My dear, I don't want to fight you.
But if I must...
- Steve! - Come on, let's go!
Sammy, let's go!
Get these things out of here.
Oh my dear, you have so much to learn.
Oh my God!
What are we gonna do?
There is not much we can do...
...if that's who I think it is.
But we can stop that plane.
If we could get on the radio...
...we can ask flying corp to shoot her down.
No. If it crashes, it will wipe everyone out for 50 square miles.
We gotta ground it!
Bad news. It's on a timer.
If we ground it here, it's the same thing.
Is it flammable, Chief?
Yes, you said it's hydrogen. It's flammable.
I need you guys to clear me a path to that plane.
- No, Steve! - Hey, Steve!
Come on!
Come on! This way! Steve!
- Come on, Steve. - Ahead! Go!
Let's see what kind of god you really are.
For more infomation >> Wonder Woman vs Ares (Part 1) | Wonder Woman (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
Wonder Woman vs Ares (Part 3) | Wonder Woman (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:55.
She is the perfect example of these humans...
...and unworthy of your sympathy in every way.
Destroy her, Diana.
You know that she deserves. That they all do.
Do it!
We have to go.
What are you saying?
...Whatever it is, I can do it.
No.. No..
- Let me do it. - No.
It has to be me.
It has to be me.
I could save today. You can save the world.
I wish we had more time.
What? What are you saying?
I love you!
You are wrong about them.
They are everything you say...
...but so much more.
They do not deserve your protection!
It's not about deserving.
It's about what you believe.
And I believe in love.
Then I will destroy you!
Goodbye brother.
Wonder Woman vs Ares (Part 2) | Wonder Woman (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:19.
You will help me destroy them, Diana.
Or you will die.
Come on! Let's move, let's go! Go. Go. Go.
- Now! - Go! Run!
Is that all you have to offer?
It is futile to imagine you can win.
Give up, Diana.
Chief! Anything left?
I got nothing.
- Anything! - No!
Yes, Diana!
Take them all!
Finally you see.
Look at this world.
Mankind did this, not me.
They are ugly...
...filled with hatred...
...Just like your captain Trevor.
Gone and left you nothing. And for what?
He deserved to burn!
Look at her and tell me I'm wrong.
What If the Internet Could Not Tell a Lie? Blockchain, Fake News, Rumor Mills | Brian Behlendorf - Duration: 4:39.
So, the question is: can distributed ledger technology, can blockchain technology be used
to fight fake news?
And you know it's funny, I view distributed ledger technology as the closest thing we
have in the technology field to being able to say something is a fact.
If we've recorded a Bitcoin transaction, essentially we have an entire network witnessing
that I've sent you some number of Bitcoin or some number of a digital asset, a huge
And now I can't deny that I made that transaction and you can't deny that I made that transaction
and that is a really powerful thing.
In a way it's kind of like Wikipedia when somebody puts something in there and everyone
has seen that and if it's wrong it gets removed, that's something as well that's coming
to be accepted as factual.
So I think the possibility of using distributed ledgers to record data that is of really high
quality because it's being recorded when it happens, it's being witnessed by a large
number of people and thus made undeniable, immutable, in this ledger.
We have a chance of creating a body of data that can come to be trusted in a way that
data normally can't.
Think about the debate over climate change; there's not only been attacks on, 'Do you
have the right weather model?
Are you really showing this?' but attacks on the fundamental collection of that data
in the first place.
Imagine if instead of debating whether you had the right data or I had the right data
or a piece of data goes missing or an entire dataset goes missing when there's a change
in political administration, let's say, instead of that imagine if instead we had
weather sensors and air quality sensors on a hundred rooftops in every major capital
around the world collecting this data and publishing it to a public ledger.
That data would never go away.
It would only go away if every single server in this network were to disappear one day.
And that permanence, that history and the integrity of that data, because it's signed
and it's validated as part of this distributed ledger, would turn it into an immutable set
of facts really.
It was this temperature in New Delhi on that date at that time as witnessed by a hundred
different witnesses there.
So that's one way in which distributed ledger technology might help us make sure that we're
operating from a foundation of common sense, common factual evidence.
The next tier up though, which is really what people talk about when they think about fake
news, is analysis, interpretation, claims, but also rumor.
When somebody hears a rumor of something very scurrilous happening and it correlates with
what they want to believe, chances are they'll believe it and they'll pass it off to their
And so you start to see companies like Facebook and Google and others starting to implement
systems that when you forward a link to a friend that comes from a source that is known
to be of questionable quality, they'll pop up a little warning that says, 'According
to or according to the AP or somebody this article might not be factual.'
That's something you can do when you're a central provider like Facebook or like Google,
but wouldn't it be great to do that in a decentralized way?
When somebody sends you a news link to a website you've never heard of before, not The New
York Times, not AP or Fox News or whatever, where you have some context, but it's some
other link somewhere else, how much should you trust that?
Well a lot of folks have talked about building a distributed ledger system for recording
thrust in media sources.
So here's a website, here's people that we recognize, like Snopes, as authorities
on whether something is true or not, but why not you be able to publish something to that
chain as well, or me, that says, 'This does seem to be right to me or this doesn't seem
to be right.'
And then just like on Twitter where you can choose who you follow, you could choose what
are the sources of authority that you trust as to whether something is true or not.
That may turn out to be an answer to the fake news problem, or it may turn out to make the
different worlds that we all live in and the bubbles we live in even more bubblelicious.
I think there are many who hope that is one way in which we can try to fight the rumor
mongering and fake news floods that are happening on the Internet today.
The EASIEST WAY to PROVE to YOURSELF that YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY! (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 8:34.
Citi: Our Inspiration – CitiBusiness®/AAdvantage® Platinum Select® :15 - Duration: 0:16.
When you own your own business, your work is more than a job.
It's a passion.
That's why we now carry
the CitiBusiness / AAdvantage Platinum Select card.
So we can stay connected to a world full of flavor.
Te contamos cuáles son los mejores programas escolares | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:48.
Citi: Our Inspiration – CitiBusiness®/AAdvantage® Platinum Select® :30 - Duration: 0:31.
When you own your own business,
your work is more than a job.
It's a passion.
Traveling the world really motivated
Ken and I to open Pastoral.
Everywhere you go,
you're exploring new ideas
that can inspire your next move.
That's why we now carry the
CitiBusiness / AAdvantage Platinum Select card.
So we can stay connected to a world full of flavor,
and bring back rich experiences
from everywhere we explore.
Take your business on an adventure
with the CitiBusiness / AAdvantage Platinum Select card.
Descubre la mejor rutina de ejercicios para esta en forma | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:11.
Can U.S. Bolster State Department To Counter North Korea? | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 10:28.
Tracking the Tropics for 8/29/2017: Tropical Storm Harvey impacts in Louisiana - Duration: 4:09.
¡Chuy Lizárraga cuenta el secreto para bajar de peso! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:53.
'All Options' On Table: President Donald Trump Issues North Korea Statement | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 6:18.
🤔 Remedio Casero, Cómo Eliminar los Hongos en la Marihuana - Duration: 4:05.
Doamna Julia. Feedback on Eye Сorrective Serum by Company TianDe - Duration: 0:37.
Good afternoon!
I want to tell you about the capsules
for the skin around the eyes.
They are very good
the use of capsules
leather a bit smoothed out.
And becomes very soft.
I recommend
enjoy these capsules.
They are very good.
Julión Álvarez preocupado por su situación judicial | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:57.
¡Por Harvey se ahoga una familia hispana en Texas! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:11.
Watch Live: Donald Trump in Texas to Survey Harvey Damage | NBC News - Duration: 1:05:39.
Juvia's Place MASQUERADE Palette REVIEW & 2 LOOKS TUTORIAL | Raquel Mendes - Duration: 9:22.
hey again my sweet babies we're back and today I'm gonna do a very special
two-look tutorial with the Juvia's Place Masquerade Palette. Don't forget to
subscribe to the channel and click the little bell button to know every single time
I upload and you will get a notification yes let's just jump right into it first
of all look at this amazing packaging the Juvia's Place eyeshadow palettes have
recently dropped at BeautyBay I also have the Saharan palette let me
know if you want me to do any tutorial with that I have the blush palette and
the eyeshadow palette the blush palette is only available through their website
at this time so the links are in the description box and make sure you check
it out I've never even touched it so this is gonna be a first impressions as
well. I JUST LOVE this packaging I cannot get over how beautiful the packaging is and
every one of their palettes and yes I am filming in my bikini today coz it's too
hot outside babes, too hot. I'm both excited and afraid because this is a
very very pigmented palette but it's so versatile because you can do like a
really color for luck and at the same time if you want you can do a very
neutral look I'm gonna grab Giza. Is it 'Giza' or 'Jiza?' all over my crease
I'm gonna go into Cairo you guys know that I'm not the most like adventurous
by the way this is the mini masquerade palette there's a bigger one because I
have so many products I didn't feel the need to go for the bigger one cuz I
think I won't ever finish the little one yeah there's a bigger version of this
palette I thought it was like pretty big to begin with and the pan size is the
regular 26 I think so the regular makeup geek size. now I'm gonna go into Zulu a
little bit and this one is a matte one the previous one has a little bit of
okay so now I'm gonna go into Mali and at first I I wasn't very excited to for this
Mali shade because I didn't think I was gonna like really connect with it
then I saw it online but in some of the inspired looks and I was just like hey
yes okay now I'm gonna go back into Cairo. (...) And I'm gonna go into Fulani.
I don't know if I'm saying these names right and if I'm not I apologize
just gonna wet my brush and going again into that green Mali colour it's really
bring out the green. a really duochrome-y pigment would look really good here
but I'm not gonna add anything cuz I want like I want the review to be to be on
the pallete on its own. So I'm gonna go back into Fulani which is the darker Brown
that I chose just to do the lower lash line and also fluff it up
then I'm taking Giza again (or Jiza) on and doing my inner high... inner corner highlight okay I
think this is a really pretty again I think in the end of the tutorial I'm
gonna add just a little duochrome-y highlight on top of this green but I
really really like how it turned out and let's do the other side I wanted to use
some purples so again I'm gonna do just my first base with Giza.
okay and I'm now gonna take Bori which is this hot pink this would have also looked great
there's so many combination possibilities here. I really like this and
I'm not a pink type of person at all if you know me not at all
I'm gonna build it up a little bit more
I'm gonna go over that with Zobo.
and with the denser brush just carve that
crease a little. then we're gonna go over to my Makeda
oh my god such a beautiful shade
then I'm gonna grab a little bit of Chi
is kind of an indigo color and just put it on my inner corner and outer corner
I'm gonna take the fixing mist and go back into Makeda on this part where it
seems like
then I'm gonna go into the lower a little
blending that out
haven't had makeup this colorful since I did theater so I'm gonna grab Giza and
if you want a real fantasy eye you can leave as is or if you want to make it a
little bit more wearable in the corners you can also pop a little bit of the
Browns so this is Burkina
I think that neutrals fix everything
and I'm gonna do the rest of my face and afterwards we're gonna
apply a little duochrome pigment on top of each of these so you can see how
I makes it even more poppy but I really like the consistency of the eyeshadows
they're really creamy and even the ones that look like they have like really
chunky glitter the glitter does not come onto the lid which is a shame because it
shouldn't have put it there I think but it just doesn't translate into the lid
so that's no problem and anyway I'm gonna do the rest and these are the
final looks so I overdid it a little little with the highlighter because I'm
using a new highlighter that i havent test up or and that is strong
in case you want to see what it is, it's the Lottie London so I was mixing these
two but this one took hold and sweet baby Jesus if you like strong
highlighter and yeah it just is a very very handy palette to have because you
have older neutrals and all the colors and the colors are pretty much all for
the exception of the hot thing and they're not hot pink they were all
shimmery and like almost foils
as promised I'm gonna go into my moonchild palette by Anastasia Beverly
Hills and we're gonna just add a little bit of dual chrome to each just so you
know what it looks like because I think it could be really cool specially in
this one so for this one I'm gonna go into Lucky Clover and just kind of place
it a little bit here. this brush is a little too big.
see what I mean I don't know if you see what I mean but it
looks really really kind of like *pff* with this one with this side we're gonna go
into Purple Horseshoe you could have just a slight halo effect in the middle
I'm trying not to mess up my lashes but yeah see so I hope you like this video I know
it's a little different from what I usually do let me know if you'd like to
see more eye shadow type of reviews and first impressions on the channel cuz I
definitely love doing them and let me know if you'd like me to do the Juvia's
Place Saharan eyeshadow palette but again check the links down below cuz
this is already in stock again at beautybay and over on the Juvia's Place
actual website they are having a sale so check the links down below I have US
links and then I have UK and EU links if you like this video give it a big ol
thumbs up subscribe to the channel for more and click it a little belt button
so you can get a notification every single time I upload I really hope you
like this video let me know in the comment section which one was your
favorite I think this is my favorite but I actually really really like this one
but I wouldn't wear this on the daily it would be more of a party kind of
situation while I would wear this daily and I would all really like and I will
see you in the next one, bye
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