We can easily recognize s.o, something based on their silhouettes (e.g. "Who's that Pokémon?" game)
A silhouette can show us the iconic shapes/ physical characteristics of a thing,
without going into details
Drawing from silhoutte is a quick way to learn poses and gestures of human/animals
Let's take a look at bear silhouettes
And draw some popular (grizzly/brown) bear poses
A bear
A bear standing up to say hi
A chill bear lying down
A hungry bear eating something
Photo reference: a monochrome bear
just want to add some pink
plz don't care about the red
More bear poses
Don't forget to use expressions
and be creative
Also practice
Most importantly, have fun
Thank you
For more infomation >> How to draw bear for fun (plz turn on CC) - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
The Highest-Grossing Star Wars Movies (In Order) - Duration: 7:54.
Want to Keep Your Best Employees? Do This - Duration: 0:47.
The leadership team at my company
strongly believes in promoting from within for a variety of reasons.
Number one: It's a retention tool.
If people aren't getting promoted they're gonna wonder
where else they can go to get the experience,
the money and the responsibility that you're not giving them.
Number two: It's an attraction tool.
When you want to hire people they want to know
that there's a career path for them that's gonna take them on next level.
And then number three: Is if you're going to expand
beyond your core business geographically or service line,
you have to be able to have a leadership in the next ranks.
However, the only way to really promote from within effectively
is to have a great training program
so you incorporate the mission
to promote from within with the actual process
of how you're gonna do a training and develop it,
then you can accomplish some great things and create your own leaders.
27 Most Awkward Moment of Bollywood Celebrities That You Can Not Ignore | Funny Moments of Bollywood - Duration: 5:21.
27 Most Awkward Moment of Bollywood Celebrities That You Can Not Ignore | Funny Moment of Bollywood
Lay Your Hands On Me - Kiznaiver OP (English Cover)【Bailee】 - Duration: 1:32.
Lay your hands on me while I'm bleeding dry
Break on through blue skies, I'll take you higher
I fly
Fly out
Fly out
To new color
Fly out
I fly
Fly out
Lay your hands on me Stay close by my side
Drive me so crazy Moonlight and star shine
Why 80% of Famous People Weren't Trying to Become Famous - Duration: 1:23.
So let's just talk about what
my most natural talent is, which is writing songs, right?
For example, let's take
the biggest air played song of this century,
it's called "Hips Don't Lie" the song that I wrote for Shakira.
What if I told you that "Hips Don't Lie"
I didn't write it for Shakira originally.
You can listen to "Hips Don't Lie" two years prior to Shakira being on it,
on a soundtrack called "Havana Nights"
Wyclef featuring Claudette Ortiz.
So practically what ended up becoming
the biggest air played song on the century
was a song which basically started
two years ago on a film.
80% of the people that are famous
wasn't really trying to become famous.
All we was trying to do
was put a piece of dent in history,
to basically, move the race forward.
The Bold Type 1x10 Promo "Carry the Weight" Season Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.
The Bold Type Season Finale Trailer "Carry the Weight" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:00.
During Harvey, Houston neighbors help one another friend safety - Duration: 1:04.
The water that the current is that is a very strong and a lot of people don't
want to leave their homes and we've got to keep coming back out here. When we
came back, they decided leave. So we try to get them out as quick as possible.
We having a lot of people that have medical issues and which is I have
volunteers trying to get them to safety.
The water just kept starting to overflow we live by the Bayou so when
the Bayou started overflowing you just saw water just getting higher and higher.
I mean this is really the best option "that's a good dog."
President Donald Trump's Transgender Military Ban Frozen By Sec. of Defense James Mattis | TODAY - Duration: 1:59.
NASA Captures Hurricane Harvey's Rainfall - Duration: 1:16.
Favorable environmental conditions and warm waters in the Gulf allowed tropical storm Harvey to restructure and strengthen over several days.
On August 25, Harvey became a category 4 hurricane.
The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory saw several passes.
GPM captured the hurricane continuously over land and ocean, observing the storm beyond the reach of land-based radars.
As Harvey slowly moved southeast, GPM showed an asymmetric rainfall pattern
with a massive swath of rain reaching north and east of the hurricane's center.
NASA's Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM estimated over 30 inches of rain from August 21 to 29.
The rainfall has lead to catastrophic flooding and difficult relief efforts.
20 Unusual Inventions That Will Make Everyone Life Easier - Duration: 5:09.
20 Unusual Inventions That Will Make Everyone Life Easier
আব্দুল জব্বার মরার আগে যা বলে গেলেন || Abdul jabbar speeches - Duration: 2:57.
【NCYT】✧ Yume No Hoshi ✧ Medley ~ Candy ☆ Pichi Pichi Pitch ☆ Pokemon - Duration: 3:33.
Special comedy Show of shiddik 2017_part-01 - Duration: 4:42.
How to: Download a Google Doc as a Computer File - Duration: 1:32.
My Google Drive is not allowing me to submit my assignment! Now what?
Download your assignment from Google Docs, and then save it as a file in your computer
Click "file"
Click "download as"
Choose "Microsoft Word" or "PDF document"
[sing waiting room music to yourself]
You will see your file downloading at the bottom left corner of your screen
Now your Google doc has been saved to the "Downloads" folder in your computer
When you open your folders (bottom left, looks like a manella office folder)
Click on the "downloads" folder
Everything that you "download" will be there
look for the file you downloaded
...apparently I download a lot of stuff (nerd emoji!)...
click on your assignment (the Google doc that you downloaded)
The preview box will show you that the document save IS the downloaded Google Doc!
Now you can submit your assignment in Canvas! Yipey!
Click "submit assignment"
Make sure you are in the "file upload" tab within your Canvas assignment
Click "choose file"
Your file folders will pop up
Click the "downloads" folder
Find your assignment file (you know, the one that you just downloaded from Google Docs
To search for a file, you can also type the name of the file in the "file name" box at the bottom
You should now see the file name of your assignment next to the button "choose file"
Your file is now attached and you can click "submit assignment"!
Congratulations! Now you know what to do when Google Drive is not connecting with Canvas!
Coursera Public Speaking Assignment - Duration: 3:09.
hello everybody my name is Sampath
and today I'm gonna share
one of the major problems
that we Data Science engineers face
and it is communicating our results
as simple as it looks or silly as it looks in data science
communicating results is one of the most difficult challenges we have.
As a technical persons, when we are trying to derive some results or generate some predictions
we happen to reach a certain point certain classification or, results or
an improvement or prediction we happen to take certain amount of risks in everything we do
As you understand this is technology we are not magicians
so basically when we are generating results there are always certain risks
so it's very important for us to communicate to resume the results and risks
because as you take as you try to take a business decision over this thing
it might affect for generations and in business everything is
a chain of errors there are no single point values there have been incidents
reports exist but separation failure can result in multiple failure so today I am
registering to of course like speaking and courses to improve my communication
skills as a data science engineer and to modify happen to become a product leader
these communications might help me to be slightly better than what I have right
now there are two public speakers actually
that inspired me to and public speaking the simon Sinek
he's an author and speaker have happened to see his talk video very he
communicates how effective communicate to communications are how products that
push that answers three important questions happen to be such good
products for example Apple so they actually define by that they're in the
market and what they are doing and how they do it this actually made a great
difference and could help once you see an Apple iPhone everybody at the corner
of the world it's a status symbol and so wonderful don't do the second person
that actually inspired me to work so public speaking is Sean Oliver and he is
he's a wonderful speaker how do I say he is he has this unique way of combining
facts and humor and delivering into a funny speech kind of thing this ability
to combine human and important facts actually helps us in a great way
it also acts as a banker inside our customers to certain results always come
up with certain risks so good luck everybody and I hope we are good shop
(চ্যানেল আই সংবাদ) Live Channel i tv tv News, 31 August 2017, Bangla News Today - Shadhin 24 - Duration: 21:31.
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today, bangla news 2017, bangla news 24, bangla news update, bangla news update,NEWS24 সংবাদ,News 24,news24bd.tv
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