Today on Beloved Women
There is no need to fear or forfeit when you already have everything you need to win.
Not only do you have all the benefits of a relationship with Christ you also have the
FULL armor of God.
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It may appear that as we enter chapter 6 in Ephesians the message takes a turn for the
worst but Paul is giving good news.
Yes, there is spiritual war, yes you have an enemy, yes you will have to fight, but
again, in Christ God has given you strength and power to be victorious.
There is no need to fear or forfeit when you already have everything you need to win.
Not only do you have all the benefits of a relationship with Christ (outlined in the
first 5 chapters of Ephesians) you also have the FULL armor of God.
So Paul urges the Ephesians to do two things in light of this fight:
Strengthen yourselves in the Lord 2.
Put on the FULL Armor of God
Both are necessary.
If we are strong in the Lord but have no armor we're fervent and passionate but we're
still fatally open for attack.
If we have on armor but no strength we lack the skill to know how to effectively use the
armor and weapons God has given us.
We'll first learn about our strength in the Lord, and then we will use the next sessions
to discuss each component in the armor of God.
We'll talk about it in this order because Paul instructs us to strengthen ourselves
in the Lord before we put on the armor of God.
But what does that mean to "be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might"
as Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:10?
Well, we see this very similar statement in 1 Samuel 30:6 that can help us answer this
In this text, we read about David.
During this time in his life, he is running from the King Saul of Israel (who is also
his father-in-law), because Saul is out to kill David.
So David runs to the land of the Philistines who are enemies of the Israelites.
David is not supposed to be here but he has given in to fear and run away.
One day David's camp is ambushed while he is away by the Amalekites.
They take David and his men's wives and children and burn everything down.
David's men become so furious with him out of their pain, they contemplate stoning him
to death.
So let's recap.
David is not where he's supposed to be, he's lost everything, and know his very
own men want to kill him.
How do you think he responded?
How would you have responded?
1 Samuel 30: 6 tells us:
And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the
people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters.
But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
– 1 Samuel 30:6 ESV David could have wallowed in self-pity.
In his sorrow, he could have surrendered to his men and let them kill him in their anger.
Or he could have become angry and lashed out at them.
He could have passed the blame and fought his very own men in defensiveness.
But he does neither of the two.
What does he do?
He strengthens himself in the Lord.
He gets up, and he leads his men to go find and rescue their wives and children and he
is successful in doing so.
The only response that allowed David to find victory even in his distress was to strengthen
himself in the Lord.
I want to point out 3 things that David did to strengthen himself in the Lord that we
too need to be doing as believers:
David looked to God.
He could have looked to his situation and how he lost everything, he could have looked
to his men wanting to kill him, he could have looked to himself to blame, he could have
looked to his past and how Saul wanted to kill him led him to this moment.
All those things were real, but focusing on them was going to do nothing.
But when he focused on God and what God could do he found strength because he remembered
no matter how big his problems were His God was bigger.
And knowing who your God is and what He is capable of especially when facing hardship
is rocket fuel to the believer.
The next thing that David did to strengthen himself in the Lord was having the right perspective.
David's men wanted to kill him because they thought it was all over, all was lost, and
there was no hope of coming back.
But David knew that if God didn't say it was over, then it wasn't over.
As he focused on God, he gained hope which is more strength for the believer.
Is there a situation in your life that you've given up on.
Have you convinced yourself that it's just all ever without consulting the Lord your
What are you saying to yourself?
Are you telling yourself what you can't do or what God can do?
Are you telling yourself how it's never been done or how God will make a new way?
Are you telling yourself how you're too weak and broken or how big your God is?
Next, David talked himself into the right decision.
David got into this whole situation that left him distressed (with his camp being ambushed
and his wives and children held captive) because he talked himself into it.
Thank so much for watching Beloved Women with me Christina Patterson.
Stay tuned for a sneak peek at next week's video.
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Today's video is brought to you by the Beloved Collective, a membership site for Christian
Women providing guided video bible studies, printable study guides, and online community
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Now enjoy your sneak peek at next week's video.
If you need the strength to get out of a pit you've dug for yourself or victory to win
an overwhelming battle that you didn't even ask for, you need to strengthen yourself in
the Lord by talking to yourself about who your god is, not how bad your circumstance
Talk to yourself and convince yourself why you should trust God.
Don't wait until you feel like trusting God, don't wait for the perfect sermon on
a Sunday, or an encouraging text from a friend.
Encourage yourself in the Lord.
At this moment David had nothing but God and he convinced himself that God was enough and
it was then, even in the midst of his utter despair, that he found the strength to get
up and carry on.
The last way that David strengthened . . . . . .
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