Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 25 2017



PACKARD: On guard, Fox Five!

Fox Eight is down! Fox Four is down!

Respond, Fox Three!


PILOT 1: Oh, my God!

PILOT 2: Fox Seven moving into position, three o'clock.

PILOT 1: Does anybody know what that is?

PILOT 3: I don't know, man. God damn...

Three klicks west of Red LZ.

PILOT 1: Jesus! I've never seen anything like it!

PILOT 4: Set a perimeter of300 meters. Do not engage.

PILOT 5: Roger. Climb 1,800.


Is that a monkey?

PILOT 1: What the hell is that?

PILOT 6: Somebody talk to me, man.

PILOT 7: Turn right, heading 2-5-0. Contact approach...

PACKARD: Fox Leader to Fox Group.

Form a perimeter. Ready gunner positions.

PILOT 6: Holy shit! Look at that thing! I'm freaking out here!

PACKARD: Fox Leader to Fox Group. Fire at will!


- What the hell is that? - I don't know!



Pull out now! Pull out!

I don't take orders from you!

Get us the hell out of here!

- PILOT 8: Fox Nine is down! - Whoa!

Fox Six, we got nominal control.

- (ALARM BEEPING) - We are going down.


PACKARD: Fox Five, this is Fox Leader. Fox Nine is down,

one klick north of river bend.

Insert recovery team. Over.

COLE: Fox Five is hovering.

We got men going out the door!


PILOT 9: I need help here. I need...

Oh, shit!


Kill this son of a bitch.

PILOT 6: Coming in hot! I got eyes on it!

Pull up! (GROANS)

- (ALARM BLARING) - Brace for impact!

PILOTS: Mayday, mayday!

Run to the side, you idiot!



- Hang on! - Watch out!


- SLIVKO: Oh, God! - Ahh!

Prepare to crash!




COLE: Fox Leader is down!

Fox Five inbound for pickup!

We have him in sight!

Hold tight, Colonel Packard, we are on our way!



PACKARD: Hang on, Briggs. I'm coming.



COLE: We're going down!

I repeat, we are going down!

Listen, I want you to tell me something right now.

- Do you love your mama? - MILLS: I love her!

- How much do you love your mama? - I love my mama so much!





For more infomation >> Kong: Skull Island (2017) Digital HD CLIP | Kong vs Helicopters - Kong's First Appearance | HD - Duration: 5:09.


A Day of Eating on Intermittent Fasting - Duration: 4:46.

Hello guys, today I'd like to show you what I eat in a day on intermittent fasting.

I started IF about 3 weeks ago just to experiment

and see how it's gonna work out for me and as for now I like it a lot.

I start eating at about 12 p.m. and usually I'm already after a workout.

At this point I'm pretty hungry, so I like to start with a sweet, juicy fruits

that are now in season, such as nectarines,

watermelons or a honeydew melon which I had that day.

That's the quickest way to replenish the glucose in your muscles.

Right after I finish the fruit, I prepare a protein shake.

I'm using three nice and ripe bananas

with 60 grams of pea and hemp protein in 2:1 proportions.

This shake satisfies my hunger for a while, but not for long.

After about one and a half hours I'm having my first solid, big meal.

I used to have oatmeal, but recently swapped it for millet.

It goes well with raisins or other dried fruit, but it digests better in my case.

I had it with prunes, cacao powder and ground flexseed.

Recently I have bought a pressure cooker and it is such a great appliance.

Everything cooks 3 times faster and has better texture, then cooked regularly.

So I just cook the millet for 5 or 6 minutes,

then let it cool off and mix it with other ingredients.

Quick and simple, just as everything I eat.

I like to use the time while eating for reading

or watching something on the internet. Multitasking for the win.

Next meal is about 2 hours later.

It's my usual snack – apples with peanut butter.

If you've watched any of my last few food videos then you probably know this combination by now.

It's just so simple and tasty.

The last meal of the day is my biggest one, as I'm not gonna eat anything for the next 18 hours or so.

There's quite a few ingredients to this dinner, but as simple as always.

I just cook sweet potatoes in pressure cooker

and quinoa in a regular pot to be able to put a metal strainer with kale on top of it.

I put green olives, black sesame seed and walnuts on top of it and done.

Nutritious and simple, that's the main goal of my diet.

I love good tasting food, but it's not my priority.

Besides, it's not like what I eat doesn't taste good.

Obviously I like the pizza or cookies more, but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay in shape.

I have just finished my last meal of the day

and it's about 6:20 pm so that's exactly

six hours since I had breakfast.

I have a hard time eating enough in 6 hours

and I think I'd like to go even further to 5 or 4 hours.

If there's anyone experienced in intermittent fasting, then please tell me how do you get all this food into you.

I've noticed that I don't have a problem with not eating,

but I do have a problem with eating enough in such a small window.

I try to eat as much as possible, but I already lost a few kilos of weight.

Anyway, thanks for watching and see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> A Day of Eating on Intermittent Fasting - Duration: 4:46.


Huawei P10 Basics - Duration: 8:24.

hI YouTube Ricky here from Tech Talk I hope you're doing well today I'm going

to be bringing you the Huawei P 10 basic so we're going to go through basic

things that you need to actually get your device up and running getting to

know your device and getting to use it in the best way possible so first of all

I'm going to show you how to insert your SIM card and your SD card so what you'll

need is a nano SIM card which is a smallest of the small SIM cards there's

three different types of memo micro and then the standard size and also you need

an SD card make sure this is backed up before use interesting case the phone

asks you to wipe it when inserted and then finally you'll need your sim

extraction tool that comes in the box so what you need to do is make sure the

phone is powered off and always do this with a phone powered off so just taking

our phone and our sim tool we need to do is turn your phone to the left hand side

here and we're going to find is the slot for your SIM card and SD card we need to

do take this tool so just line in your sim tool and your try out make sure you

push straight down you'll hear quite a strong click and you'll be able to pull

the tray out the first of all the SD card if you line this up and it will

literally just sit in the tray and how I show you here is how you need to do it

it's an awesome card again so you need the gold plate of the SIM card facing

down as this is the way it's going to go into your device so we need to do is

have the two sat in together like this this will be how they go into the device

as well so make sure you don't cook them the wrong way so you line these two back

up just push in push all the way in and power your device on as you can see on a

lock screen here we've got Vodafone UK we've got some power bars and that's

ready to go so swipe to unlock now we've inserted our SIM card and our SD card

what we're going to do is add a Wi-Fi connection so when you're home or in the

office or you know public Wi-Fi that you feel safe connecting to you connect to

it to save your mobile data so we're going to do is slide down with one

finger for the far left here we will have our Wi-Fi icon what you need to do

is press and hold on this this will launch our Wi-Fi system menu and inside

here you need to connect to one of these networks you may recognize so mine is a

top on here sky and it will ask you to input your password then we're going to

hit connect once you see here that it says it's connected this means they'll

be using your home Wi-Fi or your public Wi-Fi that use out about or

your office Wi-Fi this means you'll be saving your mobile data also you will

see the Wi-Fi signals up here at the top if we slide down it says here now that

we're connected to that sky network which is my personal Wi-Fi network so

now we've done that we can go in and go to the Google Play Store so the Google

Play Store is where you can download all your apps games movies TV shows and

books as well that you can check out and use on your Google device and it can be

synced through other devices as well for this to use you will need a Google

account you can either sign in with one here or you can create one so I'm just

going to sign in with my account now then you have to accept Google's Terms

conditions it's just going to check your info and you've got Google services here

so you can backup and automatically download to other devices I'm going to

say not now so it split into two different sections you have apps and

games and then entertainment and movies music all in one place as well so let's

download our first application you can scroll through and find multiple

different applications in all different categories and find which applications

best suit you so let's click on Super Mario you get to see a video so you can

watch your video can also then see screenshots and then read reviews so I'm

going to install this now so if this was a paid application it would ask you then

to either link with a PayPal account or debit or credit card also there is an

option to turn off in-app purchases so if you have children that you're using

your phone you can actually say yes or no to that so our application is

installed so let's go back home by pressing that home button we swipe to

the left you get to see that Mario run is down there and ready to use it would

be then the same she went into movies so look at Lego Batman here we get to see a

bit of a trailer if you want to watch trailer and you have the option to

either rent or buy a film and then you'd be instructed to add a payment method or

option so as you may have noticed you've got three main buttons down here at the

bottom you have a home button you have a back button and you have a menu button

so first of all your back button will always take you back to where you've

just been your home button will always take you home we slide along Bretton

home button it will take us back home we open up our menu button it will show

as our recent open applications you can dismiss these one by one or you can

clear all also pressing and holding the home button will launch Google assistant

and you can talk to the assistant to get all the latest information you require

and it can help you run your smart home as well that back button will always

take you back out of an application so if we go to the Google Play Store here

if I press that back button it will take us back to our home display so if you

pinch on this main display you'll get more options here inside here you can

change your wallpaper you can add a widget you can change transitions and

you get settings so let's change our wallpaper so tap on the wallpaper and

then you can pick one of these like this one a little tick up here at the top

presses tick and you can either set as your lockscreen your homescreen call

both I'm going to say both and it's just going to take a second to do that again

you tap we're back home and we've got a new wallpaper you can add a widget so

you can pick a widget from here you simply just hold drag it place down

there you go you've got widgets now on your display to remove this press and

hold take up to the top it will go red and that will disappear

a sharing button and you'll be back home once again so if I slide down from the

top you've seen this once before but now you've got an education in there that is

because we've logged in with my gmail account so you can either tap this

notification or you can dismiss it which will push the notification center back

up again and also you have your widget drawer inside here where you can change

your brightness your Wi-Fi evylyn your volume as well and again you simply just

swipe to change your brightness here so you have do not disturb chromecast

mobile data and loads more and there is the Settings icon up here if you need

more settings to tap that if you need any more next I want to talk about

security with this device you do get a fingerprint sensor which is built-in to

the bottom here so it's inlaid so as you can see here the fingerprint sensor is

built into the bottom so let's set up our fingerprint sensor need to go into

settings which is the gear icon here and the stock options screen lot we can do

fingerprint sensor but extra security it will ask you to choose a pin or password

we're going to choose a pin and here at the bottom we can choose as well inside

here what to use so we can unlock screen with fingerprints we need six

place your finger on here and it will start reading so it needs is to simply

lift your finger up and down it's just filling in the gaps as you can see so

now if we lock our device I can simply press my finger on that and you see how

quick that is so if I do this first of all and then so I'm going to ask for a

pin I put my finger on that is instantly quick is so fast to unlock this device I

do think this is faster than the iPhone and we will be testing that in our

comparison video coming up very soon so once again place the finger on and it's

unlocked and you're ready to go your phone it's more secured so if I lock

this device and then try to use my other finger

it's just vibrating I use the actual one that we've used it unlocks and it's

ready to go and it is lightning quick the last thing I want to talk about my

video just in case you have any rogue software or any issues with software on

it you don't know how to fix it we have a problem your device make sure you

backup your SD card and take that out before doing so if you go down here so

if you go in second and then advanced settings and all the way down the bottom

you've got backup and reset so you can backup your data but then you can reset

it to a factory settings and this will be how you got it from the store there

won't be any information on here of yours

so all photos videos and applications will be removed please make sure that

you do take that SD card out before doing so there is any issues or if you

have any comments about the video if you need any help please do let me know if

remember please give thumbs up as it does help remember if you're new to the

channel to hit that subscribe to stay up to date with all our latest news reviews

and unboxings from me Rikki I'll see you in the next one bye for now

For more infomation >> Huawei P10 Basics - Duration: 8:24.


5 Texts To Make A Man Fall In Love With You - Duration: 14:42.

When it comes to love, you probably have the same set of ideas in mind.

Flowers, candle lit dinners, holding hands and planning your happily ever after with

the man of your dreams.

Well that's all cute and charming, before you can share those experiences with a guy,

you need to make him fall in love with you… which is exactly what I'm going to teach

you today.

Hey ladies, Amy North here.

For those of you who don't know me I'm a relationship coach from the west coast of

Canada and author of The Devotion System, a program I've designed to help women around

the world find and lock down the love they want and deserve.

If this is your first time visiting my channel, thanks for coming by, or if you're a regular

viewer, welcome back!

Either way though, sit tight because you're in for a real treat today!

What's that you ask?

Well, today I'm going to share with you the text messages you can send a man to make

him fall in love with you.

Now before you get all worked up or start panicking that this is a HUGE, seemingly impossible

challenge, don't.

Stay calm, and believe me, this isn't as hard as it seems.

Better yet, in this video I'm going to give you text messages that you can use yourself.

That means that all you have to do is listen to what I tell you here, and plug in these

messages into your phone.

That said, there are of course going to be situations or circumstances where these messages

will be adapting — I mean, you're not going to text a man about a trip to Cuba if

you've never left the country — but again, don't worry.

I'll give you the templates then all you'll have to do is personalize these messages.

Before I get ahead of myself though, I do have to mention that there are some super

important "rules" to keep in mind.

Now, I say rules because you should never do otherwise, but really they're just tips.

Let's use RULES as an acronym to help you remember these pointers though.

R - Re-read your message

Before you hit send on your phone it's important that you read the text message you've typed


Check it for clarity, spelling and tone.

Read it at least five times; you'd be surprised how easy it is to overlook the simplest mistakes.

Besides, if you send him a powerful message that then has to be followed up with a spelling

correction or explanation, the original message you've sent is going to lose it's bite.

So don't sell yourself short, read your messages before sending.

U - Use visual language

Now, when it comes to text messaging men and women are quite different from one another

in terms of the types of messages they best respond to.

See, while us ladies like getting messages that are descriptive and evoke her feelings,

men on the other hand, are visual creatures that respond best to descriptive messages

that will let him easily imagine and feel the messages you're sending.

This means that you'll want to use visual language.

Let me give you an example.

Instead of texting him, "I really want to kiss you right now," you'd want to say

something like "I …."

See the difference between the two?

Take the time to add those details, they make all the difference.

L - Leave him wanting more

This one is pretty self explanatory so simply put, it just means don't over do it.

If you blow up your man's phone with pointless messages, then he isn't going to look forward

to hearing from you.

However, if you only send him well thought out, cleverly crafted messages, well those

are the ones that are going to keep him hanging off your every word….

Or text rather.


E - Excite him (avoid boring messages)

I don't know about you ladies, but there are few things that bother me more than the

one or even two-word text message.

You know the ones I'm talking about.

"Hi" or "What's up?"

They make my skin crawl!

Maybe it's because they come across as lazy or give the impression that the sender is

bored and only texting for their own entertainment, or maybe it's because they don't make

me feel, well, anything really… asides from irritated.

Anyways, enough about my feelings, the point I'm making is that every message you send

your man should be exciting.

Now, I know this can be tough, especially if you have the kind of relationship where

you communicate daily through texts, and share those little mundane thoughts and updates,

but seriously, believe me when I say it's time to stop.

From here on out you want to make sure that every text message you send is captivating

and exciting!

I'll touch more on this later.

Now last but certainly not least, "S"...

S - Stay positive

Again, this one seems self-explanatory but it's definitely important enough to mention.

If you want to make a man fall in love with you by texting him, then the absolute last

thing you want to do is send him anything that's negative or depressing.

Sure, you'll have your not-so-great days, but even when those strike, keep your messages


While there's a time and place for opening up and letting your guy in on those vulnerable

thoughts and feelings, texting isn't it.

So, from now on, think of text messaging as your positive pocket sized device, and only

send messages that express feel good thoughts.

So, those are the RULES, and as I go through this video you'll want to keep those in


Got it?


With these up your sleeve you're already on your way to texting your way into his heart.

One last thing before I dive into the bulk of this video, if you enjoy what you learn

here today or find what I share with you at all helpful then please do me a huge favour

and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Not only will I appreciate your support, but it's you who allows me to keep coming out

with new content for you all.

So please, don't forget to click the little red button below.

Now, let's get to the good stuff, the texts to make a man fall in love with you.


The "Thinking About You" Text

If you're looking to make a man fall in love with you then this is a great text to

start out with.

Now, when I say start out I'm assuming that you've already met the man and have been

seeing him for at least a little while.

If you're looking to find out what kinds of texts to send a man to initially get his

attention and make him interested in you then check out my channel, because I do have other

videos that are better suited to that sort of scenario.

So, again, this kind of text (and the other ones I'm going to share with you in this

video) are intended for it you're already in a relationship with a man.

Now that that's established, let's get to the nitty-gritty of this kind of text message.

Simple put, the purpose of this type of text message is to do exactly as it's name implies:

to let your man know that you're thinking about him.

But, as simple as it sounds, the effect it will have on your guy will be profound!

Since it's so easy for us to get beat down by the to-do's of everyday life, and there's

no denying that even something as small as an unpleasant or demanding text message can

make you want to pull your hair out or crawl under a rock.

So then, if you can be the reason your man smiles when he looks at his phone, then slowly

but surely you're going to bound his heart to you.

To be the positive boost or ball or sunshine in his life, consider sending a text like

the following.

"Hey, I was driving to work this morning and I heard the Beatles' song that was playing

the first night we met.

It made me think of you."

Or, another example could be something like "You've been on my mind all morning, I

can't wait to see you later."

Yes, both of these are pretty simple, but Thinking Of Your text messages are a perfect

instance of when less is more.

That said, the next few texts I'm going to share with you are bit more complex.


The "Drive Me Wild" Text

If you're looking to make a man fall in love with you it's important that you give

him what every man desires: sex.

Now that's not to say you have to send him nude or dirty pictures of yourself, or write

out the kama sutra for him, but rather it's about turning up the heat a bit to create

sexual tension between the two of you via text messaging.

The reason why "Drive Me Wild" texts are so important is because it creates a digital

fantasy world for you and your man to explore together.

It's a space to say the things that you might not be brave enough to voice out loud,

and the chance to tell him all the things that turn you on.

For example, let's say that you really love when he kisses a certain part of your body,

but anytime you even think about telling him you feel yourself blush or get awkward.

This is exactly the kind of stuff you can text him.

Just be sure that when you do, you make your message is as detailed and descriptive as


As I already mentioned, men are visual creatures so you're going to want to really paint

him a picture with your words.

Sending him "Your kisses drive me wild" is okayyyy, but a text like "I cannot wait

to feel your lips graze my body tonight.

You know the spots that turn me on."

THAT's the kind of message that is going to get him going.

Best of all, you don't even have to live out the fantasies you describe here, but that

said, just be careful not to explicitly agree to do anything that you have no intention

of doing.

If you do then he'll think that you're just all talk… or in this case, all text,

which as you can imagine, is a bit of a turn off.


The "I Love Your…"


Now, this kind of text message can be as PG or R rated as you like, it's completely

up to you.

And yes, I will give you examples of both.

Before I do though, it's important to explain why these kind of messages make men fall head

over heels for the women sending them.

Here's the thing; so many men feel like they don't get enough compliments from their


Now, as much as this is yes, our fault, don't beat yourself up too much about it.

After all, society's designed this sort of perspective where women are the ones who

long and look for compliments, not men.

But, that is far from true.

By taking the time to recognize something about your man, be it his physical self, emotional

being, spiritual beliefs, or even his personality in general, it will make him fall in love

with you.

That said, you'll want to avoid texting the obvious here.

I mean, if your man has stunning blue eyes then chances are he's heard it all his life

so reading those same words from you isn't going to send him over the moon.

Though if you spiced it up and said something like, "I love staring into your sapphire


They make me feel as deep as the ocean blue when I'm standing next to you," well those

descriptive words are a huge improvement.

Again though, try to choose something about your guy that he isn't used to hearing.

For example, let's say he has a fiery passion for social justice, you could say something

like, "You carry yourself with such conviction.

Just being around makes me a better person."

Or, again, if you want to stay physical then blast off a "You are so breathtakingly handsome,

and that's the least interesting thing about you " Or "I love the dip in your hip.

Running my fingers along it gets me hot and bothered."

I cannot stress enough that detail is key here, because while it's one thing to tell

a man he's good looking, telling him specifically what makes him so attractive will stroke his

ego and get his heart racing.

And remember, guys like to feel like the warrior in a relationship, so keep his manhood in

mind when sending these messages.

The last thing you want to do is send him something that's going to make him feel


If you're interested in learning some more powerful phrases for making any guy wild with

desire for you then visit my site and watch the free video presentation.

The URL to follow is, and to keep it easy for you, I'll be sure

to post it in the video description below.


The "Recognition Reminder" Text

If there's one thing I talk about a lot in my Devotion System program, it's making

a man feel appreciated.

Without getting into too much detail here, it's this kind of recognition that keeps

him working to win you over — I mean, he's not going to put in a continuous effort with

you if you don't take the time to recognize the things he does for you.

Sure, we're all busy, and yes, it can be hard to find the time to properly show your

guy how much you love the things he does for you, but the good news is you can do this

in an extremely powerful and quick way.

You can text him.

So, what is a Recognition Reminder text message?

Well, it's a series of well-thought out words that you should send your man to let

him know that you do notice all the things he does for you.

Again, this is a message that you're going to want to make your own, so take some time

to really think about something amazing your man has done for you.

Of course you're going to want whatever you choose to be time-sensitive because texting

him about something that he did a year ago isn't going to be as moving as something

he did last night.

Sure, you can play on the past a bit, but if you're going to go this route, then be

sure to reference something more recent as well.

Here are some examples of Recognition Reminder text messages:

"I just wanted to thank you for all the things you for me.

Even though I might not always show it, you mean the world to me."

Or "I'm so lucky to have you in my life" Or "I know I can be stubborn sometimes,

but thank you for being so patient with me.

You make life so much sweeter."

Or "I love the way you love me.

Thanks for being my number one fan."

Any combination of these will make your guy feel like he's struck gold.


The "Memory Mover" Text

I intentionally saved this text message for last on my list for the simple reason that

it's unlike all other ones I've covered today.

Where the previous four types of messages focused moreso on your man, the Memory Mover

is about the two of you, as a couple.

So, how does it work.

Well, for starters you're going to recall a powerful memory you shared together.

Next, make a list of how it played out and include every single aspect of it.

If it helps, pretend you're a journalist reporting on a big story and fill in the who,

what, where, when, why and hows.

Leave no detail undescribed.

When reading this text message you guy should be able to see the memory flash before his

eyes like an old-time silent film.

This means that you're going to want to use vivid, descriptive language that will

let him easily imagine the memory you're reminiscing about, in a way that's so powerful

he'll feel like he's reliving it in your words.

Also do your best to recall the memory in a present tense, it gives him the chance to

really feel like he's reliving the moment.

To help you out, here's an example:

"Remember the first time you took me back to your house?

Sitting inches from each other on your couch, I struggle to keep my hands to myself.

When we finally crawl into your bed the sun is rising and you wrap your arms around me

and deeply kiss the back of my neck.

Your lips on my skin is electrifying and I can't control what happens next...."

Now, this example isn't one you can just plug in because, well, if you haven't shared

that moment together then he's going to think you meant to send the message to someone

else and that's going to be incredibly awkward.

So, while what I just said gives you a taste of the type of text to send, your's is going

to be totally different.

That said, to get you started some good intros could be:

"Remember that time…"

"Imagine we are back in…"

"The time we went to..."

You're setting the scene, so really spell it out for him and tell a story that will

show your fiery feelings of love, passion and desire.

Oh, and don't forget to use words like:

Feel, touch, taste, lick, quiver, shiver, graze, grope, run, smooth, gentle, sweet,

wet, stroke and any other adjectives or descriptive words that will really help bring your text

message to life.

Believe me, you'll be glad you did.

Now that I've shared these five powerful text messages with you it's your turn to

weigh in.

Do you have your own set of text messages that you use to get guys?

Have you ever tried any of the ones I covered here?

Did they work?

I want to hear from you so please share in the comments section below and feel free to

post any questions you have for me down there too — I'll personally get back to you

as soon as possible!

Well, that just about does it for this video.

Thank you so much for watching.

Again, if you found this helpful then please don't forget to click the subscribe button

below, after all, it's your support that allows me to keep coming out with new videos

for you all, so share this with your girlfriends, too....

I'm sure they'll love that you're looking out for their love lives.

So then, until next then ladies, take care and good luck!

For more infomation >> 5 Texts To Make A Man Fall In Love With You - Duration: 14:42.


CAR MONTAGE 2017 [SUBTITLES] - Duration: 3:19.

Can you see it?

Go here

Wow, look at this


Turn around

Woohoaa (A little slid car)

Ladies and Gentlemen .. Watch this ... So it's power ..

So .. better sound ..

Oh, she's taking a picture of us

For more infomation >> CAR MONTAGE 2017 [SUBTITLES] - Duration: 3:19.


10 Bollywood Actresses Who Look Best without Makeup - Duration: 2:29.

10 Bollywood Actresses Who Look Best without Makeup

10 Bollywood Actresses Who Look Best without Makeup

For more infomation >> 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Look Best without Makeup - Duration: 2:29.




We're in a beekeeping area and

we want to show you something special:

we show you some essential oils

for those ones who are scared

about the bee stings.

To prevent the bee stings, you

can use Cedarwood oil, from which

you put some drops on hands,

legs, neck, etc. and rub those places.

If you're stung, you can use

propolis or if you want a

faster cure, you can use Lavander

oil or Basil oil.

Like with Cedarwood oil, you put

some drops on the stung place

and after that rub that place.

These essential oils work very quickly

and the inflammation will disappear very fast.

These essential oils are made by

dōTERRA Company.

If you want to buy these

essential oils and many more for

different problems, click the first link

in the description.

Dear friends, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE

and to fill the bell from

the right part of the 'SUBSCRIBE'

button, by clicking on it to

notifications when we post new videos!

Thank you for watching!

If you liked this video and

you want more videos like this

one, don't forget about Like, Share

and SUBSCRIBE, because this helps me a lot!

I was Siminic Clep, best wishes

and see you next time!



New Generation Studies Be Like - Exam Time Studies With Friends... - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> New Generation Studies Be Like - Exam Time Studies With Friends... - Duration: 7:15.


Abed • Queen of Pain • 30 KILLS • 9878MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 32:49.

Abed • Queen of Pain • 30 KILLS • 9878MMR — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

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