Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 26 2017

Are you Adesh Varma?

What is it? -Lala has sent us

Lala wants this house of yours.

He wants to construct a hotel here.

You need not worry. You will get whatever amount you want.

But I don't want to sell my house.

People who were in the huts near your house also said that.

That is why you burnt their houses & they ran away in fear

Great ! This is what I was going to tell you.

Yes, but I will not run away.

Mr. Varma, Lala is not in the habit of hearing No.

A very bad habit. - Think about it.

You might be the loser.

Only businessmen think about profits and losses.

But I am a editor who has no value for loss or profits.

Lala's anger can be very harmful.

And I don't get angry at all.

Happy Birthday, Papa

What all have you prepared, daughter?

You don't even remember your birthday, Papa

True, as I have become old

You are still young for me. - Really ! - Come

I am considered as an important man in the city

I am an editor, but still I am threatened every day...

...and bullets are being fired at my house.

Till now, when none of my appeals have been answered...

...what will be the condition of an ordinary man?

Truth is not what we read or write, but it is what...

...we bear and are going through.

Whenever we write about a rogue, we describe him like...

...a hero and glorify him and praise him

But we learn about these rogues, only when our own mother...

...sister, brother or we become their victims.

I am very much against hooliganism

We follow the nation's law and respect it.

I have only one weakness. I can't hear No to anything

On hearing No my brain goes haywire & I start burning.

I only need his house.

I am ready to pay him for that.

But why is that foolish journalist not understanding my words.

Sometimes, he writes in the newspapers against me or...

....complains to the police against me.

Will the police protect him from me?

He will have to give his house to me.

This article will expose the police more than the Lala

Get it printed. Hello...

Mr. Varma, I am Jai. I gave the interview and came.

How was the interview?

Congrats.- I will become a big Police Officer soon.

When are we meeting?

Seema, did you receive a phone from Jai - No

His IPS interview was very good. Congratulate him.

But where is he, Papa?

Mother... -Jai, why are you excited?


How was your interview? - Mother...

Your son is going to become a very big Police Officer.

Hello -Jai, I have to give you something.

Then give it.

I can't give it in the phone

If you can't give it on the phone, send it over.

That thing can't be sent either as you have to be in front of me

We have to meet? Then, you come over

"Where should I come and meet you tomorrow?"

"In the Church -No..."

"In the Temple -No..."

"In the Garden -No..."

"Or in the Hotel -Are you hungry?"

"There will be someone in those places."

"I will like to meet you in private!"

"Where should I come & meet you tomorrow?"

"In the mountains above, where nobody comes or goes."

"But an exhibition of lovers can be seen frequently there."

"In the mountains above, where nobody comes or goes."

"But an exhibition of lovers can be seen frequently there."

"Then, where should I come and meet you."

"In the college -No..."

"In the canteen -Do you want to eat something?"

"In the library -No, No..."

"Or in the Bookstall -What nonsense!"

"There will be someone in those places."

"I will like to meet you only alone"

"Where should I come and meet you tomorrow?"

"Let us meet in the first class compartment of a fast train."

"No, as the Ticket Checker is jealous on seeing a youthful pair"

"Let us meet in the first class compartment of a fast train."

"No, as the Ticket Checker is jealous on seeing a youthful pair"

"Then, where should I meet you?"

"On the ticket counter. -No"

"On the platform -No..."

"In the waiting room -Definitely not."

"Or in the Rails -Do you want to die or what..."

"There will be someone in those places."

"I will meet you only alone."

"Where should I come and meet you?"

"Only in that place only... Did you understand?"

This is nothing but hooliganism. Acharya is only a name.

The whole hutment knew that Lala only burnt their huts as...

...he wanted them to vacate their place

But the police wants Achary as well as a rogue like Lala.

What proof do you have for this? - Acharya's running away... the proof, but is any proof necessary

When someone destroys the proof, will the truth be lost?

The duty of a journalist is to create awareness amongst the...

...public and not to gather proof. We will compel the government... gather proof against the Lala and investigate the case...

...and make him stand before the Court as early as possible so...

...that it can be felt that there is some law & order in the nation..

...and people need not fear. Humans are living here and...

...not some animals.

Adesh Verma is going to print something against Lala.

Today only...

Varma, I heard that you are going to print something...

...against the Lala in the newspaper

Listen carefully. If this happens, it will be very bad.

Jai, Daddy has not come home yet. I have been trying to call...

...him for an hour, but nobody is picking up.. - He will come...

I don't know why I am scared, Jai?

What is there to be scared?

Why don't you try and understand!

Ok, I will go to bring him

Greetings, Mr. Adesh -You here at this time, Jai?

Yes. Seema got scared

She is still a child

With a hope for victory, a man fights throughout his life.

But to continue to fight without hope, one has to leave...

...thoughts about victory or defeat.

This is neither a fight between truth and untruth and nor...

...between the poor and the rich.

This is the fight against greed. Hence we have to keep fighting.

This is a never ending fight.

Now this car won't run but will make us run.

Leave it now. As house is nearby, we will go walking

Suppose the car gets stolen?

It has been stolen thrice. Even the thieves get tired of this... and leave it back. Come on...

I have followed non-violence till today. But sometimes, I feel... if I am hiding my weakness behind non-violence

Gandhiji used to say that if one slaps one cheek of yours... him the other cheek. But if the hitter has a sword in his hand..

...we have two cheeks but only one neck to show

He'll behead you, if you bow before him.

Violence has won, son

No ! No ! No !

Mother.. - Where are you going? - My son is there...

Get out.

Why did you come here, mother? -Do you know what your son did?

What did my son do? Did he steal or rob?

Your son has done a murder -You go home, mother

This is a lie -Get out...

Mother, you go home -I won't go...

I will take my son and go. -Go away...

Mother, don't speak to him -Leave me, I'll take my son along

Go away from here -Why are you pushing her?

She is my mother -My son.. Leave me..

Don't push my mother - Leave my son.

Mother... Go away, mother


Adesh Verma was not attacked fatally by hooligans.

He met with an accident.

We got orders from the higher officer. You can go now

I can't go like this. First tell me, why I was jailed here.

My mother was pushed around and I was insulted. Why?

We got report afterwards that it was an accident.

Accident ! - You were found in the place of murder.

There was blood in your hands & corpse was in front of you.

Anybody in my place would have thought that you were the killer

But the photo printed in the paper has become the proof of...

...your innocence. We also got the truck which caused the accident

This is not an accident but murder, MURDER.

Do you know more than us? -That murder happened... front of my eyes. - You are mistaken.

It was only an accident.

Mistaken and accident ! Are you also a party to their crime?

Am I mad? The murder occurred in front of my eyes

Are you rising your hands on the Inspector, that too Kelkar...

Catch him. Trying to hit the police. Come & tie him.

Leave him.

Take him

Release him.

Do you know, what a big crime it is to attack the police?

Are you aware of the big punishment you might get?

Seeing your condition, I think that this much punishment is enough for you.

Son, if you go to a police station and...

...attack the police officers, will they keep quiet?

Your fate is good that the police came to know soon that...

...Mr. Verma died in an accident -No.

He was murdered in front of my eyes.

His head was broken in front of my eyes.

I saw him dying with my eyes.

His life went in these very hands.

You are being emotional. It was only an accident.

No. I am not being emotional. I used to trust our Police Commissioner...

...our protector a lot. I never thought that...

...he will also support those killers. I am ashamed of you.

Shut up...

I won't ! What will you do? Will you hit me?

How much will you hit me? Even then I will keep shouting and...

...tell that our Police is only the killer. - Shut up

Or you will be found in a sewage gutter tomorrow.

We police are not magicians. We also solve cases on the basis...

...of witnesses and proof. Understood?

My father's name was Raghunath.

He was murdered in the midst of a market.

My mother has become old by going to the Courts repeatedly

But she did not get justice. Still I will not leave this

I will not leave this

Daughter, none of us can fight against God's wishes.

He had to die and has left us and has gone

But, why has God taken away my father so soon.

He never harmed anyone but why has this happened to him?

Who has taken away the life of my father? Why, mother !

He was neither uneducated nor an ignorant, but still...

...why did he not listen to me?

He has died now that too in an accident...

Accident in the midst of the road, but...

...Lala is not a bad man and doesn't think bad for anyone

Munna, go and give some money and flowers on our behalf in...

...that journalist's house.

Are you the daughter of Mr. Adesh Verma? - Yes.

Lalaji has sent these flowers and a letter

One good, just person has left this world.

Adesh Verma was one of well known persons to me.

As his friend, it is my duty to take care his family after his death

You might not know that Adesh Varma sold this bungalow ... me before dying.

It will be better if you book a flat for yourself.

One month time should be enough for you.

Get out..

Kalua. - Yes, sir? - Loaded the goods. - I'm doing it.

Come my cowardly rowdy.

You feel shy like a lady. You can drink a drum full of liquor.

Have you seen your face which is like a buffalo.

You look as if you killed 2-4, & your neck is like a pig's &...

...will take 4 days to cut. Go and drown yourself.

Where is that girl ? Pick her up and bring here

Hope you won't be scared now? -No

If you are scared, ring me up.


Gag her!

I'll handle him.

Go. I will catch her...

Gag her!

Leave me.

I made a mistake Forgive me

I made a mistake

Stop it, Jai

He will die, Jai. - Leave me.

Please stop, Jai. - No!

Whom do you work for? - Or he will die.

Leave him.

Please stop, Jai

Leave him. He will die, Jai.

Leave me! Let me go!

Stop it, Jai.

Get up! Tell me. - No!

Fools and pigs.... What was the need for doing all this?

You should have done something if you went there.

What will the people say? Why are you defaming me?

Why are you staring at me? Do something

What is happening here?

What is this?

Why are these people breaking our house?

Who is this man?

I had sent money with him but you insulted & sent him back

When our boys came to keep things here, you had...

...them beaten & handed them over to police..

...but Lala tolerated it all

He did nothing.

I don't like hooliganism at all.

I never take law into my hands

Hence we have brought the police along with us.

Son, you are young and your blood is boiling & I understand.

But law is Law after all!

I have bought this house and now it is my house.

But... - This house belonged to the Newspaper company...

...but we have bought it now

We're living here for many years

Ok, go and get Stay orders from the Court then.

If you want to stay tonight, we can open 1 or 2 rooms for you

Lala is not a bad man but enmity with the Lala... very bad!

It is illegal occupation but they have all the receipts

But all those receipts are duplicate ones. They are rogues

You are only saying that -I am telling the truth

When did I say that you are lying?

Will you take up this case or not?

This is a civil case with risk. It might take 1-2 years.

1-2 years- It is a property case that too with rogues.

Might even take 5-6 years.

5-6 years?

It might take even 20 years.

Are you upset? For you, I can make some concession. Listen!

What is your problem?

Stay order for possession of the house.

I take up only cases like this. It will be finished in 2-3 days

2-3 days! - But my fees will be Rs. 500- as I don't take small cases.

Take out 500 rupees. I will speak with the...

...judge now itself and get a judgment.

Take out 500 rupees.

Thank you. You wait here, I will just come.

We made a fool of him. But our work got over.

Tell me if you have some work I will do it at a cheap rate

Work is over It is over..

Any problem, sir. I will work for a cheap rate

Brother, is this application yours?- Yes

Have we got the Stay order? - We will get it - When ?

Come after a month - What? Where is that lawyer?

He has gone - Where? -He has gone home.

Nothing can be done here, mother. Our whole system is corrupted.

I can't see any hope for getting justice.

My father had a friend. He is a Deputy Minister now.

He might be able to help us.

Mr. Verma was a very good friend of mine.

A truck accident has snatched a good journalist from us.

Subhash said that somebody is snatching your house

Yes, his name is Lala Ranjan. - Lala Ranjan?

Why does Lala Ranjan need your house?

Did he have any conflict with Shri Verma.

Have you written a complaint to the police?

We went to the Police as well as the Court,...

...but nothing happened.

I am aware that the situation in the nation is bad.

But you will get justice, as I am there. Don't worry.

Will you have tea or coffee?

Who are they? - The poor public. They are saying that...

...Lala Ranjan has captured their house. What should I do now?

Shall I go and get the house for them?

They come here shameless!

Is this any life?

Shall I also bow my head and live like those crores of people

Shall I fall at the feet of those unjust hooligans, mother?

They came to kidnap her in front of me. They made her homeless...

...and I had to stand like a coward.

Have you given birth to a coward, mother?

Am I a dog, a tame domesticated dog...

I will not leave any of them. You see, mother!

What will you do? How many hooligans will you kill?

10, 20 or 50. Then you will also become a goon.

Then your mother will become very happy that...

... her son is a hooligan. Your wife and children will be proud of you.

When your father died, I cried a lot and cry even now but...

...I can proudly say even today that I am a widow of a martyr

I prefer that, but I don't accept to be a mother of a hooligan

What do you want, mother?

You wish that...

...I stand with a bowed head & not be able to protect my mother & wife?

Is there no other way out except hooliganism - It is not there... have seen everything, mother

I heard that God listens to everyone, & I believe it today.

I have been selected for the IPS, mother

Your son has become a police officer. -What..

A big police officer... -Like your father!

I can't be so great. But the stars in my uniform will show...

...the face of my father definitely.

"See the lady is whistling but we can't hear anything"

"See the lady is whistling but we can't hear anything"

"But don't blame me then..."

"Please move away a little, dear..."

" my train has come."

"Please move away a little, dear..."

" my train has come."

"This lady is showing the flag, and you can't see it..."

""I gesture to him, but he can't see it.""

"...then don't blame that the train has come"

"Move away dear as their train has come."

"Move away dear as their train has come."

"Stop at this station of heart..."

" pleasant colours are there."

"This train will not stop at small stations"

"Stop at this station of heart..."

" pleasant colours are there."

"This train will not stop at small stations"

"What will happen if these two trains clash with each other"

"Move away dear as their train has come."

"Move away dear as their train has come."

"Friend said that my lover is black, but I say that she is fair"

"Let sweets be in your mouth and let his mouth get soil"

"Friend said that my lover is black, but I say that she is fair"

"Let sweets be in your mouth and let his mouth get soil"

"You made me happy and I will catch your hands.."

"Move away, as our train has come.."

"Move away dear as their train has come."

"Move away, as our train has come.."

"Move away dear as their train has come."

"Move away, as our train has come.."

"Move away dear as their train has come."

"Move away, as our train has come.."

"Move away dear as their train has come."

The enemy is in front of you. Don't lose sight of him

The enemy should never escape from your eyes

Take your guns and aim...

The enemy is in front and shouldn't escape from your eyes

How was your aim correct this time?

Sir, when enemy is in front of you, the bullets do not come...

...from the gun but our hearts.

Please save me

I am on fire!

Raju, everyday you pass by my house and I see you

Everyday you bring somebody's letter but why are you not...

...bringing my son's letters? -Madam, what should I do?

Maybe he is not writing to you at all. - He surely writes.

You are only not bringing the letters. - Please listen to me.

Why should I? If you don't bring a letter tomorrow...

...don't you dare to pass through this street.

Mother, I am all right here and pray God for your welfare

Your prayers have become a blessing for me, mother.

I am coming back soon.

God, stay in my house and protect my son.

My dear small children, I have a very bad news for all of you


After today, your teacher will not be teaching you dance.

There is also a good news. -What is it?

I am marrying your dance master.

Along with that 15 kgs. heroin was seized, no 5 kgs heroin...

...was seized and the hooligans left the vehicle and ran away.

Who are you and where are you going?

Who is it? -Our new ACP

What is your name? -Kelkar

For how many years have you been here? - 3 years.

How many?- It is approximately three and half years, sir

Tell correctly. - 3 years, 6 months and today is 10th day.

For so long, you have been posted here only.

What is this police stations. Seems to be a real good police station!

Sir, I believe in honesty and hard work, sir

What did you say your name was?

My name is Kelkar, people call me as terror. Go...

You don't know, who I am.

I am the master of this area. The wind also asks for...

...permission before entering here. But you, a young boy is trying... show off before me.

I am the new ACP here. This police station...

...and many other police stations like this one, are under me

I am the new administrator that means this Baton! - Yes sir.

Two years back, Mr. Adesh Verma was murdered

Mr. Adesh Verma?

Who is Adesh Verma? - Adesh Verma, the editor

But that was an accident, sir. -I want all reports of that accident.

In a week, I will... -I want it by this evening.


By today evening...

How are you, Kelkar?

Has that consignment reached the godown? - Yes, Lala

Catch Ganpat and bring here. Then see...

Don't beat him. I want him in full form here.

Yes. You wait and send Pandey for getting Ganpat

What can I do, fool?

Now you tell me.-Sir, new ACP is asking for the file

What file? - Adesh Varma's. - Who? - The editor, who was killed...

Come IG.

Deshpande's phone will come. You deal with it.

Tell what is the matter now, Kelkar.

Sir, Mr. Jai is asking for the file of Mr. Adesh Verma

What is there in it? Remove all the important papers from it.

Adesh Varma was murdered in front of my eyes.

Do you have any proof? -No sir

All the proofs have vanished -Then...

Sir, you might remember that I was arrested for this murder &... had come to meet me in the prison

I don't remember anything -Sir....Don't you remember?

I said, I don't remember anything.

Lala had enmity with Mr. Adesh and he wanted to snatch their house

I have already said that I don't know anything.

Did you understand?

I need your permission for arresting Lala.

You don't need my permission for that.

Court's orders are required for that and proof is needed for that.

We will get the proof also, sir.

Whom do you wish to meet?

There seems to be more worship than required in these places

This time is my worshipping time.

If all the sins can be washed away by praying...

...then what is the use of Police? -Very good, how did you come here

Lala, I want those men of yours who killed Mr. Adesh Varma

Varma's murderers, that too here...

Anyway, you can catch any of these fools standing here.

Lala never does any bad work -Makes others do it for him!

See, you came here uninvited and hit two of our men.

You kicked and opened the prayer room door...

...Still I didn't say anything.

You go away from here now.

I will go away today. But I will take you with me one day.

I will beat you so much that you will die licking your wounds

Stupid fools, what are you all doing?

Don't you know that he is a very big Police Officer?

The Govt. has also given him a uniform and...

...there are also stars in his uniform.

This uniform creates lots of misunderstanding

This uniform is very deceiving.

The government does give this uniform to you but... is not bullet-proof Bullet pierces through this.

This clothing of yours is also not bullet-proof

Jai, your job is my co-wife. You are such a bore

You are a big bore.

What will you eat today? -Anything

Whatever you say? -Anything

You are a big bore.

Say something at least

"Hello, say something at least"

"My bangles jingle! How do I tell my condition to you?"

"My ignorant lover does not understand nor does he try."

"My veil is flying away and..."

" collyrium is smiling away"

"My bindiya too says that there is no sleep ..."

"...throughout the night, dear"

"My bindiya too says that there is no sleep ..."

"...throughout the night, dear"

"The morning glory of these cheeks..."

"...and the dark luster of my hair"

"This treasure of love & this song is for you, my love!"

"Hello, say something at least"

"Hello, say something at least"

"My bangles jingle! How do I tell my condition to you?"

"My bangles jingle! How do I tell my condition to you?"

"My ignorant lover does not understand nor does he try."

"Come, let me take you into my arms and..."

" with your hair"

"Let me enter into your heart through your eyes and..."

"...become your heartbeat"

"Let me enter into your heart through your eyes and..."

"...become your heartbeat"

"I only pray that..."

"...I should always love you like this"

"You are only my love and my dream..."

"I should always remain yours"

"You are only my love and my dream..."

"I should always remain yours"

"Hello ! Hello ! Say something at least"

Stop it.

Start the vehicle and keep

Hurry up and load. Work fast...

Come on.

Hey, handle here.

Work fast...

Listen baldy, keep the things of Jhumri in the Surinder's vehicle

Yesterday's goods have not reached yet.

Are the men trustworthy?

If the goods do not reach by today evening, we will not be... to show our face to anyone.

He was your man. Bring him here alive

Lala does not wish that blood should flow. He hates it.

I like only cleanliness!

Where are you coming from? -Mumbai

Where are you going? -Pune -Stop this car.

If he talks too much, kill him.

You get down.

Forgive me and please leave me.

He is my brother-in-law. Please forgive him.

I will advise him

Please forgive him.

Who planned to steal my goods?

You had planned to cheat and tried to escape with my goods

Aren't you scared? How did you think of escaping with my stuff

If I allow everyone to escape like this, I'll become a pauper..

...and I will be defamed -Please forgive me, Lala

If I forgive you, all these fools will sit on my head!

That won't happen again. - That is possible only if I leave you.

No !- You escaped with my goods on these two legs !

Catch his legs -No....

He died just on seeing this scene! I didn't even touch you, fool !

He died just by seeing....

He died just by seeing....

He died just by seeing....

He killed my brother-in-law, sir. - Who? - Lala Ranjan!

Lala Ranjan? - Yes.

What is your name? - I am Lala Ranjan's driver...

...and my brother-in-law used to work for him.

Lala lost a little due to him.

I saw two men dying in front of me. He only killed them

Will you tell this in the Court? -Yes sir I'll stand as a witness.

Take oath on the holy book of Gita that you will only speak the truth

I take oath that I will speak only the truth

I won't speak anything

What is your name? -Anjum Bakshi

Are you the driver of Lala Ranjan?


Do you at least know Lala Ranjan? - No

Then why did you come here. - I don't know sir.

The police only brought me here ...

...and said that I should give witness here.

I don't know anything, sir

Police is warned that they should gather strong proof before they...

...produce anyone in the court. As there is no witness against...

...the Lala, he is freed -But sir...

The Law does not sit in its place but licks the heels of goons

Law belongs to the rich & hooligans & not the poor.

Law sides with power, not the truth.

The Law is created by decent men and for decent people

But it is used by the hooligans


Search for him.

Lala, please forgive me. I have erred.

Forgive me. Forgive me just for once

What for should I forgive you? -I have done a mistake

Don't kill me.

I did so much for you, gave money to you and your wife and... for your illegal wife and then why did you do this?

Otherwise you say that Lala is a very bad man

No, Lala - Lala is a very bad person and a wicked person

Tell this-No - Tell this - Yes

Lala is a bad man -Yes

Lala is wicked -Yes

Lala is a hooligan - Yes

Stupid! Am I a bad man, then.

How have I harmed you? -No, you didn't do anything

Then why did you go to give witness against me?

You were one of my loyal man. - Yes

You were my disciple - Yes

And I am your teacher - Yes. - Do one work for me.

I will do anything for you.

I like cleanliness very much. When you go to hell... clean one chair for me.

"I'm alone in the house."

"I'm alone in the house. I am new in this place."

"I don't know what to do during this dark night."

"The rain has kindled passion."

"I don't know what to do during this dark night."

"I'm alone in the house. I am new in this place."

"I don't know what to do during this dark night."

"If I had gestured my beloved.."

"..he would've come to meet me stealthily."

"If I had gestured my beloved.."

"..he would've come to meet me stealthily."

"When he takes me into his arms.."

" body blooms like a flower."

"My lover.."

"I wouldn't have felt shy in front of my lover."

"I don't know what to do during this dark night."

"I'm alone in the house. I am new to this place."

"I don't know what to do during this dark night."

Fatso, you sat in my rickshaw and deflated the tyre.

Don't call me fatso. - Pay me compensation.

I won't pay.

You fool!

You killed Mr. Adesh.

Get a doctor fast.

Sir, he won't be able to speak.

Why? Is he dead?

No, he's dumb. His tongue is cut. - No!

Why won't he speak?

Rogue, you can at least write.

You killed Mr. Adesh?

Want to be a big bully? Take him away.


Does he have any relative? - No, sir.


Sir, he asked for a bed-sheet.

Did he? - He requested me.

In which language?

In Marathi. - He asked for a bed-sheet? - Yes, sir.

I know you're a very honest, hardworking and good officer.

But Kelkar, learn to lie properly before lying.

He's dumb.

I don't mind if you think you're very clever.

But I mind if you think I'm a fool.

I've already taken his statement.

How can you prove that man's statement?

That man confessed that on Lala's order he killed Mr. Adesh.

Will he say that in court?

He's dead, sir.

You had caught Lala earlier too.

But that witness turned hostile in court and refused to..

..identify Lala.

Sir, you know very well that.. - I don't know anything.

You can nab Lala if you wish, but with adequate proof.

You need proof to arrest Lala.


Yes, sir.

No, I don't know that.

Yes, sir.

I'll just find out.

Did Jai bring Lala there? - No, sir.

Where have you brought me?

Lala, this is a place from where people vanish.

Recognise it?


Your men killed Mr. Adesh right here.

My men killed someone? They are stupid fools. It's possible.

Then what should I do?

Should I tell you?

Take God's name as your end is near.

You've got lots of vigour. - That's true.

You're not aware of Lala's strength.

I am.

I know leaders, police and lawyers are trying to get you released.

But no one can save you.

I'll kill you here and it'll be published.. an accident in tomorrow's newspaper.

But this is against the law! - Who is acting against the law?

What are you doing? Isn't there any law and order?

It's there.

This is the law.

And this is the order.

You're trying to teach me law.

A petty goon.

I won't spare you? - What are you doing? Are you mad?

What has happened to you?


Remember your God.

What is this? Watch out! Have you gone mad?

I'm sorry, sir.

These boys lose their mind in the zeal of their youth.

I'll take legal action..


I'm a very unfortunate person.

Very unfortunate.. I have no son.

I wish I had a son like Jai.

Then I would've ruled this city.

I would've been the king of this place.

It is unfortunate that Jai isn't my son.

And the other unfortunate thing is that..

..I'll kill him.

You think you're very brave and clever.

But I've given birth to you.

You're still a kid for me.

And you're trying to fool me? - What happened, mother?

What would we have done if something had happened to you?

Who incited you? You're getting upset unnecessarily.

Nothing has happened to your son.

You can't understand my sorrow.

I know the difficulties I faced in raising you.

Answer me.

Before my birth, what sort of son did you wish for?

Brave and handsome like your father. Just like you.

You've got him. What else do you want?

Listen. If I win this war for justice..

..our family will get great fame.

But while fighting..

..even if I die and get martyrdom..

..then also our family will.. - What!

What nonsense! I'll slap you.

You blabber anything.

I'm a martyr's widow. Isn't that enough?

Why don't you talk to him and explain it to him?

I do, but he doesn't listen to me.

What should I do?

Please, mother.

You never cared for anyone.

What are you saying? Have I ever disobeyed you?

Why are you crying?

For a year I've been telling you.. make offerings at a shrine. Did you listen?

I stopped requesting you.

I swear I won't ask again.

Please. - No.

Mother! - What happened to you?

What happened to you? - Nothing.

Come, mother.

"When the radiance of light is formless.."

"..and the breeze is amorphous.."

"..then how can you see God's image?"

"Even the sun looks pale in front of Your shadow."

"Even the sun looks pale in front of Your shadow."

"Even the sun looks pale in front of Your shadow."

"Even the sun looks pale in front of Your shadow."

"When You shower mercy, fortunes change!"

"When You shower mercy, fortunes change!"

What do you think of yourself?

By becoming an A.C.P. you think you can arrest anybody?

You can kill anyone.

Do you think you're God?

If I want, I can dismiss you right now.

What have I done, sir? - You don't know.

You tried to kill Lala!

Lala is lying. - Why would he lie?

I'm wondering too. Why would he lie?

I haven't harmed him.

You think you're clever.

But I've not wasted my years in the police force.

You're getting angry for no reason.

I was getting him to you in the jeep.

But the tyre skidded and there was an accident.

Even I got hurt. Look! I'm not lying.

Jai. I'm older than you.

We don't work like that.

You know, I had to explain it to the home minister yesterday.

Such acts bring a bad name to our department.

Do you have some old enmity with Lala Ranjan?

Tell me.

We'll get a warrant against him and nab him. We'll punish him.

Jai. I'm like your father.

At least tell me what the problem is.

Sir, you're my elder as well as my senior.

So I'll tell you the truth.


..Lala's men killed Adesh Verma right in front of me.

But nothing happened.

Instead I was arrested and beaten up. You know it.

Then his house was occupied. Still nothing happened.

We went to court. Nothing happened.

I even asked your help. But you too..

That day I decided to kill Lala.

I arrested him and took him to the same area in my jeep.

Then I took out my baton and clobbered the jeep.

I was about to hit him too, but our own people came!

A truck was coming from the front. I drove towards it.

The truck driver got scared..

..or else Lala would've long been dead!

He would've met with an accident.

But how can you prove a murder to be an accident?

It is so simple.

Like it happened with Adesh Verma!

Smart boy.

Since long I was looking for some evidence to dismiss you.

Actually, sir.. - Your statement.

'Lala's men murdered Adesh Verma.'

'Instead they took me. Beat me up.'

I'm sorry, sir.

I'm sorry, sir.

I'm really sorry, sir.

Sir, I'm really sorry.

I removed the microphone by mistake.

You scum! - I'm sorry.

I'll dismiss you. - Yes, sir!

But before that I'll kill Lala.



I want to say something to you.

Go ahead.

I'm feeling restless.

Restless? What happened?

What happened, baby?

I feel like vomiting.

Then ring up Dr. Puri.



Is it crying? - No.

Then? - Sleeping.

It's kicking. Perhaps it is dreaming.

I love you.

You're lying.

You're lying. - I swear I love you.

I love you!

I love you very much.

I'll become a father.

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"A daughter is like a Goddess. She brings good luck."

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"It'll be a daughter! - It'll be a son."

"It'll be a girl. - It'll be a boy."

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"If I'll become a mother, you'll become a father too."

"But first let the child come in this world."

"Our sweet girl will come soon."

"She'll call me daddy."

"There is still time. Why are you so impatient?"

"Just tell her that her daddy is in a hurry."

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"It'll be a daughter! - It'll be a son."

"It'll be a girl. - It'll be a boy."

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"My heart wants a son."

"I bet it'll be a boy."

"My darling daughter will sing sweet songs."

"Now stop arguing and agree with me."

"Okay, I agree with you. Now give me a smile."

"It'll be a daughter! - It'll be a son."

"It'll be a girl. - It'll be a boy."

Let's go.

Seema. - No!


Jai! - Seema!

Seema. - No!

No! - Seema.





Seema! - Jai.

Our child! - Seema.

Our baby!

Where is Lala?

I don't know. - Where is Lala?

Where is Lala?

You! Come here. You scoundrel!

Where is Lala?

Tell me, where is Lala? - I don't know.

Where is Lala? - Don't beat me.

Where is Lala?

What is happening here?

What is happening?

Sir, these people killed my child. - Which child?

My child!

Which child?

Sir, the one in the mother's womb..

Take them away!


We both have suffered the same loss.

If you were its mother, I was its father.

You're not a father!

You're not even a husband.

You're only a police officer!

It's not like that! - It is, Jai!

Today your job..

..snatched your greatest happiness.

But it didn't affect you.

Tomorrow if a goon will shoot me, you'll still be indifferent.

Do you think I'm cold-hearted?

I'm distressed too.

The only difference is that you can cry, but I can't.

I'm proud of my brave husband!

He's so brave that despite losing his child, he can't cry!

You misunderstand me!

Then what is the truth? Tell me.

I've told you often to get a transfer from this place!

But you always neglected it.

But today you'll have to listen to me.

Leave this city.

Don't be a fool! I can't leave this city. - Why not?

I don't have answers to all your questions!

Why not? I'm your wife.

You'll have to answer me.

Or else I'll leave this house.

You can't leave this house.

Neither will you leave this house nor will I leave this city.

You'll stay in this house! Got it?


I'm sorry, Seema.

I'm really sorry.


Please forgive me. Okay?

Seema, it's not that I do not love you.

I love you very much.

Therefore I don't want to say anything.

I'm afraid that it might hurt you.

When you are tense and quiet..

..I feel more hurt.

Mr. Adesh..

..your father was also my teacher.

He didn't die in an accident.

Lala's men killed him in front of me.

He was murdered.

"When flowers will be crushed like this.."

"..people will long for even a drop of fragrance."

"When you shed tears, wipe them yourself."

"If people come to wipe them.."

"..they'll try to make profit out of it!"

Everything will be fine.

Trust me!

Lala, I have your arrest warrant.

Come out quickly or else I'll blow up the building along with you.

I'll count till ten.










A.C.P. of ward two. You're informed that you've been transferred.

For the new post, contact your headquarters.

Where is sir? - In a hotel for lunch.

I want to talk to you, sir.

Talk in the office.

Sir, you've transferred me.

If you don't cancel my transfer order, I'll not leave.

We're here to have lunch. I don't even know you.

I'm Jai Singh.

I'm A.C.P. Rajnagar. And you're my boss.

I don't know. Official work is done in the office.

Gentleman, this table is ours.

Just sign here!

Sign it.

Didn't you hear me? This is our table.

Behave yourself, officer.

I'll die, but you'll die too if you don't sign here.

And write..

..that I can shoot Lala anytime.

Sign it.

You got scared!

Our brave I.G. got scared.

So you value your own life!

You'll not be able to do anything.

Munna, get some of your cronies here.

And send them after him.

Kill that fool!

Don't let him escape!

Stop. What happened?

Save me. Goons are after me!

Help me. Those goons want to kill me.

Thrash him!

Get up!

You want to shoot? What if I had been shot?

Tell me. - Please forgive me.

Please leave me. - Where are you going?

Let me go! - Just look back!

No. Please help me. - Get up.

Did Lala send you to kill me?

Who sent you?

Please leave me. - Really?

Who has sent you?

Lala! - Yes.

For what?! - To kill you.

Will you testify in court?

I'll say whatever you want.

Please leave me. - Should I leave you?

Please leave me. - Should I?

Leave me now. - Sure?

Yes. - Here.

Help me!

Sir has met with an accident. You've to come to the hospital.

What? Mother!

What is it? - Jai has met with an accident.


The door is open. I'll just close it.


When did he leave? - Around 15 minutes ago.

Seema, what are you doing? Hurry up.


Mother, I couldn't find the money.

Why do you need money?

We may need it for the medicine.

For medicine?

We'll get it there. Come now.

And food? Please come here.



Come on.


Stand quietly.

Don't answer him. Got it?

Where is Lala? - No idea, sir.

Why have you arrested them? - They shot your mother.

Release them. - Sir. - Come on.

Get lost!


Where is Lala? - In the storehouse.

Just scram from here.

Lala, he killed our four men. He is coming this way.


Mother! - Where is Jai?

Stop it! Move away!

Do you want to kill him? Stupid fools!

If he dies, with whom will I carry my feud?

I'll be destroyed.

Lala, I won't spare you.

But this Lala will spare you.

My men!

These fools will drop you at your house.

I'm pure-hearted. I don't go back on my words.

I ask you in front of everyone. I'll do whatever you want.


Which leg of yours should I cut first?

Left or right?

Whichever you want will be cut first.

Mend your ways, Lala.

He has gone mad. Hold his legs.

Where is she? - I don't know.

What is this?

You have blood on your hands!

Goons are outside. - God! I won't listen to anything!

It seems fishy to me.

Doctor! - Nurse.



Lala! Halt!

If you move, I'll shoot you.

Come here.

Hurry up!

Leave me!

Well done, kid.

For the first time, you've done a good job.

Seema, hit him!


Jai. - Don't worry. It is nothing.

Stay with mother. I will come.

Jai, you are wounded!

Let me check it.

I told you it is nothing.

It's nothing.

It's just a bullet wound. I'm not beheaded.

I'm sorry.

You love me? Okay?

Go away!

Shut the doors. Blast every police jeep that comes here.

Go, fools! What are you waiting for?

I'm Kelkar!

Lala, we blew up the policeman.

Stupid fool!

He came to kill Lala. Stupid fool!

Stupid fools! Do something.

Run! Run!

Stupid fool!

When your bombs and bullets couldn't do anything..

..what will you do with this stick?

Lala is scared. Life is precious, isn't it?

Policemen are not bad, but enmity with them is bad!

You want to raise hands on a policeman?

Police. Help me!

You're calling the police.

I am here!

I am a policeman.

I, Lala Ranjan..

Repeat after me or else I'll thrash you some more.

Say it.

With God as my witness, Lala Ranjan swears that..

I'll respect the law till my last breath!

I'll respect the law till my last breath.

I'll respect the police uniform.

I'll respect the police uniform.

I confess to all my crimes. - I confess to all my crimes.

I'm under your shelter.

Any punishment is acceptable to me.

No, kid. What are you doing?

Nothing special. Just fixing the dynamite.

Help me!

Help me!

Sir, don't go up! It's dangerous.

Sir, you didn't listen to me.

I warned you..

..not to go upstairs, but still you did.

Jai! - Yes?

I want to say something. - Say it then.

I am not feeling well.

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"A daughter is like a Goddess. She brings good luck."

"A daughter is like a Goddess. She brings good luck."

"How would I know whether it'll be a boy or a girl?"

For more infomation >> Antim Nyay {HD} - Jackie Shroff | Neelam | Tanuja | Alok Nath | Kulbhushan Kharbanda - Duration: 2:17:09.


Canciones Infantiles ♫ Si Eres Feliz y lo Sabes - HeyKids - Duration: 35:02.

For more infomation >> Canciones Infantiles ♫ Si Eres Feliz y lo Sabes - HeyKids - Duration: 35:02.


Thói Quen Vô Cùng Phổ Biến Khi nấu Nướng Khiến Cả Nhà Bị Ung Thư 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 14:42.

For more infomation >> Thói Quen Vô Cùng Phổ Biến Khi nấu Nướng Khiến Cả Nhà Bị Ung Thư 100 Người Thì 99 Người Không Biết - Duration: 14:42.


Monday morning forecast - Duration: 2:14.


































































For more infomation >> Monday morning forecast - Duration: 2:14.


Marlow Talks About Kong & Skullcrawlers | Kong Skull Island (2017) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:26.

As far as I can tell, this ship washed up about 10 years before I did.

- You've been here since '44? - Yeah.

Hey, what happened with the war? Did we win?

Which one?

That makes sense.

This is all hallowed ground to them. So if you like your hands, don't touch anything.

Look at that.

The way they tell it for thousands of years, the people on this island lived in fear.

That's a hell of a long time to be scared.

And then, one day, the damnedest thing happened.

Some of the things they were afraid of started protecting them...

...against the things that were eating them.

But nothing lasts forever, I guess.

And this is where they honor the last of their saviors.


That's Kong.

He's king around here.

He's God to these people.

Kong's a pretty good king.

Keeps to himself mostly.

This is his home. We're just guests here.

But you don't go into someone's house and start dropping bombs...

...unless you're picking a fight.

Wasn't Kong the one who killed your friend?


One of them did.

Kong's god on the island...

...but the devils live below us.

And what are they called?

The Iwis won't speak their name.

But I call them skull-crawlers.


'Cause it sounds neat.

- Okay. - Look, I just made that name up.

- I'm trying to scare you. - I'm fine calling them that.

- Are you cool with that? I like the name... - Yeah, that seems like a great name.

I've never said that name out loud before. It sounds stupid now that I say it. Just...

You call them whatever you want. They're big lizard things. Nasty.

They come from the vents deep down. That's why Kong got so mad.

Those bombs woke up a bunch of them.

I tell you what. You're lucky he's out there, too, or you wouldn't have made it this far.

They're crafty bastards. Mean as hell.

Now, he can handle them as long as he gets to them when they're still small.

- You don't wanna wake up the big one. - How big is it?

It's bigger. It wiped out his whole family.

Kong's the last of his kind, but he's still growing.

And you better hope he does. Because the Iwis say once Kong goes...

...then the big one comes up.

Then it's, "Goodnight, Irene."

Listen, there's a refueling team coming to the north end of the island in three days.

- You should come with us. - To the north end of the island?

- We're gonna get out of here. - In three days?


You can't get to the north end in three days. It's impossible.

That's it. No way.

At least not on foot.

For more infomation >> Marlow Talks About Kong & Skullcrawlers | Kong Skull Island (2017) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:26.


[Preview(Ep.13&14)] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_빅톤의 세븐 런닝맨! - Duration: 0:31.

"Seven Running Men."

(Envelopes are hidden somewhere inside the building)

(They must find consonants and vowels and make their own name tags!)

(Complete your name first)

(Their second mission is the race on ripping others' name tags first)

(There can be only one winner!)

(A close battle that no one can predict)

(Which member will be the only survivor?)

(Meet "VICTON's Born Identity" every Tues, Thurs at 8 pm)

For more infomation >> [Preview(Ep.13&14)] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_빅톤의 세븐 런닝맨! - Duration: 0:31.


Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - THẦN ĐIỂU - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - THẦN ĐIỂU - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 4:21.


Polen: Lebendig begraben? - "Schreiende" russische Skelette der Schlacht von Zyrzyn entdeckt - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Polen: Lebendig begraben? - "Schreiende" russische Skelette der Schlacht von Zyrzyn entdeckt - Duration: 2:11.


Không Ngờ Trung Quốc Còn Sợ Thứ Này Của Việt Nam Hơn Cả Chiến Hạm Mỹ ở Biển Đông - Duration: 30:04.

For more infomation >> Không Ngờ Trung Quốc Còn Sợ Thứ Này Của Việt Nam Hơn Cả Chiến Hạm Mỹ ở Biển Đông - Duration: 30:04.


Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Süper Chat Nedir - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Sosyal Medya Dersleri - YouTube Süper Chat Nedir - Duration: 4:29.


Arriving At Skull Island | Kong Skull Island (2017) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:24.

Hey, that's pretty, huh?

Let's take them down, low and level.

Fox Leader to Fox Group. Split up, survey your zones.

Fox Seven, put Landsat on deck.

Copy, Fox Leader. Fox Three headed to Zone Six.

Put us down over there.

Everyone else, stay with the team leader.

Move that gear to our three o'clock. Let's go, let's move it!

- Ready for seismic charges. - Roger that.

Fox Group, let it fly.

Copy all, Fox Three. Heading 0-9-0.

Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

The seismic response is incredible.

Hey, Randa, you're not gonna believe this.

The bedrock...'s practically hollow.


Look out!

On guard, Fox Five! Fox Eight is down! Fox Four is down!

Respond, Fox Three!

For more infomation >> Arriving At Skull Island | Kong Skull Island (2017) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:24.


HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước_siêu bựa,ngu người nhất Trung Quốc(Most funny China)P9 - Duration: 19:28.

For more infomation >> HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước_siêu bựa,ngu người nhất Trung Quốc(Most funny China)P9 - Duration: 19:28.


★ Nightcore - What Do You Want From Me | Cascada - Clawz Remix | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 3:25.

What Do You Want From Me - Cascada

Clawz Remix

Sugu music

nightcore live

For more infomation >> ★ Nightcore - What Do You Want From Me | Cascada - Clawz Remix | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 3:25.


FINISH THE SONG | BOLLYWOOD SONGS 2017 - Duration: 3:12.



For more infomation >> FINISH THE SONG | BOLLYWOOD SONGS 2017 - Duration: 3:12.


Volvo Trucks - w minutę o akcji "Stań, Popatrz, Pomachaj" - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo Trucks - w minutę o akcji "Stań, Popatrz, Pomachaj" - Duration: 1:08.


Plants vs Zombies 2 Modern Day: Highway To The Danger Room -Level 21-23 | pvz2 Gameplay video - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> Plants vs Zombies 2 Modern Day: Highway To The Danger Room -Level 21-23 | pvz2 Gameplay video - Duration: 11:51.


Top 5 Smartphones Under Rs.10000 In India | June 2017 - Duration: 3:58.

hello guys welcome back to my channel and I'm back with another video and in

this video I'm going to talk about five smartphones under 10,000 rupees in india so

please watch this video til the end , numer 5

xaomi redmi 3s prime , xaomi redmi 3s prime has a good metallic body and

a OTG cable support with a huge 4100 mAh battery and we can expand the memory of

this phone up to 128gb with a external SD card and the fingerprint scencor it is quite

good in this phone and volte support is quite good thing to have 32 GB

internal storage with 3gb ram is a good thing

the cons of this phone are the battery is non removable this is not a corn this quite

common in nowadays the camera of this phone is quite average and we know guys

the redmi cameras are quite average actually with redmi note 4 and in this phone also

so these are two cons of the phone if you are looking for a good camera phone please dont buy this phone

there are some good camera fones out there and in the list also number 4

the Horner 5c - I see the good phone with a good battery backup and

with RAM management and stunning cameras this one has everything it's perfect

but there are some cons also in response setup like this one doesn't have any way

to get support so you could drop the phone the phone is gone hands for you a

battery is not reflected non-literal jacketing duplication so this is not the

cause is the pro number 3 too bad you're 5 foot 5 note 5 is a good

phone with a good metal unibody design with a good octa-core processor and a

better camera than any other phone in this sizes good bad note 5 is a good

phone with a full HD display and compare notes ice doesn't have any particular

major con this one just a little bulky because of the size of the battles and

this one also have an on I already told you guys the future no no

go back take a decision number two million five million five is a good

phone with a good metal body design and a good brand management so that would

GPU and a camera this one is the perfect bike under 10,000 rupees in India but

there are some cons in this point that is like this one doesn't have any XM

radio and the phone is making building was of the method back aside and again

and again the battery is not admissible I know why this is the future I already

told you in this video I think fisheye number one Lenovo

physics while then I walk ethics our is a good for from Lenovo in a private

capital and this is the best point under 10,000 rupees that you can buy this one

has everything everything doesn't mean in a perfect premium vodka except you

think this is like this one is pit stick and this one doesn't have a boiler got

to explain you have to buy a case for system it means you apply the fit on the

phone between this lipstick okay guys so this is publicity and it will have any

solutions or anything returns tell me in the comment section below I will try to

all of you and heels like this video and subscribe to my channel for more videos

like this and drink quite late in the night so I am going to squeeze bed now

thanks for watching video

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