Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily Jun 27 2018

In this video, I'm going to show you how you can test your tracking codes before you actually

implement them in Google Tag Manager onto your website or pass them on to a developer.

All and more coming up.

Hey there, welcome back to another video of teaching you the data driven way of digital


My name is Julian, and today we're here in our new studio.

It's still a work in progress, as you might hear, but nonetheless, I want to talk with

you today about a little technique that I use to test my tracking before I actually

implemented into Google Tag Manager or pass it on to a developer.

Why is this important?

Well, we have all been there, you go through the tracking steps, implement your tracking,

and at some point it's supposed to work but no data has received, there could be a multiple

and a host of reasons why this is.

But one might actually be that the tracking code that you are supposed to implement is

malformed because you may have done some customization sort of tracking code, added some parameters,

and suddenly, something is not working.

Now to make sure that you're tracking code is actually working correctly, I often test

my tracking codes before I actually implement them into Google Tag Manager or pass them

on to a developer that way, we don't have these feedback loops of going back and forth,

and later finding out well, the tracking code, the JavaScript code that we actually are supposed

to implement was malformed.

Now, Chrome gives us some great tools in order to accomplish this.

And that's what I want to show you today.

So let's dive in.

All right

for this tip, we're going to start out on our website where we want to test our tracking

before we actually put it into Google Tag Manager hard coded onto our website, or send

it on to a developer.

You know these tracking codes that you get from Google Analytics, for example, here in

our admin section, we have our tracking information, tracking code and here's a little bit of JavaScript

that you need to install on to the website.

So how can we test the beforehand?

Inside of our browser, we have access to JavaScript through our developer tools.

And we can open them right here on the right side, we have more tools.

And there is our developer tools, this will open up our developer tools.

And he would get a panel that shows us the HTML markup representation, the document object

model of the website that we are looking on right now.

By the way, you might be seeing something like this, it's just that you can't change

the site's up here of where the panel is displayed.

For our purposes, we want to first of all, look at the console, it was this is our direct

access to JavaScript inside of the browser.

So whatever we type here needs to be JavaScript confirm, and can be executed right away.

So for example, an alert statement,


enter, and the JavaScript is right away executed, we get this alert statement from JavaScript,

and therefore can use this to execute JavaScript inside of our browser.

What if we wanted to execute this JavaScript?

Well, it's not actually just JavaScript here, because we have script tags, which are HTML.

And then we have a little script blog right here, that is actual JavaScript.

And first of all, what this script does, it loads this library from Google Tag Manager,

let's just copy this URL right here, and open up this new tab, it's much more JavaScript,

this is the complete library of the gtag.

And let's just mark this all and copy it into our browser here and paste it in.

Let's press enter, and it executes, nothing really happens.

Because this is just a library.

Now, we want to test our tracking.

And this is down here inside of the script tags.

Let's copy that, go back to our page and read it as well, press enter, nothing happens again.

But inside of our tech assistant, we see that there was a page view generated, we also should

be to see this in our real time reporting that there was a page view that was just generated

for this account.

So here we go.

So again, we can already test our tracking inside of the developer tools.

Since now the library is loaded.

And we have this configuration set up, what if we wanted to send an event into Google


Or let's look up in the documentation of the gtag how to send events that's right here,

let's copy this and try it out.

Inside of our developer tools, we need to enter an action.

So in our case, it would be test tag or test event,

then we have a category

and a label, I will omit this last value here.

And as you might notice, I've entered valid JavaScript with these quotation marks around

my values, that the representation for string, I also got rid of that last comma here because

we didn't want to use the value, which also shows that this needs to be valid JavaScript.

Otherwise, you would get an error and it wouldn't be executed correctly.

But again, if I would have the comma in here, press Enter.

And that's doesn't do anything to the gtag.

So correct, says automatically the library.

But normally, it wouldn't be valid JavaScript, and you would have an error in there.

But again, you can test this all out beforehand.

And now we would see up here that there has been an event fired, and that should also

be visible again, inside our events right here.

So here is where the event fight, right.

So you can test already these codes inside of the console, as long as you provide it

with pure JavaScript, so the browser can interpret it.

But as you might have seen, it was a bit cumbersome to go through these lines here with my up

and down arrow key.

And if you make a mistake, you don't have any way to go back and forth between your


So what I would recommend if you have larger code blocks, just like this one, to use another

method, which is under sources tab.

Now, in the sources tab, you normally look at our HTML, here is the representation it

gets downloaded by the browser, different libraries, different platforms.

But there's also a little tab right here on the snippets, if you don't see that you can

probably activated in your settings where you can input complete blocks of code.

So for example, I can go here with a new snippet.

Lets call this Facebook pixel.

And he I can enter my JavaScript a little code editor right here.

So let's go over to Facebook.

Right here we have our code.

And this is a bit of HTML bit of JavaScript.

Let's just copy that and input that here.

As you can see, we have our code editor, it already complains here about at this is not

valid JavaScript.

So let's get rid of our script tags here and also the no script tag.

And here we go.

This is our Facebook pixel.

Here's the library that gets loaded.

And then the initiation call and the track call for the page view.

By the way, if you want to prettify something, you can format it here.

So the format it and you make it a little bit more readable in terms of functions, for

example, that are written out and so on, you can do that with any kind of code.

And then if you want to execute it, so press enter, like on the console, you simply click

down here, and it will run the code and open up in the window below here the console again,

you can get rid of that by clicking the X you can get it back by pressing the Escape


So this has execute now.

And we see in our Facebook pixel helper that the page view was fired.

But we actually want to try out a another track call.

So let's go to the second step here, which will let us add events.

Let's say we wanted to add a purchase, we enter a conversion value five and the currency

euro and we get our code.

Let's copy this to the clipboard and also paste it underneath here.

Now again, they are script tags in there to delete them.

And let's execute this.

We get our message down here that something happened.

And in our Facebook pixel helper, we also see that a purchase was now sent over to Facebook.

So these are tools the console and the snippets are really great for trying out tracking codes

before you implement them by Google Tag Manager, hardcode them or send them on to your developer.

By the way, the snippets can be saved.

Now this is an unsaved one.

But if I press my command or control key S

we see that this is now saved.

And if I close and open up the browser, again, this will still be here it will be saved with

the settings of the browser.

So it's really a great alternative if you don't have a more powerful text so editor

available such as VS code or Sublime Text to edit your JavaScript.

Alright, so there you have it.

This is how you can test your tracking before you actually implemented it into Google Tag

Manager or pass it on to a developer.

If you have other techniques that save you time.

This saves me so much time and I'd love to hear from you in the comments down below.

And if you haven't yet, then maybe consider subscribing right over there.

Because we're bringing you new videos just like this one every week.


My name is Julian.

Till next time.

For more infomation >> How To Test Your Tracking Codes Before Installation - Duration: 9:35.


Su Google Maps arrivano i suggerimenti personalizzati - Duration: 2:45.

 Google Maps, come dice il nome, è stato per lunga parte della sua vita una cartina globale che ci permetteva solo di organizzare gli spostamenti da un luogo all'altro

Negli ultimi anni è diventato invece sempre più simile a una vera e propria guida turistica delle città; con recensioni di ristoranti, musei, monumenti parchi e quant'altro

      Con il nuovo aggiornamento dell'applicazione – annunciato per la prima volta durante la e di cui è appena– Maps fa un ulteriore passo avanti e diventa una guida turistica cucita su misura per ogni singolo utente

La scheda "Esplora" – già disponibile in tutto il mondo e che è stata completamente ridisegnata – permette di scoprire che cosa sta succedendo nella zona in cui vivete o in una che desiderate visitare

Rispetto al passato, la lista di suggerimenti inizierà a prendere in considerazione anche gli eventi che si tengono nel quartiere

      Non è tutto: una nuova scheda "Per te" – disponibile al momento solo in Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Canada, Australia e Giappone – permetterà di ricevere notifiche su tutto quello che avviene nei nostri quartieri preferiti o nelle città in cui abbiamo in progetto di andare; ricevendo aggiornamenti se, per esempio, apre un nuovo ristorante o un locale che potrebbe piacerci

La differenza principale, quindi, è che Esplora ha lo scopo principale di fornire suggerimenti utili al momento; mentre Per te sembra essere destinato a chi sta pianificando una visita o vuole tenere sott'occhio una zona particolare

      La personalizzazione dei suggerimenti è però la novità più importante: per decidere in quale ristorante andare, non dovrete più affidarvi alle recensioni, ma potrete approfittare di un punteggio personalizzato fornito da Google, incrociando i dati relativi ai voti complessivi ricevuti dal locale con quelli che sono i vostri gusti

Così, se per caso siete appassionati a una qualche cucina particolarmente ricercata (che potete segnalare a Google) o di un locale apprezzate caratteristiche che di solito fanno calare il punteggio, Maps potrà finalmente tenere conto anche delle vostre preferenze anticonformiste


For more infomation >> Su Google Maps arrivano i suggerimenti personalizzati - Duration: 2:45.


TEST | PRAVDA NEBO LEŽ? - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> TEST | PRAVDA NEBO LEŽ? - Duration: 7:48.


The Effects of Cell Phones and Bluetooth on Nerve Function - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> The Effects of Cell Phones and Bluetooth on Nerve Function - Duration: 5:05.


Tóm Người bằng Nhận Diện Khuôn Mặt Công Nghệ Trí Tuệ Nhân Tạo | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 10:00.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

If you go to a Chinese pop concert, hide your face.

Trump wants you to know that everything with China will work out fine.

Or maybe it won't.

And, going to watch the new Avengers movie in China?

One theater has a special tip for all the ladies.

This is China Uncensored.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

China has gotten one step closer

to putting an unmanned spacecraft

on the far side of the moon.

On Monday, they launched a relay satellite.

It won't actually land on the moon,

but it will help with the landing process for a future craft.

China's military-led space program wants to be

the first to land on the far side of the moon.

It's sometimes also called the dark side because

that side always faces away from the Earth.

The new relay satellite would help solve the issue of communication.

So, if China does manage to make it to the dark side of the moon

later this year,

they'll be the first to get a clear view of when the Decepticons attack.

But Chinese technological breakthroughs

aren't just going to the dark side of the moon.

The dark side of technology has also arrived in China.

Chinese authorities just arrested

a dangerous fugitive by the name of Yu

at the concert of famous Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung,

whose nickname is the God of Songs.

How did police find the man in that crowd?


Facial recognition software picked out his face

as his entered the venue.

Local police wrote on their WeChat account,

"Wearing a smile as he came to see his idol,

he hadn't realized that he was already being watched."




That's not creepy.

They'd been watching for him for 3 years.

And get this—this is the third time in two months

that a fugitive was caught this way...

at a Jacky Cheung concert.

Wait a minute.

Is Jacky Cheung a secret crimefighter

known as the God of Songs

whose superpower is luring criminals to his concerts?

That would explain so much.

So what was the heinous crime Yu committed

that got him arrested at the concert?

He owed almost 20,000 dollars...

on unpaid potatoes.

That's no small potatoes.

Ah ha ha.


what use could anyone have for 20,000 dollars worth of potatoes?

Perhaps it's the God of Songs' archnemesis...

Chairman Potato Head?

Anyway, these kinds of arrests using facial recognition

will happen more and more.

The Chinese Communist Party has invested heavily

in AI-powered surveillance cameras.

Within three years,

they plan to add 400 million new cameras

capable of recognizing and tracking citizens.

They will also be able to identify your car and your friends.

Here's another fun fact about China's facial recognition surveillance program.

They've started installing it in schools behind the blackboard

to see how much kids are paying attention,

tracking every movement of students' pupils.

I know, that sounds disturbing,

especially if you've ever fallen asleep in class.

But don't worry,

the system can be fooled.

In other news,

Burkina Faso has severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan,

reminding the world that Burkina Faso still exists.

The US and China are continuing trade talks.

Last week, Liu He, China's vice premier

and top economic adviser to Xi Jinping,

met with US President Donald Trump.

Liu gave a good presentation.

According to Larry Kudlow,

the head of the National Economic Council,

"President Trump was very engaged."

I bet.

One of the main issues was the nearly 400 billion dollar trade deficit

the United States has with China.

President Trump wants that reduced by half.

US officials say China has proposed achieving that by buying more US goods.

But it seems that President Trump doubts the trade talks will work out.

"Will that be successful?

I tend to doubt it.

The reason I doubt it is because China has become very spoiled.

The European Union has become very spoiled.

Other countries have become very spoiled,

because they always got 100 percent

of whatever they wanted from the United States.

But we can't allow that to happen anymore."

He also tweeted this week that the trade deal

would need a different structure to succeed.

Speaking of different structures,

President Trump has cancelled the Singapore summit

with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

That comes after North Korea had made

increasingly harsh statements,

including one that threatened a "nuclear showdown"

and called Vice President Mike Pence a "political dummy."

To which the White House strenuously objected,

because quote,

"only President Trump gets to call Mike Pence a political dummy."

Last week, Trump had already thrown some doubt on the summit,

while maybe possibly blaming China for things going wrong.

I think things may have changed a little bit

when they met with China a second time,

as you know Kim Jong Un had a second meeting with China,

which was a little bit of a surprise meeting...

but there has been a big difference

since they had this second meeting with President Xi ,

with that being said,

my attitude is, whatever happens, happens.

Could there be trouble in bromance paradise?

Only time will tell.

Avengers: Infinity War.

It's called that because it will go on forever.

And it's out in China!

And one theater in Inner Mongolia had a very special message

for the ladies in the audience.

"You should do nothing but eat your popcorn silently.

Don't mess with your man while he is worshipping the silver screen.

If your man gets really excited while watching the movie,

please pretend to be interested.

And based on his facial expressions,

you should say things like 'yes' and 'totally."

But before you go crying "sexism," yes,

there was a message to the men in the audience as well.

"Don't try to explain the characters to your women

in the middle of the movie.

They won't be able to recognize them

just like you can't differentiate between lipsticks.

Get them some popcorn, soda,

and snacks to keep their mouths full."

A Communist utopia!

And finally, Zhao Kangmin has passed away at the age of 81.

You may not know his name,

but I bet you know the thing he's famous for.

No, he wasn't a terracotta warrior.

He was the archaeologist who discovered the terracotta warriors.

Or more accurately,

he pieced together tiny fragments of pottery,

until they formed the terracotta warriors.

The Terracotta Warriors were made some 2,000 years ago

by Emperor Qin Shihuang,

the first emperor to unite China,

and they've become perhaps one of the most

recognizable symbols of ancient Chinese heritage.

But get this, at first, Zhao and his colleagues

were afraid of announcing the find.

Because it was during the middle of the Cultural Revolution,

where across China, Mao Zedong had directed people to destroy anything

from China's cultural past.

Fortunately for everyone,

the terracotta warriors were treated better

than all those teachers and intellectuals

who were killed.

Maybe that's because Mao Zedong admired

Emperor Qin who made them.

Qin was the emperor who himself bragged about

killing hundreds of Confucian scholars

for having traditional beliefs.

Fortunately, his dynasty only lasted 15 years.

And before we wrap up, here's a question from…

Jeppe Christensen

If China is to get rid of the CCP

and become a democracy,

and maybe unite with Taiwan again,

where do you see the push for change to come from in China?

Interesting question!

This is something I've thought a lot about.

One scenario that could happen is that the CCP

would start to lose control of some of the southern provinces of China.

Particularly Guangdong and Guangxi.

Those are Cantonese speaking provinces,

which aligns them culturally and linguistically with Hong Kong.

And we know how Hong Kongers love to dissent.

Plus, Guangdong is where Shenzhen is—

the city that manufactures all your electronics.

As the Communist Party loses its grip on power,

it would focus its energies on maintaining control over Beijing

and the surrounding regions.

Now this doesn't have to be violent revolution.

In fact, across the world,

the vast majority of political change in the past two decades

has come through nonviolent resistance.

In fact, the data shows nonviolent resistance

is actually more effective.

But of course that's just one way things could go down.

Maybe Presistator Xi Jinping does such a good job,

they decide to just get rid of the Communist Party

and let him rule for life.

Thanks for you question.

Remember, if you want to leave a question for me,

sign up to support China Uncensored on the website Patreon!

Link is below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

Thanks for watching.

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For more infomation >> Tóm Người bằng Nhận Diện Khuôn Mặt Công Nghệ Trí Tuệ Nhân Tạo | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 10:00.


Nowości w - 27.06.2018 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Nowości w - 27.06.2018 - Duration: 2:06.


New Honda CB250R 2018 USD 5,700 Sold In South East Asia | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> New Honda CB250R 2018 USD 5,700 Sold In South East Asia | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Live PD: Bad Day Machete (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Bad Day Machete (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 4:46.


Magic Hide and Seek Stories for Kids with Steve and Maggie | Learning Speaking Wow English TV - Duration: 11:36.

Bye-bye Steve!

See you!

(Yawning) Hi-hi.

Oh, hello boys and girls.


Maggie's gone out and I'm relaxing on a sofa.

Oh, I'm so sleepy.

Oh eh, hello help!



Oh no!

I'm in the sofa!


Ah… oh, he-he-hey!

Yeah, look!

It's my hand!

My hand!


If you can see my hand, say: It's a hand!

It's a hand!


It's a hand!




Let me try… oh!

Oh… what's that?

Oh yes!


My foot!


I've got my foot out, yeah!

If you can see it, say: It's a foot.

It's a foot.

Come on.

It's a foot.

And again.

It's a foot.


My hand and my foot are out of the sofa!








It's my arm!

My arm!


If you can see it, say: It's an arm!

It's an arm!


It's an arm!

Last time.

It's an arm!



Oh, if I get my leg out, ah… yeah!





It's my leg!


My leg!


If you see it, say with me: It's a leg!


It's a leg!

And again.

It's a leg!

Last time.

It's a leg!



I've got my… my hand, my foot, my arm and my leg out!

Just a little more… (scratching out).






That was crazy!

I fell into the sofa!

First, I got my hand out, then my foot, then my arm and leg until, uff… all of me is



Hello Steve!

Oh, hello Maggie!


Have you just been sitting on the sofa?


Just sitting on the sofa.


Oh, dear.

You're so lazy!

It's Steve and Maggie! (laugh) Hey!

Hello boys and girls!

Where am I?

Can you see me?

Where am I?

Where am I?



I'm here!



This is my head!


So, come on, say with me: It's a head.

What is it?

It's a head.

What is it?

It's a head.

What is it?

It's a head.


It's my head!


But… oh!

Where's my body?!

I need more than just my head!

Where is it?

Look over there!


Can you see my hands?



They're playing basketball!


I found my hands!






Don't be naughty hands!

No, I like playing basketball.

Do you like playing basketball?


Then catch!


So, look!

Here's one hand, here's the other hand!

They are hands!

So, say with me.

What are they?

They are hands.

What are they?

They are hands.

What are they?

They are hands!


So, look!

I've got my head and hands!

But what else is missing?


My arms, my body, my legs and feet!

Oh, dear!

Oh, hey!



What can you see?

What are they?


They are my feet!


Come here!


What are they?


They are my feet!


Where are you going?!

Come back here you naughty, naughty feet!



My feet are playing football!


I like football!








Oh, dear!

But look!

I've got my feet back.

There's one foot, there's the other foot!


I've got two feet!

So, come on!

What are they?

They are feet!

What are they?

They are feet!

What are they?

They are feet!



Now, where are my legs?

Oh, look!

There they are!

Sitting on the bench!

Stop being such lazy legs and come here!

Oh, what lazy legs!

Come on!

Hurry up! (clapping hands) Quick.



Oh, great!


I've got two legs again!

So, hey!

What are they?

They are legs!

Say it with me!

What are they?

They are legs!

And again!

What are they?

They are legs!

That's right!


So, I've got two legs.

I've got two feet.

I've got two hands and a head.

But I haven't got any arms!



What's that?

Over there!

Oh, look!

There are my arms dancing to the music!





My arms are dancing!


Come on!

Let's dance!



My legs are dancing, my feet are dancing, my hands are dancing and my arms are dancing!


Dance with me and say: They are arms.

What are they?

They are arms.

What are they?

They are arms.



Hey, Steve!

Yes Maggie?





Got it!


But I haven't got a body!


Where is my body?!

There Steve!

Oh, there it is!


Oh, stop!


My body!

My body!

My body!


Help me catch my body!

My body!

My body!


It's Steve and Maggie!

Five, four, three, two, one!



Where is Maggie?

Where is she?

Where is Maggie?

Oh, hello boys and girls!


I'm playing Hide and Seek with Maggie!


So, where is Maggie?

Can you see her?


I can't.

Where is she?

Oh, I don't know where Maggie is.





It's Maggie's head!

Maggie's head!


I can see Maggie's head!


I found you!

Come out!



Well I saw Maggie's head.


Can you touch your head?

Touch your head.


So, what is it?


It's a head!

Say with me.

It's a head.

It's a head.

It's a head.


It's a head.

It's a head.

It's a head.

And again.

It's a head.

It's a head.

It's a head.


This is my head.

Oh, there is Maggie.


So, Maggie.

It's my turn to hide.

And it's your turn to seek.


So, start counting!

All right.

See you.

Ok, my turn.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!







Can you help me find Steve?


Where is he?



Can you see Steve?



It's Steve's bottom!


Can you see Steve's bottom?



Found you!

I can see your bottom!


My bottom?


Steve's bottom!

Oh no!

Maggie could see my bottom!



Say with me: It's a bottom.

It's a bottom.

It's a bottom.


Come on!

It's a bottom.

It's a bottom.

It's a bottom.

And again!

It's a bottom.

It's a bottom.

It's a bottom!

Oh, dear!

It's a bottom.

It's a bottom.

It's a bottom.

OK, Maggie.

My turn to count and your turn to hide.


So, off you go!


Here we go again!

One, two, miss a few.

Ninety-nine, one hundred!



Ready or not!


Where's Maggie?

Can you see her?

Where is she?

Oh, he-hey!

I can see Maggie!


Can you see her?


I can see Maggie's tummy!


It's Maggie's tummy!

Can you see it?

Come on, look!


Can you see Maggie's tummy now?


Come out Maggie!

We found you!


We saw Maggie's tummy.

Didn't we?


So, pet your tummy.

Pet your tummy.

And say with me: It's a tummy.

It's a tummy.

It's a tummy.

And again.

It's a tummy.

It's a tummy.

It's a tummy.

One more time.

It's a tummy.

It's a tummy.

It's a tummy.


This is my tummy.


Well, that was a good game, wasn't it, Maggie?



Do you like playing Hide and Seek?


See you next time.

Bye for now.



Hey, did you like that?


Then please like it!

If you love it, you can subscribe!

Just touch here!

Go on!

If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here.


Thank you!

For more infomation >> Magic Hide and Seek Stories for Kids with Steve and Maggie | Learning Speaking Wow English TV - Duration: 11:36.


Vehicle Infotainment Systems May Lead To Distracted Driving . - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Vehicle Infotainment Systems May Lead To Distracted Driving . - Duration: 2:02.


Top office calls off scheduled meetings, due to cold and fatigue - Duration: 0:46.

A couple of important meetings at the top office were canceled today, making some question

if President Moon Jae-in might have had other priorities.

Perhaps, another secret meeting with his North Korean counterpart.

A speculation fueled by the fact that last month President Moon held a second summit

with Kim Jong-un at Panmunjom,... only disclosing it to the media after returning to Seoul.

But it turns out... the liberal leader is just recovering from a cold he caught while

in Russia last week.

The Cheongwadae spokesperson said the presidential physician advised Moon to rest until the weekend,...

with the schedule for the remainder of the week to be postponed or canceled.

The president was set to attend a special meeting this afternoon on business deregulation.

And he was also supposed to meet with the Director-General of UNESCO, but the top office

cited scheduling issues.

For more infomation >> Top office calls off scheduled meetings, due to cold and fatigue - Duration: 0:46.


ASMR Eating RAW Sea Grape, Noodles, Grape, Candy, Plums - Duration: 3:05.

ASMR Eating RAW Sea Grape, Noodles, Grape, Candy, Plums

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating RAW Sea Grape, Noodles, Grape, Candy, Plums - Duration: 3:05.


కర్కాటకరాశి ఆశ్లేషనక్షత్రం | Ashlesha Nakshatra | Karkataka Rasi Ashlesha Nakshatra | Karkataka Rasi - Duration: 25:30.


For more infomation >> కర్కాటకరాశి ఆశ్లేషనక్షత్రం | Ashlesha Nakshatra | Karkataka Rasi Ashlesha Nakshatra | Karkataka Rasi - Duration: 25:30.


London Ke "Madame Tussauds" Mein Mili "Baba Ramdev" Ko Jagah | Patanjali - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> London Ke "Madame Tussauds" Mein Mili "Baba Ramdev" Ko Jagah | Patanjali - Duration: 1:05.


NERF Guns NEW Rival Zeus Red and Blue Toy Guns - Duration: 5:17.

NERF Guns NEW Rival Zeus Red and Blue Toy Guns

For more infomation >> NERF Guns NEW Rival Zeus Red and Blue Toy Guns - Duration: 5:17.


How to Promote Your Website & Get Free Traffic? - Duration: 10:33.

well hey there what's up it's Scott and in today's brand building tip we're

going to cover how to get traffic to your blog slash website so this way here

you've got a much better chance of getting sales getting email subscribers

and really just growing your brand so if this sounds interesting to you stick

around because that's what we're going to cover here on the whiteboard alright

so what I want to share with you is something that I've done over and over

and over again and it follows these three principles right here all right

now some people think that you're going to build a blog or a website and you're

going to publish some content and then Google is going to go out there and find

you and then index you and then you're going to get a whole bunch of traffic

it's not really how it works it can work long term slowly if people find it if

they link to it if they share it like that can kind of happen but it's going

to take a long time and you're kind of hoping that it gets picked up by someone

that's going to share it we can speed up this process pretty quickly all right

and that's what I'm going to be covering here now what I'm going to be sharing

with you is exactly what we've done recently again in our new brand and

we're getting over 40,000 unique visitors every single month we actually

had a month that we had over 85,000 unique visitors by following this set of

principles right here all right so that's what I want to share with you so

number one what does a blog or a website need an order for people to find it but

then also want to come back and visit that home base as we call it well you

might have guessed it content okay so what is content what kind of content can

we publish well you can publish a lot of how-to blog posts or guides or any of

that stuff go to youtube and just search how to and then let it fill it in like

so how to catch more bass let it fill it in alright how to catch

more bass in a pond that's going to be an article right so start with the how

to's and then from there you'll start to build out your content using those as

your base alright you can also use Google

go to Google as if you were searching how to catch more bass and see what that

populates any other keyword tool that will work and then that way there you

can start to create that content that people would naturally want to search

for and then find and then land on your blog all right so that's rule number one

step number one do that all right find content that people are actually

searching for right now alright so the content is just one part of it like I

said earlier if we post the content and we just hope that you know Google is

going to index us which that just basically means they're going to find us

they're little they're little spiders are going to crawl our website and see

what we're writing about and then they're going to they're gonna let the

search engines know and then we will be found we will be indexed all right

that's a longer road and sometimes it'll never happen right unless you start

getting found so that's just one part of it this part right here is pretty

important and that is external and then traffic oops if I could spell today

external traffic and what I mean by that is and I probably should put here

channel ok because that right there will also get eyeballs on your blog or your

website so what do I mean by that well YouTube you're on YouTube right now I

can go ahead and leave a link in my description for you to go over and visit

my blog which by the way if you go to the description you will probably find

links there right now that will lead over to the blog alright where there's

more resources there's other things that you can that you can get value from all

right so we need this right here so if you're publishing content you probably

want to find an external traffic channel as well the cool thing with YouTube is

we can post a video and then we can embed that video in this piece of

content and then we can write around that we can write out an article around

that piece of content that we just shot a video so this video right here I could

then write a blog post about it and summarize it and then I can point people

over to the video or the video back over to the content so that right there can

start getting some eyeballs and some traffic coming over to our blog the

other cool thing that that does is it also sends a link back to our piece of

content now Google likes links and they like links from from authority sites

which basically means a site that has a high authority well YouTube has a high

authority so that link going back there will help you be noticed okay and so

that's what we want to do there is we want to add that automatically we want

to put a link in our description that's pointing back to our blog someway

somehow all right now now with that being said what we want to do is we also

want to mention maybe inside of that content where they can go to get more

all right now this is just talking about YouTube

what if it was Instagram same thing what if it was Pinterest same thing it

doesn't matter the channel it just means that we're getting outside eyeballs to

then come over to our content and if we do this if we if we amplify our content

in a sense we get more eyeballs on it that will give Google what they want and

that is the traffic coming there and then also links that start to get

pointed here which could be from people that share that piece of content now

we're gonna take it and we're gonna kick it up one more notch and this right here

is the secret sauce this one right here email what do I mean by that well if we

have an email list we can say hey just publish something on YouTube go check it

out or I can say hey I just posted a blog post go check it out right so this

allows me to speed up that process really really quickly so that's why I'm

so I'm so really just relentless on you know telling people to go out there and

build an email list all right an email list allows you to speed up that process

and it allows you to start communicating with your audience and then letting them

know where you're posting other things by doing that you have a greater chance

for these people over here to start sharing some of this content the other

cool thing is by you sending them an email to one of these pieces of content

now they're like oh they're over on Facebook let me see what else they're

doing on Facebook and then they're going to go look at at your face

fanpage or maybe they'll go to your blog and they'll start going through some of

your past content and then they're going to start maybe sharing it with other

groups that they belong to so this rate here will allow you to get eyeballs on

these different channels and then this way here it will ultimately drive back

to your home base and that is your blog or website and if we do that over and

over again we're gonna start getting a slow and then all of a sudden it's going

to build up of traffic to our blog and website because over time this list is

going to get bigger so if we got something let's say we have a thousand

person email list let's say the averages are like a twenty five or a thirty

percent open rate we get 300 people to go there in like a few hours right and

then they can start consuming this content we build this list a little bit

bigger and we're delivering value as I've always said and you can see that in

the past videos that I've done on the branding stuff is we want to have value

you know delivered through these emails well if we do that they're gonna open

our emails and as we build this list bigger that thousand email list goes to

10,000 and then what happens there even if we're still at 30% now we've got what

3,000 if the math is right there we have a lot more that are going over there

right now right so let's say that we get 3,000 people to open our email okay out

of let's say let's say we have 8,000 10,000 but we get 3,000 that actually

open it because we were following the principles that I've taught before which

is really getting people to know like and trust you and when they see your

email they're gonna want to open it and then when they open it you're going to

get them to click and then when they click they're gonna go over to a piece

of content alright that is the magic sauce or the secret sauce the magic

formula that is what it is all right so content you got to have content external

channels with some content that you creep I can leave back to that content

and then the email really just amplifies things where then we can drive traffic

to these other different places and then we'll get the search traffic from Google

when people start typing in how to catch more bass in a pond boom my post will

come up alright my youtube video will come up right so those two places

I've got traffic my email list I can let them know and that helps

amplify things okay so I really want you to really distill it down and don't make

it complicated and don't take the long road as far as just create content you

might hear people say just create content content content yes I'm a fan of

that but if you have content no one sees it it's not going to do you any good so

create the content they'll be email lists let the email list know that

you've done something on your blog your content and then ask them hey share my

content if you think someone will get value from it I mean literally ask them

to do that if you don't ask you can't receive right so we got to ask questions

and we have to you know almost like tell them what we want them to do and that's

kind of selling in a way right we're selling the the click and the email but

then the click over to the piece of content alright so here's what I want

you to do if you're doing this right now drop it in the comments let me know if

you're not doing it let me know why you're not doing it and maybe I can help

you out maybe I'll create another video that will help you wherever you're stuck

so do that for me drop it in the comments let me know where you are right

now the other thing I want you to do is subscribe to the channel this way here

you never miss one of these whiteboard trainings or maybe a training I do for

you because you submit a question and I answer it here on the YouTube channel so

go ahead subscribe to the channel the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going

to link up some other training on the brand building tip especially around the

email marketing type of stuff and the email list building and and all of that

stuff I'll put some other links and some videos on this page so this way here you

can get caught up on that stuff as well and get out there and take some action

alright so guys that's it that's gonna wrap it up leave the comments subscribe

and I'll see you in the next training

For more infomation >> How to Promote Your Website & Get Free Traffic? - Duration: 10:33.


UN Commander Gen. Vincent Brooks says Korean Peninsula on new path - Duration: 3:47.

Vincent Brooks, Commander of US Forces Korea,... stepped up to the podium to talk about recent

developments in the nation.

The general stressed the allies still have to keep moving forward in order to ensure

a different future for the Peninsula.

Park Ji-won has more from his speech.

General Vincent Brooks, Commander of UN Command, Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea,...

delivered a keynote speech Wednesday in central Seoul at the second Korea-U.S. Alliance Forum

held together with the Korean-American Club.

The event was attended by around a hundred key military officials from Seoul and Washington,

including the Chairman of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Jeong Kyeong-doo.

General Brooks praised the fact that engagement with North Korea is happening on multiple

fronts,... including a series of inter-Korean talks,... as well as the historic summit talks

between the two Koreas and between Pyongyang and Washington.

He said in this current confidence-building process,...

South Korea has demonstrated a sophisticated, peaceful approach.

He also said the Korean Peninsula has entered onto a new path,... noting that he had faced

some 50 different provocations from Pyongyang in the first 17 months that he was in office,

starting in early 2016,... but he stressed that it's now been over half a year,... with

not a single provocation from the North.

The general added that the ironclad ROK-U.S. alliance has also been the foundation of consistent

pressure on the North,... saying he thinks that's at least part of the reason for Pyongyang's


"I am convinced it's the part of the reason, no the entirety of the reason, why Kim Jong-un

has decided to go the other direction.

I've always believed in it.

We did this in such a way that we were enabling diplomacy and economic actions to take their


We have helped set the environment for that to occur and CFC has done that."

General Brooks emphasized that now is a time that presents both opportunities and challenges.

He said there are always reasons for doubt,... but stressed that taking steps forward is

the only way to make new history.

"I think we have to also recognize we're in a unique place right now.

What has happened in the past is not necessarily the prologue of what will happen in the future.

We must move forward now, making the history not relying on it.

If we do that by courageously walking foward together, that's an opportunity for us.

The opportuity to overcome doubt, overcome fear, take a reasonable and prudent amount

of risk to go in a new direction that has not been walked before."

Regarding recent decisions by South Korea and the U.S. to suspend their annual joint

military exercises,...

General Brooks said now is the time for all parties to work on trust building,.. that's

why both countries are trying to leave certain part of the drills "that may have been concerning

and runs counter to the desired path of progress."

He also emphasized that there are still many ways to use other leverage,.. such as adjusting

the scope, scale, and timing of the drills,... and the volume of communication about them.

The Commander of U.S. Forces Korea also stressed that neither South Korea nor the U.S. are

currently thinking about withdrawing U.S. forces from Korea,... saying that their presence

is the physical demonstration of the two countries' strong mutual commitment,... and that the

alliance is as strong as ever.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> UN Commander Gen. Vincent Brooks says Korean Peninsula on new path - Duration: 3:47.


৩ দিনে ধোন লম্বা ও মোটা করেনিন || Natural food grape And natural food cherry for HealthCare360 - Duration: 3:25.


For more infomation >> ৩ দিনে ধোন লম্বা ও মোটা করেনিন || Natural food grape And natural food cherry for HealthCare360 - Duration: 3:25.


TOP 50+ Backyard Landscaping, Ideas for Perfect Dream Garden - Duration: 10:09.

TOP 50+ Backyard Landscaping, Ideas for Perfect Dream Garden

For more infomation >> TOP 50+ Backyard Landscaping, Ideas for Perfect Dream Garden - Duration: 10:09.


abu rihan Bangla Islamic Video - Ma By Abu Raihan (Bangla Islamic Song) - Duration: 4:32.

abu rihan Bangla Islamic Video - Ma By Abu Raihan (Bangla Islamic Song)

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