- Man.
The human male is a majestic creature,
but he is facing one of
his greatest survival challenges yet.
Prostate cancer.
Fourteen million males worldwide
are living with this disease,
but with your help
we have a chance to save them all.
My name is Rob Riggle.
Follow along as we go into the wild
to tag the many species of men
for the Field Guide to the Modern Human Male.
First on our journey today,
we see Tinkerous Motorous.
This particular male thrives
in his cave environment.
He has developed an advanced ability to use tools.
- Tool box!
- [Rob] The bouquet of motor oil repels his mate,
but all that goes away when he
releases his emphatic mating call.
(motorcycle engine roars)
While he's careful to check the oil every week,
he has not yet had his prostate checked.
But don't just take it from me,
here's a real doctor.
- Hi, I'm Dr. Drew.
In the United States,
one in eight men will develop prostate cancer.
- [Rob] Now, as we venture into the backyard,
the stinging scent of charcoal alerts us
to the presence of the great carnivore,
(grill pops)
Grillius Ignitus.
This mighty male demonstrates his dominance
by providing a hearty meal for his pack.
But when they get overzealous,
he may become agitated
and lash out.
- No!
- Although he takes great pride in caring for his pack,
the male's pride often prevents him
from taking care of himself.
- Prostate cancer is 100% treatable if detected early.
- And now, it is with great apprehension
that we set our eyes upon Dad-jokey Embarrassus.
This male will do anything to impress the cubs.
Watch as he shamelessly attempts
one of his many terrible characters.
- Tong Monster!
- Absolutely devastating.
- Potato chips!
- The chances of getting prostate cancer are one in three
if you have a close relative with the disease.
If two close relatives
have been diagnosed with prostate cancer,
the risk jumps to over 80 percent.
- And lastly,
the reigning patriarch, Back In My Dayus.
Presiding over the family unit,
he regales his clan with stories of yesteryear.
- Half the town would be on fire.
- The feeling of safety is abound,
but this is the most vulnerable of times.
- Where does it come out?
Where does the photo come out?
Can you print it?
- The risk of prostate cancer
rises rapidly after the age of 50.
I was diagnosed at age 52,
but some men can develop prostate cancer
as early as age 40.
- The human male is in a race against time.
May I?
Thank you.
That looks great.
In the U.S.,
a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer every 3.3 minutes.
Every 20 minutes,
a man loses his fight against this disease.
Surely, it's our responsibility to do everything
within our power to save these men.
This is the singular focus of many versus cancer,
and why we invite you to join us.
Steaks are done!
Visit savethemales.org to tag all the males you know
in the online Field Guide
and donate to help save them.
Your gift will fund a network of more
than one thousand of the world's top cancer scientists
who are making breakthroughs in labs and clinics
every single day.
Together, we have the power
to save millions of lives.
Together we can save the males.
I love it!
Tag, you're it!
For more infomation >> Field Guide To The Modern Human Male - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
John MacArthur on a Pastor's Authority - Duration: 3:14.
Heather: My name is Heather.
John: Hi Heather.
Heather: First, I'd like to thank you for your ministry.
God has used your online broadcasts very much over the last couple of years in my life and
my family's life.
John: Good.
Heather: One question I struggle with, though, is to what extent a member of a church is
required to obey his pastor.
How much authority does a pastor have in the lives of his congregants?
John: None. No authority.
I have no authority in this church, personally.
My experience doesn't give me any authority.
My knowledge doesn't give me any authority.
My education doesn't give me any authority.
I have no authority.
My position doesn't give me any authority.
My title doesn't give me any authority.
That's why I don't like titles.
Only the Word of God has authority.
Christ is the head of the church and He mediates His rule in the church through His Word.
I have no authority.
I don't have authority beyond the Scripture.
I can never exceed what is written—1 Corinthians 4:6.
To do that is to become, Paul says, arrogant and to regard yourself as superior.
I have nothing to say to you that puts any demand on you
if it isn't from the Word of God.
And I—You're probably talking out of some experience where you felt that some undue
authority was exercised over you or somebody you know by a pastor.
We need to be reminded that as pastors even though the Lord has lifted us up and given
us this kind of responsibility, we possess no personal authority.
If I am telling you what God has said in His Word, that has authority—right?—but I
cannot exceed what is written.
I can't tell you about your life.
I can give you wisdom if you ask, but I may have no more wisdom than somebody else.
You would get more wisdom on many, many issues out of my beloved Patricia on things than
you would get out of me.
But she's not in the pulpit.
But she has spiritual insight and spiritual wisdom and if you ask for advice or wisdom,
hers, in many cases, would exceed mine.
So the pastor in himself has no authority.
Listen to what Paul says: "Who is Paul?
Who is Apollos?
Who is Cephas?
We're nothing."
It's all of Christ.
It's all of the Holy Spirit.
It's all of the Scripture
Heather: Thank you very much.
John: You're welcome.
#WearImFrom: Why Monica Phromsavanh Wears A Bracelet Made From A Bomb | NBC Asian America - Duration: 2:29.
I remember growing up in Argentina, the Laotian community had to learn how to survive.
We learned how to fish, cultivate and sell handmade stuff on the street, and by the age
of 7, I was already on the street selling them so I could buy myself a meal.
Living in that type of environment, you kind of don't think it's abnormal for a 7-year-old
girl, like, working already for a meal.
I think that it's kind of interesting because I feel like I've lived such a long life, but
yes. That was me when I was 7 years old.
My name is Monica Phromsavanh and I'm the founder of Modabox, an online personalized
shopping service.
Coming to New York, I have met some incredible people that had shared with me that over 250
million bombs were dropped in Laos and out of the 250 million, 80 million of them were
unexploded, still affecting the land and the people.
I had the pleasure to meet the founders of Article 22, which is a fashion sustainable
company that they melt bombs and make jewelry.
So they're turning something very negative into something beautiful and positive.
To learn how to hustle at a very young age has served me really well and I think that
working in the fashion industry, it's so hard to make money and most people just give up
and think it's hard.
I refuse to give up just because I'm grateful for the opportunity and hopefully that, you
know, will continue to serve me well in life.
This bracelet reminds me of where I'm from because of the rich history behind it.
It leads back to why my parents immigrated to Argentina and leads to who I am today living
in New York City and being an entrepreneur, working at a fashion company.
To be able to wear a fashion piece with such a rich history, it's just really something
that I can't explain.
Salen a la luz fotos de la boda de Julián Figueroa | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:25.
Appearing and Colour Changing Balls -- Birthday Magic Tricks! - Duration: 1:23.
Hello this is WonderPhil, and it's time to try some "WonderPhil" magic.
With a snap of the fingers we make an invisible ball appear.
That's no good.
We can make a red ball appear.
Which is even better.
We can take the red ball and make the red ball disappear, but it's okay we can make
a new one appear, or I can say I want a red ball in my pocket then I go into my pocket
and there is a red ball.
Just... that's not red.
We didn't want green, we wanted red.
There, one red ball.
I should only get the green ball if I say green, then I go in my pocket and get a green
That's not green.
That's yellow.
I said green.
This should be a green ball.
That's green.
WE don't get yellow unless I say yellow.
Then Igo in my pocket and pull out a yellow ball, just like...
That's not a ball.
But if I reach inside I can get my yellow ball.
And that is some WonderPhil magic.
Thank you.
Susana Zabaleta reacciona al supuesto vínculo de Julion Álvarez con el crimen organizado - Duration: 0:41.
Misty Knight Bionic Arm First Look REACTION - Luke Cage Season 2 - Duration: 10:56.
There it is!
Misty Knight's new arm
in all its bionic glory!
How To Disable Pop-Up Help On Windows 7 ✔ Stop Pop-Up Alert ✔ Windows 7 ✔ New-2017 - Duration: 2:10.
Hello Guys!
What's up?
Welcome to Computer Repair.
I come back with another tech video.
In this video I'm going to show you,
How To Disable Pop-Up Help on windows 7.
When you hover over in a shortcut
It's show
a pop-up help message
in this tutorial I'm going to show you
how to stop this
pop-up help
In windows 7.
So, Let's take a look.
At first
Open Run software by pressing windows+R keys.
here type
and press ok.
Here open Registry Editor
Then Expand
Expand software
expand Microsoft
expand windows
expand current version
go to explorer and expand it.
and double click to advanced
and here you can see
Showinfo Tip
Double click to open
Change the value 1 to 0.
and press ok.
Then close all this
Then Restart your pc.
you can see there is no popup message in your
windows shortcut at all.
Thank you for watching this video.
My name is SALIM KHAN.
You're watching Computer repair.
If you like this video,
please put a thumps up and appreciate it
Just so the YouTube algorithm knows that
you actually like this video.
And if you've any question,
Fulfill to post them in comment section below.
Thank you....
Is Bitcoin Legal or illegal in Pakistan - 2017 News About Bitcoin Crypto Currency In Pakistan - Duration: 7:29.
Is Bitcoin Lgal or illegal in Pakistan???????
ALERT: Antifa Declares WAR On America | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:03.
Americans are becoming concerned at the rising violence of extremist alt-Left activist groups,
the most prominent of which is Antifa.
Although the mainstream media attempts to portray Antifa as a moderate anti-Trump group,
evidence shows they hold ideological positions far removed from the political center.
According to CNN, a large crowd of Antifa confronted anti-Marxist demonstrators in Berkeley
on Sunday, leading to a confrontation in which 13 were arrested.
As seen on Twitter, Antifa shouted, "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!"
Antifa is showing what detractors on the right have long accused them of–harboring anti-American
The chanting, caught on tape, is significant in that it counters the mainstream media's
narrative of Antifa being a pro-America group trying to stop the spread of hate.
Even Republican politicians have adopted this definition of Antifa following the tragic
events in Charlottesville, which left three dead.
As Breitbart reports, former GOP presidential contenders John McCain (R-AZ), Marco Rubio
(R-FL), and former governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney (R), all criticized President
Trump's assertion that the armed Antifa activists at Charlottesville were as responsible
for the violence as the white supremacists.
After the president placed the blame on "both sides," McCain tweeted: "There's no
moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate & bigotry.
The President of the United States should say so."
Romney, who has long been critical of President Trump, wrote: "No, not the same.
One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi.
The other opposes racism and bigotry.
Morally different universes."
The images and audio from Sunday's clashes, however, suggest a different story than the
narrative adopted by establishment politicians and the media.
Conservatives have accused Antifa of being "un-American."
Can they deny it when they have been caught saying "No USA"?
Antifa has followed a model of silencing right-wing speech through the use of violence and intimidation.
They justify their aggression by accusing their targets of "fascism" (hence their
name of "anti-fascists," which they abbreviate as "Antifa") and "Nazism."
The media rarely reports on Antifa critically.
As the words of Trump's Republican detractors show, the media and political class equate
condemnation of Antifa with support for white supremacy.
But this logic has two fatal flaws.
First, it mistakenly presumes that two entities cannot be morally culpable at the same time.
There is no reason to have to choose sides between left-wing domestic terrorists and
white supremacists.
Both are worthy of censure.
But the justification of Antifa is dangerous for another reason.
If they are allowed to get away with violence against neo-Nazis and white supremacists,
then they can apply those labels to any right-wing individual to persecute their political opponents.
This is precisely what took place at Berkeley on Sunday.
As SF Gate reports, the participants in the anti-Marxist rally were demonstrating peacefully.
Antifa then confronted them with their trademark black clothing, masks, and clubs and bats.
Naturally, fighting ensued.
Antifa operates under the assumption that no matter what violence they provoke, the
blame will always be placed on right-wingers.
The content of their anti-American chanting should provide a rude awakening to politicians
who still believe Antifa "opposes" bigotry.
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Fun Care Barbie Makeover Magic Kids Games for Girls – Barbie Dressup Style HD Game play for Kids - Duration: 8:32.
Fun Care Barbie Makeover - Magic Kids Games for Girls – Barbie Dressup Style HD Game play for Kids.
Aseguran que Chicharito vive en unión libre con su novia | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:32.
Maluma podría tener amores con la modelo Ademi Nakamura | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:37.
Oswaldo Sánchez metería las manos al fuego por Rafa Márquez | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:46.
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HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 15 6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews - Duration: 10:07.
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HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 15.6 4K Ultra HD TouchScreen Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15 6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews - Duration: 2:25.
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop From Buy Amazon: http://amzn.to/2wgdCyG Product Description: 1. 7th generation Intel® Core™ i5-7200U Processor 2.5GHz with turbo boost up to 3.1GHz, 12GB DDR4L SDRAM (2 DIMM), 1TB 5400 RPM Serial ATA hard drive 2. 15.6" HD SVA BrightView WLED-backlit Display (1366 x 768), Intel® HD Graphics 620 with up to 6230 MB total graphics memory, SuperMulti DVD Burner 3. DTS Studio Sound with dual speakers, Multi-Format Digital card reader, Full-size island-style keyboard with numeric keypad, Front- facing HP TrueVision HD Webcam with integrated digital microphone 4. 802.11b/g/n Wireless WLAN and Bluetooth Combo, 10/100 base-T Ethernet network, 1X HDMI, 1 SuperSpeed USB 3.1, 2X USB 2.0, 1 RJ-45 (LAN) 1 Headphone-out/microphone-in combo jack 5. Windows 10 Home 64 bit, 4 Cell battery up to 7 hours, 4.83 lbs, Turbo silver #Apple MacBook Pro W_TouchBar : http://amzn.to/2uBljPW #Macbook Air : http://amzn.to/2uBRheS #apple laptop : http://amzn.to/2uaxK2x #Apple iPad Pro 9.7 : http://amzn.to/2uavmbS #Apple iPhone 7 : http://amzn.to/2thiLT1 #Apple iPhone 6s : http://amzn.to/2thyP78 #Apple AirPods : http://amzn.to/2uBxtIn #Apple Watch Series 2 : http://amzn.to/2uabKEW #Apple : http://amzn.to/2thFC0R Don't Forget To Subscribe : https://goo.gl/S1Bc3Z Website: http://usonlineshop24.blogspot.com/ Facebook Page : https://goo.gl/RPQ3Uo google : https://goo.gl/1ui9JG facebook : https://goo.gl/RPQ3Uo twitter : https://goo.gl/oTnMn2 linkedin: https://goo.gl/BtB7MY pinterest : https://goo.gl/FzbEHY HP 15 6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews Video Link : https://youtu.be/czQzjO7k2bs Related Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfFSwIDr3aw
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop From Buy Amazon: http://amzn.to/2wgdCyG Product Description: 1. 7th generation Intel® Core™ i5-7200U Processor 2.5GHz with turbo boost up to 3.1GHz, 12GB DDR4L SDRAM (2 DIMM), 1TB 5400 RPM Serial ATA hard drive 2. 15.6" HD SVA BrightView WLED-backlit Display (1366 x 768), Intel® HD Graphics 620 with up to 6230 MB total graphics memory, SuperMulti DVD Burner 3. DTS Studio Sound with dual speakers, Multi-Format Digital card reader, Full-size island-style keyboard with numeric keypad, Front- facing HP TrueVision HD Webcam with integrated digital microphone 4. 802.11b/g/n Wireless WLAN and Bluetooth Combo, 10/100 base-T Ethernet network, 1X HDMI, 1 SuperSpeed USB 3.1, 2X USB 2.0, 1 RJ-45 (LAN) 1 Headphone-out/microphone-in combo jack 5. Windows 10 Home 64 bit, 4 Cell battery up to 7 hours, 4.83 lbs, Turbo silver #Apple MacBook Pro W_TouchBar : http://amzn.to/2uBljPW #Macbook Air : http://amzn.to/2uBRheS #apple laptop : http://amzn.to/2uaxK2x #Apple iPad Pro 9.7 : http://amzn.to/2uavmbS #Apple iPhone 7 : http://amzn.to/2thiLT1 #Apple iPhone 6s : http://amzn.to/2thyP78 #Apple AirPods : http://amzn.to/2uBxtIn #Apple Watch Series 2 : http://amzn.to/2uabKEW #Apple : http://amzn.to/2thFC0R Don't Forget To Subscribe : https://goo.gl/S1Bc3Z Website: http://usonlineshop24.blogspot.com/ Facebook Page : https://goo.gl/RPQ3Uo google : https://goo.gl/1ui9JG facebook : https://goo.gl/RPQ3Uo twitter : https://goo.gl/oTnMn2 linkedin: https://goo.gl/BtB7MY pinterest : https://goo.gl/FzbEHY HP 15 6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews Video Link : https://youtu.be/czQzjO7k2bs Related Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfFSwIDr3aw
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HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
HP 15.6 inch Premium HD Laptop Unboxing Reviews
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