Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily Jun 28 2018

-I want to talk about your kids because they're very adorable.

8 and 9?

-8 and 7. -8 and 7.

This is a picture they took.

You had a billboard in L.A.

-Yeah, yeah. -Big deal.

Kids, I would assume, would be psyched.

-Yeah, yeah.

-It seems like one kid is more psyched than the other.


-There's a photo of them right there.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-I mean, look at that. Just so mad at me.

And then -- And then, he's just like, "What up?"

[ Laughter ]

"What up, man?"

-Your daughter is very funny. -Yeah.

-I enjoy -- you have --

she's sort of a star of your Instagram account,

no offense. -Yeah.

-I mean, you're great, too. -No worries, no worries. Yeah.

-But she's kind of the scene-stealer.

-She's very funny.

-She -- She recently gave to you --

This is advice she wants to give to other kids

about what you do when you're late for school.

-I think it's just advice in general.

-Okay. -Yeah.

-If you're late. -Yeah.

She has a thing where if --

if you're running late for school, then, to speed up,

you just fart, and it'll push you a little bit.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah.

-It'll just -- See, all you have to do is go, and you fart --

Whoa! Whoa! -Yeah.

-It gives you a little boost. [ Laughter ]

And she also says, if you're -- if you're running backwards,

just go ahead and burp. -Okay.

[ Light laughter ] That's helpful,

but I have so many follow-up questions

about why you would be running backwards.

[ Light laughter ] -I think she's --

if you're someone who runs backwards, you're gonna be like,

"Well, that doesn't work for me. It's gonna slow me down."

-Gotcha. Or, maybe, do you think that's maybe the case

where you fart too much and you start going too fast?

[ Light laughter ] So you have to --

-Yeah. -So you turn around.

-Got to slow yourself down a little bit.

-Yeah. -Yeah. Yeah.

-You could also burp as a brake.

-Yeah, you could burp as a brake.

It's like those --

on the airplane when those wings go wssssshh!

[ Laughter ] It's like those.

You ever see -- -Yeah.

-[ Imitates farting, burping ]

And they'll just -- khhhhht! -- slow you way down.

-You -- We have a friend in common --

many friends in common from our time together at "SNL,"

but a favorite of both of ours,

Mike O'Brien. -Mm-hmm.

-A great writer at "SNL." -Yep.

-And you are still close with him.

-Yep. -You see him in L.A.

You had him over -- Was this Easter that you had him over?

-It was Easter, yeah. -Okay. So, you have kids.

Obviously, Easter is built around having kids

and looking for eggs.

And what did Mike want to do?

-Well, it's built around Jesus, but...

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Laughs ]

Yeah, just Google -- Yeah, Google it.

-Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no. -Yeah, Easter.

[ Laughter ]

-Was it -- Wasn't it baby Jesus, still?

-What? That's Christmas. -Okay, gotcha.

[ Laughter and applause ]

So what -- -Dude!

-Which one's turkey?

[ Laughter ]

-That's Jesus' lunch.

[ Laughter ]

-So, O'Brien comes over. -Yeah.

-And what did he want to do at your...

-So, he came over, and he said, "I have to run later.

I'm doing a stand-up set."

And I was like, "Oh, that's awesome."

I was, like -- We were both like --

He's like -- I think, maybe, he was like,

"Can I -- Do you mind if I try my set out on your kids?"

[ Light laughter ]

And I was like, "Sure, sure, yeah."

And so, we gathered all the kids.

My friend Brendan and his kids were there, too.

And we -- we gathered them in the yard,

and -- and Mike did his set for them.

-Now, what did you tell the kids before they sat down?

Did you say, like, "An adult man is going to tell jokes"?

[ Laughter ]

-I had to say because -- because they try and get --

I had to be like, "Don't heckle. Let him do it.

And only laugh if you think it's funny."

-Okay. -"Don't --

You don't give him courtesy laughs.

Make him earn it." -Uh-huh.

-And they were live. They were very good.

-And I will say, they were very well-dressed for a comedy show,

because it was Easter. -Yeah, yeah.

-Yeah. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Let's take a look at Mike doing stand-up to children on Easter.

-How you guys doing? You guys having fun on Easter?

-No. -No.

-Oh, man.

I was watching rap battles on -- on YouTube today.

And my favorite part is, like,

when they're trying to figure out what they're gonna say.

They're kind of stalling,

acting like they're getting into the beat.

They're like, "Unh, unh. What? Yeah."

I've started doing that in my real life.

If my boss was like,

"Why are you -- Why are you late?"

I'm like, "Unh, unh. What? Yeah."

Ha ha! Here we go.

-[ Laughs ]

[ Laughter and applause ]

-I feel like there's a lot of --

I mean, you just realize the shortcomings

of working out your act for children.

-Yeah, yeah. He completely ate [bleep] out there.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

Well, even just like, you know, when you --

when the punch line is like, "I wish I could tell my boss."

I don't even know if that's a concept kids understand yet.

-Yeah, I guess he should've changed it to teacher?

[ Light laughter ] -Yeah, maybe.

I mean, the worst is, I feel like,

your daughter could have gotten out

and crushed with the farting thing.

-I mean, yeah. -Yeah.

I don't think they were a bad crowd --

I just think he had the wrong act for them.

-I think you're right. Yeah.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

Like, you know, you know, I think, like,

let's not beat him up for it.

I just think -- -I'm not mad at him.

-No, I just feel like you're giving off this whole vibe

like he ruined Easter,

which you made it clear is about Jesus,

and I feel like that's unfair. [ Laughter and applause ]

You really -- And by the way, I can never --

-You say it's about kids dressing nice and eggs.

-Look. [ Laughter ]

Look, I -- We -- Look, we all know where you stand

on what Easter's about now. [ Laughter ]

-Yeah. I love Jesus, man!

-[ Laughs ] [ Cheers and applause ]

-Oh, no. -Yeah.

-I've tricked them. -Well, guess what --

I think there's some eggs in the house!

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Who here likes to dress nice?

[ Laughter and applause ]

-You got a pastel shirt?!

[ Laughter ]

Well, look, we could be here all day

trying to get this audience to agree on Easter.

[ Laughter ]

Buddy, congratulations on the second season.

It's always so great to have you here.

-Thank you. -Thank you so much.

[ Cheers and applause ] Tim Robinson, everybody!

For more infomation >> Tim Robinson Shares His Daughter's Advice for Kids Who Are Running Late to School - Duration: 5:39.


Kyrie Irving Is a Big Fan of the Musical Rent - Duration: 6:35.

-Congratulations. I know you had your premiere last night,

which went great.

This was a character you played in some Pepsi ads.


-You actually wrote and directed a couple of them.

They were really popular online.

But when they came to you and said, "Hey, that guy you played

in the Pepsi ads, we want to make a full movie about him,"

what was your first reaction?

-I couldn't believe it. -Yeah.

-I really couldn't.

You know, it started as an idea of a movie

in Santa Barbara about three years ago.

They approached me.

I was like, "I don't know if I'll ever have the time

to really act in a movie."

And then I thought coming on set,

I was just gonna kind of feel my way through it.

I completely tanked my first day on-camera.

I was really, really terrible.

For a week and a half solid, I was --

But the opportunity itself -- I enjoyed it.

Got to be around a great production crew,

great cast, great director.

-I'm not just saying this,

because the movie is really funny, but the movie has

a really nice emotional arc, and you're very good in this film.

It's really fun to watch.

You also have to, of course, play basketball

in all that makeup.

I would imagine that's three or four hours of makeup

to get into that?

-Yeah, 3 1/2 hours solid.

-And then you're playing basketball in Atlanta.

-105 degrees.

-So, how was that? -Intense.

I mean, it was, like, really intense.

But, in the back of my mind, I was like,

"In order for this to look great, just commit to it, man.

Just commit to it, sacrifice, whatever the time may be,

set calls, you know, shooting for 18 hours,

something like that."

I think my appreciation for actors, in general, just --

it grew, especially after filming that.

-Did you -- During this past season, after you filmed it,

were there nights where, even if it was, like,

a back-to-back and you played the night before

where you were thinking, "This is still not as hard as

wearing old man makeup and playing in 105-degree heat?"

-You're absolutely right. -Yeah.

Now, all of a sudden, the NBA seems easy.

-Oh, man, when I left that set, though, I was so elated.

-Yeah. -So elated.

-Well, yeah.

The secret is -- movies are super-fun to watch.

They're super-awful to make.

-Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I agree.

-There's a lot of guys who, obviously, were playing

when you were growing up --

Shaq, Chris Webber, Reggie Miller.

What was it like -- I mean, obviously, you've met

those guys, I'd imagine, over the course of your career.

What was it like hanging out with them

for the course of a whole set?

-It was really fun.

Shaq has an incredible energy about him.

He comes on set. He's, you know, the loudest.

He's obviously the tallest and the biggest on set.

And then, you know, Reggie, seeing him get outside

of his personality a little bit.

"C-Webb" making fun of himself.

But he did an unbelievable job, and as well as Nate and Lisa.

I just tried to pick their brains about, you know,

what was life back in their day,

you know, for playing professionally?

And, you know, they've laid down a foundation.

So I wanted to pay homage to them and, you know,

really show them that I appreciate

what they've done for me.

-Obviously, you guys play ball in the movie.

Did you ever get competitive when you were out on the court?

-Oh, yeah. -Yeah.

So those guys are still very competitive.

-Yeah. That's all they can be, though, is competitive.


-Like, I just got to --

I got to let them know every single time.

-Was there any one of them

that was the most competitive of the group

or were they all of them?

-It was me. -Yeah.

-It was me.

I had something to prove to them, like Shaq.

"You're lucky I didn't play when you played."

Yeah, I was like -- Yeah, just talking

a whole bunch of crap to them.

It was fun.

-So, this is about, basically, a tournament in New York

called the -- Is it the Rucker Classic?

-Yeah, at Rucker Park.

-And your dad actually played in it.

-Yeah. -And was an MVP of it.

And your dad played at B.U.

So he must have thought it was fantastic

that you were making a movie about something

he actually played in.

-Yeah, for sure, for sure.

-And you played when you were --

What age were you when you played in it?

-The first time I was going to play in it,

but it rained that day, it was --

I think I was 17 years old.

And we ended up playing in another gym.

And then I went to the park again

when I think I was like 22.


-Yeah, went out there and just kind of

started ballin' a little bit.

-And was it as exciting as it comes across in the film,

the actual being there?

-Yeah, no, you become enriched with the culture.

It's literally just a man on the mic,

and he's hyping up everything that's going on out there --

you know, embarrassing plays, you know, really good plays.

And I think that really just gave me

my toughness in the league to kind of just be

an entertainer, as well as a pure basketball player,

so you find that balance.

-In high school, you also did do theater stuff, though.

Is that correct? -Yeah.

-So you did not come into this cold.

-I was awful, though. -Oh, really?

-Yeah. I was awful. -Even in high school?

-Yeah, no, I was awful, man.

-Did other people tell you you were awful

or is this self-judgement?

-Self-judgement. -Okay, gotcha.

-No, I literally joined the "High School Musical"

when I was a senior in high school,

wanting to get a day off of Monday.

I wanted a three-day weekend, so if you acted in it --

You know, everyone remembers how school used to be like that.

For the play, play members get a day off on Monday.

It's like, "What?" So I did that.

But then, most importantly, to be able to compose myself

in situations like this.

I wanted to be better at public speaking,

so I did that just to overcome a fear.

-What was the high-school musical

that you guys did?

-I think it was the first one.

-Oh, you did "High School Musical."

-Yeah, we did "High School Musical," the play.

Yeah. I was like... [ Both laugh ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-That would've been like if "Uncle Drew"

was called "Basketball Movie."

I'm like, "What's the name of your basketball movie?"

You're like, "'Basketball Movie.'"

-Oh, oh.

-So, you were in the first "High School Musical."

And then is it true that

you are a huge fan of the musical "Rent"?

-Oh, yeah. I love "Rent." I love "Rent."

-But you've never seen it live. -No, no.

-Just the movie. -Just the movie.

-How many times would you say you've seen "Rent"?

-Over 20. -Over 20.

-Over 20. -Gotcha.

And is it something you put on when you're feeling

a certain way or is it just like, some days,

you're like, "I'm gonna go get some 'Rent'"?

-No, man.

Well, I got to tell you about the conversation

that I have with, you know, telling my friends

like, "Yo, 'Rent' is my favorite movie."

Then it's just like, "You guys don't want

to watch 'Rent' with me.

I get it. I get it."

But, you know, I think the appreciation just of

song and, you know, how it was produced

and the issues that they were pressing on.

It was at a time -- I was 15 years old,

just randomly scrolling through Showtime or HBO, one of those,

and then kind of just stumbled upon it.

-Well, there you go.

-Yeah. It's, like, my favorite one.

-There you go.

And I am a Celtics fan, so I have to ask, obviously.

-Appreciate that. -Of course. Thank you. Thanks.

-Yeah, I appreciate that.

-How are you feeling, health-wise?

Do you think you're gonna be ready, everything,

when we start it up again?

-For sure. I can't wait.

-Feeling optimistic about the season?

-More than optimistic. I can't wait.

-Yeah, I would say I'm with you on that.

-Yeah, once July hits, it's like, "This is great."

The movie premiere, going to junkets, and stuff like that.

But once July hits, it's pretty narrow,

in terms of what the focus is.

-All right, well, hey, man, thanks so much for being here.

Congrats on this film. It was really fun to watch.

Thank you so much. Kyrie Irving, everybody!

For more infomation >> Kyrie Irving Is a Big Fan of the Musical Rent - Duration: 6:35.


Tim Robinson Talks About Detroiters - Duration: 2:42.

-How are you, my friend? -I'm great.

How are you, dude? -Good.

I'm so happy "Detroiters" is back for another season.

But this is a show -- I think when people think about Detroit,

they don't think about

as sort of fun and light as this show is.

And then, were you guys trying to tell a story about Detroit

that you feel like hadn't been told?

-Well, it was -- We were just kinda doing what --

We wanted to show the commercials

that we have in Detroit, which are pretty goofy.

So, we parodied almost --

almost to exactly the commercials we saw growing up.

-So, these were local ads in Detroit.

Were there ones that you got to this year

that you hadn't gotten to in season one?

-Almost every one this year is, like,

a direct parody of something we grew up watching.

So when people watch them, like, "Whoa, that's insane."

They're pretty real.

[ Laughter ] -Really?

'Cause there's a cra-- there's an insane

suit commercial in the second episode.

That is an accurate -- -That is almost shot for shot.

[ Laughter ]

And Sam, who does it, fits in perfectly with it

where he's just like -- every look is like...

-You guys play -- You are sort of idiot ad executives.

Oh, no. Do you not think so?

[ Laughter ]

-I'm playing a smarter version of myself.

-Oh, no. [ Laughter ]

-I have to give all the scripts to a scientist

who punches 'em up.

-Oh, no! [ Laughter ]

An advertising scientist?

-He just said he's a scientist! -Okay.

Wait. So, is this a real thing?

Is "April in the D" a real thing?

-"April in the D" is a real thing.

-Okay. What is "April in the D"?

-It was when Fox Sports Detroit --

when the Pistons, the Red Wings, and the Tigers

were all playing at the same time,

they had this competition where you could, like,

you could submit a song.

Your band could submit a song

that would become the theme song for "April in the D."

So, everybody around metro Detroit would --

Not everybody, but a lot of people would submit videos.

And you can still go online and do a deep dive and find them.

And my brother has one on there, but I'm not gonna say the link.

-Oh, really? -Unh-unh.

-'Cause he would be upset? -It's too good, I think.

I don't want him to -- [ Laughter ]

-Oh, you feel like, if we showed it,

this segment would become about him.

-Yeah. I think he would --

-He'd get a record contract?

-Yeah, and then, he'd turn into a jerk.

[ Laughter ]

-So, what were the parameters?

Just all you had to do is, you had to write a song.

The title had to "April in the D."

-It had to say "April in the D" in it,

and I think it had to mention all the sports teams.

-Gotcha. And, so, would you --

Now, do you ever, like, just as pastime,

go back and look at that and enjoy it?

-No. -Okay.

[ Laughter ] Good. I think it's better --

-No, I do. I absolutely do.

Yeah, we go back -- We actually --

-Well, you got to move on from the past.

You got to leave that there. -Yeah, right.

Thank you. Thank you, Seth.

[ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> Tim Robinson Talks About Detroiters - Duration: 2:42.


Is Pauly D's Stalker Vanessa the Real MVP!? 😨 | Jersey Shore: Family Vacation | MTV - Duration: 2:56.

(dance music)

- I wanna hear some hip hip this is Pauly D.

(crowd cheering)

- I'm about to rock it tonight.

Yeah buddy.

Who's ready to get this party started right now?

Make some noise.

(crowd cheering)

Let's go.

(dance music)

- When Pauly's up on the turntables,

this party comes to life.

Everybody stands up, everyone's on couches.

He goes in right from the first song

and we never sit down.

Every song is a banger after banger.

Everyone's going crazy.

It's powa hour.

(dance music)

- Jersey Shores's in the building.

Shout out Vinny, Ronnie, Mike the situation,

Snooki, Jenny, Deena, Pauly D, let's go.

(dance music)

(crowd cheering)

DJ Pauly D and the mix, let's go.

(tense music)

- So I'm watching Pauly spin right now

and I look behind him and I'm like,

oh my God, that's Pauly's stalker from the seaside.

(camera flicking)

- Everywhere we go, there's Pauly's stalker.

- This girl is going to kill me.

She's gonna kidnap me, put me in her basement,

have me DJ for her and I'm gonna be MIA.

You guys are gonna be lookin' for me.

- It's so creepy.

Vanessa flew from Jersey just to like

look at Pauly like this in the back.

(upbeat music)

Seriously, like what is happening?

- You better be sure Pauly's alright

because who knows what the frig

she's carrying in her bag and (beep).


(tense music)

- Holy (beep) what do I do?

Thank her for coming? (laughs)


To see her in Miami is trippy

but I have a moment, I'm like,

is she a stalker or a super supporter?

She has on her I heart Pauly D shirt

she got at the t-shirt shop,

full blown Pauly D tattoo.

Vanessa is the real MVP.

- We've been looking for a good woman for Pauly

but maybe she's been under our nose the whole time.

(dance music)

For more infomation >> Is Pauly D's Stalker Vanessa the Real MVP!? 😨 | Jersey Shore: Family Vacation | MTV - Duration: 2:56.


Tình Như Trái Đắng - Cẩm loan ft Quang Trường | Sáng Tác : Lê Minh (Audio Official) - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Tình Như Trái Đắng - Cẩm loan ft Quang Trường | Sáng Tác : Lê Minh (Audio Official) - Duration: 5:35.


Are penalties football's toughest test? | Documentary trailer - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Are penalties football's toughest test? | Documentary trailer - Duration: 0:57.


Yamaha Fazer 250 New Model In India 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Yamaha Fazer 250 New Model In India 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Julia Roberts has joined Instagram | American Today – 10 Amazing - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Julia Roberts has joined Instagram | American Today – 10 Amazing - Duration: 2:05.


Whatsapp Secret Tricks That Blow Your Mind june 2018 🔥 - Duration: 4:41.

Whatsapp Secret Tricks That Blow Your Mind june 2018 🔥

For more infomation >> Whatsapp Secret Tricks That Blow Your Mind june 2018 🔥 - Duration: 4:41.


[뉴스] || 정해인·윤아·박신혜 등 ★, 월드컵 감격 소감 "고맙습니다" ? - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> [뉴스] || 정해인·윤아·박신혜 등 ★, 월드컵 감격 소감 "고맙습니다" ? - Duration: 5:21.


Asus ZenFone 5 UK price, release and how to save £50 off this budget smartphone ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:15.

ASUS Zenfone 5 is now available to pre-order in the UK and here's all you need to know

including release date, price specs and how to buy this mid-range smartphone.

The Asus ZenFone 5 was announced back in February with this device offering flagship specs on

a relatively low budget.

Now, after months of waiting, the ZenFone 5 is finally available to order in the UK

with Asus revealing a price and release date.

Fans who fancy giving this device a try can pre-order now with the phone costing £349.99.

However, those ordering via the ASUS eStore will receive £50 off that price until the

8th July 2018 with stock shipping from 9th July.

For your money, you'll be treated to a 6.2-inch edge-to-edge display that covers almost the

entire front of the phone.

Under the hood there's a Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 processor which offers 40 per cent higher

CPU performance and 10 per cent higher graphics performance than the previous Snapdragon 630

Mobile Platform.

On the rear of the Zenfone 5 there's an intelligent dual-camera system that Asus boasts can adapt

and learn, delivering perfect images for even the most amateur of photographers.

This clever camera includes AI Scene Detection which takes the guesswork out of photography.

ZenFone 5 uses the power of AI to rapidly analyse the subject and match it to one of

its 16 scene types, optimising the camera settings for almost any kind of shot from

sunsets to pet pictures.

This rear snapper can also add DSLR-style depth of field to photos and a powerful Pro

mode that gives users full control of all the camera settings

Powering the phone is a 3300mAh battery with ASUS BoostMaster fast-charge technology.

ZenFone 5 also introduces AI Charging to maximise the battery lifespan and provide total protection.

For more infomation >> Asus ZenFone 5 UK price, release and how to save £50 off this budget smartphone ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:15.


Greece Counts Cost of Widespread Flooding - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Greece Counts Cost of Widespread Flooding - Duration: 1:34.


7 Zinc Rich Foods to Overcome Zinc Deficiency - Duration: 18:08.

Top super foods high in zinc zinc

Is an essential trace mineral that plays a role in more than 100 enzymatic reactions in the body

Which is why consuming foods high in zinc is so important

It's needed in small amounts every day in order to maintain your health and perform important functions

zinc deficiency is now known to be a major malnutrition problem worldwide and

Inadequate intake of foods high in zinc is one of the main causes

compared to adults infants children adolescents

Pregnant and lactating women are most at risk for zinc deficiency

While you cannot control hereditary and some environmental factors

you can still lower your risk lack of zinc by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices a

Well-planned. I can help prevent lack of zinc to treat your lack of zinc medications are needed

Medical treatment is a simple safe and effective option

However, certain foods can also help reduce the risk lack of zinc and boost the effectiveness of your metabolism

So you can be away from lack of zinc

Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and cure lack of zinc

One keshia's

These healthy nuts are sometimes avoided because of the nutrition information label which shows how high in fact they are

But much of their fat content is monounsaturated a healthy fat

The zinc content in cashews is another reason to use this as a healthy snack that can tide you over between meals or be used

In a recipe to enhance flavor replace dairy products in a veteran recipe or add a bit of buttery crunchiness

serving size 100 grams zinc

5.35 milligrams

553 calories

Cashews are also rich in iron and copper that enhance blood circulation

They help the form red blood cells and utilize them effectively

These notes make a great replacement for animal proteins and fats. This is because of the mono and polyunsaturated

Fatty acids present in cashews which reduce the build-up of fat and cholesterol inside the heart

Eating them rise an evening snack is the simplest way to get your regular dose of zinc and other essential nutrients

Or you can also add cashew butter to your breakfast toast

To crab

before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos if

Love to eat crab legs. There's good news. It's relatively high in zinc and can help you meet your daily needs in this area

Crab is also a good source of protein and doesn't weigh you down with a lot of calories

It's very low in fat

But you'll want to watch out for the sodium levels, which can run rather high leading to water retention and an increase in blood pressure

Serving size 100 grams zinc 2.8 milligrams 84 calories as like most animal meats

Crab is also a complete source of protein and it also is an impressive source of vitamin b12

Which aids in the production of healthy blood cells?

the vitamin also prevents heart disease

simply sprinkle chopped grab onto a vegetable salad

You can also add it to your soup recipe even better. You can saute crab meat with pea pods

mushrooms and water chestnuts for a nutritious stir-fry

3 mushrooms

Regardless of which mushrooms you go with there will likely be a good amount of zinc in them

Mushrooms are a great add-on to any meal and they can flavor up a pizza or simply be cooked up and eaten as a side


They have a healthy assortment of vitamins and minerals and several types of mushrooms have been shown to have anti-cancer benefits

Serving size of shower take mushrooms

100 grams zinc 7 point six six milligrams 34 calories

among the vegetables

Mushroom also deserves special mention because of its high content of sink

They are another wonderful rich in zinc a cup serving of cooked white mushrooms provides

1.4 milligrams or 9% DV of zinc

This is similar to spinach if you don't like spinach you can replace it with mushroom to get the same amount of zinc

Mushrooms are one of the rare sources of germanium a nutrient that helps your body lies oxygen effectively

Mushrooms also provide iron and vitamins C and D adding mushrooms to your soup can take it to a whole new level you

Can toss a few mushrooms to your vegetable salad or even add them to your curry?

For spinach

Spinach may not be the food with the most zinc in it, but it holds its own considering that it's a plant source

It's just one of the many vitamins and minerals that spinach is known for and one more reason to eat it more often

Having a salad with spinach as a base is an easy way to start getting more zinc into your diet

Especially when you top that salad with other zing containing foods

serving size 100 grams zinc

0.53 milligrams

23 calories

There was a reason Papa relished this veggie

One of the antioxidants and spinach called alpha lipoic acid

Lowers glucose levels and prevents oxidative stress, especially in patients with diabetes

Spinach is also rich in vitamin K a nutrient required for bone health

You can add spinach to soups pastas and even casseroles you can also add it to your breakfast sandwich

Five shrimp

shrimp serves as a good food for zinc intake and

Also provides other benefits like being a high quality protein and being low in calories

They are also a surprising source of antioxidants

usually it's fruits and vegetables that get mentioned in a discussion of

Antioxidants, but you have pretty good-sized dose of an antioxidant that helps fight inflammation in the body

Which can provide relief to anyone suffering from an inflammatory condition

serving size 100 grams zinc one point three four milligrams 85 calories

Six kidney beans

Kidney beans are a great non meat source of zinc, which is good news for veterans and vegetarians looking to get the zinc requirements met

These beans are also helpful in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels

Providing energy and keeping you feeling full for long periods without a subsequent crash

They can be eaten as a side dish by themselves or added to any entree to boost fiber intake and add additional protein

serving size 100 grams zinc 2.79 milligrams

127 calories

Apart from helping you get adequate amounts of zinc. Kidney beans also reduce the concentrations of c-reactive protein

Which is known to cause inflammatory disorders

The beans also control blood sugar levels and invariably help in the treatment of diabetes

They can be a simple addition to your regular fruit or vegetable salad, or you can eat them raw as a healthy evening snack

Even adding them to hearty soups or stews can work well

7 hoisters the amount of zinc in oysters varies, but will always be enough for the day if you get a 100 gram serving

The benefit of eating foods high in zinc rather than taking a zinc supplement is that your body can easily process?

excess levels of a mineral that comes from natural sources

This is why you don't have to worry that is serving of oysters provides more zinc than what is needed

Your body will simply expel what it doesn't mean

serving size 100 grams zinc 16 to 182 milligrams

199 calories

Oysters. This bivalve is a zinc powerhouse that packs in 5.3 milligrams per medium oyster

The shellfish is also high in protein relatively low in calories and packed with other valuable vitamins and minerals

including vitamin C vitamin

b12 iron and selenium

Try or stir sculpt canned or on the half-shell no matter how you serve them you're in for a tasty treat and a stronger immune

system to boot

Wasters are also rumoured to have other amorous health benefits

Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended

Nor should it be construed as providing professional medical or nutritional advice

Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems

instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice

Ten warning signs that your body is lacking water

Water makes up about two-thirds of your body weight and a person cannot survive without water for more than a few days

Every cell organ and tissue in the body depends on water. It plays very important roles

Without water your body would stop functioning properly

Hence, it is important to keep your body hydrated

To stay hydrated drink fluids and eat foods rich in water content

Many people are unaware when their body lacks adequate water until the problem becomes severe

It is important to be aware of these signs as addressing. The problem early can save you from future complications

If you have multiple signs and symptoms of this problem ask your doctor to check your health levels and get the best lacking water treatment

Here are the early warning signs that your body is lacking water

One headaches and lightheadedness

headaches and lightheadedness are some of the possible signs that your body lacks water a

Drop in your body's hydration level leads to a reduced amount of fluid surrounding your brain which protects it from mild bumps and movement

This triggers nagging headaches as well as migraines

furthermore dehydration reduces the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain a

2010 report published in the handbook of clinical neurology highlights the possible triggers of migraines and tension type headaches and

Dehydration is one of them when suffering from a headache instead of reaching for a pill during a glass of water

If the headache is due to dehydration, it will go away soon

To brain fog or poor concentration

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As the human green is made up of approximately 90% water. It definitely shows signs when dehydrated

Lack of water in the brain can affect your decision-making

memory and mood

dehydration can even cause symptoms of brain fog such as forgetfulness and difficulty focusing thinking and communicating a

2013 study published in clinical autonomic research says that

Dehydration is one of the most frequently reported brain fog triggers along with fatigue lack of sleep prolonged standing and feeling faint

In a 2011 study published in the British Journal of nutrition

Researchers found that mildly dehydrated people performed worse on cognitive tasks and also reported difficulty making decisions

Three bad breath and try mouth bad breath is another sign that your body lacks water

Due to lack of water your body produces less saliva, which contains anti bacterial properties

This leads to an excess growth of bacteria in the mouth causing bad or stinky breath

Along with bad breath you can have a dry mouth

Water works like a lubricant which keeps the mucous membranes moist in the throat thus preventing dry mouth

For constipation and other digestive issues

Water helps lubricate the digestive system and keeps the digestive tract flexible and clean

This helps keep your bowel movements regular and prevent constipation

Plus excessive fluid loss due to diarrhea or vomiting may also harden the stools and lead to constipation

lack of water in the body can even cause heartburn and in digestion a

2003 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition notes that fluid loss and fluid restriction increased

Constipation it is less important to maintain hydration to prevent constipation

5 sudden food cravings

The next time you have set in hunger pangs or food cravings drink a glass of water before grabbing a snack

When dehydrated your body sends false signals to your brain that you are hungry what actually you are thirsty?

Craving is salty treat can be due to loss of water and electrolytes in the body

Simply drink a sports drink that contains sodium

Or make your own lemon water by mixing the juice of one lemon in a glass of water along with one teaspoon of salt

Some people experience cravings for something sweet

this happens when your body experiences difficulty with glycogen production in

This case opt for fruits like watermelon papaya or berries that are sweet as well as high in water content

6 reduced urination and change in color

Believe it or not. If you are not using the restroom every few hours your body is probably lacking water a

healthy amount of water intake results in regular urination about four to seven times a day as

Your body releases toxins through urination not urinating at regular intervals can be problematic

7 fatigue and lethargy if you are feeling fatigued D and lethargic, it can be due to your dehydrated body

Lack of water causes low blood pressure and inadequate oxygen supply throughout the body including the brain

Lack of oxygen causes sleepiness fatigue and a lethargic feeling

Furthermore when you are dehydrated your body has to work much too hard to ensure proper blood circulation

transporting nutrients and even breathing

Expending extra energy obviously makes you tired faster than usual

Staying hydrated is one of the easiest ways to stay alert and energized. So keep your water bottle handy

8 joint and muscle pain

Water is a vital component of healthy joints in cartilage. In fact, they contain about 80 percent water

When your body lacks water your bones start grinding against each other

and pain in the joints

When your body is well hydrated your joints can handle sudden movements such as running jumping or falling awkwardly

without any pain

furthermore depletion of fluids through perspiration can cause muscles to contract leading to cramps a

2008 study published in the Journal of applied physiology notes that body water status is an important

consideration in modulating the hormonal and metabolic

responses to resistance exercise

9 skinny dry skin and lips

Another sign that your body likes water is dry skin. That lacks elasticity

the skin is the body's largest organ and it requires a good amount of water to remain in good condition a

Low water level causes less sweating which means the body is not able to wash away excess dirt and oil

accumulated on the skin throughout the day

Furthermore as water helps flush toxins from the body

dehydration increases the risk of acne eczema and psoriasis

Another obvious sign of dehydration is dry and chapped lips

Hence along with moisturizing your skin with a good moisturizer

Make sure you are hydrating your skin from the inside out by drinking an adequate amount of water


accelerated heartbeat

Dehydration also has a direct impact on heart rate and performance

dehydration causes a decrease in plasma volume making the blood more viscous

this affects blood circulation and increases your heart rate a

2014 study published in the Journal of strength and conditioning research degrees at dehydration negatively impacts performance

Researchers found that the heart rate changes an average of three beats per minute for every 1% change in body weight resulting from dehydration


Dehydration causes changes in electrolytes present in your body leading to low blood pressure

Due to extra stress on your body heart palpitations become faster

this can be frightening and cause anxiety and panic if

You feel your heart beating faster. Try sipping water slowly to see if you feel better if the problem persists

Consult your doctor immediately

It's note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended

Nor should it be construed as providing professional medical or nutritional advice

Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems

instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice

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