Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily Jun 26 2017

Today's theme is "The Best Hit".

We're here with Silent Deokhwa.

- Silent Deokhwa. / - He's so funny.

I don't talk.

He's hilarious.

In fact, Deokhwa was

- very popular when he was young. / - He's a legend.

Also, he created a popular phrase, "Take it away."

Take it away.

(He made the phrase popular.)

Please take it away.

When you hosted "Show 2000",

you said to the singers, "Take it away." It's been

- popular until now. / - I repeated it every week.

I heard when you introduced singers you don't like,

you didn't say that phrase.

Really? He said that phrase selectively.

He didn't say that for every singer.

Did you say it with more affection for your favorites?

Of course, I did.

Depending on the tone of voice in which I say

the phrase, the atmosphere changes.

- We were too young to notice that. / - I didn't know.

How did you say it when your favorite singer

- was next in turn? / - I said it more loudly.

- Please show us. / - "Cho Yongpil,"

take it away.

That's how you said it when you were in a good mood.

- How about a singer you were not so close? / - Right.

- Just an acquaintance. / - Like Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo, take it away.

- It's a bit different. / - That was discouraging.

- A singer you don't like. / - While standing by...

- When I hated the singer... / - How did you say it?

(This is how he said it for the singers he hated.)

Let's hear him sing.

Then, I left the stage quietly.

- "Let's hear him sing." / - "Let's hear him sing."

- You sound angry. / - I can tell that you hate him.

- I thought you were angry. / - It was so different.

I was surprised when I heard this. In fact,

Minjae used to be an idol singer trainee.

- That's right. / - He looks like an idol singer.

- Is that right? / - Really?

- I went to karaoke with him. / - He's amazing.

He appeared on a rap competition TV show too.

- "Show Me the Money"? / - Yes, "Show Me the Money".

- Did you appear on that show? / - Yes, I did.

I was impressed with his rapping skills.

- It's not that we don't believe you. / - Okay.

- Could you show us a little? / - Oh, good.

- Okay. / - Please show us.

- Show us. / - He appeared on "Show Me the Money".

In "The Best Hit", there's a scene where I rap.

- That's amazing. / - His tone is different.

- "I rap." / - I wrote the lyrics of the theme song,

- and fitted the lyrics to the beat. / - Great.

- By yourself? / - The scene hasn't been aired yet.

- Rappers write the lyrics by themselves. / - Nice!

- That's right. / - Please say, "Take it away."

(Please cheer me up.)

- Please say it for him. / - "Minjae, take it away."

It would be an honor to him.

Minjae, take it away.

("Dream" by Minjae and Younha)

(Why do I have to endure all the pain?)

(The world keeps dragging me down, it's not my fault)

(But I have no choice but to run and hide)

(Please listen to my prayers)

(I hate that there's nothing else I can do)

(Walking barefoot on a thorny path, I shout to myself)

(Bravo, Minjae!)

That was good.

Oh, my.

Saeho, what do you think about his performance?

(How will he evaluate Minjae's performance?)

Should I improvise it?

Well, I really enjoyed it.

- He sounds like Brave Brother. / - I respect you.

I respect him.

- We respect you. / - That was good.

When I started the training,

I lived with six other trainees in a basement studio.

- In a studio? / - Yes.

- Did you live in there? / - Yes, we did.

We weren't allowed to go home.

When everyone was lying down,

- there was no space to walk. / - I understand.

The bathroom was only three steps away from the door.

We were too tired to wash up, so there were rats

- and cockroaches in there. / - Rats?

The first thing I saw in the morning was the trash can.

Trash bags were scattered around me.

I slept right next to them.

However, what was even harder than that

was the fact that I could see

the lady at a snack bar more often than my mom.

It was hardest when I missed my mom.

- You were very young then. / - He was, indeed.

Those were the hardest moments for me.

However, I heard that there's something

people are mistaken about Siyoon.

- People are mistaken about him? / - Yes.

There are photos of you and some stars taller than you.

- Oh, that? / - Yes.

- What about that? / - When I just debuted...

- Siyoon, you're not short. / - Exactly.

- He's tall. / - The average height is about 175cm

- as far as I know. / - You're quite tall.

- I'm slightly taller than that. / - Right.

When I was a rookie,

I worked with Choi Daniel and Joo Won.

- They're taller than 180cm. / - They're tall.

- They're taller than 185cm. / - That's right.

In "Secret Healer", I performed with Kwak Siyang.

Siyang is very tall.

People were supposed to think the others were tall,

- but they thought... / - They thought you were short.

They thought I was very short.

- They thought I was only 160cm tall. / - I see.

That's understandable.

- The other actors are unusually tall. / - Exactly.

- They're very tall. / - That's why I like Minjae.

Actresses these days are so tall too.

(That's why I like Minjae.)

- There are many tall actors. / - How tall are you?

- Isn't he tall? / - I've never revealed my height.

I'm 173cm tall.

- Same as me. / - It's the result of the physical exam.

- He looks very tall. / - You look taller than that.

- He looks tall. / - He looks really tall.

- Working with Siyang, / - He has good proportion.

I once used 10cm thick shoe pads.

- My feet hurt so much. / - Of course.

- As if he wore heels. / - I'm grateful for Siyoon.

- Don't say that. / - They're grateful for each other.

Do you think I didn't use shoe pads?

(They both used shoe pads.)

- It's fine when you get used to it. / - It's good.

Your heads might touch the ceiling someday

if you keep competing against each other.

Now my feet hurt without shoe pads.


I heard a story about you too.

You climbed up a hill to get spring water as a child.

- Every morning? / - During a school break,

my grandma told me to do some exercise.

I put 2 of 1.5L plastic bottles in my bag.

- The bottles stuck out like a rabbit's ears. / - Yes.

It took me an hour to go there and come back home.

- To the mineral springs? / - Yes, up on the hill.

When I came back with spring water,

my grandma made nurungji with the water I brought.

One winter day, my grandma woke me up at 6 a.m.

I left home with empty bottles as always.

Suddenly, my stomach started to hurt.

I can hold in

normal poop if I have to.

- However, it wasn't normal. / - I see.

- It was an urgent situation. / - Right.

I was climbing up the hill trying to hold it in.

There were no trees around me,

so I couldn't hide.

I found some trees and ran toward them.

- When I got there, I saw a hole. / - That's good.

- Good. / - While I was running towards the hole,

I pulled down my pants,

and it all came out at the same time.

- Right. / - When it's all over,

I cleaned myself up and left the place.

I saw some people were heading towards me.

I was relieved. On my way back from the mineral spring,

I saw a group of people gathering around the hole.

They were holding a funeral.

- Oh, my. / - Really?

The hole turned out to be a grave hole.

(Everyone is shocked.)

- It was a grave hole. / - My goodness.

- You pooped in a grave hole? / - Oh, gosh.

- I pooped... / - It was a grave hole?

Yes, it was.

- That was so unexpected. / - I was in first grade.

I was so scared.

- It's scary for a little child. / - Absolutely.

I was so scared

- that I cried. / - I feel bad for you.

- I ran into my grandma's arms crying. / - Oh, no.

Did you tell her what happened?

- When I get low ratings, / - They probably dug deeper.

I think that maybe the person is angry at me.

I'm sure the family cried more than you did.


- The family must've cried more. / - I think so too.

- You pooped in the grave hole. / - Right.

That's right.

- We don't know who it was, but... / - I apologize

- to the deceased and the family. / - It was shallow.

- I hope there's no misunderstanding. / - Me too.

The love story between Deokhwa

and his wife is like a movie.

When I decided

to become an actor,

I told myself not to get married.

I didn't want

to make someone's loving daughter live a hard life

as I couldn't be sure if I would become successful.

I gave up on getting married.

My wife and I grew up in the same neighborhood.

I told her to marry someone else.

I said I would never get married.

Then, I had a motorcycle accident and I spent

- three years in the hospital. / - Three years?

What about your wife?

We weren't engaged.

She could've left me if she wants to.

Besides, it's not that three years passed

- without suffering. / - Absolutely.

I was almost dead for two years.

- Were you in a vegetative state? / - Yes, I was.

She kept me clean, managing my bowel and bladder.

She worked so hard to attend to me

- just as nurses do to their patients. / - Oh, my.

How did your wife attend to you for three years?

- Exactly. / - You didn't promise her you'll marry her?

- No, I didn't. / - She's amazing.

- You were only dating her. / - I could've died.

She couldn't be sure if I'd live with disabilities

- She's like an angel. / - or regain my health.

There's a great quote I read once.

It says that love is like a peek into paradise.

I think I had a peek into paradise.

- That's a great quote. / - So I'm still

very grateful for my wife.

All of my fortune, everything I have...

There's nothing under my name.

- Everything is under your wife's name. / - Exactly.

Every weekend,

I just ask her for some money to buy bait.

Money for some earthworm.

I heard you fooled your wife

with a fortune teller.

- It's not that serious. / - You fooled your wife?

- What's with a fortune teller? / - My wife tried

- to stop me from going fishing. / - I see.

- I asked a fortune teller / - What did you say?

to tell my wife that I'm destined to travel around,

so I should go fishing often to avoid accidents

- You're so smart. / - and she shouldn't stop me.

It worked because she was young.

She would grab the fortune teller by the collar.

- Did your wife believe that? / - Of course, she did.

Did she go to that fortune teller often?

No. The fortune teller was in our neighborhood.

- She said she'd go, so I did it in advance. / - I see.

- That's unbelievable. / - He's meticulous.

- Exactly. / - He's so meticulous.

Let's begin "Unanimous Talk".

- What's that? / - Pardon?

Press the button if you can relate

to the given situation.

If everyone presses the button,

all of you will receive a pork meat package.

- It's good. / - It's a pork meat package.


It's really tasty.

- It's fresh. / - Look how fresh it is.

- It looks great. / - I'll press the button now.

I'll press the button before we begin.

I'm ready.

(I'm ready!)

- All right. / - Let's begin.

Hyunmoo will give you your first question.

I make every effort for the person I love.

("I make every effort for the person I love.")

- Many of them will agree. / - Right.

- Absolutely. / - In one, two, three.

- Press the button. / - This is easy.

- It'll be unanimous. / - You shouldn't lie.

- It's an expected result. / - Exactly.

- Let's hear them out. / - We wanted to give you meat.

All of you turned your light on.

We'll hear your stories to verify your answers.

- It's because / - Should we prove it?

- Of course. / - you might lie to us.

- Siyoon is a great boyfriend. / - Effort?

- What is it? / - He drove from Seoul...

- What is it? / - When I had a girlfriend,

she liked pork gukbap very much.

- While we were eating pork gukbap together, / - Yes.

she said she missed the one she used to eat in Busan.

- It doesn't taste the same. / - That's right.

- Did you go to Busan? / - No way.

- Yes, I did. Back then... / - No way.

I like driving,

- so I went to Busan. / - Awesome.

- All the way to Busan? / - Yes.

- With her? / - In case she doesn't believe me,

- No, not with her. / - All by yourself?

- I took photos with my friends in Busan / - Alone?

- Oh, my. / - and came back to Seoul.

- Did you come back on the same day? / - He must have.

- Yes, I did. / - You came back right away?

- Yes. / - I see.

- Your girlfriend must've been touched. / - Exactly.

- I think I should turn it off. / - Not really.

- Turn it off. / - I think I should.

When I do something extremely unusual,

ladies get scared instead of being touched.

- It makes them uncomfortable. / - Right.

- I understand. / - She thought I was lying.

I said, "I actually went to Busan to buy this"

- "in front of the college." / - It's understandable.

She didn't believe me.

- When I tell this story, guys want to try it. / - Yes.

You really shouldn't.

She looked 90-percent scared and 10-percent touched.

- She thought it wasn't necessary. / - I understand.

- Me too. / - It's as if you go to Japan to buy ramen.

I actually did that too.

- I think it was too much. / - You went to Japan?

- I didn't go to Japan. / - He's unbelievable.

These days, you can find Japanese bread easily.

- That's right. / - Did you go to Japan to buy bread?

- Banana cake. / - Banana cake?

- There's this half-baked sponge cake. / - I know.

Why did you break up with her?

- I guess we're not meant to be. / - It was the reason.

- That was the reason? / - Is that so?

Did he break up with her because of a sponge cake?

- He went to Japan to buy one. / - He wasn't listening.

I didn't go to Japan.

- My friend went to Japan. / - You asked your friend.

- That's reasonable. / - That's not too much.

- It's reasonable. / - However, the cake is half-baked.


You can't store the cake more than one day.

- Oh, it goes bad quickly. / - I asked my friend

to put in some ice around the cake.

- To keep it fresh? / - He's amazing.

- He's unbelievable. / - Did she react the same way?

- Did she think it's too much? / - Was she scared?

She asked if there's a store that sells it in Korea.

I told her how I got it and she seemed sick of me.

It's a true story.

- She was the same person. / - He had good intentions.

You make every effort for your girlfriend.

- That's right. / - We can see that.

When you're in love...

- Exactly. I understand you. / - What about chocolate?

I was in college, and it was Valentine's Day.

There was a small convenience store in my neighborhood.

I picked every product there that has chocolate in it.

- I'm getting tired of him. / - I know.

- I'm getting tired of him. / - It's too much.

- He's scary. / - The cashier

started scanning the barcodes.

The receipt was so long.

That's too much.

Three plastic bags that are this big were filled.

I gave the chocolates to my girlfriend.

It sounds a little scary.

Deokhwa, what effort did you make for your wife?

I'm really obedient to my wife.

I do almost everything she asks.

If you don't convince us, we can't...

- You won't get the meat package. / - Make up a story.

(You won't get the meat if you don't convince us.)

- I'll tell you a short story. / - Please tell us.

- We'll evaluate. / - My wife's sister was running

a store in Myeong-dong.

My wife helped her sister with the work at the store.

One day, she said she had a cold,

- so she couldn't eat anything. / - I see.

- Back then, I was a little famous. / - Right.

People recognized my face on the street.

I went to a restaurant to buy udon served in a pot.

I carried the whole pot

(It's not so impressive.)

- all the way to her sister's store. / - It's not good.

- That's not very... / - That's the least you can do.

Isn't that something everyone does?

That's not very impressive.

Are you out of your mind?

- You just carried a pot. / - Exactly. What else?

- Did you... / - I bought udon,

- Yes? / - You gave it to her. That's all.

I carried the whole pot

- Then what? / - on the street in Myeong-dong.

- Why is that so hard? / - Say that you held

the hot pot with your bare hands.

- I went to her sister's store. / - Of course, you did.

I went all the way there.

- It's not impressive. / - Unless you cooked yourself.

- You just delivered it. / - Can't you do that much?

That's the least you should do for your wife.

They can't seem to understand what I say.

(They can't seem to understand what I say!)

- Is there any other story? / - Right.

- Please try again. / - It wasn't good enough.

- We can't give you the meat. / - It's embarrassing.

(You can't get the meat that easily!)

Do you think I told you that to get the meat?

- Fine. / - Tell us another story.


I'll tell you another story.

- That's not good enough. / - Tell us.

Tell us.

- When my wife / - Yes.

- was giving birth to our first child, / - Good.

- she got admitted to a hospital. / - Okay.

- She should've. / - It was so close.

- Yes. / - I was there one time.

- Right. / - Is that it?

It was when I was so busy that I didn't even know

- what day it was. / - You were busy.

I stayed one night there.

There was something

- which could be turned into a bed. / - A portable bed.

It became a chair when it's folded.

- You know that, right? / - Yes.

- I slept there one night. / - So?

Isn't it what you're supposed to do?

- Is that it? / - I got up in the morning...

How can the nation's best host be like this?

How can the nation's best actor be like this?

You slept there for only one night.

One day is something.

- How is that a big deal? / - I

stayed there until the morning.

That's what you were supposed to do.

I can't talk to them.

- Nobody is on his side. / - Then...


- Sir. / - He's different.

Think carefully.

Have you ever given her a blood transfusion or...

If she needs it, I can even give her my organ.

But that never happened.

- Goodness. / - Then, did...

You have to say what actually happened.

But I never had to give her my organ!

Don't yell, please.

He wants to do it, but he had no chance.

- Let's give him some time to cool off. / - Yes.

- Think about it. / - If he thinks carefully,

he might remember something.

He didn't have a chance to do it.

- He really wanted to. / - Taehyun, you're next.

Well, I...

- This is... / - Be honest.

It was when I broke up.

- Break up with who? / - With my wife.

It was before we got married.

I think it was during "First Love of a Royal Prince".

You looked very gloomy at the time.

Yes. We had

broken up, and I had to go say sorry to her.

She was in Jeju Island at the time.

I ended up not showing up

at the shoot.

I flew to Jeju Island in the early morning

and told her I was sorry. After seeing her,

I flew back to Seoul and went to the shoot.

- This is... / - This is good.

- Isn't this good? / - Was it necessary?

- That's how desperate he was. / - Wait.

This show is really strange.

It's not late. Give it another try.

Think carefully.

So I have to go far.

No. That's not it.

Let's hear from Minjae this time.

- You have to go to the U.S. / - There is

- no big episode. / - That's okay.

There was a girl I really liked.

We were friends at first, but I developed feelings.

So I confessed my feelings to her.

And she rejected me. She wanted to remain friends.

But I liked her so much.

And I ended up going after her for about a year.

We were in the same school.

I kept following her and told her I liked her.

I was a trainee at the time.

I went to see her at night after the practice

and asked her to drink coffee with me.

I kept chasing after her for about a year.

After one year,

- Did she accept you? / - she accepted me.

- You worked hard. / - You chased her for a year.

Yes. When we started dating, I liked her even more.

So whenever I walked around the street,

I usually never buy flowers.

But I bought the flowers for her.

You were madly in love with her.

- Yes. / - I sent her parcels.

- I used to do that. / - Now that's a good story.

That's a good story.

You should've slept there for a year.

- A year. / - This story will make all of you weep.

(He says he's got a great story.)

All right. Let's hear it.

He will give it a try for the last time.

Here we go.

(Things haven't been going well for Deokhwa.)

It would've been fine if it was you.

(The hosts continued to attack him.)

(It was all for a small prize.)

Is there anything else?

(He was humiliated twice.)

Nobody is stopping you.

(Everyone laughed at him.)

(Now, he will make them weep.)

- Let's see. / - So

we had a wedding.

We had the wedding when our baby was two.

I used to work in the U.S.

for two to three months then.

So I went to the U.S. for another event.

And our first performance was in Canada.

When we arrived in Canada,

our guide took us to a fur factory.

The fur factory was filled with what women love.

There were mink coats

and fox-fur products. It was filled with fur products.

I wanted to buy my wife one too.

But with the money I earned from that tour,

I could only afford to buy the cheapest one from there.

- My pay wasn't enough. / - It was too expensive.

They paid me very little.

With that money,

I had to survive for two months.

I had to go from one airport to another.

So I couldn't...

- Why are you laughing? / - Did you wear it?

- What's wrong? / - Did you wear the coat?

So what did you do?

If it's a mink coat...

There was a problem.

What is it?

- I was worried I'd get caught. / - You were worried.

- I could get caught at the customs. / - Right.

That's a long time ago.

If you didn't report it to the customs...

How can I report it to the customs? It's illegal.

All right.

You fail.

- You fail. / - You failed.

Consider it unsaid.

Now, unfortunately,

- he failed. / - He failed.

(Deokhwa failed again.)

- That was nonsense. / - What is this?

That was very cool.

We want to give out the gift. This is the last one.

I feel bad.

I experienced something dangerous during a shoot.

- All right. / - Press it.

In one, two, three.

- Please press the button. / - Press it.

- You have to think first. / - You don't have one.

- Minjae has never experienced it. / - Minjae.

- You should press it for me. / - It was dangerous.

You got it.

- Let's start with Taehyun. / - This is unbelievable.

Tell us about it.

- It wasn't really dangerous. / - It's okay.

- It was a thrilling experience. / - All right.

I skydived.

- Did you do it? / - It was for "My New Sassy Girl 2".

It was going to be computer graphics.

While drinking with the cast and the crew,

the director said, "Wouldn't it be fun"

- Did he suggest you skydive? / - "to skydive?"

And I said, "Should I do it with an instructor?"

- He actually made me do it. / - Right.

I jumped five times that day.

- Really? / - Goodness.

You must've felt dizzy.

Don't do this.

(Once is hard enough)

(and he did it five times.)

- Five times. / - The instructor said that

I was the first person to skydive five times in a day.

How did you feel when you jumped for the fifth time?

It gets even scarier.

- Right. / - It's because you know.

It's okay when you fall.

When they push you out of the plane is really scary.

That's scary.

- That's so scary. / - This is a pass.

- This is a good one. / - This is a good one.

- That's... / - We have to pass him

- for skydiving five times. / - He passes.

- Good job. / - Next,

have you ever been in that situation, Siyoon?

- When I... / - He must have a lot of experiences.

When I got discharged from the army...

Actually, I didn't get to watch TV for about a year.

It was going to make me want to work.

- It was going to make you impatient. / - Yes.

I was shooting a period drama after I got discharged.

I was so thirsty for acting

that I wanted to give my all.

I was shooting the scene where I had to ride a horse

and fall off a cliff that's about 15m high

after falling from the horse.

Isn't that too dangerous?

I actually rode the horse, fell from the horse,

and fell off a 15m-high cliff.

- What? / - There was no double.

- No. / - Falling 15m is dangerous.

That wasn't a thrilling experience.

You almost died.

Of course...

When I first heard about the scene,

I thought it was too dangerous, and I got upset.

But someone said,

He used to be a marine.

When I heard that, I couldn't say no.

- Right. / - You had to protect the honor.

So I forced myself to do it.

We took a total of three takes of that shot.

And the two takes were no good for the same reason.

- What was it? / - Each time I fell,

I said a curse word.

- I was scared out of my wits. / - That's possible.

I was like, "Darn it!"

- You swore. / - Really?

Yes. I swore a curse word unconsciously.

- Yes. / - That's scary.

- It was scary. / - That was really dangerous.

What made me really upset was that

they only showed it for 0.2 seconds.


But you shouldn't be mistaken.

They took a lot of safety measures.

They ensured your safety.

- Right. / - Actually, Deokhwa must have a lot

- of these experiences. / - I have a lot of those.

- I am excited to hear about them. / - It was

when I was shooting "Dae Jo Yeong".

Dae Jo Yeong.

I was acting as Xue Rengui.

We were escorting the king.

And from a distance, someone shot an arrow,

and the king was surprised.

I was one of the royal bodyguards on horseback.

I had to

jump onto the palanquin the king was riding.

The palanquin was so high that I had to take a leap

- to grab it from the horse. / - It was high.

It was very high.

I even practiced it. I tried hanging onto it.

The director said, "Ready, action."

I was on horseback.

Then I took a leap and grabbed the palanquin.

(He held onto the palanquin.)

And it broke like a pencil.

- The lumber was this thick. / - Goodness.

It broke and I fell to the ground with my head.

(He fell head-first.)

But I was more surprised because

the wheel passed by so close to my face.

I fell head-first.

(It was a big accident.)

When I woke up, my nose was just bleeding.

I thought, "I should've gotten a stuntman to do it."

When I looked into the mirror,

I realized that

- five of my lower teeth / - Did you lose them?

had broke.

The moment I saw that, my legs suddenly gave in.

And I said, "I can't go on."

(His legs gave in as soon as he saw his teeth.)

How can you turn it into a comedy?

- It was... / - Goodness.

I lost five of my teeth.

- They broke. / - All of them.

- Goodness. / - Did you get dental implants?

These are all fake.

You must've bumped your mouth.

- He passes. / - He passes.

I was passionate at the time.

- Minjae is the only one remaining. / - Minjae.

- I... / - If you haven't experienced it,

- I've never... / - we'll let you experience it.

- Right. / - I haven't

worked on many things, so I want to

experience a lot of things on "The Best Hit".

- He doesn't have any experience. / - This time...

- Why don't you help him, Deokhwa? / - One more?

Please help him if you have another story to tell us.

He lacks experience.

Please help me.

- He lacks experience. / - Please help him.

- I heard you've saved someone. / - Have you?

I didn't really save her.

It was late Choi Jinsil.

It was when she was shooting her first TV drama.

They built a set.

When we shoot a scene where the house is on fire,

they put a lot of glue on the wall.

- To make it burn better. / - They did that.

That spreads fire easily.

After setting the set on fire, the shoot began.

From the top of the roof, they dropped something.

- They dropped fire. / - They threw a burning log.

When you turn back, they drop another one.

One crew member was doing that.

He screamed first.

- Why? / - He screamed.

- Why? / - Why?

- All the smoke went up to him. / - Of course.

The entire set was on fire.

It must've been tough for him.

He was from the special effects team.

When the director stopped the shoot,

the lighting team ran with the lights,

and the camera team ran with the cameras.

I watched from the outside through the window.

Jinsil should've come out this way.

We were all waiting here.

And she was going in the other direction.

- She was going inside. / - She ran inside.

And the glues stuck to her feet too.

When they catch fire, it's hard to put out the fire.

- Right. / - Right.

When I stepped inside

and waved my arm, I could catch her.

So I brought her out.

And her face was all pale.

(She was shocked.)

Her soles were burnt too.

I told them. "How could you do this?"

How can you leave a person there and run?

- Right. / - I was burning with the spirit of chivalry.

I was great.

I came out and looked into a mirror.

(He looked at himself in the mirror.)

And what happened?

(We have a clue of what it's going to be like.)

This side of the wig was melted.

- It's about his wig again. / - In the end...

It's about the wig again.

It's about the wig.

(Every story is about his wig.)

What's important is that I saved Jinsil.

- Right. / - And then the wig.

I was waiting for the next scene

and the heat

- Your wig melted. / - melted the wig.

The wig saved you. You could've gotten hurt.

- So... / - It's true.

So I only shot from this side. I couldn't go home.

I stood like this.

You became like Baron Ashura.

They won the prize!

(They finally won the prize.)

Good job.

(That was tough.)

You have so many stories.

- Here you go. / - Here's the prize.


Thank you.

- You deserve it. Siyoon gets one too. / - Thank you.

Saeho, thank you.

- Taehyun gets one too. / - You're welcome.

Thank you, Cabbage.

You are so lovely.

(He must be happy.)

He's got an unlimited number of stories.

- He must be so happy. / - He should come back.

- Are you already ending it? / - Yes.

But I have a lot of things to say.

- Goodness. / - Please come back.

The Best Hit is airing soon.

I hope it will be a big hit.

Why don't you say something before we end, Taehyun?


Hojin and I are both

inexperienced in directing a TV drama.

But we are very sincere about it,

and we are trying to make it good.

We hope you will enjoy the drama.

Please watch it.


It's not a wig commercial, is it?

(Thank you, Deokhwa, Taehyun, Siyoon, and Minjae.)

This is not the end.

In the second part, we will be with Big Mouth.

And it will be even more fun.

- Stay tuned! / - Let it begin!

(It's the 2017 version of "Dangerous Invitation".)

What's this? There's no roof.

(Is it an outdoor pool without a roof?)

- Let's bring in today's guest. / - Who is it?

(They will be with Kim Sungryoung.)

(It's Big Mouth's version of "Dangerous Invitation".)

(Stay tuned for Part 2.)

Let's check the next question.

Sungryoung has been jealous of this actor.

- Who could it be? / - An actor?

They must've worked during the same period.

Perhaps it was someone who took her work.

Or maybe they are rivals.

- It might be someone unexpected. / - Miss Korea?

- Yongman. / - Soohong.

- He said his name first. / - He said his name first.

- You heard him. / - It might be...

- It might be / - Why are you so fussy?

- someone who was offered a similar role. / - I get it.

- It's... / - I get it.

- I was trying to work hard. / - Lee Ilhwa.

- Ilhwa. / - No.

- No? / - I got it.

Another Miss Korea who became successful is

Ko Hyunjung.

I'm not such a narrow-minded person.

I got it.

You have to think inversely.

The hint is that my son really likes this person.

- Jaeseok. / - Okay.

(Who did he think of)

(by thinking inversely?)

- Jaeseok. / - Okay.


- But this person is an actor. / - It's an actor.

(What is he talking about?)

- Stop it. / - It's whom he likes.

(Is he just talking about whom he likes?)

Is it an actor?

- Jaeseok. / - It's someone from abroad.

- It's a foreign celebrity. / - Is it?

Anne Hathaway.

Anne Hathaway.

(You disappoint me, Jaeseok.)

Why did you say that?

- Why did you say that? / - Goodness.

- My son? / - How old is your son?

One is a sophomore, and the other is a 7th grader.

A sophomore and a 7th grader.

- Who would they like? / - That's crazy.

- A sophomore and a 7th grader. / - Yongman.

Park Shinhye.

(Park Shinhye?)

(Why is she so surprised?)

Right. You are right.

- I just made a guess. / - How did you get it?

Boys of those ages like Shinhye.

Why do they like her?

I shot "The Heirs"

- with Shinhye. / - And also Lee Minho.

(She acted as Minho's mother)

(who doesn't like Shinhye.)

My sons were not interested in me at all.

- They praised Shinhye. / - Shinhye.

They don't watch the scenes where you come out.

But they watch Shinhye's scenes.

My son got Shinhye's number

from my phone.

And he sent her a text message.

(He is passionate.)

- That's amazing. / - She thought it was from you.

- But it was from your son. / - That's crazy.

- He's very enthusiastic. / - He really likes her.

- This is amazing. / - Yes.

- But he's your son. / - He's got a girlfriend.

- Does he have a girlfriend now? / - Yes.

So now...

- How do you feel? / - Do you like her?

- I'm bothered. / - See?

We went shopping to get her a birthday gift.

And he wanted to buy his girlfriend earrings.

And he kept picking an expensive one.

- Did you go together? / - Yes.

I felt a little bothered.

I told him to buy a piercing earring.

(Why a piercing earring?)

- It's because / - You need to pierce your ear.

you only need one piece if it's a piercing.

- You only need it on one side. / - It's cheaper.

I said, "Buy the piercing earring."

She felt the sense of rivalry.

- Goodness. / - So it's like that.

- She was jealous. / - She'll be a mean mother-in-law.

(She'll be a mean mother-in-law in the future.)

- She's going to be / - You'll be a mean one.

- a very mean mother-in-law. / - That's not true.

I became mean for no reason.

- That happens. / - Right.

Sons are like that to their mom.

- Let's do the last one. / - I'll give the last one.

It's the last one.

This is the most memorable comment I read.

It was mentioned today.

- Was it? / - Yes.

- What? / - Suyong.

You look unbelievably young.

(Is it that she looks unbelievably young?)

- Did we talk about it? / - People always say that.

So it's not the most memorable one.

I have the answer. Soohong.

She looks good because of makeup.

It's something similar.


- You're asking for trouble. / - You're hopeless.

(He asks for trouble.)

- Memorable comment? / - Yongman.

- Here's a hint. Soohong / - Did we already say it?

said that he thought I was younger than he was.

Jaeseok! "I thought I was older than you."

I thought I was older than you.

(Will the quiz be over this fast?)

That's not it. The hint is Olympics.

(It's a crucial hint.)

- Jaeseok! / - Seokjin!

- Soohong! / - Jaeseok!

- "I thought you were born in 1988." / - Jaeseok.

(Will his answer be correct this time?)

- Yes. That's correct. / - Goodness.

It was correct? Really?

- In 1988. / - I thought

- you were born in 1990. / - Everyone can agree

- she doesn't look older than me. / - Her age is...

You really look younger than your age.

You think so? I think I look my age though.

- Never. / - I look my age, but

- I am beautiful. / - No.

Aren't you embarrassed to say that yourself?

- Well... / - Can she be that blunt to say that?

- I mean... / - She is beautiful though.

All of us were looking at you, but at the same time,

- everyone turned their head. / - I did that too.

(The moment Sungryoung complimented herself)

(Looking away)


- I can't believe her. / - That's the photo.

That's you, Sungryoung?

- Is this photo recent? / - Yes, I took it a month ago.

She does look like someone born in 1988.

Sungryoung, don't be offended when I say this.

For two days, we looked for the comment that said

you looked like you were born in 1988.

The staff couldn't find that comment.

(It wasn't found.)

You didn't imagine this or see it wrong, right?

He or she wrote it for another actress and deleted it.

The writer could've deleted it.

No, that's not true.

- Okay. / - I'm sure she read it.

- I have more captivating comments, / - I see.

- but I'm embarrassed. / - Captivating?

- Tell us. / - Give us one.

- I'm curious. / - What is it?

- I'm getting frustrated. / - Tell us another one.

- Listen to her. / - She says everything on her mind.

- I saved them / - I wonder how good they are.

in my phone since I couldn't remember.

(A butler appears.)

- This is perfect. / - Right.

- He looks like a waiter. / - He looks like a butler.

- He's a butler. / - Call me when you need me.

- He looks like one. / - He's her butler.

He's a typical butler.

He really is.

I felt a bit nervous when I handed her the phone.

- Did you find it? / - Where is this?

I wish she wouldn't see her phone at a distance.

I really do.

I can't remember.

- You can't read maps either, can you? / - No, I can't.

- You can't, right? / - I can't read maps.

I really want to help her.

What would you help her with?

- Hey, / - What are you talking about?

just take care of your wife.

- I'm sorry, / - I just feel like helping her.

but this isn't "Love Studio". / - I know.

- It's "Love and War". / - You have a wife.

- I want to help her. / - Why would you?

I want to guide her.

You went to clubs when waiters went to work back then?

Yes, my mom gave me a curfew. It was 9 p.m.

- You went there early. / - Yes.

I had to go home when everyone started coming in.

There's a rule for total amount of time for clubbing.

You'll get to use up the time you didn't get to spend.

- Really? / - Look at me.

- Is that why you are going clubbing now? / - Right.

Then I must have some fun.

Yongman can't have fun now. He used up the time.

- He used up his time for this life. / - He did.

He spent all of it.

He even used the time meant for his next life.

- I am serious. / - I can't even dance now.

- He took the time from his next time. / - Right.

He got an advance.

Who's going to be hosting the segment then?

(Who will be the host?)

(For the seat of the host,)

(they have been fighting this cutthroat battle.)

(Who will be the victor?)

He answered one more quiz than we did. We'll just...

Hold on. You can't do that.

- We must follow the rule. / - The score is close.

- Let Sungryoung pick. / - You answered one question.

- Everyone can figure that out. / - Mr. Yu.

Everything must follow the rule.

Since you addressed me that way, listen to me.

- Hey! / - Yes?

- Follow the rule. / - I mean...

- I told you already. / - I...

- The rule is that if someone / - Yes?

wins by a landslide, it's his position.

- But the score was close. / - But you didn't though.

Sungryoung, please choose someone.

(She will pick someone.)


- Stop reading comments. / - Don't let it bother you.

- We believe you. / - Excuse me.

- You can send it later. / - We believe you.

- Please stop it. / - Did I delete it?

- Goodness. / - The sun will go down soon.

- I can't remember. / - Take it away from her.

- It's her phone. / - I got it.

- Pick one person. / - I made my choice.

For the first host, to make everyone happy...

(What is her decision?)

To make everyone happy,

I will choose Yongman

- Sorry? / - as a host.

- Are you certain? / - But I am not happy.

- Why did you pick him? / - I answered the most.

- Don't be so happy yet. / - Tell us the reason.

- She's nice. / - The host will change.

- She said the host will be changed. / - We got it.

- Really? / - All right. Yongman is the host for now.

(Yongman is the host.)

Good for you, Yongman.

- I'll do my best. / - Come on.


(the real match begins.)

(Dangerous Invitation will bring massive laughter.)

(Don't let your guard down)

(for even a moment.)

(Your heart is in danger.)

He went up really high.

(The improved "Dangerous Invitation" is coming soon.)

Let me officially

start "Dangerous Invitation".

- Are we starting now? / Yes, we are.

(They are excited.)

Specific keywords and gestures she says and does

get you either a water splash or a dive into the water.

You are smiling.

But I really like this. I'm so happy.

- Stop smiling. You're mean. / - Stop it.

- It's past 5 p.m. now. / - Yes.

- It's windy. / - It's past 6 p.m.

I'd like to ask you for a favor, Sungryoung.

Please try to limit your gestures.

- Put your hands together. / - We started now.

Your hair looks fine too.

Sungryoung, it just began.

- It did? / - Please tell us how you feel now.

At first, I thought the name of your club

meant a mere mouth.

That's not it.

- It's Big Mouth. / - It's Big Mouth.

It's big because we can talk until the morning.

I can also talk until the morning too.

I like to talk as well.

- We don't drink when we talk. / - I don't either.

- Really? / - Yes.

You can be a member of our club.

- If you invite me... / - I see.

- Let's meet up and talk soon. / - Sure. I can do that.

This feels strange. Water should be splashing by now.

- No. / - Or they should be flying off the chair.

- I'm nervous. / - She talked, but nothing occurred.

- I feel more nervous now. / - This is scary.

This is like how calm the waves are

- before the storm. / - It might happen abruptly.

Why are you doing that? You are an actress.

Should I touch my ear?

Hold on a moment. My heart is beating too fast.

- I want someone to fall. / - What is your day like?

I'm even more nervous since nothing is happening.

I am an early riser.

I like to get the energy of the sun.

I need to sleep when it's dark. I go to bed at 10 p.m.

- What time do you wake up? / - I wake up

- at around 6:30 a.m. / - I see.

I start my day around 7:30 a.m.

You can't sleep because you are getting old?

- I've always been an early riser. / - Really?

This is the first time no one got wet

this far through the segment.

- Then why do you look nervous? / - She is...

- What are you doing? / - She's odd.

What is this?

- What do you do in the morning? / - I always work out.

I exercise in the morning.

I do some errands and work in the afternoon.

Do you go to the gym and work out?

These days, I play tennis.

(Will something happen this time?)

I have a bad feeling about this.

- Gosh! / - Who is it?

(The punishment has started at last.)

(Suyong's gesture is "Clapping".)

(She is more surprised than the one getting punished.)

(Whatever it is, Suyong is the first one to get it.)

- His gesture is clapping. / - Goodness.

- It started at last. / - I didn't know.

(His fate is pouring down like the stars.)

- Oh, no! / - His gesture is clapping.

I didn't know.

(What is this sound?)

- What is it? / - We should continue with this.

- What's going on? / - What is it now?

(Jaeseok gets the water splash out of the blue.)

- What is it? / - What's going on now?

(What on earth just happened?)

- What just happened? / - What was that?

(Everyone is in panic.)

- What is it? / - She covered her mouth.

I can't figure this one out.

My spit spattered, so I was wiping it.

(Jaeseok's gesture is "Covering her mouth".)

Okay. You just need to have a slight idea of it.

Off we go.

I mean...

(He was like a goblin who always kept his seat.)

(He again gets the taste of the splash after 15 years.)

(I keep feeling sorry.)

- I mean... / - Start when the water fills up.

- Sungryoung, / - Wait until the water fills up.

your life is like the life of a government employee.

- It's because you sleep before 10 p.m. / - I guess.

So I feel a bit bored.

That's why I'm thinking of leading a crazy life.

This year's goal is to lead a crazy life.

(Seokjin's gesture is "Touching hair".)

You have filmed a lot of commercials so far.

(Touching hair)

(Seokjin is completely drenched.)

- What is it? I don't know why. / - It started now.

Just enjoy it.

- The party has begun. / - First of all, everyone...

It's time to party!

(Baby, tonight is the night everyone falls in love.)

- Everyone... / - It's time to party!

(I don't need a hat.)

- This is unbelievable. / - Take off the hat.

- Sungryoung. / - Look, the hat is dented.

The water must have hit the hat quite hard.

It's getting cold though.

- Are you all right? / - Yes.

Since you film a lot of commercials,

it feels like you are not taking a break.

What kind of commercials have you filmed so far?

- Cosmetics, / - Okay.

- instant curry... / - Curry?

What did you do in the ad? Did you wipe your mouth?

- Aren't you being too obvious? / - I'm curious.

I filmed ads for a clothing line, study books, shampoo,

cosmetics, mobile service, boiler, hamburger joint...

(Touching hair)

(It was too itchy not to scratch.)

(Touching hair)

My goodness.

- I see. / - Well...

I got it.

(She goes hard at it.)


(Have a party with the nationally famous host.)

- Hit something. / - This is great.

Sungryoung, currently...

Soohong is the only one who didn't get the splash.

- He's the only one. / - I am lucky.

- Do you want to film a car commercial? / - Goodness.

- I want to film one for a travel agency. / - Really?

What will be the theme of the commercial?


Don't bump into the wall.

In the desert, I can...

Your hair will be fluttering, right?

- It will be... / - Your hair.


Your hair will flutter in the wind.

Don't mind us and just do as you please.

Sure, my hair can flutter in the wind.

I wonder what Soohong's assigned gesture is.

What is his?

- I'm curious. / - Keep doing what you're doing.

Don't try to do more now.

- To be honest... / - Just clap and touch your hair.

So far, no one has been pushed into the water.

- That's true. / - Please do me a favor.

- Let Soohong get splashed. / - You played tennis

with your son, so your son...

Hold on. I don't think he's good at hosting.

- You can change. / - Please change the host.

- No, please don't. / - Let's switch.

- You can't change. / - Please switch the host.

(This is our chance.)

- Please switch him out. / - Please.

He can't continue the conversation.

- No. / - It's true.

- It's so true. / - He asks the same question.

- You can change. / - Why don't you switch him out?

- It's not that. Sungryoung. / - It feels...

Sungryoung, that's not what I wanted. I'll work hard.

- You're of same age. / - I'll treat her like an elder.

Sungryoung, let me host you.

Definitely. I ought to let Jaeseok take the lead.

That's not what I meant.

- How can you backstab me? / - All right.

- I'll change later. / - That's not the right side.

Why? This is my seat. Go to your seat.

- All right. I will... / - Jaeseok is starting.

- Why don't we make this rule? / - What is it?

The former host can choose his seat next.

- Okay. / - Let's settle that.

- We should do that. / - We can't add that rule.

I am going to take his seat.

- Go to that seat. / - Can they make this rule?

- It's all the same. / - Let me take this seat.

She doesn't know the gesture. He's avoiding the splash.

- He's trying to stay dry. / - Gosh, this is so wet.

- Hey, you. / - This seat is completely wet.

I'm curious about this.

Is the comment you mentioned a little while ago true?

If you look carefully, you can find the comment.

- This isn't a quiz. / - It's really true.

- It is? / - Yes.

A while ago...

(The chair starts moving at last.)

(Seokjin's keyword is "Really".)

(A cheerful sound)

What is it? Did he fall?

What's going on?

- What is it? / - How did that happen?

She must have said the keyword.

- I see. / - What is it?

- She just said it. / - She didn't do anything.


- It's what I said? / - Was there a time

when you gained weight?

- Have I gained weight? / - Yes.

Except the time I was pregnant, there wasn't a time.

That doesn't count as putting on weight though.

- Being pregnant isn't... / - Let me concentrate.

- It's not gaining weight. / - I can't figure it out.


It's me again?

It's like a festival. What a festival!

(We will reserve your water splash for you.)

(Touching hair)

(This will be cooler.)

What a festival.

- Soohong, take off your hat. / - What was the word?

The festival is about to begin.

It will come down on you.

Oh, no. I did it without realizing it.

- That's all right. / - This is how it works.

- I didn't know... / - You never gained weight, right?

I don't think I have ever put on a lot of weight.

- You have never. / - I have never.

That's right.

(Yongman's keyword is "Never".)

What was that?

(He's flung into the water at last.)

As you said...

(He's the leading role of the first jump.)

What was that?

(This is what happens to Yongman at the end.)

(Falling into deep water)

(No way!)

- Come out. / - What should we do?

What will you do, Yongman?

- Hey, what is this? / - It really happened.

- It started. / - What are you going to do?

- This is really happening. / - What is this?

It has begun.

It's just started.

(He was worried about Yongman.)

It's just started.

(Re-run of Soohong's first experience)

(Covering her mouth)

(Bye, Soohong.)


Dangerous Invitation has started.

This is the real deal now.

- This is scary. / - How was it, Yongman?

(How was it, Yongman?)

- He really fell into the water. / - I didn't know.

He was thrown into the air quite high.

I blinked and next thing I know I was in the air.

(Yongman, the Flying Agent)

(He was caught off guard by a surprise attack.)

(He switched gears.)

(To make a perfect parabola, you did your best.)

(The manner of how one flies makes laughter.)

That lasted for a while.

Did you see Yongman's face? Goodness.

He looked excited.


This was my first time.

Did you see Yongman's face? Goodness.

(Did I really endure this hard punishment?)

- That was tough. / - He was flung far.

- That's true. / - It's more fun than I expected.

- Isn't it fun? / - Let's get this started.

It's a festival.

We will get things rolling.

Let's start this festival.

This is "Dangerous Invitation".

(Let's get started.)

- Come at me. / - It has only begun.

Since we are on the subject, wasn't there

a time when you looked in the mirror

and thought you looked pretty?

- No. / - You've never thought that?

Tell me if you have thought that or not.

- Answer. / - I had this face as long as I was alive.

- So... / - Have you ever thought that or not?

- One, two, three. / - Hold on. What was the question?

If she answers that, someone will get to fly.

- Don't answer. / - Well.

Don't ask her that.

- During your whole life, / - Don't feel pressured.

have you ever thought that you looked

pretty decent even for one day. Please answer.

It's a bit different, but I have thought that.

- You have? / - I see.

- Of course. / - Yes, I have.

Was there a time you have thought you were ugly?

- Of course I have. / - When was that?

Is that true? Really?

- Of course. / - What do you mean?

- Is it really true? / - It's really true.


Was it really true?

(Yongman just scored one point for offense.)

(It sounds unusually rhythmical.)

- What was the word? What is it? / - Oh, that word!

- What is it? / - My back hurts so much.

It's so painful. It's no joke.

- Do you feel like you're aging? / - Isn't it tough?

- Do you feel it? / - Why was I thrown into the water?

- Of course I feel that. / - This is no joke.

- You seem... / - What makes me even angrier is that

I still don't know what my keyword is.

- In my opinion... / - Everyone figured it out though.

- I don't know mine. / - She and I are of the same age.

I know since we are of same age. Our body can age fast.

- That's right. / - She takes care of her body well.

Do you have a desire to keep in shape or not?

- It's about a lot of things. / - Yes, I do.

- You have? / - Yes.

Except desire for food, what other desires do you have?

Do you desire to have a perfect body?

- What about your looks? / - Have you had perfect abs?

No, I have never had them.


(He just played a move against himself.)

(I'm sending you the signal)

(Tingling, tingling)

(He asked that question.)

Was it "this and that"?

- This and that? / - What is the word?

- It's "this and that". / - He did that to himself.

- This and that. / - This is quite...

(Gosh, he's such a cool guy.)

(Jaeseok is having a load of fun.)

(I want to survive this.)

- Was it "this and that"? / - This and that?

(He still hasn't figured it out.)

- I don't know what it is. / - This is quite...

- I don't know either. / - That's why it's scarier.

Yongman said he wanted to take that seat.

- That happened a lot. / - Don't mind him. Talk freely.

- Are you okay, Yongman? / - He was born to do this.

He's good at it.

(Here is a man who can fly to the sky.)

(His unusual jumping skill)

(has become the talk of the world.)

(A lump is flying in the sky.)

(A flying lump is frequently appearing.)

(He goes for fresh air when he's frustrated.)

(He always ends up in the water of a deep mountain.)

(Gosh, this is so refreshing.)

- Are you okay, Yongman? / - He was born to do this.

- He's good at it. / - Hold on.

- This and that? / - Let me answer a call.


I'm all right. I will be there shortly.

I'm almost there.

It's time for the express train to depart.

The express train is about to depart now.

- Long time no see. / - It's the express train.

- Where have you been? / - Goodness.

- I already made the call. / - Okay.


Why did I get the splash?

Was I supposed to get this splash?

What are they doing?

- I don't have a clue. / - By the way,

don't worry about them and please continue.

- Don't mind them. / - Okay.

Long time ago, waiters brought girls to guys at clubs.

- Have you met any guys? / - I've never done that.

- You've never done it / - No.

Are you saying it's not true?

- Yes, it's not true. / - Is it true?

It's not true?

What was that?

(Soohong's keyword is "True")

(This is the first time Soohong is flying.)

(I am lucky.)

(Unfortunately, your luck ends here.)

(Everyone cheers.)

This is weird.

(What have I done?)

I thought he was frozen.

(He's dumbfounded.)

What was my word?

- What is it? / - What was the word?

- He was shot up so high. / - Was it "Forget it"?

- Was it "Forget it"? / - When you flew,

- the water came down too. / - Sungryoung.

(The water is leaking.)

- What is this? / - The water is leaking.

(Touching hair)

Gosh, I don't know what mine is.

Why is the water dripping on me?

- Sungryoung. / - This is ridiculous.

It's the rainy season.

- Should I wipe my mouth? / - Yes.

- Is something on my mouth? / - It's rainy season.

- Yes. / - What's my keyword?

(Covering her mouth)

Don't clap.

(It's not clapping.)

It's not clapping.

It's not clapping.

Was "Entertainment Weekly" the first show you were on?

- Yes. / - The very first show?


I thought you were in a drama first.

Entertainment Weekly was the first show I was on.

I debuted as an actress in a movie titled,

Who Saw the Dragon's Claws?

I thought you were in a drama first.

(Suyong's keyword is "First".)

Please don't mind him.

This is a common occurrence to us.

This is driving me crazy.

Since "Entertainment Weekly" is broadcasted live,

I am sure there were many accidents.

Excuse me, but there is an armed communist guerrilla.

You can leave him there.

He flew into the air.

An elephant seal washed up.

Have you made a mistake during the live broadcast?

I have never made a mistake during the live broadcast.

When I was in a play,

I completely forgot my line.

What is going on?


(He takes a sudden flight.)

(What is going on?)

(Yongman goes through struggles of water.)

I don't have a clue what caused it.

He fell into the water three times.

after the seat change.

- What is Yongman's keyword? / - It serves him right.

When I forgot my line, I faced the audience and said,

What should I do?

- "What should I do?" / - That's right.

Wasn't the audience surprised?

They clapped to cheer me up.

- Really? / - Yes.

(He thinks his gesture is clapping.)


Clapping is my gesture.

Clapping is his gesture.

Your gesture is touching the mouth.

It's touching the mouth.

- Yes. / - I thought it was clapping.

Your hair

is flat on your forehead.

The characteristic of this segment is that

- no one cares even if I get washed away. / - Listen.

You don't need to pay attention to that.

In "Dangerous Invitation",

you must survive on your own.

- It's a one-way street. / - That's right.

- Sungryoung. / - Let's keep going.

Please fix this.

Why is the water dripping on me?

Accidents like this one are frequent.

Why is there a water leak?

I once fell into the water three times in a row.

Excuse me,

hasn't Jaeseok hosted the segment for a while?

It's getting boring.

I am hosting the segment in a relaxed way.

It's true that the host makes no difference.


Try me as a host.


Try me as a host.

(You can't let your guard down for a second.)

(Welcome to "Dangerous Invitation".)

That's what I am talking about.

What could be the keyword?

(Covering her mouth)

(A penalty ensues even without the person.)

A penalty ensues even without the person.

- Really? / - This is an unlucky seat.

I will never sit here.

(This is an unlucky seat.)

This seat is the worst.

Sungryoung, I want to be the host.

It's my dream to be a host.

- Sungryoung. / - Yes?

- Yongman. / - Sit down.

Sit down. Why won't you sit down?

Sit down.

Your hair is slightly curly. I didn't know that.

(I will let you live.)

It's fortunate because the hair fibers look natural.

The products are well-made these days.

I lost some hair fibers as I flew away.

You lost them in the air.

(Hair fibers scattered.)

That's incredible.

Sungryoung, is this

your first time on "Dangerous Invitation"?

Yes, it's my first time.

- I see. / - It will be the first and the last time.

I thought...


(My goodness.)

I thought...

(It's funny to the onlookers.)

My goodness.

My goodness.

Did you hear the sound he made?

It's fun to watch the others fall.

It's fun to watch the others fall. It's delightful.

- Really? / - Yes.

It really is my first time.

(First, Really)


Is it true?

Yes, it's true.


It's true.

(Inattention will get you thrown into the water.)

You really have never done this.

I really have never done this.

(Never, Really)



(Jaeseok gets Yongman thrown into the water.)


this is how the segment should be run.

(Covering her mouth)


Everyone needs to get water bombed without a break.

There needs to be chaos.



Good job, Sungryoung.

My hair feels heavy.

Please take a seat.

Please take a seat.

I must have something in my pocket.


Did I pack lunch in my pocket?

Why is my pocket so full?

Yongman, hurry up and come here.

I need to find my glasses.

(He lost his glasses in the water.)

(What will happen to the glasses?)

You don't need the glasses. They don't even have lens.

It was refreshing and nice.

(He feels refreshed after a bath.)

I still don't know what my keyword is.

Me neither.

You don't know the keywords and the gestures, right?

No, I don't.

- She has no idea. / - I have no idea.

- Really? You really don't know. / - I really don't.

- I really don't know. / - It really is her first time.

It's my first time.

(He falls into the water.)

(First, Really)

I really have no idea.

- I really have no idea. / - Is it true?

(It's Suyong's turn next.)

(My goodness.)

So certain words and gestures get you the penalty.

- Words. / - Did you figure that out now?

I heard that you have two sons.

- Yes. / - My belt buckle came off.

(He is in tatters.)

What is going on?

Let me stand for a second. I am too scared.

Excuse me. Why are you wearing suspenders?

- This is crazy. / - Why are you wearing suspenders?

(I thought it will act as a seat belt.)

I guessed I wanted a safety device.

You don't need suspenders.

This is crazy.

(It's chaos.)

How is the relationship between you and your sons?

- We have a good relationship. / - Really?

Of course. We are like friends to each other.

Such relationship is desirable, but hard to achieve.

How do you communicate with your sons?

We don't. That's how we have a good relationship.

(We don't. That's how we have a good relationship.)

(To build a good relationship, don't communicate.)


If I talk too much, they will think that I am nagging.

- That makes sense. / - Yes.

I have never spent a lot of time with them.

That's why my sons...


What just happened?

(He reached the new level of floating in the air.)


He looked like he was floating.

It surprised me.

Is it "Never"?

- Yongman, are you okay? / - It's fine.

He flew five or six times

after he changed seats with me.

(The icon of misfortune)

- Was it five times? / - I am sorry that I am late.

- Should I sit here? / - Yes, please.

(Touching hair)

It has been a while.

I had to. I have never had my hair itch so much.


(It's a festival.)

I don't know what I did.

We should change our seats now.

- Right. / - This is a disaster.

You are right.

Seokjin can host the segment.

(Seokjin becomes the new MC.)

- I want to be the MC too. / - Yes!

You will be able to take a break.

(He checks his hair from time to time.)

Soohong, why don't I take the flying chair?

- Are you sure? / - Yes.

I didn't think you would want it.

- You are fearless. / - It's not like that.

I am familiar with the segment.

(The hero of the legendary segment is relaxed.)

(This soul is lost.)

Excuse me.

- Where are you going? / - Where's my seat?

(Covering her mouth)

(Cold water hits him as soon as he sits down.)

I avoided it.

(Soohong avoided the splash.)

Thank goodness.

(He is a lucky guy.)

(They finished changing the seats.)

It's hot today.

What hopes do you have for your children?

I want them to do what they want and like.

It's true that

I wanted to be a photographer.


This is great.

(The flying grasshopper)

(The original member of the segment is back.)

(He falls into 2017.)

(That serves him right.)

This is great.

(A powerful performance)

It started right after he took the seat.

(Where are my glasses?)

He really flew high up in the air.


(The keyword is "Really".)

There are two pairs of glasses in the pool.

- Please find my glasses. / - This pool contains

too many glasses.


A great number of glasses

cover the floor of this pool.

This is the tomb of glasses.

This is the tomb of glasses.

There are enough to open a glasses store.

They are in there.

- Your eldest son is studying abroad. / - Yes.

- He is in Guam. / - What does he do

when he comes back to Korea?

I am worried since he will be here in a few days.

- Have you made plans? / - He is too loud.

When he comes home, he sings from the morning.

Is he a good singer?

He is really bad at singing.


(I forgot about that.)

I thought I had avoided that fate.

I am glad I didn't move there.

(Covering her mouth)

I heard that

you want to be the romantic lead.

Yes, I really want that.

When was the last time you had that role?


What was that?

You didn't hear him, right? He grunted as he fell.


(He didn't even have time to shout.)

This seat makes people shout

while that seat makes people grunt.

People are beginning to use a cheap trick.

He takes the long way out of the pool.

Look at that.

I have experienced everything before.

You begin to take the long way out of the pool.

To play the romantic lead...

What is going on?

(Touching her hair)

It would have hit him if he were here.

He avoided it since he took the long way out.

Whom do you want as your partner?

I have never considered revealing that information.


(Throw me 10m up in the air with a flying chair.)

(It will be funny.)

(It is funny.)

(Suyong made people laugh three times today.)

(I didn't do it on purpose.)

(Who am I? Where am I?)

Did you hear the sound he made?

He could still shout.

I have known Suyong for a long time,

but this is my first time hearing him make that sound.

- Jaeseok, you have done this a lot. / - Yes.

Doesn't it feel like it has been upgraded?

The flying chair became more powerful.

- You are right. / - Whose glasses are these?

(What is this?)

(He found a pair of glasses in the deep water.)

You are right.

Whose glasses are these?

Those are mine.

- Those are mine. / - Aren't those mine?

(Yongman's glasses came back as fated.)

- Are you sure those aren't my glasses? / - They broke.

At least you found yours.

(The pirate of Big Mouth passes out.)

You found your glasses.

Let's resume the interview.

You once said that Hyunbin is your ideal type.

I have never said that.

- No? / - No.



- I thought... / - My hands became wrinkly.

- I said it abroad. / - A penalty has been reserved.


- It must be raining. / - You have a reservation.

- You have a reservation. / - Suyong.

- Sit down. / - It's like a reservation at karaoke.

Sir, please sit down.

It's like a rainy season.


(Let's go.)

(The thrilling experience makes him scream.)

(He dives into the water.)

My goodness.

That was incredible.

- A reservation was in place. / - That's right.

The business is going well.

(Touching her hair)

I had to choose people

who are the closest to my ideal type.

I chose Hyunbin as an ideal husband

and another actor as boyfriend material.

There are five members of Big Mouth.

If you have to film a romantic movie with one person,

who would you choose?

- Take a look around. / - Take a look around.

- Including me. / - I will answer when he sits down.

- Sit down. / - I will answer when he sits down.

- Please sit down. / - Sit down.

- Sit down. / - She is having fun.

She is having fun.

- Sit down. / - I am sorry.

Please find my glasses this time.

- I am sorry. / - Take a look around.

Which one could be my partner in a romantic film?

I have never thought about that.




It's "Never".

(They figured out Suyong's keyword.)

This is scary.

(It's hard to play in the water.)

The advertisers must be watching this.

Why don't you pretend to be in a commercial?

- A commercial? / - She is the best.

- That's right. / - She is the star of commercials.

What can I show?

(Touching hair)

It has a massage function.

The water massages the shoulders.

Once every ten times, it massages away the ache.

- It felt very nice. / - Excuse me.

This celebrity is about to pass out.

Look at him.

(Feeling dizzy)

- I am worried about Suyong. / - Let's go.

- Let's go. / - You know,

it's taxing to play in the water like this.

Since we have managers,

we can pass out in the car. Suyong has to drive.

He needs to get in the car

and drive himself.

(Covering her mouth)

(Don't make fun of an older member.)

Is there a commercial you want to film?

A commercial?

It's getting a bit boring.

- It really is. / - It's getting a bit boring.

Sungryoung, you should change the MC.

- Change the MC. / - Should I do that?

- I am doing fine. / - It's getting a bit boring.

- Should I change the MC? / - Yes.

- Then I will change the MC to Soohong. / - Soohong.

That's good.

How old were you

when you founded Big Mouth?

Everyone was 24 or 25 years old.

You started it in your 20s and resumed it in your 40s.

- That's right. / - How does that make you feel?

Why are you hosting the segment when I am the MC?

I am sitting right here.

- Okay. / - Change the MC.

You should change the MC.

Change the MC, Sungryoung.

- Change the MC. / - Give the position to Suyong.

Change the MC to Suyong.

- Change the MC to Suyong. / - Suyong.

(Covering her mouth)

Change your seats.

- Come on! / - Change your seats.

- Don't do this. / - The MC needs to be changed.

- The MC needs to be changed. / - That's right.

How dare you raise your voice to Sungryoung?

- He is arrogant. / - Hurry up and take your seat.

Sit on the flying chair.

She wants you to sit on the flying chair.

- Among the four of us, / - Okay.

who do you want to see...

- Change the MC. / - Sungryoung, change the MC.

(Sungryoung, change the MC.)

- Change the MC. I can do better. / - Sungryoung.

Please give me another chance.

(Covering her mouth)

Sungryoung, I can do better.

I will give you another chance. I can't hear you.

Among the four of us,

which member...

- Which member... / - Change the MC.

- Change the MC. / - Change the MC.

- He is terrible at it. / - Change the MC.

What kind of an MC

- can't complete a sentence? / - He can't do it.

I should replace him.


You should have made me the MC.

You are one of the most beautiful women in Korea.

I heard that you have a nickname.

- Me? / - Your friends call you "Princess".

- Yes. / - Why?

- Why? / - I am more like a maid.

Wherever I go,

I enjoy cleaning up.

I enjoy doing the dishes.

However, people tell me I am a princess to the bone.

- To the bone? / - Yes.

I act like a maid.

You must act like a princess.

- What? / - That's the only explanation.

No, I have never acted like a princess.

They say I look like I was born a princess.


What was that?

(He is thrown into the water as soon as he comes back.)

What was that?

He is hilarious.

Did you see his face?

(His face makes people laugh.)

This water is drinkable, right?

- You will be fine. / - You drank it, right?

We thought you might be thirsty.

I was hungry before, but my stomach is full now.

- My stomach is full. / - This segment has made me

drink water at about six or seven swimming pools.

I was fine.

The water tastes great.

Let's wrap up the segment.

- What are you doing? / - We need to.

Let me wrap up the segment.

No, I have never ended a shoot prematurely.

I should change the MC.


(He is taken by surprise.)

(I said it without thinking.)

Let me stay the MC for a while longer.

Did you film his face?

(Suyong is doing an amazing job today.)

Who will be the new MC?

- Suyong keeps leaving. / - Jaeseok.

That's great.

My goodness.


(I miss the studio a lot.)

(She feels bad.)

I don't know what to do.


Jaeseok, did you find your glasses?

(He plans to stay in the water.)

(Touching hair)

My goodness.

(I am sorry, but this is fun.)

Suyong, please find my glasses.

What are you doing?

Did you come here to swim?

Suyong, you are incredible.

He gained weight.

The water tastes great.

- I think he gained 2kg. / - It's groundwater.

The water in the pool decreased

and Suyong's stomach became bigger.

- He is right. / - I thought you gained weight.


- You are handsome. / - What was that?

I don't know what I did.

I think Sungryoung is doing it on purpose.

I really don't know what sets off the device.

- Really? / - Yes.


I think it's "I don't know."

(She really doesn't know.)

I think it's "I don't know."

I don't know.

I don't know.

(Covering her mouth)

- Didn't she do that too? / - No.

Seokjin induced me to say that.

He brought it on himself.

- You're right. / - Yes, he did.

- He dug his own grave. / - Exactly.

Thank you for coming and laughing with us

and reacting to our jokes. I mean, really, it's true

this is my first time doing it this way.

- That's right. / - Same goes to you, right?

- What do you mean? / - It's your first time, really.

What's my first time?


You've done this before, right?

- Yes, I have. / - They just said,

That was a mistake.

(This is the limit of the manual system.)

(Oh, no.)

(Why do bad things always happen to Suyong?)

(Sorry, we made a mistake.)

- You gave me that question. / - I just realized that.

- Right. / - I realized that.

- Are you jogging? / - Yes, I am.

It's great to jog at your age.

I need to stretch my legs too...

- I should do it too. / - Before we move on...

- We need to warm up. / - That's a good idea.

- Do your warm-ups, everyone. / - Okay.

- This show is good for health. / - Absolutely.

- It's good for your health. / - It feels so good.

It's good.

Please buy these glasses.

That was good.

Please buy these glasses.

You've been too lazy working in the studio.

- Right. / - I've been working without making efforts.

It's so refreshing to work outside.

- On "Dangerous Invitation", / - It feels great.

- you can have all sorts of fun. / - Exactly.

(The hilarious waterfall)

(The exciting diving)

(The thrilling flight)

("Dangerous Invitation, 2017" with Legendary Big Mouth)

This is the first time you've worked with us, right?

This really is my first time.

(Clapping, First, Really)

Water is splashing, and my hair gets wet.

- Really... / - I don't know.

- Forget it. No. / - Okay.

- Really. / - Oh, my.

What was it? I'm touching my lips.

(Touching hair)

- This is so fun. / - She knows the keywords.

(Suyong avoided the water this time.)

Two of them fell into the pool.

If you see my glasses, please take them out.

It's time to finish the show.

- Why should we? / - Let's do this all night long.

- We should do this all night long. / - No.

- It's so much fun. / - Have you ever

laughed out loud like this

having fun outdoors before?

- It's true / - Yes.

that it's really been a long time

since the last time. I have never had so much fun.

- Right? / - Yes, this is my first time.

I'm having so much fun.

(Never, Clapping, First, Really, True)



Please tell us how you felt about being here today.

I feel bad that I made you all fall in the water

- considering your age. / - That's okay.

- I'm sorry about that. / - No worries.

I hope that we all stay healthy and happy

- without getting sick. / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Let's give her a big hand again.

- Thank you! / - Thank you!

Are you all right?

- I'm feeling so cold. / - You must be.

(Everyone else is taking care of themselves.)

(Manners maketh man.)

- Thank you. / - I thought you might need it.

Why didn't I think of that?

- Exactly. / - I'm too busy taking care of myself now.

I'm exhausted.

Yongman and Sungryoung look like a married couple.

It's as if they're wearing matching clothes.

- I'd like to thank Sungryoung. / - It was fun.

You guys worked so hard today.

- That's okay. / - How was it?

Above all, this is the most healthy show I've seen.

I could realize that I'm alive while flying away.

The pool behind us is like a treasure house.

There are glasses

- and a wallet... / - I even dropped my wallet.

- If we have a chance... / - Who just burped?

- He drank too much water. / - Yes, I did.

- How much water did you swallow? / - About 4L.

- How could you do that? / - I'm sorry.

It came out accidentally.

He looked like Harry Potter because of his glasses.

Harry Potter in his 50s

would look like him.

- Look here! / - Did they find my glasses?

- My wallet! / - The treasures are coming out...

- They found my glasses! / - one by one.

- They look like they're / - We're sorry.

- playing scavenger hunt. / - I hope it'll end soon.

- It's unbelievable. / - Why are you holding a rose?

Lastly, she will select the best...

The best man among us?

She'll choose one of us.

Sungryoung, please choose the one

you think did the best today, and give him the rose.

- Your nose is running. / - Please put it in his mouth.

- Pardon? / - Wipe your nose.

- I have an idea. / - I see. I'm sorry. I thought

you were giving the rose to me.

Blow your nose.

Jaeseok, blow your nose.

- Jaeseok. / - Come here.

I thought she was giving it to me.

- Come on. / - You look like a kindergarten student.

- Blow your nose. / - Come on.

- Blow your nose. One, two, three. / - Blow your nose.

- Go ahead. / - That's good.

- All right. / - I'll just...

- It'll be an honor. / - I will give this rose...

- I really want that rose. / - Me too.

(Who is the best host that won her heart?)

Who is the winner?

I will give this rose to Yongman.

(Yongman is chosen as the best host.)

- Why? / - Thank you very much.

- Sungryoung. / - Why him?

- Why were we even here? / - Madam.

- Why did you choose him? / - She chose him

- every time she had to pick one of us. / - Thank you.

- This isn't right. / - She picked him no matter what.

- She must've been close friends with him. / - Exactly.

- This isn't fair. / - This is weird.

- That's not it. / - Did you guys match your clothes?

- They look like a couple. / - In matching clothes.

- Stand next to her. / - It's as if they have

- a house with a swimming pool. / - Everyone,

- thank you for coming to our house. / - Right.

- They threw a party. / - Thank you

- for coming. / - They're the owners of the house.

Let's have a barbecue in the backyard.

- My goodness. / - Gosh.

Please tell us why.

He was the first one to be flown away.

- That's right. / - Right.

- However, he didn't get upset. / - Was he the first?

- I see. / - He remained positive.

- Thank you. / - It was a good start.

- We'll continue rooting for you. / - Thank you.

- Thank you for coming. / - Thank you for having me.

We'll say goodbye here.

- We'll see you next week. Thank you. / - Thank you!

("Dangerous Invitation" with Big Mouth)

- Big Mouth. / - Thank you.

(Dongwoon and Dujun of Highlight)

(Bomi is the special MC.)

(Yongman raises an objection.)

We're reenacting only Jaeseok's old shows!

It means that many of my shows were popular.

Before the main game begins,

there will be a game to choose their costumes.

(Mafia is the best game.)

(I'm an expert.)

(They suspect Soohong to be the mafia.)

(I'm innocent.)

(I can do that too.)

(Will you believe me)

(if I say this?)

(You are free from the pain of hosting the show.)

(You're reborn as a playful comedian.)

(Next week, Jaeseok will be as playful as he can!)

("Johnny GoGo" by G-reyish)

For more infomation >> Happy Together – The Best Hit Special Part.2 / Dangerous Invitation Part.2 [ENG/2017.06.22] - Duration: 1:21:52.


War Robots - Flamethrower's gameplay (test server 24/25th of June) - Duration: 1:18.

Heavy weapon prototype: Close range prototype will act like an incendiary weapon.

The weapon is for close combat but the uniqueness is lack of possible defence against it.

Prototype ignores energy shields and can penetrate physical shields with ease.

Flammable liquid will run out in 10 sec of continuous fire stream.

Damage increased by 18% since last test. Level 8: 5850 damage per second (dps), range 300m, reload 5 sec.

For more infomation >> War Robots - Flamethrower's gameplay (test server 24/25th of June) - Duration: 1:18.


📈 TRADINGVIEW TUTORIAL 📈 Bitcoin Price 2519 USD JUNE 25 | Crypto Currency Stock Chart Analysis BTC - Duration: 1:09:31.


For more infomation >> 📈 TRADINGVIEW TUTORIAL 📈 Bitcoin Price 2519 USD JUNE 25 | Crypto Currency Stock Chart Analysis BTC - Duration: 1:09:31.


KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH - NCT127, Battle K-FOOD, Day6 [ENG/中文字幕/2017.06.23] - Duration: 30:36.

They're back and they're getting famous globally.

This time, their goal is to be the bomb.

And they're so handsome.

NCT 127!

1, 2, 3!

To the world! Here is NCT!

Hello, we're NCT 127!

Hello, everyone. We're NCT 127. We're back

with our third album "Cherry Bomb."

We'll keep doing our best. Thank you.

Hello, we're glad to meet you with our new album.

We'll be working hard,

we'll be bombing like a cherry bomb.

We haven't seen you in 5 months.

I missed you.

Please explain what kind of song "Cherry Bomb" is.

It's an awesome song containing the sweetness

and tartness of cherries and the explosiveness

and shocking intensity of bombs.

Things just got wild...

I don't like cherries, but I'm craving them.

Just looking at you all.

I really hate cherries.

Can we do a cherry ad?

Are you going to do it alone or with the others?

If I can do it myself, I will.

If not, I'll do it with them.

Get out.

You're getting kicked out.

In the choreography, there are crazy moves that

most regular people can't do.

I heard your pants rip because of that.

- Word got around? / - Yes, you spread the rumor.

Yes, I did.

Wearing those clothes for the first time

was a learning experience.

- A learning experience about the pants. / - Yes.

Although it probably won't rip on stage,

if it does...

I decided to wear black underwear. Just me.

- You alone won't be exposed? / - I'll wear black.

I see.

So I heard you stretch and warm up

in a unique way.

Our stretching is just like... The splits.

Can you do it?

- It's a bit early, so I'll do it later. / - Win Win can.

- He was waiting. / - He's the most flexible of us.

That's incredible!

That's amazing. It is possible.

Since I'm already asking you favors,

I'd like to see some of the choreography.

Should five of us do it?

- Is it too narrow here? / - Five?

♪ Na na na na na ♪

♪ Hurry and dodge it, cherry bomb ♪

That was so cool seeing it close up.

- Want to try? / - Okay, I can do it.

♪ Na na na na na ♪

♪ Hurry and dodge it, cherry bomb ♪

Thank you.

I think you can switch with Yuta.

Can I? Want to?

We can't forget about your unique style.

Who do you think fits your

current concept of sexy yet chic?

- Want us to point? / - Point at them.

1, 2, 3!

Haechan. Our action star Haechan.

5, 6, 7, 8!

♪ Hurry and dodge it, cherry bomb, feel it yum ♪

With so many members from different countries,

it must have been hard to communicate at first.

I remember using a translator

to communicate when we were trainees.

Just say hi.

than actual Koreans.

Yes, that's right.

You do? Then...

I'm definitely better than Mark.

And he's Korean.

You can tell what you're thinking with one glance?

- You could say that. / - Really?

Johnny, what is Taeil thinking?

It seems like he wants to hurry and

see his fans while on stage.


- I felt it. / - Really?

Taeil, what is Johnny thinking about?

That he's full.

We just ate.

Just talking like this is no fun,

so we made a game that fits your concept.

It'll be fun.

It's called the Cherry Bomb Game!

Let's start with a friendly round.

Compliment the member next to you.

- Ready? / - Yes.

Let's start.

Get ready to compliment.

- Taeil, you've got swag. / - Hurry up.

- Yuta, you're super funny. / - Thank you.

Jaehyun, I love you.

Taeyong, your wrist veins look muscular.

Win Win, you're so cool.

- You have great skin. / - Your dance was cool.

I love how cheery you are.

I love you!

Taeil, you're short!

Your outfit looks great on you today.

That was scary.

It popped in a split second.

Did I lose?

It popped when he said, "You're cool."

Yuta lost.

The punishment for losing round 1 is eating a lemon.

- Yuta is great at eating lemons. / - Really?

Just drink it like lemonade.

He eats it so dirty.

He's doing a good job.

I thought it was takoyaki for a second.

Round 2 is this game...

When you go the TV station...

You know it, right? It's a memory game.

- Ready? / - Yes.


At the TV station, NCT 127 is there.

NCT 127 is there and fans are there.

And water is there...

At the TV station, NCT 127 is there, fans are there,

cameras, directors is there, the interview is there,

water is there, the makeup stylist is there...

At the TV station, NCT 127 is there, fans are there,

cameras, directors is there, the interview is there,

water is there, the makeup stylist is there...

The director is there...

- Director! / - We said that already.

I was memorizing it but he kept whispering...

While I was memorizing.

That's truly YOLO.

He chooses his own path.


The punishment is being cute 3 times.

- Wow... That's hard to see. / - Yes, it is.

Should we cover your face for you?

Ready? 1, 2, 3!

1, 2, 3!

1, 2, 3!

All he did was change his hands.

That was cute.

The final round is a global greeting relay.

You'll introduce yourselves one by one.

But the language will change.

- Ready... / - I'll do it in Japanese first.

Just say hi.

- Just say hello. / - Hello.


- Korean is allowed. / - Yes.

- Chinese has been done. / - It was done.

No, no. That wasn't Chinese.

No, no. That wasn't Chinese.

What do I do? There's none left!

There's one, you don't remember?

No, no, I don't remember!


♪ It was nice knowing you... ♪

We worked so hard preparing our third mini album,

"Cherry Bomb,"

so I hope you look forward to it.

Please show NCT 127's "Cherry Bomb" lots of love.

And show love to the MC here.

We are NCT 127!

1, 2, 3!

To the world! Here is NCT 127!

Thank you.

Yes, thank you.

Introducing Korean food to the world!

Battle K-Food!

We were victorious last week.


Chicken feet.


I didn't feel great.

So I came fully armed today.


The viewers need a representative.

Come on out!


Hello. Nice to meet you.

We're going to eat some spicy food.

Is that okay with you?

It might be hard, but I'll accept the challenge.

It's fine.

What spicy food do you usually eat?

The spiciest was...

Instant noodles?


- I can't wait. / - I bet.

I can't wait to see how spicy it is. Let's go eat quick.

Here it is.

Whoa, the smell is great.

4 people have fainted.

This has been Soohyun of U-KISS. Good-bye.

- Come here. / - We have to try.

- Come on. Stay with us. / - It's scary.


- Where can we sit? / - Over there.


Can't you smell the spiciness already?

Oh no. My nose stings already.

I think I'll cough.

It's here.

It looks incredible.

A ton of different stuff came out.

Yujeong... I forecast she'll get mad soon.

Wow, it looks good.


Let's try it.

- Here we go. / - Time to eat.

The broth looks thick.

Why is it so spicy?

Are they trying to kill us?

It's so spicy.

Okay... Noodles.

The noodles are amazing.

The noodles are on the thick side.

They're super chewy.

They're so good and spicy.

They're so spicy.

It's spicy yet good.

It is, huh?

- Huh? Dennis is crying. / - I'm fine.

The spiciness builds up slowly.

But then 5 minutes later, it really hits.

The spicy noodle soup here is made with

four kinds of chili peppers.

It's impossible for it not to be spicy.


But I can't stop eating.

It's deliciously spicy.

It's an addicting spicy taste.

It's really spicy, right?


It's really spicy.

Let's take a break from filming and get ice cream.

Sounds good.

- What's that? / - Split it.

See who can eat it first.

Is yours this long?

Lift it up.

Is this possible?

The manager cut them the same length.

What is this? There's no end!

What is this?

Let's play!

Wait, no...

This isn't fair.

Director! Aren't you being too nice to her?

I'm going home.

Just bite it a bit.

Soyeon, you've already eaten 5m.

Yujeong has eaten 10m.



I'm 3rd!

Yujeong, why can't you suck it up?


Wow, melon.

- Melon ice cream. / - Melon ice cream is delicious.

My tongue has relaxed after eating this, so it's...


They're being mean.

We have a guest, but they don't give him anything.

No ice cream even for our guest.

It was delicious.

You can tell as soon as you see it.

What it is.

I'll give you an explanation.

I'm more nervous than when I'm on stage.

As a foreigner, you haven't had cutlet here, right?

His gaze is so creepy.

CNN chose spicy fried pork cutlet as the

spiciest food in Korea.

♪ Fire's burning ♪

It's here.

Is this one serving?

How can I eat this?

It's crazy.

This is such a shock to me.

If this is so spicy that we go into shock,

will you pay our medical bills?


- Sauce! / - The sauce is just...

It's red inside.

This sauce...

I can do it!

You can do it!

What do we do?

It's so hot!

Give me some water!

I can't eat it!

I'm scared!

K-Food was delicious today.

We'll be back with more delicious food...

- To show you next week. Good work. / - Good work.

Let's all eat it together.

Here I go.

Wipe the sauce off first.

How is it?

It's not hot?

It is good.


You can't speak, right?


Here I go!

I eat spicy food often.

I can't wait.

Here I go!

You can't speak, right?


How do you eat this?

Why did you make this dish?

It's fun tormenting the customers.


It was shocking at first

and I feel it slowly going down.

Now I know how my insides are laid out.


You know why I'm like this, right?

It's coming back up.

My tongue...

- You don't have any milk? / - Oh no...

- Oh no... / - Can you give us some more milk?

One more if you express the taste well.

I'll sing a song.

One second.

Here we go.

♪ Forgive me! ♪

You expressed it so well!

Is that a new song?

Usually, we say that we enjoyed the food.

- And say good job. / - Yes.

1, 2, 3!

Good job.


Can you give us some juice?


1, 2, 3!


But this was way, way too hot.

How was today?

It was spicy,

but I enjoyed it.

We'll be back with even better food next week.

Thank you for the food!

Battle K-Food!


These guys are the reason to fall in love with K-pop.

Joining us today is DAY6 with "I Smile."

Hello, nice to meet you.


Viewers from 117 countries are watching.

Please introduce yourselves in different languages.

Hello, we're DAY6.

It's a self-introduction.

Oh, a self-introduction...

Hello, I'm DAY6's Sungjin. Nice to meet you.

What's good? I'm Jae.

Hello, My name is Brian.

No, my name is Young K.

We're DAY6. I'm Wonpil.

Hello, I am Dowoon.

You're back with your first studio album "Sunrise."

How do you feel?

Since it's our first album,

it actually doesn't all feel real.

Why? Why are you laughing?

Oh, because of my tone...

I heard your title song is called "I Smile."

Please tell us about the song.

It's about having just broken up

and smiling even though

you're still hurting and not ready to move on.

- You still smile. / - "I Smile" is the song...

We have to hear it.

Please give us a short preview!

1, 2!

♪ I smile ♪

♪ This could only be sometimes ♪

♪ That I get to see you ♪

♪ I have to, I smile ♪

We heard that after hearing this song,

Park Jinyoung praised you highly.

How did he compliment you?

"It's great." I'm sorry.

That was awful.

- Can you? / - Me?

♪ I go back to you ♪

♪ I walk back ♪

It was nice to meet JYP, just for a few moments.

Even if just for a few moments.

Since you're new to entertainment shows,

we've prepared the entertainment academy for you.

First is a must for entertainment shows.

All idols have to do this. What is could it be?


Special talents?

It's being cute.

It's the most basic thing.

They say to do it in whatever order you want.

Dowoon said he'd go first.

Isn't going last the hardest?

- I'll go first. / - I'll go first then.

Hold on.

Let's change the order.

I'll start.

Ppuing ppuing.

I want to you.

I love you, fans.

Cutie, cutie, baby.

Can't wait to see yours.

Here I go. 1, 2, 3!

- Let's move on. / - I'm sweating.

Next is the intermediate course.

It's dance.

You're good!

You don't have to sing.

The last course is Make Them Laugh.

No matter what.

Please use these props to make me laugh.

- I've succeeded. / - That was a bit much though.

Dowoon has succeeded.

I prepared something.

This is not a hand.

He's the dad.

They're a family.

The baby is talking.

"Mom, give me food."

You said that's the dad.

No, that's the mom.

Can we just make her laugh by talking?

- No, no, that was habitual. / - Wasn't that funny?

- That was a habitual laugh. / - Like a reaction.

I laughed on purpose.

- Not because it was funny. / - I see.

I want to have something delicious.

But suddenly... I messed up.

How do I move the one in the middle?

- Didn't you laugh? / - No, but this...

Are you doing it?

If she doesn't laugh, it'll be really pitiful.


Please let him pass.

I was trying not to laugh,

but he keeps on staring at me from the side.



This is actually funny, but kind of scary...

It was scary?

- It was. / - I'll do a replay.

Do you want help?

Oh my...

Please tell us how you felt about the interview

today and how you'll promote in the future.

We want to meet you all through

all kinds of promotions.

- We look forward to it. / - Don't do that.

Please be kind to us!

Thank you!

That was DAY6.

KBS WORLD idol show, K-RUSH.

Did you guys enjoy our interview?

We have prepared a special quiz for you guys.

You can try and guess by posting your answer

on the KBS homepage, and if you win you'll get

a chance to win a signed CDs.

What is the name of the group that has just come out

with the album "Cherry Bomb"?

No.1, NCT U, No.2, NCT 127,

No.3, NCT Dream.

For more infomation >> KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH - NCT127, Battle K-FOOD, Day6 [ENG/中文字幕/2017.06.23] - Duration: 30:36.


Khim Sokheng - Poor Can Study Or Not | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:02:00.

Khim Sokheng

Poor Can Study or Not ?

Mr. Khim Sokheng Founder & Chairman of Learning for Success Institute

For more infomation >> Khim Sokheng - Poor Can Study Or Not | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:02:00.


Video Kinh Phật Hay Nhất Hành Tinh Thỏa Mãn Người Xem Nhất ! Chia sẻ Mạnh Lên Nào - Duration: 14:51.

For more infomation >> Video Kinh Phật Hay Nhất Hành Tinh Thỏa Mãn Người Xem Nhất ! Chia sẻ Mạnh Lên Nào - Duration: 14:51.


Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 💗 Learn Color For Kids ❤Learn Color With Icream #8 - Duration: 15:14.

finger family songs nursery | learn color for kids

For more infomation >> Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes 💗 Learn Color For Kids ❤Learn Color With Icream #8 - Duration: 15:14.


Home Remedies for Chapped lips - Duration: 3:08.

Home Remedies for Chapped lips

Chapped or dry lips are a common problem that can be painful and unattractive.

Common symptoms are dryness, redness, cracking, flaking, and tender or sore lips.

Some of the main causes are vitamin deficiency, allergic reaction, dehydration, smoking, excessive

licking of lips, sun exposure and harsh weather.

There are many commercial products available to treat chapped lips.

But you can save money and easily get relief with some easy-to-follow natural remedies.



Exfoliating dead cells off your chapped lips will help restore their natural softness faster.

Mix two teaspoons of sugar with one teaspoon of honey.

Apply the paste to your lips and let it sit for a few minutes.

Then use your fingers to gently rub the mixture around on your lips to loosen the dead skin


Wash it off with lukewarm water.



Honey is a great moisturizer that also has healing and antibacterial properties to treat

chapped lips.

Simply apply pure organic honey on your chapped lips several times a day.

You can also make a paste of honey and glycerin and apply it before going to bed to enjoy

softer lips in the morning.


Rose Petals

The rose plant in your garden can also come to your rescue when suffering from chapped


This remedy will help your lips stay moisturized while also enhancing their beautiful color.

Wash a handful of rose petals thoroughly in water.

Soak the petals in milk for a few hours.

(If you have issues with dairy products, you can soak them in glycerin instead.)

Mash the rose petals into a thick paste.

Apply the paste on your dry lips two to three times a day and every night before going to



Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can help heal chapped lips caused by cold

or dry weather.

Simply apply pure coconut oil several times a day on your lips to keep them moist.

You can also use olive oill.


Castor Oil

Castor oil is another good treatment for dry and chapped lips.

Simply apply castor oil to your lips several times a day.

You can also make a soothing treatment using one teaspoon of castor oil, one teaspoon of

glycerin and a few drops of fresh lemon juice.

Mix it well and apply it on your lips before going to bed.

In the morning, wash it off with a cotton ball dipped in lukewarm water.

Repeat this daily until your lips are healed.


Milk Cream

The high fat content of milk cream makes it a great natural lip moisturizer.

Apply fresh milk cream on your lips and leave it on for 10 minutes.

Then gently wash your lips with a cotton ball dipped in lukewarm water.

Do this daily to help your lips heal faster.

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