Box of Toys Toy Weapons Spiderman Toy Guns Nerf Mega
MÚA CỘT ở Trường Mẫu Giáo Trung Quốc? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 11:11.On this episode of China Uncensored,
I've heard the expression
"Spare the rod, spoil the child."
But I'm pretty sure this is not the kind of rod they were talking about.
Hi, welcome back to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
Well, it's back to school time, kids,
and you know what that means—new backpacks,
freshly sharpened pencils, and mandatory military drills!
Got to be ready to give your life
for the glorious Communist Party at any age.
But, at one kindergarten in Shenzhen,
the city where your iPhones are made,
thought they'd try something a little different this year.
Pole dancing.
I think some kids kind of liked it.
American journalist Michael Standaert,
whose kids went to this kindergarten,
posted the pole dancing footage on Twitter.
It had been circulating on WeChat among angry parents.
Apparently the principal of Xinshahui Kindergarten in Shenzhen
thought pole dancing was the best way
to welcome students into a new school year.
According to Standaert, the principal even personally
performed a pole dance using the school flagpole.
Which is...patriotic?
Then she brought in another dancer.
Because obviously, you can't just have one pole dance.
Kindergartens in China are part of preschool education,
so the kids at the school were between 3 and 6 years old.
The principal, Lai Rong, defended her actions,
saying the pole dancing was to "liven up the mood."
And I can understand, kids that age are hard to entertain!
I mean, the school already did
the military indoctrination thing over the summer.
So there weren't a lot of options left.
On the phone, the principal told Standaert's wife
that pole dancing was "international and good exercise."
She also told her that they were
"planning on having pole dancing classes at the school."
The parents of the kindergartners however, were not thrilled.
Many called the police, the media,
and the local education bureau to complain.
So this story went viral.
Even the BBC had to cover it.
Very improper.
And once the story made Chinese and international headlines,
the local education bureau
decided it should probably make a statement.
They said the pole dance was "inappropriate,"
and said the principal should be fired.
Well, she was.
After the public outcry, Principal Lai apologized, saying
"It was a very terrible viewing experience
for the kids and the parents."
I mean, c'mon, the dancing wasn't that bad.
Principal Lai also told the Washington Post,
"I just want the kids to know
the existence of this kind of dance."
Perfectly reasonable!
3 to 6 year olds
should know about the existence of pole dancing.
Principal Lai calls herself a "pole dancing enthusiast"
and said that she started pole dancing
to help her back and shoulder problems,
and even lost 20 pounds dancing.
I guess this is just a case where her personal enthusiasm
overwhelmed her professional boundaries.
Like the time that Producer Matt tried to build
an entire set for China Uncensored out of Legos.
That was not ok, Matt!
I was stepping on Legos for weeks.
But unlike Matt, I think principal Lai can be forgiven,
because pole dancing
is even being pushed in state-run media,
like my favorite, the Global Times.
Okay, I think that one got lost in translation.
That's more like dancing with poles.
But here's another Global Times article that's…
well it's really not so much an article,
as it is just a series of pictures of women pole dancing.
The headline is "Hot pole dancing staged in the street"
but it doesn't say which street.
Or even which country.
Wait, what's that, Shelley?
You're kidding.
That's too good.
Although that still doesn't explain why the Global Times
would publish those photos.
I guess it's a mystery.
But the Global Times isn't the only state-run media
pushing the pole-dancing agenda.
Here's a video from another state-run media,
the English version of Xinhua.
"The pole dance has become a way for people to keep fit,
especially for girls and women."
And can I just say, the guy teaching that class is amazing.
Check out his t-shirt.
Yes, pole dancing is actually
something of a fitness craze in China right now.
It started ten years ago,
according to this New York Times article from 2008.
I guess it's like the yoga fitness craze in America.
Only less spiritual and more...vertical.
According to CNN, "Hundreds of studios are
popping up across the country."
One of the pole dancing experts they interviewed said,
"At this point, in the whole country—everywhere,
every province, every corner—pole dancing is popular...
Everyone has been exposed to this now."
Yep, everyone.
Including kindergarteners.
But get this:
"[Pole Dancing] is so hot that China
even has a national pole dance team,
and regularly hosts competitions in cities
like Beijing and Hong Kong."
Yes, China has established its own national pole dancing team!
And according to Principal Lai,
why shouldn't she be able to introduce pole dancing to the kids
when there's even a pole dancing world championship?
Well, I there are plenty of things with world championships
that I don't think should be introduced to young children.
Like Australian rules football.
Or air guitar.
But wait, if Principal Lai is saying that pole dancing
is a prestigious international sport,
then this starts to make sense.
After all, the Chinese Communist Party
considers it a matter of national pride
to win international sports competitions.
That's why for the Olympics,
they start the athletes out young,
and make them train brutally hard.
All for the glory of future Olympic gold.
Sure, Principal Lai has been fired from being a principal.
But what if she's playing the long game here?
She could combine her love of children
with her love of pole dancing
and open her own pole dancing schools for children!
And then one day,
when pole dancing becomes a recognized Olympic sport,
she'll have the last laugh.
After all, it's not that much weirder than racewalking.
You may see confused children,
but someone else clearly sees a future of pole-dancing gold medals.
So what do you think about pole dancing at a Chinese preschool?
Leave your comments below.
And before you go,
it's that time when I answer questions
from fans who support China Uncensored
on the crowd funding website Patreon.
michiganpizza asks
"personally, china seemed less of a mess
under battle toad than under pooh."
Ah, using the lingo like a pro.
For those of you who don't know,
battle toad refers to this guy, Jiang Zemin,
former leader of China.
Winnie-the-Pooh is the current leader of China, Xi Jinping.
I think it's obvious why those are their nicknames.
So Mr. Pizza, that's a common misconception.
It's not that things are worse under Pooh.
It's that they're more visibly bad.
Things were horrible under battle toad, too.
And in many ways they were worse.
For example, Jiang Zemin had the idea
to round up people for practicing Falun Gong,
even though Falun Gong had been recognized
by the government as being beneficial.
Then Jiang gave his security forces the order to, quote,
"Ruin their reputations,
bankrupt them financially,
and destroy them physically."
And destroy them he did.
Millions of people were put in labor camps,
detention centers, and prisons.
We don't know exactly how many people were killed under Jiang,
but it's likely in the tens of thousands, if not higher,
including through his whole scheme to harvest their organs
and sell them for profit.
Plus he directed a huge anti-Falun Gong media propaganda campaign.
But there was no social media in China
back in the 90s and early 2000s
when Jiang Zemin was officially in power.
And it was easier for the Communist Party
to manipulate how foreign journalists reported on China.
Most of the issues we're dealing with today—
intellectual property theft,
trade violations,
currency manipulation, well,
those were things Jiang Zemin helped kick off.
It just took 20 years for the rest of the world to catch on.
I'm not saying Xi Jinping is a great guy
and you should invite him to parties.
Under Xi Jinping, we've definitely seen more news stories
about arrests of lawyers, dissidents, and religious believers,
like in Xinjiang.
But I think partly that's because there's
just so much more reporting now.
There's information now passed through social media
that could not have been possible 20 years ago,
and state-run propaganda is not as effective anymore.
So both leaders have done bad things.
But it's also not just these two leaders.
The Communist Party itself is the problem.
The Party is what creates the system
where persecution of groups is easy,
as well as practically necessary to maintain power.
So it doesn't matter which man is in charge.
There will always be serious abuses
while the Communist Party controls China.
But I suppose, at least when it comes to mass murder,
Jiang Zemin is probably the worst leader since Mao.
Or I guess better,
if you're going for a gold medal for mass murder.
Thanks for your question!
In case you don't know,
China Uncensored episodes are often getting demonetized
by YouTube because the content is too "controversial."
So we started crowdfunding the show on the website Patreon.
If you sign up to support the show,
you get some cool gifts,
plus you can ask me questions that I may answer on the show!
So head over to to learn more.
There's a link below.
And don't forget to give a big thank you
to all the patrons who have make this show possible.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,
see you next time.
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Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
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And one for the little boy who lives down the lane
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Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
One for the master, one for the dame
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane
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How to Video Screen Candidates without Skype or Hangouts | HIRECONOMICS #9 - Duration: 5:29.In this episode we will Skype without Skype.
Hello everybody welcome to Hireconomics.
In this episode we will be
talking about how to screen your
candidates or how to do interviews over
Skype or maybe Hangouts but without
actually having Skype or Google Hangouts.
So there are one or two kind of like
need softwares which you can use to
create kind of a virtual room where you
can screen your candidates.
You know. Maybe you have a candidate and
you ask him: "Hey candidate can we have an
interview can we have a Skype" and the
candidate basically says that but I have
no Skype, sorry. Okay. So can we do it on
Hangouts. Sorry I don't have Hangouts
either. So sometimes it's a problem and
with the software like you can create literally
virtual room which in this case I called
Recruitment Academy and you can enter
the room and you can actually just share
the link for the room to your candidate
and which is this
and the person can
open this link and actually appear here
right next to you. So it can basically it can
it supports whatever you need such as
screen sharing so of course you can see
down below here the icon screen share so
you can screen share it. So for this
basic interview screening for whatever
basically you used Skype for even even
chat here's the chat so all the
functionalities you need you have here
so you need to sign up for the service
but your candidate or even a client
whoever you want to connect with doesn't
need to have Skype or Hangouts
and so on. So this is it's kind of like
breaking the barriers when you need to
contact with someone. Actually you can
have up to four people right in this
room for the freemium plan if you want
more you can pay even for more and
actually what I wouldn't say funny but
what's the one of the features of
this is that when imagine you are there
there are four people one is you and you
can actually leave the room and leave
the rest be connected there in the room
and talk more about whatever they are
talking about. So this is one of the
softwares one of the applications I
wanted to show you. The second one is so
then you just leave the room the second
one is called Talky. where
actually you don't even have to sign up.
The I would say benefit of signing up
here is that you create this permanent
link recruitment-academy and nobody else
is able to steal this link from you so
you can still use the same link you can
have every Monday's meeting
in the same on the same link so
people know where to where
which room they have to join they need
to join and so on.
In this case you create a temporary room
in this case
Start the chat so I start a chat.
No registration. And here you can just
choose whatever setup you use so in this
case I use this webcam and Yeti
stereo microphone which is the
external microphone and I'm here you can
see it's a little bit different design
little bit different interface and
they by the way it's it's a funny thing
here they created this game here so
until you are waiting for
or other country parties to sign to
sign in in this room you can actually
play with this racket here and you need
to land here on this. So another software
So just conclusion if you want a simple
way how to get in touch with your
candidates even if it's for sourcing
screening or you are a recruiter and you
want to do a proper recruitment meeting
and you face the problems that your
candidates or some of your candidates
they don't have Skype they don't want to
sign up to Skype they want to sign up to
Hangouts there are there are plenty of
people like this you can use these
softwares these applications like to make it happen
See you next time and happy hunting!
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Zuleyka Rivera Lifestyle 2017
Zuleyka Rivera Lifestyle
Zuleyka Rivera
Zuleyka Rivera Nationality
Zuleyka Rivera
Zuleyka Rivera 2018
Zuleyka Rivera Profession
Zuleyka Rivera Miss Universe
Zuleyka Rivera Family
Zuleyka Rivera Father
Zuleyka Rivera Mother
Zuleyka Rivera Partner
Zuleyka Rivera Cars
Zuleyka Rivera Car Collection
Zuleyka Rivera Net Worth
Zuleyka Rivera Facebook
Zuleyka Rivera Twitter
Zuleyka Rivera Instagram
Most famous trademarks Of The World - Duration: 12:20.Most famous trademarks of the world
Trademarks are everywhere.
Some of them have become a part of our culture – can you imagine a city without a characteristic
"M" symbolizing McDonald's?
Or shop shelves without a red label of Coca-Cola?
I'm Lorenzo and I'll tell you about the most famous trademarks.
Coca-Cola is not only one of the most famous trademarks.
According to Interbrand's "best global brand" study, in 2015 Coca-Cola was the third world's
most valuable brand.
It's also one of the icons of pop culture.
In the 18th century John Pemberton, an American pharmacist, started to work on a drink that
could fight morphine addiction.
Little did he know that the recipe he came up with in 1886 would conquer the hearts (and
palates) of billions of people and become one of the best recognizable products of all
The name "Coca-Cola" refers to two of the original ingredients: Coca leaves and
Kola nuts.
Nowadays there are many variations of Coke: Diet Coke, Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola
Cherry, Coca-Cola Vanilla, Coca-Cola Zero...
It's quite weird to think that Coke was supposed to be just a patent medicine, isn't it?
McDonald's – the largest restaurant chain that's loved and hated by millions of people
all over the world.
Some see it as a danger: it became a symbol of unhealthy food, globalization, and obesity.
The other praise the possibility to get a cheap and commonly thought to be tasty food,
served within a couple of minutes.
Whether you despise the idea of an international restaurant that sells the same food all over
the world or are delighted by the genius of Ray Kroc, whose not entirely ethical methods
resulted in a worldwide success of the corporation, you have to admit that it would be almost
impossible to find someone who does not know what McDonald's is.
The history of McDonald's began in 1940, when two brothers, Richard and Maurice McDonald,
opened their hamburger restaurant in San Bernardino, California.
It would have remained just another family restaurant if Ray Kroc hadn't dined in there
one day and hadn't decided to take over the place.
Not immediately, of course, but his aggressive business practice has eventually forced he
McDonald brothers to leave the food industry.
Today McDonald's is the second world's largest private employer.
You'll find McDonald's restaurants in over 100 countries.
Have you had your Big Mac or McFlurry today?
Congratulations, it means you were one of the 69 million customers served by McDonald's
"If you can't find something in Google, it means it does not exist" – would you
Google is actually a lot more than just an almighty browser.
Its products include online advertising technologies, cloud computing, software, and hardware.
Google is the most valuable brand in the world.
You probably have heard that working for them is a dream.
But you might know about the darker side of that Internet giant – privacy concerns,
censorship and extensive users' data collection are only a few of them.
Whether you like them or not, chances are you have your Google account and you use Google
browser on a daily basis.
It comes as no surprise that is the most visited website in the world!
The company was started in 1996 by two Ph.D. students from Stanford University, Larry Page,
and Sergey Brin.
In 2016, Google operated 70 offices in more than 40 countries.
And who said Ph.D. studies can't bring you a fortune?
In 1972 Bill Gates and his childhood friend, Paul Allen, started their first company, Traf-O-Data.
3 years later, they established Microsoft, which today is world's largest software maker.
You may be using Microsoft's best-known product right now – Windows.
And if you work in an office, Microsoft Office might be a part of your everyday life.
Microsoft employs 124,000 people.
In 2012 the company owned 10,000 patents.
Are there any fans of games such as Age of Empires or Minecraft?
They're also products of Microsoft!
And in 2011, one of the most popular internet communicators, Skype, was bought by the company
for US$8.5 billion.
However, if you think that only in 2017 Microsoft's net income amounted to US$21.2 billion, it
doesn't seem like that big of an expense.
Adding a little "i" in front of a noun makes it 10 times fancier and, obviously,
more expensive.
iPhone, iPad, iPod – even if you just step into an Apple store, you instantly get the
feeling that it's not a place for poor people.
Judging by the fact that Apple enjoys a high level of brand loyalty, they're worth their
We all know people who, after using Mac once, claim that they will never come back to Windows
operating system, don't we?
In 2015 Apple the first U.S. company to be valued at over US$700 billion.
Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne.
Today Apple is the world's largest information technology company and the world's second-largest
mobile phone manufacturer.
This luxury vehicles brand owes its name to Emil Jellinek's daughter, Mercedes Jellinek.
Emil Jellinek was an Austrian automobile entrepreneur, who introduced Mercedes 35h in 1900, starting
the Mercedes line of cars.
It re-branded in 1926 and since then, the name "Mercedes-Benz" is in use.
In 2016 Mercedes-Benz sold 2.2 million cars, which was a record amount.
According to Forbes, it's one of the world's most valuable brands.
Its headquarters is placed in Stuttgart, Germany.
Shell, or, more officially, Royal Dutch Shell is a British–Dutch multinational oil and
gas company.
It's one o the supermajors – world's biggest publicity owned oil and gas companies.
It's also the 6th world's largest company and the largest one based in Europe.
Shell's logo is one of the most recognized logos in the world.
The company was founded in 1907.
During World War I, it was the main supplier o fuel to the British Expeditionary Force.
As many big companies, also Shell has to deal with accusations.
The company is said to finance civil wars, cooperate with regimes and destroy the natural
The Ford Motor Company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903.
It started as a factory producing just a couple of cars a day.
Compare it to 5.532 million automobiles produced in 2008 – quite a change!
Today Ford is the second-largest U.S.-based automaker and the fifth largest worldwide.
The first Ford's factory was located in Detroit, USA.
In 1904 Ford launched their first international factory in Canada.
7 years later the company started their first European factory in Manchester, England.
Today Ford has about 90 plants and facilities around the world.
"Just do it" – we all associate this slogan with Nike, world's largest supplier
of athletic shoes and clothes.
Nike's logo is one of the most famous brand's logos.
It even has its own name – the Swoosh.
The Swoosh was designed by a graphic design student, Carolyn Davidson.
She earned the whole $35 for it.
When she showed the results of her work to Phil Knight, one of the founders of the company,
she heard that he didn't love it, but he thought it would grow on him.
Apparently, it did, because the logo has undergone only minor changes since 1971, the year of
its establishment.
Swoosh symbolizes the wing of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory.
The history of the company goes back to the year 1964.
It was started by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight and in the first years of its operation, it
was called Blue Ribbon Sports.
The name was changed in 1971.
Nike cooperates with many sports stars, such as Ronaldo or Wayne Rooney.
I bet all of you have played with Lego at some point of your life and have dreamed about
going to Legoland.
Lego has been a part of many childhoods since 1932.
This is when Ole Kirk Christiansen founded his toy company.
It's based in Billund, Denmark.
The name "Lego" derives from a Danish expression "leg godt", which means "play
Lego is world's biggest toy company.
Lego started as a company producing wooden toys.
They began to manufacture plastic bricks in 1947.
Lego takes care of their young fans who happen to like popular movies and cartoons.
They can play with Lego version of Star Wars characters or Marvel heroes.
No wonder Lego holds 70% share of the brick global market!
2)Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse, Lion King, Pocahontas, Mulan...
Disney has created more animated celebrities than any other media corporation.
Today Walt Disney is one of the most powerful brands.
It's actually much more than just a brand – it's a Disney world.
Over the years, Disney has become a symbol of a quality entertainment for the whole family.
Walt Disney corporation has had a significant influence on the film industry.
Did you know that it was Disney that developed the form of storyboards known today and made
it a standard part of animation creating process?
Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs released in 1937 was one of the first and by far the
most popular full-length animated feature films.
If you want to meet Disney characters in person, go to one of the Disneyland Parks.
It's a dream of many children and possibly also their parents, although not everyone
would be eager to admit it.
Finding someone who doesn't have a Facebook profile is becoming more and more difficult.
Some just use it to maintain contact with friends, some others share every single aspect
of their lives.
Facebook was started in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg.
What was supposed to be a website for Harvard students, has become the most popular social
networking site in the world.
As of June 2017, it has more than 2 billion monthly active users.
1.3 billion of them log into the service every day.
Some scientists warn that using Facebook can be addictive, especially to young users.
It can also help shaping narcissistic personality.
Another controversial matter is that the service collects huge amounts of users' data.
In 2010 a film The Social Network was released.
It portrays the earliest history of Facebook.
Some trademarks literally changed the world we live in.
Which famous brands do you like and which ones you dislike?
Leave us a comment and like and subscribe for more videos like this one.
Thanks for watching!
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