Hello YouTube.
This is CZ speaking.
With the release of the new Death Note movie on Netflix *clear throat* OK I'm not going
to keep up that voice for the entire video.
But anyways, here are The Things You Missed in Death Note.
The very first episode of Things You Missed was an episode on the trailer for this movie
and now it's finally been released.
One of the biggest complaints I saw about this movie on Twitter was the lack of the
iconic potato chip scene.
However, it may have actually been referenced in a small way at a couple different points
in the film.
Mia Sutton is seen eating some potato chips in Light's room, then he goes over to the
desk and it's covered in crumbs!!
So maybe the scene did take place "off camera" so to speak.
Did anyone else think when Light got caught with the homework pages that it was strange
that she found those, but not the Death Note?
I just imagine her thought process: you may have this book that's capable of killing 1000s
of people, and that's fine, but boy if you cheat in my class I will mess you up!
It's even more ridiculous considering that there have actually been instances of kids
getting in trouble for having fake Death Notes in schools before.
I attempted to read each page of the Death Note, but motion blur and Netflix's streaming
quality made it kind of hard, but here's what I picked up.
This page says something about Suicide and Scarlet Fever.
Light Turner is not the first one to have the Death Note and all the previous pages
and names are already in there.
Some of them were historical figures, others just seemed to be names.
This guy Jean Chabot was a Canadian legislator in the 1800s.
Michel Claparede was a French general in the 1700s.
Charles Adrien Merode was a nobleman in Europe, and I believe the name is also French.
In fact, it seems that the Death Note spent quite a lot of time in France.
The next page contains Louis Chabot, Michel Claparede again, with something crossed out,
and Andre Massena, a French Military commander.
So I'm thinking one Light's predecessors used the Death Note as a political weapon in ancient
Can you say spin-off?
Before we continue, I need to set the record straight on this apple thing.
For some reason, in this movie, Ryuk does not, eat the center of the apple.
If you're a Death Note fan, you know that apple cores are a myth, they don't exist,
it all just apple.
Don't believe me?
Let me demonstrate.
Another thing I found strange: nobody questions the destroyed classroom?
This seems like a bigger deal than helping some kids cheat on their test, but it never
comes up again.
As Light goes to the window, some text reading: The World, is written on the wall.
Is that because it's a classroom and classrooms have maps of the world?
But could it be a reference to the song title of the first OP of Death Note?
🎵Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta 🎵
Probably not.
In this movie, Light lives with his Dad, so unfortunately we do not get to see Mrs. Yagami
or Sayu.
We actually find out that Light's mom was killed.
I had assumed that it was earlier in his life, but she's still around in this picture on
Light's 16th birthday, so it must be very recent.
Now in the anime and manga, the Gods of Death come from the Shinigami Realm, which is not
seen any of the films.
Unless you count the relights, but those are just the anime cut down into the length of
a film, so that should not count.
Although we don't see the Shinigami Realm in this movie, that doesn't mean it doesn't
I noticed Rule 65 in the notebook makes reference to the Shinigami Realm.
It would also appear that the 19 day rule is still in effect.
If you aren't familiar with it, it allows you to write the cause of death before the
name, so long as you do fill in the name within 19 days.
Also, the 490 days you get to to maintain ownership of the Death Note without possessing
it has been shortened to 7 in this movie, and for no good reason because it never comes
In this scene Light tries to get Mia to see Ryuk by having her touch the notebook, which
works in the anime, but not in this movie apparently.
So what I'm wondering is, where did he get the idea to try that?
Did Light watch the anime or read the manga?
Do those things exist in the world of this movie?
Kind of.
The Brode hostage situation takes place in Little Tokyo in Seattle, which is just a little
reference to Japan, and there a few in this film, like how Light tries to make it seem
like he is in Japan by adopting the Kira moniker (again, did he watch the anime?) and making
many of his early killings in Japan.
We are going to start getting into spoilers for the anime and the movie now, this is your
final warning.
Remember in my initial video how I speculated that Mia Sutton was the US version of Misa
Well, Mia has an eye on her window, which is interesting considering that Misa obtains
the Shinigami eyes in the manga, and she is basically the eyes of Kira.
In the movie, there are no Shinigami eyes, but she does at times play the hand of Kira,
which is what Mikami does in the manga.
The song that Watari sings to L is from the Wizard of Oz.
It plays when they skip through the flowers toward Emerald City.
I'll talk more about the significance of flowers in this Death Note movie, later in this video.
Detective Turner has a list of murders that he suspects to be Kira murders in his office.
Some of them are kind of funny, and there are very few heart attacks compared to Light
Here are a few examples.
Eaten by Thylacine.
Attacked by bullshark.
Crushed by crystal chandelier.
Falling to death.
Electrocuted while playing guitar in the bath.
There were a few interesting things that L has, one of which is a golden apple, the other
appears to be a puzzle cube type thing.
If Mia Sutton is a combination of Misa and Mikami, maybe L is a combination of L and
The Lind L Taylor scene is skipped over in favor of L directly confronting Light.
He claims: "I shall be meeting you face to face very shortly."
Which he does.
In a really short scene, Light notices this guy following him, who is basically Raye Penber.
His name in this movie is Raymond Young.
In the anime, Light goes on a date with his classmate Yuri to Spaceworld, which is a Japanese
amusement park, in an attempt to out the identity of Raye Penber on the bus.
In this movie, he takes Mia on a date to this attraction on Pier 57, where they address
how the stalker should be dealt with, so I guess it's supposed to be the same scene.
That's not how L holds a phone.
This is how L holds a phone.
It seems strange that some of his other mannerisms from the anime carried over to Stanfield's
L, but not this others.
I guess Watari, is just W's full name in this movie.
Light writes "Watari" in the Death Note and it works.
In the manga, his real name is Quillish Wammy.
This is probably my favorite entry in the Death Note.
The guy's name is Abdul Aswad, and the cause of Death.
Eats a grenade.
At this point, I don't understand why doesn't Light just burn the page himself?
That would be the first thing I would do.
If you haven't noticed, this movie is nowhere near as smart as it's Japanese counterpart.
If you haven't seen those movies, I would highly recommend you check out Death Note
and Death Note II: The Last Name.
I can't say the same for the spin-off sequel, L: Change the World.
This video is not sponsored.
Both the first and last major Kira killings happen in front of a florist.
When Mia dies, she lands right in this bed of flowers, leading me to believe that flowers
are somehow representative of death.
If flowers are death, than butterflies are an agent of death, or a spreader of death.
We see butterflies constantly being associated with Mia: in her room, in her locker, a butterfly
balloon hovering next to her when she is reunited with Light close to the end.
If you noticed any other references, let me know in the comments.
If you want to have your very own Death Note, leave a like on this video.
Tomorrow, the 27th, we are doing a new Deadstream, at 2PM Pacific.
That's 5PM Eastern, 10PM British Summer Time.
We would love to have you join us, it'll be right here on CZsWorld.
If you're new to the channel, I am a filmmaker.
I make horror.
I talk about horror.
So if you like horror be sure to subscribe to the channel for new horrors every week,
ring that deathbell for notifications and I'll see you tomorrow in The Deadstream.
Assuming we both survive.
For more infomation >> 30 Things You Missed In Death Note (2017) - Duration: 7:44.-------------------------------------------
Smoke Weed Everyday | Snoop Dogg | 4K60fps - Duration: 0:10.
Smoke Weed Everyday
Taylor -tiểu sử - Duration: 2:49.
Gone With The Wind BANNED! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:33.
Theater Bans Gone With The Wind From Summer Series.
The Orpheum Theatre Group announced Friday that Gone With the Wind will be banned from
its summer movie series because it's too insensitive.
Following its last screening on August 11th, the Orpheum summer movie series decided not
to include the 1939 classic film about the Civil War in the 2018 lineup.
The theater's board said they received many complaints after this year's showing.
WREG reports:
"As an organization whose stated mission is to 'entertain, educate and enlighten
the communities it serves', the Orpheum cannot show a film that is insensitive to
a large segment of its local population," the theater's operators said in a statement.
Memphis' population is about 64 percent African-American.
The historic theater in Downtown Memphis has shown the movie for decades, but this year's
event "generated numerous comments," leading to the decision.
"While title selections for the series are typically made in the spring of each year,
the Orpheum has made this determination early in response to specific inquiries from patrons,"
the Orpheum group said.
Gone With the Wind takes place on a plantation.
Some critics say that the 1939 film isn't heavy-handed enough in its portrayal of slavery
and perpetuates stereotypes and myths.
Apparently, banning movies is back in fashion.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
5 Optifine Cape Designs! - Awesome Optifine Capes - Duration: 4:09.
Hey there!
What's going guys?!
I'm here with 5 more Optifine Cape Designs for you guys!
I actually recieved a lot of cape designs on the last video.
So, I'm going to be making two videos.
One today, and One for monday.
Tomorrow I've got a little different type of video so make sure to check that out too!
As always, if your cape didn't get featured, please feel free to leave it in the comments
again or submit any capes you may want to!
Alrighty, let's go ahead and get started!
To start off I have a cape design submitted by _GewoonStan_.
They say that the cape is simple but nice and I agree.
It's just a black and white cape.
The black on the cape is just a rectangle on the cape.
It sort of looks like a substraction sign or something.
But yeah, simple capes are good too.
And I show a lot of simple capes because I personally like them.
So there ya have it.
A simple white and black rectangle type cape design.
The next cape was sumbitted by Kappa Keepo.
They call it it a heart thing.
Well, they formed it as a question.
But yeah, it's a heart thing.
It's sort of like a dull red outline of a heart.
I think it's a pretty interesting design.
It's a different take on the heart capes that we've seen in videos in the past.
I always like to see new ways to have heart capes.
This is a new way to make a heart cape that I don't remember seeing before so that's pretty
Nice cape.
I've shown an L cape design in the past.
Well, Shoal submitted a different way to make an L cape design.
The L on this cape is positioned at the top of the cape and it's
rather bulky so you can really see it.
We have a black, white, and a bit of grey design for this video.
But you can use whatever colors you prefer as always.
Just switch out the black for one color and the white
for another and you'll get the color combination that you want.
I think a white and red design would look pretty cool for this cape.
This cape was submitted by Miner & Trqp.
I feature a lot of face designs in my video.
Face designs are always popular so I always like to add them into the video whenever I
get the chance just due to them being popular.
They called this cape a neutral face design.
And yeah, I guess that describes it.
It's not really making an expression.
The eyes are really big.
The back and grey color design looks pretty cool too.
Overall, it's a cool looking cape that I personally like.
The final cape is one that I really like.
This cape was submitted by Fearest.
This is a grenade design cape.
With the use of the brick design, this cape really came out
looking awesome.
That green color looks perfect for a grenade.
The brick design look perfect for a grenade too.
There is a grey pin for the grenade at the top.
I just really like this cape.
It's really well-designed and it really does look like a grenade.
It's a really cool cape.
So that's gonna do it for me guys!
As I said, I plan on having another video out on Monday featuring more capes that were
submitted on the previous Optifine Cape Designs video.
If you have any cape designs you want to submit, feel free to do so here.
If you're cape was featured in this video feel free to submit it again!
If you're new to the channel, please check out some of my other
If you're not new to the channel please feel free to check out some other videos too!
Make sure to subscribe, click the bell, and turn on notifications so you
do not miss a video from me!
Thank you so much for watching!
I hope you enjoyed!
I'm outta here..
See ya!
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