After a brief soirée in an Afghan cave, I said goodbye to the party scene.
I forgot that night in Switzerland.
These days, I'm a changed man.
- I'm different now.
I'm... Well...
- Forty-seven. - You know who I am.
Sir, please may I request just a few hours to calibrate...
No. Forty-eight.
Micro-repeater implanting sequence complete.
As you wish, sir.
I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore.
Which I will.
All right, let's do this.
Hi, DUM-E.
How did you get that cap on your head? You earned it.
Hey. Hey!
What are you doing out of the corner? You know what you did.
Blood on my mat. Handle it.
Sir, may I remind you that you've been awake for nearly 72 hours?
Focus up, ladies.
Good evening, and welcome to the birthing suite.
I am pleased to announce the imminent arrival
of your bouncing, bad-ass baby brother.
Start tight and then go wide.
Stamp date and time.
Mark 42. Autonomous prehensile propulsion suit test.
Initialise sequence.
Jarvis, drop my needle.
All right, I think we got this. Send them all.
Probably a little fast. Slow it down.
- Slow it down just a...
...little bit.
Cool it, will you, Jarvis?
Come on. I ain't scared of you.
I'm the best.
As always, sir, a great pleasure watching you work.
I guess 72 hours is a long time between siestas.
I didn't think it could get any worse.
For more infomation >> Iron Man Mark 42 Suit Up | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Should 'Explosive' Donald Trump Dossier Be Made Public? | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 9:30.
Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo: We Are Still Prepared For The Worst | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 7:20.
Arpaio's Attorney Speaks Out After Donald Trump's Pardon Of Ally | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 10:30.
Zagrajmy w The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 87: Odwaga nie daje nieśmiertelności - Duration: 26:45.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott: We Are Working To Save Lives | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 5:00.
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Rex Tillerson: Donald Trump 'Speaks For Himself' On American Values | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 13:48.
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Malibu Mansion Attack | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:21.
- We are leaving the house. - Guys?
That's not even up for discussion.
- Can we, um... - I said no. What?
Do we need to worry about that?
I got you.
I got you first.
Like I said, we can't stay here.
Move! I'm right behind you.
Get her. I'm gonna find a way around.
Stop stopping. Get her. Get outside.
Ch, my God. Tony!
Sir, Ms Potts is clear of the structure.
Jarvis, where's my flight power?
Working on it, sir. This is a prototype.
That's one.
Sir, the suit is not combat ready.
That's two.
Disney Villains Sleeping Princess Cosplay Makeover Games Dress Up Game for Kids - Duration: 3:06.
Disney Villains Sleeping Princess Cosplay Makeover Games Dress Up Game for Kids
JUST IN: Sheriff Joe Surprises America With Shocking New Career Revelation | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:26.
Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is furious with the establishment GOP's
response to his pardon, granted by President Donald Trump.
And he thinking he'll do something about it.
"I could run for mayor, I could run for legislator, I could run for Senate," Arpaio
said Monday.
One particular race, however, is likely to gain significant attention: the GOP primary
next year facing Flake, R-Ariz., a forceful Trump critic.
"I'm sure getting a lot of people around the state asking me" to challenge Flake,
said Arpaio, who served 24 years as sheriff before losing reelection in 2016.
"All I'm saying is the door is open and we'll see what happens.
I've got support.
I know what support I have."
He's got everything he needs to kick out those who protest Trump's "America First"
Arpaio said he swore off another candidacy in January, when he left office, but that
"with what I've seen happening in recent months, especially what's happening with
our president, I said, 'Hey, why not?'"
Here's the White House's announcement about Arpaio's pardon:
Obama Pretends To Be President To Texas Flood Victims – Backfires When They Saw What Else He Did - Duration: 4:42.
Obama has had an extremely difficult time relinquishing
the power he was held as president of the Untied States, as he's spent every waking
moment in recent months obsessing on ways to take out President Trump with his "resistance
movement." Now in the catastrophic wake of Hurricane Harvey, Obama is doing something
sickening to the victims in a desperate attempt to put the spotlight on himself, and try to
take over as President of the United States.
To adequately paint the picture of Obama's disgusting antics, let's take a quick re-wind
back in history. In August of last year while Obama was in office, prolonged rainfall resulted
in catastrophic flooding across the state of Louisiana that submerged thousands of houses
and business, leaving 40,000 Louisiana residents completely homeless. Louisiana's governor
John Bel Edwards called the disaster a "historic, unprecedented flooding event," declaring
a state of emergency for the floods that tragically took the lives of 13 people.
The good, hard-working people of Louisiana waited and waited to hear their president
extend his condolences and pay their suffering community a visit. But Obama was nowhere to
be found. The plight of suffering Louisianans was the last thing on Obama's list of priorities,
as he continued to whack golf balls and vacation at his exclusive posh resort.
"Why is Obama ignoring us?" headlines everywhere read. Local newspapers even called
him out, publicly shaming the Obama into interrupting his vacation to do his damn job.
"He should pack his bags now, and pay a call on communities who need to know that
in a national catastrophe, they are not alone," the newspaper's editors wrote in Baton Rogue.
"It's past time for the president to pay personal visit, showing his solidarity with
suffering Americans," they added. "The president's presence is already late to
this crisis, but it's better late than never."
"Louisiana needs a Comforter-in-Chief — someone who can mobilize national attention on the
plight of suffering people," another news site wrote. "If he can find time to raise
money for Hillary Clinton on vacation – he can sure as heck make time for flood victims
in the Deep South."
"F*** you, Obama." local woman Heather Briggs blasted out in a live facebook video
as flood waters surrounded her house. "He comes down here and says this isn't a photo
op, yet he brings news crews, a podium, and does a g** damn speech. We don't need you.
We don't want you. We don't like you. You were so f****** 'heartbroken' at the
'loss of life' of 13 people that you continued your f****** vacation, you continued your
fancy meals and your golf game and your walks on the f******* shore, and whatever else you
did with your man wife."
Fast forward to Hurricane Harvey, and now Obama is suddenly eager to show up on the
scene, anxious to pretend he gives a crap about Americans. True to form of never letting
a good tragedy go to waste, Obama took to social media behaving as though he was the
Commander-in-Chief, "thanking" people for their efforts during the hurricane.
"Thank you to all the first responders and people helping each other out. That's what
we do as Americans," he tweeted. Funny how Obama suddenly cares about the plight
of suffering Americans. The people of Baton Rouge would've liked to have had the same
attention while 40,000 of them swam around the flooded streets of Louisiana waiting on
emergency services. But Obama had no political use for them at that point in time, as his
term as president back in August of last year was nearing an end.
As Obama stages his political comeback this fall, he's now using these Texas victims
as disgusting political pawns, not only as a way to steal the spotlight off of Trump,
but this is a desperate attempt to make Trump look bad. This is further evidence of his
shadow government in full play, as liberals are joining Obama in his pursuits to paint
Trump as a callous leader who doesn't care about Hurricane Harvey victims.
"Trump's bowled over by Harvey's size and scale — not its impact on the victims,"
one liberal headline read. "Trump's rhetoric has retained its usual bombastic tone, expressing
fascination with the hurricane's size and singularity, rather than empathy for its victims."
It's absolutely sick how Obama is trying to hijack this tragedy to make himself relevant
again. The people of Texas definitely aren't buying Obama's BS this time around, and
the more he tries to take over pretending to be president, the more the American people
will resent him, as it's obvious he's only using these victims as a way to make
himself popular.
what do you think about this? Please Share this news and Scroll down to
comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.
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Thuppakki Full Movie (w/ Eng Subtitles) | Vijay, Kajal Agarwal | Blockbuster Tamil Movie - Duration: 2:49:51.
When is the train likely to arrive?
lt's time... lt'll be here any minute
Ask when it will be here exactly!
You'll only know the right time after the train arrives!
Call and ask him where exactly the train is
- Hello, who's this? - l'm Jagdish's sister
Yes! Tell me!
Due to some engine problem our train has stopped here
- ls he around? - Jagdish...
Yes! He's playing outside!
Come on, Jagdish Come on, man
Yay! Jagdish
"Your soul's journey on earth is a certainty lf you're patient, God's presence a guaranty"
"A young band of tigers in revelry they immerse"
" celebrate of course!"
"Clouds in disarray Rejoicing the holiday"
"Road-full of sarees, sashay"
"Me too a resident of Mumbai city From tomorrow firework activity"
"Get crackers like sixers ready Brother-in-law...buddy!"
"Take your grandparents' blessing Take a glam-doll for a pleasing!"
"French beard is my style Get lost, you imbecile"
"Hey dude, your abstinence days bitter as neem leaves now a haze"
"Be naughty, pull some pranks Get scolded, but no spanks"
"Whatever the world fears most the heart aspires that foremost"
"Like the waves caress the shore every night is a dream galore"
"Clasp and grasp in fist fighting Like Aesop's fables happy ending"
lC58656 Captain Jagdish reporting, sir!
Sorry, sir
l tripped l can't dance!
"A young band of tigers in revelry they immerse"
" celebrate of course!"
"Clouds in disarray Rejoicing the holiday"
"Road-full of sarees, display"
"Your soul's journey on earth is a certainty lf you're patient, God's presence a guaranty"
"This heart of mine thinks all the time of girls gorgeous and so sublime"
"Girls are manna from heaven Men who resist few and far between"
"Watch a fashion-show, in the roads roam to find the best beauty to take home"
"Though the bride-hunt more a strain still, a pleasure beyond complain"
"Be on your toes, vigilant and wary be fit, not rust, be a flying luminary"
"A young band of tigers in revelry they immerse"
" 'live it up' of course!"
"Clouds in disarray Rejoicing the holiday"
"Street-full of sarees...hurray!"
"Me too a resident of Mumbai city From tomorrow firework activity"
"Get crackers like sixers ready Brother-in-law...buddy!"
"Take your grandparents' blessing Take a glam-doll for a-teasing!"
"Sport a French beard in style Get lost, you imbecile"
'For your kind attention please'
'Train # 12672 Jammu-Tawi Express, the Army officers' special train...'
'...will be arriving on platform # 5''s there!
- Where? - Over there!
Brother! Hi!
- Hey Deepti, how are you? - Why this sudden mini-beard?
lt's nothing, mom
l'm coming back to the city l wanted to be stylish
- How are you? - l'm fine time to chat now All of you come home and eat!
Give that bag to me
Don't you eat at all?
- Come this way - l'm coming, dad
Put this bag in the trunk
Get in
Change to 3rd gear!
Where are we going in such a hurry, dad?
You don't know?
To fix a bride for you
'Margazhi' month starts tomorrow
Considered inauspicious for matrimony No chap will show his daughter to you
And the bad time starts in 25 minutes!
We must see the bride by then Or else you stay single even this year
Mom! What is this about 'good time'? Will anyone go see a bride in uniform?
Let me take a shower, freshen up, sleep for a bit and then go
- You are getting old by the day, da! - Mom, l'll still be the same age later today
Will all of you keep quiet?
Change to 6th gear
We have got only 20 minutes
Look! Their apartment is like a hotel
- Good day - Greetings
- Hasn't the groom come? - This is the groom
He looks like he has come straight out of a war zone
Come Come, please
- Come, da - You go ahead
- Where are you running off to? - Come!
'3 wickets out at the entrance itself
We have to see the bride before the auspicious time is over
That's why l dragged him here straight from the station
- Ask her to come please - Call her, dear!
- Dad? - Not for me...
Offer them
Sit down, dear
- Shall l ask her to sing? - Some nice song...
To match the groom's attire she can only sing the national anthem
'That was a cheap shot!'
So...are you happy, son?
She was very pretty, no?
Dad, give me their phone number please?
l'll give it to you 022...
Tell me, son Don't make a noise
The groom is on the line!
Tell me...
Sir, your daughter is really beautiful
But our tastes seem to vary
l'm not sure if the two of us will be compatible
But l'm sure you'll get a better son-in-law than me
Don't misunderstand me
What is this, da?
He's not getting married in this birth definitely!
Give me 1 good reason why that girl wasn't good enough!
- 3 reasons! - What?
That girl's hair was 1 and a 1/2 meters long!
ls that a reason?
Even girls with half that hair if we are going out...
...will keep combing their hair like this
lt'll probably take her 3 hours just for to plait her hair
Did l ask for this? Did l?
Did l ask you to marry me off right now like this?
And look how shy she was
l bet she's scared of lizards and roaches
She's hitting her own father like this, did you see?
You should've reprimanded her when she was young!
Even when she was a kid, you went on with...
...your 'hit, daddy' dialog
l expected a stylish girl but she looks like a villager in Bombay
Why do you need so much money?
l said l'd throw my friends a party if the boy didn't like me
'The police entered the apartment by force'
'Breaking down the door and found the victim dead inside'
'The police say that according to post mortem report-'
When l heard you were coming l wanted to say l had chikungunya... excuse and rush back home My bad time, l wasn't granted leave
So you are indirectly hinting l'm a nuisance?
No one in the word can say it more directly that l just did
And you claim this is indirect? That's where you stand!
What did l do that was so bad?
You? You'll come here for your annual vacation
You'll roam around with me Stick your nose in all my work
When l'm eligible for promotion to an inspector, you'll drag me down...
...back to Sub lnspector
Why don't you spend this vacation with your family?
lt's not like parents have given me strict instructions
lf l go out in the morning, l shouldn't be back home until night
lf l stay at home, l'll be spoilt rotten it seems
Don't you see what a mammoth lie this is!
Leave it! l'll be with you but l won't disturb you at all
What function is this?
lt's some tournament We're providing security
Are the perimeters secured? Don't let anyone in without an lD card
Dude! This is a ladies' college in Bombay...admire them from within
But be casual on the outside
- Yes, sir - This is too much!
You went to see a bride yesterday? How did it go by the way?
The match is about to begin! First we have St.Xaviers college!
- With Nisha! - Nisha! Nisha! Nisha!
Don't ask! She was a little too shy
Also she seems soft...
Nisha! Nisha! Nisha!
l don't like this girl! l don't! l don't!!
"Knock out...look out Limbs out...don't flout"
"Knock out...look out so you better look out!"
This is the kind of girl you want, right?
This is the girl l saw!
"ln Antarctica, depths of snow why does my heart slide like floe"
"Are you a penguin or friendly dolphin Why is my mind confused within?"
"Hey Nisha...Nisha...Nisha Oooh Nisha...Nisha...Nisha!"
"Girl! My heart, can you detect with your radar electrical effect?"
"My heart beat's smitten sound, can your sonar navigate aground?"
"Girl! My heart, can you detect with your radar Doppler effect?"
"My heart beat's smitten sound, can your sonar measure around?"
"Hey Nisha...Nisha...Nisha Oooh Nisha...Nisha...Nisha!"
"Beauty measuring gizmo will lose face to her, sure oh!"
"l saw 'figure of speech'...walk by"
"Since hill slopes lose to her arched eyebrows two"
"...l saw falls that cascade...cry"
"When golden rays touch her skin to moonbeam they silver-spin"
"When she sashays even in that sway, music plays"
"ln Antarctica, depths of snow why does my heart slide like floe?"
"Are you a cuddly penguin or a dolphin Why is my mind bewildered within?"
"Army boots thump-thumping Like a road storm-storming"
"Girl! You invaded me...likewise"
"Alcove of your eyes bright explode like dynamite"
"My heart hit by a bullet...your eyes"
"All my life through l was waiting for a girl like you"
"lfyou accept me l'll love you like l love my country"
"ln Antarctica, depths of snow why does my heart slide like floe"
"Are you a penguin or sleek dolphin Why is my mind perplexed within?"
"Hey Nisha...Nisha...Nisha Oh Nisha...Nisha...Nisha!"
"Girl! My heart, can you detect with your radar Doppler effect?"
"My heart beat's smitten sound, can your sonar navigate aground?"
No! No! lmpossible He's a total loony
1st he says no and now changes his mind
Brings in some lame police dog and tries to bribe me
ls she a girl or snake-gourd gravy to cook as you wish!
Dad, if we listen to him, we'll go mad
Tell them
Forget it! We can't talk to them again
What? ls he being funny?
He didn't like me then And now he says he does!
After we get married he'll again change his mind
ls that okay?
Listen...when a boy professes his love to you, should 1st say 'me too' and see how it goes
lf it doesn't work, break up tomorrow
But before you reject you should think thrice!
Boys will only drool till we have our curves in place!
ln a few years, we'll be out of shape like our mom
Before a girl says no, she should think of her mom
l don't need all that l'll go to the gym and work ou-
He looks like a Thamizh boy Shall we say hi to check him out?
This is the guy l said no to!
Nisha...Nisha! Oho Nisha...!
Why is he making gestures like some twisted snack?
Hey! Get down!
- What are you going to do? - Get down
He's dead today
Why did you kiss me now?
Me? When did l...?
l only kissed my mirror
My mirror, l'll do whatever l want with it
lt's your mirror But the face in it was mine!
lt belongs to the Govt!
l'll kiss my mirror! Cuddle it l'll even break it if l want to!
lt's my wish
Why? l'll break it for you myself!
Violence is not the way
How dare you kiss me in the middle of the road?
What kind of policeman are you? Sitting there like a bag of rice!
l'll put you in for eve teasing
lf you show up again, l'll kill you
She's worse than my mother-in-law!
Ask about Boxer Nisha in Shastri Nagar
lf you had just said you liked the girl that day... bike would be in 1 piece!
She's super
She just flicked the keys while talking to us
Not talking, bro...yelling
ln your tit-for-tat, what did my department bike do to you?
Thief...thief l had Rs 5000 in my purse!
My purse
Don't be scared! The thief must be inside the bus!
l'm a is he We'll check everyone
And then we'll find out
Driver! Stop the bus! No one should get off
We'll check everyone
Balaji, you check here l'll check at the back
All of you come down Come one by one!
What did l do, sir?
- That's my purse! - Listen! ls it this one?
- This? - No
You go inside and see Check under the seats
Check the bags as well
Open your bag, please
- You thief! - My purse...that's my purse!
This is the thief, dude!
Hey...wait! Jagga!
Why are you running?
Huh? Why? Why did you run?
There was a bomb blast at the Oshiwara bus depot...
...that claimed 37 lives
We'll leave no stone unturned to solve this case!
l believe we'll find the culprit soon
They are treating him at the hospital instead of questioning him immediately
Look! How he's speaking gasping for breath as if he caught him
l should have been there You dragged me away
lf only l had come on TV, l'd have stumped my mother-in-law
My status at home would now be turvy-topsy!
l'd have become an lnspector
There were about 18 people killed and about 26 people injured
lt is surmised terrorists didn't intend planting the bomb in a public bus
And it might have got triggered accidentally in transit
How many more people like Ajmal Lateef are around...
...and what is their aim?
Minister for Home Affairs expressed his concern
'Waiting for your order'
'Proceed as planned Activate Plan B'
- l've been waiting for you - Why?
Go inside...l'll tell you
This is Jagdish's house Keep whatever l said in mind, okay?
All of you stay alert
lt's an unofficial duty
So stay in separate channel on the walkie, okay?
What's going on so late?
These are guys working for me
They're off duty They'll stay here as security tonight
Tomorrow morning go to Tamil Nadu with your family
- Why all this? - He's escaped from the hospital
He's killed a doctor And 2 police officers
- How? - We don't know
Okay, you go
You caught him right? So l was worried he'd come here
But they are here now You both go behind
Okay...l'll see you around!
These days everything has changed, sir
What happened? Move!
Go behind and check
What did those little kids in that school bus do to you?
Without even asking you any questions do you know...
...why l cut your finger?
Because l'll start asking questions
lf you don't answer you know what'll happen
1 question...only 1 second Answer...or else...!
Another finger gets cut
Someone helped you at the hospital
Who was that?
Security Chief lnba Sekharan
That's all So simple!
- Who is it? - Me!
Who are you?
What are you doing here so late?
Who is it?
l'm coming...l'm coming!
- Oy! Tell me quickly! - l need to talk to you
Can you come to the terrace?
Why at this hour, man? We'll talk in the morning
The man whom you helped escape is now a guest in my house
Sorry, l didn't introduce myself My name is Jagdish
lndian Army But l'm not just that
DlA Defense lntelligence Agency
l'm one of their specialists A secret agent
People who work with me My friends...even my family
...are totally unaware
So are you wondering why l told you?
You won't stay alive, that's why
When we are at camp, the other country shoots us...
...and quite often we shoot them
One day at camp, a man called Selvaraj...
...from Pudukottai only suddenly went missing
7 days We couldn't find him
We found him on the 8th day
Poor guy he got caught in their camp
They tortured him for 7 days Dug his eyes out... bottles, no?
They shoved beer bottles from under him, right inside...
...and then broke them
We were the ones who gave his body to his family
His mom cries His dad hits himself
His sisters are in deep anguish
On the 14th day, his younger brotherjoined the military
We die over there everyday only so you all can live
This is a locally made gun This is my gun
lf l shoot you, l'll need to explain why l shot you
Your family will be in ruins
Your sons will have to beg on the road
Your wife will have to stand on the side of the road and...
...pave the streets calling random strangers!
But if you shoot yourself stating it as suicide during duty...
...someone in your house will get a job
They'll get provident fund and pension every month
You figure it out yourself
lf that gun turns to me though l'll definitely shoot you
You've stepped on a landmine!
l can hear a gun-shot! Come!
l know that neither of you know the full details
Oops! Sorry Let me repeat it in Hindi!
l know that neither of you know the full details
Juhu...Bandra Matunga...Dharavi
'12 attacks in Mumbai city'
- When? - 27th
She's the first one getting married in our gang
Landed from Kallakurichi and how a boy from Gujarat!
She's focused! She looks so gorgeous, no?
- Thank you! - Look how shy she is
- Hi! - Hi! Congratulations!
Hey! Wow! Thank you!
Hi! Congrats! You look so cute, babe!
- l have an urgent doubt - What doubt?
Please...please...please, di Come aside for 5 minutes
How can l come now?
Please, di...or else my head will burst
Okay...excuse me One minute!
- Come...for friend's sake!! - Congrats!
What is it?
ln our entire college besides me, you are the prettiest
Okaaay...we are equally pretty
All over your hostel room you got pictures of...
Ranbir Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, John Abraham stuck all over!
Why did you get married to a guy like this now?
Listen, you must think practically
He gets a FAT salary What more do l need?
Good looking guys never achieve Achievers are never good looking
Look there! He's posing all alone for pictures on his reception day
lf a guy looks good and gets a big salary...then?
Surrender totally and get married to him
Why are you just sitting there?
l'm thinking of something that doesn't sit well
What is it? Let me see if l can tell
lf a policeman like me can't do think you can?
You know the difference between a policeman and a military man?
You guys don't need to use your brains
Bark out 'attention' and you bring your legs together
Say 'stand at ease' and you bring them apart
Shoot and you start shooting at random
But we policemen need brains
When we catch a pickpocket we must think like him
When we catch a murderer we have to be in his shoes!
While catching a terrorist, we must turn ourselves into one
Me the diligent cop can't figure it out
You go play ball, go!
Tell me what your problem is l'll see if l can help
Okay, try to catch it That terrorist escaped, didn't he?
The very same night, a cop shot himself in his house
He was the one who was on duty when the terrorist escaped
l'm wondering if both the incidents are in any way related
That wasn't a suicide lt was a murder
How are you so sure?
l was the one who did it
- You...why did you do it? - Why did he help the terrorist escape?
He helped the terrorist escape? How would you know?
The terrorist told me
Where did you see the terrorist who escaped from the hospital?!
- ln the hospital, you... - ln the hospital, l...?
ln the hospital, l...?
Complete your sentence!
Tell me what happened?
Wait...wait, Jaggu dear! You know l can't handle suspense
Please just tell me and go
One minute, da
Tell me l...
Are you coming back from a 'spoken English' class or what?
- No...l...can l get married to you? - When did you get this idea?
- This 8:60 A.M - What happened at 8:60?
l was at my friend's reception
She's one of the prettiest girls in my college
The guy she's got married to is not one bit good looking
l asked her why
And she filled me in on her theories
And my friends also encouraged me
But from the start we haven't matched
First l said no and then you said no
- Now you say you want to - l'm saying yes, right?
Yes but...our tastes should match
Do you smoke?
Cigarettes?! How can a girl smoke? That isn't allowed in boxing at all
See? l prefer only girls who smoke
Cigarettes...l can't say l've never smoked
At parties with my girls, new year...l've smoked then
- Huh? - Booze? wine! lt's good for the heart
For skin...once l even drank vodka
See? l don't like girls who drink at all
You are changing it deliberately
You love me! You are doing this on purpose!
l came here straight from the wedding for you
l didn't even eat!
Okay okay, please Please...please
l'll marry you right now if you want
l was just kidding
- 1 slight problem - Again? What?
They showed me another guy at home and l said okay
- Because l was mad at you - You said okay?
That's not a big deal though
l don't have a problem saying okay And then saying it's not okay
The okay l said to you is different from the one l said to him
He's in the military too
lf we convince him all our problems are solved
He's asked me to come to the coffee shop at 12 today
Okay, l'll come too l'll take care of him
So, shall we go?
Shhhh! Wait
He's in the military, no? He's very punctual
l'll go in first and then you come
l'll go talk to him first and then call you
- Excuse me? - Yesss!
lC58666 Captain Jagdish, reporting, sir!
Sorry...sorry! Jaga! What are you doing here?
- How are you? - l'm fine, sir!
When you spoke in a raised tone l thought it was a parade ground!
- Okay, come...sit, sit! - No,, sir
Nothing...the girl l'm marrying said she'll see me here today
- Sir! - That's why all this
- Sir! - l'm nervous
- Because it's my first time - Can l get something for you, sir?, nothing! l will sit here
Shhhhhhhhhh! Psssssssssst!!
Hello! Greetings
Hi! Sit down, please
Your mom called and said you really like me
Sorry, Mr Jagdish We are in the same battalion
But he's very junior to me
He keeps making mistakes and getting punished for it
That's why he's scared of me
- Jagdish...Nisha - Hello, madam
- Nisha, what will you eat? - No...nothing
Nothing? Oh that's great!
- No, sir! - Oh wow!
Nisha, l'm having a get together at a hotel tonight...a small party
You must come, yaar
- Jagdish, you come too - Yes, sir!
Now it's 12:30
You said you'll come at 12:00
l'm so punctual, yaar because l'm a military man
- Of course - So l'll see you in the evening
- Shall l make a move? - Bye
- Okay, Jagdish! - Yes, sir...lC584-
See you in the evening
Bye, da...bye See you, da
ls this the way you clear the air?!
Whatever it is, you are the girl who's marrying him
Calling me 'madam' even after he's left!
- Aren't we in love? - We can break up now
We haven't been in love for even 1 hour
...and we're breaking up already?
Look here, madam He's better than me in all ways
To run 100 meters it takes me 52 seconds
He can do it in 68 seconds
ln high jump, l jump 6'1" he sweeps a clean 6' 6"
ln long jump, l can only clear 7 meters
But he can do 7.4m
ln weight lifting-
Hey! Are we recruiting guys for the military here?
l don't like him
You didn't like me at 1st either But now you do!
Tomorrow you might change your mind about him!
That's different This is different
Plus l can get a girl by the click of my fingers
But...he's so old Who would marry him?
So...l'm the guinea pig?
- Your phone's ringing - lt's your phone
Dude...where did you see the escaped terrorist?
You don't like suspense l don't like opening suspense
Tomorrow we both have an importantjob to do
"'Alaika laika' as an 'Apple' make? Cheeks soft like strawberry cake?"
"Are you a premium 'Apple' make? Cheeks red like strawberry cake?"
"ln absolute resplendence, expression of a moon goddess?"
"Are you essence of my dreams? Your eyes target me in extremes?"
"Don't you show-off and tease to trigger my feelings please"
"Don't fan the fire in my soul only to char me to cinders whole"
"Dear...deer frisky Where will our honeymoon be?"
"My sweetheart...steady lsn't it near Kargil, tell me?"
"Honey, my love-factor my unsweetened nectar!"
"Queen of my heart always Hereafter fed at army base"
That's better!
"On my third eye, to kiss he also adds a lifetime of bliss"
"My 'butler Thamizh' paltry he calls it poetry!"
"You are 18, not a minor says your heart's monitor"
"Since you are a major even l'll be love-millionaire"
"He is the one till the end my forever lover-friend"
"He makes a monkey-face A thief with a grimace!"
"What is the wind's difficulty? This flower's desires plenty!"
"lt is not the honey's loss Let's merge, my lady-boss!"
"' an A-1 'Apple' make? Cheeks pink like strawberry cake?"
"ln absolute radiance are you a living moon goddess?"
"Are you essence of my dreams? Your eyes target me in extremes?"
"l sweet talk and tease to trigger your pulse with ease"
"Fan the fire in your heart Char to embers to cool apart"
"My heart by your caress-spree is on fire to minus degree"
"Oxygen for your existence is enhanced by your fragrance"
"Standing near me is Mr Spunky His bravery is as high as the sky"
"The day will dawn pronto when l'll be Mrs Spunky in toto"
"You are in demand sweetest branded sweet"
"When he eyes you sexily your lips will merge sensually"
"He is my comfort-bed To his heart l'll embed"
"He'll cuddle and tease With honeyed kisses l'll please"
"Alaika laika"
"Are you a premium 'Apple' make? Cheeks red like strawberry cake?"
"ln absolute resplendence, expression of a moon goddess?"
"Are you essence of my dreams? Your eyes target me in extremes?"
"Don't sweet-talk and tease to trigger my feelings please"
"Don't fan the fire in my soul only to char me to cinders whole"
"Dear...deer frisky Where will our honeymoon be?"
"My sweetheart...steady lsn't it near Kargil, tell me?"
"Honey, my love-factor my unsweetened nectar!"
"Queen of my heart all ways Hereafter fed at army base"
Why are you sitting here?
You don't know why l'm here?
No, don't come in without telling me
Wait downstairs and call me...okay?
Where did you see the terrorist?
How did you catch the guy who escaped from the hospital?
After you left that day, l was at the hospital all the time
You can'tjust keep him here!
You have to hand him over to the police
Why? So he can escape again?
Only then will we know more details of his clan
- l already know - What do you mean you know?
What is that needle for?
ls he sick?
What is this for? Don't untie him
- Where are you going? - How many questions will you ask?
The injection contains a serum He'll be out for the next 2 hours
- Come, let's go - Where?
To the wedding
Today's my batch mate's wedding, no?
- Come, let's go and come - This is all a bit too much
You have a terrorist inside your house and you're off for a wedding!
- And you've untied him - We'll be back soon, come with me
How are you bro? Looking smart, huh?
- Hi - Hi, bro
- lt's late, let's go - Who is this, Jagdish?
Let me introduce you to my friends
He is my friend Balaji Sub lnspector of Bandra
Joel, will you take Sarah to be your wedded wife?
Yes, with God's help
Sarah, will you take Joel as your wedded husband?
Yes, with God's help
Now you may kiss the bride
- Come, let's go - We'll go...why the hurry?
lt's getting late!
The bridegroom is calling you all
All the best
Come, let's go
You don't know the gravity of the situation
Hey! l'm arrested
- Congrats - Congrats, buddy
Dude, you are sitting here and relishing this cake...we are late
lt's been a long time Shall we all play a game?
This guy plays games at camp and when the train stops
Now another game at a wedding?!
But it's a real game
- A real game? - Yes
Okay, we 6 in one team You 6 in one team
What say? We are all in the same team
Same team? Then who's the opponent?
- What are the rules? - l'll tell you later
Okay, after winning, you have to throw a party!
Guys! This is kind of a serious game
We will know only now who our opposite team is
ln about 2 minutes, a man will run out of my house
We have to follow him
When he meets another guy our group splits into two
6 of us follow 1 man Rest 6 of us, the other man
Whoever they meet, we split up and keep track of them
Keep your cell phone switched on
Other than my call don't answer any other
We're all connected by conference, okay?
- Someone's coming - This chap?
Yes, he's the guy
He didn't see us
Be careful, Jaga We might make a mess of this
lt's only a mess if we don't do anything, da
Start the car and follow him at ease
Hey! Go...move...move
- Oh crap! He's missing - We missed him
Watch out for him
We lost him
No...wait for the signal Oh! There he is!!
- Did he see us? - Hey, wait
He's getting into an auto
Siddharth! Note the auto number
MH 02 R 8306
Should we get down?
- Oh! He's into the crowd - Hey! Who's this new guy?
Jaga, if they don't split up into 12 and stay together...
...then what do we do?
No...they have work in 12 places
They will split Stop the car
They have separated
- Get out! - Go fast
You 6
Jagdish, we are on
- Stay on the line - Copy that
We are very close to him Shall l catch him?
Keep following him
He's meeting another guy
He's going to move
Follow the new one!
Let's move
How many so far?
- We're following the second guy - We're following the first guy
We're following one
We are at Dharavi
- He's walking through a market - Let him not see us
Stand down Stand down
1st guy meeting a cell phone dealer
He's meeting someone
You follow him
- Jaga, what should we do now? - One of you split...split!
- Okay, l'm on it! - Let's follow him
- We are splitting now - Vishal here! l'm on the 2nd guy
You go that way l'll go this way
- Stay on the line - Copy that
Me and Jabar following the cell phone dealer
'He is 10 steps ahead We are following him'
He's going to move
- Follow the new one - You follow him
- We have a new one - Split, follow the new one
l'm following the first guy
Stay alert...stay alert Wait for the highpoint
- He's walking right in front of me - He's boarding a bus and me too
l'm at a shopping mall
There's one for each of us now
'l'm at Santa Cruz railway station'
- l'm at Matunga - l'm at Dharavi
- l'm at Juhu - l'm at Kula
- l'm at Chempur - l'm at Ferry
Boys we are now equal 12 men for 12 men
The game is going to end now
Look inside the case in your bag
There is a gun
-There's a gun inside this - l'm in a theater
None of you panic
l'm the one who put it there
Guys in front of you are not ordinary thieves
They are cold blooded terrorists
We will do the same thing we do at our border
We'll prove we also know their serial blast technique...
...of setting off 6 bombs at once
We must hit them at the same time without a second's difference
- Get set, boys - We'll do it
Move, move, move
Game over
When is the party?
We have time for that We'll celebrate in our camp
What happened?
'And you are watching NDTV 24x7'
'ln 12 different places...'
'...12 men who have been shot are all sleeper cells'
'Neither the police nor the defence have announced their role in this'
'For the 1st time-'
'Each of the victims has been identified as terrorists'
'And there are bombs in each of their bags'
'The location of the mobiles used by sleeper cells...'
'...cannot be traced even with the help of satellite'
'Sir, today our biggest threat seems to be sleeper cells'
'What are sleeper cells? Who are they?'
Wherever terrorism exists they are found in abundance
We'll never know where they are
These 12 men blend and lead ordinary lives
They are frustrated and want to take revenge on the Govt.
They've been cultivated and their grudge misused by the terrorists
After 9/11, no major terrorist attack has happened in America
Only country that has found all sleeper cells and uprooted them
The following men are the most fearsome feared terrorists
'Afsar Ali'
Mummy...daddy Look, my daddy
- Who did all this? - We don't know as yet
Even able the police are puzzled!
Any clues?
The police have taken over all the evidence of the sleeper cells
But the assassin seems to have taken the phone of one of our men
Whose phone?
Afsar Ali who was shot in Dhobi Ghat
l don't know who you are Where you are
You've killed my 12 men lncluding my brother
l'm coming for you
But once l get to you...
...l will kill you
l'm waiting
- Hello? - Come to Lakeview Cafe
lf 'Sir' finds out, it will be misconstrued, madam
Your 'Sir' is only calling you Come soon
Why are you standing all by yourself?
Where's 'Sir'?
- Look there! - That's funny!
Wow! Super! He got himself another girl?
Hey! Shut up, da He's fixed that girl for you
For me?
He's already a problem on my head
And now he has become a 'peddler' for you
You can't say such awful things!
Respect his age and marry him!
- Come! - Where?
Hi! Come...come
Good morning, sir
- Jagdish - Hello
- Jagdish, this is Swetha - Hello
Jagdish also came to 'bride-hunt' for himself
But it didn't work for him
We are in the same battalion He's my junior only
But more like extended family l'm like a brother to him, no?, l'm beyond that l'm like his 'uncle' (flesh-peddler)
l referred you to him in the same way just now
Really? Wow!
Oh sorry! l forgot to introduce her to fiancee!
- Boxer Nisha - Oh...hi
l've seen you somewhere
You've seen her somewhere is what you wanted to say, no?
Even l had the same doubt the first time l saw her
Then l remembered Jagdish
How can l be his 'uncle' and not even do this for him!
Exchange numbers Talk to each other
See if your Biology works out
Not Biology...Chemistry
Whatever it is! lt's all Science, no dear?
l need to talk to him alone
Nisha! They should be talking
You should talk to only me alone
That is logic
l want to persuade him about that girl
Okay...okay Carry on! l get it
Are you coming?
Sir, she's calling me while you are here!
There's nothing wrong with that, Jagdish
She only called you when l was here
lf she calls you when l'm not, that's when it is wrong
That's when you shouldn't go Okay? Now, go!
What you are doing is really wrong!
The 2 of us are just starting to talk
And you mustn't try to butt in and ruin it
Do you know who that girl is?
- No l don't...why? - She's a 'matter'
What's a 'matter?'
You don't know what a 'matter' is? Does your phone have internet?
Go to
Now what are you going to do?
l can't go against my senior's wishes
- He'll feel cheated - So, you are okay with her?
Okay Jagdish...another 'matter'
Another one?
Talk to your family about this 'matter' as soon as you can and get fixed
Then all 6 of us can marry on the same day
That's my wish
- How high is this wall? - 6 feet
They are good jumpers
- How fast did this bus go? - Maybe 70 km / hour
They are good runners and expert swimmers as well
All 12 of them were shot in the center of their foreheads
A moving bus, a dark theater, a crowded market place
Even if they were 200 meters away, it was a sure-shot from all of them
They are trained shooters
But they aren't policemen
Any other similarities?
There's 1 more point But it's of no use
All 12 of them were in formal suits when they shot our men
What did you say?
All 12 of them were wearing formal suits at that time
You should have told me this first
l didn't think it was a big deal
lt's not a big deal if they were in America
But in lndia, it is a significant detail
So they were in suits
They could be working in a hotel or businessmen at a board meeting
Or software engineers at a seminar Advocates, or guests in a wedding
l want a list of the seminars and weddings that took place...
...on 27th where people were in formals all over Bombay city
You think you are a smart alec! Why didn't we capture those 12 men?
lf we had them alive, we could've got so much information from them
We wouldn't have got any information
Because they'd have been completely in the dark!
Also, none of them would've known that 12 others existed
- ls it so? - They are all sleeper cells
Their head...1 or few of them together have planned this
Those who carry out their plan...
...even give their lives are these sleeper cells
Even if we had caught 1 man we couldn't have got any info
So until they get their order, do they lead normal lives?
Yes...they might even wait for years
There's no way to completely uproot them?
Not completely but we can stall them
lf we wipe out their head, then they'll wait for the order...
...all their lives and do nothing on their own
That's okay but how will you find the leader?
l don't need to go behind him l've made him come look for me
l thought he'd come and attack me if we went and killed those 12 men
l was right
Wretched fellow! But how will he find you in such a big city?
While killing those 12 people, we'd have left some kind of hole or clue
He'll find out what that is
lf we find out before him what that is...
...then we can get him before he gets us
So think which route he'll take to find us
You have that strange colored box that you keep turning... a coconut scraper Use that and think!
Jaga! Don't pick it up lt must be her
Jaga! Don't pick it up Promise on me-
l have some shocking news for you
You've started again?
Not me, your senior officer has summoned us to his house...urgent
l'll be right there
Jaga! What you are doing is wrong!
So much is happening and you're running behind a girl
Jaga! Sit and think here
l'm going to tell you both 2 shocking news
First, Jagadish
Swetha said she doesn't like you
- What happened? - He's shocked it seems!
Before l tell you what your shocking news is... must meet someone Wait a second...l'll be back
Why are you laughing?
l escaped from that 'matter', no? That's why l'm laughing
Why did you laugh?
Even a 'matter' said she doesn't like you, see?
Chitra...! Come
Wonder which website this girl is from?!
She's my cousin My mom's brother's daughter
Loved me since we were children
But l didn't know about it
Now she found about our engagement
And suicide attempt
Then she was admitted in the hospital
And it became a big issue l took a decision
l'm so sorry l've decided to marry her
l know how shocking this must be to you
But it was my mistake for having encouraged you
This is common in life
Okay, now l want to ask you both something
You came to Mumbai with the intention of getting married
You wished to marry a military man
So why don't you both get married to each other?
- Siiiiiiiir! - Jagdish
Don't misunderstand We were in love, yes
But l haven't touched her with even my little finger
Have we ever touched?
No, we haven't Ask her!
l know forgetting me will be tough for you
lt was my mistake for being born this handsome
Nothing, nothing
- You are right, sir - This boy always does this
Nisha, all the best!
- Bye - Bye
Just because you didn't get me...
Don't do...what she did
- Promise? - Promise
"l 'google-d' away to glory extensively He's Mr Eccentric, the one and only"
"l hunted in Yahoo on the internet He's a find so unique in any planet"
"l asked for a date today He looked at his watch, said 'okay"'
"l asked him to shop with me He took me to smartly"
"l wished we'd see a movie With popcorn he 'you-tube'd me"
"Looks...lost and lonely But he can sell...this city easily"
"Meet my boy friend My smart and sexy boy friend"
"l googled away from A to Z She's a rare bird in our galaxy"
"l searched in Yahoo, in my PC only to find she's truly peachy"
"lf l go on a dinner date with her l'm her appetizer"
"lf l take her on a shopping spree l become her trolley"
"lfwe see a film, in scenes teary her hanky is me!"
"Mary Kom she may be inside she's a softie!"
"Meet my girl friend My hot and spicy girl friend"
"Hey! Join me guys, it's intro time All about her-story let me define"
"lfyou think she's cotton candy she'll punch you suddenly"
"Keep a helmet handy!"
"Hey sugar-free...hey...hey...hey!"
"Her sugar free talk, sweet n syrupy ln her fat-free body, lots o' temerity"
"Smile like Cindrella, temper Dracula She is Miss World's only formula"
"Hey! Come on girls, intro time All about his-story let me define"
"For his 'hand-shake' if girls zero in Like a bullet he'll go zwaaaaaain!"
"His military cut sings his style 1 millimeter short is his smile"
"Almost 6 feet tall is he Who else is so goody-goody!"
"Meet my box friend My smart and sexy huhmmmm..."
"He won't peep, probe, insist or pry into my FB friends' list"
"He won't hound me or whine to change my status online"
"When l whisper into his ear he'll immerse himself in twitter"
"Sweet peck on my cheeks hastily he'll tweet it ever so happily"
"With romance teeny, thriller weeny my heart in the wind floating cottony"
"lncoming calls in phones two Backup boy friends 6 in a queue"
"She'll plant in my heart 'jealousy' seed And make my tummy swim in Antacid"
"Seeing girls' numbers in my phone she'll press them into delete zone"
"Sensing me flirt with girls in town with just her stare she'll knock me down"
"She'll drink knowing her limit explode in my heart with a love-permit"
"Meet my girl friend My hot and spicy girl friend"
"l 'google-d' away to glory eagerly He's Mr Unusual, the one and only"
"l researched Yahoo on the internet He's a find so exclusive in any planet"
"l asked for a date today He looked at his watch, said 'okay"'
"l asked him to shop with me He took me to happily"
"lfwe see a film, in scenes teary her hanky is me!"
"Mary Kom she may be inside she's a softie!"
"Meet my boy friend My smart and sexy boy friend"
"Meet my girl friend My hot and spicy girl friend"
What happened? ls someone unwell at home?
Today's our first date
1st date rule is, should give my boyfriend whatever he asks
That's why l'm scared, you've already thrown a big party
And spent a lot, don't worry l don't want anything
Not that!
What if you suddenly ask me for a kiss?
l can't say no
l'll have to kiss you
Heyyy! Yes, l want to be kissed
- Aiyaiyo! l was worried about this - Come on
But l don't know how to kiss
You close your eyes, l'll take care of it
l know which route he'll take to hound us
How would he know we came from the church?
The only similarity between all of us is our dress code
lf he's smart, he'll come straight to the church
Then go fast
On 27th, this is the church that fits our description of the shooters' place
Because the man who got married was an army man
The name of the bridegroom is William Martin Joel
Can we have his address please?
- ls this Joel's house? - Yes, it is
We are from the army too His batch mates
Oh yeah! Come...come
Joel is on his honeymoon
You could've contacted him on his mobile
But his phone was out of reach, uncle
Oh! l'm sorry Please come
Be seated
This is Joel's mother She can't speak
- Oh! l'm so sorry - Please...please sit down
l brought a gift for Joel
Oh! Very kind of you Thank you so much
- What would you like to have? - No...thank you, uncle
Uncle, can l see Joel's wedding album?
Oh! Of course l'll just bring it
Excuse me...l'll bring it
What, ma'am? Then what?
She'll give the address to anyone who asks, huh?
Shouldn't she check first?
There's no time for this Let's go
This is Joel's school teacher and this is Joel's cousin
They are all Joel's camp mates
Uncle, there are 5 teams here
He has been to 5 camps So there are 5 teams here
- Can you get me coffee? - Oh yes! l'll get you coffee
We've got stuck in the last step
How do we find out which in this is our 'wanted list?'
l'll find out
Here's your coffee, my boys
Thank you
- How do you like the pictures? - Very nice
- l didn't expect you so early - l didn't get the medicines at all
These are Joel's batch mates They couldn't come for the wedding
Welcome, welcome l'm Noel...Joel's brother
- Did you give them coffee? - Yes, l just did
Thank you so much for coming
Which camp of Joel's were you in?
- Kashmir - Kashmir? When?
- 2005 - He was in Delhi in 2005
After that, he didn't work in Kashmir at all
Could l see your lD card?
Can you show me your lD card?
Show me...may l see it?
Papa! How can you let anyone in?
You never understand!
l don't like smart people
Show me!
l have a message for him
He's faster than l thought
Why are all their heads circled?
He intends killing 1 from each team to find out which team killed his men
That's what the round is for
- Hello? - Hi! l'm Captain Jagdish
An intelligence report shows that you are in danger
- Are you safe? - Yes, l'm okay
- Sure? - ls there a problem?
Just be careful, okay? lf there's a problem, call me
- Are you okay? - Yes, l'm fine!
- l'm safe - l'm fine
lf there's a problem, l'll definitely call you
All the guys he circled are safe
That's when it's more dangerous
When what we guess doesn't happen it means he's planning something else
- Hello? - Jagdish...l'm Amar singh here
Somebody has kidnapped my brother's daughter
What are you saying?
Someone took her in a car when she wentjogging today
Complain to the police station in your area immediately
What happened, Jaga?
Since they'll get nothing out of kidnapping and torturing an army man...
...they are kidnapping the girls in the houses
Why are the doing this?
To find out which team it is
They'll call and threaten to harm them
l'll send you the numbers of the men who've been circled
Call them and find out which of their girls...
...are outside right now
Find out those girls' numbers and go to the control room
Then find out which areas the girls are in right now
- What, da? - Where are you?
- l'm going to designing class - Which area?
These are the numbers
Find out which area the cell phones are
Hello! sister went to yoga class this morning
She still hasn't come back Someone has kidnapped her
- Jaga! l wanted to call you - What is it?
1 of those 5 girls' SlM card has already been deactivated
And the 2nd girl's SlM card also just got deactivated
l also got a call...they've kidnapped the other girl as well in just 45 minutes
lt has to be a big police force
Her family has already complained to the police in their area
Don't do anything and confuse it Don't do anything and confuse it
What do you intend doing? What do you intend doing?
l'll tell you l'll tell you
Where did the 2nd phone get deactivated? Where did the 2nd phone get deactivated?
4 Kms south from where she studies ln South Mumbai 4 Kms south from where she studies ln South Mumbai
The 1st girl's phone was deactivated as soon as she was kidnapped The 1st girl's phone was deactivated as soon as she was kidnapped
Come to Bandar immediately l'll join you on the way Come to Bandar immediately l'll join you on the way
Jaga! There are still 3 girls Jaga! There are still 3 girls
Let's call and tell them not go anywhere Let's call and tell them not go anywhere
Don't do anything like that and ruin it Don't do anything like that and ruin it
The sleeper cell's head is more important than those 5 girls The sleeper cell's head is more important than those 5 girls
You come to Bandar You come to Bandar
This morning my sister went to college for a seminar This morning my
She still hasn't come back
The 6th girl is missing too There's only 1 girl left
Hello? At what time?
Okay, okay! Don't be worried
lf you get a call from them let me know
5th girl gone too...yes!!
Dude, do you have a conscience?
You are a sadist!
Did you feel even a little bad that these girls went missing?
The sleeper cell's head should come out and you should kill him
That's the only thing which matters to you
Balaji! Don't speak like this lf we kill that one guy...
...there won't be any terrorist activities in Mumbai for many years
So? You are using those girls as bait?
You don't even feel bad for their families?
There's no time for such sensitivity
l bet you'd feel differently if someone from your family was kidnapped
Yes...l'm not worried about anything
My sister was 1 of the girls he kidnapped!
He'll put all the girls he took in 1 place together
We have to rescue them and capture him at the same time
lnstead of Ashrafs sister in the 4th photo l sent my sister, Sanjana instead
- Where are you? - l'm going to Designing class
- Which area? - Powai...why?
Go to lPS college immediately...
...and get my batch mate, Ashraf's sister's scooty
And then go
- Why should l drive her scooty? - Do as l tell you
Okay...Levi's has a 60% off sale Will you buy me 3/6th pants?
You go quickly
Are you crazy? Sanjana is so young
l'm all panicky!
How could you do this to your sibling?
l won't let it go that easily
Why did you ask her to come?
Here...this is Sanjana's dupatta
Buy me a maroon color top embroidered on the side
- Okay? - You go
You try with the dog
l'll look around to check any suspicious happenings
Let's see...
Untie them
Show each photo one by one
Who knows him?
Who knows this man?
He's my brother
Go that side
My uncle
He' brother
Who's he? Your brother?
Your brother?
Show the next photo
My brother
Your brother isn't in any of these 5 photos?
Show the group photos one by one
ls your brother here?
ls it him?
Who asked you to ride the other girl's scooty?
My brother told me to
- Tell me - The operation is over
We know which team it is
One guy in that team has substituted his sister...
...for the girl-to-be kidnapped
We've taken all their sim cards He'll have no way of knowing He's not a fool
lf he's sent his own sister, he has a route to reach you
- He will get to you - What are you saying?
Kill that girl before he comes and leave that place
Hey! Get ready Tie up those 4 girls
And tie this one, bring her to the front...quickly!
Turn around
He has come here He's trying to kill everybody
There won't be problems anymore l'll get you all safely into a taxi
ln case the police ask tell them it was dark
And that you couldn't see my face clearly
Okay? Get in
'The operation is over We know which team it is'
'One guy in that team has substituted his sister'
'...for the girl-to-be kidnapped'
You sent me there on purpose You set me up
lt hurts, di
He put such a big knife to my throat!
lf you had been a little late, l'd be dead!
lt's only because we took this risk we were able to catch him
So you should take a risk with your own life
What did l do?
Why? lf it comes to problems, should only the police and military men die?
Everyone else will sit at home...
...look at news channels and comment about how we should have done it
ln your cross fire, if a bullet had hit me...
...what would be my fate?
Your life would've gone for a toss! would have gone!
Those who want to destroy 1000s of innocent lives...
...are ready to sacrifice their lives
We shouldn't worry about giving up ours to save others the main guy got caught
He's not the main guy
Someone called him and gave orders
Only after that, they took that knife
- Bah! - Ah! Mummy!
Sorry Finger cutter
Oh! Sorry Nail cutter
Why are you here?
You left me halfway through So l decided to come here
You shouldn't come here suddenly and try to scare me
Because you never know...
...if someone else might be in the room
Sandbag...dumb bells You work out and everything?
Not bad
Oh did you know? l read a forward message
40 calories get burnt in one deep kiss
That is equal to 30 minutes of speed walk,
20 minutes of swimming
10 minutes of skipping and 5 minutes of-
lf you want to be kissed, ask me directly!
Don't tell me you read it in a forward message...
...or as feng shui, 'vastu' indirectly
You tempt me and then say These boys are so mean!
l could stand in a queue and get kerosene by the time he kisses me
Okay, bye!
Hey! Hey! Okay...okay!
You've come all this way, no? Then what? Just 40?
Let's burn 80 calories
Not here Let's go there
You are the one looking into 'vastu' now
Close your eyes
Eyes close Lip open
lf l close my eyes, you'll run away
Who's that?
l told you then lt must be my mother
Oh God! Now what do we do?
Open the door quickly
- Where are you running? - l'll hide in the cupboard
That cupboard's engaged You get into this one
What is- Oh you!
Did you see the news?
lt's already in the news?
Do they have hidden cameras here?
Shut up! l'm coming from there only
l saw what you did 16 people are dead
They are all sleeper cells who were leading normal lives
Their families are all weeping but nobody's falling for it
We expected this
Did you get any clues about the sleeper cell's head?
l knew it
He's not the main guy
The guy who gave orders is still free
Why is he coughing like a female?
Come out
Do you never put clothes or books inside your cupboard?
- Hi - Hi
ls this your fiance?
You want only a petromax light?
Your life is destined to be in coma!
"Take my heart, dear Come...come near"
"Silver moon, on land you emerged Smiling, into my heart you merged"
"Pearly moon, on soil you emerged Smiling, my heart you submerged"
"As in my dream you are heart-deep l'm still asleep"
"Your breath touched my soul So l hold onto you whole"
"Earthquake are you, my dear beauty? On a closer scrutiny, bouquet dainty"
"Fire or water, a mesmerized spell Both entwined in a girl's heart dwell"
"Yearning to be embraced this girl's body so graced"
"Shining moon, on ground you surged Smiling, into my heart you splurged"
"lnto my iris you came on display l discovered a new 'me' next day"
"Hook and not fish-like are your eyes l fell for you, girl, found joy King-size"
"My love's state in uproar lnto my heart a downpour"
"Pure moon, on land you emerged Smiling, into my heart you merged"
"As in my dream you are heart-deep l'm still asleep"
"Your breath touched my soul So l hold onto you whole"
'Early this morning in Andheri West a man was found dead...'
'...on a roadside dump yard'
'With a couple of fingers severed he was found badly bruised too'
'Police claim that he was tortured extensively before being killed'
'The man who has been identified as Asif Ali...'
' said to have connections with the 12 sleeper cells shot dead last week'
'Dead man part of sleeper cell network'
He has killed him...
...because he couldn't get any information from him
ln this 12 men is the one you are searching for, right?
He is a cold blooded murderer
Heat him up Think bigger
Attack big He'll come out
Show him the power of sleeper cells
You go inside, mom l'll come
Okay, son
Let's finish the game l need you...alive
Call your team mate, Senthil Ask him if he's at lnfinity mall, Andheri
And tell him in 10 seconds, he'll be blasted
What happened, Jaga? How are you?
Senthil! Where are you?
- l'm outside with my family - l know but where?
lnfinity mall
Senthil, there's a bomb in that building...come out right now
What are you saying?
Just get out immediately There's only 5 seconds left
There are a lot of people here, dude
Listen to me
Alert everybody And get out of there
Senthil, get out Come on, man, get out!
Senthil? Hello?
How was the audio?
Notjust him
l know where exactly each one of the remaining 11 are
Each one of them is being followed by a sleeper cell
You want to check?
Siddarth Shetty...Leopold Cafe Neil Mani...Mahalakshmi temple
Ashraf...Crawford market Jigar Singh...Cinemax theatre
Siddarth...Juhu beach Vishal...Leelavathy hospital
Jabbar...Fashion street Jagdish...Bandra market
Sumesh Krishna...City mall Harpreet Singh...Sea link fast foods
Surendra...Churchgate station
l'll take out the next guy now
Your team mate, Jagdish is now in Bandra market
ln another 3 seconds, the place where he is... going to be blasted
Boo?! Got scared?
You do fear?
l didn't bomb him l don't need their lives
Don't do anything to anyone l...l will...come
Good...good decision ready
Who are all these people?
We only know officers who died in border wars and counter terrorism actions
These are the people who were injured in it
ln most professions you get a promotion
...after you serve well all your life
But in the army and police you get retirement
- Jagdish? - Hey
They are ready
Hi, friends
l've already spoken to all of you individually over the phone
The time l was waiting for has arrived
We're all going to get together and execute an assignment
Tomorrow morning, l'm meeting the man...
...who is the head of sleeper cells
When l see him, no one can follow me
That's why l'll slip a tracking chip in my body even before l meet him
From the control room you must track me...
...and tell him exactly where l am
l've brought the medicine that we use in the army... treat bomb wounds, secretly
You'll get it all this evening
You have to make plastic explosives using them
And give them this evening to him
You find out where they're taking me with Balaji's help and bring them there
They'll take me to a secluded location
So bring the explosives in a car there and leave
Okay...l don't know why they want me alive as of now
But l want the bomb to burst in the 15th minute...
...of my meeting the sleeper cell's head
l want the sleeper cell's head to burst along with me...go smash!
Then all the sleeper cells turn into coma cells
Then lifelong they won't get any orders
lt's like a suicide attack
Are you kidding?
You are talking about a suicide attack
- And they are applauding you! - He's such a dangerous man
Why should you die because he's dangerous?
Have you thought about your family?
Who doesn't have a family?
When the Taj hotel was attacked...
...they bid a normal bye to their family members
Hemant Karkare and Vijay Salaskar
They died in 20 minutes flat!
Don't they have a family?
All these war veterans gave their limbs and spines
Aren't they still happy? Don't they have a family?
An army man won't get a better opportunity than this
Those who want to destroy 1000s of innocent lives...
...are ready to sacrifice their lives
We shouldn't worry about giving up ours to save others
l've thought about what l'm doing
lf you want to do something for me... my house... family members are very gullible and naive
And l have 2 younger sisters
lf you are free, please check up on them
The engagement is in just 4 days All of a sudden, you are saying no
No...not for now, let's get engaged next time l'm here
The marriage is only next year lt's just the engagement now
That's what...not now
1st you said you didn't like me Then you said you do you dislike me again?
Don't you understand what l'm saying?
But, not easy to forget you lt'll take a long time
- My person is next to you - No, there's no one here
Do you see, across the road, a 3525 silver lndigo car?
Take the car and come to 101 Growell mall, Kandivali?
Park the car there and take the black Honda city 7087
And go to Bombay Stock Exchange
What's your name?
- My name is Jagdish - Oh...Tamil?
He's a Tamilian l know a little Tamil
But l know Tamilians even more
You don't know why l haven't killed you or what is in store for you?
These are all the cars that you parked
Look what's inside these cars
We won't make them explode We'll inform the police
They'll want to know who masterminded this
And then...
By the time the police come looking for you...
...l'd have killed you and your entire team
Do you know who would have killed you
...and diffused the bombs at the right time?
Look at the monitor Joint Secretary in Defense
We'll credit him with the killing of the 12 sleeper cells which you pulled off
They'll themselves conclude that you are a double agent
He'll become the next Defense Secretary
lt's only in the lndian Army that there are no sleeper cells
With his help, we'll put many sleeper cells in the lndian Army...
...and do whatever we want
'l must not die'
'l just must not die'
'Sleeper cells in the army will be our nation's cancer'
'Think! l need to escape from here'
Do you have any death wish?
What is it called? Last wish...huh?
Yes...l want to be beaten to death by you
- Huh? - You have to beat me to death
Heard that? His last wish is that l beat him till he dies
Now take my handcuffs off and hit me
Release my lock and then hit me
Your boss hits me with my hands tied!
What do you think of him now?
After breaking my hand and despite your henchmen to protect you... fear me! You should, da
After breaking my hand and with the protection of so many... are still scared to undo my handcuff and hit me, right?
l like that fear
What is he doing?
Shoot him He's a tricky guy
Don't listen to him Just shoot him
You can't beat him
l mean...err...
Unlock him
What you said is right We should kill the guy
Just give me the order and l'll kill him What do l do?
l'm telling you No other way
Shoot them both
Weapons down
You are not smart
Even if you kill me...
...all the details to control sleeper cells are on that ship
They'll continue it
Don't you understand?
Die along with suspense
lf he had said he'd liked her the day he arrived...
...we could've sent them off as a married couple!
No one listens here either
Not serious about anything What to do?
Super pair, sir
Do you know something?
The only reason they are together is thanks to me
- You? - Yes!
Sir! The day we arrived, his dad took him away in a hurry to see this girl
First he said no, then she said no Then when they both said yes...
Some weirdo came and confused them both!
Now everything's been solved
So, how did you help them out?
You said some weirdo barged in, no?
That weirdo was me!
Yes, sir
Hey! What is it?
Truly, the army is great
For the next 11 months...'ll be holed up in a small tent in some snow ridden or desert area
Sitting under the lamplight, thinking ofwhat happened these 40 days...
...looking at family photos over and over your life, right?
"Dear heart, bid farewell gently These fond memories weigh heavily"
"Mother Earth, we bid adieu A distant place we trudge to"
"Bonds that bind and separate ln me pain that pleases infiltrate"
"We trudge, we track to a remote barrack"
"Ties that bind...leaving behind"
"Emotions in my soul enshrined"
"See you...ciao?"
"Friend's face walks on my heart's space Love's breeze also wafts with grace"
"ln this journey precious thoughts will haunt me"
"Trekking through hills and forest bonds of love will slam my chest"
"New born to cuddle fondly l yearn avidly"
"Waves a 1000 fold Memories in our hearts untold"
"Dear moments often replayed while our lives for a cause crusade"
"Adieu...l take a bow" - Make! Save! Share!
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