Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily Jun 28 2018

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For more infomation >> Cute Cats & Dogs - Funny Animals Compilation 2018 | Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Duration: 4:21.


Tony Robbins: This Technique Can Change Your Life! (powerful motivational video) - Duration: 15:18.

change a question change your life when

it comes to planning your life I want to

get to learn to ask three questions now

and the first one is not what am I gonna

do and how many understand why now say I

the question one ask yourself is what do

I want

what's my outcome what's my result the

word are p.m. the first one is to get

you focused on the target the target is

not the activity the activity can change

its what the what's the result I'm after

if you know exactly what it is you

really want what you desire what you're

really after clarity is power the more

clear you aren't specifically what you

want the faster your brain can get you

there but if you're generally saying

things like what I want well you know I

want more money fine here's a dollar get

out of here did you achieve the outcome

yeah when you're that general you maybe

you think you're not getting your goal

you are the way you language your golden

way you think about it you receiving it

you know you know I you know I want to

feel a bit better I want to lose some


fine you lost the pound you're done

because your brains like a

servomechanism and a bomb and a missile

the old days you shoot a missile and the

target was going and if you missed the

trajectory you missed it today what

happens when the missiles not on course

what happens it locks on the heat

signature will have to do it moves and

follows it that's the way your brain is

if it knows the outcome if it knows the

result so rpm starts with I gotta know

the result this is a results planning

system the rapid planning method but you

can think it was a results planning

system I need to know the result and

after before I ever ask myself what to

do that takes more time but it's worth

it now for times sake I'm not gonna do

this with you right now but I'll tell

you what I do when I've taught this to

people and I got full weekend to do this

in just give you a picture if I asked

you right now to write out your name

your full name now some of you

abbreviate your signature but write out

your full name and cursive go and do

that one time right at your full name

and cursive I can't even use the word

cursive is that really the word people

still use means in handwriting I guess

but in cursive just write it out full

name you can do this later on full name

if you normally abbreviate don't do the

up to read full name now if I had you

get with a partner and you can try this

later if you want I'm just gonna tell

you because I don't

take the time is it such a limited time

today and I have your partner say to you

with a stopwatch here okay ready and I

go go and you write it out you tell me

when you're done it'll stop all right

that how long that was so let's say you

run out your signature and it took five

seconds and then say ready

write it out ready go you tell me we're

done stop and I write down five seconds

I have to do that ten times you'll find

in the beginning you'll be let's say six

seconds I'm making it up every signature

is different and you probably might get

down to as little as five seconds if you

have like an iPhone you can do it as a

digital stopwatch you could see if the

middle seconds then I say to you I want

you guys to write every other letter in

cursive nobody write half as many

letters how long do you think it would

take to do it half as much time most of

you will take twice as much time in the

beginning and then eventually what's

interesting is if I do it ten times then

the last two or three and this makes no

logical sense and again I don't wanna

take the time to have all of you do this

10 times 10 times 10 times but you go do

it on your own I'll just tell you the

result in most cases even though you're

doing half as many letters you cut it by

2/3 the time there's something happens

when you break an all pattern and you do

it fresh your brain over the years has

learned ways to move more rapidly since

when you did your regional signature and

you'll do it a third the amount of time

it'll take twice as much at first and

then she'll cost your third amount of

time now let me tell you why I'm telling

you this the system I'm calling your

rapid planning up it by time I show it

to you you're gonna go this takes more

time than just make it my to-do list

when when will it take more time win

initially but once you get it in your

nervous system it'll take you less time

because your brain will be thinking in

outcomes and not activities and when you

think in terms of outcomes and not


pretty soon some of the activities you

don't even need to do to get the outcome

you find a better way to get the outcome

quicker now how do you do that yes three

questions question one what is my result

was my outcome what is that I really

truly want from this if you're going

back next week he said this next week

the most important one how comes for me

to get this week in my business he is

right those outcomes out not your action

items the outcomes you if you do that

and nothing else you'll be out of the

game if you just keep looking those

outcomes every day how am i doing on

that outcome your brain will come up

with ways to get to that outcome I

promise you focus on the outcomes not on

activities action for most people

activities most people may mistake

movement for achievement they mistake

action items and to dues for achievement

we're after the achievement are you with

me on this yes or no it's a different

way of thinking and I think all of you

inherently have it but if you make this

ritualized just like the things you've

learned this week they're all great but

if you don't systematize them they'll

work when you do them but if you

systematize them right and you see like

mr. Holloman here where he goes in and

just does it and does it make sure it's

being done again or what you've seen

chat do or what I do you just do it over

and over again you don't miss it now the

results are geometric so I'm gonna get

you systematize the thinking whether you

do it visually the way I'm gonna show

you or not so first question what's the

result of NAFTA what's the ultimate

result what I want out of this week out

of this thing out of my business out of

my life out for my body and you want to

be as what as possible when you describe

that outcome that result is what as

clear and specific as possible

generalities will confuse you so it

might take you longer than just writing

down call so-and-so to think if I'm

calling my my son

I'm gonna call Jarek or I'm gonna call

my brother this is what goes to my head

before I call it always what's my

outcome cuz I don't want to just call

him I want jerk to feel loved by his dad

or I'm thinking about what welcome I've

gotta talk to him about this thing

that's out there I got to make sure I

get through them on this because I want

to guide him and move it in this

direction that's what I want to be as

his father I want to I want to just

chitchat I can do that too if you think

before every phone call before every

time you're planning your day and you

think before you can have any meeting

what do you think the first thing I ask

of anyone when we sit down in a meeting

is okay what are you are

whether your outcomes whether y'all

comes to this meeting

first thing I wanna know because I know

the outcomes guess what a lot of Me's

they're done pretty quick cuz I know the

outcome you don't have to go through all

the activities to sell me on it just

that's your outcome how do you want to

do it sounds good to me

rock that's how you make a meaning

productive I know a meetings for

knocking up at the hours are time

sometimes it takes longer to the outcome

than you want but I'm gonna get the

outcome that's by the way what you see

with me on stage that's a long time Zeri

it's based on an outcome I'm gonna get

that outcome I don't give a damn whether

it's the right time or not I want to do

at that time

but I must deliver the outcome I'm gonna

get back and by the way how many like to

have your company focused on outcomes

results and not activity say I people

say all the time well did you get that

done well you want to left them an email

I I left him a voicemail

I sent him three emails how much times

you heard that when that happens with me

oh my god you know but I don't show it I

just like really wow that's fascinating

I'll explain our about our culture it's

about getting the result so I can help

you if you can't figure another way to

do it but there may be 12 other things

we might want to do maybe they don't

have the answer maybe somebody else can

give us the answer the outcome was to

get this information not to leave an

email or 12 or three voicemails that

will not do any of us any good how many

follow now whether you get the outcome

or not whether you get that result will

be based firstly of clarity the second

thing is whether you got enough

emotional juice to keep going after it

when things don't work out so the second

part of our p.m. is the purpose rpm by

the way how many notes what it means

when you increase the RPMs in a car

anybody here what does that do it builds

up what power speed higher rpm you can

explode through something right you can

make something happen so think of this

metaphorically also this rapid planning

method this result planning method so

it's rapid planning it's a result

planning you want a results focused

purpose driven massive action culture

that's what rpm stands for it's how you

build a power and you break through but

whether or not you get that result will

be are you clear and specific but also


enough juice when it doesn't work out

how many of you were going after an

outcome in your day and your week and

for whatever reason you're not able to

get it the person doesn't respond

they're not there the things might there

something interferes somebody interrupts

you who's had their plans interrupts you

raise your hand say I so what do you

keep doing it or knowledge do you have

enough emotional juice see guys you all

know out of this week you got more than

enough to take your business to all

another level

you got more ways you can be go home

alone with the artists now and some of

you know and by so fast but many of you

know the program you'll watch it enough

times you'll be there something invite

us in we're gonna be there make sure you

do it so it's gonna happen but the art

of it being Falls do or not is gonna

come to you have the emotion to follow

through and that needs to be a part of

your thinking also so the next question

I've always asked besides the outcome is

why why is more important than how why

are we doing this what's the purpose

purpose is more powerful than object

purpose is more powerful than object you

say I want a million dollars that's a

great objective

I want a billion dollars great objective

I want to feed 3,000 children in my

community that's a beautiful objectives

even more specific but even that

objective you might get excited about so

he runs what it takes to feed three

thousand kids right and the politics

involved and all the people that don't

follow through and then you have this

good intention and somebody's else's

test off because one of the kids didn't

get fed right and you didn't you know

how to do what's gonna make you keep

going purpose why do you want to feed

those 3,000 kids why do you want to make

that million dollars that billion

dollars why are you gonna take your

business the next level why is the most

important thing to know cuz that's where

all the emotional juice and fuel is to

actually get you to go through and the

challenges show up every person you see

who's on fire and successful knows the

wine you know the problem is you might

know the wine in the beginning you read

a mission statement stuff like that you

don't know why you're doing this right

now this right now

that's what's gonna engage you and

activate the why you might ever why

that's not active how many follow the

difference when I'm talking about

hearsay I otherwise that little law

familiarity shows up you know we're

doing those cars

you repeat the why but has no emotion

behind it see if I take a stick pin you

know I don't see anything like that but

you know you know what a woman has a

blouse there's like whole stick in it

let's think that stick tin is a word but

I take that stick pin and I throw it at

you are you gonna feel it barely but if

I take that little stick pin called a

word and I wire to the back of a giant

iron bar called emotion now I can take

that stick pin it and put that thing

right through your heart that's the

power of why our p.m. are as the result

the outcome what you're after P is the

purpose it's the Y 80% of success is y

20% is how get a big enough y people

figure out how to do it I'm gonna agree

with me on this ai so you better know

your Y so talking to president tell me

something what's your outcome stand then

why and then wants to know the wall

height we know what you're after and why

then the question is how do we do it we

know what we're after why how do we do

it but where are there lots of house to

get to an outcome yes or no

are there many paths to get a result yes

or no some are more efficient than

others and you're not gonna know so you

know you brainstorm about all the house

you can think of all the things you

could possibly need to do to get that

result I mean you narrow down to the 20%

that makes 80% of the difference and

you'll find out you don't have to do

that whole to-do list fact wouldn't be

nice to write you're all to do this and

not do it and still get the outcome how

many prefer that say I

that's rpm I love it when I don't do my

to Do's and I got the outcome that's the

coolest thing in the world you might

done one or two of them but it's been

learning selectively which ones are

gonna create it but the only we knew

that is to brainstorm out the end that

the massive action plan if I know the

result I'm after I know what does I want

what's the outcome what's the result

what do I want

specifically clearly and I know the Y

and the Y's got to move who who's the

why off the mat or - well if you said

why you're trying to get everybody to

deal with they got em a Y involved in it

but people do things for different


people donate money for different

reasons some of you donated money the

other day here because you removed by

the experience some of you did it for

connection some of you did it contribute

some of you felt guilty if you didn't do

it somebody else did beside you or you

have a lot of money and you feel guilty

about it cuz you didn't earn it I'm not

saying it in this room but that's how

some people are they inherited it so

they feel guilty

some people do things to get their name

up on the wall some people today do it

anonymously and then tell everyone isn't

it true yeah just confidentially that

was me and everybody tells that tells

everybody that it's anonymous they're

doing it for significance some do it for

connections some do it for contribution

I don't care what person does it but we

do it but if you're gonna work with the

group people you better make sure the

white s on all their needs does that

make sense when is you lose why does it

after date who's white is that the touch

whose purposes have to be your own for

you to be moved so if you know the

result in your the purpose now you need

the M which is the massive action plan

we also call the massive action plan on

the map your massive action plan your

map I gonna get there what are you gonna

do by the way when you're crystal clear

what you want and you know why you want

it you can make a big map you can bring

some a million ways to do it not all

your house are gonna work that's why you

make a whole map and then go back and

gradually asterisk the ones that are the

most important go hit those you might

get the whole outcome in the first two

action items and get rid of your whole

rest your list this is our p.m. this is

how I operate now if you never did this

on paper you just did this thinking

process in your head you'll get

invaluable resources if you learn to put

this on paper and be more powerful

because then your brain isn't racing and

you can see it if you make into a system

that you personally use your

productivity will explode if you teach

your whole company do this your company

will go to levels you can't even imagine

cuz everyone will maximize their



For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: This Technique Can Change Your Life! (powerful motivational video) - Duration: 15:18.


In Praise of Unrequited Love - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> In Praise of Unrequited Love - Duration: 7:01.


Superstore - Glenn "Cursing" (Mashup) - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Superstore - Glenn "Cursing" (Mashup) - Duration: 1:08.


Armies and Tactics: Ancient Greek Siege Warfare - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> Armies and Tactics: Ancient Greek Siege Warfare - Duration: 9:02.



Hi people, Beepy is here.

I have to tell you some important stuff.

Believe it or not, it's so much associated with my future on YouTube.

Okay, so...

I'm from Poland and my country is member of European Union... and what?

Well... they try to sign some laws about copyright.

It means the youtubers in whole European Union can record ONLY own stuff (if this law will be signed ofc)

All my videos are from game called Piano Tiles 2, also some of them have famous and copyrighted songs,

so YouTube will make my channel censored or they will even block whole my channel.

It may be even the end of UMod, because

if my channel will be censored I don't have any reasons to continue my transcribing career.

and well...

UMod creators said if it will happen they won't wanna make anything without me.

Generally... it will be the end of internet in Europe.

Also the same will happen with all social medias, like Facebook, Instagram or... sth else :v

and your conversations will be controled by unknown people for "safety"

It's not ok

it may touch even whole world because internet is the main source to advertise your content, games and almost everything!

The games creators will go bankrupt.

Everything will bankrupt except...

ahh... nevermind

Please, visit my description and help

We're trying to gain 1 million signs about removing article 11 and 13

If you can't sign the petition just share it somewhere or press the like under this video for publicity.



CNN Gets Served: Failing Network Loses To Food Network In Latest Ratings - Duration: 4:03.

CNN Gets Served: Failing Network Loses To Food Network In Latest Ratings.

That could be one of the phrases being kicked around CNN's marketing department, as the

network looks for slogans to promote its performance in last week's ratings of basic cable channels.

According to the numbers compiled by Nielsen Media Research, CNN's prime-time programming

attracted an average viewership of 758,000 from June 18-24 for the 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

(Eastern) time period.

Among cable news networks, that number is good for third — which doesn't sound too

bad until you remember there are only three cable news networks.

And the difference between the three wasn't even close.

Fox News Channel was tops among all cable channels with an average of just over 2 million

prime-time viewers for the week.

MSNBC was in second with 1.49 million.

From there, you have to go a ways down the list before tripping across the letters CNN.

ESPN, USA Network and HGTV round out the top five in prime-time viewership.

The next five?

Still, no CNN here, either.

Instead we have TBS, FX, Investigation Discovery, History and Discovery.

Get past Food Network and A&E Network and that's where you'll find CNN, an unlucky

13th in prime-time viewership last week, beating out TLC and Hallmark Channel among the top

15 most-watched cable networks.

Yep, more people craved watching people cook and eat food than those who craved the offerings

from CNN.

The numbers were even uglier when you look at the numbers for the 25-54 demographic — the

one advertisers covet.

In that group, CNN was ranked 18th.

Fox News was first among cable news networks and fifth among all cable networks in the


MSNBC was 15th overall.

CNN fares better in daytime, ranking No. 7 among cable networks in total-day viewership

(24-hour) viewership.

That's the good news.

The bad news is it still lags far behind Fox News and MSNBC, who rank Nos. 1 and 2 and

that category.

These have to be concerning numbers among executives at the flagship network of cable

news, especially since last week wasn't a typical week with a slow summer news cycle.

The news networks were wall-to-wall with "Crisis at the Border" programming and reaction

to President Trump's signing of an executive order ending separations of children from

their illegal immigrant parents who are caught entering the country.

After all, losing to Fox News is nothing new — Fox has been the most-watched of all cable

networks for 24 consecutive weeks, both in terms of prime time and across the entire

broadcast day, according to AdWeek.

But with CNN heavyweights Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon anchoring the network's

prime-time lineup, you wouldn't think the Food Network would stand a chance.

But the bottom line says otherwise; in fact, CNN's prime time viewership declined 5 percent

from the same period a year ago.

Maybe the trio of Cooper, Cuomo and Lemon aren't such heavyweights after all.

Of course, the Hallmark Channel is still eating CNN's dust in the ratings, despite the endless

array of cinematic classics being churned out by that fine network.

But then again, Hallmark's "June Weddings Marathon" still has another week to go and

a two-week blitz of holiday favorites are on tap for next month, so CNN better up its

game if it wants to maintain its lofty 13th place in the ratings.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> CNN Gets Served: Failing Network Loses To Food Network In Latest Ratings - Duration: 4:03.


Dwayne Johnson releases wireless workout headphones with Under Armour and JBL - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Dwayne Johnson releases wireless workout headphones with Under Armour and JBL - Duration: 1:03.


Trial & Error - Justice Like You've Never Seen It Before (Promo) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Trial & Error - Justice Like You've Never Seen It Before (Promo) - Duration: 0:41.


Craft Circus – the innovative start-up for exciting after work drinks - Duration: 2:25.

Craft Circus is a manufacturer of home made spirits and wines.

We aren't a single product or brand in the classic sense –

we, the three founders, are, in fact, three completely different characters.

This is why we actually have three separate brands that reflect each of our personalities individually.

When we launched the company three and a half years ago, we decided together not to rent an office,

rather to live our dream

in the sense that we aren't inherently linked to each other and we can work very, very flexibly.

And this is also reflected in the way we communicate on Instagram or Facebook –

that we simply want to embody this sensation of being free and alive that Craft Circus represents in all our products.

We started it all while we were at university.

This meant we had no money to develop our own production facilities,

so we looked for a spirit distillery between Hamburg and Berlin

where we could develop our batches ourselves.

We value the fact that we represent our Craft Circus products personally.

This is why we have a mobile bar that we can easily set up on site.

And, in just a few minutes, we actually have the perfect setting for an after-work drink.

Regardless of whether it's now in the offices of an agency or at a food market –

we're actually present everywhere and set everything up relatively quickly and flexibly.

My mantra for life is here on my arm –

"stop talking, start doing."

And this is precisely how we approached our company.

Let's not talk for too long!

And this is why we started the company while we were studying,

as a kind of university project that really did ultimately morph into a project for life.

For more infomation >> Craft Circus – the innovative start-up for exciting after work drinks - Duration: 2:25.


Thanh hưng cover chay Sai người sai thời điểm cực hay - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Thanh hưng cover chay Sai người sai thời điểm cực hay - Duration: 5:22.


New BMW Harley Davidson 300cc Concept 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

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Seine Mutter hatte kein Geld: Achtjähriger zeichnet Panini-Heft nach und wird zum Star - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Seine Mutter hatte kein Geld: Achtjähriger zeichnet Panini-Heft nach und wird zum Star - Duration: 2:02.


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Top Most Lovely Small Houses Are Perfect Place To Enjoy The Cool Summer

For more infomation >> Top Most Lovely Small Houses Are Perfect Place To Enjoy The Cool Summer | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 12:10.



For more infomation >> [EXCLU] THE CHAINSMOKERS SUR HIT RADIO - Duration: 4:44.


KINH PHÁP ẤN PHẬT THUYẾT CHO HẢI LONG VƯƠNG_ Nghe Đọc Kinh Phật - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> KINH PHÁP ẤN PHẬT THUYẾT CHO HẢI LONG VƯƠNG_ Nghe Đọc Kinh Phật - Duration: 10:30.


Breaking: Trump-Putin summit set for Helsinki, Finland on July 16 - live updates - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Breaking: Trump-Putin summit set for Helsinki, Finland on July 16 - live updates - Duration: 3:49.


Trump brands Sen. Heitkamp 'liberal Democrat,' but she's not - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Trump brands Sen. Heitkamp 'liberal Democrat,' but she's not - Duration: 5:12.


Thanh Hưng live cực hay Ta còn yêu nhau - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Thanh Hưng live cực hay Ta còn yêu nhau - Duration: 7:14.


Reduce Diabetes and Blood Sugar Levels Naturally At Home - Duration: 7:15.

Americans are missing the wonderful herb which cures diabetes Moringa oleifera

also known as the tree of Americans are missing the wonderful herb which cures

damages Moringa oleifera also known as the Tree of Life is rightfully named

because of its potential to use everything from root to leaf to seed for

many health benefits however very few people are aware on how moring of

benefits diabetes diabetes is an epidemic touching almost every family in

North America among residents in United States alone this illness affects about

twenty-five point eight million people ages 20 years and older that is eight

point three percent of the pollution diabetes is the seventh leading cause of

death in the u.s. diabetes can cause damage to the eyes the high quantity of

vitamin A is found in Moringa and AIDS antioxidants to convert beta-carotene

very efficiently reducing the risk of blindness in diabetes what men say is

important to efficiently regulate the production of insulin the lack of

vitamin C has a proven negative effect on the pancreas and its ability to

secrete insulin thereby causing high levels of blood sugar went when b12 is

also found in Maringa leaves which is used successfully to treat the

neuropathic diabetic Moringa has three times more vitamin D than is found in

almonds research studies have found the importance having an intake of 4000 IU

of vitamin D daily thereby lowering cardiovascular risk by as much as 50%

lack of vitamin D contributes the risk in children to developing type 1

diabetes new studies have shown that kids living above the latitude 40 have a

higher risk in developing juvenile diabetes that is type 1 multiple G

protects the insulin cell produces when the level of vitamin D is low the body

will become insulin dependent for life there are many ways to incorporate

Moringa into your diet don't wait get started now ask us more about Moringa

the top uses of Moringa are delays powder seeds or oil extracted from the

seeds Moringa leaves can be

stealing 280 or used in cooking postures and other dishes the powder can be

sprinkled into recipes used SAT or encapsulated to make into a daily

supplement the oil is typically used for skin conditions such as acne to prevent

scarring for psoriasis or eczema brushes and other skin irritations Moringa

leaves for diabetes marina leaves are a rich source of many nutrients like

vitamin A vitamin B vitamin C vitamin D and vitamin E in fact they have many

more vitamins than the richest sources such as carrots oranges and milk they

can be cooked and eaten in many ways they can also be consumed as Jews to

trade diabetes as well as many health issues removes cholesterol burning the

leaves contain fat burning and slimming properties that nourish and energize

your body these leaves are useful to naturally stop junk food cravings and to

boost energy for a healthy and active lifestyle lower levels of cholesterol

had to reduce heart diseases and many other cardiovascular problems controls

diabetes one of the effective moring girl leaves benefits is that it helps to

control diabetes diabetes decreases insulin production in affected patients

moring a Leafs provide energy without taking sugar and sugar supplements

Moringa is considered to be an herbal medicine which reduces sugar levels

naturally take a handful of Maringa leaves boil in two cups of water

slimmer the stew until it reduces to one cup strain the pulp and drink three

times daily continuously for one month additionally a small study in six

diabetic patients found that adding 50 grams of Moringa leaves to your meal

reduces the rise in blood sugar by 21 percent these effects are caused by

plant compounds found in mooring galleys such as isothiocyanates increases

lactation mooring a leaves have many oil Vedic properties it is a traditional

medicine which is given to nursing mothers to help to increase lactation or

milk production hi viewers today I am going to share more agharti

benefits Moringa is one of the Asian nutrient-dense

on the earth it is rich in antioxidants and many more nutrients Moringa contains

90 plus nutrients 46 plus antioxidants 36 plus and the inflammatory compounds

and 18 plays amino acids it contains zinc similar to those found in beans it

is a weapon against blemishes it is anti-aging Moringa contains plenty of

omega-3 fatty oils and plenty of chlorophyll prevents micronutrient

deficiency now let us prepare Moringa tea

for this we need mowing our leaves powder ginger honey and lemon let's

start the preparation take a pan add some water

and allow them to boil for five minutes now add 1 tablespoon of Moringa powder

and allow it to boil for some more time

add some ginger

now filter this into a cup

add one tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey mix well

Yemi refreshing Moringa tea is ready this tea regulates blood sugar levels

and keeps diabetes in check Moringa can treat stomach pain

it increases energy levels Moringa has antifungal antibacterial and antiviral

properties Moringa increases brain function it is vaccination alternative

it is a grape detoxifier moring uh purifies water it prevents cancer it

eliminates constipation and promotes digestion Moringa is a superfood it

stimulates immunity it is a prescribed for AIDS it fights malnutrition experts

agree it is the most important nutrient rich food source found on earth it is a

miracle vegetable Moringa oleifera could save millions of lives thank you for

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