Hey! Hey there! I'm Jake and get ready to App All Knight.
Remember to always be nice to your Elder Scrolls: Legends, a collectible card game in which
you and your opponent battle in turn-based matches.
The cards feature creatures from the Elder Scrolls series.
After you pick an avatar it's ready to play.
When it's your turn draw a card and gain one magicka which is needed to play that card.
You can choose to attack a card in your own lane or just the opponent directly.
The number on the left is the amount of damage that card will deal in combat while the number
on the right represents how much damage it can take before it's destroyed.
There are four types of cards; Support, Actions, Creatures, and Items which enhance creatures.
Each player starts with a deck of 50 to 70 cards and once you reduce your opponent's
health to zero you win.
Which makes you a star...a
Hades' Star.
A strategy game where the goal is to colonize planets, collect valuable minerals,
build space stations, grow your economy, and solidify your presence in dangerous star systems.
First let's choose a planet to colonize. Oh this one looks nice!
Now it's time to select a ship and a shipment.
Delivering shipments earns you crucial resources to increase infrastructure and travel further
into the star system.
Keep in mind that once your ship is in motion you cannot change its course and will have
to wait until it reaches the destination.
When you make a delivery you'll have the ability to upgrade planets which includes
For example you can build shipyards which allow construction of ships and increases
your Empire's total fleet capacity.
In order to carry out certain operations you'll need enough hydrogen and will lose some when
you do so but it's all in order to get more credits which help you with the rest of your
In other words this game really is all about strategy but you can do it because you ARE
No, that wasn't bad grammar, that was the spelling of
Ristar, a platformer game which is unique in that the focus is less on jumping and speed
and more on using Ristar's unnaturally stretchy arms.
Use these arrows to navigate and A to jump.
But if you're ready to face your foes instead of avoiding them grab on and head butt for
points. Head butting. Yay!
To use his arms you have to click the direction you want to reach and B to grab.
Enemies aren't the only things you can use this capability for.
You can also use it to climb ladders or swing across bars.
You can even use this ability to travel via dandelion seed.
If you don't act fast in cases like this where you get trapped in small spaces with
enemies, you will lose health quickly and die.
Oh and this here can help you get to where you need to go if you let go at the right
time...but since I didn't let's try this again.
And again.
And I'm getting a lotta momentum here and okay I crashed into a wall but it
still got me closer to where I need to be so I'll take it. RISTAR!!!
As simple as this game can be the controls can make it more complicated if you don't
use them exactly as you should.
But you can achieve anything if you just keep your mind Opin...out!
Which is a version of pinball that I terribly mispronounced.
Pinball? Been there done that.
Pinout has many unique features and the most notable one being that it is a race against
the clock.
Unlike the original arcade game where you just have to keep it from slipping between
the two flippers, this has different challenges.
Once you get past the first level, letting this happen actually doesn't end the game.
However, since the goal is to get to the checkpoint before time running out, it doesn't help
at all to go backwards because you'll just waste time.
When you launch it through these lit up circles, you'll be earning seconds which may not
sound like a lot but you'll see that it is when you start playing for yourself.
As you go challenges will arise like getting it past this barrier before the gates close.
Sometimes games within the game will open up.
Just flip to play and totally crush it at...oh...okay so I lost the game within the game but I still
have a chance at the other game. The main game...anyways
Now that I've said game too many times let's move on to
Rogue Wizards.
This dungeon-crawling game has you navigating a map by either sliding or just tapping on
a square you'd like to move to.
You'll notice that it looks like the level is being created as you go but it doesn't
actually change each time you come back to an area.
The layout matches this map which can be helpful to you when trying to get to the door.
If you see a barrel, tap on it to see what it contains.
Later levels will have the option to equip yourself with things like potions and swords.
When you encounter skeletons use your sword to defeat them which can give you rewards
like coins. Woo! Money.
You may also come across scrolls to open that give you incredibly vague advice like this.
There will also be other characters later on that have apparently been waiting for you
a long time and are now on your side to help you defeat more enemies.
Links to all the apps can be found in the description below.
And if you want a playlist of App All Knight good news! There's a playlist right here full of apps. Things to do on your phone to make you have fun
if you're on the subway or on a bus or at home
Or hey if you're in line at a favorite restaurant that maybe serves tacos
Hashtag not an ad. I just really like Taco Bell.
What are we talking about? Tacos and apps. Yes. Links to those are below.
Not tacos, just apps. And as always, thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> Elder Scrolls On Your Phone! -- App All Knight - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
Video: Potential 'Harvey' showers for the weekend - Duration: 3:10.
🔴 REPLAY: 2'000 GEMS TOURNAMENT and 2v2 | Clash Royale - Duration: 2:23:41.
Trump Erases Obama's Welfare Legacy With Knockout Blow… America Is Going Back To Work | Top Stories - Duration: 2:26.
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump stayed true to his slogan of "Making America Work
His administration's Department of Health and Human Services, headed up by Secretary
Tom Price, announced that they had officially removed former President Barack Obama's
2012 directive, which weakened work requirements for welfare reform.
WE reports:
You may recall a 2012 controversy over President Obama rescinding the work requirements from
the 1996 welfare reform bill.
The incident became a campaign issue when Mitt Romney released an ad on the matter and
spoke out against it on the campaign trail.
"President Obama now wants to strip the established work requirements from welfare,"
Mitt Romney said at the time.
"The success of bipartisan welfare reform, passed under President Clinton, has rested
on the obligation of work.
The president's action is completely misdirected.
Work is a dignified endeavor, and the linkage of work and welfare is essential to prevent
welfare from becoming a way of life."
At the time, supporters of President Obama downplayed the announcement, treating the
entire issue as if it were some sort of conspiracy theory.
It wasn't, although Romney's version of it was not quite accurate, either.
Obama had not actually ended the work requirement — he had, however, allowed states to request
waivers from it if they adopted their own requirements — potentially far more flexible
or even non-existent, some feared.
As our editors noted at the time:
Obama's July HHS memo invites states to apply for waivers that change the "definitions
of work activities" to better meet "the work goals" of welfare reform.
In other words, the state of California could (as one state did before 1996, according to
the Government Accountability Office) count Weight Watchers attendance as "work,"
and thus keep more people on the state's welfare rolls without making them work.
This is exactly the type of administrative discretion that welfare reform was designed
to prevent.
Today, the Trump HHS department has finally and officially ended the process.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news if you stand with President Donald Trump!
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JUST IN: Famous Dem Caught Scamming Hurricane Victims | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:24.
The recent events of Hurricane Harvey have left a massive need for financial help for
all of the people displaced, the property destroyed, and ultimately getting everything
back to the way it was before the storm.
Unfortunately, there is always someone out there looking to capitalize on a tragedy.
It was recently discovered that the infamous Democrat activist Linda Sarsour started a
fund to help care for the people who were affected by the Hurricane.
According to The Weekly Standard, it turns out that the fund is being used to solicit
donations for the people involved with her movement.
As soon as folks caught wind of this, it spread like a wild fire.
A tweet from Sarsour was released Tuesday morning, saying, "Donate to the #Harvey
Hurricane Relief Fund," followed by a link to her fund page.
The imagery and verbiage indicate that it is, indeed, the correct page.
There are pictures of the flooded Houston Highways, and the phrase "Hurricane Harvey
Community Relief Fund."
One would think that they are in the right place to donate in support of the large number
of people facing troubles down in Texas.
The typical groups involved in this Hurricane Harvey relief effort include the Houston Food
Bank, the Greater Houston Community Foundation, and many others.
However, the donations on the page linked by Sarsour do not lead to any of these groups.
Instead, donations go to the "Texas Organizing Project Education Fund."
Oddly enough, the "Texas Organizing Project Education Fund" has nothing to do with helping
those afflicted by the hurricane.
Instead, it works towards, "advancing racial and economic justice through community and
electoral organizing."
In other words, it is all a scam.
Deeper down the page, it becomes clear that these donations will be used for reasons beyond
just Hurricane Harvey relief.
On the official page, it almost sounds like an afterthought.
On their Facebook page, the group clarifies that the funds will help achieve the following
goal: "Together we will organize and advocate for our devastated communities, shining a
spotlight on inequalities that emerge in the restoration of lives, livelihoods, and homes,
amplifying the needs of hard-hit communities, and providing legal assistance for residents
wrongfully denied government support."
Essentially, this means that donors have no idea how much of the funds are going to go
to Hurricane Harvey, and how much will go to promote the liberal agenda.
The verbiage is so vague, Sarsour could use any amount of the donated funds towards whichever
efforts she chooses.
Many conservatives came to call out this odd factor so people can see that this situation
is not a typical disaster relief fund.
If she wanted to donate to the Hurricane Fund, then her efforts are good.
However, it seems more likely that she is working toward funding her own group and profiting
from a disaster.
Seth Mandel called her out on Twitter, "This is really unbelievably gross.
Even for Sarsour, this is just so far over the line.
At the time of this writing, the Texas Organizing Project has not responded to any comment on
their use of the funds.
Only time will tell if Sarsour can be held accountable for this disguised relief fund,
and how she will use the funds from unsuspecting donors.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
How to: Submit an Assignment in Canvas - Duration: 2:27.
How do I submit my assignment in to Canvas?
Click on "modules"
Look for your assignment
Click on the assignment to open it
Click "submit assignment"
You will see four "tab" options
"File upload", "Text Entry", "CK-12 Practice", and "Google Drive
To upload a file from your computer, click "choose file"
Find the file you want to submit
Remember: you can type the name of the file in the "file name" box at the bottom of the folders window
Select the file to submit
Click "open"
You can now see your file attached
Now "submit assignment"
To submit a "text entry" (text box within Canvas) Click "text entry"
Click inside the text box to begin typing your response directly into your Canvas assignment
Begin typing
A special warning from me to you, you're welcome (heart emoji!)
After completing your "text entry" you can "submit [your] assignment"
To submit using files from your Google Drive, click the Google Drive tab
You may have to "authorize" (link) your Google Drive the first time you try to access it in Canvas
In your Google Drive, find the file you want to submit
Remember: you can find files by typing the file name into the search area at the top
Found it!
Click on the assignment
Submit your assignment
You are awesome!
How To Conceive A Baby Boy - Duration: 5:02.
How To Conceive A Baby Boy Naturally At home
How To Conceive A Baby Boy Naturally
how to conceive a baby boy couples who want to know how to conceive a boy have
many reasons for choosing one gender over the other
whatever the reason there may now be ways to increase the likelihood of
conceiving a baby boy although they are not 100% guaranteed they are much better
than having no means at all to skew the odds in your favor
first some explanations studies have shown that a sperm cell carrying the Y
chromosome which fertilizes the egg to produce a boy swims fast that has a
short lifespan it also thrives better in an alkaline environment working with
these characteristics of male sperm to minimize the advantages of the female
sperm over the male sperm will improve a couple's chances of conceiving a baby
boy so how do you go about improving such chances one timing is essential
sexual intercourse during ovulation is ideal keep track of your ovulation cycle
by watching the calendar observing your vaginal mucus monitoring your basal body
temperature or using an ovulation testing kit you can also ask your health
care provider about how to keep track of your ovulation cycle the premise behind
this is that being faster than the female sperm the male sperm will reach
the egg just when it is ready to be fertilized if the woman's egg is not
ready when she is not in her fertile period the male sperm will travel faster
but there will be no egg to fertilize by the time the egg is ready the male sperm
will already be dead due to its shorter lifespan this will give the longer
living female sperm a shot at fertilizing the egg to maximize the
chances of fertilization by the y-chromosome carrying sperm have
intercourse when you are most fertile you will recognize this
period as being a little before or after the fifteenth day of your menstrual
cycle you need to observe how long your cycle is in order to pinpoint this day
with more accuracy the vaginal mucus will be thicker and more plentiful your
tests may seem full or sensitive and your basal body temperature will spike
grab the chance and strike while the iron is hot to favor positions that
allow for deep penetration again this is to optimize the speed of
the male sperm having a shorter distance to swim will enable that to reach the
egg first positions that allow for deep penetration include the good old
missionary position and doggystyle especially if the woman curls her legs
under her chest instead of being on her hands and knees another is a
modification of the missionary position in which the woman's knees are drawing
up to her chest and her feet are on her partner's chest or resting on his
shoulders three have multiple orgasms when a female orgasms the body produces
fluid that is mostly alkaline giving a boost to the male sperm which thrives in
an alkaline environment the uterus also contracts during orgasm
this gives the sperm a push towards the cervix but gives more advantage to the
male sperm due to its inherent speed the more orgasms the better since the
contractions will be more numerous and stronger for to increase the alkaline
level of the body the woman can eat more cereals fruits nuts green leafy
vegetables foods high in potassium and saltier foods or those higher in sodium
avoid red meats and fish get your cereal requirements every morning at breakfast
it has been found that women who regularly skip breakfast have a greater
chance of bearing daughters if you want a son badly enough you might just hit
the jackpot by giving these tips on how to conceive a boy a try
if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends if you
want more recipes home remedies and tips subscribe to the channel
Very Fresh - Duration: 3:33.
F.R.E.S & H, so fresh
F.R.E.S & H, 'til death
F.R.E.S & H, what's left
Four tres two uno uno two
Everybody say!
Geujeo geureon geotteureun naege neomunado pyeongbeomhae
(Pyeongbeomhae pyeongbeomhae)
Ije saeroun geotboda deo saeroun ge piryohae
Deiteu narira geureonji
(Oh woah oh) Deiteu narira geureonji
Eoje kkumdo joeun kkum kkwotji
Neoga joahaneun geotteullo yeogin gadeukhae
(Hyeongwanmuneul yeolgo nagamyeon)
Maeil ttokgateun saegeul jom bakkwobwa oneul omajuneun kamelleon
Urin seoro dareun jeolmeun yeonghongwa salmeul Gajyeosseotgo taechobuteo daedaero
Hamkke noneun geoya kkirikkiri
DJ jeopshi deo hwikkihwikki
Onmomi ganjilganjil dugeundugeun
I gibuneun mwoya eotteokhae
Aju Fresh
Jigubuteo dalkkaji
Aju Fresh
Bamsaedorok kkeutkkaji
Everybody say Fresh
Jerobuteo baekkkaji
Aju Fresh
(Oh woah oh woah!)
I'm 365 so Fresh
(Four tres two) I'm 365 so Fresh
Mwo hana mureobolkke
And you can take it
geunyang gogae kkeudeokgeorigo nal ttara hamyeon dwae
(Break it down, break it down)
(Ooo Woah)
I can take it
Eoryeobji ana eoseo nal ttara
Shake your head
Gyesok shake your head
(Hey!) (Woah woah)
I kkeuchi eopneun daldo chwihan i bame
Jamdeureoitdeon six sense
Na ttaemune nuneul tteuge
Player champagne, showtime!
I gibuneun mwoya eotteokhae
Mwoya eotteokhae
Aju Nice
Hanabuteo yeolkkaji
(Aju Nice) Hanabuteo yeolkkaji
(Aju Nice) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji
Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji
(Gibun gibun gibun) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji
(Gibun gibun gibun) I'm 365 so Nice
I'm 365 so Nice
Urin haneul wikkaji
(Aju Nice) Urin haneul wikkaji
(Aju Nice) Naraoreuneun i gibun so free
Naraoreuneun i gibun so free
Eotteon sarameun malhajyo
(F.R.E.S & H so fresh) Eotteon sarameun malhajyo
Yeonaeneun yeonael ppunirago
(F.R.E.S & H, 'til death) Yeonaeneun yeonael ppunirago
(F.R.E.S & H, 'til death) Geugeollo kkeuchirago
Geureotamyeon shijakjeomi kkeuchi doel su itge
(F.R.E.S & H, what's left) Geureotamyeon shijakjeomi kkeuchi doel su itge
(F.R.E.S & H, what's left) Neoro shijakhae neoro kkeunnael su itge
Matjabeun du sone woncheoreom
(F.R.E.S & H) Matjabeun du sone woncheoreom
(F.R.E.S & H) (Urin kkeuchi eomne)
(Urin kkeuchi eomne)
Ttak bwado naneun neoreul wihan A to Z
Jamdeureoitdeon six sense
Na ttaemune nuneul tteuge
Player champagne showtime
Jinjihande tteungeumeopjiman
Woa oneul nan marya
(I'm 365 so) Woa oneul nan marya
(Nice) Fresh
Hanabuteo yeolkkaji
(Aju Nice) Hanabuteo yeolkkaji
(Aju Nice) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji
Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji
(Gibun gibun gibun) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji
(Gibun gibun gibun) I'm 365 so Fresh
I'm 365 so Fresh
(Nice) I'm 365 so Fresh
Gibun joge kkeutkkaji
(Aju Nice) Gibun joge kkeutkkaji
(Aju Nice) Hana ppajimeopshi i chumeul kkeutkkaji
Hana ppajimeopshi i chumeul kkeutkkaji
I'm 365 so
(Fresh! So fresh, so fresh) Oneul harudo aju jeulgeowosseoyo
Oneul harudo aju jeulgeowosseoyo
Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo
(So fresh, so fresh) Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo
Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo
Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo
(So fresh, so fresh) Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo
Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo
Naeil i shigane tto mannayo
(So fresh, so fresh) Naeil i shigane tto mannayo
Naeil i shigane tto mannayo
Woah woah!
I'm 365 so fresh
Thanks for watching!
"Game of Thrones" Major Night King Theory in Season 8 | What does he really want? - Duration: 2:29.
Major Game of Thrones Theory on Night King In Season 8!
The Night King is the biggest threat that the Seven Kingdoms have ever faced in the
history of Game of Thrones.
He's the Great Other, the one who controls all the Others, and the Wights.
The Night King was created by the Leaf and other Children of the Forest, who pushed a
dragon glass dagger into the heart of a First Man.
They wanted to turn him into a weapon.
it is assumed that to some point, they were able to control it.
However, soon, they began losing control, and it was hopeless in the end.
The Night King became the true enemy.
He raised more White Walkers along with him, and the dead were raised as Wights.
This led to the Children of Forest teaming up with the First men, who later pushed they
into a corner.
They were sealed off by the creation of the wall, supposedly by Brandon Stark, who was
known as Brandon the Builder.
The period when they battled against each other was known as the Long Night.
Since then, the White Walkers were quiet, but not anymore.
In "The Dragon and the Wolf", we saw how the Night King, who was riding Undead Viserion,
destroyed the Wall successfully, and rode past it.
But the question remains, why is the Night King doing this?
What does he really want?
The answer could be that the Night King just wants to kill all the men, as he was created
to do.
But, if that was the case, the Children of the Forest wouldn't have run from him.
I don't really have an idea myself, but I'm led to believe that the Night King wants
The Children of the Forest didn't push back the White Walkers.
They formed a peace treaty with them.
The wall was erected by The Night King himself.
But, the men weren't true to their word, and they began doing something that they shouldn't
have been doing.
This woke the White Walkers, and now, they think that humanity is too dangerous to be
allowed to live.
So what will happen in Season 8?
I believe it's a long shot, but I don't believe the White Walkers will be killed off
I think the peace pact will be remade by Bran, who is somehow, the only one who has seen
the Night King annd made contact with him, apart from Jon Snow.
I believe he's the one who'll do it.
Night King was able to enter the psyche of Bran before.
They have some sort of connection, but we're only going to find out in Season 8.
I don't believe they will kill the Night King without telling us about his end game.
Season 8 will bring all the answers to us.
What do you think the Night King's end game is?
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