Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA Academy.
The topic of this video tutorial series is Getting Started with SAP HANA on the Google Cloud Platform
and in the next couple of videos we will take a look at how to start and stop an SAP HANA system.
This video will be about using cockpit and studio.
Hi, I am Denys van Kempen.
As of SAP HANA 2.0, so that's November 2016, you can use the web interface of SAP HANA
cockpit to start and stop an SAP HANA system.
That's pretty easy, no surprise.
Here I am on the Overview page, SAP HANA Cockpit, SystemDB@SP2, SP2 is the system identifier,
the SID.
Select the Overall System Database Status tile.
This will open the Manage Services page and here in the header we have a Stop System button
(or link, if you prefer).
Click it.
Confirm that you really want to stop the system with a Yes and - after a brief wait - a message
will appear to inform you that the system was successfully stopped.
In the status column for the services, we can see that some services are already stopped
whereas others are scheduled to be stopped, so we might need to refresh the page - you
can do this here in the header, set auto-refresh interval for this page to 1 minute - and,
oh well, the system has already stopped.
We only see the daemon service listed now.
We will discuss the different services and what they do in a minute.
If we then return to the Overview page, we can see that the Overall Database Status is
All the other tiles mention 'Cannot load data', which makes it maybe sound like there
is any issue but there is no issue at all: the database is stopped so obviously we cannot
load data, in fact, there is no data to load to begin with.
I guess we will get a more accurate message for our tiles in the future.
If we return to our Manage Services page again and this time select Start System
- it is the same button, of course -
and respond to the question if we want to start the system
(there is no "really", this time) with Yes, we get, after some delay, the message back that
'The system was successfully started'.
Now, that is a bit overenthusiastic, maybe,
to be fair, we are not quite there yet.
What is meant here is that the Start System command was successfully executed.
Now, we only have to wait for all the process to come up.
The nameserver service is already running.
Let's do a manual refresh as the interval of 1 minute is a bit long for our purpose here.
Compileserver running, preprocessor running,
daemon starting and waiting for the webdispatcher.
Takes a couple of seconds, maybe more, but eventually, all services are up and the daemon is always the last.
If we then return to the Overview page, we also see that data appears on all of the performance tiles.
One remark: for this to work, you need to have specified operating system credentials
for the resource, the system database in this case.
If I select the resources tab and then under SAP Control Credentials for SYSTEMDB@SP2
click Connect and select 'Delete the stored credentials for this resource'
in the Host OS Credentials for SAP Control' dialog,
the system returns the message: Clear SAP Control Credentials Succeeded'
and if we now return to our Manage Services page
for the system database and select Stop System: Yes. We get an error.
Show Details returns (what looks to be like some JSON): HDB_SAPCTL_NO_CREDENTIALS.
I'm sure we will get a prettier error in the near future but we get the point:
to stop and start a database, we need operating system credentials.
If you are on a slightly older version of SAP HANA,
you can use the SAP HANA Cockpit for Offline Administration,
as the tool is fully named.
This time you will be prompted straight away to provide a user name and password,
although the tool does not mention what needs to be entered here and expects you to know.
My browser had the username cached, it is the same operating system account we used before,
sp2adm which is the operating system administration account for SAP HANA.
Always has the same format: system identifier + adm.
So, as our SID is SP2, the account will be 'sp2adm'.
The port in the URL is always the same, it is 1128 for HTTP and 1129 for HTTPS.
There is no instance number in the port this time because we are connecting, in fact,
to the SAP host agent - a tool, a component, that's installed
with each and every SAP HANA system but is not really part of it.
It performs several tasks; we will discuss this topic in some other video.
In SAP HANA 1.0, cockpit was hosted by the built-in application server that came with each HANA system.
This also meant that if you stopped the system, the application server was also stopped,
so you could no longer use cockpit which is why there also is an offline cockpit hosted by
the SAP host agent on HANA 1.0.
The offline cockpit is still there in HANA 2.0, which is why I am able to use it here,
but for HANA 2.0 it is no longer serves any purpose, as you can do everything in the regular
HANA cockpit - assuming, of course, that you have a cockpit running somewhere in your landscape,
as it is a separate installation now, a separate system.
For system operations, select the Start, Restart, Stop tile.
We have a similar view as in cockpit 2.0.
The service name now has HDB as prefix which we can ignore for now but also shows two new
services both with SP2 appended: indexserver and XSengine.
Before we proceed let's pause briefly and introduce the different services.
The daemon is the watch dog - it monitors all HANA services all of the time
and should, for whatever reason, a service have stopped it will simply start it again.
The term daemon is common usage in UNIX/Linux for this purpose and as HANA runs on Linux
we find the same terminology being used.
The nameserver is also a very important process or service.
It has multiple roles, but here, for example, on a multi-tenant database container system,
it hosts the systemdb database.
The preprocessor and compileserver are supporting services: preproccesing for text analytics
and compilation is needed for SQLScript mainly but could also be used for other procedural
language extensions.
The web dispatcher process is similar to an HTTP server, or web server if you prefer;
it is a bit like the Apache web server to some extent and it is similar, if not the
same, as the one found on SAP Netweaver application server systems.
It performs the same tasks: might serve some static pages but mostly dispatches (redirects)
dynamic content to the appropriate application server, hence the name.
So, where is it dispatching to?
Well, that's what we see here: the XSEngine
XS, or extended services, is a built-in application server for HANA, built-in meaning that it
comes with every release.
XSEngine is the HANA 1.0 version, also known as the XS classic model.
For HANA 2.0, we have XSA, XS advanced model, which is no longer built-in.
You need to add it yourself (install).
The architecture has changed completely on this.
XSA has a whole number of additional processes, we don't see them here but we will cover
is this separate video tutorial on XSA.
There are more services, for example, should you install the Dynamic Tiering option, for
extended storage, you would also see a service for that.
So, this is not a complete list.
Also important is the indexserver service: it hosts the column and row stores, the database engines.
In HANA 1.0, each system would have a single indexserver process, it would be always be listed.
In HANA 2.0, the indexserver only hosts tenant databases, so if there no tenant database,
there is no indexserver.
This is the multi-tenant database container system feature which was optional in HANA 1.0
but is the only available operation mode in HANA 2.0.
To stop a system, select Stop System on the toolbar below.
This time, we can make a selection - we will see in the next video when we discuss sapcontrol
how this works - you can stop the system softly, give it 5 minutes or more, or immediately:
'Open transactions are aborted and rolled back.'
We have the same options for Restart System.
I am the only user on this system and have yet to start my first transaction, so it is
perfectly fine to select immediately to save some time.
On production systems, of course, you would typically not select this option,
it would have to be for some emergency.
There is no auto-refresh in this offline cockpit, so we will have to manually refresh the page
and we can see the services starting up again - they are either already Running, Initializing, or Scheduled to run.
Here we can actually see that the Web Dispatcher which took the longest to start in cockpit
when we restarted our system the first time,
is actually scheduled behind the indexserver and xsengine services,
tenant processes that our cockpit connection to the system database did not show.
So, we first need to wait for that.
OK - all services are running.
Then, there is also a client/server tool, SAP HANA studio.
Most of you will be familiar with it.
For those new to the topic, it is actually a plugin for the Eclipse development tool,
Java originally.
There are 100's of plugins and some are provided by SAP.
Runs on Windows, Linux and the Mac.
For HANA 2.0, web tooling is strongly recommended.
You might find the odd case, where you still need to use HANA studio but most of the time
using the web is preferred.
So, although not quite deprecated, it is considered to be more of a HANA 1.0 tool.
You need to add your systems here in the Systems view and then you can simply select
Start, Stop or Restart System from the context menu
- the right-mouse click menu, if you prefer and happen to be right handed.
You can find them under Configuration and Monitoring
- yes, I agree, that might not be where you would expect this.
We do have the same soft and immediate options, this time called Hard,
and the progress of the operation is displayed here on the Processes tab
of the Administration Console in Diagnosis Mode (Ctrl+Shift+O on Windows)
here from the toolbar.
This does require, as in cockpit, an SAP start service connection.
In studio, we can find this here under Properties: SAP Start Service Logon.
You enter the same credentials as for cockpit, the operating system user <sid> adm.
If there is nothing entered, you will prompted to provide them after selecting
on of the Start, Stop or Restart System menu options
All services are up. It is exactly the same view as the offline cockpit.
OK, we have briefly discussed the different SAP HANA services or processes.
We have seen that there is such a thing as an SAP start service which requires operating
system credentials and we have seen how you can start, stop and restart a system using
the web interface of HANA cockpit and the client/server tool HANA studio.
In the next video, we will return to HANA express on GCP and see how we can stop and
start our HANA system without cockpits and studios, just using the command line tools
available on the server.
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Thank you for watching.
For more infomation >> SAP HANA Academy - Getting Started with SAP HANA on GCP: Start & Stop - Cockpit & Studio - Duration: 14:46.-------------------------------------------
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Storytelling - Various Adverbs - (English Speaking) - Duration: 6:31.
I was walking home last night
when I heard a sound behind me.
I started walking fast.
Fortunately I came home safely.
I stopped,
looked back
and noticed that a creature was staring at me quietly.
It was my first time to see a raccoon.
Hi, everyone.
Welcome to SandJ English.
Did you enjoy my story?
Our topic today is "storytelling".
In storytelling the standard verb forms are the past simple and the past continuous tense.
Please check my lessons on these topics.
In storytelling we also often use adverbs,
especially adverbs of manner and adverbs of comment.
Let's look at them.
Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens or is done.
Open it quickly.
I started walking fast.
They are most often placed at the end of the clause.
Adverbs of manner are often confused with adjectives.
Remember adjectives modify nouns
"a careful driver"
But adverbs modify verbs.
"drive carefully"
Adverbs of manner are usually formed from adjectives by adding "ly".
A few adverbs of manner have the same form as the adjective.
Adverbs of comment tell us about the speaker's opinion on the action in the sentence.
Commonly used adverbs of comment are:
Adverbs of comment are very flexible.
They can be placed at the beginning of a sentence,
after the subject
or at the end.
Luckily, I got here on time.
I luckily got here on time.
I got here on time, luckily.
Let's practice adverbs now.
Please read the following sentences
and choose an adverb to fill in the blanks.
No 1
It was raining yesterday.
___, I did'nt have an umbrella.
a), b) or c) ?
Unfortunately, I did'nt have an umbrella.
No 2
Please speak ___ in the library.
c) is correct.
Please speak quietly in the library.
No 3
I studied ___ for my test, but I failed.
a) is the correct answer.
I studied hard for my test, but I failed.
Let's listen to one more story.
What is the story about?
You will hear 7 adverbs.
Please listen carefully and try to catch them.
Then write them in the comment section.
It was about one o'clock in the morning when I suddenly woke up.
I heard a noise,
so I got up
and walked slowly to the living room.
The light was on.
I listened carefully.
I heard two people talking quietly.
'Burglars!' I thought.
Immediately I called the police.
Fortunately they arrived fast.
They went to the living room
and a little later they said to me:
'We turned the TV off.'
Nice story, isn't it?
See you.
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Wait, wait! Don't go! Awww....
It's too darn hot...
Now I know what a potato feels like when it's baking.
What a heat wave we're going through.
Whew, boy!
What a scorcher! Wish I could take my fur off.
Hmmm... Genius time!
Must beat the heat!
Poor little overheated beak-face.
Chicky, don't worry. I'll cool you down, pal!
Wait there!
Here! And here! Also here! Also also here! And here!
And here, too!
Now, which wire leads to what?
Was - it red or blue?
Or was it gray or gray?
I better unplug them both... just to be certain.
They're alive! Alive!!
You are so lucky to have a friend as smart as me!
You'll be cool in like no time!
I just need to get some nice refreshing drinks from the fridge now...
Come to me, my lemonade!
Whoa... No way!
It's even too hot inside the fridge!
This isn't just a heat wave!
This heat must be the work of global warming!
Well alright then... It's time to invent something that protects us from mister sun!
This is my best idea ever!
Beat! The! Heat!
Hi, Bucky!
I brought you some nice cold fruit punch!
Franny, thanks...
But I don't have time for punch. I'm doing something really important!
Can you not see that I'm working hard on a machine that will block out the sun?
Great! Why would you need to block out the sun?
To save the world from the terrors of global warming.
Look, Franny...
Just need a few props...
And... There...
Say you're realxing in the sun, just catchin' some rays,
And you start to get a little extra-hot.
You start up your sweet sun-blockinator-omatic-tron, and...
Even on the hottest of days!
A fire?!
Looks like it's near Bucky's place!
I'm coming to rescue you, buddy!
Oh, Bjorn, hi there!
Want some fruit punch?
Hey, there.
What's burning?!
Nothing's burning!
It's worse!
Global warming is ravaging our planet!
Bjprn, my poor fridge is no longer cold. It got warmed!
This is bad!
Hurry, we've got to save our forest!
So, will you two boys have some of my punch or not?
Who cares about the punch?!
Who cares about the punch?!
Don't you die on us, forest!
Hey, come on...
Pump it, guys!
Keep on pumping it!
That's great!
You picked the wrong globe to warm, buster!
Put your back into it!
So hero-esque!
Well - Guess I should put the punch in the fridge.
"""Who cares about the punch"" - this stuff is delicious."
Huh. That's weird.
Oh. It's been turned off.
Odd choice on such a hot day.
Oh, the pluggy's outie.
There you go, sweetie.
Now it'll cool right down. See you later, punchie.
Pump, you pumpers!! Pump like the wind!
Yes! Take that, global warming!
Fellas, I'm heading home.
Bucky, I plugged your fridge back in for you, and left some punch.
Kay, bye!
It wasn't global warming that did it then?
All this time...
I unplugged the refrigerator myself?
And we both thought that we were saving the entire forest!
""Pump, guys! Pump like the wind!"" "
"That's Franny the fox: one; Global Warming: zero. Want some fruit punch?"
That sounds amazing. It's really hot out today.
Well, that's global warming for ya.
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{DOUJINSHI BORUSARA} SARADA LASCIVA | Lascivious Sarada [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 6:40.
Solar System
Sarada: Boruto is the Sun and Mitsuki the Moon...What about me?
Boruto: Sarada is the Earth, The Earth is always with the Sun and the Moon...
Mitsuki: While the sun keeps warm the Earth during the day, the Moon accompanies the earth at night
Sakura: Sasuke!! Relax, calm down!
My eyes
Boruto: Do you remember, right? You said that my eyes are more beautifuls than my dad´s eyes
Boruto: That means that you like my eyes more than my dad´s eyes!
Boruto: I can at last get over that old man in something! Dattebasa!
Sarada: I do not remember saying that your eyes are more beautiful than those of the seventh.I just said that they were more blue
Sarada: Obviously his eyes are better than yours. Anyway not all the blue of this world is better
Sarada: Imagine a sky more blue than usual, that would be weird
Boruto: That is enough! You are so cruel! That is too much!
Boruto: I can´t believ what you just say about my eyes!
Cinema tickets
Sarada: Ah !! They are the last tickets to go see the movie Denissel !!
Boruto: Iwabe and Denki said that they would see the new movie of Kagemasa. Shikadai said the same as Inojin, they said that they would train that day! Mitsuki said: "It would be good to go to the o-bon, then...who can go wit me? After thinking you are my last option
Sasuke: What Happen?/Sarada: Dad!/Boruto: Eh!?
Sasuke: A movie? It can be interesting, I will go/Boruto: I don´t like how he look at me...
Naruto: You guys are going to watch the movie? Good! I will go as well!/Boruto: Papa!
well...no way...
Note: the O-bon Is a semi-religious feast honoring the spirits of their ancestors
Lascivous Sarada
*Cut*/Sarada: Ah!
Boruto and Mitsuki: What happened!?
Sarada: Oh, Nothing...I just cut myself a bit...
Mitsuki: Are you bad at cooking? You surprise me!/Sarada: Shut up!
Boruto: You have no remedy...Show me
Boruto: blood is still coming out
Sarada: What are you...
Boruto: That's what i should say!/Sarada: What is that of taking my hand and licking it?I can´t believe it! You do those things like you were a Otome! (Game for girls)/Boruto: rude girl! lascivous!
Mitsuki: Pot...It is burning
Sarada: you should have prevented it !!/Boruto: Sorry, I were looking at you
Accidental kiss
Boruto: Panda!/Sarada: Bear!
Mitsuki: hehehee
Boruto: I´m...I´m-....
Boruto: I´m sorry...
This is how they revived a memory of their unforgettable past
Sakura: God stop fighting you two! And think that when they were children got along/Hinata: That is right! they even eat together, shower together, sleep together...And now...
Boruto and Sarada: Shower together!? Sleeping together!? We´ve never hear that!/ Hinata and Sakura: It can´t be, Don´t you remember taht!?
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