Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily Aug 29 2017

(Episode 84)

Mr. Son!

You can't just run out like that!

I almost hit you!

What cruddy luck.

Mr. Son!

Mr. Son.

It's me, Dochi.

Mr. Son.

Mr. Son.

Wow. You've grown so much.

It feels like only yesterday that you were

crying and insisting you didn't want to go to the U.S.

I know.

That runny nosed, whining crybaby...

He's all grown up now.


I know times are tough right now.

But don't give up, and wait.

One day, hope will come.

Always remember that.

Mr. Son.

Don't you remember me?

You always encouraged me

and gave me strength. I'm Gu Dochi.


Yes. You remember, right?

Just before I left for the U.S.,

you even gave me a painting...

"The high tide will come." Remember?

The high tide...

Mr. Son.

Yeori is here too.

Your daughter Yeori.

She came with me to find you.

Get up. Let's go to Yeori.

Where is he?

- Which way? / - Let's go that way.

Mr. Son.

Tell me!

Where are you hiding my father this time?

What are you talking about?

Why did you come in here?

This is Haeju's apartment!

That's right. It is.

The place where you people were hiding my father.

Stop making weird assumptions!

Haeju works on her designs here.

For the mission the chairman gave out.

How long will you talk about your dead father?

You said earlier that the daughter

of someone you know was moving in.

But now, this is Haeju's design studio?



I've found him.

Mr. Son is with me.

Do you mean it? You...

Some strange men are going around looking for him.

I think Jiwon sent them to look for him.

I'll call again

once we've gotten away from them.


You people keep insisting you have

nothing to with my father.

I can't wait to see what you say

when I find my father and bring him before you.

Just wait.


We've found father.

- Did you find him? / - Sorry, ma'am.

He couldn't have gotten far by himself.

Search this building and the area around it thoroughly.

Go to the security room and check the videos

to find out where he was last seen.

Yes, ma'am.

We'll just find Juho. That's fine.

But I need to stop Haeju from meeting Mihui.

Hi, mom.

I came out to meet someone.

Who? Choi Mihui?

No, Haeju.

Don't meet her.

No. I'm going to.

And I'll make myself clear,

that you're my only mom,

and to stay away from me and from dad,

and to disappear.

Juho is missing.

What? When?

Are you at my apartment?

Yes. Yeori just came here.

She thought he was here and came to find him.

How did she find out?

We must find him before she does.

There's no time to meet Mihui.

Get over here right now!

Okay. I'm coming.


Thanks for calling.

I was so happy when I got your call.

I have something urgent to handle, so I need to go.

I'll call again.

Let's talk for a minute.

Just for a minute.

I don't want to talk long. Leave Korea.

And don't ever come to me or my family again.

- Haeju. / - Let go.

Don't touch me.

Fine. I understand why you're doing this.

But I have never once forgotten you.

I always felt guilty toward you and missed you.

I never forgot and it drove me crazy all my life.


If you couldn't forget me,

why didn't you ever come see me?

You're wrong.

I went many times to see you,

but Hong Jiwon always stopped me,

so I couldn't.

I went to the house to see you,

but I was forcibly removed.

She kept you out of school in case I'd go there

to see you. She made sure we'd never meet.

If my mom did that,

it must've been for me.

In case I'd be traumatized and have an identity crisis

if I found out that I had a separate birth mother.

Go back.

There's no room for you.

Hong Jiwon, that woman...

She's a scary woman. Don't trust her too much.

Don't insult my mom

in front of me again.

There was nothing in the world she couldn't do for me.

She even adopted her enemy's daughter

to save my son from leukemia.

That's how much she sacrificed for me.


That's right.

So don't make it harder for me, and leave.

That's the only thing you can do for me.


Was it... Don't tell me...

What a shame.

I heard he was young.

If only I had heard the news sooner...


The child who was a match with me was Haeju's son?

It couldn't be. There's no way.


Let me see.

How bad is it?

Sorry that your dad...

Is so hopeless.

I should've taken better care of you.


Happy birthday, father.

The one and only pair of sneakers in the world

with the painting of the artist Son Yeori.

Thank you.

They fit perfectly and they're comfortable.



- Yeori. / - Father!

You were alive? Father!




I've missed you so much.


Mom, did you find Mr. Son?

He went out by himself.

He couldn't have gone far with that leg.

I have people searching the area,

so we'll hear from them soon.

But how did you and Yeori

know he was here?

I didn't know.

I came to do something, and...

Did you meet with Mihui?

Yes. Very briefly.

Why did you see her? I told you not to.

Did she say anything?

I just said what I wanted to.

I told her to go back to the U.S.

and to stay away from us.

Don't meet with her again.

It makes me nervous.

Okay, mom. Don't worry.

She's a scary woman. Don't trust her too much.

- Father. / - Yeori.



I'm Yeori.

I'm your daughter, Yeori.


Father, look at me.

I'm Yeori.

Your one and only daughter Yeori.

I think he lost his memory.

He doesn't recognize me either.

He can barely express himself.


How did this...

Hong Jiwon...

What have you done to my father?

Hong Jiwon!

How may I help you?

You wanted to see me?

Hello. Do you remember me?

I'm Angela Choi.

I came not long ago to donate my bone marrow.

Yes, I remember.

But what brings you here today?

Was the patient that I had tried to

donate my bone marrow to,

the son of Gu Haeju of Wid Group?

Identities of donors and recipients of bone marrow

are strictly confidential.

I can't tell you.

You can't deny it.

Yet you can't tell me.

That means I'm right.


Didn't you hear what I said?

Why are you back here?

Mr. Kim, don't let anyone in like this.

Haeju's son had leukemia?

Did you know

that I was a match with Haeju's son?


Was that it?

Was I really my grandson's match?

If only I had been with Haeju,

I could've saved her son?

What's the use in all that now?

Gaya's gone already.

This is all because of that woman, Hong Jiwon.

If she hadn't prevented me from meeting Haeju,

her son wouldn't have died so senselessly.

If Jiwon had known that you and Gaya were a match,

she wouldn't have kicked you out.

Haeju needs to know this.

That I could've donated my bone marrow to her son.

But because I was stopped by Jiwon,

I couldn't do anything.

Wait! Mihui. Wait.

Where's Yeori? Where did she go?

She left a while ago and hasn't returned.

I don't think she's at an appointment.

She couldn't be with her father, could she?

She couldn't be. She can't be.


What are you trying to do?

Haeju needs to know

what Jiwon did to her and her son.


What are the two of you doing?

Haeju, there's something you need to know.

Please stop.

Dad. I asked you not to see her,

but you're with her again?

At the office too?

Haeju, I came to tell you something.

- Listen to me! / - I don't want to hear it!

I don't want to see either of you.

- But... / - Haeju!

Mother, father.

This is my birth father.

Bom, he's your maternal grandfather. Say hi.


Saying I'm happy to meet you is far inadequate,

but I don't know how to express

how happy I am.

We never dreamed we'd get to see you

face to face like this.

I'm almost as happy as if our daughter Seol

came back from the dead.

Hello, I'm Bom. Son Bom.

We share a child between us.

Let's live the rest of our lives happily together,

my brother.

I hope you don't mind my calling you my brother.

Sit down.

My father can't remember anything.

He doesn't recognize Yeori or me.

He just keeps saying Yeori's name.

Even if he can't remember anything,

I guess his child's name was burned into his heart.

Shouldn't he get checked out first?

He can't walk well, either.

We should see if there's anything else wrong with him.

No hospitals.

Jiwon and Haeju probably contacted all the hospitals.

If there's any record of his examination,

they'll come here for him.

Oliver. Call Oliver.

He was an gynecologist,

but he can do basic examinations.

Aenok! Aenok!

Hello, Oliver.

Are you hurt?

You said it was an emergency. What's wrong?

I'm not hurt.




What is all of this?

I've always been busy, going back and forth

because of my family's problems,

so I never got to do anything for you.

So I made you dinner.

I'm sure you had no time either.

When did you prepare all this?

- Have a seat. / - Okay.


Let me pour you a drink.

Me too.


Bottoms up.

But... Aenok.

Why not? Even if I spend my remaining days

loving each other, it would still not be enough.

Then... Please excuse me.

Hello, mother.


That chicken woman is never of any help.

Really? Okay.

I'll get my bag and come right over.


Where are you going in the middle of this great scene?

It's Yeori's mother.

I have to see a patient urgently.

I'll go and come back. Excuse me.

Darn it.

Help me.

Yeori's father is missing.


The truth is, I was hiding him

in my apartment, but he left on his own.

Yeori found out that he was alive

and went over there too.

You should stay out of it now.

Leave it to your mother.

No. She can't see Yeori's father.

Why not?

Is there a reason why your mother can't meet

Yeori's father?

She's the one who lied that he had died

and hid him until now anyway.

How did you know?

Anyway, I need you to help me in her place.

You need to find him

before my mom does, and bring him to me.

Please, honey.

I'm Haeju's birth mom, Choi Mihui.

Can we meet privately and talk?

Don't tell Haeju.

Haeju's birth mom?

You'll help me, right?

I have to find Yeori's father before my mom does.

Fine. Go back to your office.

I'll look for a way to find him.


Haeju's birth mom.

Haeju's birth mom showed up.

Over here.

Kim Muyeol?

Choi Mihui?

Nice to meet you.

I'm Haeju's birth mom, Choi Mihui.

It's nice to meet you.

I've heard about you, but...

I know you're busy, so I'll get straight to the point.

Haeju and your son's name was Gaya, correct?

I was his bone marrow donor.

The donor from the registry that was a match.


It hurts to bring him up,

but if I had been with Haeju, he could've lived.

But you're the one who left Haeju.


I tried to meet her many times,

and every time, Jiwon prevented me from seeing her.

Jiwon pretty much killed Gaya.

I went to Haeju to tell her this,

but she refused to see me.

You tell her for me.

That I could've saved Gaya.

And that Jiwon is the one who killed him.

I heard you were a smart man.

Take my side.

Not Jiwon's side, but mine.

I'll make sure you won't regret it.

- Hello. / - Come in.

Who's the patient I need to see urgently?

We found my birth father.

But we can't take him to a hospital.

Jiwon's people can never find out.


How do you feel?

Do you remember who she is?

He doesn't recognize me.

He just keeps saying my name.

He lost his memory

when his body recovered.

Keep showing him things that may jog his memory,

and make sure he isn't stressed out.

That's most important.

Things that may jog his memory?

- Yes. / - The painting.

When I mentioned the tide painting,

he seemed to remember.

Father, do you remember this painting?

It was your favorite painting.

"The high tide will come."

The high tide...

Do you remember, Mr. Son?

The high tide.

There's hope.

I think he understood.


Where did Juho disappear to?

The police and hospitals

say they haven't seen him.

- Father. / - Get away!

Oh, my.

Leave it. I'll clean it up.

I heard he wasn't this bad when

he was at the nursing home.

I think being moved here and there over

the past few days must've made him nervous.

He lost his memory for over 10 years.

It can't be easy to fill those missing years.

Come out for now.

Let him rest.

How's Mr. Son? Is he improving?

Not yet.

Forget not recognizing me.

He keeps refusing to eat.

I'm afraid he'll end up fainting.

Okay. I'll see you at the office, Yeori.

What is it?

Did you find Mr. Son?

You and Yeori are running around rampantly.

I wondered if you made any progress.

That's what I'd like to ask you.

Where did you hide him?

I can tell you 100 times, but you won't believe me.

I don't know where Juho is.

I never believed he was still alive in the first place.


If you do find him, tell me first.

I'd like to see the person

who rose again from the dead.

I was his bone marrow donor.

The donor from the registry that was a match.

Jiwon pretty much killed Gaya.


What do you think about your birth mother?

What do you mean?

Why are you bringing her up?

Did you meet her?


Why did you meet her?

She gave birth to you.

She isn't someone you can cut out so easily.

That's up to me to decide.

And I have only one mom.

What if the mother you trust so much

has a secret that you must never find out?


What do you mean?

He couldn't know

that mom is Yeori's birth mom, could he?

No. It's over already.

I may be messing things up for no reason.

Never mind. Let's talk later.

Angela Choi's sketches are surprisingly fancy.

I thought they'd be plain and simple

since it's eco-fashion.

I was pleasantly surprised.

She really is a leader in that field.

She broadened the scope of eco-fashion's influence

that we thought was limited.

What do you two of you think?

Yes. Pardon?

I like it too.

What did you like?

- Well... So, I... / - Dochi.

I mean, Mr. Gu.

I texted her and distracted her.

What are you two doing?

I won't forgive doing other things during work.

It's common etiquette to turn off your phones

during meetings.

Why isn't Gaya in school?

Is he still very sick?


Is Gaya home?

He didn't come to school, so I came to see him.

What? Well...

Gaya isn't home right now.

Why not? Is he still not back from the U.S.?

Why don't you go up?

I'll call your dad, okay?

What? Maya came to the house looking for Gaya?

Okay. I'm coming now, so don't say anything.

The brand that Team A is launching

will use only the best fabrics,

thread and all the findings.

Make sure the designs are befitting of that.

- Yes, ma'am. / - Yes, ma'am.

I'm not feeling well.

I'm going home. Get to work.

- Yes, ma'am. / - Yes, ma'am.

Jiwon, Yeori is your daughter.

The daughter you think is dead!


Jiwon. Jiwon, help.


Help me...


It's hot!

It's hot.



What's wrong? Do you feel sick?

Who are you? Get away!

Get away!

- Get away! / - You're safe here!

It's your daughter Yeori's place.

- Don't you remember? / - Get away! Get away.

Get away!

Okay. Submit your brand name suggestion tomorrow.

Let's end here.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Yes, father.

- Get away! Get away. / - Please calm down.

- Get away! / - You'll get hurt.

What is that?

- Get away. / - Is something wrong?

- Get away! / - We don't know what's wrong.

But your father is breaking everything in your room.

- We can't stop him! / - Get away!

- He is? / - Get away.

- Okay. I'll come home. / - Get away.

Did something happen to Mr. Son?

I need to go see what's going on.

- Hello. / - Hi.

I saw a child's shoes outside. Is someone here?


Maya is here?

Where is she?

In Gaya's room upstairs.

This is Gaya's favorite.

He didn't take it with him to the U.S.


Is Gaya doing okay?

I came because I wanted to know how he was doing.

How dare you come here?

Why are you here?

I wanted to know if Gaya's treatment was going well.

Don't give me that.

Gaya died. You killed him!

How dare you come here after killing my Gaya?

Gaya died?

Don't act dumb.

Yeori sent you intentionally to drive me crazy.

"Your child died, but mine is alive!"

She sent you to boast.

Did Gaya really die?

That's right. If you and Yeori hadn't run away,

Gaya would still be alive.

Bring him back.

Bring Gaya back!

Bring him back!



Stop it. What are you doing to a child?

Maya didn't even know that Gaya had died.

Dad, did Gaya really die?

Did he die because of me?

That's not it.

Gaya died because he couldn't beat the disease.

You did nothing wrong.

She killed my child, but she didn't want her child

to suffer a tiny wound,

so she kept Gaya's death a secret?

Let's talk later.

Maya can hear you.

Let her hear. Who cares?

My baby died!

I weep dozens of times a day,

but Yeori is doing well, living happily!

Maya, let's go with dad.

Are you saying you don't need our child

because he's dead now?

You only care about protecting your child that's alive?

Maya, wait downstairs.

Let me talk to mom.

- Dad... / - Go on.

Get back here, Kim Maya.

You killed Gaya! How dare you run away?

Snap out of it.

It wasn't Maya or Yeori

that did that to Gaya.

It was your mother. It was her fault!

What? Have you lost your mind?

- You know what she did to... / - Choi Mihui.

Your birth mom was Gaya's donor.


What did you just say?

The person who was a match with Gaya

was your birth mom Choi Mihui.

If it weren't for your mother, Gaya could've lived.

How's father?

In the room. He is so strong.

- Father. / - Mr. Son.

Mr. Son, it's okay. Yeori is here.

Would you leave us alone?

Are you sure?


Father, I'm sorry...

For leaving you alone for so long when you were sick.

Jiwon. Hong Jiwon.

- Dad, I'm not Jiwon. / - Jiwon.

Your daughter is alive.

Your daughter is alive!

For more infomation >> Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.84 [ENG/2017.08.29] - Duration: 35:06.


The Avengers 'Argument - We'll Lose' Scene | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:13.

You want to protect the world

but you don't want it to change.

How is humanity saved

if it's not allowed to evolve?

With these? These puppets.

There's only one path to peace.

The Avengers' extinction.

I had strings, but now I'm free.


PINOCCHIO: But you can see There are no strings on me.

BANNER: All our work is gone.

Ultron cleared out. He used the Internet as an escape hatch.


He's been in everything. Files, surveillance.

Probably knows more about us than we know about each other.

He's in your files, he's in the Internet.

What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?

Nuclear codes.

- Nuclear codes. - Look, we need to make some calls,

assuming we still can.

ROMANOFF: Nukes? He said he wanted us dead.

He didn't say "dead." He said "extinct."

He also said he killed somebody.

There wasn't anyone else in the building.

Yes, there was.


This is insane.

Jarvis was the first line of defence.

He would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense.

No. Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis.

This isn't strategy. This is


- ROGERS: Whoa, whoa, whoa! - It's going around.

Come on, use your words, buddy.

I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark.

Thor. The Legionnaire.


Trail went cold about 100 miles out, but it's headed north.

And it has the sceptre.

Now we have to retrieve it, again.

Genie's out of that bottle.

Clear and present is Ultron.

I don't understand.

You built this program.

Why is it trying to kill us?



You think this is funny?


It's probably not, right?

This is very terrible. Is it so...

(LAUGHS) Is it so... It is. It's so terrible.

This could have been avoided if you hadn't played

with something you don't understand.

No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It is funny.

It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this.

Tony, maybe this might not be the time.

Really? That's it?

You just roll over, show your belly

every time somebody snarls?

Only when I've created a murder bot.

We didn't. We weren't even close.

Were we close to an interface?

Well, you did something right. And you did it right here.

The Avengers were supposed to be different than S.H.I.E.L.D.

Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole?

- No, it's never come up. - STARK: Saved New York?

- RHODES: Never heard that. - STARK: Recall that?

A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space.

We're standing 300 feet below it.

We're the Avengers.

We can bust arms dealers all the livelong day,

but that up there, that's...

That's the endgame.

How were you guys planning on beating that?


We'll lose.

Then we'll do that together, too.

Thor's right. Ultron's calling us out.

And I'd like to find him before he's ready for us.

The world's a big place.

Let's start making it smaller.

For more infomation >> The Avengers 'Argument - We'll Lose' Scene | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:13.


Sea Hero Quest Virtual Reality | Memories Of A Sea Hero | 90" - Duration: 1:35.

There was once a boy who lived by the sea.

His father was a brave explorer.

In far-away seas, they found incredible creatures.

And captured them...

Not with a hook, but with a pen.

They voyaged together until his father grew old.

And then...

One by one…

His memories were lost.

Washed away by time and the tide.

The boy was now a man, and it was his turn to captain the ship.

So he set out once again to find his old friends.

And bring them back to his beloved Sea Hero!

Just like the boy who saved his father's memories...

Now you can save the memories of the future.

Play Sea Hero Quest.

For more infomation >> Sea Hero Quest Virtual Reality | Memories Of A Sea Hero | 90" - Duration: 1:35.


Sea Hero Quest Virtual Reality | The Project Story - Duration: 2:38.

You lead a normal life and then something changes.

Everything that makes that person a person is stripped away.

No one has ever survived dementia.

There are no treatments that tackle the disease itself.

We need to understand more about the condition.

We need to understand how we can treat this disease.

We know that research holds the key and for the research to be able to take place we need

data which doesn't exist.

Last year nearly 3 million people played SEA HERO QUEST.

The first mobile game to help scientists fight dementia.

We realised we could help scientists get the data they need to further their research,

by connecting to those already using our technology.

As you move around your position gets relayed back to the scientists.

And they can see it like a heat map.

And that data is used to try and understand on a mass scale how people are navigating

around these different mazes.

Many of the dementia patients get lost as a very important symptom which so far has

been really little investigated.

The data from the game creates a global benchmark of spatial navigation in humans.

Now Deutsche Telekom are launching the game in Virtual Reality to take it to the next level

It's the next technological innovation that will not only make the game even more fun,

but will help to gather even deeper insights into dementia.

Through VR we are able to replicate highly credible lab based navigation experiments

and the intuitive nature of VR means we can widen the study to a much broader audience.

More accurate data, more detailed experiments and more nautical fun.

You probably have this mindset of game and technology and kids …he is gonna hate it.

Once you get the hang of it it's great!

By playing this game they are helping being part of the solution.

They are helping us be that little bit nearer to finding these treatments and understanding

how we can better diagnose dementia.

For more infomation >> Sea Hero Quest Virtual Reality | The Project Story - Duration: 2:38.


Susquehanna Valley congressman to run for Senate - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Susquehanna Valley congressman to run for Senate - Duration: 0:37.


Arbeitstreffen in Budapest: Putin versucht Orban für Judo zu begeistern - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Arbeitstreffen in Budapest: Putin versucht Orban für Judo zu begeistern - Duration: 1:44.


Sai Lầm Chết Người Khi Chế Biến Thịt Khiến Bạn Rước Bệnh Vào Người|| Xem Ngay Kẻo Tiếc Hùi Hụi - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Sai Lầm Chết Người Khi Chế Biến Thịt Khiến Bạn Rước Bệnh Vào Người|| Xem Ngay Kẻo Tiếc Hùi Hụi - Duration: 6:55.


Who Will Die In GAME OF THRONES SEASON 8? Theory & Predictions - Duration: 11:51.

After a fast-paced season 7, the Long Night of waiting for Game of Thrones Season eight

is upon us, and according to actor Kit Harrington, the final season is going to be an absolute


A lot has happened over the course of the last seven seasons, including the deaths of

over 200 named characters… which has me wondering whose neck will end up on the proverbial

chopping block next season.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm predicting the characters likely

to die in the epic final season of Game of Thrones.

I'm also starting a new Funko Pop giveaway.

All you have to do is be a subscriber to my channel and leave a comment on this video

for a chance to win.

Quick spoiler warning, I'll be reviewing major character arcs from all seven seasons so far,

so take care if you're not caught up.

Let's kick off with one of the characters many of us love to hate on Game of Thrones:

Cersei Lannister.

Back in season 5, Maggy the Frog made a number of predictions for Cersei which have come

true, including the death of her three children so far.

However, George RR Martin's books include another prophecy by Maggy that Cersei will

be choked to death by the valonqar, which is High Valyrian for 'little brother', or

possibly 'little sister' or 'little sibling.'

So, could this mean that we'll see Tyrion strangle Cersei, just like he did his former

lover Shae?

I don't know if it'll be that simple.

After all, Jaime Lannister may be Cersei's twin, but he's actually slightly younger than


Season 7 has already teased Jaime as a possible valonqar, for example, there's the scene which

showed Cersei and Jaime standing on a huge map of Westeros, with Cersei at the area called

the neck and Jaime by the area known as the fingers.

And the two are now estranged after she accused him of treason when he chose to ride north

after she reneged on her agreement to unite with Dany and Jon against the White Walkers.

And remember Euron Greyjoy's reply to Cersei's accusation that he killed his own brother:

'You should try it,' Euron said, 'it feels wonderful.'

So, to prevent the prophecy or because she feels they've betrayed her, will Cersei attempt

to follow through on her threats to kill her brothers, yet end up hoist by her own petard?

Also, with each passing day, Cersei seems to act more and more like a mix of her father

Tywin and the Mad King Aerys Targaryen.

The thing is: Tywin was killed by Tyrion and Jaime reluctantly killed the Mad King to prevent

him from carrying out his crazy plan of setting the whole of King's Landing on fire, so it

wouldn't be beyond belief if either of them found themselves in a similar position with


Yet, Jaime and Tyrion aren't the only characters who could fulfil the valonqar prophecy.

Among other potential Cersei assassins is Arya, who hasn't had a chance to cross the

Mad Queen off her kill-list yet for her part in Ned Stark's death.

Ok, totally crazy theory time now: What if Arya got hold of the decapitated dwarf head

that looked like Tyrion and which Qyburn took to use for his work in Season 5?

She could then take its face and choke Cersei as a Tyrion look-a-like, in a similar stunt

to the one she pulled on Walder Frey's men at the start of season 7.

Or what if Arya put Jaime to death for trying to kill her brother Bran back in season 1,

and then she used Jaime's face to fulfil the prophecy?

Or Arya could make use of the newly deceased Littlefinger's face to slip back into Cersei's

court under the pretence of providing her with intel on her northern enemies.

Another character that many of us are probably itching to see get his just desserts before

the series is over is Gregor Clegane, aka Ser Robert Strong, the Undead Mountain.

It's been a long time coming, but after the Hound's fighting words to his brother in the

Dragonpit, it certainly looks like they're teasing Cleganebowl for season 8.

For anyone who doesn't know, Cleganebowl is the fan theory that the story arcs for the

two brothers Sandor and Gregor Clegane will culminate in an epic face-off.

Now, on the surface, Gregor would appear to have the upper hand against Sandor, being

larger, stronger and, most importantly now, undead.

But I feel the show has spent time thrusting The Hound into situations where he's confronted

by flames, which he's scared of given his childhood experience with fire.

I think this may be foreshadowing a crucial moment where he overcomes his fear which he'll

need to do to finally defeat the Mountain.

I suspect that an ordinary weapon won't be able to kill Ser Robert Strong, so Sandor

might do it with a dragonglass blade, or how about this for a wild theory: Beric Dondarrion

could light The Hound's blade on fire and the Hound could then use the flaming sword

to slice into his undead brother's face in a moment of sweet symbolic revenge.

Beric Dondarrion's status at the end of season 7 was uncertain as he was on top of the wall

as the ice dragon blasted a huge chunk of the wall down.

The last time we saw him and Tormund, though, it looked like they were on the part of the

wall that was left standing.

But I don't think the Lightning Lord will make it through the whole of next season alive

as his death has been pretty heavily foreshadowed in season seven.

Now that his good friend and chief resurrecter Thoros of Myr is dead, Beric is on his last


And Beric himself pointed out that the reason he's been brought back from the dead is to

help kill the Walkers.

What I think could happen is that Beric goes in to battle expecting to kill the Night King

with a dragonglass or flaming Valyrian steel blade, but it doesn't work on the icy sovereign.

Beric will die heroically, but not completely in vain as Jon Snow could witness the death

and realise that it will take something more to kill the Night King.

I really hope this doesn't happen, but I'm fearful for our Onion Knight Davos Seaworth

next season.

He's one of the few good-natured characters on the show, having been loyal to the men

he's served; he was a friend to Shireen Baratheon; and he was instrumental in saving Gendry from

Melisandre and in bringing him back into the story in season seven.

But, when he said recently that "all [he'd] ever done was live to a ripe old age", I immediately

thought "oh, oh", are the writers planning to brutally kill him off?

I really hope that's not what lies ahead for Davos, but it does feel like his character

arc could be coming to its natural end.

There's one loose thread, though, which needs resolution before we see Davos leave us, and

that's his threat to Melisandre back in Winterfell that he would execute her if he ever saw her


This brings us to the Red Woman herself, who departed Westeros this season in her usual

cryptic manner, but gave a few clues to her future when she spoke to Varys on Dragonstone.

During the conversation, Melisandre said she was leaving for Volantis but that she had

to return to Westeros one last time where, she added mysteriously, that she would die.

The thing with Melisandre, though, is that she's extremely hard to kill – she's over

400 years old and has survived assassination attempts like when Maester Cressen served

her poisoned wine in Season 2.

For a hint at how she might peg it, let's look back at her encounter with Arya in Season

3 where this happened.

"I see a darkness in you."

"And in that darkness eyes staring back at me..."

"We will meet again."

And let's not forget either that Melisandre is still on Arya's kill-list.

Arya now has a Valyrian steel dagger, which could be enough to kill the Red Priestess

in season eight, but I think she'll also have to remove Melisandre's magical choker first

as well.

And remember that during Melisandre's conversation with Varys, she also revealed that he too

had to die in Westeros.

And that wasn't the first encounter we've seen between Varys and a red priestess.

Back in Meereen in season 6, Varys met with Kinvara, who revealed she knew about the time

a sorcerer castrated him and cast his manhood into the fire.

Kinvara also knew about the voice that Varys heard from the flames, which was presumably

the fate that lies ahead for him, and which it looks like Melisandre also knows about.

And there was some possible foreshadowing of the fact that Varys will die, even if it's

not in this way, when Daenerys told him he must stand up to her if he ever thought she

was failing as a ruler and that she would burn him alive if she discovered he was betraying


Moving on to the ironborn, I think Theon could be a Greyjoy casualty in season 8.

After abandoning his sister Yara during Euron's attack in season seven, Theon wants to redeem

himself by launching a raid to rescue her.

I can see the show having Theon successfully free Yara, but there's a chance he might not

survive that final act of redemption.

Alternately, Theon could survive and either he or Yara could kill Euron during the rescue.

That would be an interesting way to go as it would put Yara back in charge of the Iron


Now, one character whose death could shock a lot of fans and who I think has a chance

of dying is Sansa Stark.

Sansa's death could be a heart-breaking moment for fans of the lemon-cake-loving Lady of

Winterfell, so what suggests the elder Stark sister could kick the bucket before the series


Well, in a letter that George R.R. Martin penned back in 1993, he revealed the five

characters he planned to survive the whole of his book series.

Those lucky five were Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Bran Stark, and Tyrion


If this original vision is something showrunners Benioff and Weiss plan to stick to, it seems

that Sansa will not make it to the end.

And something which could foreshadow Sansa's eventual demise is the death of her direwolf

Lady back in season one.

The Starks have all had strong connections to their direwolves with only Jon and Arya's

direwolves still alive.

Although Bran survived his direwolf's death, you could argue that Summer died around the

time Bran lost his personal identity and became the Three-Eyed Raven.

Sansa has been on quite a journey on the show, progressing from a naïve young girl with

dreams of knights and princes to becoming a more politically savvy operator in the North.

To get to this point though she's been played, betrayed and abused by various people from

Joffrey and Cersei to Littlefinger and Ramsay, so you might wonder how on earth could the

TV show kill her off after all that?

Well, her death might not be as a helpless victim, rather it could be heroic or noble

in some way, for example, defending the North or Winterfell against a horde of invading

White Walkers.

Then again, Sansa appeared to be displeased about her brother Jon bending the knee to

Daenerys, so how will she react when he arrives at Winterfell with Dany, and on top of that

what about when she discovers that he's also a secret Targaryen?

Will she still treat Jon as one of the Stark wolf pack?

I know that losing any of the characters I've been talking about would be a big blow depending

on who your favourites are, but there's still one really shocking death the showrunners

might decide to do late in the season.

When talking about the ending he's planned for his Song of Ice and Fire series, George

R.R. Martin has said that it will be "bittersweet" and that "you can't just fulfil a quest and

then pretend life is perfect".

Which means that the hero or heroes we've favoured are unlikely to get a perfectly happy


So, although we will get some kind of satisfying resolution, it will also be tinged with sadness.

Which could mean that one of the two main characters many fans have rooted for over

the seasons, Jon Snow or Daenerys Targaryen, may have to sacrifice themselves to defeat

the Night King and his army.

The season 7 finale has just paired up our heroes, but the reveal of Jon's Targaryen

heritage could drive a wedge between the couple if Dany thinks he's a threat to her claim.

Alternately, Jon and Dany could continue to work together to defeat the undead threat,

and either Dany or Jon could be revealed to be Azor Ahai or the Prince or Princess That

Was Promised.

In the legend of Azor Ahai, the sword that could defeat the Darkness could only be forged

when the hero drove it into the chest of his beloved Nissa Nissa.

And to fulfil that prophecy, Dany or Jon could have to forge a new Lightbringer sword by

plunging it into the heart of their new love.

Still, George RR Martin said in the early 90s that Jon and Dany were two of five characters

who would make it to the end of his books, and he also told the crew working on season

1 of the show that bringing Dany and Jon together was the end game.

So, if the showrunners do take the Azor Ahai route, perhaps bringing Dany or Jon back from

the dead could be one of Melisandre's final acts before her own demise.

Now, I'd love to hear who you think will get the chop and who will survive to the end of

Game of Thrones.

And what are your predictions for the final season?

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Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> Who Will Die In GAME OF THRONES SEASON 8? Theory & Predictions - Duration: 11:51.


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