My husband and I were there for my kids
THE LORD OF THE SKIES I'm not leaving until you let me see Isidro.
See that, Mom?
The traitor won't even apologize.
To you, Aurelio?
Do you apologize to me when you betray me?
You're an animal, and I've had it with your humiliations.
You use my son as your ticket to enter this house.
You're lower than dirt, Monica.
Shut your mouth, Aurelio!
I'm too old for this!
This is exactly why I want to leave!
Then leave, Mom.
And don't expect me to beg you to stay.
If you won't stay for your grandchildren,
you sure as hell won't for me.
But before you go, make sure this bitch has left.
She doesn't care that she's betraying me.
Monica Robles will be here in about three hours.
Treat her like a princess. Understood?
As you wish, boss.
And the matter of the fugitive?
Nothing, and to be honest,
the longer he's gone, the harder it'll be to find him.
Here's a picture of Zopilote.
It's Zopi, Vitaminas.
Oh yeah?
We figured you'd be dead,
having a couple of cold ones with Beelzebub, Tubby.
I prefer the Lord... of the Skies.
Can you make that happen, St. Peter?
Zopi's alive.
Ask him if he wants a job,
if he wants to come to Spain with us.
We'll need a lot of people.
Did you get that?
But you better than anyone know what kind of enemy Aurelio is.
But he's the father of my child.
I need to get back in business, Tony, and he knows it.
But if he feels I'm competing too hard against him,
he'll crush me.
That's why I want an ally that's at his level.
Like you.
That all sounds great, but if we unite,
we'll probably be at war against him.
I'm not afraid of him. Are you?
Nope, and I want my son with me.
You're not afraid of him, knowing he's got your son?
You don't think he'd hurt him?
Even I would admit that that son of a bitch
loves his children above all else.
Isidro comes before me or any war between us.
But I don't want him with him.
I want my son with me. That's my condition.
I like what you're saying, Monica.
Always so insecure at the worst times.
A misogynistic female drug dealer, how about that.
I'll show you just how insecure I am.
Can you count?
Then count us out of this deal because you just lost us.
One moment.
I'm not referring to this cabin in the middle of nowhere
where you can always find me.
I'm referring to here, in my heart.
I'll always love you and be thinking of you.
What's going on?
What's up, doll?
Why the long faces?
What happened?
I thought we'd be celebrating.
Nope. There's nothing to celebrate.
The deal fell through.
I'm not giving that filthy bitch
so much as a gram of merchandise.
You're not?
You're not following. You heard me.
I'm not.
You couldn't have asked me first
before making such a serious decision?
Ask you?
Guess what.
It didn't occur to me to ask you.
I'm putting up the cash and putting up the merchandise,
and on top of that, I put up the contacts.
So no, it didn't occur to me to consult with you.
You got a problem with that?
THRuth, I'm glad...ES
How long have you been lying to me?
Since when have you been selling me out to the DEA?
I don't know how to explain it.
Just a second.
I'm not taking any calls.
I had to deal with Castillo all morning and I'm exhausted.
You need to take this call. It's Rodrigo Rivero.
Activate the security protocol and trace the call.
Yes, sir.
From Secretary of State to a ------- fugitive.
How does it feel, Rodrigo?
You should lead by example and turn yourself in.
If you were smart you'd do that. Is that why you called?
This call has nothing to do with me or my future.
It's got to do with yours and with justice, Mr. President.
What the hell are you talking about?
Didn't you hear what I just said?
Loud and clear, but now you listen to me.
I ask that you speak to the nation
and explain your relationship with the Robles Cartel.
<i> That is, if you've got nothing</i> <i> to hide, sir.</i>
Go ahead.
Do it.
You should also take this opportunity
to address all the lies you've told
to cover up the fact that you're working with the cartels.
Will you do it, Mr. President?
You'd do that if you were smart, sir.
We need to meet.
I'm busy at the moment and a ways away.
What's up? You don't sound so hot.
I have a problem. Rivero Lanz. I can't find him.
You're a dumbass, man.
You're the president of Mexico!
He's your errand boy.
Who's the boss?
I thought he worked for you.
Tighten the leash on your dogs.
I fired him. He helped Garcia escape.
The bitch who shot Monica?
The one and the same.
There's an arrest warrant out for him, but I can't find him.
He's threatening me, Aurelio.
He wants me to tell the country that you're alive.
Otherwise, he'll reveal that Monica's my cousin.
That bastard.
Why does he care?s, sir?
We've located Rutila Casillas, correct?
Affirmative. Why?
She's our next victim.
It won't be easy, sir.
Yes, Mr. President?
You were right, Rivero.
I've been thinking.
While I find your insubordination disrespectful,
I think bringing the truth to light about Aurelio Casillas
being alive is a good strategy.
You're going to address the nation?
Are you going to reveal the truth?
Yes, but surely you understand
that this will bring serious consequences.
The truth shall set you free.
Yes, but if you were in my position,
you'd know that a hundred thousand Mexicans disagree.
I'm going to do what you said.
Just give me a few days to arrange everything.
I'm glad you care about your country, sir.
A few days sounds a bit generous, though.
You have 24 hours.
I want all the info we have on Esperanza.
Still pissed after what the Navy pulled.
Well, I'll give you the pleasure of getting back at them.
For your homework, I want you to kill Rivero Lanz.
Aurelio, please! He's the Secretary of Defense.
Oh, really? News to me!
Well, not anymore he's not.
He's pissed because he got fired,
and now he's poking his nose around where he shouldn't.
I might just end up implicated in all this.
So tell Roto to send Ismael backup.
By the way, have you seen my son?
I've got nothing against you, but you're screwed.
See? It wasn't that hard, Rafael.p.
Did you know that if we fly towards the sunrise,
We going in, Filemon?
We should, but no.
Her guards are on high alert.
Let's follow them instead.
Once they let their guard down, we'll strike.
I'm not waiting for him to move.
Castillo, you have 12 hours to tell me where Rivero is.
Otherwise, you can kiss your position goodbye.
You know the drill, guys. Stay on the ball.
Though she's hot, we've got
to pump that babe full of lead, alright?
Let's do this then. Come on.
They found us!
Thank you, Tony.
This is the good part of mixing...
business with pleasure.
I might like to mix them too.
You'll just have to be patient with me.
I have all the patience in the world.
What else do you want?
Ask me for whatever you want.
I was just attacked.
I got hit in the arm.
What? Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine, but they were following me.
Who was it?
I don't know.
How are you, Rodrigo?
Fine, come in.
Evelyn is in the living room.
How are you, Evelyn?
This is Liliana, my producer,
and my videographer, Sandro.
Nice to meet you.
Let's figure out where to set up.
Some place that won't give away where we are.
Help me with that, Sandro.
The chimney could work.
Perfect. Let's do that.
We'll set up over here.
Utzcategui, just a sec, please.
I thought it over and I think it would be better
if only I did the interview.
I don't want to compromise her.
When this bomb goes off, a lot of people will be hurt.
We got it!
The taxi is on Nuevo Leon and Vicente Suarez.
Sounds good.
Message me the exact location.
Don't take too long.
I know that.
I'm finishing something now and then I'm headed out.
Are you okay, Ruti? Does it hurt?
What's up, Dad?
I'm stressed, son.
Had some setbacks.
I just wanted to know how that job in Mexico City
is going.
It's going, Dad.
I've got Greñas working on it.
I have something else to tell you, though.
They killed Ruti's boyfriend.
They shot her too, but she only got grazed.
She's fine.
She's here with me.
Let me talk to her.
Hold on.
Ruti, Dad wants to talk to you.
I can't stand him!
This is his fault.
I have nothing to say to him.
<i> ------- great.</i>
Tell her I heard her.
That's fine.
Who was it?
We don't know.
A truck full of guys pulled up and started shooting.
Ruti, Pompeyo, and their guys scared those bastards off.
don't leave her side.
I'm sure it was that ------ Pastrana.
Are you sure it was him?
Who else would it be? He already killed Nazareno.
His beef is with me.
That's why he kills the people I care about.
---- that ------. I've had it with him.
I'm going to kill that bastard.
You're going to do a little favor for me, Jose Antonio.
For more infomation >> The Lord of the Skies 5 | Recap (08/25/2017) | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:11.-------------------------------------------
Actress Sayantika Banerjeer Upor ki vhaba ottachar hochha | Sayantika Banerjee Facebook Live|Funny - Duration: 14:56.
Sayantika Banerjee Facebook live and just funny
SOS Doctorat ! #6 - S'organiser: les outils numériques - Duration: 6:12.
Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso 2 | Recap (08/25/2017) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:11.
Girls, it's time!
Get out! Hurry!
Move it!
That's the car.
Come on!
Sandra, let's go!
Go, go, go! Come on!
Hurry up!
Let's go!
Get in!
I'm already frightened. Don't make it worse.
Yesica Beltran has escaped.
What? That's impossible!
I thought so too,
but there's obviously not going to be a trial here.
I really don't get it. Come with me.
Oh, my God! This is my palace!
Youfor bringing usht? No,
-Excellent. -Let's see what...
-She's in here. -Here?
I'll leave you now. Have a nice day.
Why don't you stay and introduce me?
Believe me, there's no need for introductions.
There isn't?
Have a nice day. Take care.
Pleasure meeting you, sir.
Something wrong, ma'am?
Hello, Albeiro.
It's me... Catalina.
As you can see...
I'm not dead.
Your mother's suffered all these years.
She suffered so much, Catalina.
She felt so guilty.
She thought you'd killed yourself because I...
ended up with your mother.
Yes... yes!
In part, it was because of that...
but there were so many other factors involved.
I was so tired.
I was a lost cause, Albeiro.
I didn't want to keep living a life
that'd been so cruel to me.
I swear.
Can I... hug you?
As much as you want.
I need your embrace.
You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.
Alright, let's keep an eye an out.
Oh, yeah!
Will you wait here?
Hi, Mom.
-Mom! -Hilda.
-Mom! -Please help!
Mom! Mom!
Honey, wake up. Honey.
Please do something.
Mom...ence to anno
the new Miss Pereira, who he chose by decree.
Tell me
Turn on the radio on 105.2.Ju.
Daniela's just been named Miss Pereira.
We're going to find a radio.
<i> Santiago,</i> <i> my mom's not doing well.</i>
What happened to her?
Seeing me gave her a shock or something.
<i> I don't know</i> <i> what happened to her</i>
<i> and the doctors</i> <i> don't know either.</i>
Where is she?Dad?
No, sweetie.
No? Is the trial tomorrow?
No, sweetie. There won't be a trial.
What do you mean? Did she plead guilty?
No, honey.
That bitch escaped from prison before she made it to court.
Can you believe it?
Diabla escaped from prison.
I'll just take back my decree
in sight of the conflict of interest
of having named my ex wife's daughter
as the queen of Pereira.
People will love that.
They'll idolize me.
They'll see it as a type of ethical and moral lesson.
-You son of a... -Stop.
Don't remind me of what I already know.
Hold on. Let me take this off.?
It all depends on whether or not she follows through
with good treatment.
That's no problem.
We'll do whatever it takes.
It's not so simple.
The neurologist will tell you what to do,
but it'll be a very long recovery.
The judge ruled in your favor.
My fortune belongs to you.
That's great news!
No way!
That bitch can't take a single penny of it.
That's just what we need to take the Diablas down!
That's right.
I need to tell my mom! I'm going to call her!
I remember the number they gave me.
It's going up.
Let's remos in a coma?
What happened to her? Tell me you're lying!
Unfortunately, I'm not.
We have to pray for her, sweetie.
She's in a coma, Dad! What good will prayer do?
What was it that shocked her?
<i> What'd she see?</i>
Your mother saw your sister Catalina.
I don't understand.
Did she see a ghost? I'm not following.
No, sweetie. Listen to me.
Your sister Catalina isn't dead.
Your sister Catalina...
is alive.
Are you serious?
Yes, sweetie. I am bei
I don't want to meet her!
What happened, baby?
We all thought my sister had died 20 years ago,
but she's actually alive!
What? I don't understand.
What is it?
Doesn't one of you live at Dos Quebradas?
But my daughter's a councilwoman there.
That's perfect.
If you help me become Miss Dos Quebradas,
then I can compete against Daniela.
If I win, we'll teach Daniela and the Mayor
a lesson they'll never forget.
Think about it.
Oh, Chalo.
Thanks for the mission.
You're very loved and quite valuable to me.
Doesn't look like it.
You traded me in quick.
No, I didn't!
I simply replaced you.
I have millions of clients in the US.
I can't just freeze business!
Couldn't you have done business
with someone other than that traitor Gato Gordo?
-We tried, right? -It's true.
Look, I needed 600 kilos right away.
No one else could pony up that much merch in such little time.
He came through?
Like clockwork.
In fact, the merch just arrived.
I'll unlock it for you.
Wake up, honey.
I need things to go back to normal.
Has she been asleep a while?
Not really.
She takes a lot of pills that make her sleepy, though.
We made a promise to one another, honey.
<i> Hello?</i>
Mrs. Virginia, it's me! Jota!
Mrs. Virginia, please answer.
I need to ask you for a favor.
That bastard.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK (305) 887-3060
Mariposa de Barrio | Recap (08/25/2017) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:17.
I undhas a few girlfriendshavior iat his office.
No, that's not true, Dad.
Who told you that?
I bet it was that gossip Gus.
Who told you? Tell me.
Don't get upset.
Sit down, please.
Hold on a sec.
It doesn't matter who told me.
What difference does it make?
I chose to tell you because I wanted you to know.
That's all.
It's up to you what to do next.
It's your life and your problem.
I just wanted you to know what's going on.
No wonder.
Hang on, Toñito.
Who does this son of a bitch think he is?
Get out of the way, man!
You're the last person I would imagine finding here.
Show some respect.
Don't forget that I'm your aunt
and the sister of the owner of this company.
You may have forgotten what family means, but I haven't.
That's what I'm saying.
How can you not believe me?
Are you my aunt or Trino's?
I have to act according to my conscience.
And your conscience tells you to turn your back
on your nieces.
I'll never forget what that bastard did to me!
Be quiet already!
I won't be quiet!
You don't know how much it hurts or what it feels like.
Every night I try to forget and I can't!
I can't forget it!
You're my aunt!
You saw me grow up!
How can you say I'm lying?
I haven't done anything.
She started yelling at me like a lunatic.
I hope so and that you're not calling her a liar.
With all due respect, Aunt Luisa,
I think you should leave.
She still believes Trino, huh?
and you never listened.
Stop, Yola.
What's the point of saying that now?
This is all because of those liars.
Where are you going?
I have no clue.
All I know is that I need to leave California.
I'm just waiting for Maria and then we're out of here.
I think those people are obThere he goes.u.
Start recording. I want everything.
I got you!
Careful, he might see us.
He can't even see his own shadow.
He's so distracted by all the ass around him.
Very nice!
What a son of a bitch.
Meanwhile, you get up every morning
to make him food.
Because I'm stupid.
Go ahead, -------. Take them to my car.
Is this why I pay the bills?
So you can take them $1 hoes, right?
---- no.
Jenni, no!
Don't you dare get out of this car.
You'll ruin all your plans.
You want him to suffer, don't you?
Alright, stop recording.
I want to follow them.
Let's see where the hell he takes them.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK (305) 887-3060
Someone tell me where he is. You seen him?
Where is he?
No, you get the ---- away from me.
There you are, babe.
Where's Martha?
What are you talking about?
You know...
Gustavo, do not get in this.
You know Martha. The girl you've been -------!
Where's that bitch I saw you in the video with?
You think I didn't see the video the PI sent me?
I saw you, bastard.
Isn't she here? What about her husband?
He here? You seen him?
What about Lily? The other ho you're -------!
Where's Lily?
-What are you talking about? -Don't play dumb!
Get the ---- away from me.
All of you know what's going on here.
All you didn't know was that I was in on it.
You must've had a laugh watching this bastard
whoring himself out!
-Calm down! -No! Shut up!
I'm doing the talking!
You know the funniest part about this?
Beside the fact that you're not coming back home,
I'm going to burn all your things.
You can sweep up the ashes.
-Get the ---- away from me! -Jenni, listen...
No! And you know what?
One more thing, find another ride,
'cause guess what, ------------?
That car's mine! Gustavo, get away from me.
What happened? Did you do it?
Of course I did it. -------!
-You're very upset... -Get back.
Let's get the hell out of here. I'm not sticking around.
-Jenni, where are you going? -Hurry!
Jenni, where are you going?
Up yours!
Lend me your car!
She's going to burn my things.
I don't want more trouble.
-Taxi! -You can't go!
You need permission!hm
-Mom. -What?
What are you going to do?
These clothes are useless.
Just like the man who owns them.
We're going to have some fun now.
Mom, please.
No. Step back.
Come on. Step back!
We're going to have some fun right here.
Fire! Fire!
Burn, baby! Burn!
Jenni! Jenni!
Je... Jenni...
Jenni! Jenni!
Hey! Jenni!
What are you doing? Are you insane?
What's wrong with you?
You're sick! You're insane.
<i> My heart was broken,</i> <i>but I was strong and resolute.</i>
<i> I loved Juan, but I couldn't</i> <i> let my guard down.</i>
<i> You're sick, Jenni.</i>
<i> The pain of knowing</i> <i> he'd slept with someone else.</i>
<i> It was too much</i> <i> for me.</i>
There was a lot of traffic on the freeway.
Sweetie, manage your time better.
You can't keep
the sales manager of the radio station waiting.
Don't worry, Jenni.
-I was talking to your father. -Really?
-He's a great producer. -My dad?
I owe him everything.
Hey, do you have good news for me?
Have you convinced Pepe Garza to play my songs on the radio?
Not exactly, but I promise I'll keep trying,
especially after the offer I'm about to make you.
Sergio listened to Reina de Reinas and he's fascinated!
That makes me want to keep singing.
I think it's an excellent idea.
That's why I want you to please give me the honor
of being your manager.
How about it?
Really? Seriously?
Yes, of course.
I promise I can get you contracts
so you can start singing as soon as possible.
Isn't that what you've always wanted?
It's what I've wanted too.
What do you say?
Well... Thanks, Sergio!
Thank you so much! I promise I won't let you down.
That's really great.
Look, Dad! I have a manager.
You see you're famous.
We both are, Dad.
Angelface, just wait till you hear this.
What's in it for me?
How will I justify the sacrifices I've made
these past few months?
I've had it rough, Juan. You messed up.
This was all your fault.
Listen. I just need one chance.
One chance so I can prove
that I'm the man you need and deserve.
How do I know you'll never do this again?
You cheated on me with two broads
who still work in your office.
No, I haven't seen them and I don't care about them.
Have your PI follow me. I'm behaving.
I swear.
You say that, but I just don't believe you.
Don't keep me away from the kids or from you.
I'm here. I'm real and I love you.
"Las Malandrinas" is a hit
in the Southern California Underground.
Hell yeah, "Las Malandrinas!"
<i>I had already figured I wouldn't</i> <i> be taken seriously</i>
<i> and I wanted to prove</i> <i> everyone wrong</i>
<i> who didn't believe in me.</i>
¶<i> They call us</i> <i> the Nasty Girls,</i> ¶
¶<i> getting rowdy's</i> <i> what we do,</i> ¶
¶<i> we'll drink up </i> <i> all your wine,</i> ¶
¶<i> and we'll never</i> <i> turn down brew.</i> ¶
¶<i> And when we're in</i> <i> the dance halls</i> ¶
Tthe only thing that's been hurting has been my back
and I think that's because I'm lying down too much.
Still, it's better that you remain under our supervision.
An ectopic pregnancy can turn complicated
in the blink of an eye.
Yeah, but what am I supposed to do?
I have shows this weekend.
Like, crowds of people have already paid
to see me perform.
If you leave this hospital,
you're putting your life at risk, Jenni.
I'm sure your fans prefer seeing you healthy and alive.
Yes, honey.
I'll talk to the promoters and find a way
to change the dates.
Hold on.
What do I need to do to leave here on my own account?
For that, you will have to sign some forms
where you assume full responsibility
for what could happen to you and your baby.
Okay, then bring me those papers so I can sign them
and get out of here.
That's crazy, Jenni. I don't agree with this.
I have to risk it.
For my baby, for my kids...
and for my fans who've never let me down.
But the moment you feel bad,
you go straight to the nearest hospital.
Yes, sir.
FEBRUARY 11, 2001
¶<i> in your hood </i> <i> at a block party</i> ¶
¶<i> we know the world</i> <i> real well,</i> ¶
¶<i> we ain't like them</i> <i> fake-ass Barbies,</i> ¶
¶<i> who get</i> <i> scared of everything,</i> ¶
¶<i> and for that </i> <i> I'm real sorry.</i> ¶
¶<i> Sing about us Nasty Girls</i> ¶
¶<i> Juan Rivera</i> <i> and his corridos,</i> ¶
¶<i> I hang with my boys</i> <i> Los Razos,</i> ¶
¶<i> doing a line or two</i> <i> of blow.</i> ¶
¶<i> Let's get</i> <i> all the voices singing</i> ¶
¶<i> and my drunk bro Lupillo.</i> ¶
What are you up to?
The whole world is talking. Hey, son.
What's going on?
Tell her!
"Querida Socia" made it to number 25
on the Billboard Regional Mexican Airplay chart!
"Querida Socia" in the house!
-Just a bit. -We have soda.
I'd like to thank Fonovisa for supporting my new album
and my new single "Querida Socia",
which just made it to Number 18
on Billboard's Regional Mexican Airplay.
Before we do our Q and A I'd like to add
that Jenni will be going on her first US tour
to promote her album <i> Dejate Amar.</i>
We'll be visiting Washington, Oregon, Arizona, California,
Texas, Illinois... Am I missing one?
I think that's it. Let's hear it.
Well, I'm all ears. Shoot.
What is that?
Oh my God.
Those are my fans. Oh my God.
Jenni! Jenni!
We're your fans! [Gritos y exclamaciones]
I'm your number one fan!
We'll be late to meet with the makeup artist.
Honey, could I ask you for a favor?
Why don't you just hire him? I love his work.
You can handle it.
I will.
Don't worry.
See you later.
Got him whipped!
Wait. Chay.
Damn. Chay...
-This one is from a TV station. -Let me see.
-This is from Don Francisco! -No!
He wants me on his show!
Dude! I'm going to Miami!
Let me put this on the refrigerator
for everybody to know I'm going to Miami.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK (305) 887-3060
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Giảm Mỡ Bụng Siêu Nhanh Để Có vòng Eo 56 Với 4 Động Tác GYM Đơn Giản - Duration: 3:48.
Phương pháp quảng cáo google adwords hiệu quả || Các bước lưu ý khi quảng cáo google adwords - Duration: 8:29.
நடிகை லட்சுமி முதல் கணவர் யார் தெரியுமா | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood | TAMIL STICK - Duration: 3:01.
😃 Cómo Plantar Semillas de Marihuana y Trucos de Cultivo - Duration: 4:52.
Manchester bomber's brother faces trial in Libya - Duration: 1:25.
Libya's interior ministry issued this photo of Hashem Abedi in May
Hashem Abedi, the younger brother of Manchester bomber Salman Abedi, will be tried in Libya over his suspected role in the attack
The 20-year-old was arrested in Libya shortly after the suicide attack in May that killed 22 people.
Libya's chief investigator in the case, Asadiq Al Sour, said Abedi is suspected of having helped his brother and collected materials for the attack
Their father Ramadan, who was also detained in Libya, has been freed
Hashem Abedi will be taken to court within two months at most, Mr Sour told BBC Middle East correspondent Orla Guerin.
British police have already questioned Abedi in Tripoli several times, he added
The authorities said they had no concrete evidence against his father, who has returned to the family home on the outskirts of Tripoli
The 22-year-old, who was born in Manchester to Libyan parents, had left the UK on 15 April and travelled to Libya before returning to the UK four days before the attack
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