Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 25 2018

[♪ INTRO ]

Turtles live a ridiculously long time.

The oldest known turtle—a Seychelles giant tortoise named Jonathan — is 186 years old and still kicking!

Galapagos tortoises have produced healthy, viable young past their 80th birthday.

And even smaller species can live for half a century, as long as they aren't eaten or run over first.

Scientists aren't 100% sure how these animals live so long — but a lot of it seems to

boil down to preventing wear and tear to the body.

In most species, including ours, the odds of dying go up as you get older.

That's because our bodies just kind of deteriorate over time.

Like any machine, parts slowly wear down, and that eventually leads to some kind of catastrophic failure.

But that's not always the case in turtles — in some, being old means they're less likely to croak.

And they can even still have healthy offspring.

This ability to stay alive and have healthy babies despite being old is called negligible senescence.

And though some of the details are still unclear, it seems turtles pull this off thanks to a

remarkable tolerance for oxidative stress.

That's the harm to cells that happens due to reactive oxygen species or ROS: a family

of oxygen-containing compounds that really, really like interacting with other molecules.

The accumulation of this damage, especially to neurons and immune cells, is thought to drive aging.

But reactive oxygen species aren't evil — they're produced all the time, like

in the calorie-burning process that turns food into cellular fuel.

So the key is not getting rid of ROSs, but keeping them under control.

One of the ways turtles do that is by producing less of them.

They have a slow metabolism, which means they need fewer calories than other animals of similar size.

It also helps that they're poikilothermic: their bodies can function at a wide range of temperatures.

So they're not as stressed by cold or hot temperatures as we are—and less stress means less ROS.

They also have ways to manage the ROS they do produce.

Since these compounds can damage telomeres — the protective caps of DNA that shorten

every time a cell divides — turtles produce lots of the enzyme telomerase, which helps prevent that shortening.

And that helps keep their cells healthier longer, lessening their odds of developing cancer or other diseases.

They also make lots of strong antioxidants and other proteins that fight cellular damage.

While these traits might seem like the perfect adaptations for a long and healthy life, biologists

think they arose for another reason: surviving without oxygen.

Many turtles, including those cute red-eared sliders you might have seen in pet stores,

can go weeks without breathing air — a handy trick if you want to spend the winter in an icy pond.

They have special ways of keeping important tissues alive during that time, like shutting down oxygen-hungry neural circuits.

But they also have to deal with the burst of ROS production that happens when they finally

come up for air and oxygen levels rapidly rise — which is where those antioxidants

and cell-healing proteins come into play.

So their longevity might be a happy side effect — one that some researchers are hoping to

translate into longer, perhaps even indefinite lives for people.

But... we can't really replicate all of their tricks, like becoming poikilothermic.

So while studying turtles may help us maintain fitness in later years, if you're hoping

they hold the secrets to immortality… well, I wouldn't hold your breath.

Thanks for asking!

And thanks to our patrons on Patreon, who keep the answers to questions like this flowing.

If you want to pose questions like this, help us decide which ones to answer, or just get

some cool rewards that you can't get elsewhere, you can head on over to to learn more.

[♪ OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> How Do Turtles Live So Long? - Duration: 3:18.


Donald Tried To Get Melania To Dump Her Anti-Bullying Campaign - Duration: 3:57.

Recently, the New York Times ran a piece about the, I guess you'd call it, a troubled marriage

between Donald Trump and Melania Trump.

But one of the things everybody kind of jumped on was the fact that oh, Melania picked out

all this furniture for the White House, but before she was able to move in, Donald Trump

switched it all with his horrible, gaudy taste in furniture because he just can't stand to

let anyone else have their way, even if it's his own wife.

That story kind of blew up over this last weekend, but what was really interesting from

the New York Times report, that isn't stupid, salacious stuff that doesn't matter ... Who

cares about the furniture, right?

Who cares about their marriage, to be honest with you.

I mean, she could hate him.

They could divorce.

That's not going to affect anything that's going on this country whatsoever, but the

piece also points out that Donald Trump did not want Melania to launch her anti-bullying


He believed, rightfully so, that this was going to open her up for criticism.

It was going to put more attention on his horrid tweets where he goes after anyone for

their physical appearance, their IQ, you know, whatever he wants to pick on them for, and

so he didn't want her shining a big old spotlight on that.

She decided to do it anyway, and he was unhappy with this, and basically has been wanting

to shut the entire thing down since the day it started, but again, he is absolutely right

that she has come under fire for this, because she refuses to address his Twitter habits.

Donald Trump is the biggest bully in the United States, and I say biggest because he has the

loudest platform to speak from.

There is no other bully in this country who is given such a massive megaphone to spread

his message of hate, and division, and just general dislike of human beings to everyone

around the planet.

Yet, to this day, Melania has not addressed that in any of her anti-bullying speeches,

in her meetings with people, in her meetings with the tech people who came in where she

talked about cyberbullying.

He is the biggest problem that she faces, that, and of course the fact that she showed

up to meet those migrant children that have been separated from their parents wearing

a jacket that said, "I don't really care, do you?"

Yeah, this woman has zero credibility where it comes to speaking about stopping bullying

here in the United States, because not only is her husband the worst one there is, but

she is right there behind him.

I mean, people forget that Melania Trump was also a birther.

She did not believe, and to our knowledge, still doesn't believe that Barack Obama was

born here in the United States.

She jumped on that hate bandwagon, so yeah, zero credibility to go out there and talk

about bullying or being horrible to people, you know, her Be Best campaign.

If she's not even willing to be best, then how can anyone in this country expect to take

whatever horrid message she's trying to spread so they can apply it to their own lives and

be best?

As pretty much everyone in this country will explain to you, pretty much around the world

would explain to you, you want to teach people to be better, you have to lead by example.

That is something that both Melania and Donald Trump refuse to do.

That's actually why the two probably make a pretty good couple.

Regardless of these talks about how much they hate each other, dislike each other, the one

thing that binds them is the fact that they refuse to lead by example, act like grownups,

and in general behave like decent human beings.

For more infomation >> Donald Tried To Get Melania To Dump Her Anti-Bullying Campaign - Duration: 3:57.


⚠BREAKING NEWS⚠ Flat Earther Hit on the Head at Disc Golf, Doesn't See Stars - Duration: 3:16:04.

want a chat about it? yeah why would you write

ridicule before investigation is the height of ignorance sir

okay it's always just keep taking one side of the story you know there's no reason to investigate anything right

Lois just whatever you're told just eat it up as long as you can come out here

and rent your canoe and watch your Netflix later tonight on a Sunday

afternoon on a beautiful beautiful July evening that's all that these people

want yeah so here we are here we be here we go for another wonderful challenging

experience here at the lake where else would we be

we're just chattin' man

so what do you guys came up with it is wet ax is not family that it is it is

flat one because you know water is flat it's totally flat and the ocean is the

same please so how could the ocean curve around the


I don't know much about that argument I have to educate myself a bit more how do

you know it's a ball all right nothing head you kicked myself a little

bit more right no I'm saying like how do you know it's that right in front of you

there though how do I know the earthís because that's what we was told and you

only know that about what she was told yeah like a Fed I'm not so so what

you're saying is is that you only know what you're told and you never look at

anything other than weed home you do to a degree a man honestly I I don't think

I have a kid with you flat circular I don't think I've never been a concern of

mine yeah well I think because of that I never really looked into it yeah other

stuff that I'm passionate about yeah yeah I'll give the time to look through

you know investigate a bit more as far as what the me to believe but as far as

whether the earth is round or flat do you like to be lied to

do I like to be like yeah is that something you enjoy I would say to a

degree everybody we all been lied to sir no I'm asking now what do you like to be

is it something you enjoy do you like to be lied to no okay no one

does okay so if we were to offer you information and a lot of circumstantial

evidence to show that you're being lied to

would you take that into consideration and what uh what are you basing that on

confirmation do you have well I'm basing that off of typical responses regarding

how people think the earth as a ball they would say while I see ships go over

the horizon I've never heard that okay well right

hear it all the time okay and so what that is is it's just water

the grounds meeting with the sky which is called perspective okay which is the

horizon and that's just typical mirroring effect where you're gonna see

things from the bottom up disappear what is the scientific theory on this earth

discussion because I know science is number eight aren't they saying that

there is ball well they can say whatever they want but I mean is the way that

that theory no is that what the theory is with most Sciences yeah well the

theory is is gravity okay yes gravity causes the earth to become a ball shape

with water because of the mass I mean there's something very serious is going

to be so incredibly huge topic I'll flatten a flat curve equipped non

pollution non climate change non well you believe in climate change why do you

believe in climate change because I would just accent the perch and the

disadvantage of having a flat curve as opposed to a circular so if we have a

flat curve so that means all of these climate changes is eliminated or is it

getting worse because a third being flat yes there's no there's halation there is

no climate change there's no I mean earth sea changes its degree and

temperature all the time part of the part of the theory is that there could

be more land it could be we just don't know we know

and they 70% water yeah you know like the Antarctic ice wall that could

surround a flat earth and then but but isn't that receding according to

scientists have been there you know they're claiming that the atlantic ice

with all the Penguins and all the stuff is receding backwards no I don't think

you understand this is the idea that water has to be contained right like

it's the lake right right okay so if there is the alleged ice wall then

that's what's holding all the water in and so if there is like a canal or if

there is some kind of a way to traverse over okay the Antarctic ice wall and

maybe go a couple hundred miles and then drop down to another you know from an

ice wall you could possibly see more land and more water or maybe the ice

wall doesn't exist at all and it's just water and land go on forever of course

God is free man I appreciate it I appreciate I will yeah I would

definitely go do a little bit of research and see what the arguments for

and against get a flat earth as opposed to around thank you guys thanks a lot

have a good day out there

should have a chauffeur ma'am you interested in the platter

right here you'd like a brochure right is it flat you can look out at the water

the water slap and then when you consider that three-quarters of the

world is ocean it has to be flattened yeah and if you have you ever used a

bubble level why is that a bubble it's to actually define level and use water

because water always seeks its own level okay so the surface and the water is

always going to be flat that's why that's one of the reasons why global is

not true

see what do you think about the moon landing I know you know yeah

there is there anything that comes on the news that you question that it's

true or not no so everything that you're given by mainstream news is true okay

what if they prepackaged those news items and they were given to your local

news by the government prepackaged think about that you know that it's legal for

the United States to propagate information that's not true to the

American public yeah you should check out the last video

I put up g-dub number one or g-dub jr. talks about propaganda and how it's okay

whatever happened to that wedding was nasty with that

no no but we've been there a couple times to have our meetings there no but

you know the funny thing about that is there is their slogan says research the

water yeah what is this thing that's a cell phone you know what a cell phone is

you know okay why do you hang up like that though because it's recording well

yeah well no no cuz you're not in front of the camera

you know that they're recording you over the intersection there did you know that

you know that they're recording you on top of that calendar did you know that

your cell phone records you audio and your camera records you constantly what

kind of phone do you have you have an apple yeah if you say right now

Siri something it'll activate so it's always listening yeah so you should

probably be more aware of you know well it's gonna go on YouTube and then don't

well you should always be aware this camera right here it's right in front of

everybody so that's what I tell - yep I wish I could have I wish I could get all

my video recordings deleted when I'm at an intersection or in a store you know

when you go in to target their recording you are you gonna go into the Security

office and tell them to stop recording you I'm just saying man you know you're

being watched all the time even through your house

me myself and I and Lois's with herself

we're just sharing the idea of the earth being a firm motionless flame and it

kind of contradicts you know common knowledge right a lot of people think

they live in a globe a lot of people used to share information

so I guess we're just going back to the past you because you kind of seemed like

you just you know no offense but you believe a lot of what you're just taught

and told and you don't question authority you know so I would encourage

you to start being a little bit more critically minded and you know at least

hear both sides of the story you know whatever happened to those weapons of

mass destruction right first of all I agree with you 100% you do a hundred

percent yeah I've seen all Eric debates videos all

that sighs I mean I got the books to Colton do I know about the United

Nations flag that's a good fighter flag all of them I've been reading a study

for at least two years okay hey I'm onboard

check out my youtube channel oh you're gonna use to share this whoa two or

three times okay the whole thing yeah I'm all on board with this

100% yep I've been reading this whole thing for a couple years now

yeah I mean the OTD TV yeah you're gonna go to the conference in November

where's the genome Denver oh no I will leave up the big boys yeah Denver so I

didn't do mobile speed with them okay cool thank you thank you sir

hey man hey that's alright man you have an uncanny resemblance to Neil deGrasse

Tyson uncanny for him to walk around with another flat earther guy looks

almost exactly like Neil deGrasse Tyson

but there you go I mean you know guys hanging out with this friend there they

both have totally opposite viewpoints on the earth but they can get along

you know when it's also about you know you could even use the the idea then

it's not even about flat earth it's about what you can question what you

can't nobody would ever want to have the idea to control your mind and if there

was more land they would just want to share it yeah they've they're totally

open to sharing and they're honest just like the roster out yeah you know

just spread the wealth around you know they do yeah they're already doing

they're always doing charitable things they would never you know create a

disaster to then create the Red Cross and have people donate to that you know

does that money that good is donated to those types of organizations always goes

to the victims

do you see him yes yeah everybody in the world is honest and nobody is greedy if

they had cures they'd cure people if they had an alternative way to get

people healthy they would totally share that publicly if an herb would do it

they make those they would create a whole entire industry for that they

would buy up land and they would put that herb on that land so that they can

make more of it that's what they do it sound like they

make those are sterile so no no they don't they wouldn't make a terminator

seat how you doing it is you should come live for a meeting sometime all right

Todd your twins do yeah Monsanto would never make a like a terminator seed you

know where it only terminates once

you know if something was cheaper to make and grew faster than cotton I don't

know maybe I've heard about him they would have because hemp is useless

that's why we have cotton you know and that's that's why we have tobacco and

barley fields because hemp and you know marijuana those are bad you know so yeah

they would allow people to use it and if hemp was cheaper and was stronger than

cotton for clothing we would have that but you know it's a good thing that we

have somebody controlling protecting it's been protecting us from ourselves

because if we didn't have somebody to protect us from ourselves then you know

we'd panic I know and we might start thinking that other viewpoints

your brochures we're interested

okay I'll sit I'll stop by a box by

you know ma'am if we had if we had some other alternative medicine we would

totally open that - so just hold tight and and science will work for your

benefit and you know we'll have cures eventually hemo say I am this family

member who suffered terribly you know before dying they didn't help

him I just heard it oh well that's you know that's typical I mean so it but it

is beneficial you know it does help some good well you see this is a globe right

sure yeah so they just there make it like 30 bucks you do you typically

believe everything that you're told by mainstream news

okay but but that's just that but where we live is just confirmed in your heart

by the same people that tell you your news actually you think flatters happy

skeptical I like the idea of being skeptical we don't know we've never seen

the curvature if I'd never been to space

I mean you could even use the philosophical idea of maybe we just want

to say to Europe it's flat just to find out what we can't say

we have no motive there's no motive we are honest people we wouldn't we would

we would never withhold information but

no you know they don't fight wars over land they they fight wars because people

just don't get along and they they want to help people yeah

yeah it's it's really about helping and just helping people you know see that if

if we have democracy you know we can bring a democratic state to that area

and all your answers are all your questions are answered

well when the bombs fallen people do you think they might hurt something

those are alleged bombs yeah we don't we would never bomb an area that we didn't

have 100% confirmation that the terrorists are in that building if

there's innocent people in those buildings we would totally hold off on

bombing that area you mean the when they have like a bride the groom it's it's

just costumes yeah yeah the we would we would never you

know set up an idea that you know the event isn't actually taking place you

know so if we would never have collateral damage well some people say

that the CIA goes into them

you know has its problems well that's just that's a conspiracy theory oh yeah

we would never do that

yeah well I mean you just got to be more aware we will will present you with

ideas and we're here to help you you know we're here to offer you

authoritative content that you can trust and we present to you news anchors that

you become familiar with and they have a great you know smile and offer you real

content because they're out there investigative reporting on the events

that happened we would never have you know you know set up a movie Saturday

night that and you know have green screens behind the reporter well again

that's another conspiracy theory I would I would direct you away from those those

those get you thinking - you know crazy ideas and you know again we're here to

help you we're here to make sure that we have

your best interest in mind you know I just you know I have a little hard time

understanding physics

tell me you know how how does gravity hold the oceans on to the brown ball oh

that's a great question it's like this yeah it's really that simple

oh so we get it you get it yeah yeah just I'm glad I could clear that up for

you and then you know I I'm not I'm not you know the brightest

what is it the sharpest knife in the drawer

yeah brightest light on the Christmas tree yeah yes I mean I kind of need

things spelled out so I just wonder you know like if you have the earth and the

Sun and there's a pole between them hmm and the pole gets stronger the bigger

the the bigger the body right so how come how come the earth doesn't

crash into the Sun well that's really easy to understand okay you got it

yeah now I understand okay great that's why I'm here because we want to make

sure that we answer your questions so that's clear who you can trust

you look really trustworthy except for the bowtie yeah I get that a lot it's

bit tacky but that's okay yeah and and you know in regards to the Sun it's just

there are the spinning that's why the Sun is going in that direction

just pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

I had one more question Oh

well you know space is an infinite vacuum isn't that right yeah I mean you

know layman's terms I guess you could call it that

yeah well you know that's better for you to understand when I put you know like

oh my god some you know like little crumbs and stuff on the carpet mmm and I

take a vacuum cleaner and I run it over the crumbs

yeah they get sucked up into the vacuum cleaner mmm so I'm just wondering I mean

know how comes I hope the infinitive vacuum there should be a big strong back

right how come it doesn't suck everything off the earth including the

oceans have you seen space balls you know the lady the giant vacuum that's

sucking she puts the vacuum on the earth and she sucks all the air out yeah so

you're wondering why it doesn't work much like that and it just you know this

giant vacuum sucks everything else yeah well I heard there's truth in movies

yeah yeah and there's that's alleged you know I wouldn't get too deep into that

you know be careful okay you get done to other conspiracies and again we're here

to help you know but to answer your question

no it's actually stationary so you haven't been in the water

what do you think about the idea of the years being a firm motionless plane

never thought I mean never really looked into it yeah that's good that's good I'm

a scientist and we wouldn't want you to indulge in conspiratorial ideas well

read this yes

I think that should go at it like that I should go at it and the man on that

you're the flatterer and I'm a scientist and try to get them to stay away I'll be

like no you come on I'm scientist we could we'd never lie you

let me get a picture of you in the charity for these people are oh yeah

I could just bring this alright yeah what does connect them

hey you can explain to the audience that you know you shrunk yourself down you're

a scientist or something like that yeah a shrink ray

way it should circle up there's one

seems to give you a new attitude yeah

we should do that picture real quick then

you know some people say that they used to take their picture with their hand

and they're in their home oh yeah you know and some people say it was just

sort of like a convention of the times you know having a portrait taken like

that and then others say it's a sign of a freemason hello right

yeah there's a lot of you know but it's really be intent of what you're doing

with it you know same with numbers you know if you if you see people keep doing

hand signs and whatnot I mean it could just be there gesturing or you know

could be something that they do because they are are you doing hand signs and

it's just really about the intent behind it you know everybody is 33 years old at

some point in their life you know those who make it to that rate but just cause

you're 33 years old doesn't mean you're a freemason no I mean right and that's

why you have to add their sermon you know

I brought a little flashlight for the Sun right

I think people can latch on to the idea of the planetarium

because I think most people have been to a planetarium it is kind of

extraordinary how how closely it approximates the night sky yeah and yet

it's done with lights on a can on a CGI canvas and a digital display they just

never crosses people's minds that that same idea could you know be above us

that we're stationary and the things above us are moving it's quite amazing

how much it it resembles the nice and yet people want to think that there are

balls and there's no real reason to believe that there are balls up there

unless that's what you were told by men in blue jackets

did you have a dinosaur skeleton on the screw

you want some information man little pamphlet for you

you got a kid Peter at home yeah here you go just pop that in and wash away

Cheers thanks you two

I heard him I heard him saying to his family the

earth probably is flat because the government's been lying to us and I

don't believe anything they say that's what midnight that's why I got

him over here

oh yeah yep the darker-skinned generation certainly has its its own

personal issues with the government for sure and I think that you know people

you know European ancestry they tend to be much more trust

we have brochures if you like it's just paper thanks thanks a lot

this pretty simple kids can look at it too

and they the colonnades kids when they do get to school high school students

and so on they'll be the ones asking the questions to the teachers

smartypants sounds like you've been doing a little bit too much independent

thinking we have to do something about that

gonna have to come to detention stay away from your house to send CPS to your

house and you guys keep asking individual thoughts and questions to put

a stop to that

is that the last one

makes me feel useful productive you know as if we were like you know robots and

yeah pick up the pace pick up the pace you're holding us all back yeah how

could you talk about this flatter stuff it's so I'm connected

I'm productive it's it's holding us back

that's probably terrible it's pretty bad you couldn't pay me to swim in a lake

anymore with all the chemtrails and everything I

go to the ocean are you doing we got some information for ya nothing wrong

with getting the other side of the conversation right

some nice biodegradable paper here okay what does that prove

okay can I show you how it's not I mean you can go around a penny okay well I

have gone over Lois I've gone around the earth

I'm a traveler I'm a scholar I've gone around the earth

to the block no I know it's a big old ball

I have an uncle who has a brother who has a son whose wife's co-worker works


doesn't everybody

I know as those guys have a lot of nephews


I wonder if it's a hump in the middle you know like this

I wonder who the humping

they need to curb you just can't see it yeah paddleboating on this leg must be

exhausting having to go up over that and then you can relax when you go down

these people do with my image what's a bad band they do

they are drunk food

yeah you want to chat about it yeah

he goes is this real no this isn't real man this is just a hologram we're just

we're a hologram an elaborate hologram

well they get the point wave you know even though it doesn't say it may be big

letters they're pleased at the point well there's a yellow and black research

flattered little box there


we're gonna remember to grab that sign too because the last two times I've put

a sign up like that I forgotten them

seven bucks for a sign like that



I put in batteries to get caller ID so I just do it to stubborn yeah anyway so

you know I answer pleasantly enough because I don't know who it's gonna be

he said well this is Jessica of course it was reporting you know I

just want to ask one quick survey question

oh well thank you other questions

as you said do you think that a police officer is a dangerous drug


a contributing to their database just a flattering

they're gonna they're gonna study every aspect there they're even going to have


yep take to document when you how often yeah it is pretty Fitz are probably

analyzed you know nobody would do that conspiracy we got a brochure here for

you guys if you want


why do you we wouldn't know

can you imagine going in buying these car

just take a zero away

I like your question you mean nobody would ever lie to something

want to chat about in them yeah why would you rate

first time and they're the ones that said is this real

baby shoes hearing loss you hear that yeah yeah

so me


they do a man

any questions you've ever thought of regarding the topic well here's the

dragon red frontier a sure thing man take your time this is the basics basic

101 stops yeah my youtube channel is on the front cover there and check it out

sometime okay yes have a good walk out there


would you like a brochure biodegradable huge kind of looking at the lake here we

notice it's flat on time it's what

yeah it is like the ocean hi we just have this here because people kind of

relate to it you know because they've seen this throughout their school and so

you know that when they think of the earth they think of a round ball it's

kind spinning it does this does not make sense at all it's a mean person yeah


interestingly he seems you know bearing on but still

yeah I think a lot of its gonna come to fruition this fall when kids go back to

school I really think a lot of people a lot of kids are gonna start asking


yeah but then they're gonna find out what they can and can't talk about you

know not necessarily you know good thing no I mean well I mean you know when you

got a band-aid you just rip it off you just don't go here by here you know so

it's better that they learn while they're young in this country what you

can and can't say and talk about then to get older and just get consumed in the

reality in the matrix if you will and then you never question because you got

a family a job and you know you get sucked up

yeah I talked about the kid in my neighborhood ten years

it's perfectly often mind and father might watch a little bit and anyone

school yeah Maggie tell me one you know you know you know like I don't

you know I suppose you know some universe it might be possible for some


just like you know like even my family tried to talk me in tonight you know on

the pancake serious and you know engineers say the pan like I'm like

shrugging my shoulders and you know throwing my hands okay well you know who

am i I'm not a I'm not an engineer you know yeah that's what they want to

believe them you know let them believe that you know that's what they want to

believe you talked to him for five or ten minutes and then they come back to

you and they give you some second and third party information from people

they've never met before be okay yeah that's what we want to believe then

you're just you're meant to be deceived yeah you're meant to be like you're just

meant to live in the matrix and die here if this is your home love it this isn't

my home I don't love this place like I don't I hate this place so much

and I want to hopefully drag people with me and make and wake them up and so that

they realize that this is just a big lie yeah but some people are gonna just

never gonna wake up like those kids the other day you know they're getting

they're always gonna be lost from yesterday the answer's no I don't think

you knew who are paying attention you see it

though some kids they really are open mind like this killer just came by

the same kid you know his teachers are terrorizing him about Zika virus

Dehlia scared of mosquitos and stop chat about it sir so apologetic for bothering

me sir

just like how you doing sir presenting an alternative viewpoint what do you

think I look a little disappointed yeah

good question no I don't like it were you no offense

please don't take it as offense but were you alive when they allegedly landed on

the moon okay you saw it on TV okay live

well I'm just asking you a direct question essentially know that your

spear model is a joke sir yeah I mean I can I go to you like math at all no you

don't want to look at the math I can prove to you by math that your globe is


I hope you're a scientist and I play one on YouTube and I have numbers to prove

to you that you're being to see some good questions to provoke your thought I

love it there's this plan okay if you give me two proofs that you live on a


so if you're on the coast okay ship is sailing


but it doesn't get smaller smaller smaller disappears

and that there are communication satellites there's the space station

what makes you think that hold

well I can address your first prove what makes me happy yes I asked your I

answered you do me the courtesy of answering mine yeah should I address

your questions yes my question is what makes you think the earth is flat are

you going to address that or not yes or no so when you see the ship going over

the right I'm going to answer Mike I am answering them do you think so it's a

yes-or-no question do you think the earth is flat

yeah why do you think that because when a ship you think is going over the

horizon that means that the water is mirroring off of the horizon so it's

natural refraction how does the horizon here

because the light from the Sun so it's just explain to me this listen this is

absent explain to me how the atmosphere how's that for riots that's how when

you're walking down a path from me draw me a diagram show me how brazen right

okay I'll actually show you what the visual here do you mind watching a

visual no you show me am I asking you to pull up a visual you show me you cannot

explain to me yes I can't give you use immediately

let me explain I'm interrupting me you keep dropping me yeah you're right I did

okay because we shall we take time when you see a quote ship going over the

horizon that is natural mirroring so the plan the water is rearing the what the

horizon so the bottom is always going to disappear first so drum music we've

explained to me how the natural I do it that's why I'm here I mean then here's

here's so explain to me this is haptic yeah you're right Blaine to me yeah you

have a pen

yes I don't have okay that I can show you on a visual yeah its perspective man

you know we don't see the horizon I'm sorry go ahead

you know we can't see forever I don't know

the tracks are going to look like they go right to the other and it's the same

if you're looking the horizon will come together and then you'll have a flat

line rises to the level of your eyes no I

think you misunderstood that's not missing the ship does not converge or

disappear the bottom of the ship is obscured by the curvature of the earth

I'm saying that you are misunderstood severe

that's immense that's where my understanding everything the the Greeks

know about this they when a ship was arriving they would see the mast of the

ship first see you have to go like you have to go like is this correct

right right right so it depends on the right so you know you see it and you're

not gonna see that's exactly where you think their world is flat do you even

know the radio do you even know the circumference of your earth it's like

why would you ask that if you mean they'll let you would if you believe

what you were saying that the alleged I'm not gonna look at that the alleges

so that's honest this is on a straight level bridge the camera is on the

grounds and you're gonna see the bottom of the bike disappear first

this is a dry day just like you're looking at right now I don't think the

bottom of the bike of disrepair including the curvature of the earth

perch of the earth is this is this is exactly what you're seeing on water

yeah yeah yeah so I show you proof right here no you show me a video that you

claim to know I'm showing you why you think the bottom of things disappear

first and that's because there's natural mirroring right here I'm showing you

right here you deny use your own your own court science and then when you lift

the camera up that's what you're gonna see look what happens to sons when it's

quote setting it's over there's water okay you have a son it's not a chef

yeah but the son is going then overload of horizon and so there's a natural

theory happening right in front of you well so that's again explain to me the

optics draw me a diagram there's a pen draw me a diagram you can you can clean

themselves draw me a diagram show me how the diffraction or refraction or

whatever it is just draw me a diamond to do why don't you draw me what you think

we said yeah I explained here I'm not trying to convince myself at all then

why are we having this because he stops and I'm showing you right here that the

earth this why the water is doing

which I'm not I'm walking into this without any preparation so you will not

accept that there is evidence out there that I can cite that will support a

counter-argument you're not going to accept that that yes or no

you will not accept evidence that runs counter to what you're claiming is that

it yes so answering olala you're done talking so I can talk

though right yeah I just asked you a question

cite that information and then I can observe it and I can use my own personal

discernment on whether or not what you're showing these guys are you guys

taking any kind of why is that why not no but I'm just asking because

it's gonna go on YouTube so that that other people in the public and observe

pro and con so enter so you review at the mostess without my permission

oh yeah why would you do that because I don't need your permission could you

show me the law when I need your permission no but I'm asking your

commanding you a question why would you do that you have an agenda yeah because

I was displaying this on youtube so that everybody in public across the world can

observe positive and negative information for and against flattered

through over okay this R here of laughs earth is a

public that's oh okay it's a public discussion that let's let's lay out some

rules I will have a conversation you're gonna make the rules let's let's agree

on some rules you gotta agree or not tell me what you were always should take

turns we should not step on each other's


so explain to me how communication satellites orbit the Earth will explain

that it's explained that if you can't explain that then I think this is just a

waste of your time and mine obviously have some kind of agenda location set

communication satellites orbit the Earth they do okay so you agree so they orbit

the Earth I know I asked you a question no okay

satellites don't exist so what is this some judge did you

answer the question what is this a picture of them so we disagree Sant I

believe that satellites exists okay do you agree that satellites okay so do you

believe in satellites 99% of communication done on earth is through

fiber optics and believe in satellites or not can you please stop interrupting

me because you made up your own rules right

am i interrupting okay yeah you are right so maybe you should be quiet for

okay we've got 150 105 by 25 seconds okay when we're done talking do you

believe satellites are real yesterday mentioned a percent of communication

done under this new fiber optics and ground choppers the other percentage is

landlines and the other part of that percentage is through high-altitude


believe it or not these not these

because nobody would ever lie to you about anything right about your reality

there's there would no buddy whatever life good chat with him because I use

your satellites and Space Center all CGI I'll buy you a coffee for each satellite

and outer space you can find on your phones

be the incentive so so of the three of us are detectives right and we showed up

out of crime scene and we see that to control our laying down there with a

knife next for them you say oh my god I can't believe somebody would you know

what's the move

don't some motors or would you look at the

that the investigation you would find out what the motive

every day Nancy gets fifty million dollars a day

to give use CGI elephant's of other things so these two gentlemen over here

believe that this is a real settlement okay but this is a satellite but it's on

the ground so when you see publicity gentleman over

there what a believe everything that works bad by the government PC gentlemen

are exactly trying to accept everything that is given to them by nation state to

grabbing or to throw a ball

question authority goes against what people look

we'll walk around

otherwise science

science means the study of like this

why does it have to be

to something

well back to my point my point is something

craters objects away 40,000 I'm saying call a massage and the moon does not

reflect the light onto the moon

I'm saying it was created to be its own light to dominate the night the CERN

that you see will embarrass to dominate the game

so that's the lose a lesser light and the Sun is a greater life you know how

one one one projects no that's like you nerd one projects you know that the new

light also for deaths cold

that's crazy I mean I'm trying to hear you out but it's just like science I

mean I'm educated I I've done I've been been to the University of Minnesota I've

taken my biology class there so it's just it's a hard sell but I like the

fact that you just challenge except to say that you're just

you've just been going to church this is not a satellite and outer space this

right here this is not from space that's all there is a thinking they admit that

they can't answer that what they're doing is using high-altitude balloon

spy plane type cameras recording on a flat motion McClane and turning into a

composite adding lights color and they're turning in a few deputies

really you can look it up you can look it up on YouTube and there's this guy

who ordered for NASA and he did some of the computer-generated images and he

admits on their lose their folder sharks they're not real make sure they're not

quarters you know he says you can get him

Robert Simmons I know it's just so hard to think about that you don't believe

Libre we have a universe with in there

how do you know that where's the 30 things from anywhere like

I said it's based off of my education my my vision of seeing

the son of the spear in shape but I mean if that's in outer space shining down on

this light it's just aggravating the noble gases in the air that our eyes

interpret as light so is that do you believe that that's a burning

so it's even why would they like

yeah why would they why would anybody lie

right I mean I just can't that's one of the most difficult questions to get into

because you haven't looked critically at the evidence provided regarding platter

and various other conspiratorial type ideas and coincidence theories to

explain why they would lie it would be totally over your head no offense but I

mean what do you think about 9/11

that's that's not at all the truth now do you think we landed on the moon also

I brush the ball to go because that one building next to the tower

like I wasn't it wasn't hit by anything yeah building 7 collapse destroyed

things don't sort of control the mind I mean you know no offense man and please

don't take my offence but what if their motive was just to control your mind and

make you think like things are happening that they're really not it's a dialect a

galleon dialects so they're doing one filled with one hand and doing another

with the others I mean if you believe that guys can take over airplanes with

box cutters I hope Flat Earth was able to wake you

up man because you've been building seven like

he was talking about collapse my office fires and it wasn't even mentioned in

denial Commission report that's the official

government document so

if you look at look at building seven it just goes straight down into

and only takes seconds yeah I have a family trying to trace

I can believe that powers-that-be this attack or whatever motivation a lot

of carrier terrorism but then I also to believe that people could just

capitalize on what happened and say where we're gonna sense these are down

with us and the descriptions that are building that has all of our evidence of

all of our transaction history they could maybe get an insurance claim or

something off of that because now there's no nothing laughter I don't know

I just I did question that because that was weird

well I mean just as long as you guys have a job and watch the Twins game

where you play later tonight you pay your taxes that's exactly where they

want to do the job because you're busy it consumes and exhausted from working

family and your friends and everything and you know stuff like this isn't

important to most people and I just so happened to have a lot of free time and

I don't have a girlfriend I don't know much you know holding me back you know a

lot of people who do understand flatter than they have degrees and have going to

school they can't say anything because they have families they have a job you

know five years away from their pension or whatever


you know these kind of like you don't I mean I don't think it's a fair thank you

any time to articulate to me why what happened after 9/11

I mean auteur y'all gonna have things to things that happen if a lot of things

happen things

weapons of mass destruction did they ever find those weapons of mass

destruction did they ever find the mass years if you ever come across them

finding those weapons of mass destruction I always thought to play

just okay well they went in that area because George Bush jr. said that there

were weapons of mass destruction hidden by Saddam Hussein did they ever find

those weapons of mass destruction no they didn't so their whole entire one of

their motives to go into that area was a complete another body and yeah now you

get molested when you go into an airport now because of 9/11 which is totally

off-base and we shouldn't have that happen because if you look up the

definition for terrorists you will see that it has to do with your own

government has nothing to do with people overseas with box cutters trying to do

something through America terrorism is done by your own country

so whenever you hear about terrorism and Isis

I can't wait please do something then walk away in

the fluorinated state of asking the question I think that I'm talking to him

in a sense that is over it is over itself because if you think that a bunch

of guys and box cutters can take over an airplane with military personnel on the

plane like pilots that's Hollywood that's Hollywood talk I mean that's

crazy boy meet some of the guys and that one plane supposedly overpowered them

right you know how many miles away the Sun is 93 million miles in Jamaica that

number means propaganda what about the guys in Europe who tried to hijack that

guy in front of hypothet train or terrorize that dream you have machine

gun and those guys stopped him they literally carbonate

and he had a machine gun I think they got shot I mean the guys got shot okay

allegedly why didn't you happen I'm just saying

I'm just saying if a guy can get stopped with the machine gun by three guys or

it's all for amateurs allegedly the prepackaged your news man

did you know that like it's legal for the u.s. government to propagandize the

news there's no investigative reporting they

create news because they're power-hungry and they're control freaks

five bucks for a pork sandwich if you share it on social media that might be a

real news story but anything else that's happening overseas you've really got to

take away the grain of salt yeah like seriously what are you streaming on to

I'll put it this up

I thought about this all Akari of my social media for my own yes because I

feel like it's dumbing down our country

you know who's to collect your information it's the collector person's

thoughts what people are interested um because we're still in infantile stages

what social media is going to be the beans that's it's all brand new we're

riding that compressed right now like I predict like 50 years from now we're

gonna see that and I literally sling

because people on social media would literally agree with something just so

that they're a part of something just so that they feel in their is connected

that someone or something even if they don't necessarily agree with it it's

because they want their social status to me I'm part of this so it's like there's

a great quote like prove thinking is like fiction is like a dump drunk giant

like moving around it's like a herd of buffalo like changing directions every

which way but it's just running rampant while realize what it's potentially

doing to ban it that's that's our problem I have I got rid of all my

social care before I wasn't like I would put on stuff like that you're talking


people organizing to try to demean you or face your name like you like it

that's like political entity or whatever motivation they have they see you as

like an outcast we see you as a leader so they want to smear you can't they

have a smear campaign against you that's our agreement seal everyone just

crickets crickets normal savings so you either you're like everyone's like

afraid that's gonna happen to them yeah or they don't want to unite and like

actually take a stand against it because if you come together no one can do

anything to you because you can't do it to everyone people are afraid of things

getting infiltrated you know so fear is the guiding light for a lot of Americans

of why they just passively accepted yeah they look up at the sky and they see

seven chemtrail open this time and they just think that that's okay

like oh that's a weird confirmation just a street or a cloud right across er hmm

and then they just go to water I have social media because that's what the

majority of this population users

other people

and so that's why I see a lot of people who walk by the sign with you they keep

their high because if they see something I guess my next question would be what

research have you done - and I know I'm not saying you're necessarily this

position is that you had explained that what if the earth kept rolling like

water and financial campaign to go to the North Pole because all of our

compass to support North right I would love to find out why our company 21 a

lot of people are distracted by Antarctica the answer to alleged ice

wall that's down there so if water needs to be in a container you know like his

this is azimuthal equidistant map so all the water would be held in by this wall

right well regardless if water goes on and land goes on forever or it's held

into this container water level and right now you know that's your total

that's that's how you know you're here in this physical realm and if you start

to investigate how all of your pictures of outer space are all painting

I know watching NASA yeah document documentarian for an hour

would you believe in like all of its yeah

Korra's mantle and we have like some abduction Jones some abduction zones and

my fault lines and that's what causes volcanoes and earthquakes and tsunamis

that doesn't breed that around

you happen to know how far allegedly human beings have drilled in here

no I know but we remind the earth oh well it could be seen to outer space

what mining has done for the basic so to get so they have like seismographs and

you have stuff that go down thousand nine hundred and ninety miles to go down

to some abductions on one plane and that's what makes us what makes it a

minute sedimentary rock but I swear learning my science I know I know we

drilled eight miles into what this is allegedly called pick a little burr how

do you know what's in the center of the Tipsy pop three months three thousand

nine hundred and ninety two miles because it's at the bottom of the ocean

floor there's gas and sulfur and there's man coming out

volcanoes can exist on a level motionless not spinning flame

so I guess now before the bathroom yes you said if I'm out of spear and we're

not that mirror like like cylinder flat cylinder and how do you told me they

told me general stuff like you know what it looks like if we can't get high

enough to see what the entire land I put the gold on anything so how do you tie

it up

taking shuttles outer space I just showed you pictures that are planetarium

all right you sit here and you look up so do some lights and these

constellations and all this stuff are man-made

to put a plan versus put a plan you don't give any sunlight oh I can create

a life that is exactly like the sunlight and it's an artificial life what you

couldn't make that late we could make that late rotate around us rotating

around we're not rotating first is a firm

motionless plane it's not spinning spinning right now I'm spinning right

now we're orbiting it stops minutes

it's like gravitational pull and it's what happens with planets in our solar

system orbiting around

there's the Sun okay here's the Sun now gravity will pull too much the

gravitational pulls our solar system has it now there we go

planets in a world we've got it now see

okay here okay here we go now we're gonna have some gravity well how if

gravity is doing that then why is it gravity pulling this moon to us

maybe maybe one day down the line will just be another sports planet

could you show me an orbit

welcome people to Norway because well imagine

so just demonstrate to us how gravity works I mean that's advanced really hard

here I'll demonstrate why is it no but gravity also makes things orbit well I

need to see you actually you know when to drown so you so dropping the water

bottle is gravity okay okay but why can't you demonstrate the orbit that's

called obesity but if you could just demonstrate with to us orbit orbits

gravity so we spelled again no I have this of course you are when we asked her

tits obesity I'm not obese

we're actually just talking about gravity and

Oh guys honestly I like what you're doing I like that you're challenging

something know through our history I learned that at the University of

Minnesota to my political church no in my political science class they share

things have to be challenged or you'll never find the truth so I appreciate

what you guys are trying to do regardless with you're right you're

wrong because you're challenging things and so I admire that okay that's great

but you also demonstrated gravity here but why can't you demonstrate in orbit

because I know gravity also I target sway me what it is I don't have all the

planets you can't get one straight go around you know because gravity is not

real that's why yeah it's just nomenclature for why and how things fall

to the ground what is the terminology for things

falling to the ground of the lake and floating to the top of the surface what

is that call like if we were to bring this balloon 50 feet to the middle of

the lake what would the balloon do well actually lakes have a thing called Lake

stratification and the lakes actually recycle themselves they actually

actually have a film that gathers in the middle of the lake and then when that

becomes so heavy that it's more dense than the water it pushes in a tree flush

and that's the lakes natural lakes natural way of cleaning itself and so

even lakes have gravity too it just takes something denser than the water

you know that's like that's the reason why water is soft but if you jumped up

get the story building you die humanity water because it's sold dense that you

could get it and bring all your fault order property of water is seats that's


that's why we use terms like sea-level

level doesn't that prove that gravity is holding the water down so it's been you

honor them because wherever Joe is fending on forever we have pockets of

water like lakes it's all just popped into those holes in the ground it's not

always weighted down well what about the ocean one of these what about the ocean

ocean it's been don't how is it that you live here this is curved water look this

is this is your globe this is where you believe you live water doesn't do this

show us bendy water show us an observation of how to how to have bengi

water I see what you try I see your point there

if you want it's not that simply it's great I'm not yes it is it's definitely

explain it I'm just I'm gonna soul I'm gonna include you so much man that you

are believing in a fancy room you are not in reality bends and and the earth

is spinning around at a thousand miles an hour around the Sun and the Sun and

our solar system is traveling at a half a million miles an hour and then that is

traveling through the Milky Way at 1.5 million miles an hour through the Gallic

- the Milky Way galaxy man this fantasy that's that's a story

combination so fortunate people believe that you know

I mean I guess if the earth was flat like you're saying and it's not pretty

water then you could pull off the earth you could literally walk to the edge did

you just forget what we talked about five minutes ago that's why you have

your theory that it's infinite why does the infinite let's say you haven't seen

this from outer space so how do you even though you live here Space Shuttle with

this yeah where has he gone and you just say no you can't I'm done

then you should just carry on man you can carry on I'm done you can believe in

Santa Claus that's fine man no I'm just I'm done with you

same thing

because it goes forever I'm not saying anything I'm saying there's no edge if

there was an epidural I guess that I'd like like what you guys

are saying while challenging things but science is going to disprove you at the

time yep science bro that's church that's fine

not so much at four years old at four years old no later than that but okay so

you weren't ever shown a globe in kindergarten cuz I got a I got a kidney

garden book right here that kind of proves that you've learned about the

globe all the way till you could first walk so sorry I'm trying

oh well don't let us bother you about your music I just need your over so is

that there's not there is not curable evidence based on the geometric

measurements or geography and geometry combined not getting the curvature that

should be seen based on the size in the kid here at this

oh right I just noticed that when I say their photographs and they look pretty

darn photographic yep there's different size could it be a may be distortion in

the lens or something else that I've not that I don't know so much about

regarding telescopes hey hey hey it's more just muttering your shoe in the


okay so I mean I think you know we as humans are

but some of the time you know images are not true a lot of people have seen the

movie gravity for example and some people actually think that yeah it looks

very realistic yeah and so and some people will just believe when they cheat

to them the actress was motors baby so but you know once you realize that

these images are not true and then that takes away a lot of the proof and

they've never proved

Josh when you've just given them well

you know it's just it is it is mentally draining


they've they believe so much and what they were taught in education kept

bringing up his educational prowess well the U of M is doing this and doing

that you know and unless it was taught to him through the U of M you know it's

not gonna fall in line with that

science bro oh there's your balloon over there

hey my man

hey my man you're irresponsible Louis with your balloons

I'm still waiting for someone to show me more oh yeah well we because I'm trying

to understand what what happens he wouldn't show us he just wouldn't show

us he did the mic the mic drop though you did the might use a master at the

mic drop it twice you did it twice you might just see far enough to realize the

earth isn't flat this is called gravity

and then he objected because this was

yeah yeah

I'd be happy to demonstrate if I believed in orbit


authorities here

because Linnaean have the track hoe what's faster especially you know

because they could've least make up some good lines yeah

it's said they've got huge gaps in their theory there's a huge gap between us and

the Sun apparently right Chad about it hey right on well we got a Brook I

watched some videos we got a brochure here for you

you did huh what do you think you just think you're walking up there and we're

just please before it's a fine biscuit oh yeah that was long time ago yeah was

it yeah but that was just appreciating then only for brave ladies like you're

staying here yes so you Hubble we're supporting going against mainstream what

if you like to give us two examples of your science that supports you say like

curvature so you're specifically looking for the curvature of the earth you can


and it rises to the eye and the person also you wouldn't see the earth on the

other side but you see it because it's flat so what what are you even proposing

though that it's just a flat

actually you know what there's a this is college matter like you said

so it's like a coin like what happens when you get to the edge so what if

using that observation you were to climb up over the two or three hundred foot

ice wall and the three of us tracks five hundred miles in one direction and then

drop down another ice wall and then had more land and water in front of us and

we kept doing that over and over and over again and it just went on forever

on YouTube you know an old clip black and white from the 1950s break and he

says and they ask them is there anything else to explore and he says well you

know I went test when I went down to Antarctica I went past and art and I

found another continent similar in size to North America and full of mineral

wealth so you know I mean this is psy he was

military and believe it or not but in any event you know it is just

the Antarctic ice

no you're limited on to where you can go because of the Antarctic Treaty so when

you're able to use treaties as a means to say that you're protecting wildlife

you're able to control where people can and can't help so even if we say that we

can't trust NASA there's so many commercial satellites out in space who

protected see did you show me one show us an idea what do you mean no I mean

show me a settler I mean you believe that they're up there right yeah do you

ever use yes yes and you're using ground towers to triangulate your position so

satellites have nothing to do with wireless communication like your cell

phone is it pointed straight up okay I feel like we're probably not

gonna get anywhere with this conversation what your sees feel there's

no such thing like a conspiracy and that word not exist in the English no I I do

think that there are probably things that we've all come to believe that we

need more I just don't think that the shape of the earth is okay so do you

have one more proof you gave us one do you have another proof of the earth

being a sphere so do you think all of the planets are

flat Lent you like what planets are you referring to oh you don't think there

are other planets no I'm asking you a question I mean like could you mean

Venus okay so similar to what you would find in

this children's book sure okay what if those were just lights in the sky and

they had nothing to do with us as human beings being able to travel to those

distant places that they allege because before the word planet would existed

they were called wandering stars so they were just lights in the sky but there's

a lot of things that people you're right and the event of technology is able to

give us CGI images of satellites in space do you ever you have a cell phone

on you you can use your own cell phone right okay yeah do you like coffee or

tea yeah okay and I have my email address and on my youtube channel and

for each satellite in outer space you find on your own phone because you don't

want to use mine because I might have to trick it or something but find a

satellite that looks like a genuine photograph in outer space and I'll buy a

coffee for each one you find no one has ever and then for your

pictures of Earth from outer space I'll buy you an additional coffee for each

day of the week yeah when you find a genuine photograph not an image and

nothing that looks like Disney of the Earth from space I'll buy you a coffee

for each one so I'm probably gonna be and four you know yeah okay yeah great I

love this idea I cannot wait thank you

oh they love their government no

boys will just get this straight out there for everybody on YouTube there are

no conspiracies okay so for this young lady here who calls herself Lois

allegedly right she's proselytizing the idea of a

conspiracy in a worldwide conspiracy for that matter I just want to encourage you

that there are no conspiracies on earth no one would ever in behind closed doors

come up with a motive to deceive these wonderful beautiful taxpayers and they

love them use cards mister yes we don't condone the use of a sucker born every

minute but there are probably one child is born every two seconds so there's a

sucker born every two seconds

conspiracy from the English dictionary yeah we definitely want to get rid of

that terminology so there's no reason to investigate any ideas that would go

against myself or any other actor that you see on television thank you for your


stop it Willis stop trying to change these people's minds we got them right

where we want them we got them right where we want them

yeah she's not gonna know what to do with herself if she does investigate and

she doesn't well the thing about that is is like you know offering coffee or tea

to people then that means nobody's gonna call me or email me right so we're not

going to be able to further the conversation because they're not going

to find any pictures so then they just won't contact so I should say something

else they see it they're looking for it again Louis we're gonna clarify again we

would never install curved windows in airplanes okay what you're seeing is

real so you are seeing the curve from an airplane window because we would never

install virtual reality windows into airplanes we thought what if we if we're

going to into business aviation let's do it yet but let's not just do a another

jet let's let's do what we do best and take existing ingredients and imagine a

new recipe wait is the number one enemy of any aircraft because you requires

more fuel to move that weight through the air the displays which would replace

the the windows are lighter than the row of windows that you were traditionally

finding in their business and passenger jet of this size

so there's immediately a weight advantage which would save fuel and

hence increase the range of the Jets which is an enormous selling point and

there's also the advantage of it becoming slightly more aerodynamic any

interruption in the surface creates drag so once you remove the windows the

surface becomes inherently more slippy what's important to remember with this

project that it is conceptual it's a concept so certain elements

are already impossible from what we're proposing for example the flexible

displays that's already possible to major electronics companies of released

domestic televisions which are curved in the same way so another aspect of the

concept I'm not yet possible the idea of this really is to push the boundaries

we're basically saying wouldn't it be fantastic if you take the technology as

it exists and then you push it towards the possibility of being able to use the

images which are taken from cameras on their outside of the plane coupled to

the very recent technology of flexible screens to have a first-person

perspective to the outside of the plane essentially you can display whatever you

like on there the content is only limited by your imagination so which is

why we think I want to share some fun and interesting possibilities that we

imagined people have talked about the possibility and we've seen it in films

before maybe in self-driving vehicles it would be a means of occupying the

passengers while the car drove itself so that's that's one possible future

application but basically the the sky's the limit no pun intended

and we would never build an airplane that has a curved window so would you

buy a used car

of course he would because I'm authoritative

yeah that one guy who was here for Cuauhtemoc yeah because he came across

what's your motive sir

you know people were messing around with it

but then he said

he's a good boy he's a good boy and even though it looks like my camera

is curving the straight sidewalk that's my garage

like the guy who said with the ships going over her the horizon that's proof

the guy who wanted to debate he like gave me ground rules of what I can and

can't do right and then he broke his own rules like a Pharisee once that other

guy came up he's like I want to even argue with this guy yeah you're right

and then I show him video evidence of a bicyclists and a ship going over the

Court horizon

could you give us two groups well clearly clearly I'm not ignoring science

I'm a scientist and oh yeah and so if you could just demonstrate to two poor

Louis here two proofs that we clearly use as evidence for a global okay then

one more course of course Louis a second or third party testimony

you know one sense it could be

what if you bought this yeah yeah Louis yeah what's going to happen loan there's

nice boy

what did you go or or how about this how about this this is easy this is totally

gonna do bunker where's the edge we're gonna fall off the edge Louis right I


so you come to the shore and then you step out

what happens you see if there are six flat you have to hit a wall

if you continue going in one direction you have kid

you can do it yeah

in cooperation with other countries

we have a lot to say about those exist you know clearly the mass of the earth

resource yeah well clearly the Sun is orbiting around us that's where he had a


so here's gravity the Sun in the earth right it goes fret

no because the earth is falling around the Sun so it's always falling away from

the site because it's got more than wrong

okay so it doesn't doesn't fall into the Sun because it doesn't fall because what

you think no I'm saying it's following bits to be stuck in the gravity well

essentially around us up and you see how my hand is providing energy for the

massing Sun so vines you don't need you know does this does the earth cause the

Sun to move

why don't you show me why and orbit doesn't work here here is gravity okay

okay now show me the orbit

orbit Fred

the moon's out

okay show me how it turns it it changes from grab

the earth causes the moon to continue falling around it and there are other

gravitational forces on such the Sun okay the gravity causes the earth to

fall into the moon

okay what do you think saying known as cotton get her happy of the

earth and so expensive

does the moon have its own gravity

and what would that what would the ratio be to earth like I don't know just off

the top of my head totally guessing here like a sick okay and so when we saw I

mean cuz clearly I'm a scientist and I saw the moon landing when you're

astronauts were bouncing up and down it didn't at all Louis this is not a

conspiracy so don't get caught up in conspiracies it didn't it all look like

they were on harnesses or anything like that because they were literally jumping

on the moon right yeah okay and so and this is this is a little bit advanced

here but did you know that the moon has a rotation you happen to know the miles

per hour it rotates ten point five miles an hour okay so if the moon's gravity is

one-sixth of the earth right and if we were to jump up we would just land in

the same spot right because we live in an enclosed system right okay even

though the earth is spinning at how fast again I don't know interesting I'm Louis

I'm a scientist and I've I know this it's a thousand miles now yeah and so if

I was to you know get a helicopter and just hover we wouldn't be able to just

hover for two hours and then have the Earth's rotation bring us to New York

right I mean that cuz that's what happened right and so there's always

four straight down it's correct

it goes counterclockwise those to the east so we see what we have

to do this blow up and then hover for a while until Los Angeles because you know

it's gonna go from west to east so you know okay okay are you trying to be your

smarty pants right now all right so back to the moon thing if

they were to jump off ten feet since you know the earth doesn't have gravity they

should literally be able to trap okay well it's 1/6 of the earth so they

should be able to jump up and because the moon rotates at 10.5 miles an hour

they should literally be able to jump from one crater to the next just like

jumping up in one spot correct well because the the moon doesn't have an

atmosphere so if we were just to see well it has something to do with the

moon's rotation at 10.5 miles an hour okay well it has a lot to do with it

because we can't we can't do that here on earth hover and then allow them the

earth to spin and then just drop back into Los Angeles okay so keep up okay

okay so if the moon is spinning at ten point five miles an hour and it has one

six to the gravitational whatever and it has no atmosphere in theory we

should be able to just jump up in one spot and then half the moon rotate

beneath our feet oh it's not okay well then please

explain it just rarely is towards the center

good because if you go up to translate over okay so it's like a magnet

yeah okay do you speaking of magnets and so on do you happen to know how many

miles human beings have allegedly drilled into the earth okay

why why do I know this answer it's allegedly eight miles okay and so do you

happen to know the diameter and the radius of your earth that you live on

yeah why would you know that right you believe it right anyways the diameters

about 4000 miles so how do you know what's the center of that tip see pop

three thousand nine hundred and ninety two miles away if we've only drilled

eight miles okay so you patients

okay so presupposed notion and expectations can you show them can you

describe what this scientific measurement is okay so what feel

because a man and so in regards to the sunlight what what is the Sun would that

go along with you know with what you're talking about my chemistry and stuff

like noble gases and whatnot yeah I know but our atmosphere is okay it's not so

we don't we don't have particular particulates in the air that are

aggravated in regards to the sunlight nitrogen oxygen

okay okay and so what if the Sun were I don't know possibly an electromagnetic

type of light and it aggravated the elements in the atmosphere and that's

what we perceive as lights as light in the sky okay what is it that we see as

light then how do we how do our eyes and tris red okay okay

that's right what other what are the fruits you have will be living on earth

your jacket so explain me why the fruit is flat so you spend twenty my son heard

is the Sun after that planet why you said that planet so if if we were able

to give us give you our idea of how the moon and the Sun go around us in a

geocentric environment is it even really something that you would consider or are

you just going to bike away roll your eyes no but I mean

I think Simon gravity Louis

I expect you to change my mind have you ever been in the planetarium before

planetariums yes okay and you're a comfortable chair sitting back looking

up at the sky in the ledge in the building okay no I'm just saying that

planetarium looks an awful lot like the sky that we see above us right and

you're not spinning or moving right you're looking at the looking at the

ceiling right right so what if this the lights that we see in the sky as

perceived as stars and planets move around us in the Sun and the moon

like in a geocentric environment and not as I say with lads and the SEC goes

around like this not if not even close

okay can I just give you an illustration here do you believe that if the earth is

flat it has to be a disc in outer space going like this that's that's the Sun

okay well what if it like we had mentioned before it goes on infinitely

because you can't fall off yeah what if the water in the land go on infinitely

because you can't fall off the edge of a lake can you that's kind of funny right

and so what if you know for example we were just so happened to be in the

environment where the we see the Sun and we have an environment that's habitable

right and the Sun is closer than you're taught and it's not as big as you're

taught because you wouldn't just so happened to know the size and diameter

of the Sun would you but again but again you believe it right

okay but again

I don't why not why not it should be easy but useful yeah I am trying to

because I'm asking you questions because

and so if the Sun is closer and not as large in diameter what if it's just a

local Sun and it works more like a spotlight and so if you're here in

America well I'm showing you right here and it just goes like here so in

Southeast Asia it is 9 a.m. right so what's what's up there to to focus that

way just that's just how it was created just yeah I mean is it okay to say I

don't know is that scary that is scary okay so what if I was just to say that

the idea that the earth being a firm motionless plain and flat and leveled

the Sun and the moon are the ones that are revolving around us and it's really

all about perspective yes okay so how do you explain what you

explained was

okay mainstream science doesn't even agree with you on that she might get the

ruler to your hand get a little bap on the hand yeah the earth has nothing to

do with your phases of the Moon it only has to do the earth it can and it's

called a lunar and solar eclipse yeah yeah but it has nothing to do with the

phases of the Moon just a couple of seconds ago

I said yes okay I guess we need to be more specific

address that louis i'm addressing that and so but I mean the do you happen to

know the diameter of the moon okay see and that's playing is like a lot of

people believe they live here but they know nothing about their heliocentric

because you don't know your heliocentric model and when I when I started to

understand the heliocentric model and understood that the moon can I just sit

as my sentence yeah I just did you ask me how is it that you can't see the Sun

from the other side as I showed you so if I so I mean it's one thing after

another with you I hit in one direction

to get into an exploratory you can't go anywhere so that's not even a

hypothetical idea so why can't I go straight in one direction you know why

you can't or it's a stretch because you'll end up in outer space because

your airplane we're on the platters right now so a compass is worthy when

you hold the compass how do you okay so how does this work on a ball yeah

because the North Pole is right here there are some magnetics field that's

around here that you see goes from self to the north have you seen this field I

have seen yes with your own physical eyes yes okay what is that called again

the aurora borealis right no what is it gold you can see that with the magnet so

you're presupposing that there's a your your lights on yeah but you're

presupposing that there's an electromagnetic field because you were

told that correct okay

okay so if you have to hold a compass like this and it points to the North

right and you're going east or west what did you just be doing this

because there's always pointing north so why would you even Traverse south if you

have nowhere to go what would even be what would even cross

your mind to go to South there must be a way to continue this direction forever

how do you know that how how can you not but ice comes out you're alleging but I

have no reason to go down you know how you would know that you know how you

would know that is you would look at the Stars because the stars are used for

navigational purposes

hence a spotlight that's the Sun well the stars are just the stars are used

for navigational purposes and to know what time of year it is so if it's

summer no there are wandering stars

the recovery oh the display enters yeah but I mean

you know you're coming up with like you're just coming up with it sounds

like you're coming up with excuses excuses to explain that one direction I

don't know I've never done that before so what do you think which direction are

you going I'm just gonna hit that direction okay if I just continue in

that direction all the time

done that so you're assuming no I know the earth is round

no you don't how do you know that because I you can see the curvature of

space you've been to space needs Sandra Bullock no I'm just saying I asked you

how do you know the earth is a sphere and you're taking second and third party

information because would you say I'd love to go in space would you say Sandra

Bullock went to outer space to film gravity

what you thought you went to the movie and you say that's a movie

that's they can't do that same trick and sad for anything okay

you don't think that they're currently doing that right no no cuz nobody would

mind loss right there

and huh do you believe that they've been to the moon absolutely okay

and based on what evidence to provide

yeah it sounds like it so what but in no offense but this sounds like you're

putting all of these testimonies together in a book right and then you're

believing what the book says is being done to my second and third party

information does that so much

the third planet Earth I can show you that Waterlase level okay and if the

earth is covered in 75% water how does that water turn into a spirit I'm just

you know assuming yep because I'm taking second and third party information why

not I can't believe it well it was I know

but you can yeah so where did all the where's it where's all the water more

land oh so I don't we don't know we can throw you in the water you can find out

which land is so that's been a blessing you know the difference between being

wet and being dry correct okay

so definitely yes what is it but you don't yawn beyond what you see here what

you have on this display is it is it an infinite vacuum sir so you can't you

can't say that would you say it's an infinite back but yeah but you you say

that you would believe in mainstream science

outer space is infinite right yes okay it's a vacuum cracks it's a vacuum right

no I mean it has to be a vac it has to be entirely a vacuum yeah so the vacuum

of space just allows the Earth's air and water to just stay there just because

it's nice did you know that in a vacuum in a vacuum you cannot have mass no by

scientific definition of what a vacuum is you cannot have mass

if I have a solid in a vacuum that's how it still has minutes okay but if you

look at the definition of science in a vacuum

outer space cannot have mass because it's the environment of a vacuum and so

learn so where where is it that your your asteroids and your meteorites

exists if they're if your massacres also doctor if I can have a solid mass that's

in a vacuum but it still has mass okay it's an object that still has made up

yeah it is a bit hot yeah and so how is it that your satellites

exist in a 17 or 1500 Celsius degree environment up there if they're created

here on earth and using the metals and stuff here on earth doesn't

don't those metals retain heat materials

so with with your vacuum how is it that the earth isn't being sucked up how come

we're not being sucked up into the infinite nough sub the vacuum of space

he feels the vacuum is courteous Oh gravity so if you don't have an answer

for something that's gravity no I'm saying that gravity is why

your stay here we don't see a fourth way into space asteroids are can be pulled

into our so we've got the with that gravity right we've got the Sun and

we've got the blue marble right so there's a tremendous pull between them

right because the Sun is among us right my knees 93 million miles away but it's

humongous so we have a real strong gravitational

force so they just go right because there's angular momentum on the side of

the Moon all right sorry the earth going around the Sun and the sign this again

is related to all the other fabulous event deals from our star

well you finish you know what your that may be true and you're in my world they

say Crouch right into charge and I don't hear any convincing evidence to the

contrary no there isn't any that's why

your evidence is a majority of it and no we can observe water being flag there is

nothing beyond those trees do you know what do you familiar with the curvature

calculation of the earth if you notice customs of the earth okay but you would

believe somebody if they told you what the circumference of the earth if they

looked like scientists right okay well I have credentials of course yes yeah well

I play a scientist on YouTube and so yeah and so the Earth's circumference is

twenty-four thousand nine hundred to one mile that could be okay and the

curvature calculation is eight inches per mile square okay and so if you have

yeah of course you don't know but if you were to have from one shore line to

another okay yep from one shore line over a body of water because water is

our totem to know that the earth is flat you shouldn't be able to see objects

that are 1,800 feet from 50 to 60 miles away and in addition to that a 50 foot

towel or even just for example the mast that's behind you if that were 50 feet

tall and over a body of water on another shoreline you had another 50 foot Tower

and they were Wi-Fi radio transmitters that were point-to-point at 146 miles

between them you shouldn't be able to have them communicate with each other on

a point-to-point basis but you can and you could also take and you can also

well and this is the science right here science okay you don't believe in the

curvature tell me I don't believe there's any science to do it could I

just interject just a moment yeah you cannot curvature you can't yeah so this

is it right here you want to take a picture of it and take it home or type

in the Google at home cuz here's my youtube channel see and you don't want

to see yourself on YouTube okay so you don't want to take any information that

would count contradicts what you believe that you're saying no

so what it just takes and freezy the YouTube channel and then explore the

other possibility so you know that you're always going to be held

responsible for this conversation if you don't investigate your own

personal curvature calculations - yeah but I mean you're believing that you

live on a ball and you have to have curvature and here it is this is your

curvature calculation to show you that the earth is a is not a sphere because

if it were a sphere like we're taught then this these numbers on here should

be radically different I I don't know that I have no way that I know you know

and and you have no way to check because you refuse to look into the information

take you one minute yeah you would type you would type into google curvature

calculation oh okay so you wouldn't trust it you wouldn't trust it because

it doesn't verify your own frequency biased okay and who would that be a dot

edu or

who would that be because I got a YouTube channel right here so you said

you're a scientist what makes you a scientist I'm a human being and I

observe my reality in front of me so they can verify things

don't have it yeah would you like me to come by

it's getting a little late oh yeah yeah if you want okay I'm just gonna take a

few things a few lies yeah yeah I do yeah

yeah it's it's being able to test something and do something observe it to

be true and then you should be able to verify what I tested and what I did okay

and so with that being said in regards to the moon landing it landing on the

moon allegedly six times up until 1972 how come just for spite

just to do it to rub it in the noses of the Americans Russia didn't land on the

moon a man on the moon

okay and what do they have to gain like why not because it's in science nobody

other than the United States has verified the moon landing

nobody other than the United States has verified landing man on the moon nobody

else's has verified that they put their own man yeah verified man on the moon

only United States has done well that's the sign that's your scientific method

nobody's you have you're taking the United States just government how do you

know that yeah

okay what environment would that be what about the Van Allen belt how did they

get past the Van Allen belt they they flew past this but they didn't know

about it so they just went through it right yeah okay

you know I know is there's a okay and so how did the rocket get to the moon how

did it propel itself in a vacuum that has no medium like you know our

atmosphere that we have here how did it propel itself in a medium that has

okay so the first time ever in 1969 they landed on the moon by just like

slingshotting themselves off of the Earth's gravity and then just so

happened to get to the moon because of their math I don't know the calculations

by I believe so okay essentially first time ever to do it

well it was the first time to the moon to land on the moon man on the moon okay

and where does the word Apollo come from

yeah kind of just like there it's like their crazy religion right why would

they why would they name space missions after n planets for that matter and our

days of the week and oddly enough the months of the year after gods right I

mean they want to have a religion or anything like that what they know right

yeah of course you wouldn't because people can take over airplanes with box

cutters and so how would how is it that they got

the proper because even Van Alen even even von Braun one of the rocketeers at

the time said that the amount of fuel that would be needed to go to there is

an incredibly exorbitant amount to get to the moon and back so how is it that

they got back from the moon with no rocket fuel at all just the little lunar


okay they really understand

so bond brother was just like fish luck

okay so he was pretty high up on the totem pole though you do know that right

okay so people can't be wrong I mean you're you're you're not wrong obviously

because you believe in the globe so you know there's no way that you could be

wrong you know because the second and third party information that you're

believing in those second and third party providers couldn't be wrong - then

deceive you into where you think that you could me be wrong could you be a

very street could you be wrong does that mean no I mean it's a G could you be

roses because what's the wisdom what's this we stuff yeah okay so that sounds

like you're believing prophets in no I mean that's us they are kind of prophets

because if you're believing in something that you can't verify yourself and

that's a religion

and so like what if the earth you know in regardless of whether the earth is

flat or sphere what if it was just the fact of talking about something that

goes against mainstream are you offended by people that would bring things up

that go against the common narrative here in America interesting so even with

the curvature calculation again going back to your numbers in your math I am a

you refuse to look at what if but what if they are just let's just

hypothetically say let they are and and the curvature calculation shows that the

earth is much smaller than what you believe it to be and and you should you

should be able to just obviously see that the earth is a sphere you should

obviously see that the earth is a sphere

know what about on a high-altitude balloon 120 hundred and thirty thousand

feet in the air okay and what if there wasn't and it was called the horizon

because it's horizontal


okay I do need to get going hey I appreciate your trying rusty at the

fantasy yeah what's your day we'll take the card I am curious hey that's fine I

don't believe a lot of things what I look and do it just because I want to

keep up on things so well I'm Joshua pleasure to meet you man thanks Pete

bye see you around Cheers

alright ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna wrap it up with some more authoritative

contents here on the authentic intent channel I just want to thank you for

joining us for the duration of this conversation and by all means

investigate both sides of the story and look into other alternatives to medicine

politics and where you live this is Joshua Swift spitting you all I do

this is Dan Dix here reporting for press for truth we're here in Spokane

Washington for the red pill Expo and I am joined right now by our good friends

at World alternative media jeonse nice and now John I wanted to talk to you a

little bit about this coming 5g network because you are coming from a

telecommunications background you you are very knowledgeable in this area so

for anybody who's maybe just for the first time hearing about what this whole

5g thing is all about what would you say is you know it did break it down in a

nutshell what is 5g and why should people be concerned about this well sure

let's let's just by talking about 5ds let's just talk about what we have today

like 4G for example so what we have today is we have a bunch of antennas

that are standing you know long highways or their own buildings or whatever they

are and that is kind of today's system they have like a central node where you

have ports in it for every single person so they have like they're like a base

station it's called and in just you when you pick up your phone and talk or use

your texts or anything on it and communicates with a port in that base

station and then it sends that information to wherever you are you know

routing your information so that's how it works today the 4G but the 5g system

what they plan to do is they plan to just use those antennas as a backbone so

just talking to each other without talking to the actual phones but what

they are gonna do is they're gonna place antennas everywhere and the reason why

they have to do that is because they're going up in frequency so forth with a

frequency you need when you go up in frequency it's gonna go less and less

distance depending on the water so you're gonna have to have more wattage

which is the radiation the energy that takes to send that signal so when that

radiation comes out they're gonna have to amp up the power and and that is what

the dangers when I was back in Norway I was climbing up in cell phone towers and

you have to shut down the tower or else you're gonna get completely fried your

body will be very destroyed and I have a friend of mine he he can't go through

those naked body scanners and those radiation chambers at the airports which

I don't recommend anyone do exactly but he actually like had to go

through on once and he just started puking because his inner workings of his

body it's gotten destroyed by the severe radiation you get but just going in

front of one of those towers and the today's 4G towers they usually send out

what's at sixty watts which is you know it doesn't sound like much if you know

what wattage is but it has the frequency is so much higher so the radiation of

that frequency is more dangerous to you

stray it sounds like what you're saying is with the the implementation of these

new antennas the current antenna system are they going to be designing like a

mesh like a like a giant invisible spiderweb of radiation that's gonna be

raining down on people how is this gonna work well yeah what its gonna do is

you're gonna have to have an antenna like right at your door almost because

the frequencies that they're looking at running at is you know between six

gigahertz all the way up to 60 but the problem is today I I'm installing with

just with 4G I'm installing cell phone boosters in people's home I don't

recommend it you ever put that in your house because it's now we have a mini

cell phone antenna in your house which is not good for your health but with the

new 5g they're gonna have to completely like put these antennas so close and so

tight that I don't know if I want to really be around a place that have 5g

because you're looking at that of course they're not gonna have to send out that

the 60 watt which fries people but they're gonna send it out that they

don't have to send out that a decent wattage to actually be able to penetrate

into the house because most houses today the for juicing which is 2.1 gigahertz

here in North America has problems to penetrate already so with the new system

and they're talking about different aspects and ways to like try to make it

better and easier for them to penetrate but I see that as a danger because now

you're gonna have all these antennas everywhere and they're gonna constantly

you know give you radiation because the radiation that are dangerous they kind

of miniscule II talked about it in the 5g white papers that oh yeah you're

gonna have some but it's gonna be 10 times less they're saying and stating

but with 4G you you you don't even want to have this phone up to your head

because you know if you ever been you know talking like this you've had

like in felt you know the warmth and that's the radiation that are you know

damaging your cells well let me get this straight and correct me if I'm wrong but

as I understand it the what they would like to see is it be Enix capable

essentially a global Wi-Fi system where anywhere in the world you would be able

to log on to the Wi-Fi or they would be able to log on to you is that true is

that what they're going for here a global Universal Wi-Fi system well if

they are not planning on doing that they're definitely doing it it might not

be the conspiracy but they're definitely like that's where they're going with it

and it's just an automatic I think of governments and everybody wanting well

of course there's huge convenience having access everywhere you are and

we're so addicted to our phones today so I believe that I'm pretty sure that you

know the implementation of this it's not going to be you know good for people's

health because of the radiation and in Norway for example you have housing

built like far away from just from the high voltage lines because that

radiation is very damaging for you as well like people have been approved to

get cancer and and bad cancers like leukemia and so on by you know being

close to those antenna so it's it's not good at all to implement this system but

it's super convenient I I would like to see more fiber optical cables because

it's just light and it doesn't radiate anything or damaging you know what the

waters and the electromagnetic frequencies that comes out of these

towers but it's not gonna be as convenient anymore because you don't

have Wi-Fi you know you you're not so portable anymore right so it's all about

the convenience and people will willingly you know adopt it is because

it's super convenient I I don't see how we're gonna stop it because people are

as I said super addicted so I think the implementation of course the

International Telecommunication and creating all this stuff for all over the

world but yeah it's it's inevitable I think that they're gonna try to

implement actually in Morden in Manitoba in a catalog they're just implementing a

5g system well is there anything to do in closing here that people can do to

protect themselves from this or to mitigate it somehow or to reduce the

harmful effects that are inevitably going to be coming well there's a couple

of things you can do kind of course like shut off your phone and not like not

wear like I have right now like close to you your hair your private parts like

just to make sure that you you know shut off but the problem is if you shut it

off you're not accessible so it's it's harder that way but I would say you've

probably better off in the long run you know doing that you can of course get

devices and little cages that you can put around your phone to protect

yourself from the radiation from them and of course if you have Wi-Fi at home

you know we can shut it down with you and use it you know to mitigate the

exposure to the risks of the frequency to the electromagnetic magnetic

frequency and of course you can build yourself a Faraday cage around your

house but that's a little bit extreme maybe but maybe that's what they have to

do in in the future they're going to have to do it but we'll see where it's

all gonna go I think there's a lot of risks that are not getting talked about

there's especially the health risks and and it's kind of like it's come out and

in like in Norway where I'm from to you know every now and then there's somebody

talking about the cancer risk so cell phone usage but then suddenly just

disappears so it's a I think of course the big telecom companies doesn't want

to have anybody know that you know they could get cancer because they would

first of all they get massively sued and then people might wake up to you know

how how dangerous the overuse of this is sure excellent words of advice you know

minimize your usage essentially you know this is something me my my girlfriend

has recently implemented a new rule in the house no no cell phones in the

bedroom we turn off the Wi-Fi before we go to sleep and you know it leads to

some some things that you never would have thought of like I'm reading a heck

of a lot more you know I'm not sitting there in bed scrolling through my stupid

social media websites then I'm reading instead so lots of benefits can come

from reducing your exposure to radiofrequency

exposure and just a cell phone in general so John now once again man

thanks so much for talking to us links will be located in the description below

the truth will set you free

do you believe in the conspiracy of the CIA and they conspired records a in

secret they need yeah

I'm not gonna change your mind either so I feel yeah of course you do I know you

believe in silence and that's your religion and that's totally fine you

know yeah this you can't verify the moon landing yourself you can't verify no I'm

just saying like if you can agree that you can verify the moon landing you're

taking second and third party information and that could be faith so

that's faith yeah I do and I believe and I bestow mony from

other people that have gone to other countries and then they come back to

America and I can go to another country and I can do that but you don't and I

don't and she doesn't have verifiable resources to go - we can't though no we

can't go to the moon and we can't go to outer space because it's not real no it

didn't never no he said that you can see the horizon over water that was his that

was his globe proof is you can see boats going over the horizon well to him it

doesn't to him it's you know that's that's

why the Sun oh he's so into science it's there's no point in talking to him well

he did he asked me if I believe in gravity and I didn't answer his question

I just asked him he can't verify the moon landing himself but he believes

that that happened so it's I'm not gonna waste my time with something like that

For more infomation >> ⚠BREAKING NEWS⚠ Flat Earther Hit on the Head at Disc Golf, Doesn't See Stars - Duration: 3:16:04.



Hello guys, this is kodi best build back with you again with another video I wish you to win win

I'm having a great time with your family or friends or

kids enjoy in your summer time your holidays

So don't forget to subscribe to my channel and join me in the social media links

That way we're gonna keep in touch all together if you have any problem, I will reply you


today, we're gonna install a great build that had

Netflix account for free or a gap on Netflix

movies and TV shows for free to your device without any problem

so to install this great bill press on settings right here in the top and

Then press on system settings

So go to add-ons and make sure you allow to announce sources like this press on it

Press back right here. And press on. Yes to allow to install anything from external


So right here, press on file manager as you can see

So if you use to install builds, you will gather your files right here

scroll down

So right here if you don't have anything to your Kodi you will get ad source and profile directory

double press on add source

Press on none

Right here copy and paste the address to not miss any word

so press on OK

Right here can name it repo

repo em repo misfit modes

So press on, okay

A hero got it, press back and back to the homepage

so right here scroll down to add ons click on it and

Then you got this little box in the top right here click on it

So he'll get installed from zip file click on it and here scroll down to your files

So you got repo and as you can see right here press on it and

Then click on the plugin program to get a directory or you can install from repository

Install from repository

Press on it

Now the repository is gonna be added and install it to your Kodi Krypton as you can see right here

Now press on install from repository


Then get the misfit modes repo

Press on it and then press on program add-ons

As you can see right here and press on misfit modes wizard and install it

So right here got the wizard install it and you get this message

press on dismiss


here you can keep your stuff if you want to keep clearing the cache or whatever you want, press on continue and

Here press on the build menu

Just ignore or dismiss press and continue and

Ignore so right here. We got a list of builds as you can see

Press on the end is great. Amazing build as you can see right here

All's flix

So right here we'll get the fresh install if you have a previous build

Already installed to Cody crops on if you don't have anything install it to your device. You get a new Cody

You got a new device, press on standard install

So right here, press I'm gonna do a fresh install. I have a previous build already install it


So here just wait some seconds

Gonna clear all your files to replace them by new ones

Right here you're done as you can see you get the download process going

Do not press on cancel or press on back or press on this empty space right here if you do that

You will lose the download process and you got to restart it from zero

So just be patient and wait hold down some seconds to get this great amazing

Build install it to your kodi craft on

So right here guys get the download process done

And now it's installing new files

as I told you do not press on cancel or press on this empty space so

That's it. Wait until everything is done, right?

Then you will get this great build install it to your device and you will get a lot of amazing things

You can watch Netflix. You can watch anything you want for free without any

Subscription or without paying anything any pants? So just be patient and wait

Until the whole process is done

Restart Kodi enjoyed this build press like share

and comment

That's only

That's the only reward you can reward me guys after my great effort

So thanks for watching me and wait

Until the whole thing is done. And then it asks you to first close Cody force close Cody

Restarted the game to get this great build install it so

Right here guys get everything done right without any problem

Press on for skills and first close Cody Marie started the game to get this great build install a gearbox

So here my dear friends we are in the end of the video

press on subscribe and

Click on the bell icon to get notified every time I post a new video

don't forget also to check my videos in the community so that way you're gonna be

Notified about any video. I posted to my community or if you missed any video you will get it on videos

Thanks for watching me and see you tomorrow for another Kodi bill

Don't forget to Like share subscribe to my channel and leave me your comment in the comment sections




What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons

and lot of different sources for content then you might want to check the salt life build kodi

I've also tested on my fire TV and two other fire sticks the build works great

You will enjoy this kodi build on your amazon fire stick or nvidia shield or android tv box

now I'm gonna give you guys an overview of what it has to offer

offer if you like it I can show you how you can get it installed on your device.

Now if you haven't already go ahead and hit the subscribe button

and make sure you click the little bell icon right next to subscribe so you don't miss any of my posts

so let's go ahead and jump into the overview of the build.

Now once you install it the first section you're gonna run into is the movies section

so you have the widget here at the top

you can scroll through find a movie and tv shows you like.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to stay informed.

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