Hey, Dan here, and have a question from Sienna about balancing productivity with
a healthy lifestyle: eating well, cooking, exercising, how can you fit that in and
essentially she says: "I'm an INFP who's basically wasted the last two years yup
sad violet sad smiley face how do you fit in health routine, cooking, eating etc.
I find when I focus on the health stuff the rest suffers and if I focus on the
creative stuff my health suffers. I just don't know how to balance it all. I guess
I also like getting lost in my thoughts and feelings which then takes over and I
never do anything. I also always take much longer to do a task than i allot
myself." Cool, so I would have answered this question very differently perhaps a
year ago then I will today what I have found and I think what I actually said
in a similar question to this in the past maybe even answering this same
question I don't know things get confusing here at dreams around the
world was to work on one thing at a time and I still sort of stand by that but
when it comes specifically to health and be that exercise or actually eating like
what you're eating I've noticed in the last six months I've made some big shift
with what I eat and daily exercise and I have noticed that it has skyrocketed my
energy my ability to focus and my ability to execute and get everything
else done so well what I'm hearing from you is that when you're trying to be
healthy and exercise you don't have time to do anything else what I found at
least in my own experience is when I do that other stuff I actually get way more
time in terms of focused energetic time and I get a lot more done so I wonder
with that if it's a matter of that's just how you feel and so you don't
actually follow through on the exercise the diet because you're thinking that
you don't have time forward and you're sort of rushing on everything or maybe
you're doing the wrong things but in my experience and what I've gathered from a
lot of successful people a lot of on nerves and really you know high
productivity people is the diet the exercise that comes first and that's
going to give you the energy that's gonna give you the mental focus to get
everything else done because you'll be basically you're taking care of your
machine right you're taking care of your equipment so that you can perform well
on a day to day basis now what it could be is what you're actually doing in
terms of diet or exercise isn't really a good fit so it's not contributing to
that mental clarity generally and I'll do some other content on this in terms
of specifically what diet I'm doing an exercise and what's really contributed
to this real boost in energy and mental power but specifically our state
generally lower carb like low or no sugar low or no processed food that's a
no processed food primarily except maybe salami that's just delicious minute yeah
minimal carb processed food sugars lots of healthy fats that's going to be the
best way to eat for your brain and in terms of exercise moderate cardio for
about 20-25 minutes a day at a minimum so that would be like a heart rate of
roughly I think it's 180 - your age is about where you want to be maybe a
little lower but not over that that's the right level for the brain boost
which will give you more energy which will allow you to focus more and get
more done and all that so I've been going when I'm in Prague to the gym
pretty much every day of the week sometimes I take weekends off sometimes
I do a proper you know lifting weights and some cardio but other days I just go
in I do 20 minutes on the exercise bike today I went in and I watched an episode
of The Office on my phone it's just like get it done this is like my medicine and
that's how I've been treating it because I know by doing that exercise by putting
in the time I'm going to get more energy and better results the rest of the day
so that's been my experience I would encourage you to look into that more
there's a book called spark which is about
exercise and the brain and that will blow your mind so check out that book
highly recommend it I got it on audible and audiobook you can get it in any kind
of book format you want but I definitely recommend checking that out if you're
thinking about you know how do you balance exercise and getting things done
the conclusion you'll get from that book is exercise will allow you to get a lot
more done thanks for watching if you haven't yet subscribed to the channel
you should I release new videos every week on topics like psychology creating
an awesome life for yourself and entrepreneurship thanks for watching
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