)

He's crying.

Seungwoo, what do you want to try?

It doesn't matter what I eat. Just eat.

(Seungwoo's mom cooked potato pancakes)

Do you know how hard it is to be last?

Taste the potato pancakes.

Pork belly is awesome.

I thought of tasting a potato pancake, too.

How does it taste?

- It must be good. - It must be chewy.

It tastes like something you can eat comfortably at home.

Mom. Mom.

(Adding a character- He analyzes food well like a computer)

Like mom's home-cooked meal.

I miss my mom.

(Mom is over here)

- Seaweed soup looks good. - It's awesome.

This is beef seaweed soup.

Everything tastes great.

Beef is really tender.

It looks really good.

What is this? The soup...

(Hurry up/ Blackmailing without words)

It's excellent.

I'm hungry. Hurry up.

- Let's all eat after I'm done. - Yes.

How does it taste?

There are no needs for words.

Eat up.

(Adding a character- Quite sensible)

Thank you for the meal.

Can we have some more pork belly please?

(Hanse eats his mom's meat rice ball first)

(Subin who was tasting his mom's seaweed soup)

(gulps it down)

Oh my goodness. It's so good.

(Byungchan eats his mom's kimchi)

(He's stealing Chan's food)

I used to eat this a lot when I was young.

They are eating their moms' dishes.

Eat that with rice. It's awesome.

I really wanted to eat this.

Burdock kimchi is quite popular.

They're really enjoying the food.

This must be made at home.

(Subin's mom steps up this time)

(They still don't know about their moms being here)

- More meat? - More meat.


- More meat. - Lots and lots for me.


(they successfully finish serving the last dish?)

(Pitter patter)

(Subin who's quick in recognizing things)

(is looking at her?)

(The staff and mom were worried about Subin)

(Fortunately, his eyes are on the meat)

Thank you.

(Played the biggest role in making this candid camera successful)

I nearly cried out there.

You came back so quickly.

He was looking right at me.

I got so surprised so I turned around right away.

As I eat this pilaf,

I am reminded of my older sister.

She always cooked this for me.

She cooked it for you?


I am very happy today.

This tastes like a home-cooked meal.

It is like a home-cooked meal.

Eating this makes me want to see my mom.

I'm reminded of my mom's cooking.

- I miss my older sister. - Why?

She always cooked this pilaf for me.

This place served food that tastes like home-cooked dishes.

Burdock kimchi.

The chefs here make this special cuisine

for you guys.

(Chefs, get ready to come out) 339 00:14:26,523 --> 00:14:28,659 I'm nervous now.

I wasn't nervous before.

- She's already about to cry. - I can't help it.

Will they cry?

(They're more curious about their sons' reactions)

We'll bring out the chefs.


They're here?

(They're more curious than ever)

(to find out who cooked these dishes)

(We are on our way to see you)

I think we should stand up.

(In front of the son who doesn't know what's going on)

(mom shows up?)



(He begins to cry as soon as he sees his mother)

- Hello. - Mom.


I'm shocked.

What's going on?

(They're confused by the presence of the special chef)

You're crying. My boy is crying.


Don't cry.

- Mom. - Did you enjoy the food?

Yes, I did.

Thank you for the meal.

What's going on here?

I thought I was imagining things.

Sejun's mom just walked in.

A home-cooked meal.

I was reminded of my mom's cooking while eating this meal.

Seeing mom here

I can't help but cry.

Thank you.

I'm very happy to see you enjoy the meal.

Did you enjoy it?

- Yes. Everything tastes good. - I'm glad.

Did you make this burdock kimchi?

Was it good? It seemed to be quite popular.

- I'm amazed. - This is a great turn of events.

We started out with a candid camera.


(The members still don't understand what is going on)

Be in a trance.

Next chef, please come on in.

What's going on here? No way.


My mom lives in Jeonju.

I don't think it'll be my mom.

(The second chef is Chan's mom)

(He calls himself a lucky boy)

(He's really about to be lucky)

(Hi, son)


Mom, what are you doing here?

What's going on here?

- What's up? - Is today a special day?

What's going on?

Is today a special day?

What are you doing here?

I came here to give you my food.


(To let you have a warm meal)

(These were all made by mom?)

You cooked...

What did you make?

(Ha ha ha ha ha)

I see.

What is it? Seaweed soup?

Seasoned green onion?

Seasoned green onion.

Whenever our family ate pork belly we all loved mom's seasoned green onion.

So I watched her make it over her shoulders

and made it for the members.

No wonder. It tasted just like Chan's seasoned green onion.

I feel like I was smacked in the head.

- This is all surreal. - Mom.

Mom? Are you there?

There is one more chef waiting.

(Whose mom is it this time?)

- Wait. - I think it's Seungsik's mom.

My mom wouldn't star on programs like this.

Seungsik's mom or Hanse's.

Is it Hanse's mom?

- Is it my mom? - I don't think so.

- Chef. - Please come on out.


(She's more nervous than ever as she's on her way to see her son)

(How will Subin react?)


Subin's mom.

(Even quick Subin was fooled)

(He hugs his mom)

Did you make the pilaf?

- Mom made it. - This. Pork pilaf.

I see.

I thought so.

It tastes it just like mom's.

You said it tasted like your sister's.

She learned it from you.

This is unbelievable.

I got goosebumps.

(Revealing today's candid camera)

Wait. No way.

(See for yourselves)

(The truth about lucky guy Chan)

He wasn't a lucky guy.

This is all a fraud.


This shoot was also part of the Candid Camera.

I knew something seemed off.

(Somehow became a victim)

(He was excited to be a lucky guy)

(He was this excited)

Everything seemed weird from this morning.

I didn't think this would also be part of the candid camera.

(The final gift for the VICTON members)

We were deceived all day long.

Everything you ate today was made by all your mothers.


Right. I'm the only one who eats pork belly and spicy sauce with vinegar.

- My mom made potato pancakes. - Really?

My mom cooked these meat rice balls.

I'm really touched.

Mothers who couldn't be here today

wrote handwritten letters.

Don't do this.

(They're getting anxious upon the news of handwritten letters)

I'm not worried that I would cry,

but it's embarrassing.

This is my mom's handwriting.

Must we read it out loud?

I think so.

(He bursts out crying as soon as he opens the letter)

(She becomes emotional, too)


Don't cry.

My mom is quite emotional.

My mom is crying.

I'm not going to cry.

My lovely son Byungchan.

(Just by that, we can see how much she loves him)

As I'm about to write this letter, I can't remember the things

I wanted to tell you. I'm just nervous.

You used to be in my arms and now you're starting a new life

in a strange environment. I was always

worried whether you are eating well and doing well.

But I shoudn't have been worried.

You've been doing so well. Thank you so much.

I will always be there to protect you so that you can walk down a golden road.

Seungwoo, Seungsik, Chan, Sejun, Hanse and Subin. I love you all.

Byungchan, I am so grateful that you are my son.

I love you so much.

I will work harder to succeed and

I will go visit you in Jeonju, mom.

Thank you.

(It's Hanse's turn who said this is too cheesy)

Mom made many mistakes. Look.

(He's trying to lighten the mood by making jokes)

She made many corrections.

She should've written with a pencil.

Then she could've erased it.

To my lovely son Hanse.

My Hanse whom I can call out all night.

I can't help but cry when I call out your name.

(But he is soon in tears)


- No, no, no. - Drink some water.

When I call out your name.

(He tries to stay calm, but...)

(Hanse was always a little boy in his mom's eyes)

(That son is now moving forward to achieve his dreams)

(and his mom watched him do so)

You may seem tough on the outside, but you're softer than anyone on the inside.

(She knows because she's his mom)

(The real Hanse)

My Hanse. What did you eat today? Did you sleep well?

Are you ill? Were you upset by anything?

I'm always thinking of you.

(Every little thing, big or small)

(she is upset because she can't be with him)

I hope that you become VICTON

that is loved and acknowledged by others.

I love you, Hanse and the members of VICTON.

Bless you. Mom.

(Another mom who knows them more than anyone else)

I write lyrics all the time, but I never once wrote a letter to you.

I'm so sorry, mom.

And I love you.

(We hope your love reached her)

(Now it's macho Seungwoo's turn)

Macho man.

- Next. - What?

(He tries to pass his turn, but fails)

(Seungwoo has a hard time starting)

Why can't I even begin?

To my son Seungwoo whom I love.

You're surprised, right?

The day you got a call that you passed the audition and left for Seoul.

You told me you will do well and not to worry about you.

You got on the train and

when the train started moving, you put your head down

and waved at me. It feels like that was just yesterday.

But 3 years have passed already.

You're the youngest son to us at home,

but there...

You're the oldest so I'm worried that...

I shouldn't laugh.

You're trying too hard.

I'm worried that you're trying to overcome the problems by yourself.

I'm worried about you.

Please tell others that you're having a hard time when you are.

I hope you have another great day today with the people who love you.

Thank you.

(Idol singer, oldest member, leader Seungwoo's other name is youngest son)

Thank you for cooking us food despite your busy schedules and illness.

I will try harder to become a son who expresses his feelings more.

Please keep your eyes on me.

I'm sorry that I can't be there with you.

Thank you.

(Last handwritten letter)

To my lovely Seungsik.

Seungsik, it's mom. You're surprised, right?

(Her son always loved to sing and dance as a child)

(He has now become a singer who is loved by many people)

Rather than the joy of you becoming a singer,

I'm happier to see that you're enjoying

doing what you love to do.

I'm sure grandpa who loved you very much

is watching over you from heaven with joy.

(Wherever he is at)

(his family has been there to protect him)

Always watch your health.

Go, VICTON. From mom.

I will do my best to become a better son.

Thank you. I love you.

(It was their daily routine to eat mom's cooking)

(But during the past years that they struggled to move forward)

(they must've missed that daily routine the most)

(The ordinary daily routine has become a special break for these members)

(we hope this was a brief, but unforgettable break for them)

I love you, mom.

(They embrace all sons around the world)

(They're called moms)

Let me borrow Subin.

(The best-tasting dishes in the world equal to the number of moms)

(- From cartoon "Le Grand Chef")

(VICTON's Born Identity No. 12 Character Holder)

(Jung Subin)


(Cute Subin)

How cute.

Why don't you drink this instead?

How cute.

How am I supposed to eat this?

You'll get an upset stomach.


(Grownup youngest son)

(Mija's older brother)

My mom is quite emotional.

My mom is crying.

For more infomation >> [Ep.12] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_빅톤의 몰래카메라 2회! - Duration: 27:25.


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Fun Pet Care - Kiki & Fifi Pet Beauty Salon Kids Games Puppy & Kitten Makeover | Games For Kids.

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For more infomation >> WAS JESUS REALLY THE SON OF GOD? - Duration: 3:26.


First Alert: Dryer, cooler air coming in for weekend - Duration: 1:49.




77 AT 9:00 THIS ONE.
























































For more infomation >> First Alert: Dryer, cooler air coming in for weekend - Duration: 1:49.


Kisse Katt Kisse Katt | Svenska Barnsånger | Busigt Lärande | Barnmusik | Förskola Låtar | 3D Ri - Duration: 1:04:51.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Where have you been?

I've been to London to Visit the Queen.

Pussy cat, pussy cat,

What did you do there?

I frightened a little mouse under her chair.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

What are you doing?

I'm in the canal, swimming and canoeing.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Why are you sad?

My mama told me that I was bad.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

What did you do?

I made a mess and hurt myself too.

Pussy cat, pussy cat

What happened there?

I saw the mouse from under the chair.

For more infomation >> Kisse Katt Kisse Katt | Svenska Barnsånger | Busigt Lärande | Barnmusik | Förskola Låtar | 3D Ri - Duration: 1:04:51.


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For more infomation >> HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất Trung Quốc(Most funny China)P8 - Duration: 22:08.


Hiểu Về Trái Tim .Phần 41. Tưởng Tượng ( Giọng Đọc Lê Qúy Bình ) - Duration: 16:46.

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For more infomation >> Mẹ Đẻ Non ở Tuần 37 Vẫn Hút Được 1,5 Lít Sữa Mỗi Ngày Chỉ Nhờ Mẹo Đơn Giản Này Không Biết Phí Cả Đời - Duration: 10:48.


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For more infomation >> Lừa Dối Remix_Nhạc Trẻ Remix Độc Nhất Tháng 6 | TOP 6 Bản Nhạc Trẻ Tâm Trạng Remix Hay Nhất Tháng 6 - Duration: 30:45.


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Again (Opening) Guitar Tutorial | Guitar Lesson + TAB Easy Version - Duration: 4:57.

Thank you for watching my Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Again (Opening) Guitar Tutorial.

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