Wow kids Scooby and the gang escaped the terrible Mosasaurus from jurassic world and solved the
mystery of the haunted lighthouse 75903 keep watching to find out
okay here we go the creepy old lighthouse Wow some weird ghost stories
around here ghosts okay let's go ahead and check this place out shaggy you and
Scoob are gonna go in the tower and Mia Daphne are gonna stay out here where
it's safe what no way are we going in mintern no
way Fred you're not gonna do that to us again how about for a Scooby Snack
no way nobody absolutely not no Scooby Snacks
I bought a box of Scooby Snacks oh yeah a box you said it come on Scoob
come on Scoob old pal let's check this place out hmm
stores locked what let's go up this way
oh boy I smell something good Scoob Scoob
somebody's cooking a burger that's a ghost that likes burgers boy he's my
yummy who is it in my bird scooby tried to
scare me whoa alrighty give me back my burgers
Scoob this sure was a close one but what else could go wrong around here
raggy writer what ah it's a spider disgusting who dares disturb my like
host phalanx right here and stir for escape that was a close one school hey I
wonder what this button done
sawing scoop hit look there's a key down here thread through Thursdays everywhere
check out this weird key we found what luck there's a key right there if you
turn it in look something's happening
chicken out watches scuba gear no I would ghosts need scuba dear Fred Fred
quick come here iPhone something coming Daphne check it out
definitely found something look it's an old pirate trap pirate map and showing a
pirate ship that sunk in these waters check you and Scoob are gonna dive in
so excuse of the huge just what he sure is dark in here Scoob good thing I
brought a flashlight
to us go thing is right now
what see there's something behind me
there's nothing--there's tube he tried to freak me out
but it's back again
so X cubed stretch get in here quick run for it
look Scoob we found the treasure let's get out of here before
so extent was a close one thread thread look we follow the treasure the treasure
belongs to us get back on guys we're not here
they're following us quick Scoob step on it loop the big Seabees gun down
Wow guys it's great to see you again New lego Scooby Doo Haunted Lighthouse Vs Mosasaurus Jurassic World Stop-Motion 75903 Unboxing
so much fun today we have another awesome scooby-doo Lego set this is the
Haunted lighthouse with 437 pieces and it comes it Scooby Shaggy Daphne the
lighthouse keeper and the swamp monster awesome lighthouse in the boat Wow
let's take a look at the back this looks awesome
Wow look at all the different things you could do I'm super excited about these
sets because I mean I've liked scooby-doo for a long time and these
LEGO sets are just so cool well guys let's go ahead and put it together okay
let's see what was in the box
okay in the box we have one bag of Legos another fake back the two bags three
bags war bags
five bags Wow five big bags of Legos you've got a set of stickers here to put
on to the White House and you've got two instruction books awesome this looks
like so much fun boy I like these scooby-doo sets all
right there's actually five of them that came
out this year these are brand-new they just came out and I'm gonna have a
review on all of them so just keep checking back Wow
let's put this together
Wow guys this other scooby-doo set is so cool let's go ahead and take a closer
look at it here we've got the boat we've got the stickers on the sides got a
sticker on the front here sticker on there other sides you've got really nice
engine detail yeah that looks really cool
you got a propeller here that actually spins and then inside you have Scooby
driving he's got a little steering wheel here he does come off then you've got a
nice big hamburger here with the worx on it the bottom is just
these clear pieces that help to hold it together on the back you've got shaggy
waterskiing here he looks really cool he's got like a nice printed t-shirt
with like star on the front and he is walking on the water skis and he has a
nice printed shirt in the back and he's got like a worried expression on the
back of his head okay well let's go ahead and move on to the haunted
lighthouse Wow and this one does come with Daphne and she has a paddle here
and let's go ahead and throw off and then she's got like a worried look on
the back of her face there and she's got a print on her shirt also
which is covered by her hair and then here we've got the two scary guys this
is the lighthouse keeper he's got like right here
for and if you take office here
he's got a scary look on the front which is this monster face and on the back it
actually shows who it is that's pretty cool and then let's go ahead and move on
to this monster water guy he's got like trident he's got like just scary green
if you take his mask off who's got a scary purple face there
there but on the back it shows actually who it is
White House is White House so cool guys Wow okay first we're gonna start at this
end here here you've got moving boards when you move it to the side it shows a
map but you could actually pick up you have a little lighthouse here on this
side here and then continuing on through the front you have a door that swings
open here you could like put the months put like the monster lighthouse keeper
in there and then if Shaggy opens the door you yell at him and continuing God
you have a door that opens up here there's a big spider web behind it and
if you go up here you could go up the steps here here's a sign that says bow
shaggy could go up the steps here and let's check out the back the back you've
got a cool looking spiderweb on top here though swing up if you put shaggy inside
here and swing it back Shaggy you'll be trapped in there cuz Shaggy's scared of
spiders and then if Shaggy continues down here is a kitchen
just a little frying pan it's got like orange Legos under it so for the food
let's see underneath that these
you open it Wow it was awful
Jules inside of it put back there and then another nice
well let's first check out to the lighthouse flyer here it's really cool
look very realistic if you swing it up
get up there's some cheese in there there's a bone in there a little bench
for sitting and let's go back to the front go back to the front there's
actually a wheel that's right here if you turn this wheel it'll open up this
front area so let's go ahead and turn that we'll take this off you got an
awesome box in there with all kinds of stupid here you got like hair you got
Barr's go ahead and put that back there close it and let's go ahead and get our
mystery started Wow this is gonna be fun okay gang remember
we're here to solve a mystery we were told by our client there's some scary
monsters and some scary goings-on here so creepy
background it's a foggy night and here they come on the speed
Wow I don't know if the Monster is real or
not but we're gonna go ahead and solve this mystery mystery let's go ahead and
pull up we're gonna go ahead let's see what's up shaggy you go first
go ahead shaggy go see what's up there
oh look Velma found boards that move aside and inside she
found the treasure Wow she found the treasure map that shows where the
treasure is shaggy you find anything yet
the monsters chasing shaggy he's running up the steps here boy he ran up these
steps he dove into the kitchen Wow what's he find in the kitchen Scoob it's
a hamburger let's have a snack remember Oh No he forgot the monster was
chasing him and here he comes oh no he chased his shaggy right up the steps the
spiderweb drops into place ah my god you trapped now you meddling kids
oh no Shaggy's trap Oh Scoob open the door and Shaggy escape that was
a close one well no what is this it's another
monster he's gotta tried it he's chasing shaggy I don't know
Wow what are these guys gonna do well guys I got a plan
we're gonna trap these monsters Shaggy and Scooby gonna be the bait what no we
don't want to be bait zoinks
well we do for Scooby Snack 5 Scooby Snacks ok 5 Scooby Snacks
go ahead and get the monster you're gonna have him run by here
Velma loosened up these boards so he's gonna fall in and be trapped ok let's go
ahead and do this I don't like this scrub you never know
what's up here oh I'm scared oh no both monsters suing Scoob roosters
know they're chasing shaggy ah they fell into the hole they're trapped
Wow whoa guys let's see who these really are oh now that we've got it tied up
let's see who they really are
it's just the lighthouse keeper and who's the
other one it's his wife it's a lighthouse keeper and his wife but why
were they scaring away people I don't know
let's look around
definitely found the treasure map Wow let's take a look the treasure map told
us to go over here we have to turn a lever here on the other side let's go
see what's over there Wow guys look what's happening as I turn
the lever the whole front of the cliff is opening up that monster face that was
on the front is opening up oh wow it's a treasure chest full of all kinds of
treasure Wow so that's what they're after and look here's all their scuba
gear if we would have found this earlier we would have known they weren't
monsters at all whoa guys good job that's another mystery solved for
Mystery Inc what's gonna be next Wow guys that was awesome if you guys
enjoyed it please go ahead click like drop me a comment you can also check out
my brand new website which is so that's WD toys I got a lot more fun videos and stuff to do on there and also if you
like this set I'll put a link below the video where you can buy it
Wow guys that was fun I want to thank you guys you're viewing I want to thank
you for being awesome and I will see you tomorrow the video make sure you click
subscribe and thumbs up button down below the video in today's secret word
is the word
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you remember my club move to the video ends there's an awesome incur sophomore
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For more infomation >> New lego Scooby Doo Haunted Lighthouse Vs Mosasaurus Jurassic World Stop-Motion 75903 Unboxing - Duration: 23:49.-------------------------------------------
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Game of Thrones SEASON 7 DELETED SCENES - Duration: 10:37.
A racy conversation between Tormund and Brienne, Cersei in a blood-soaked bed, and Jon's farewell
to Ghost were all chopped from season seven of Game of Thrones.
Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm looking at some of the best
scenes that ended up cut from the seventh season of HBO's mega-popular fantasy series.
By the way, my Game of Thrones Funko Pop giveaway is also running on this video, so for a chance
to win: make sure you're subscribed to my channel and leave a comment with your thoughts
about the deleted scenes or the show.
And quick warning: I'm talking spoilers for all seasons and speculation for season 8.
The fearsome wildling leader Tormund Giantsbane is one of my favourite characters on the show
and he's had some fantastic moments that bring a lot of humour to the series.
And ever since season six, when he first laid eyes on the mighty warrior Brienne of Tarth,
the formidable Tormund has been struck down with puppy love.
There have been some hilarious scenes of Tormund eyeing up Brienne and so far she's ignored
his advances, but fans of the pair may be sad to know that some lines of rather racy
dialogue between the two were cut from this season's very first episode.
The lost moment took place after Tormund approached Brienne in Winterfell as she was sparring
with Podrick.
The red-haired wildling was going to try flirting with Brienne by telling her about his experience
with Sheila the Bear.
You can see a little clip still in the episode where Brienne walks off in disgust while Sansa
and Littlefinger are talking overhead.
Sadly, though, Tormund and Brienne's actual conversation was cut.
This would have been a funny call-back to season four when Tormund tried to impress
his fellow wildlings with his story claiming he'd had carnal relations with a bear.
"Oh that was a night to remember."
"Her fangs were sharp, but she knew how to use them."
"And she was nice and soft down beIow."
"No, she was no ordinary beast."
Ygritte was having none of Tormund's tall tale back then and, clearly, Brienne wasn't
impressed by it either, or as the actor who plays Tormund says, "she didn't like [his]
pick-up line" – which is hardly surprising for all sorts of reasons including her own
experience having to fight a bear when she was captured by Bolton men back in season
In fact, Brienne's pretty uncomfortable with the whole Tormund situation, which was made
clear in a deleted scene from season 6 that showed Sansa teasing her about Tormund's interest
which sent the great warrior into a fluster of embarrassment.
Still, I do hope Tormund and Brienne survive at least a good few episodes next season so
we can see their paths cross again.
By the way, Tormund's attempted flirtation with Brienne at Winterfell wasn't the only
moment featuring the wildling talking about bears that ended up cut this season.
In episode 6, when a giant undead polar bear appeared out of nowhere to attack Jon Snow's
ranging party, the first words out of Tormund's mouth were, 'I've danced with plenty of bears',
though that line sadly hit the editing room floor.
And the premiere episode also cut down another scene, this time with Sam and Gilly.
It's during the scene where Sam is studying books from the Citadel's restricted library
and remembers about the mountain of dragonglass sitting beneath Dragonstone.
In that scene, Gilly picked up a book called "Legends of the Long Night" and started to
Unfortunately, the part where Gilly reads aloud from the book was reportedly cut out,
so we missed out on hearing some very interesting lines, including the following: "The white
cold rose up, and the Walkers rose with it.
And the sun hid its face for a lifetime, ashamed at something none could discover".
In the cut scene, Gilly claims she knows what made the sun do that and tells Sam that Craster
was drunk once when the time came to give one of his baby boys away and he told the
child, "Come on, time to meet your brothers".
Gilly also reveals that some of Craster's older wives referred to the White Walkers
as "Craster's Sons".
Gilly then thinks back to the time when a White Walker attacked her, Sam and her baby
and questions whether he was one of her brothers.
Now, I wonder whether this scene was cut because the audience already knows about Craster's
sons being turned into White Walkers, which we saw in season four.
However, it's not clear whether any living character on the show really knows this, though
Jon Snow did catch a glimpse of one of Craster's sons being taken in season 2.
Maybe Gilly's reveal will be included next season instead, especially if it makes a difference
to how the living can defeat the army of the dead.
But it's a shame that Gilly's lines were cut this season as they would have made her role
a bit more meaningful and they would also have highlighted her part in uncovering important
information, even if by chance, like she did in episode 5 with Rhaegar's annulment of his
marriage to Elia Martell.
And while we're on the subject of scenes with Sam, the first episode showed a humorous montage
of what life was like for the budding maester after he arrived at the Citadel.
And although it felt plenty long enough as it was, there's actually an edit of the scene
which is seven to eight minutes long which the episode director has described as "hilarious".
So, perhaps we'll see that as a Blu-ray extra?
We finally got to see Arya briefly reunite with her long-lost direwolf Nymeria this season,
but our other favourite direwolf Ghost was sadly chopped from his only scene which was
planned for episode two.
According to the season 7 outline, there was a short scene where Ghost saw Jon off from
Winterfell as he left for Dragonstone.
In the cut scene, Jon told his direwolf, "Look after anyone named Stark, boy!", which feels
like a touch of irony from the writers given the full reveal of Jon's true heritage later
in the season.
It's a shame Ghost was, erm, ghosted this season, but the reason was probably financial.
Game of Thrones' budget for special effects will have already been stretched with the
need for a lot more dragon and White Walker action, and, apparently, direwolves are more
expensive to animate than CGI dragons.
I suspect also a decision was made that we should see Nymeria instead as she hasn't been
seen since Arya had to leave her in the woods in season one, and their reunion underlined
just how much has changed for each of them since then.
In fact, this is not the first time that Ghost has had his screentime cut down as a scene
was deleted from season six where Ghost menaced Alliser Thorne and other Night's Watchmen.
And according to the director of Battle of the Bastards, Ghost was going to have a big
part in that episode, but it was just too expensive, and when they had to choose between
Wun-Wun and the direwolf, they picked the mighty giant instead.
One character who brings some humour to most scenes he's in is Bronn, so it was a shame
that the scene of him and Tyrion having a little reunion that was originally intended
to be in the fifth episode was dropped from filming.
It looks like it would have occurred just before Jamie arrives at the secret meeting
with Tyrion that Bronn helped set up in King's Landing.
Of course, we did finally see the two men back together on screen in the season finale,
though given how much fun the scenes they share together often are, it would have been
great to see more of them.
Littlefinger's death was a long time coming in Game of Thrones and it took seven seasons
of his scheming to finally come crashing down on him before the Starks realised that he
was the one who'd set everything in motion.
Sansa even admitted she was a slow learner in the final episode after still getting played
by Littlefinger throughout much of season 7.
In fact, there's a deleted scene where Sansa goes to Bran to ask him for his help before
she executes her own sister Arya.
Actor Isaac Hempstead Wright, who plays Bran, revealed in an interview with Variety that,
"it suddenly occurred to Sansa that she had a huge CCTV department at her discretion and
it might be a good idea to check with him first before she guts her own sister.
So, she goes to Bran, and Bran tells her everything she needs to know."
According to Hempstead Wright, they did actually film this scene, but I can see a couple of
possibilities for why it got the chop.
On the one hand, if it had been included, it would have taken away from the drama of
the scene where Sansa calls Arya in and it looks like she's about to sentence Arya to
death, but then she turns the tables on Littlefinger.
Also, the deleted scene further highlights Sansa's ongoing naivety given the fact she
was still getting manipulated by Littlefinger and ultimately needed Bran's help to figure
out what was really going on.
The season finale set up numerous storylines to propel us into Season 8, but there is one
crucial scene detailed in the episode outline which didn't make it into the final episode.
The cut scene would have occurred just after Jaime stormed off from King's Landing in disgust
following Cersei's refusal to honour her agreement to send the Lannister army north against the
Night King.
The scene is set at the Red Keep in King's Landing and has Cersei waking up suddenly
in the middle of the night to discover her bedclothes covered in blood.
This scene, which implies Cersei has just miscarried, would have made a big difference
to how season 7 ended, and it feels like it would also have had strong parallels with
the scene we saw in the finale of Lyanna Stark lying in a bloody bed having just given birth.
As season 7 left Cersei still apparently pregnant though, her future baby has already given
rise to a number of fan theories.
One such theory is that Tyrion has made a deal with Cersei behind Dany's back to arrange
for Cersei's new child to inherit the Iron Throne after Daenerys.
We know that Tyrion was concerned about the succession and Dany's apparent inability to
have children, but what we don't know is if he had to agree to something in order to change
Cersei's mind and make her publically support Dany and Jon.
And Tyrion didn't look very happy when Dany and Jon were hooking up at the end of the
episode, likely because of the political problems their romantic relationship could cause; but,
if that Cersei fan theory is correct, Tyrion could also be worried that if Dany does conceive
her own child it would scupper his deal with his sister.
In any case, I do wonder whether this cut scene has been moved to season 8, meaning
that we might still see Cersei miscarry.
Indeed, her miscarriage may be foreshadowed in Jamie's words that, "Our child will never
be born if the dead come south".
Of course, Jaime was thinking of the Night King's undead army, but technically the undead
have already come south in the form of the wight that Jon and Dany brought to the Dragonpit.
I think the way the wight clawed at Cersei after it came dangerously close to her could
also be some ominous foreshadowing for Cersei and her baby.
For example, Cersei could die either through miscarriage or in childbirth, which could
fulfil the valonqar prophecy that I talked about in detail in my video predicting who
will die in Season 8.
Alternately, it's possible that the showrunners have decided to go the route of Cersei lying
about being pregnant, so the scene could have been cut for that reason.
So, what do you think about the season 7 deleted scenes and do you think any of them should
have been included?
Also what were you best and worst moments of this season?
Let me know what you think in the comments below and also don't forget to subscribe for
your chance to win an awesome Game of Thrones Funko Pop.
The winner of my last giveaway for a Defenders or Punisher Funko Pop is on screen right now.
If that's you, then send me a message with your details so I can send you the prize.
If you enjoyed this, hit that thumbs-up button and also check out my predictions on which
characters are mostly likely to die in the final season of Game of Thrones.
Or you can watch more of my deleted scenes videos by tapping the screen right here.
Thanks for watching and see ya next time!
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
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