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JUST IN: Paul Ryan Denounces Arpaio | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:07.
The anti-Trump sentiments continue to build, this time with another GOP leader disapproving
of President Donald Trump's pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
House Speaker Paul Ryan does not agree at all, according to Ryan's spokesperson.
"The speaker does not agree with the decision," spokesman Doug Andres told The Wall Street
"Law-enforcement officials have a special responsibility to respect the rights of everyone
in the United States.
We should not allow anyone to believe that responsibility is diminished by this pardon."
TDC reports:
Arpaio, a strong Trump supporter, was convicted in July of criminal contempt for violating
a 2011 court order mandating that police patrols stop arresting people suspected of being illegal
Arpaio disregarded the court order as Maricopa County sheriff, and would apprehend immigrants
and turn them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers.
"Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life's work of protecting
the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration," the White House said
Friday announcing Arpaio's pardon, the first presidential pardon Trump has issued.
"Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now eighty-five years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable
service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon."
Arizona Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake also disagreed with the pardon, criticizing the
president for not allowing the justice system to take its course.
"The president has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines
his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions,"
McCain said in a statement Friday.
"I would have preferred that the President honor the judicial process and let it take
its course," Flake said in a tweet regarding the Arpaio pardon.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news if you stand with Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
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Why Pugs Should Be Our National Symbol - Duration: 5:50.
As Americans we live by the core values of freedom and equality. We live in a place where anyone can be anything and all opinions matter. It's these qualities that should make us proud as a country, and what better way to represent our great country than by displaying our pride through our country's symbol.
Our symbol is supposed to portray our values, yet it needs to display the fun, loving personality of the American people. That's why I think the American people need new representation in the form of an amusing, loving animal; the pug.
Pugs have always had a special place in my heart as an emotional support system and a loving companion. When I was in sixth grade my mom gave me the worst news possible; my grandma had stage four ovarian cancer.
A lot of people in my family took the news especially hard since we had just lost my great grandparents to a tragic accident the year before. Surprisingly my grandma took the news very well and turned it into a positive mindset.
. One day after her chemo treatment I asked her how she was able to stay so strong and she replied, "I have to stay strong, because if all these young children that are going through the same ordeal as me can get through it, then I can do the same."
I can still picture her in that moment, surrounded by the puffy comforter, ordained with pastel flowers. Her eyes reflected hope, her skin was as pale as a blank sheet of paper, and her hands moved slowly, caressing the soft coat of her pug Reba.
All the way through her suffering there wasn't a time where Reba wasn't at her side. She was a noble, loving companion that remained with her through the end. This incredible creature was so loyal and connected to her owner that when my grandma lost her battle against cancer, Reba's life also came to a courageous end.
My grandma didn't just end up getting a dog, she got a manifestation of the presence of peace and comfort that she needed to move on from our world to the next.
What a better way to change America's symbolization from an angry and confused country to a respectful and peaceful country, than by personifying ourselves through a symbol that carries these qualities.
Recently America has turned into a vivacious, violent wildfire of anger. Crash! All the trees of knowledge and wisdom that we carry are falling to the ground as we seek to harm each other through violence and hatred. In our country's case , opposites kill each other.
We need better representation as a people so that we can be united as a new generation that cares about each other and actually listens to opinions opposite of theirs.
Pugs happen to be fiercely loyal companions, as in one occasion in 1572 where the pug of William, the Prince of Orange alerted him of the Spaniards arrival by barking, and it was this action that nobly saved the life of the prince and made the pug the official symbol of the House of Orange. Now that's exactly the type of figure we need for this changing America.
The Bald Eagle represents a series of past mistakes that stem from when our founding fathers brought slaves into this country. The pug however embodies our British roots while giving Americans a "facelift" of their personality and transferring the light-hearted attitude it has onto our people.
In the future when we look back on how our country has been represented do we want to be honored by an animal that stands with inequality and white supremacy or do we want to be honored by an animal that is loyal and trustworthy to its people? Also, if other countries can change their whole flags, or even the way their government is run, why can't we change our national symbol?
In reality the real question is, when are we going to throw away our past of racism and "racial supremacy" so we can be newly represented as a country that keeps its values of equality?
The Bald Eagle has represented us from the beginning when our nation was founded. It was a time where independence was of the highest value to the revolutionaries of the Thirteen Colonies, and the British were our worst enemy.
Just to be clear, I do absolutely agree that the Bald Eagle has represented us proudly so far and guided our nation's values in a time where democracy was just beginning to take off, but some of the values of the 1770's do not translate to our world today.
Some people might disagree with me and think that changing an icon that has proudly represented us for so long is a joke, or others might think it would be great to have something new in this country that we can say we helped change; however this isn't really a fight about just changing our symbol, it's a fight over whether or not we as a people can overpower the racism and hatred that used to reside in the United States and replace it with equality and generosity.
In all honesty if we can change what we are represented by with a loyal, comforting figure, then we could change our nation's look on racism and then maybe, just maybe, the world can overcome its bigotry and open their minds to egalitarianism.
It's actually quite surprising that most history students weren't given the facts that our founding fathers were slave owners! Even America's heroes who acknowledged that slavery didn't fit into the values of the constitution, like Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and even George Washington, still owned slaves.
Let this sink in; our founding fathers were racists, and racists were our founding fathers. We can not let ourselves be represented by a symbol that agrees with racial supremacy. It is time for a change.
A change of character for our nation, a change for equality of all races, a change from these wicked values that reside in the past, and a change of our symbol to a pug, so that the whole world can see that the American people are loyal and proud of all races, religions, and sexualities
Over the past few months traces of racial injustice have popped up on American soil and have clearly displayed what our tragic, imminent future could be. A change of our national symbol to the pug could be just the thing our country needs to fight the racial discrimination that has been flying right over our heads by the bald eagle.
Pugs, however, defy the stereotypes they have been given and show qualities of loyalty and compassion; two things that the United States absolutely needs to be represented by. These brave companions also remind us of our noble, British roots and the valiant heart of the pug who saved Prince William.
The most significant question we should ask ourselves, however, is whether we want to live in a country still represented by racial prejudice or whether we want to live in a country that is delighted to represent equality of every skin color?
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