Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 26 2018

Donald Trump's interview this week with Fox and Friends' Ainsley Earhardt, you know, really

captured headlines, cause there was a lot of crazy stupid things that the president

said in that interview.

Like, for example, when he admitted to the felony, which also, inadvertently, made him

admit to a different felony of not reporting that he made the payment and making the payment

itself obviously was the in-kind contribution felony.

But, nonetheless, there were some other parts in there that definitely warrant some coverage.

For example, this gem.

If you're saying the payments, if they're not illegal, then why would he use that information

for a plea deal?

Because he makes a better deal when he uses me, like everybody else.

And one of the reasons I respect Paul Manafort so much, is he went through that trial ... You

know they make up stories, people make up stories, this whole thing about flipping they

call it; I know all about flipping for 30, 40 years I've been watching flippers.

Everything's wonderful and then they get 10 years in jail and they flip on whoever the

next highest one is, or, as high as you can go.

It almost ought to be outlawed.

It's not fair, because if somebody's gonna spend five years like Michael Cohen or 10

years or 15 years in jail, because of a taxicab industry, because he defrauded some bank.

The last two were the tiny ones, you know, campaign violations are considered not a big

deal, frankly.

But if somebody defrauded a bank and he's gonna get 10 years in jail, or 20 years in

jail, but if you can say something bad about Donald Trump, and you'll go down to two years

or three years, which is the deal he made ... In all fairness to him, most people are

going to do that, and I've seen it many times.

I've had many friends involved in this stuff, it's called flipping and it almost ought to

be illegal.

You get 10 years in jail, but if you say bad things about somebody, in other words, make

up stories, if you don't know, make up stories, they just make up lies.

Alan Dershowitz said, compose, right?

They make up lies, I've seen it many times.

They make up things and now they go from 10 years to they're a national hero.

They have a statue erected in their honor.

It's not a fair thing, but that's why he did it.

Yeah, flipping ought to be outlawed, right?

It's so totally not fair.

Donald Trump doesn't seem to understand, well actually I take that back, this man understands


He knows how important it is to get a witness to flip in any kind of criminal prosecution.

This is how we take down big time gangs, it's how we take down the mafia, the mob, whoever,

you know, corrupt corporate criminal conduct; by getting the people to flip on the guys

bigger than them who committed worse crimes.

And that is exactly what's happening here.

But if Donald Trump is so worried about people flipping, then I'm gonna let Jim Carrey give

him the best advice imaginable right now.

Here it is.

Stop breaking the law asshole.

Really, that's it.

That's all you have to do so people don't ever flip on you.

Don't break the law.

If you don't do anything illegal, then how is anybody ever going to flip on you?

If you didn't do anything illegal, you won't be mad that people are flipping.

I mean, does his base not understand that?

Do the MAGA hat wearers really not know why Trump is so mad about this?

People are flipping on him because there's something to flip on.

It's not because they hate the man, they're trying to save themselves.

It happens all the time in criminal prosecutions.

And you can whine about it being not fair all you want, what's not fair is when people

like you break the law and get away with it.

That's the only part of this entire scenario that's not fair.

You did something bad and you're worried that the entire American public, the entire world

is about to know about it.

It's gonna cost you your job as president, it's gonna cost you your businesses, nobody's

ever gonna wanna do business with a Trump organization ever again if you go down for


Essentially your massive ego trip of being president of the United States is about to

destroy everything that they Trump family has ever worked for in their entire lives.

And I have to say 100% you deserve it.

You deserve to have your empire destroyed.

You deserve to have your legacy ruined, because you're such an awful; horrible; disgusting;

law breaking human being, and nobody can stay on top forever.

And you are about to come crashing down, back into reality, back onto planet earth, with

all the rest of us that have to obey the laws or go to jail.

And you're about to find out what that's like.

For more infomation >> Trump Tells Fox News "Flipping" Should Be Outlawed, It's Not Fair! - Duration: 5:01.


The Moth That Drinks Bird Tears & 6 Other Absurd Diets - Duration: 10:17.


You might sometimes venture outside your culinary comfort zone.

Maybe you've eaten toasted crickets, or you've sampled escargot on a trip to France.

But the seven organisms on this list don't just dabble in out-of-the-box delicacies,

they make some really bizarre dietary choices.

Like, you just don't expect sharks to eat plants,

or, well, anything to live on a diet of dead turtle shells.

But apparently, having an adventurous palate has its advantages,

evolutionarily speaking.

There are at least 13 species of crocs and alligators

in the order crocodilia that eat fruit, for example.

These unexpected frugivores include infamous predators

like the American crocodile, Nile crocodile and Saltwater crocodile.

But by far the best studied is American alligator.

They're known to consume basically anything meaty,

including adorable little dogs that venture too close to bodies of freshwater

in the southeastern US.

But they also eat a huge range of fruit, nuts, seeds and other plants

at least 34 different species.

And no one is really sure why.

The leading theory is that they're just generalist feeders,

so they eat whatever's available.

But some biologists think they seek out nuts as gastroliths:

stones that are swallowed to aid digestion.

You see, crocs and gators have pretty rude table manners

and do not chew their food.

They swallow it whole and leave the work to their gizzard:

a thickly walled portion of the stomach that grinds up food.

Having something hard in there can help break down tougher chunks of meat.

There are also some that think all this fruit and nut eating is purely accidental.

But... there have been sightings by locals of gators

plucking kumquats right off a tree.

And in 1871, a French naturalist noted

Mexican crocodiles are so fond of avocados

that some people started calling the fruits "alligator pears".

So it seems unlikely that all this fruit-eating is unintentional.

The bonnethead shark is a small member of the hammerhead family,

and like its relatives, its usual diet consists of shrimps, molluscs and crabs.

But it also likes to supplement that protein with a nice salad of seagrass.

In fact, stomach content analysis has shown that seagrass

can make up as much as 62% of the shark's diet.

At first, scientists thought the sharks were eating all that grass by accident

because juvenile sharks seemed to be eating more of grass than adults.

They thought the young sharks were just clumsily chomping on some grass

as they learned to hunt.

But a study presented at the 2018 Society for Integrative and Comparative

Biology conference tells a different story.

When sharks were kept in a tank and fed a diet consisting of

90% seagrass and 10% meat, they all gained weight.

And tracers put in the grass were found in the sharks' blood,

revealing that they'd actually absorbed nutrients from the grass.

The researchers think an enzyme called b-glucosidase

in the sharks' stomachs might be helping them break down

the fibrous cellulose in the plants.

This enzyme is also found in the guts of seaweed eating fish

and three species of plankton eating sharks.

But it's never before been found in a species

scientists thought was a meat eater.

The sharks probably can't survive on a purely vegetarian diet,

but they seem to be more omnivorous than scientists originally thought.

In France, escargots, or snails, are a luxurious treat.

It turns out there's a group of snakes that also likes to indulge in this slippery delicacy.

The family Dipsadini (otherwise known as the "goo-eating" snakes)

contains almost 80 species.

Some eat snails and slugs as a side dish,

while others are totally molluscivorous,

meaning feed exclusively on snails and their kin.

And they have special adaptations to cope with such slimy meals.

Almost all of the dedicated snail-eaters have a lot of loose,

folded skin on the base of their mouths and teeth that curve backward.

These allows them to clamp down on the snail shell

and squeeze much of their lower jaw into it.

Then, with a few jerky movements, they slurp the snail out.

Many also have enlarged infralabial glands in the floor of their mouths

which secrete a protein-rich fluid out of holes near the front of the lower jaw.

Scientists think this is comprised of toxins that immobilize the snakes' prey,

or help loosen snails from their shells, though no one is entirely sure.

Snails might seem like a strange diet choice for a snake,

but biologists think it evolved because of competition.

By scaling trees and feeding on less popular fare,

these snakes were able to carve out a niche for themselves.

The Indian Grey Mongoose is a ferocious little carnivore

with a protein-heavy diet of eggs, insects, frogs, scorpions, crabs and fish.

But it also has quite the sweet tooth.

Camera trap footage from 2015 caught this meat-eater

slinking up to sugarbush flowers and drinking their nectar.

And that's just not something carnivores usually do.

If they vary their fleshy diet, it's with fruit, not nectar.

So the scientists were really surprised

to see these furry meat-eaters downing nectar.

The flowers do have a bit of a cheese-like smell,

so it's possible the animals were initially drawn to what smelled like carbs or protein.

But the researchers think they return for the sugar rush

and the nectar certainly has no shortage of that.

It's about 30% sugar by weight.

It seems a few slurps and these guys were hooked.

For one of the species of sugarbush observed,

the mongooses accounted for a little less than half of all visits recorded.

They were even seen carefully pushing leaves aside

to gain access to that sweet juice.

And after the mongooses had their fill, they left with snouts covered in pollen,

which made researchers think they could be acting as pollinators

although that's a hypothesis that needs further testing.

Tineidae moth caterpillars are notorious for eating sweaters.

But one species munches on something much creepier than your clothes:

he shells of dead gopher tortoises.

Ceratophaga vicinella belongs to a sub-group of Tineidae moths

that feed on the protein keratin, usually from things like horns, hooves, or hair.

You can spot them by looking for hard, brown tubes

these are called larval casings, and they're how the caterpillars protect themselves.

In 2005, researchers in southern Florida noticed similar casings

on the shells of dead gopher tortoises

and concluded that the shells were the main food source of a new species.

But why the super restrictive and, let's be honest, somewhat disturbing, diet?

Well, all moths need to eat protein so they can spin their cocoons.

They could eat leaves or your sweaters for their protein fix,

but keratin is everywhere, if you have the tools to digest it.

These moths have super acidic stomachs

and 29 different kinds of protein-breaking enzymes called proteases

sloshing around in their guts.

And since no other moths in the area digest tortoise shells,

they've got an exclusive ticket to an abundant food source.

Or, what was an abundant food source.

The only problem though with being such a picky eater

is that you're in trouble if your food disappears

and that's exactly what's happening.

Gopher tortoises are declining due to habitat loss,

being squashed by cars, poaching and disease.

And if the tortoises disappear, so too will this strange little moth with its weird diet.

Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that usually feast on bugs and such

that they lure to their funnels using attractive scents.

At the bottom of that funnel is an acidic digesting pool

which does exactly what it sounds like it does.

But the Raffles' pitcher plant found in the jungles of Borneo

doesn't just eat insects.

It also eats guano.

Yes... bat poop.

Raffles' pitchers actually come in five growth forms

one of which, called elongata, grows high up in the trees.

Because of its long, slender shape, fewer insect-attracting compounds,

and low levels of digestive fluid, it's not actually very good at trapping insects.

Its insect capture rates are about 7 times lower than other varieties of the same species.

What elongata varieties are good at, though, is acting as a nice little hotel for woolly


Their narrower shape and lower digestive pool mean the bats can

snuggle up in the pitchers during the day to stay safe from predators and the elements.

And the plants don't mind this intrusion because the bats' provide them with

nitrogen through their guano and urine.


As gross as that might sound,

the pitchers can get about 39% of their nitrogen needs from the bats' waste

enough to balance the fact that they don't catch as many insects.

So this bat-pitcher plant relationship is a nice example of mutualism,

where both parties benefit from a particular interaction.

Imagine it's the middle of the night in the forests of Madagascar,

and you're a bird peacefully trying to get a little sleep.

While you dream of tasty grubs,

you might unwittingly become the target of the Madagascar tear drinking moth.

This 26 millimeter-long moth lands near a bird's eye

and jabs its sharp, 10 millimeter long, barbed proboscis

under the unsuspecting bird's eyelid.

It then proceeds to slurp tears right out of the tear duct

a feeding style known as lachryphagy.

It's not weird that they crave such a salty beverage.

Lots of butterflies and moths engage in what's called puddling,

where they take sips of muddy puddles or other moist things

like rotting fruit to get a boost of nutrients and fluid.

But for Madagascar tear drinking moths, tears aren't a treat

they're a complete meal packed with all the protein and minerals they need.

And because the tears are the main component of the moth's diet,

scientists have labelled them ophthalmotropic moths.

There are other tear drinkers, too, but they usually go for large mammals or reptiles

the Madagascan moth is the only one to feed on birds.

Stealing from an animal that could kick or bite at you might seem risky,

but biologists think it may actually be safer than regular puddling.

That's because it's unlikely the moth's usual predators

want to risk waking a sleeping giant.

And for what it's worth, the birds don't actually seem to feel anything.

Some biologists wonder if the moths inject an anaesthetic when they stab their mouthparts in,

but so far, no one has looked to see.

These diets might seem bizarre, or even gross,

but they all offer the species on our list something useful.

Whether that's a way to survive stiff competition, get extra nutrients,

or make up for bad hunting skills,

they show that diversifying your meals can be a winning strategy.

And hey, we all love a little variety in our diets,

so why shouldn't an alligator eat a kumquat?

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you think these animals have some unexpected meals,

you should see which species made our list of vegetarian animals that actually eat meat.


For more infomation >> The Moth That Drinks Bird Tears & 6 Other Absurd Diets - Duration: 10:17.


Stories Of The South: Reflections of Elvis | Southern Living - Duration: 2:52.

So this next Southern Journal

comes from the August 1997 issue.

I chose it just because I found it very cool.

It's entitled Reflections of Elvis

and the author is Edie Hand.

It has been 20 years since my cousin Elvis died

and for many years I have been buying myself a yellow rose

on that August day and honor the ones he always gave me.

I'll never forget the first time I received

two dozen yellow roses from Elvis.

It was opening night of my first play.

Even before they arrived I was thinking how proud

Elvis would be because he always encouraged me

to become an actress.

Then in came the most beautiful bouquet of yellow roses

I have ever seen.

Studying them, I began to reminisce about the first rose

he gave me on my first visit to Graceland.

Elvis was not home when my grandmother and I arrived.

So I got a special tour from his aunt, Delta.

She took me to meet Grandma Minnie who Elvis called Dodger.

Then she led me to Elvis' room.

His dressing area bright with costumes surpassed

everything I had ever imagined.

Aunt Delta let me try on a few of his belts and scarves.

Gazing in the mirror I felt like a movie star.

The next day I was sitting at Minnie's feet

listening to ghost stories

when Elvis and his father, Vernon, walked in.

His very presence was electric.

Elvis looked at me, a teenager with long blonde hair

and big green eyes and asked, Dodger, who's this?

She said, that's some of your family, son.

I jumped to my feet to shake his hand but he grabbed me

instead welcoming me with the warmest hug.

It felt like I had known him all my life.

Elvis had a God given way of making people feel special.

I remember hearing Elvis

ask what my plans were for the evening.

Minnie told him that another cousin and I

were going to a concert.

Elvis wanted to know what I planned to wear and I told him

I just had two choices.

Within an hour he not only had several dresses delivered

for me to try but he also had sent yellow roses

for all of us.

As I modeled the dresses,

Elvis chose a floor length yellow gown fit for a princess.

I completed my outfit by placing a yellow flower

in my hair.

After that he always remembered special occasions

by sending roses.

Elvis turned me,

an Alabama country girl into Cinderella that night.

But such acts of kindness were common place for him.

I remember the day he gave Aunt Nash Presley Pritchett

$20,000 to buy land for her church

and a new car in her ministry.

Another time he saw a couple

looking longingly inside a Cadillac showroom.

He asked if they saw a car they wanted.

They answered yes and he replied it's yours.

No wonder thousands of people still congregate each year

outside Graceland on the day he died.

People come to show respect and love for a special man.

One who possessed a charisma based on more than music

or even the performance skills he pioneered.

It emanated from his humanity.

His tenderness evidence to me by the beauty

of a yellow rose.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Stories Of The South: Reflections of Elvis | Southern Living - Duration: 2:52.



Hello guys, this is kodi best build back with you again with another video

I wish you doing well and having a great time with your family with your friends with your kids and

Enjoy in your Sunday

So here don't forget to subscribe to my channel and join me in the social media links as you can see right here

So today we're gonna install a great bill. It's really light bill. It doesn't require a bigger space in your device

So to go to install this great bill go right here to settings press on it

so right here you got system settings click on it and

then make sure you allowed unknown sources as you can see right here, press on it and then press on yes, and

Press back

so here got file manager click on it and

Then you get profile directory and add source if you don't

Know how to install anything or you don't use to install builds?

You'll get profile directory and add source if you use to install builds and things you will get your list of files

So double press on

Press on add source. Double press on it, press none

Right here copy and paste the address

As you can see right here copied from my website and paste it right here to not miss anything

Press on. Okay

So here you can name it whatever you you want

Oh mine mine as you can see press ok

here press on back

back one more time

I'll here scroll down to atoms as you can see right here. We get add-ons

click on it and

Then you got this little box in the top right here click on it

So here we got install from zip file press on it

So here we got your your file as you can see

So open it and press on plug in program 9:09 wizard

As you can see the wizard is gonna be install it and added to your kodi krypton

press on back and

Scroll down to program add-ons and then you will get your wizard like this press on it

So here we got builds you get maintenance you get add-on installer

You can save data got contact settings

press on builds

So here you got eight eight builds for Cody crapped on you get the dark build

the one we're gonna install today and get dark triple x

So if you want the X

Section you get this xxx?

If you want the normal one pressed on it with dark build version

6.8 click on it

Exactly in one

So right here get the fresh install the fresh install

You use it when you have a previous build you get a lot of dmg files

We got you lost a lot of files on your kodi. You got a lot of problems

Do a fresh install to get everything new?

The standard install you do it when you don't have anything

You just install Kodi and you got kodi get a new device, press on the standard install

So right here press on yes install it


Here you get the download process

Going do not press on cancel or press on

This empty space right here. If you do that, you got to restart everything from zero, so

Just be patient and wait until the whole process is done. Then you can run this great field into your box

So right here my dear friends you get a download process done and now it's installing new files do not press on any

Button in your keyboard or mouse, whatever

So just be patient and wait until everything is done right and then it asked you to first close Kodi

Then first close kodi and restart to get this great amazing build

Installed to your products

So here we got everything done now press on first close kodi

so now we can force close kodi if you get an Amazon fire stick or Nvidia shield or

Android TV box or any other device run in kodi in version 17 you can get this great view

On Xbox one you can get it because we have kodi 18

So you need to install Kodi 17 to get this great build

Install it to your box

So here my dear friends we are in the end of the video

press on subscribe and

Click on the bell icon to get notified every time I post a new video

Don't forget also to check my videos in the community so that way you cannot be

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I posted to my community or if you missed any video you will get it on videos

Thanks for watching me and see you tomorrow for another Kodi build

Don't forget to Like share subscribe to my channel and leave me your comment in the comment sections

For more infomation >> FASTEST & BEST KODI BUILD EVER 🔥 KODI 17.6 BUILDS 2018 🔥 DARK BUILD KODI 🔥 909 KODI WIZARD - Duration: 15:26.



What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video

so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons

and lot of different sources for content then you might want to check the kryptic 17 build kodi

I've also tested on my fire TV and two other fire sticks the build works great

You will enjoy this kodi build on your amazon fire stick or nvidia shield or android tv box

now I'm gonna give you guys an overview of what it has to offer

offer if you like it I can show you how you can get it installed on your device.

Now if you haven't already go ahead and hit the subscribe button

and make sure you click the little bell icon right next to subscribe so you don't miss any of my posts

so let's go ahead and jump into the overview of the build.

Now once you install it the first section you're gonna run into is the movies section

so you have the widget here at the top

you can scroll through find a movie and tv shows you like.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to stay informed.



'This city is under attack' - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 'This city is under attack' - Duration: 1:36.


BREAKING: 'Multiple fatalities' and one suspect dead in mass shooting in States - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: 'Multiple fatalities' and one suspect dead in mass shooting in States - Duration: 0:59.


Death's Gambit Souls - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Death's Gambit Souls - Duration: 6:36.


Lance McCullers Jr. unlikely to rejoin Houston Astros rotation - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Lance McCullers Jr. unlikely to rejoin Houston Astros rotation - Duration: 2:43.


Eric Decker Announces Retirement from NFL After 8-Year Career - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Eric Decker Announces Retirement from NFL After 8-Year Career - Duration: 1:30.


Arduino RGB LED Array - Duration: 3:31.

In this video I will show you how to build these Arduino controlled LED arrays.

Here are the parts you need:

Some RGB LED's, some sort of three pin connector,

a PCB, a button, and a potentiometer.

Eventually I will switch out the Arduino with a smaller one to fit it into a small casing.

Some suggested product links are in the description.

First, cut out a PCB to your preferred LED array size.

Next, solder the LED's to the PCB's.

Be careful to not heat them up too much, or they will burn up.

Here's a circuit diagram for the LED's. A full diagram will be in the description.

After that, solder a button and a potentiometer to an Arduino Pro *Mini*.

Then create a casing for the Arduino and controls. I used a CD case.

I tried a knife tip on a soldering iron, but I cut the rest out with a 1000º KNIFE!!!!!! *Explosion*

It kinda left a char on the knife, but oh well.

Glue the Arduino to the bottom board, careful with those programming pins, they almost stuck out too much.

Glue on your three pin connector.

Glue the dial(potentiometer) and button.

I thought something was wrong with the connectors, but the pin numbers were not right in the code.

I replaced them with servo connectors, which are stronger, but it wasn't really necessary.

Finally, glue the rest of the case together.

However, before you close it up, put on a waterproofing agent and make sure everything works.

Now, plug in your arrays.

Then your battery.

And here's how it works: when you press the button, the value from the dial is set to the first value-Red.

You then turn the dial to your preferred green value press the button and the green value is set.

Do this again for the blue value, then your final color is set.


Repeat this to set the second array's color.

Click once more to access rainbow mode, that one's pretty cool.

I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I liked making the project.

Special thanks to my brother; he helped me with the code's logic and button debouncing.

If I didn't include something required to build this, let me know in the comments.

Stay tuned for what I do with these. Bye!

For more infomation >> Arduino RGB LED Array - Duration: 3:31.


'What Are We Going to Do About Guns?': Jacksonville Councilman Demands Gun... - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> 'What Are We Going to Do About Guns?': Jacksonville Councilman Demands Gun... - Duration: 1:16.


Eric Decker announces retirement after signing with Pats earlier this month - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Eric Decker announces retirement after signing with Pats earlier this month - Duration: 2:38.


Jessie James Decker's Husband Eric Announces Retirement From NFL - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Jessie James Decker's Husband Eric Announces Retirement From NFL - Duration: 3:50.


Castro Valley Fire Balloons To 40 Acres - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Castro Valley Fire Balloons To 40 Acres - Duration: 1:10.


Learn the alphabet | Letter I | How to write | Fine Motor Skills | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:36.

Hello there Cubs. Are you ready to get your finger out? We're gonna try a

capital 'I'. It's the easiest letter there is, it's just a straight line. So start at

the top and go straight down. How easy was that?

Let's see if we can do a lowercase 'i'. Start in the middle and go straight down

and then you put a dot on the top. Well done!

How easy. You know, 'i' can make the sound 'i' like in insect or even igloo but

sometimes it makes the sound 'i' like in ice cream. And all of these words start

with the letter 'I'. Okay Cubs, get your finger out and let's

try a capital 'I'. Let's try another one.

Now let's try a lowercase 'i', don't forget the dot. And one more... great work!

Good job! Thanks finger.

Finger says: See ya!

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