Perungayam - Hing - Asafoetida Powder Benefits in Tamil
From Olden days Asafoetida / Perungayam reserves a place in kitchen.
It makes a simple food to a special food with its aroma.
Its aroma is pleasing even though we add it in Sambhar, Rasam and Butter milk.
Asafoetida is playing an important role and in this video we are going see the health benefits of it.
Asafoetida is widely grown in Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and Gulf countries.
Asafoetida tree will from 2-3 metres.
They produce Asafoetida by scratching the stem and root, they process the gum taken from it and drying it.
We add only this in our food.
Asafoetida comes in two colours.
White asafoetida has nice aroma and medicinal values.
It is used in Siddha and ayurvedic medicines now-a- days and it is sold in some country medicine shops.
When we add this in food it helps in digestion.
Stomach pain, bloating will not be there and it also cures constipation.
There will be no gastric problem when it is added in the food.
Compunded Asafoetida rate is high and imported ones are available from Rs.200/Kg to Rs. 12000/ Kg.
The rate difference ensures that there is adulteration.
They sell it by adding Maida and Arabian Gum with Asafoetida gum.
Add this gum is added it will be black in colour and we call it Black asafoetida.
There is reverse medical effects in the maida which we add in it.
It causes stomach problem, indigestion constipation and it takes time to digest.
You can get pure asafoetida in Organic shops and Country medicine shops.
So far we what are the benefits of Asafoetida and how it is produced and now let us see who should avoid it.
As it gives more heat to the body people who have Bile, Ulcer, Urinary infection, women with excess bleeding should not take this.
To find the adulteration soak the asafoetida in water and it will dilute and a milk like substance will be formed.
There will be no remains in the water and we can find it is original.
If it is pure it will burn completely when you fire it with a matchstick like camphor.
For more infomation >> Perungayam - Hing - Asafoetida Powder Benefits in Tamil - Health Tips - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Independent News 30 August 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today News Update Tv News Bd All Bangla news - Duration: 10:06.
Independent News 30 August 2017
Khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu - LÒNG ĐỐ KỴ - Phim hoạt hình ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 14:01.
100% Natural and Ayurvedic treatment for Thyroid - Health TIPS - Duration: 4:00.
This leaf cures your thyroid completely nettle leaf nettle is a great herb for
curing many thyroid problems including both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
nettle is a good source of iodine so it helps to overcome iodine deficiency
characteristic of hypothyroidism it is known that nettle can correct any type
of thyroid imbalance it provides with iodine that makes thyroid functioning
normal it can be used in following ways dried and nettle herb can be added to
hot water and made into a tea add one tablespoon of dried nettle in boiling
water let it boil for 10 minutes then strain and drink it it can be used twice
or thrice a day until tyroid cured completely if you don't want to drink
tea you can massage your neck region with its oil to overcome hypothyroidism
this will so do thyroid gland and helps in its functioning by massaging little
oil on your neck it helps to overcome inadequate thyroid production this sea
herb cures thyroid completely bladderwrack
this brown seaweed has the highest concentration of any piece of seaweed in
the ocean as a rock wheat plant bladderwrack
is found primarily in the coastal areas in the Nazi is in the western half of
the Baltic Sea and in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean in Japan and other Asian
countries bladderwrack is very common to eat with other dishes
when prepared appropriately bladderwrack specifically helps when a thyroid is
under active go to or overactive or if there is an iodine deficiency causing
the thyroid to act up because bladder wrack is a sea-based plant it has a lot
of iodine in its makeup iodine based products have been proven to treat
thyroid issues a nutrition expert says that iodine deficiency could lead to
thyroid issues the gland needs the byproduct of iodine to help with the t3
and t4 hormones in the body to work appropriately bladderwrack also has rich
amounts of mannitol bromine potassium volatile oils and other minerals that
are helpful for the human body's growth development and maintenance usage the
appropriate dose of bladderwrack depends on several factors such as the
user's age health and several other conditions at this time there is
appropriate range of doses for bladderwrack be sure to follow relevant
directions on product labels and consult your physician or other health care
professionals before using this herb should not be taken by those with
hyperthyroidism and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
furthermore bladderwrack helps with weight loss joint pain heartburn urinary
tract infections and a whole slew of other things bladder wrack can be
applied to the skin to help with burns bites and aging skin tissue
thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Smokey eyes due metodi per realizzarlo |SUB ENG| Classic black smokey eyes - Duration: 3:28.
Smokey eyes, two methods to accomplish it
First method... products ...
Concealer, black eyeshadow, white eyeshadow, brown eyeshadow, mascara
Before you start applying the concealer on the eye
Shade the black eyeshadow on the eyelid and under the eye
White eyeshadow under the eyebrow and in the inner corner
Blending brown eyeshadow between the two colors and under the eye
Apply mascara
With the corrector defining the outside of shade
For a glamorous touch apply a colored pencil inside the eye
Second method... products...
Black pencil, white pencil, black eyeshadow, white eyeshadow, brown eye shadow, mascara
With the black pencil draw a line on the eye and underneath
Lengthens the eye outward and colors the eyelid
With the white pencil, it draws an oval under the eyebrow and shade
Apply black eyeshadow on black pencil
Apply white eyeshadow on white pencil
Blending brown eyeshadow between the two colors and under the eye
Which method do you prefer? Try it yourself and if you want to tag me on Instagram or Facebook, The most beautiful photos I'll post to you. :) Thanks for watching the video ... bye! :)
Destiny 2 Beta Impressions!!! -Greek Commentary- Subtitles Available - Duration: 2:48.
Hello guys CaptainFoz here and today we are gonna take a look at the beta of Destiny 2!!!
First of all i was happy to see that my system could run it easly on ultra to high settings and get about 90 fps!!!
The graphics look stunning and the physics are okay!
So today im gonna talk to you about my experience with the Beta!
Starting off you get to pick a character out of the three classes Warlocks Hunters and Guardians!
When you start it instantly throws you to the first story mission which is pretty cool!
Now on to the guns!
You have much options from pretty strong sniper rfles to shotguns to revolvers with ton of damage to deal!
Now from my part i wasnt excited about the multiplayer as it isn't your mainstream fps shooter and it had some flaws...
one that i saw was that the hitbox was a little bigger than the actual enemy an even missng shots would hit him.
it would be great if we didn't see that feature in the final release
That takes away the competitive aspect of the game but is okay for console players!
Finally as many of you know he original Destiny wasn't available to pc so i was very curious about how they were going to bring the whole experience to pc!
All in all the ui is great although there are some console things such as holding buttons or the fact that you cant reload while spriting.
Finally i think that the game is a very little piece from what we are goiong to actually have in the full game and it has some things to fix before the launch!
Thank you for watching the video if you enjoyed it leave me a like, as always my name is CaptainFoz and i will catch you in the next video!!!
Quà tặng cuộc sống - MẢNH GIẤY NHỚ ► Phim hoạt hình hay nhất 2017 - Duration: 5:15.
Mosarrof korim funny video/মোশারফ করিম ফানি ভিডিও/ By Nk mEdia - Duration: 5:40.
NK MEDIA Present this video
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