16 Super Hit Bollywood Movies That Were Basically Copied From South Indian Movies | You Won't Believe
For more infomation >> 16 Super Hit Bollywood Movie That Were Basically Copied From South Indian Movies | You Won't Believe - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
Dota 2 Cheater - Tinker with AUTO-KILL script! - Duration: 10:01.
[한글자막] 실제 상품을 구매해야지만 얻을수 있는 팀포트리스2 모자들! / Team fortress 2 - [Casperr] - Duration: 9:41.
Spock vs Khan | Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:04.
Get me a cryo tube, now!
Get this guy out of the cryo tube.
Keep him in an induced coma.
We're gonna put Kirk inside.
It's our only chance to preserve his brain function.
How much of Khan's blood is left?
Enterprise to Spock. Spoon!
Activate the cryogenic sequence.
McCoy to bridge.
I can't reach Spock. I need Khan alive.
You get that son of a bitch back on board right now!
I think he can save Kirk.
Can we beam them up to the ship?
They keep moving! I can't get a lock on either of them.
Can you beam someone down?
Spock, stop! Stop!
He's our only chance to save Kirk!
Trump Pardons Disgraced White Supremacist, Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Duration: 2:29.
For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
In the late hours of Friday night, Trump took the latest step in the the full-throated executive
branch endorsement of white supremacy by pardoning the monstrous former Sheriff of Maricopa County,
Arizona, Joe Arpaio.
The former sheriff was convicted of misdemeanor contempt of court back in July of 2017 for
routinely violating the rights of Latinos and racially profiling people as illegal immigrants.
And in a surprise to no one, has been a Trump supporter from day one, going as far back
as jumping on the Obama birther wagon in the mid aughts
For more than twenty years, Arpaio ruled as a tinpot fascist in Arizona and brutally oppressed
communities of color, but even that description barely covers how truly evil this man was.
As the news was breaking late Friday night, The Phoenix New Times, who've been covering
Arpaio for more than two decades took to Twitter to revisit some of the former sheriff's greatest
Under him, the Maricopa sheriffs office failed to investigate hundreds of sex abuse cases,
many of which involved children.
He fed inmates meals that cost as little as 15 cents each, and was proud of the fact that
the food was rotten and contaminated.
Arpaio tortured inmates who were on psychotropic medication by locking them in unbearably hot
solitary confinement cells and those with physical vulnerabilities were mistreated,
too; a paraplegic had his neck broken by guards and a pregnant woman lost her baby after officers
left her in her cell instead of taking her to the hospital
And those incidents barely scratch the surface of how truly evil Arpaio's reign was for the
two decades he ran Maricopa County like the racist, facist police state it was.
And Trump pardoned him.
Some have argued that the pardon of Arpaio, a Sheriff convicted of intentionally disobeying
the orders of a federal judge by continuing to operate unlawful patrols that targeted
people of color as potential illegal immigrants, is an attack on the federal judiciary, and
therefore an impeachable offense.
And don't let anyone tell you this man was "controversial" or "polarizing" he was a truly
monstrous white supremacist and Trump pardoned him the way all presidential pardons go down,
late on a Friday night when a Category 4 Hurricane was about to make landfall as the president
was on his was way to Camp David for a weekend vacation.
Oh, did the president have anything to say to the residents of Texas before Harvey plowed
into the state?
That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm
Hanuman Welch.
Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #4: Rolling Back to Stomach - Duration: 1:52.
My name is Amy Sturkey.
I am a pediatric physical therapist.
I am here with my friend Myla who is being a great teacher today.
Myla is almost 6 months old.
She is beautiful, and she also has Down syndrome.
This a great opportunity for me to be able to help give ideas of things you can do with
a child who has lower tone.
So Myla is starting to roll.
I am going to facilitate rolling.
I usually start all the way down at the feet and see if I can roll the child over.
Is that right?
Alright Myla.
We are going to go!
If I am going to her right, I take her left leg, I bend it up toward her chest, and bring
it over toward the floor.
It tends to be that this arm gets caught underneath so if I pull down a little bit as I go....
Her mom says she is just starting to hold up her head a little bit here when she does
this roll.
What a great job, Myla!
There you go!
Come on back.
We'll do it one more time for the camera because that is what the fancy kids do?
Are you ready?
Let's go.
So if she has trouble, I can come up a little bit higher...whoop there you go.
Give a little bit more help.
That is a way to work on rolling from her back to her stomach with a little bit a help.
That was so super!
You are a natural.
Subscriber Growth - Why You Need a YouTube Growth Mindset - Duration: 9:25.
Let's talk about YouTube Subscriber growth and the five lessons that I have learned about
having a YouTube growth mindset.
Oh, and I do have a bonus lesson at the end of the video.
My name is Naomi Skarzinski with the Top Shelf VA Channel and TopShelfVA.com.
Your place for creativity and inspiration for business and life.
Now if you have a creative soul, and you love a little bit of business and life, and you
love a little bit of creativity, then go ahead hit that subscribe button and the notification
And before I get into the main meat of the video, let me just say, "Thank you, thank
you, and thank you for being a subscriber and helping me to grow my channel to 600+
And if you're not a subscriber yet, well thank you for being here, and thank you for
watching the video, and possibly becoming a subscriber a little bit later.
It's been a really great ride and I've enjoyed building this channel with you.
So, let's go ahead and talk about the five definitive lessons that I have learned about
YouTube subscriber growth and having a YouTube growth mindset.
Now I might have a little bit of a different perspective on YouTube growth and YouTube
subscribers than other YouTubers and YouTube channels.
So, let's go ahead and see how they might be a little bit different.
Lesson 1.
One big mistake I think many people make is they say, "I'm going to start a YouTube
channel and make a ton of money!"
Well, if that's the only reason that you're starting a YouTube channel, to make a ton
of money, I would suggest going out and getting second job, because that is totally the wrong
mindset to have.
YouTube takes a lot of hard work, time, and some investment of money.
You can't go and have your only priority benchmark to be, "I'm going to make tons
of money on YouTube!"
You need to be able to set other benchmarks, higher bench marks, of what success is to
you, other than just making money.
Lesson 2.
Your channel should be about helping people.
There needs to be a purpose to your channel.
Whether it's training, it's educating, it's inspiring, it's entertainment, it's
motivational, whatever it is.
As long as it is helping other people.
I can guarantee you.
As long as you are helping other people in some way with your channel, then you are going
to get far more fulfillment out of your channel than if you were doing a channel just for
the purposes of chasing the money.
Lesson 3.
Don't be afraid to experiment and find what works for your channel and for your audience.
What works for someone else's channel, may not work for your channel.
Try to find out what your audience wants and still make sure that it is what you want to
You will fail if you hate what you do.
It has to be like a balancing act between what your audience wants and what you love
to do.
Lesson 4.
Be realistic about your subscriber growth.
This is where your YouTube growth mindset is going to come into play.
Let me give you an example of what I mean about by being realistic.
Everyone will tell you for fast YouTube channel growth, and I mean everyone, everyone, will
tell you that you need to be niched.
I'm not a niched person.
Never have been a niched person.
Never will be a niched person.
I am an eclectic person.
I have interests in a variety of areas and I'm going to fuse those interests into one
That's where I got the term, Eclectic Fusion for Business and Life for my channel.
Everyone will also tell you that in order to grow your channel fast, that you need to
upload and publish every single solitary day.
Or, at the minimum, you need to upload three times a week.
Well guess what, I have a business.
I'm a Virtual Assistant, Online Business Manager.
I have clients.
I work from eight to six, nine to five, every day, except for weekends.
So, that only leaves me the evenings and weekends to work on my YouTube channel.
Well, I also believe in having a personal life beyond my business and beyond my YouTube
Those are my choices.
So that's my reality and that's how I'm being realistic.
I'm being realistic that my channel is not going to grow at the same speed as another
YouTuber that can dedicate 24/7 to his or her channel.
I'm having a realistic overview, or realistic expectation out of my channel.
Lesson 5.
Learn from other YouTubers on how to grow your channel.
There are a ton of YouTube content creators out there that will teach you how to grow
your channel, how to start it, how to build it, how to get subscribers, and how to have
fast growth.
The four that I really like.
That I started following in 2016 are as follows, and it's not specifically that one is better than the
other, it's just this is how, the order that I found them.
The first one was Tim Schmoyer, with Video Creators.
Very, very sound, and good advice.
He really focuses on what your purpose is.
Why you have your channel.
How you're going to grow your channel and always staying within what your purpose is.
The second person that I start following was Roberto Blake.
Very unique, very interesting gentleman.
He has a channel for creatives and that's how I found him.
He really, when I first found him, he was focusing on the creative person and the creative
design person who was interested in building their businesses.
Starting a design business or just whatever creative realm that person was in, and helping
them build their YouTube channel within the creative realm.
Even if you're not a designer or anything, you should still listen to him because very
sound advice.
The other person was Nick Nimmin.
Excellent video creator.
Excellent information.
He does a lot of live you YouTube events now, where he gives a lot of information to his
I would highly advise listening to him and subscribing to him.
You can't go wrong.
The last person I discovered is Brian G. Johnson.
Really unique, quirky, fun person that has grown his YouTube channel in little over
a year.
Very, very, fast.
I think he's at 20,000 or something like that.
So, he went from 0 to 20 in something like a year and a half or something like that.
Gives great information.
The only thing is, you will have to feed his poodles.
You will have to feed his poodles.
No, seriously, you will have to feed his poodles.
But let me give you a screenshot of how I grew in just a year, with my being realistic
with my business and not being able to dedicate fully to my YouTube channel 24/7.
You can see I had significant increase to my channel just from taking some advice from
these individuals.
So, let's go on to your bonus lesson.
Take everything you have learned from everyone else, including me, and throw out at least
a quarter of it.
Yes, I'm serious.
Throw away some of that advice.
Listen to the advice.
Experiment with the advice and then decide what part of the advice you're going to
keep and what part you're going to throw away.
Remember, you are a unique, beautiful, different, individual.
Your channel is going to be unique and different.
When people come to your channel, there's going to be something about you, about your
channel that says, "I want to subscribe to this person.
I want to watch this person's video because I haven't seen anything like this before."
Or "This person has something that I need to learn about."
When you copy somebody else's advice 100% of the time and you copy the person's channel
100% of the way they do their channel, then you're no longer unique.
You are a unique individual.
Trust yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Find ways to help other people with what you have to share on your channel.
Believe me, your channel, your business, your life, is going to be so much the better when
you trust yourself, and you be your own unique self.
Once again, thank you for being a subscriber.
Thank you for helping me to build my channel and until we meet again, have a wonderful
Decoupage tutorial - DIY. How to make a clock in French Country style. - Duration: 10:03.
Paint a clock base KL2418 with white acrylic paint C0120. Leave it to dry.
Apply a stencil adhesive CAD9721 on the stencil K283 and fix it to surface.
Apply the texture paste 1011 or 704444 using the stencil K283 onto the base.
Remove the stencil.
Apply a stencil adhesive CAD9721 on the stencil K283 and fix it to surface.
Apply the texture paste 1011 or 704444 using the stencil K283 onto another part of the base.
Paint a clock base KL2418 with beige acrylic paint CS9006. Leave it to dry.
Paint the base with white Chalk acrylic paint KAD2. Leave it to dry.
Moisten a Sponge in the water, wring it out, rub the surface by sponge and then rub down by dry fabric.
Cut out a motif of the rice paper RP765.
Apply glue for decoupage CGLUE or CGLUE1 onto the motif of the rice paper.
Also You can use the rice paper RP765 for other products.
After drying apply acrylic varnish 2451 or KADL2.
Paint Wooden knobs KL23299 and Wooden Numerals A101 with acrylic paint CS9006. Leave it to dry.
Then paint them with white Chalk acrylic paint KAD2. Leave it to dry.
Moisten a Sponge in the water, wring it out, rub the surfaces by sponge and then rub down by dry fabric.
Fix knobs onto surface.
Glue Wooden Numerals A101 with Super Glue 19831.
Fix adhesive rhinestone Per0308.
Paint rhinestone Per0308 with acrylic paint CS9006.
Fix clock mechanism 9303 and hands Kaz05.
Create a different paint splatter with rose and blue acrylic paints C9047, C9042 .
Paint the borders of the clock base and knobs with rose acrylic paint C9047.
WATCH: TX Governor Drops Bombshell About Trump's Hurricane Response | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:36.
As we speak, Hurricane Harvey is hitting the Texas coast hard.
Many on the ground fear that the hurricane will cause massive flooding.
Fortunately, the state and federal governments seem to be on top of things.
According to Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), President Trump called him on Thursday, and
has maintained a consistent line of communication in order to coordinate the response to Hurricane
The Hill also reports that President Trump contacted Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards
(D) in order to make sure that federal relief would be allocated to Baton Rogue, in the
case of extensive hurricane damage.
Governor Edwards praised President Trump on his Twitter account by writing, "Spoke w/
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump this afternoon.
He offered his full support to the people of LA as we prepare for #Harvey,"
For his part, Governor Abbott thanked President Trump in front of the media on Friday by saying:"I
want to thank the President and FEMA for their quick response in granting this disaster declaration."
Governor Abbott further clarified that his government "will continue to work with our
federal and local partners on all issues relating to this storm."
On Friday and over the weekend, Hurricane Harvey made landfall near Corpus Christi,
The storm, which is the largest hurricane that Texas has seen in decades, caused all
oil production in the Gulf of Mexico to cease and forced many residents to flee for higher
The storm has also caused tornados, fires, and floods all across the Texas coast, which
is currently experiencing widespread power outages.
The storm initially made landfall as a Category 4 storm with with 130 mph winds.
Now, the hurricane has been downgraded to a Category 1 storm, but winds remain steady
at about 90 mph.
Heavy rain continues to pound Nueces County, and other coastal counties in Texas.
So far, there have been no deaths reported, but Texas and federal officials are bracing
for them.
President Trump reiterated this point when he told FEMA Director Brock Long that "the
world is watching."
Although President Trump, and others, have spoken out in support of Mr. Long, they are
all well aware of how the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina damaged the
credibility of FEMA — and the Bush administration.
President Trump does not want to have a "You're doing a heck of a job Brownie," moment in
the midst of Hurricane Harvey.
Unfortunately for President Trump, liberals and Leftists on Twitter are already lambasting
Trump for supposedly "politicizing" the hurricane.
MSNBC host, Joy Reid, wrote on her Twitter account, "So Trump pardoned racist convicted
criminal Joe Arpaio and signed a transgender military ban, with a monster hurricane as
Again, if you need any more proof, such words are evidence that the Alt Left will never,
ever be happy until President Trump is dead, or out of office.
Let all of us hope and pray that Hurricane Harvey quiets down over the coming days, and
that no one dies because of this fierce storm.
Let us all wish coastal Texas a speedy recovery from the disaster as well.
Elemental - Quinta Monroy - DXF Import Section - 01 f - Duration: 2:30:44.
Pratidan/ প্রতিদান episode 6 26 Aug 2017 full episode review Star jalsha new serial Pratidaan - Duration: 3:31.
심영순 백종원 최현석 평가, 심영순 요리책 주부 자격 논란 - Kpop - Duration: 13:19.
Ai que burro, dá zero pra ele! | Chaves - Duration: 0:04.
Oh, what an ass for zero!
Get Free 8 Ball Pool New Reward Coins 15k| By 8 Ball Pool Instant Rewards Android App - Duration: 2:00.
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