hi everyone and welcome back to relax my dog, today I'm going to be sharing with
you how to make this super super quick little dog toy
like I say it's quick it's cheap and it is extremely easy to make so firstly
what you will need is just an old t-shirt and just a pair of scissors, it
really is that easy so let's get started
so firstly what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut along this side of the t-shirt just along the seam as you can
see I'm just using regular kitchen scissors so it might be a little bit
easier if you have fabric scissors because this took quite a long time
for me to cut just cut along one edge so you have a long continuous piece of
material and you have sort of a split in your t-shirt as you can see here
then all I need to do is just cut a little bit where my shoulder will go
I'm just going to cut along there
this will then leave an extremely long piece of material for you to then use to make your DIY dog toy
then I'm just going to split my t-shirt into three
pieces, these don't have to be equal don't worry it's just for your dog I'm
sure he won't mind it being a little bit uneven
or at least Milo didn't anyway
this will leave one long piece of material and then all you
have to do is do the other two, until you have three similar sized balls
then what I do next is I grab each end and tie it in a very tight knot you don't want this to
come loose so make sure it is as tight as possible as you can get it
that will leave you with one tight knot and then three strands off it looking
like this, then I begin twisting the material this makes it a little bit
sturdy for your dog to use and it makes it last a little bit longer and less
flimsy for your dog, just repeat this on the others until your dog toy looks a
little bit like this
then all you need to do is just start braiding them
together if you don't know how to braid you can actually search a tutorial on
YouTube, it's really simple you just weave them in and out of each other
but like I say it does take a while but once you get used to it
you can do it super super fast, I'll actually show you a little time lapse of me doing this now
then once you've finished, your dog toy should look a little bit
like this then you just need to twist the other end and tie it in a tight knot again
then because I'm quite a neat freak, I like it to look not very messy so I decide
to cut off the messy ends as you can see here but you don't have to do this
so your dog toy should look a little bit like this as you can see it's basically
just a long braid but because I like it to look a bit more funky I decided to
add more knots to it so I had a knot in the middle
let's see what Milo thinks of his toy
as you can see Milo absolutely loves his new dog toy, don't forget to give us a
like if you enjoyed it and leave a comment down below letting us know what
you think, also don't forget to create your own dog toy and tag us on instagram
@ relaxmydog and also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and we
will see you next time, bye!
For more infomation >> Easy DIY Rope Dog Toy! How to Make a Simple Rope Toy for Your Dog On a Budget from Household Items! - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
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Home Remedies for Age Spots - Aging Skin Treatment - Duration: 3:26.
Home Remedies for Age Spots Age spots, also known as liver spots or solar lentigines, are a common problem that occurs due to excessive production of melanin, or skin pigment. Typically, an excess pigment is the result of excessive exposure to the sun. These spots can also be caused by the use of tanning lamps and tanning beds. 1. Apple cider vinegar Mix equal parts raw, unfiltered apple cider and water. Add honey. Apply to affected skin, leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse. Do this once a day. In addition, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of organic apple cider to 1 glass of water. Drink once or twice a day to improve your skin as well as overall health. 2. Lemon Apply the juice of a fresh lemon to the affected skin. Let stand on the skin for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Do it twice a day. If you have extra sensitive skin, dilute the lemon juice with rose water before applying it on the skin. In addition, you can squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into a bowl and add 2 to 3 tablespoons of fine sugar. Gently rub the skin with this mixture for a few minutes. Then leave on for 30 minutes and rinse the skin. Use this remedy 1 or 2 times a week. 3. Aloe Vera Break a leaf of an aloe vera plant, cut it open and extract the gel. Rub the gel at the points of your age. Let it soak on the skin for 1 hour or more. You can then lighten the skin. Repeat twice a day. 4. Castor oil Put some castor oil on the stains. Massage for 1 to 2 minutes, or until oil is completely absorbed into the skin. Leave it on for a few hours, then rinse your skin. Repeat twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. 5. Yogurt Apply a little natural yogurt directly on the dots. Allow drying on its own for about 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water. Do it two or three times a day. In addition, you can make a mask with 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt, 2 tablespoons of ground oats and 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix well the ingredients. Apply the container to the stains and let stand for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water. Use this remedy 2 or 3 times a week. 6. Buttermilk Apply milk serum directly to affected areas. Let stand for 10 minutes before rinsing with water. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day as needed. Alternatively, mix 4 teaspoons of buttermilk and 2 teaspoons of tomato juice together. Apply this mixture on the affected skin. Let stand for 10 minutes before rinsing with water. Repeat twice a day. 7. Vitamin E Massage vitamin E oil into the affected skin for 10 to 15 minutes twice daily. Do this for a few weeks to reduce your uneven skin tone. Alternatively, extract the contents of 2 capsules of vitamin E. Add 1 teaspoon castor oil and mix well. Apply the mixture on the affected areas before going to bed, leave it on overnight and rinse the next morning. Use this remedy daily.
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Disease in rainy season Coping with susceptible diseases in rainy season - Duration: 7:13.
Medical Network, For Public Health
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Respond to susceptible diseases during the rainy season
In the rainy season, floods, people have to face many diseases due to severe environmental pollution.
Due to sewage from drains, sanitary facilities dissolved in water, dead carcasses.
This is the cause of some outbreaks.
Gastrointestinal disease.
In the regions after the rain, floods, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract usually increase significantly.
Common gastrointestinal diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhus, infections, foodborne illness caused by other bacteria (E. coli, Campylobacter) or amoeba, giardia.
This group of illnesses are most likely to cause fluid with underlying symptoms such as abdominal pain, spasm, acute diarrhea.
Red-eyelid disease is most likely to be present during rainy season, when abnormalities need to be examined. Photo:TM.
Typically the most common in and after rain, flood, flood is acute diarrhea.
Diseases caused by many different types of bacteria but occupying the top spot are still cholera (Vibrio cholera).
In regions where rainfall, floods and floods are present, it is extremely dangerous for water sources to have cholera as they are capable of rapid spread.
In addition to diarrhea caused by typhoid bacteria (Salmonella), Shigellosis, E. coli, Campylobacter
And some other intestinal bacteria also play a significant role in causing diarrhea in the rain, floods associated with environmental hygiene, food hygiene and water use in living (eating, drinking ).
When floods, floods and water-borne diseases occur, there is a risk of a primary outbreak:rotavirus-associated diarrhea, helminthic infections will also be more likely to be transmitted.
In children, the risk of diarrhea due to Rotavirus is very large and the ability to spread is also strong, especially with unsuitable drinking water.
Wet environment, pollution is a favorable condition for mosquitoes to develop, so dengue fever is very easy to occur.
On the other hand, after the flood, the diseases arising from vector vectors emerged strongly after the typhoon.
These are highly contagious and widespread outbreaks.
Typical of these are dengue fever, avian fever and malaria.
In order to prevent disease, it is necessary to remove the mosquito breeding place and kill the mosquito larva.
Care should be taken to keep the house and its surroundings clean so that there is no standing water in the house to create breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
Flu and respiratory diseases.
Low humidity, heavy rain increases the likelihood of respiratory illnesses, most commonly the flu and the cold.
When a cold occurs, the body develops headache symptoms, sneezing, runny nose, cough.
More severe symptoms are high fever, prolonged fever, chills and sweating, severe fatigue.
In some cases, colds and flu can lead to pneumonia, sinusitis, ear infections or sore throats.
Respiratory diseases are often highly contagious, forming epidemics that make treatment difficult.
Pink eye.
Red-eye is a widespread disease, common in both adults and children, and it is prone to develop and become easily accessible in places where clean water is not available.
During rainy season, humid weather conditions the virus to develop, followed by the habit of using contaminated well water.
These are the causes causing the number of people with pinkeye increased in rainy season.
Skin diseases
After the flood, due to poor hygiene conditions, the environment, water sources are contaminated and contain many pathogenic bacteria, including pathogenic bacteria on the skin.
Some common skin diseases in the rainy season include foot fungus, fungal infections, scabies, dermatitis, folliculitis, foot edema (caused by parasitic fungus), rash.
Hepatitis E.
Hepatitis E is a disease spread through food, water.
In rainy season, waste and spills contain microorganisms, including hepatitis E virus, which infects domestic water.
The virus in the water binds to food, water and when digested with food, it is susceptible to the disease.
Fortunately, the hepatitis E virus has very poor environmental resistance, boil it only for a minute or two to destroy it.
Therefore, food hygiene and accommodation are essential in the prevention of hepatitis E.
Yellow fever.
Yellow fever (haemorrhagic) bleeding after the rain, floods and floods caused by the Leptospira bacteria is directly related to the urine of rodents carrying Leptospira.
The mouse excretes this bacterium in urine to the external environment that floats into the water.
During and after rain, floods, if people are immersed, limbs with long time in water, Leptospira bacteria easily go through the skin and mucosa to enter the body and cause illness.
Inclement weather, sudden rain and sun, cold air, sudden moisture, causing many people with bone pain, muscle spasm.
Especially hip joints, knees, shoulders, arms, belts.
The joints can also be swollen, making it difficult to exercise.
Preventative measures in rainy season.
People should actively take measures to prevent epidemics in, after floods:Made cooked, boiled drinking, ensuring food safety, frequent hand washing with soap.
Carry out cleaning of water tanks, wells, water containers and the use of chemicals such as chloram B or aquatabs.
Or other chemicals recommended by the Ministry of Health to disinfect water used for eating and drinking.
Implement the principle of sprinting to do environmental sanitation there, organizing the collection, treatment and burial of animals.
Spray chemical insecticides spread in the risk areas.
In flooded areas, it is recommended that boots be used to prevent the risk of contact with the source.
Mosquito bites should be avoided by wearing long-sleeved clothes, sleeping nets to prevent malaria and dengue fever.
Eye and nose sanitation physiological saline daily to prevent disease.
Doctor Nguyen Thanh Hanh.
Content is here to finish, you have questions, please share your comments below this article.
Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.
Hope this article will bring you many useful things.
Wish you always healthy.
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ZERO NO TSUKAMIMA - Duration: 9:11.
Welcome to my channel, I will now introduce and summarize a little about the anime Zero
no Tsukaima Category: Action, Adventure, School, Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Assumption, Magic, Love
has published 3 parts Story: Louise is a noble girl who is terrible
at magic, as her attempts usually result in an explosion.
She is nicknamed "Louise the Zero" by her classmates, due to the inability to use any
of the four magic elements.
Early in the school year at the Tristain Academy of Magic, the second year students perform
a special ritual where they summon their familiar, which serves as their eternal protector and
partner, and is usually some sort of magical creature.
But Louise summons Saito Hiraga, an ordinary teenage boy from Japan, leaving her totally
Due to the sacredness of the ritual, Louise reluctantly accepts Saito as her familiar,
but proceeds to treat Saito as any other familiar, only worse, making him wash her clothes, sleep
on a bed of hay, and whipping him with a riding crop when he upsets her.
The Familiar of Zero follows the adventures of Louise and Saito as they help their classmates
and friends, while occasionally blundering into situations where they risk their lives
to save one another.
Saito tries to find a way to get back to Japan, but he also has a mysterious power that allows
him to wield swords and other weapons to perform heroic feats.
They also eventually learn the truth behind Louise's magic inabilities.
As Saito's and Louise's friendship grows and they start to work together, they ultimately
fall in love with each other.
Halkeginia is the continent that the story of The Familiar of Zero takes place on.
Halkeginia's social structure is similar to the feudal class systems of Europe in the
Middle Ages, with magic-users being considered nobles.
The continent itself is vaguely reminiscent in shape of western Europe, with many of the
countries carrying ancient and Roman names..
Tristain is the nation in which the majority of the story takes place.
It is a small monarchical country located in the northwest of Halkeginia.
It is under threat from Albion.
Tristain is home to a highly acclaimed magical academy which attracts students from nearby
countries known as the Tristain Academy of Magic.
Militarily, the country is weak, with only a small permanent force, which forces it to
make marriage alliances with other countries.
The capital city is Tristania.
Germania is the largest kingdom in Halkeginia, and is also regarded as the strongest in terms
of military might.
It is regarded as a more barbaric and down-to-earth type of country, with its men considered to
be brutish.
Germania is located to the northeast of Tristain.
Germania is the ancient Roman name for the region that is now Germany; the natives were
at the time considered by the Romans to be barbarians.
Gallia is another kingdom in Halkeginia, located to the southeast of Tristania.
Germania is on its eastern border, in the Alden Forest.
It is the second largest country in Halkeginia.
Within the Gallia Royal Family, murders and assassination attempts have led to an unstable
There is a city named La Rochelle in the mountains, which is a major port.
The capital city is Beautis.
Gallia is reminiscent of modern-day France, which in the Roman era was called Gaul.
Albion nicknamed the white country, is an island nation which is in a period of political
According to the storyline, a group of nobles known as Reconquista initiated a coup d'etat
against the royalty, and over the course of the story, succeed in killing the entire Albion
Royal Family.
Cromwell, the leader of the Albion rebellion, seeks to spread his power elsewhere, and begins
by attacking Tristain.
Albion is the ancient Greek name for the main island of Great Britain upon which are the
modern nations England, Wales, and Scotland.
The capital city of Albion is Londinium.
Cromwell is named after the leader of the Roundheads during the English Civil War, Oliver
Cromwell, who successfully ousted the Monarchy, and establishing a brief reign as Lord Protector
until the return of Charles II.
Romalia is a holy empire, located to the south of Gallia.
There lies a city called Aquileia.
Reminiscent of Italy, and specifically the Papal States (and the Vatican City, it is
mentioned, that they have a pope and officials who are bound to celibacy), which once controlled
much of central and northern Italy.
Magic The nobles of Halkeginia are magi, otherwise
known as wizards or magicians, and must use a wand or a staff to cast spells.
Not all magi are nobles as some have given up their nobility to use their magic for thievery
or to work as mercenaries.
There are four primary magic elements: Ignis (Fire), Aqua (Water), Ventus (Air), and Terra
Magi have an affinity to one of those elements.
There is a fifth element, the legendary lost branch of element, known as void.
Magi can combine different magical elements or even stack the same element on top of itself
to make spells more powerful.
The power of a mage is determined by how many elements he or she can combine.
There are four ranks of magician based upon this factor.
Those who cannot combine any element together have the first rank, which is symbolized as
a dot.
Most magic students are in this class.
The ability to combine two, three or four elements together leads to a magic user being
referred to as a line, triangle, or square mage.
In myths, there is a fifth rank called pentagram mage.
One of the major themes is that humans and technology from Earth displaced into the world
of Halkeginia are considered to be highly magical since Halkeginia itself has relatively
primitive science and technology.
For example, a magical item called the "Staff of Destruction" is, in reality, a human-made
Vietnam-era M72 LAW rocket launcher.
Other examples of Earth technology, often weaponry, appear throughout the story, such
as a World War II era Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter plane.
Light novels The Familiar of Zero began as a series of
light novels written by Noboru Yamaguchi and illustrated by Eiji Usatsuka under the original
title Zero no Tsukaima.
Media Factory published 20 volumes in Japan between June 25, 2004 and February 25, 2011.
Further publication was threatened by Yamaguchi's advanced cancer,[3] which he succumbed to
on April 4, 2013, leaving the series unfinished.[2] Yamaguchi had planned the series to end with
22 volumes.[4] However, it was later decided by the publisher to continue the series in
the author's absence, due in part to calls from fans to continue the series, as well
as Yamaguchi's family wanting to see it completed.
Yamaguchi had dictated the remaining plot of the series, including its ending, and entrusted
it to the editors.[5] Media Factory released volume 21 on February 25, 2016[6] and the
final volume 22 on February 24, 2017.[7] Seven Seas Entertainment licensed the series in
2007 under the title Zero's Familiar,[8] but later cancelled the release of the novels.
A side-story, Zero no Tsukaima Gaiden: Tabatha no Bōken, initially available as a mobile
phone online serial, was released in three volumes between October 25, 2006 and March
25, 2009.
It centers on the adventures of the character Tabitha, Louise's classmate.
Another side story, Kaze no Kishihime, was released in two volumes on October 23, 2009
and March 25, 2010.
It is a prequel about Louise's mother youth.
A companion volume, Zero no Tsukaima Memorial Book, was released on June 24, 2017.
It collected various short stories and illustrations previously unpublished in book format, as
well as character designs and other information, such as outlines for volumes 21 and 22 left
behind by Yamaguchi.
It also revealed that the last two volumes of the series were written by Yū Shimizu,
author of Bladedance of Elementalers, using Yamaguchi's notes.
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