Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 25 2017






















For more infomation >> missing kids - Duration: 0:34.


Byron Morton's Weekend Weather - Duration: 1:43.














HERE'S I-25.























70'S AND 80'S.
















For more infomation >> Byron Morton's Weekend Weather - Duration: 1:43.


NXKST Training: Editing Photos Using Lightroom and Photoshop - Duration: 23:19.

hey what's going on guys my name is Tim

welke inflate I'm the lead photographer

and editor for the next go state medium

and you are on your way to becoming next

certified we three trainings you guys

are gonna have to go through the first

one is this video where I'm gonna teach

you guys and then the second one I'm

going to send you guys properties that

I've done in the past and you got to

send that back to me after you do all

that and my partner and I little

critiques you're going to work by the

third properties or the third training

you guys should be ready to go

may I remind you is still part of the

interviewing process we're going to be

looking at you're getting skills to

determine whether you guys are next

certified don't be scared now probably

so we are going to learn how to put in

the TV screen put in the fire window

pooling and something I call slambien

which is just a mixture it's just a

blend of a flash flash photo with an

ambient photo but first thing we're

going to do is we're going to create a

new catalog right and I highly recommend

having like a hard drive because these

photos are shoot files like 25 megabytes

and it could really slow down your

computer if you don't put it in like a

Dropbox or onedrive or hard drive so

imma save my catalog right over in my

next folder and I'll just do trial one

create so now it is creating the catalog

okay perfect

we are done with creating a catalog so

now you get in the description below

there's a link and when you click that

link it should bring you to this setting

right here so first thing we're going to

do is we are going to click on the first

photo hold shift and click on the last

photo and it's going to highlight all

the photos right here next you will on a

magnet control click I believe is the

same on a PC as well and you are going

to hit download and now it's creating a

zip so right over here my zip file has

just been created

all you do is click

then it will bring up this file double

click and now you have all your photos

right here and what we're going to do is

go back to Lightroom hit import and what

I normally do is I just go back over

here highlight what I need you don't use

a TV image that's for Photoshop you

don't need this image right here and I

just drag into lemon if it looking

dragged there we go and import perfect

now we have our photos in the Lightroom

I'm going to go to Philip

but before we do this before we do

anything in Lightroom let's go back to

this file okay so what we're going to do

is I created presets for you guys and

again just click and hold shift click

right here again and download the

presets as well look at that I made you

guys like easy

so my presets are done downloading again

same as the photo yet the photos you

just come over here double click and

here already preset I would I would say

this but I would do without reasoning

the the the folder name to do light room

preset and I'll take it to my ducky

perfect now we go back to Lightroom come

to the preset settings right here the

user presets and control click and then

now you can import quick import and then

go back to I saved it in my documents

Lightroom presets and then click the

first photo shift hold shift and then

click down and import all the presets

should be right here

so now you have my my secret sauce it's

not so secret anymore because you guys

know to this I got my lens and exposure

special sauce I'm sorry this is the

exterior shot I'm sorry special sauce

standard correction

and then this might this is that's why

like reset which is very interior so so

for my indian shot I always hit the lens

and exposure right so all that does is

it brings down my highlights and it

fixes my vertical and for my flash shot

I would just do standard correction

because there's there's not much

highlights over here and for my window

pool so with this window pool I kind of

kind of messed up with the outside it

kind of has its flashy look right here

so what I would do is first you got to

add the standard correction right you

have to add the standard Christian to

all of them perfect and then I would

just fix it up a little bit because you

can barely see outside so what I would

do is I bring down the exposure just a

little bit just to see outside maybe

bring down my highlight just a little

bit and that to me is fine for now let's

see this yeah again over here I'll just

probably bring down the highlights a

little bit just so we see outside

perfect and now we're ready to go edit

in Photoshop that's pretty much all it

is so make sure so again the ambient

shot I always do blended exposure my

highlights just and then everything else

just standard Corrections and that's it

now what we're going to do is highlight

your first photo hold shift and we're

going to hit control quick and you

should be able to go to edit in open as

layers in Photoshop so what this is

going to do it's going to kind of align

all these photos as a layer in Photoshop

I'm going to solve in the name now

perfect now all of our photos are right

here they're all aligned as a layer so

we have here's the ambient shot I always

put my in Vinci on top and then my flash

right under my ambient shot and then

these ones will take care of later on

there's one more preset you would have

to save and Photoshop so you would go to

your action if many of you guys might

not have the play button right here so

all you have to do is just go to windows

and hit action and it will pop up right

here so what you'll do is go right here

hit play I'm going to hit create new

action I align layers hit record so now

we go over here to select all layers so

it selected all the layers over here and

then now we go to edit Auto align layers

and hit OK so this action is really

important because sometimes when the

photographers have their tripods and

they're shooting the photo may be like

the cameras shook a little bit and you

know it's not going to be a perfectly

aligned with all the layers so this

action is really important so now that

that's done you just hit stop and now

you're done so let me so now anytime you

need to

anytime instead of doing all that now

you can just go over here hit this or

hit this right here your a line layer

preset and then just hit play and it

will do exactly what we just did but now

you're just doing in the button perfect

now we seem to be all the line so you

can see right here there's a little the

cameras shook a little bit but we'll get

rid of that lightning we are going to

come over here to our brush this is

really important make sure your hardness

is all the way down like 0% and then

your brush size I mean it just depends

on how big the room is I normally for

this room I'll go to 800 yes that's a

good brush right there and make sure

your flows on three starting off you

want your flow to be at three to four

percent you don't want to go any higher

than that because what that does is so

what that does is let's so let's click

let's create a layer mask all you do is

hit alt or option on the Mac Alt on a PC

and you just click the add vector mask

and it will hide the first layer because

what we're going to do is we're going to

bring in some of that ambient light into

the flat

photo if you have it at a hundred

percent this would it will bring in

everything from the first photo which

doesn't look natural at all

so let's get rid of that so I keep mine

at three three percent and then I slowly

start to go in and just slowly start to

bring in some of that ambient shot see

like over here is really dark I don't

like that let's get rid of it I need I

need a lot of light over here so what

the ambient shot does is it you blended

it with a flash to kind of make it look

natural like over here's a little too

flashy looks like I use the flash it's

kind of bringing some of that ambient

shot in here to make it natural

I'll keep it like that that seems pretty

good on it's a little dark over here

bring some light and yep over here it's

a little too dark

let's bring some of the light that came

from this window so you guys might be

like you guys might be saying what I

don't see anything happening you're

actually the difference right now let me

just kind of see I don't like I don't

like the flash it was on top of the

ceiling so let's fix that make it more

natural yeah

that right there is fine with me

so what did I do so this was a flash

shot and see I brought in some of that

ambient shot right there I don't know if

we get a look over here see in wood it

was just the ambient shot it will be

completely too bright way too bright

just bring a little more here yes a


it's up shadowing appear that I don't

like and then right here it's a little

dark let's bring in some light back now

per thing okay and that to me looks

really good so here is the plebeian look

we have the the blend of the ambient

shot and the flash which looks really


now let's get into a window cooling so

what I do is I bring my photo that has a

flashy window I bring it on top what's

really important with this is you want

to make sure you go to darken lows right

I'll show you exactly what that does so

let's do it again

option on a Mac Alt on a PC and then

click on this so it gets rid of that

layer I did now let's go over here zoom

in a little bit

I brought my brush value down to about

like the window I can bring it up a

little more

like right there perfect so what darken

mode does is it only affects the areas

that are dart so you saw how the flat is

like a flashy look and outside is pretty

dark so when you hit darken mode you can

brush see see I like the brims aren't

being affected it's just the outside

that's what darkens out this and that's

really important so for the most part

like this is pretty decent I mean I kind

of messed up so you see there's like a

flash like I pointed the flash directly

on it it doesn't look good

normally it shouldn't be like this but

mistakes happen so it's a photographer's

job to take another photo with milk

flash so what we do with this is because

I don't yeah I really don't like this

flash at all so we can get rid of it so

it's bringing back that layer I bring it

right on top over again create your

layer mask open and click and then now

it's important to bring it back down at

3% your float at 3% because we don't

want it to again I go to 100%

like I mean it's not bad but no we just

want to add 3% it just picks the area

that are really shiny and sorry I'm in

my office and it's like right downtown

so you do his ambulance and all that but

let's get back to the photo so yeah

again we could bring down the brush size

to about right there and just start

slowly painting in the I was getting rid

of that flashy look slowly starts

painting perfect that's gone now let's

give it at this one yeah from far away

that looks fine looks pretty decent and

then now so I'm okay with this photo

this is this is really good we again we

we did a window pool so what do we do

start all over start all over

alright so what do we do we had the

flash shot brought in our ambient right

to make it to blend it in to make it

look natural we get our window pool but

saw the flashed in and it doesn't really

look that nice and then we just got rid

of the flash that to me looks really

good so what I'm going to do is I'm

going to highlight the first layer and

then hold shift click on the last layer

and then i'ma flatten this image


all right now just add a little more

style to this home what we're going to

do is we can we're going to add in let's

do the TV first so we're going to zoom

in on the TV right over here on the TV I

get the polygonal polygons in lawsuit

tool and you just want to you want to

get the television screen not the brim

so I just come over here kind of do a

perfect job on it

doesn't have to be the best but just

like that so we selected the screen only

now you come over here modify and go to

feather and I do two pixels to give it a

smooth surface and hit okay perfect now

that we did that come back to select and

save selection and I'm going to do TV

and hit okay so now that we've done that

let's go back to the the folder that had

all the the photos which is right here

this is one we're going to use that TV

image right over here so let's bring

that TV image eh ooh that's pretty good

okay so come over here to opacity bring

it down just a little bit so you can see

the tip yep so you see the television in

the background I hold shift come come to

the edge right here I hold shift and

then just bring it down a little bit it

doesn't have to be exactly the

television size but you want it close

close enough to like let's see right

about now it's a little too big you down

a little more to about right there

actually let's go down just a tiny bit

more right there perfect so now now that

you've done that hit okay that's good

now you come over here

edit transform and distort and then now

here you know what I'm gonna bring my

opacity down just a little more okay

right there's pussy so now you want to

bring it you want the photos to be

corner to corner but not on the

television screen more on the like

around the TV right there's good right

there is really good and right here and

perfect so now we have that come back up

to select you remember we saved our

selection low selection and then hit TV

or wherever you saved it whatever you

saved it as and hit invert and hit okay

so what that does now is we come over

here to our you raise your tool okay

whatever I come over here yeah make sure

your flow that 100% make your brush big

your eraser big and now even just erased

and that's just going to get rid of what

we don't need perfect look at that looks

like it's on there so now I just bring

up the opacity just a little and then be

sure to go over here and hit screen to

make it natural the reflection off the

window and you're putting it down to

something real like right there it's

pretty nice I'm okay with that that's

that's really good and that is how you

insert a television now let's do the

flame flame is actually really simple

we're going to create a new layer I hold

shift command end and I'm gonna do fire

I mean it if you're gonna have a Mac

just come over here go to layers new and

get layered right there so let's do the

fire now so what we're going to do is

start off with the pen tool which is

right over here

uh zoom in on the fireplace and you want

to just go there's like wood right there

so I'll probably just go right here

maybe right there I hold shift and just

drag it along right over there perfect

now all you do is go to filter render

and flame you want the plan to be

realistic I mean some you know you don't

want it all the way like that that looks


bring it to about nostos to lie

something like that huh just a little

more down yeah like that that looks that

looks pretty natural but wherever you

think the length looks good at once you

figure it out hit okay and then boom

they'll bring in the plane right there

now you can get rid of the pen I just

did delete delete got rid of my mark

right at the bottom and you can move the

swing around so I would go right over

here let me see how that works see that

the flames might be a little too big but

what we could do is go to the eraser

tool and kind of just get rid of what we

don't need so I say all right there

looks pretty crazy let's give it at its

a little tool a little tall down there

like get rid of that and just smooth it

in and out a little bit and again I

think my eraser yeah my hardness is all

the way down give it that natural and

yeah you know it's good but you gotta

come over here hit screen again to give

it that reflection I mean it kinda

didn't really do much there look and

then bring down the opacity just a

little bit you don't want to stand out

too much they like right there yep

that was good so now that we have all

that how about your first layer come

over here click ctrl and flatten image

now that we're done with that you can

hit command s to save or you can just

come up here hit F or save and once it

says it should come back to Lightroom so

here's what we just got out of Photoshop

and you remember the corners remember

the camera shook a little bit so the

corners are also is just extent I will

shift bring it moving that's a little

too much right there maybe just a little

bit over here on this side thank you

doing that there's a little too much

feeling like there's we good and perfect

okay now that's good now this is why I

call this the special sauce you just

click that hey that looks good look at

that but you know what sometimes if you

look a little too too much I like it

more of a natural look like right over

here looks a little too too crazy so

let's bring down the shadow just a

little bit like right there and that

there's how you edit real-estate photos

okay what you think about this nice blue

that you ain't even look at that look at

that look at that that's it you hire you

to do that if you could do that

best believe you are high all right and

there it is I showed you how to do a TV

replacement fireplace window pulling and

the plebeian look if you guys have any

questions please comment below and we'll

get back to you as soon as possible

thank you

For more infomation >> NXKST Training: Editing Photos Using Lightroom and Photoshop - Duration: 23:19.


News Van Ironically Stolen During Live Crime Report - Duration: 1:38.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

Being a journalist comes with its own host of occupational hazards, being embarrassed

on the live local news broadcasts being chief among them.

Michelle Donaldson, the news director of local Albuquerque station KOB-TV, had his station's

news van car-jacked on

live tv.

As Donaldson's crew gathered footage in Downtown Albuquerque for a report about a

local company contemplating a move because of an increase in crime, at least one thief

made off with their van.

KOB-TV reporter Kai Porter said,

"Our entire news crew is a little shaken up.

Our news car was stolen from this parking lot here at Central and 1st as we were getting

set up for our live shot.

Our crew's okay, we called 9-1-1 and reported it to police.

But it just goes to show you that anybody can be impacted by crime down here in this


The live shot was slated to be part of a story about tech startup, Lavu, and the company's

growing concerns about crime in the area.

Instead, the irony wasn't lost on members of the KOB-TV news staff who ended up being

subjects of the very type of criminal activity their report was spotlighting.

"We were doing a story about those concerns, and the city's response to those concerns

when, ironically, we became victims of crime ourselves in exactly the area they're talking


Despite damage to the SUV, no members of the KOB-TV news crew were harmed.

That's all for no, for everything else subscribe to Complex on Youtube.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> News Van Ironically Stolen During Live Crime Report - Duration: 1:38.


New Transformers The last Knight Turbo Changer Grimlock Knight Armor Vs King Kong Unboxing - Duration: 13:15.

you gonna win today Kings battle good luck working go keep watching -

New Transformers The last Knight Turbo Changer Grimlock Knight Armor Vs King Kong Unboxing

we have an awesome Transformers toy this is the turbo changer Grimlock from the

new Transformers movie the last night the movie comes off suit and this one

looks really cool he has night armor I also have the really big Grimlock which

I'll be showing you guys soon the big one that has the pull handle you just

pull the handle off and he transforms and make sounds and everything he's

really cool so there's a couple other ones you could get you've got Bumblebee

and Optimus Prime cool let's open this up and check them

out ok so let's first of all go ahead and check him out in the night armor

form and then I'll show you guys how to transform him it is a easy three-step

process so super easy here you could see the two heads of the dinosaur actually

become his shoulders

so here he's got like a really cool like Knight armor helmet that's like greening

great with like big horns you could see like teeth on his chest

here ah let's check movement wise don't have too much I mean the arms will go

back and forth because they have to transform by flipping forward so little

movement here and a he will bend at the elbow so he could hold a weapon stay

with this dog and then here's a look his chest people go up and down because you

have to actually move that when you're transforming him then movement wise on

the leg there is no movement on the legs I mean that is stuck like it is so

there's absolutely no movement there but its feet will turn 360 degrees because

you got to turn the feet outward to transform the guy and then here is a

look at the back of him cool okay so let's check out how to transform this

guy then first thing you want to do is you turn his feet outward like that you

pull his chest piece forwards you ah drop his helmet here goes back and then

the whole front flips forward and he is transformed into Wenhua so this is

really similar to the ah transforming one like the one step transforming

so let's see that again so the transformer back simply stand him up

pull the shoulder pieces out pull the back helmet arc on and he is transformed

super simple transform again pull this forward pull this part backward he flips

forward you pulled the chest piece up and you

are done he is transformed in to Grimlock so let's go ahead and check

them out as grimlock as Grimlock he does look really intimidating looking huge

teeth soup a little sharp beady eyes he does have little t-rex arms so he is a

t-rex which is really cool and the weird thing is his helmet here just flips

right onto his tail but it actually does make it look like he's got us bike tail

that is really cool and then here you can see if beat will turn 360 degrees

like I said are really cool guys I mean I really like this Grimlock he's awesome

it would be nice if they made a way to lock the face piece oh they do ok they

do clip together there so that is that's cool because it almost seemed like they

were just floating in the back here is a look at the top of him so you

can see his head is here in between the two off the Transformers head is there

in between the two head pieces of this teabag

okay Jim it's great to be back in two days battles today's cage battle and

ominous racks first good walk what do you think about that well Bob I

think they're pretty evenly matched at none of them cheap well let's go ahead

and get this battle on the road the only rules are there are no rules

haha okay Bob and our battle is underway ah the rule Gonet oh oh

good lucks down and dumb enclosing it what is this term lock is transforming

Bob this was not supposed to happen we're locked that agreed not to

transform into his robot form will this happen and here comes the indominus rex

Oh Grimlock ins ripped his arm boy it's not too happy about that

what is this ah good luck Scott I'm in a joke home father cuz the other armed

indominus is helpless Oh

ah ah he ripped his head right off ah Gerlach is celebrating robot that was

a minute you fucking Rena anything let's see who our next contestant Oh

our next contestant weighing in at 8,000 Paul oh he didn't even wait to start the

fight he took Gerlach right down well Bob good

luck is getting back up again Oh God took him down again and again Wow Kong

is ripping this guy up Wow Bob what are we gonna do bout that

not much we can do Jim Oh down ah there he goes Wow King Kong is celebrating

wait wait Bob I'm celebrating yet what is this oh it's good luck big brother

oh he's got Kong in his mouth Wow ah Kong is down but what is this oh it's

good transforming

calls trying to get back up but good marks brothers all over em all call

these down oh ah Kong yeah it looks like Grimlock the winner Jim Wow Bob I didn't

know cream locks brother's name Grimlock the whole family's interlocked there's

eight of them they're all named Grimlock one through eight

well Bob that was a short and sweet battle looks like Grimlock took it but

oh what was that oh it's a huge car Oh Kong's big brother I slamming Grimlock

all over the place Wow what Grimlock does not stand a

chance with this monster he's going for a takedown Bob what do we feed em up so

bad Wow well guys this is totally unexpected

congas our new champion a boy Jim that was totally unexpected yeah so you can

see on our Channel Bob totally unexpected winner is to battle Wow

well guys until we see next time remember the rules are Oh guys that was

a totally awesome battle and guys if you are interested in it's a quick change

Grimlock I'll have a link below the video where you could buy it I am

affiliated with Amazon which means I get a small sales commission if you buy

something but because you did exact same amount so you are buying an awesome toy

and helping to support my channel this is my main job guys and I love doing

this job I love making these videos for you guys me and guys are awesome

audience I will wow that was a lot of fun and if

you enjoyed the video make sure you click Subscribe and the thumbs up button

down below the video in today's secret word is the word

go ahead put that in the comment section down below the video I know you remember

my club hook to the video ends there's an awesome incurred the awkward one for

you and I click the boxes below for a lot more fun video if you want to see

even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Transformers The last Knight Turbo Changer Grimlock Knight Armor Vs King Kong Unboxing - Duration: 13:15.


Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 💗 Learn Color For Kids ❤Learn Color With Icream #7 - Duration: 15:14.

finger family songs nursery | learn color for kids

For more infomation >> Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 💗 Learn Color For Kids ❤Learn Color With Icream #7 - Duration: 15:14.


Đừng chết Nếu bạn Chưa Nghe Kinh này ! Hãy Xem Và Chia Sẻ Ngay - Duration: 32:28.

For more infomation >> Đừng chết Nếu bạn Chưa Nghe Kinh này ! Hãy Xem Và Chia Sẻ Ngay - Duration: 32:28.


Home Remedies for Morning Sickness - Duration: 3:53.

Home Remedies for Morning Sickness

During early pregnancy, many women have frequent nausea or vomiting, which is often referred

to as morning sickness.

For many, it occurs in the morning, but the discomfort can happen anytime during the day.

Several factors can contribute to morning sickness, such as certain odors, certain foods,

fatigue, anxiety, or vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

Morning sickness is very normal and there is nothing to worry about.

You can combat the nausea and vomiting with some simple, natural treatments.

Here are the top 5 home remedies for morning sickness.



The natural calming effect of lemon is a great way to reduce nausea.

If you are feeling nauseous, mix one teaspoon each of lemon juice and mint juice with one-half

teaspoon of ginger juice and one tablespoon of honey.

Have this mixture two to three times a day.

Alternatively, you can mix one teaspoon each of lemon juice and mint with some sugar.

Consume it three times a day.

Squeeze a fresh lemon and mix the juice with a glass of water.

Drink it every morning to prevent nausea.

Also, you can simply take a bite of fresh-cut lemon or chew lemon-flavored candy.

Even smelling fresh lemon peels can ease morning sickness symptoms.



Ginger root contains chemicals called gingerols and shogaols that can give relief from nausea

and vomiting.

Add five to six drops of ginger juice in a teaspoon of honey.

Consume this mixture slowly when you wake up in the morning.

Alternatively, boil some grated ginger in water until the water is reduced by half.

Let it cool and then add some honey.

Drink it daily in the morning.

You can make ginger tea by adding one-half teaspoon of powdered ginger to a cup of boiling


Let it steep for 10 minutes and then strain it.

Sip the tea slowly.

Pregnant women must not drink this tea more than three times daily.

Sucking a small piece of ginger or chewing a ginger candy can also give quick relief

from nausea.


Curry Leaves

Juice extracted from curry leaves, when combined with lime juice and sugar, can be used as

an Ayurvedic medicine to treat nausea and vomiting due to morning sickness.

Press 15 to 20 curry leaves on a sieve to extract the juice.

Add two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey or sugar and mix it


Drink this two or three times a day.



The anesthetic property present in peppermint will calm the stomach and thus help reduce


Make peppermint tea by putting one tablespoon of peppermint leaves in one cup of boiling


Let it steep for 10 minutes and then strain it.

If desired, you can add some sugar or honey.

Drink the tea slowly, sipping it over some time.

Alternatively, you can put a few drops of peppermint essential oil on a cloth and inhale

the smell.

Even sucking on peppermint candies can be very effective.



The aromatic and licorice-tasting fennel seeds can also be used to calm the stomach and give

fast relief from morning sickness.

The anesthetic components present in fennel seeds help combat nausea.

Chew on one teaspoon of fennel seeds after meals to help in the digestion process.

You can also try fennel tea.

Add one teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds to a cup of boiling water.

Let it steep for a few minutes before straining.

Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey before sipping it.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies for Morning Sickness - Duration: 3:53.


KHOẢNH KHẮC KỲ DIỆU - Tổng hợp Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu tuần 06 - Phim hoạt hình ► Hoạt hình hay 2017 - Duration: 50:15.

For more infomation >> KHOẢNH KHẮC KỲ DIỆU - Tổng hợp Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu tuần 06 - Phim hoạt hình ► Hoạt hình hay 2017 - Duration: 50:15.


10 Shocking Things that Happen to Your Body after Giving Birth - Duration: 6:50.

10 Shocking Things that Happen to Your Body after Giving Birth

During pregnancy, a woman�s body goes through lot of changes.

Although the pregnancy is over and you�ve got the gift of a living, breathing miracle

in your arms, the challenges are just beginning.

You need to adapt to your new role while learning how to take care of your baby.

Your body will start to return to normal again in a few months.

Until then, go easy on yourself and do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it.


Postpartum Blues

Postpartum blues, also referred to as �baby blues� is a common problem in almost 60

to 80 percent women.

It is a mild and temporary form of depression with symptoms like mood swings, lethargy,

feelings of loss, frustration, irritability, unexplained weeping, and insomnia.

In postnatal depression, a woman may have signs like feeling down, not enjoying things

that she used to like before, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite and low self-esteem.

In such cases, it is important to talk to your doctor about it to treat the problem



Post-Labor Pains

With all the pushing and contortions of labor, it is very natural to feel washed out, tired

and even painful.

Pain can be felt in the ribs, abdomen and back as well as near your private parts.

To relieve pain and soreness: Lie down as much as you can, so that the pressure is taken

off your bottom.

Put a cold compress on your perineum to reduce pain.

Rest whenever you feel the need, and give your body time to heal.

Continue having a warm bath daily for at least a month.

Start doing pelvic floor exercises as soon as possible.

If the cramping or pain persists, call your doctor immediately.

It could be a sign of infection or another problem that requires medical attention.


Painful Breasts

Painful, large and swollen breasts are something that most new moms have to deal with.

Initially after childbirth, the breasts are soft as they contain a little colostrum, the

rich, creamy first milk full of antibodies that help protect your baby from infection.

If you have a fever and your breasts are red and warm, don�t ignore it.

This can be a sign of mastitis and breast abscess, both painful infections that need

to be treated with antibiotics.


Vaginal Dryness

Many women suffer from vaginal dryness after childbirth.

This problem is also experienced by many women during pregnancy.

To help deal with this problem, make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day

to keep the body hydrated.

Also, avoid douches and personal hygiene sprays, which can irritate sensitive vaginal tissues.


Vaginal Bleeding

After delivery, many women suffer from seemingly never-ending bloody discharge from the vagina.

This vaginal blood with small clots is called lochia.

The bleeding is red at first, then brownish, and finally yellowish-white.

When experiencing postpartum bleeding: Use heavy-duty pads and change several times a


Do not use tampons to prevent introducing bacteria into your still-recovering uterus

and genital tract.

Do not wear your favorite clothes immediately after delivery to avoid staining them.

Rest as much as you can and avoid excess standing and walking.

Do not do strenuous activities, as it will interfere in your body�s repair work and

cause more bleeding.

if you notice very large clots or experience very heavy flow and there is a foul smell,

consult your doctor immediately.


Post-Baby Belly

Once the baby is born, it does not mean that you will have a flat tummy.

After delivery, most women will have a round belly.

Along with breastfeeding, both nutrition and physical activity play an important role in

the weight-loss process for anyone attempting to lose weight.


Hair Loss

After delivery, you may notice excessive hair loss.

Do not panic, as this is normal.

During pregnancy, most women will have a massive mane of hair due to hormonal changes in the

body that cause more hair follicles to be in the active growth phase than normal.

To fight hair loss after delivery and enjoy healthy and strong hair again, you must: Avoid

pigtails, braids and any tight hairstyles that cause excessive pulling.

Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which contain flavonoids and antioxidants.

Consult your doctor about supplementing your diet with vitamin B complex, biotin, vitamin

E and zinc.

Use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica.

Do not comb or brush your hair when it�s wet.

Avoid using blow dryers and other heated hair instruments.


Hemorrhoids and Constipation

The ongoing hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy and the postpartum period can slow

down the gastrointestinal system and cause constipation.

You can try a sitz bath, 2 to 4 times a day, to help hemorrhoids shrink.

Applying witch hazel to the hemorrhoids can also help and try to sit on a pillow or waffle

cushion to relieve pressure on the rectum.

Sitting in a rocking chair or recliner may also provide relief.


Night Sweats or Hot Flashes

No doubt, you may have sweat a lot during labor, but after childbirth you may also find

yourself sweating quite a bit during the first few weeks.

Your body may become dehydrateddue to heavy sweating, so make sure you�re drinking plenty

of fluids.

Put a soft towel on your pillow to absorb some of the moisture.

Wear loose, lightweight clothing to allow the sweat to evaporate.

Sprinkle on some talc-free powder to absorb excess moisture and help prevent a heat rash.


Postpartum Thyroiditis

Postpartum thyroiditis, which means inflammation of the thyroid gland, is common after childbirth.

Thyroid Association, postpartum thyroiditis affects 5 to 10 percent of women.

You must get your thyroid level checked if you suffer from symptoms such as shakiness,

palpitations, irritability, difficulty sleeping, weight gain, fatigue, increased sensitivity

to cold, depression, dry skin and vaginal dryness.

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