I think we can all agree that food… is pretty great.
So participating in an experiment where almost all you have to do is eat three delicious
meals every day for up to a year sounds kind of like the dream.
But imagine knowing that hidden in one of the foods—maybe the butter, maybe the
freshly picked peas—is a substance that's probably toxic.
It sounds unthinkable today, but that was the setup of some of the strangest and most
infamous human experiments in American history, known as the poison squads.
They ran for five years starting in 1902.
And even though they wouldn't pass any scientific ethics committee today, they were revolutionary
at the time because people started to realize that maybe they should make sure things are
safe to eat before eating them.
The trials were the brainchild of Harvey Washington Wiley, the head chemist with the U.S. Department
of Agriculture.
Back then, food additives didn't have to be tested, or even put on labels, and he wasn't
really okay with the idea that no one in America had any way of knowing what they were actually
eating unless they had grown or raised it themselves.
Formaldehyde, for example, regularly popped up in milk to keep it from souring.
Yeah, the known carcinogen that we use to preserve dead bodies.
You'd also often find borax, a mineral that contains sodium and boron, in meat.
It made the meat firmer, which made it seem fresher — especially when combined with
an extra pinch of salt and red food coloring.
These days borax is a common ingredient in things like detergent and pesticides.
And we're not talking tiny, insignificant amounts of this stuff, either.
But no one had bothered to investigate whether these additives were actually safe to eat.
So, with five thousand bucks from the government, Wiley hired a chef, promised a bunch of otherwise
great free food, and recruited a dozen healthy young men as volunteers.
He took their weight and vitals, made them collect their urine and feces, and gave them
weekly physicals.
Then, they started with a low dose of a specific chemical and went up, stopping only when the
men were too sick to continue.
The first poison squad tackled borax and its derivative, boric acid, because they were
so common.
At first, the chef hid the chemicals in butter or milk.
But the volunteers could taste the metallic flavor and instinctively avoided it, because
no one wants to eat butter that tastes like their silverware.
Wiley still needed the men to get the right dosage, so he just put the borax in pills
for them to pop about halfway through their meals.
Bon appetit!
The guys on the Poison Squad reported stomach pains and feeling less hungry when they were
fed 2-3 grams of borax a day.
At 4 grams, they became very tired, developed headaches, and couldn't work normally.
Which sounds like an average Monday to me, but apparently in their case it was caused
by the borax.
Through other trials, Wiley also found that if they took a lower dose of half a gram a
day for long enough, they'd get similar symptoms.
Today we know that eating borax can cause tissue damage, which can eventually lead to
fun things like vomiting and convulsions, so thanks for saving us from that one, Poison
Thankfully, though, almost no one walked away from these experiments with any obvious long-term
Wiley also tested copper sulfate, which was added to things like canned peas to make them
bright green, as well as formaldehyde, sodium benzoate, and salicylic acid.
While the effects on the men varied, Wiley concluded that none of the additives were
Today, any scientist looking back at these trials would be horrified by not only the
ethical problems -- because giving people potentially deadly substances, even if they
know about them, is never OK -- but also the poor experimental design.
For one thing, the participants knew they were eating a potential poison, which could
have easily skewed the symptoms they reported and made them feel more sick than they actually
Not to mention that for the most part, the experiment had no real control group.
In between testing each substance, the squads were given a break for several weeks, but
they weren't asked to continue reporting symptoms or to keep collecting their urine
or fecal samples.
You also can't really conclude much from a small and specific group of people.
Wiley thought that if healthy young men got sick, the same chemical would also be unsafe
for women and children.
That's not really how biology works, though, and a few dozen young white guys didn't
exactly represent all of America.
But even though there were a lot of flaws with this experiment, it was the first time
somebody thought to test food additives and study them one at a time.
Later research that was actually reliable led to almost all of these additives being
banned from food -- except for sodium benzoate, which is a common preservative in acidic foods,
like orange juice and soda.
But only because we've tested it and it's considered safe.
And journalists loved covering the happenings in the D.C. lab kitchen, so people across
the country started thinking seriously about the things that might be used to preserve
their food.
In 1906, partly because of the public's new awareness, Congress passed the Pure Food
and Drug Act, a precursor to today's more rigorous regulations.
Those concerns also led to the creation of the FDA, which is the organization that makes
sure the ingredients in your food aren't going to kill you.
For the most part, anyway.
If you decide to crack open ten thousand cans of baked beans, there's not much they can
do to help.
That one's on you.
Since Wiley was so instrumental in protecting America's food, he's often called the
father of the agency.
So, the Poison Squads were a really horrible idea and full of sketchy science.
But because of the progress we've made since then, going to the supermarket today is a
whole lot safer.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!
If you'd like to learn more about some of the most common additives used in foods today,
you can check out our video about 5 chemicals that are in almost everything you eat.
And for more episodes like this, you can go to youtube.com/scishow and subscribe!
For more infomation >> The Poison Squads: The Stupid, Risky First Food Safety Tests - Duration: 5:18.-------------------------------------------
Iron Man vs Killian (Part 1) | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:29.
Is that...
- Yep.
- Are those... - Yeah.
Merry Christmas, buddy.
Jarvis, target EXTREMIS heat signatures.
Disable with extreme prejudice.
Yes, sir.
What are you waiting for? It's Christmas.
Take them to church.
Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing.
This is how you've been managing your down time, huh?
Everybody needs a hobby.
Heartbreaker, help Red Snapper out, will you?
TONY: Nice timing.
Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Give me a suit, okay?
Oh, I'm sorry, they're only coded to me.
What does that mean? I got you covered.
Good evening, Colonel. Can I give you a lift?
Very funny.
Sir, I've located Ms Potts.
About time.
Stop! Put it down. Put it down. Put it down.
See what happens when you hang out with my ex-girlfriends?
You're such a jerk.
Yep. We'll talk about it over dinner.
Come on. A little more, baby.
- Oh!
Is this guy bothering you?
Don't get up.
Is it hot in there?
Stuck? Do you feel a little stuck?
Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit.
Oh, Tony.
- She's watching.
I think you should close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes. You don't want to see this.
- Yeah, you take a minute.
Iron Man vs Killian (Part 2) | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:13.
Jarvis, give me a suit right now!
Oh, come on!
Mr President! Just hold on, all right? I'm coming.
Just hold on. Hold on.
Brace yourself.
You look damn good, Mr President,
but I'm gonna need that suit back.
The President is secure, Tony
- I'm clearing the area. - Nice work.
- Ready, sir? - What do you mean "ready"?
Pep, I got you. Relax, I got you.
- Just look at me!
Honey, I can't reach any further and you can't stay there.
All right? You've got to let go.
You've got to let go! I'll catch you, I promise.
- No!
A shame. I would've caught her.
Well, here we are on the roof.
Iron Man vs Killian (Part 3) | Iron Man 3 (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:42.
Mark 42, inbound.
I'll be damned. The prodigal son returns.
You really didn't deserve her, Tony.
It's a pity. I was so close to having her perfect.
Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait! Slow down! Slow down!
You're right. I don't deserve her.
Here's where you're wrong.
She was already perfect.
do me a favour and blow Mark 42.
No more false faces.
You said you wanted the Mandarin.
You're looking right at him.
It was always me, Tony. Right from the start.
I am the Mandarin!
I got nothing.
Jarvis, subject at my 12 o'clock is not a target, disengage!
What? Oh, what, are you mad at me?
Rice And Pudding Dessert Cups - Duration: 2:10.
ALERT: Soros Caught In $7 Billion IRS Scandal : Paul Ryan Denounces Arpaio | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:35.
Far-Left billionaire George Soros is a big fan of high taxes for all Americans and Europeans.
Unsurprisingly, Mr. Soros is not too keen about paying high taxes himself though.
According to Fox News, Mr. Soros has been using a loophole that was closed in the U.S.
in 2008 in order to avoid paying some taxes.
Soros used this closed loophole to defer taxes on client fees.
He used this illicit money to invest in his tax-free fund.
If found guilty of these improprieties, Soros could face an IRS bill worth $7 billion.
The money that Soros made from abusing this loophole apparently amounted to $13.3 billion.
More galling is the fact that Soros' illicit money was kept in accounts stationed in Ireland.
Amazingly, all of this news about Mr. Soros' tax avoidance originally came to light in
Since then, alternative media sources have found no evidence that Soros has paid his
To put this debt in perspective, Forbes estimates that President Trump is worth $4.5 billion.
That means that Soros' tax bill would be nearly $3 billion dollars more than the American
president's overall net worth.
This is far from the first time that Soros' fortune has been used on dirty tricks.
In Ukraine, Mr. Soros' Open Society Foundation and other organizations conspired with the
U.S. government to fund pro-EU protests that toppled a pro-Russian government that had
been democratically elected (although there were voting irregularities).
A large chunk of this money wound up in the hands of far-right organizations like Ukrainian
National Assembly, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, and Right Sector.
Ironically, Mr. Soros and his supporters are quick to label any nationalist movement in
the United States as "Neo-Nazi."
It should also be noted that Soros escaped the Holocaust in his native Hungary by posing
as a Christian and actively helping the Nazis to persecute his fellow Jews.
He said in an interview with 60 Minutes that he does not regret his actions.
Soros' "investment" in Ukraine led to a war with Russian separatists and the Russian
government and a government so desperate for money that it now has to rely on its enemy
Russia for fuel.
Stateside, Mr. Soros' money has been funneled to extremist groups like Black Lives Matter
and others who seek to create chaos on America's streets.
BLM alone has received about $100 million from Soros-linked organizations.
Far-Left billionaire George Soros has been using a loophole to avoid paying taxes and
could face a $7 bil.
IRS tax bill.
Is it time for the IRS to investigate Soros?
The overall story of George Soros is an example of why President Donald Trump's base rejects
Soros is a native of Hungary who made his fortune in the United Kingdom, and yet he
feels confident enough to tell Americans how their political house must be ordered.
At the same time, Soros abuses U.S. tax laws and regulations and funnels his money into
off-shore accounts into tax-friendly nations.
Mr. Soros and his ilk abuse patriots because they themselves are not patriotic.
As can be seen by his refusal to pay a hefty tax bill to the American government, Mr. Soros
cares only about himself and his bottom line.
This is the face of the globalist Left.
Should the IRS investigate George Soros?
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BREAKING - Trump: Hands-on with hurricane recovery | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:11.
President Trump on Sunday afternoon held a second Cabinet meeting on Hurricane Harvey
to shore up response and recovery efforts, according to the White House.
Trump along with Vice President Pence led a video teleconference with Cabinet and senior
administration officials "to discuss ongoing federal support for Hurricane Harvey response
and recovery," the White House press office said in a statement.
Trump will also visit affected areas in Texas on Tuesday, according to the White House.
The storm has hammered Texas since Friday, when it first made landfall as a Category
4 hurricane.
The federal government has 5,000 people on site in Texas and Louisiana, where the storm
continues to bring torrential rain and flooding.
Trump, who spent Sunday morning praising the federal government's response to Harvey
in a series of tweets, "continued to stress his expectation that all departments and agencies
stay fully committed to supporting the Governors of Texas and Louisiana and his number one
priority of saving lives," the statement reads.
Vice President Mike Pence in a tweet on Sunday emphasized the White House statement that
Trump's top priority is saving lives.
"POTUS stressed all depts & agencies stay committed to supporting Govs of Texas & Louisiana
& his number one priority of saving lives," Pence wrote on Twitter, including a readout
of the teleconference the two held earlier.
The statement adds that Trump "reminded everyone that search and rescue efforts will
transition to mass care, restoring power, providing life-sustaining necessities for
the population that sheltered in place, and economic recovery."
He also "urged survivors impacted by the storm to continue to heed the instructions
of their State and local officials."
At least five deaths from the storm have been reported.
The director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency said recovery efforts would take years.
This is "probably the worst disaster the state's seen," Brock Long told The Washington Post
of Texas.
what do you think about this?
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