Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 24 2017

(The Most Sensitive People)

Why am I so unlucky this year?

The curse of the 9s and 3 disasters.

I'm so nervous!

Of course your life is like that, fool!

- Geez... / - Of course my life is like that?

- Mister. / - Yes?

Were you talking about me?

How so?

You teased me for my bad luck this year!

You said that's my life!

How would I know that?



The delivery date is coming up soon

so better be careful.

Gosh, so you're pregnant?

I'm not pregnant, mister.

My friend is pregnant.

Oh... Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.

Have a seat.

Careful there.

Why do I have to sit carefully?

I'm not pregnant.

- I'm just going to plop myself down! / - Okay.

- I just said to be careful... / - I'm not pregnant.

- Forget it. Mister. / - Yes.

- Do you have kiwi juice? / - You're out of luck.

Out of luck?

- Out of luck? / - No, I didn't mean...

Yes! I'm totally out of luck this year!

Why do you keep teasing me for it?

I didn't mean that.


You play Lee Byeongwon on Gag Concert!

"Kidding me are you?" You are him!

So you have a mask on since you're a celebrity.

It's not like that.

I'm wearing the mask because of a cold.

I'm not a stuck-up celebrity.

- I didn't mean that. / - Yes.

So what's good here?

Our noodles are great.

They're not the star of this dish though...

I'm not a star?

- I know I'm not a star. / - No...

I'm wearing the mask because of a cold.

- I didn't mean that... / - Forget it.

I'll have a lemonade.

- With lots of lemon juice. / - Sure.

So you're craving something sour?

- I'm craving something sour? / - No...

I'm not craving anything sour!

I'm not pregnant! What's your problem?

I was talking to him...

- Forget it, mister. / - yes.

Are all these ingredients domestic?

Of course. They're all domestic.

I went and got them myself.

- Misfortune? / - Huh?


Yeah, I'm unlucky!

Why do you keep teasing me?

I even got talismans.

- This is for health. Look. / - Alright, alright.

- This is for marriage. / - Alright, alright.

I don't recognize those anyway.

- You can't recognize me anyway? / - No...

I know people don't recognize me!

I'm just wearing the mask because of a cold!

- I didn't mean that. / - Stop saying I'm stuck-up.

No, no... Gosh...


Hey! You're... Gung Ye?

I am not Gung Ye!

I own the hanbok shop nearby!

A hanbok shop?

This is from an eye infection!

That's the eye patch you wear for an eye infection?

Hold on! What's this cane for?

This is for getting the hanbok off the top hangers!

- It is? / - Is that such a crime?

No... I'm sorry.

- Have a seat. / - Yes.

- What would you like? / - What's good here?

- Then get... / - You're going to recommend this.

How did you read my mind?

You're a mind-reader!

It says it's chef's recommendation!

I don't know how to read minds!

- I am not Gung Ye! / - I'm sorry.

- What would you like? / - Mister.

Is this Korean beef top grade?

It's not on that level.

- I'm not on that level? / - No...

You're saying I'm not famous enough to wear a mask!

- No, I was talking to... / - I know!

I am not a stuck-up celebrity!

- I didn't... / - And where's my order?

I'm sorry. It should come out very soon.

What'll come out very soon?

There's nothing in my stomach.

What's going to come out soon?

This guy... What's your problem?

- I didn't mean that... / - My stomach...

Are you okay?

It's not from being pregnant!

- I need to use the bathroom! For number 2! / - Sure.

Geez, you're just bad luck.

Bad luck?

- Why... / - Did you say I'm bad luck, mister?

No... Nobody said that about you!

- So you were saying it about me? / - No!

You think I'm stuck-up for wearing a mask?

- No... / - Geez, this is so annoying.

Why is this guy so upset?

Gung Ye?

I am not Gung Ye!

I run a hanbok shop, man!

What's your problem?

Calm down. Deep breaths.

Why are you doing Lamaze breathing in front of me?

- I don't know Lamaze... / - What's your problem?

Stop hitting me!

What's with this place today?

Should I have an exorcism?

An exorcism?

So the talisman isn't good enough?

- I'm that unlucky? / - No, no.

I'll give you good luck.

You get short rib soup on the house.

- With big pieces of meat. / - Wang Geon.

Why would you ask me about Wang Geon?

I'm not related to Wang Geon at all!

Who was it? Who started this all today?

Who was it?

- Mister, you asked first! / - Hold it!

Are you all blaming me?


I am not Mireuk!

Geez, this guy...

Is so insensitive!

For more infomation >> The Most Sensitive People | 세.젤.예 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 4:46.


Acting Idols | 연기돌 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 8:00.

(Acting Idols)

A movie about a Jeju-do granny

that emigrated abroad.

The auditions for today is...

"Female Diver of the Caribbean."

Let's start the audition.

Let's bring in the first candidate.


I'm a rookie actor, Kim Hoegyeong.

I believe that the set-up is key in acting.

Yes, the set-up is very important.

What kind of acting did you prepare?

I'll play a guy at a club.

A guy at a club. Great. Let's go. Action!

Hey, there's a pool party today.

Let's all have fun. Let's go in!

Hoegyeong, what are you doing?

The set-up is the grass has really grown

for the pool party.

That's not what pool party means.

- You should dance at a club. / - Yes.

The music is popping! Let's dance!

What are you doing?

The set-up is that I kept hitting Choi Hongman's chin

and he beat me up.

Choi Hongman isn't there.

- Just act normally. / - Yes.

We're going to party until the sun comes up!


That's good but why are you dancing for so long?

The set-up is that it's a solar eclipse

and the sun won't come up.

Why would there be an eclipse?

You're out. Go sit down.

Let's meet the next candidate.


I'm a Hollywood actress, Nami Oh.


You're out.

I've been keeping in shape for my audition.

How do I look?

- My side... / - Gross.

This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They say I'd make the best wife!

More like best firewood.

- I'll show you my acting. / - No.

Here I go.

A scene where I date my boyfriend.

Just a moment.

Okay! Action!

Honey, what should we do on my birthday?

When's your birthday?

What? Honey, you don't know my birthday?

Hold on... The day you were born...

April 5th, Arbor Day, right?

- What are you saying? / - No?

So noisy!

So noisy!

I didn't say anything.

Hold on...

You had a cicada on your back.

Now it's a bit quieter.

Honey, I dyed my roots. How do they look?

- Let me take a look. / - Okay.

Let's see how you dyed your roots...

- Why'd you hit me? / - Where are you looking?

Stop acting a fool and go sit down.

I'm going.

Just sit still.

Why are you here?

- Nami. / - yes?

That's an artificial tree.

- Artificial? / - Yes.

- Stop going so overboard. / - I'm sorry.

Just sit still.

Can you help me?

What are you doing?

- Stay still. / - Yes.

Next candidate, come on in.


I'm Sa Yeongsu, an actor that specializes in villains.

Sa Yeongsu? Sounds like condemned criminal...


Oh! I'm always playing villains

so I'm here to shed my villainous image.

Great, so what role did you prepare?

A normal boyfriend on a date.

- A date. / - Yes.

Alright, act normally. Action!

Honey, the steak here is delicious.

Alright, let me feed you some steak.

I'll cut this...

I'll cut this...

- Hold on... / - Gosh!

It's dripping with blood since it's rare.

Say ah.

Ah, ah, ah!

No, no!

Nobody is that scary on a date!

What? It's thrilling!

You're out.

- Out again? / - Yes.

Man, I'm always getting cut.

Go sit down. So scary...

I thought it was a log bench.

- Just stand on the side. / - Yes.

Last candidate, come on in.

Ma'am... What brings you here?


I'm an actress of 40 years. I'm Kim Jeongja.

We're sorry but the only roles we have left

are ones that don't stand out

like a lady going hiking...

There is no role that doesn't stand out.

No matter how the role doesn't stand out,

you give it your all

and send signals so the audience can see you.

This is the spirit of acting!

♪ Sending signs and signals ♪

I've sent the signal.

Now, I'll act as the hiking lady.

Mr. Kim.

It's wonderful being at this mountain with you.

My husband!

Honey, what brings you here?

I'm with the other ladies.

They're waiting at the bottom.

You go on ahead. Okay, okay.

Mr. Kim...

Mr. Kim...

Mr. Kim!

Why are you all the way down there?

I'm sorry!

I couldn't control my strength!

Ma'am, your acting lacks depth.

There is no lacking depth in acting.

I was clearly expressing the sentiment of the ladies

who wear high heel sneakers no matter how harsh

the hike is just to look good

in front of other men.

This is the spirit of acting!

Alright, I get it.

The scene of the lady

chatting with her friends on the mountain.

Can you improvise that one?

There is no improvisation in acting!

Very nice.

Acting comes out when

it's trained to suit your body.

I am merely a triathlon athlete!

I'll start with swimming.

Next is cycling.

♪ Ring, ring, out of the way ♪

Just the marathon left.


So... Now that I finished the triathlon,

I'll do the scene of the ladies chatting.

A lady that's gone hiking.

So I hear this mountain is great for meeting men.

I'll show you how to seduce a man.

Just watch.

You have to trigger their protective instincts.

Ow, my leg!

They're already crowding around.

Gosh! Why are you pointing a gun at me, mister?

I am not a wild boar!

Mister, this isn't the hunting I had in mind!

Let me go, you hunting dog!

Why are you doing this?


You're out.

Oh, it looks like I haven't trained enough.

I'll swim first.

Are you a whale?

For more infomation >> Acting Idols | 연기돌 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 8:00.


Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 4:24.

(Say Anything Festival)

Hello, viewers.

This is Gag Concert's Say Anything Festival.

There's a civil defense drill today.

Is that for real?

I just said anything.

- It's the Say Anything Festival. / - Right.

Then let's meet our first contestant now.

♪ Pretty girls like pomegranate ♪

How absurd that she likes pomegranate!


- That's like debasing pomegranates. / - Right.

That's how sweet it is.

Pomegranate condition is best for laundry.

Pomegranate done!

Let's meet the next contestant.

♪ I'm Iranian ♪

He said he's Iranian.

Iran, Iran.

Let's meet the next contestant.

The hope and dream of children!

Is it Peter Pan?

Tinker Bell! Tinkerbell!

Tinker Bell!


- Peter Pan killed Tinker Bell. / - Yes.

- His own teammate. / - Right.

- Got it. / - What did you catch?

A snake.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Get on 3, Lee Seongdong.

- He really got on bus 3! / - Amazing!

The 3rd batter got on bus 3!

- That one deserves praise. / - Right.

Let's all complement him together.

Good job! Stamp, stamp!

That contestant hit a home run. Crack, crack.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Sir, there's a bug in the soup.

Tinker Bell!

Peter Pan made Tinker Bell into soup!

♪ Splash, splash throwing in Tinker Bell ♪

♪ Let's meet the next contestant ♪

- Ready? / - Yes!

Let's go out with a bang!

Let's go!

- They just... / - They really left with a bang!


Those guys should just leave comedy.

That's how well they did.

♪ With a guitar, with a guitar ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

A Super Saiyan?

What did you do to my hair?

I'm sorry, sir!

"What did you do to my hair?"

An absurd comment

as big as his head.

Is it 2, 3 or 4?

It's the next contestant!


I guess I can't help being a woman...

Such a sassy and absurd comment!

It was very sassy and well said!

Wasn't it kind of cute though?

- Really? / - I just said anything.

Right. Let's meet the next contestant.

Is it a soccer trick?

It's stuck to me.

- The ball was stuck to his head! / - Right.

- Wasn't that great? / - It was.

Pass! Pass!


Let's meet the next contestant.

Snow White...

Is it a poison apple?

I got my nails done.

She was showing off her nails!

- Right! / - A gel nail comment.

Right! Tomorrow is Monday.

Yes. Let's meet the next contestant.

Korea's slaves!

It wasn't "Korea Sings" it was Korea's slaves.

♪ Slaves, slaves ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he a pro wrestler?

This shirt is too tight!

He said the shirt is too tight.

A big guy like that needs to wear size 44.

♪ Meeting my friends 4, 4, 4 ♪

From the Say Anything Festival

this has been caster commentator...

And commentator caster.


For more infomation >> Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 4:24.


Cartoon about how to be a princess. Teaching the princess to dress and behave correctly. - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Cartoon about how to be a princess. Teaching the princess to dress and behave correctly. - Duration: 4:35.


Spear and Shield | 창과 방패 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 3:31.

(Spear and Shield)


I'm almost at Hapjeong Station.

I'm getting off soon. See you later.

You'll never get scared in any situation.

Courage pills for sale.

You'll cower in every situation.

Coward pills for sale.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Dang it... Why's it so cramped?

Do you know who I am?

What do you think made Lee Suji

of Gag Concert brave enough to wear a bikini?

What do you think made the people

that saw that cower in fear?

What do you think made Yoo Minsang

brave enough to fake-marry Lee Suji?

What do you think made

Minsang eat the pork belly so fast?

That made no sense.

Forget it.

We'll use our stuff on him at the same time

and if he gets scared, you get off.

Agreed. I see your offer

and if he becomes brave,

I'll raise you my bank account of 3 years.

Are you sure you're not in debt?

Agreed. I see your bank account

and raise you my dad's pension...

- From 30 years work. / - Are you insane?

Agreed! I see your dad's pension

and raise you my life.

He's betting his dad's pension!

This guy...

Has our lives in his hands.





A gangster...

His eyes are open wide in fear!

What're you looking at?

What're you looking at?

He's glaring and picking a fight!

A bug... A bug!

He's afraid of a bug!

You bug!

He's bravely beating up a gangster!

Would you be quiet?

What is it?

You want to throw down or what?

- Dang it... / - What?

I'm sorry!

Please don't hit me!

- Save me! / - He's totally afraid!

What? What?

Bring it!

He's bravely exposing that body of his!

He fainted from fear! I won!

- I lost... / - This station is Hapjeong.

- Hapjeong Station. / - I should get off.

Hey, did you try to pick a fight with me?

Follow me.

Follow me!

He bravely told that guy to follow him!

Follow me! Follow me!

He's running away in fear!

Follow me! You're dead meat today!

Follow me!

For more infomation >> Spear and Shield | 창과 방패 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 3:31.


Monster Truck Police Car for Children | Fun Race Car | Cartoon for Toddlers | BinBin Tv - Duration: 15:25.

Monster Truck Police Car for Children | Fun Race Car | Cartoon for Kids | BinBin Tv

For more infomation >> Monster Truck Police Car for Children | Fun Race Car | Cartoon for Toddlers | BinBin Tv - Duration: 15:25.


Idiotic Robot | 봇말려 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 4:47.

(Idiotic Robot)

Wow, awesome!

So many comments already.

Wow... Jinho-bot! Jinho-bot!

Did you call, master?

I have no emotions.

I am Jinho-bot.

I do not have a heart.

I do not have a heart.

I do not have a heart.

This is amazing, Jinho-bot.

I posted a photo of you on social media

and there are a ton of comments. Look.

"He's cute."

"He looks like BewhY."


Because I am a robot

I have no interest in social media.

- I guess... Just get to cleaning. / - Yes, master.

Cleaning mode.

I'll refresh...

Hold on.

What's that sound?

- Hashtag cleaning. / - What?

Hashtag endless housework, I do not have a heart.

You said you're not interested in social media.

- You're just a liar! / - Ow.


Hashtag pain makes me stronger.

You're addicted to social media!

I'm taking your cell phone.


Who's this?

Hyeonho, it's your mom.


You popped in without calling?

I was in the neighborhood for a meeting

so I brought you some side dishes.

You didn't have to.

Jinho-bot takes good care of me.

Oh, please.

The most he can probably do is

make toast or instant noodles.

You're all skin and bones

and this one is getting fatter!

It makes me so upset!

Mom, come on.

Think of how I raised you.

This thing's not good enough.

Look at that!

Where are you going when your elder is talking?

- I have to do the dishes... / - Oh, please.

Don't let the dishes pile up!

I told you so many times!

- And you never listen! / - Mom.


- Hi, honey... / - Oops...

Who's this?

That's my girlfriend, Somi.

And what does she do?

She works at a big company.

- Goodness, hello! / - Hello.

I'm Hyeonho's mother.

Mom, you have a meeting, right?

Oh, silly me.

I'd better get going.

- Somi, I'll see you next time. / - Yes, ma'am.

Look at these dirty dishes!

I can't take this anymore!

Hey... Jinho-bot.

- That's just how my mom talks... / - There you go again!

Why do you always take your mom's side?

- No, it's not... / - Alright.

I can just disappear then.

Where are you going

in the middle of doing the dishes?

I won't do the dishes and I'll go to hell.


The Jinho-bot you knew is dead.

What are you saying?

What am I to you?

Am I just a machine that works?

Yeah! You're just a machine that works.

- Oh... / - What are you saying?

- Stop messing around and clean! / - Yes, master.

- Honey, I bet my mom really surprised you. / - No.

- Have some water. / - Thanks.

She was just there.

It went down the wrong tube...

What the...

- Move it. / - What is this?

Move, honey.

- Why's he moving in slow motion? / - Move.

- Move, honey. / - Just walk normally.

What's with the seaweed?

- What is it? / - Emergency rescue mode.

What is it?

Hold on. What are you doing?

What was that?

Honey, he's my robot.

I'm learning to swim these days.

So I put him on emergency rescue mode in case.

But still. I don't like him.

- Geez! / - Honey.

- He's a robot. Let it go. / - Geez...

Oh, right.

We're supposed to go meet

your parents this weekend.

What if I do something wrong?

It'll be okay.

Master, we have a simulation mode.

Yeah? Then can you two

play Somi's mother and father?

Yes, master.

- Simulation mode. / - Nice.


- I'm Somi's boyfriend... / - You don't deserve her!

- Honey! / - Honey...

- Why did you... / - Take this and leave!

Excuse me. It's not like that.

It's not like that.

I'm confident that I can make Somi happy!

- Really? / - Yes.

But you and Somi...

- Are siblings. / - What?

Stop watching soap operas! What was that?


For more infomation >> Idiotic Robot | 봇말려 [Gag Concert / 2017.06.24] - Duration: 4:47.


NOMone VR Browser 0.8 Input Devices - Duration: 3:17.

In this video, I'll show you how to use the browser with your cardboard on

First, using earphones with a media button

Connect the earphones to your device

Then, use the gyroscope controlled cursor to move around

When you want to click something, press the media button

Notice that, nothing actually happens here!

From experience, not all earphones work on all devices

If pressing the media button doesn't work, try different earphones

The original ones that came with the device should work out of the box

Now, let's do some clicking!

Clicking the URL bar should show the on-screen keyboard

You can use it to type a URL or a search query

If you find using the earphones for clicking uncomfortable, you still have other options

Like .. using a USB mouse

To connect a USB mouse to your phone, you'll need an OTG cable

Connect the OTG cable to the phone and the mouse

You can now use the mouse instead of the gyroscope cursor

Notice that, we no longer need the gyroscope cursor

To disable it, go to the settings

and uncheck the gyroscope cursor option

You can also use a hardware keyboard with the browser

For this demo, I'll be using a wireless keyboard and mouse combo

Wireless and bluetooth devices are recommended. Less wires means more freedom

Notice that, the on-screen keyboard no longer appears upon clicking the URL bar

That's because a hardware keyboard is present

Use the physical keyboard to type instead

For the next input method, I'll need the gyroscope cursor.

Let's enable it

Now, let's remove all connections

and try the bluetooth remote

Let's pair it with our phone

Pairing successful. Back to the app

Press the "@" and "A" buttons to switch to the media controller mode

You can now use the gyroscope cursor to point and the remote to click

There's another way to use the remote with the browser

Press the "@" and "D" buttons to switch to the mouse mode

Now you can use the remote just like a mouse (hint: right click and drag to scroll)

That's it! Thanks for watching :)

For more infomation >> NOMone VR Browser 0.8 Input Devices - Duration: 3:17.


Doraemon Wii Game #122 | ヒジャーブ時間 - クレヨンしんちゃん | Khăn trùm thời gian | Shin cậu bé bút chì | Kuro Tv - Duration: 17:36.

For more infomation >> Doraemon Wii Game #122 | ヒジャーブ時間 - クレヨンしんちゃん | Khăn trùm thời gian | Shin cậu bé bút chì | Kuro Tv - Duration: 17:36.


Summer Mix 2017 🌱 Kygo & Ed Sheeran & Stoto 🌱 Best Of Tropical Deep House Chill Out Mix 2017 - Duration: 54:22.

Summer Mix 2017 🌱 Kygo & Ed Sheeran & Stoto 🌱 Best Of Tropical Deep House Chill Out Mix 2017

For more infomation >> Summer Mix 2017 🌱 Kygo & Ed Sheeran & Stoto 🌱 Best Of Tropical Deep House Chill Out Mix 2017 - Duration: 54:22.


you will quit minecraft after watching this recording... - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> you will quit minecraft after watching this recording... - Duration: 3:26.


Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - CHUYỆN THẰNG BÈN - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - CHUYỆN THẰNG BÈN - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 5:20.


FLAG DANCE #4 - Duration: 2:04.

national flag dance4

Federative Republic of Brazil

the French Republic

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

the Republic of Poland


the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

the United Mexican States


the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

the Lao People's Democratic Republic

For more infomation >> FLAG DANCE #4 - Duration: 2:04.


Ein schwules Känguru macht Ärger | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Ein schwules Känguru macht Ärger | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 4:40.


ANIME SONG | KILLER X KILLER ft. FUTURE (prod. by ATK BEATZ) - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> ANIME SONG | KILLER X KILLER ft. FUTURE (prod. by ATK BEATZ) - Duration: 4:16.


第13話「大予言者ノストラダムス」【モンストアニメ公式】 - Duration: 19:59.

For more infomation >> 第13話「大予言者ノストラダムス」【モンストアニメ公式】 - Duration: 19:59.


Học guitar ABC hướng dẫn slow - bolero điệp khúc nhạc vàng - Duration: 24:08.

For more infomation >> Học guitar ABC hướng dẫn slow - bolero điệp khúc nhạc vàng - Duration: 24:08.


Chó_ Động vật dễ thương,đáng yêu nhất thế giới(Cute, lovely dogs in the world)P4 - Duration: 20:49.

For more infomation >> Chó_ Động vật dễ thương,đáng yêu nhất thế giới(Cute, lovely dogs in the world)P4 - Duration: 20:49.


#Rapport Empatia 039 - Metamodelo de Linguagem - Omissões / Comparações - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> #Rapport Empatia 039 - Metamodelo de Linguagem - Omissões / Comparações - Duration: 6:03.


TOP 10 World Football Elo Ranking & world cap FIFA Ranking 2017/pointe & results 2017p - Duration: 1:36.

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